Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Oct 1937, p. 6

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The New Dundee Baptist Church, larg beaulifully decorated with flowers in vert iich autumn tints, was the scene of spac iwpressive Anniversary services on | the sSundag. Rev. C. F. Krauth of Kitchâ€" | sout wver. a former pastor of the church w»as ibe guest speaker. In the moreâ€" " iig. Rev. Krauth chose as his text dee‘ John 21. 16, and a male qnumul“"‘ vomposed of Messrs. Auson Lang, L | *** 1 Cassel, Wellington Becker and E. | inte A_ Poth contributed two numbers. | 44 At the evening service Rev. Krauth !* | based bis remarks on 1J Kings :16 **® «ud special music was rendered by | 9( U the Baraca Male Quarteite of the | °Y I‘reston Baptist Church. Rev. H. F. /this Schade, pastor of the Church, com | ‘*"" ducted the services. dur New Dundee Baptist Eighty years have elapsed since the Baptist Church was bullt in this village in 1857 The original frame building was a fneâ€"looking structure juite a contrast when compared with tor those early days, but provides the present church pullding of moâ€" dern beauty. Extensive remodelling wperations were carrled out in 1934 when the building was brickâ€"veneerâ€" «4 aud a basement built as well as a Impressive and Historic Service Heid on Sunday. â€" August Lautenschlager, 88, Oldest Surviving Member.â€"Helped to Haul Stones for Foundation 80 Years Ago. PAGE SIX GUARANTEED WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Located in Steele‘s Optical Parlors. 96 King St. W. â€" Kitchener Glasses by Steele 96 King St. West Kitchener These Questions Answer Themselves â€"â€" VOTE SMITH on Oct. 6 VOTE LIBER AL $33,000,000â€"Would you thank him ? 2. If he then gave you direct $469,316â€"Cash right in your pocket, Would you ask him to continue managing your business ? ‘ W. G. SAHLI . And if he then showed a profit of $9,3 1 3,938â€"Would you endorse his business method s ? ‘ A Tough Jobâ€"â€"but Hepburn Dit It If a man reduced what you owed by "S$TEELE‘G NEW DUNDEE C. F. PRICE, Optometrist. Church Erected im 1857 And Continue The Savings Mr. August Lautenschlager, Dunâ€" dee‘s oldest citizen who celebrated his 88th birthday on Sept. 18t, is the oldâ€" est member of the church and it is interesting to note that he helped to hau} the stones for the first building in his early boyhood. Mr. Lautenâ€" schlager married a daughter of one of the early ministers of the church, large anteroom which is easily conâ€" verted into adidtional auditorium space when needed. The position of the church was also changed from a south exposure to a west front. kev. Rdward Gruotzner, who served this appointment at two different inâ€" tervale of seven and eightoon years duration. Rev. Schneider of Kitchâ€" ener, then known as Berlin, was the first minister of the church which had a membership of 25 at that time. Rev. H. F. Schade is the presont pasâ€" tor and the present total membership is 65. An interesting missionary program was presented at the M.BC. Sunday School on Sunday morning with Miss Miriam Cressman, the Missionary Superintendent, in charge. Splendid stories on, "Korea", and "Misslonary Giving", were told by Miss Vera Roâ€" senberger and Miss Evelyn Cress man. A mixed quartette composed of Mrs. A. W. Egerdeo, Mrs. E. T. Coleâ€" man, and Messrs. E. T. Coléman and A. Toman rendered special music and a song was also given by little Shirley, Annadelle, Waldron and June Eckstein. Endorses Mr. Hepburn‘s Policies J. Albert Smith A Vote For Smith Endorses r. Hepburnâ€"â€"The Busines Man Kitchener‘s 39 Reliable Optometrists for thirteen Harvest Home and | Rally Services at _ Dundee Churches | ‘The annual Harvest Home Festiâ€" val was held at the St. James Evanâ€" JgdicaLLulheran Church on Sunday, with a German service in the mornâ€" ing and English in the evening. A |lirge number partook of the Sacraâ€" ‘ment of the Lord‘s Supper at both services. The pastor, Rev. W. C. Nolting occupled the pulpit and in the morning spoke on Psalm 103:%, centering his remarks around two admonitions, ‘To Think" and ‘"To Thank". In the evening he chose as his theme, "The Purpose of God‘s Providential Care", based on the text I1 Cor. 9: 8, 11. The choir rendered «pprorpiate music at this service. An abundance of flowers, fruits and |«rain adorned the church for the occasion dent, I. M. Hilborn, presided for the special program which consisted of the following numbers: a "Rally Day Welcome Song", by Yvoune Baille and Dorather Gingerich; readings by Mr. Russel Oberer Miss Mary mastâ€"s and Wilard Hallman; a se lection by the Men‘s Chorus; a talk on the subject, "God Talking to Us", by Rev. C. W. Backus; and a diaâ€" logue entitled, ‘"The Flowers at Play". by the Primary Class. Proâ€" motion Day Exercises were also held when three members of the Cradle Rally Day was observed at the United Brethren Sunday School on Sunday morning. The Sunerintenâ€" (North Waterloo Liberal Campaign Committee) THE WATERLOO (Ostario) CHRONICLE Roll Department were promoted to the Beginner‘s Department. The church was suitably decorated with flowers Following _ the . Sunday School bour the Quarterly Communâ€" ton Service was held in charge of the pastor, Rev. E. Gingerich. