Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Nov 1937, p. 2

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PAGE TWO ". Int-Luv cum-nu, I-mho Con-Ir- an]! our-um: uni-m. an“ I. the mun-u at a. Ton-- ut Inch» um W-rim, (halal " MM " I Ont-In» bunt, Watt-loo. - TM: "I hid-y The (Sh-auxin u u - d .0 W "all, NIH.“ Lunar”; In‘ ' Unuanuub“ Non-y..- Mrs'", I b eU u: " _ \ TI. Chronicle u on sale Tyre ks All lac-Funk!) In Kim]: f." 'fit) “a tad Waterloo < and the Chronicle '0. ' We. ome after 4 b: tct,' 3... loudly. and Thundnyl. 'ls. tfr"""' Speed ue Air an Dl'N'DALK. -e _ F:izhtr-nineyearold william Stun of Maxwell. was the lito of the parly at an auction sate of Wmrtryrn runs hare when he bought no less thatt nine m” the ant mails, receiving a tYee colt tor pur- chasing tho highest unmhen Vernon Barber of Owen Sound, paid the highest price and received a tree eolt as a prrmiulu. A Tiverton man gm tttts prim~ fur coming the longest dislainmx In ttttr sale. 70 miles. Fifty rolls were "isposod of at high prices " TO SWITCH OVER Spnuluu: my 'rt [or lmmluu Punt.“ In! In Inn-ho Iu-u I! Cd, pm ...v,\ hours Jml (urn "ertirrit M p. trams nil. slit" sihlt- Tliis Lush-I Lives Seven Years With Broken Back Gun-ml Manna-1r Kirkwood of the Grand kin-r ltailway stated that Sunday would «m Iin swilrh 1min: Ttmd,. --w m up Xluw wt of railway t-.tclis pay/lr" m tlt" Canadian Na- ntuL-Y ltu'lu.ty Hun-1w In-‘uw-vn Gait .Iml I'ls-ston Th" truck was put dum'y lil IV“. um! mull» into " two may Vil“ in P309. As 5mm as the old rx.u~‘.; ic onuovcrl m.- duuhln Icalt- '\:n “Ll Z-u- 'srmNeresd, LINDSAY (11.1mm A gallam Mun-:1» In: nu. willlrll Ind.” lor Ed mun! Summons 22 a: Ilundule. Suf- l'-nm; Cot' snhm 'tatt-m Hum tlie el- ferttc Hf a bl'nLh-h buck. "In young man “as how-ml that some day he nnuhl "e abla- w hu- a nurmul life. hat he died ot" pneumonia Seven years ago tho yuuzh was working In his Cather"s lumber yard. He ttylt "um the wagon and the vehicle Ttassed ave-r him. breaking his back. He spent. nine- months m the Ron- Memorial Hospital here bofore re turning homo. AGED BUYER RECEIVES FREE COLT AT AUCTION 67 PERMITS Thn “um-1.x m building pvrmits issnml in Ki'lhv-m-I' Ihis your totals trr. or hair mnrn- Htatt "ll of 1936. This month P"' mils were issued tor 31mm hnusn nu (Has-20w SL. and Hum» fur hnusos nu Sims-nu St., aver- min: 31mm (nu-h. A $5.000 permit lor tuntovalims aparlment owned by the Mutual Lil‘r- at 29 College SL. was also granth. Sums-runs other w-rmixs “we issued In: sums ot $500 "ml down. The Waterloo County Furniture Exhibition in January will again be one of the high events of the year. The Board of Trade is behind the exhibition, with Dr. L. A. Koegpel Tneai't'l'oTtiT Represente at the exhi ition will be 600 furniture people, from coast to coast. GREATER FURNITURE SHOW Mt DAVID BEAN . SONS ulna). Punish- ROY 8. BEAN, Editor. WILLIAI I BEAN, Annette like: auncurnous - I)! an.” a.» n n- In on... an ... nu tm '" um“ a... .4 a... Mot ll III u uh It TH: WATlnLoo CHRONICLE I Ilu p "A alt "LII! seluuv n31.