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Burkhardt and daughter, Mary and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Moss and son, Gerald of Cenâ€" Mrs. E. Gingerich who has conducâ€" ted a study course on the subject of "Christian â€" Stewardship", at the United Brethren Church for the past few weeks, was presented with a kift at the close of the last session on Sunday evening. Miriam Hiborn expressed the appreciation of the clase to Mrs. Gingerich and Jean Hallman made the presentation of a silk bedspread. A yearâ€"old doe was found on the ferm of Walter Little, Blair Road, on Sunday morning. Apparently the aniâ€" mal had received severe cuts when «limbing through a wire fence as 11 was bleeding profusely when discoyâ€" eved by sevoral men. It was imme diately brought to the office of the lucal Veterinary Surgeon, Dr. E. 3. Brown, but expired soon aftre its arâ€" rival. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rosenberger and Miss Arlene Rosenberger spent a few doys of last week with Mrs. Ernest Hoover at Gormley. Mr. and Mrs. John Grody of Kitchâ€" ener were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Kellsey last week. Mrs. W. Spaetzel and Mr. and Mrs Albert Fiederlein and children, Roâ€" bert and Audrey visited with Mr. and V‘rs. Gilbert Spaetzel at Beamsville last Thursday. in 1934 built in 1857 Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Cressman of !Ritchener and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Baer of Mannbeim visited with Mr. ‘and Mrs. Gilbert Borgey on Sunday. { _ Mrs. Samuel Schwass fa the guest ‘o"° her sister, Mrs. Gilbort Spaetzel at Beamsville this week. PORONTO, Oct. 1. â€"In a letter to earcho‘ders of the Goodyear Tire Rnhber Co_ of Canada, Limited. coompanyving dividend cheques for the third quarter of 1937, the Preaiâ€" ilent, A G Partridge, says:â€" "At the end of the thrid quarter 6: the year, the sales and earnings of your Company have continued to show a satfafactory fncrease, with earnings exceeding dividend require ments on both Praferred and Com mon atocks iRmall increases In prices have lnen made during the past quartar, to maeet increased costs of raw maâ€" trriale ao that prospects look favorâ€" nble for the balance of the year Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I.. Henderson on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Guy Henderson and Mr. and \‘rs. Alex Henderson of Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Henderson and Â¥r. Clarence Henderson of Gait and Miss Murlel Storey of Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Max Bogusat and Messra. William Goettling and Harry Goettling visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bogusat at Virgil last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kaster and the Misses Irone, Mary and Erma Kaster of Rosebank visietd with Mr. ond Mrs. Austin Baver on Sunday. You will he Interested to know that work has been commanced on Mr. Stavley Gunn of Roseville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. ‘ampbell. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Snyder visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Stah] at Galt on Saturday. A large number from the village and community attended the Galt Fair last Friday and Saturday. Goodyear Earnings Exceed Dividends Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Zinken accomâ€" panied by the former‘s mother‘s Mrs. William Zinken of Plattsville spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Gorâ€" don Burkbolder at Detroit, Mich. Miss Laura Erb and Mr. Wesley Erb visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russei Erb at Kitchener on Sunday. Visitors at the home of Mr. and \[rs. James Kellsey on Sunday were: \r. and Mrs. Maurice Kellsey of Waâ€" terloo, Mr. and Mrs. Eden Kinzle and «danghters, Ruth and Dorls and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kellsey of Kitch eter. Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Toman and Messrs. Gordon Hamacher, Ralph and Ross Toman motored to Hamilâ€" ‘on on Monday. treville visited st the homes of Rev. and Mrs. M H. Shants and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hallman on Sunday. Callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Toman on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sheppard of Waâ€" trrloo, Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman of New Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mohr and family of Ratzburg and Vir. and Mrs. Elinore Heldman and femily of Philipsburg. Miss Helen Chapman and Mr. Chapman of New Hamburg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Halliman on Sunday. Upward Trend Continues, Reports A. G. Partridge, President. called on Mr. and Mrs. Areli Bhlnu. aud Mr. and Mrs. Christian Cress man near Plattsville on Sunday. | Miss Myrtle Hamacher and Mr Roy Diefenbacher of Pine Hill, Mr.