“ I‘lallll'l sill slurr- In-u_ lllllr linden! for ..u- l Itk unlmumun [Incl , um In rum huurs to: M \Vun-n-u-z l'uslllh’talt" I tl, mummy“! nah-u» k ISSUED THIS YEAR " yr: hm Post tttttce n.d at Knrhener at m trtbr' Chintz» al "ltt 50'. pm And In, tlt \anxwg six unnulm Inlvr Con- any. atth Western " up .md nuke pos- TO NEW TRACKS . Air Students Require 1 ail tierviee Une to Two Hours I -.r, iretil A For Hunwwurk l "rsi.tl sevsice TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, I937 I'IU’ISTIIV Um No Name "as mun Inwl is) ltus (mammal), Broa- .‘| 11).“. yum; man. WWO mo- tor car knocked down and fatatly injured Ferdinand Schaller. 75, as he Ins crossing Preston's min street during a rain storm. Coroner Dr. Ward Woolner presided at the inquest} tYowtg Attorney Clement enmlned the "It!” Including Dr Fischer, Dr Scott Hogg and Trat- tic Officer Bugle. " was shown [I tho tevideutre that visibility was poor, and the jury brought in a "millet at academia! death, CASE DISIISOED Finding the evidence did not on mm a moral charge “all!” G. Knechtel. Magistrate John IL Biaho dismissed tttrt vase in police court MOTOR DRIVER NOT BLAME” FOR FATALrrt a ry WED. A. th HAEHNEL DRUG STORE The Bargain Event Of The Year! Nov. 3 PHONE 216 An Independcnl. Ne'mper Jam)! 9, 1866 C ONE CENT IC SALE THE WATEBLQO s, Carloads of Foodstuffs For Needy Westerners "ate,toi, and Dish-wt hive I-utils to Needy Breth- ren in Saskatchewan. "oy" sto-ro an orlwadts ot tood , “lb Jud Mann“; to M: dlllrfelll wmb In tiatstratcrtesa" where I'o6r ., " In n... drama!“ arms are :1: due hrrd Lit was or wuloeo. "gentle. aad mm lune been shipped from 'iirtte-trer bbuterioo and the tar ssuadttut distrm to the drought- - min-n mun: m the Wec,t Four ot IF, "mr »m" 'wittpptmt In the Mennunlle '-l 'rntrttttHera “ml mn- try thllhur Uni Wan-rim. ullllr the (no bo V «ml n stuorstr.: m. “uh I" _ tts lunlml In 1hr A”... were r ll» .1» '.t Mum I‘v-mw Gould- Let “‘uh' HH~ N‘D“ Lm all" E. William Smith, son of MI and Mr, Ezra W. Smith of Wmdror, now of Riverdale, Ont.. making a turn at the intersection of Shanley and Waterloo Sts _ Kin-hen»: 7 trashed broadside into a car driven by Ted Witzel, Ahrens St. West. The Witzel car hit a telephone pole which was snapped in two, damaging the fem der and running board of the cal: The radiator and headlights of the Smith efr_rete badly damaged, John Ellis, Queen St., I passenger In the Wine! car, had his forehead cut. Dr. Hunilton attended Ellis at the hospital. “Nahum; Cot"My Aunt-Ina itt ,t'- “wanna; mm nun-u» and [in mi! Members of Wmerloo'a public school board and tho principal. of the schools were in Cal! and Wat- ford recently, III-pecans the vell- lilalion system of 30a" manufactur- ing company. They I'll) make their revotttmrradations regarding inata11- mm at system at an early meeting , i the board. Farmer Waterloo Bos in Motor Crash Rexall’s Annual VISIT GALT AND WATFORD y"tl um Ln m n] ”1.5le "WNW .un "d In Pst r. Thy ' 'G-pi “my “I tlr 'tohitii: In- “A Aiallll'l lt- gum: III INN.“ m Nov. 4 10mm») l, (IIQll‘ll lll'lhn WE DELIVER n! CQBONICLE .mp III ap. tuks In lt 0-4] In FARM HOUSE BURNS AS LANTERN EXPIDDES; “RIDES GIFTS SAVED rl u r: " My dun: , nuhw m5 undue A tre', n 4nl...|)~vd rf'rttt stunt Att l Art" ltrto.Hre: mun through an maul. mndnu ottltr "ts. Mamas m the ahml an] n us.“ [human he had been in: In te ttre an!“ he u4; found all”; all the troot or ttte ad’olnmg mmnmm and 14IT|HI to safety Mrs \Irt'tumhh and hm “ashlar Uarr there In the humus preparing tor a shower to. the: latter u, be held al their nouns tonight Neixhhola 10“an in ”urn“: uul rtrtst the many bridal gm: um than ite turtttttgte a. lellg salad . “em Hum n... upuulh moms ous" and mm. mfnlmalmn re- unuimu natural gm a> uuam-t manufactured an He hehevv» the "rect railway wann- rumhusumr and out of Jan and would replace " with busses A may magma-m. bo the Kitchener l'ubllr Utilities l‘mnuuvmn " Jattte, C Jallnel uri! known: Aunt-um Hi, Jungian ls "nu! with the ,treet wars" and mun mfnlmalmn re- unuimu natural :5» an uuam-t 'ntotufactured an He hehevr» the DRIVE FOR "Y" MEMBERSHIP A drive I'm a 250 memberilhip tor the Kitchener and Waterloo Y MIA. was started last week. Each mem- ber of the team will have a quota trt members " an objective 'r run my mwnlum m.- tinuttiat. ux Judy lt m.- udulllll :I...: " hm a rhythm h! . WoNi of grading preparatory to rumu'm-tiug a m-vr pavement on the, Kin-hmw-Prmlon road near Centre-3 \ille ls progressing One house was "mud hark mma distance to make "a' for the new road HIGHWAY GRADING .ul I. Hum: In ALD. FRED MULLINS RESIGNS c, JAIMET FAVORS "r'oltoN"ro ka'tbs. tit-i APPEALS VOTE RECOUNY In oriro h luv“ " N, Am: I all .-.md I.) [mun-1 I‘ulmrh [ha-umLah- n v]... I). to IS PROGRESSING FRI. Nov. 5 BUS SERVICE l).- " ‘lu n Vin» I). In c'., ' “on tilrud "Itpt"tti aka-mil Len “anions” "rmrmed Con Hues uuml " u fly and] " M ‘Aud yet minimum the magma ttate, . rm At-re corn to may a buck on my u! ma ' unstable: lowd' "Thats rrptht 'etarrted the ml m the dot] And ulnl’l more. your umrlhlp I an! men-r seen ”you: more peaceful tttot he was in.“ I'd dropped that run & on his upper" No other Way Valium “on” rm bounced mm ih "u"") pal" When l bead fur- ward. sun.“ mu an amp and make A «mu . [r't m.“ mun-mull hill: than. " slurp Mm; Hun» u: my Iett tshout- der Stay Right There! He “Alba :nr unless tired and human) Iunx‘, h. “nun lo a mum runs» II S5.ts LU“. and the family had Lorne In bud Hr. knocked on the door, and al ast " window was raised and a In.m\ \on'P said; "What dos you want" ull|v~| "Um-ll mm: nix-o Fest? " new I‘oomur hr“! III“ .nndk ‘ull‘ uni um itt" um g. Moving Pictures Sandy had been wooing Jean for some months. and. "xcepting that he was a hit won-unital with his money_ she had found him satisfactory. "I want to "tay hv-rr," was the re My “no you tike moving pictures?" "Aye!" tsho said hopefully. "Then. lass mayho ren help me tae get halhulnzvn doon out o' the attte." "Alt right, any there!" said the voice. and doss I. went the whtdorr. One day she called on him. and seizing the opportunity he asked. Jean?" [mum mus" . Put mu "dam "And yet H II“ um 'I rmuu m- .anl "ttbt null A: otdiady "I hope m .n.- no: gum, m ask me to have ».- Poo' (hm; "r-,vt:oyed?" -No, I\Alll.~ mm the mild little .m q hm n-nuld you very much in" Inn“, 1v mun-F” WATERLOO Melody In "C" But alt, man“ surh nu. mm , uh And , m. a hurt of my!" Pemxmahu " NM“! 2, "" U SAT. : mun um had 4 Lnnllml} oetred h” / les Nov. 6 “quad the do Your cat "l, 1 1h.- I' "with And you

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