‘ Floyd* Mergley of Waterioo and Mr Wallace Toman of Kitchener visited with Mr and Mrs. Ilven Swraras on ; Sunday 1 Miss Bessie Guan of Ayr spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. | Cam pbell. | Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hallman of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rood and son Bobby of Kitchener visited at the home of Mrs. A. Sheard on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Detweller and daughter, Lols visited with Mrs lLioyd Fry at Kitchener on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Jacob, Miss Reta Jacob and Mr. Donald Jacob vislted with Mr. and Mra. John Jaâ€" cob at Clinton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wd. Purdy and son, Teddy of Galt called on Mr. and Mre. 1. Henderson last week. Mrs. D. E. Sugden and Mr. Frank Sugden of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs Quentin Halman on Sunâ€" da y Messrs E. B Hallman, A. Bauer und M. B. Suyder were business visiâ€" tors in London and St. Mary‘s last Friday. Visitors at the home of Mr. Titus Bingeman on Sunday were: Mr. and Vrs. Moral Bingeman of Copetown, V‘r. Joseph Sherry of London, and Miss Vera Hilborn of Rosebank. Miss (Glennis Mussqman of Kitch ener spent the weekâ€"end with Mr and Mrs. A. W. Egerdse. Mrs. Alva Saltzberry and Mr Russel Saltzberry visited at the home of Mr. A. Deans at Parts on Sun: Orville Baer spent Sunday with Clayton Cressman near Plattsville. Mr. and Mrs. J. Greulich and Mr and Mrs. Hubert Greulich and son Ronald visited with Mr. and Mrs. J Lorsje at Galt last Saturday. Visitors at the home of Mr. August Lautenschlager on Sunday were:; Mr. aud Mrs. Edgar Eschelman of Roâ€" chester, N.Y., Mr. G. A. Gruetzner ind Miss Florence Gruetzner of Hesâ€" peler \Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Cassel accomâ€" panied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagâ€" ver of Kitchener yisited with Mr. and \rs. Clayton (Cassel near Plattsyille on Sunday Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elton Iwer on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Furlong and son, Bobby of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Baer of Kossuth, Mrs. George Hussey and waughter, Doris of Roseville, and Mrs. Lorne Marshall of English Setâ€" tement. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamacher und sons, Douglas, Leonard, Ear] and George visited with Mr. and Mrs Heury Scoble at Kitchener ou Sunâ€" day Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martin and doughter, Geraldine and Miss Hillda Kavelman of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end at the home of Mrs. August Kavelman. Mrs. A. Hiiborn spent the weekâ€" end with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Litâ€" willer at Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Jobnson of Mildmay valled on Mr and Mrs. Buck last Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Moses Baer and Mrs Leah Baer visited with Mr. and Mrs Daniel Eby at Mannheim on Sunday sdditional buildings at the Bowmanâ€" CHARGED WITH CAR THEFT ville plant which will provide manuâ€" Win. Regehr, 41 Ellen St. West, fcturing and storage space to take Kitchemner, in Tuesday‘s police court care of the Company‘s growing vol vas charged with stealing and ume of production in mechanical and wrecking a car belonging to Norman wiscellaneous rubber parts. Eortz, 608 Guelph St.. Kitchener. He We are also installing additional was remanded until Oct. 5 to underâ€" textile machinery in the Cotton go mental examination. The car was plant at ISt. Hyacinthe. wrecked by crashing into a tree in ‘These additions to plant and equipâ€" front of 286 Park St. The driver was ment will be completed shortly after uninjured. These additions to plant and equipâ€" ment will be completed shortly after the first of the year and should put your Company‘s plants in excellent condition to take care of 1938 busiâ€" USE CHRONICLE WANT ADS TO BUY OR SELL Modern little pigs, our designer says, are much safer at home than they are when they "go to market." And so she has put them on kitchen towels (one for every day of the week) by using the simplest of stitches and gay threads. They are amusing to work and very decorative. As a gift they are ideal and you will want at least one set for your own kitchen. By omitting the days, they are excellent designs for children‘s rooms and play clothes. The pat tern contains @ transfer for the designs, color combinations, and complete working instructions, also a sample of thread used to make the original model. Mayfair Needleâ€"art WE :J jor better 14%53 BAK.IN(: to EL aog, RORSTINC P BROILINC Th e R.W. Bierwagen Electric Co. NN 38Bâ€"195 Kitchen Tested Ranges 204 King St. West KITCHENER â€"â€"BUY FROM ADS.â€"â€" Street Address .... Name To The Waterloo Chronicle Needlework Dept. Design No. 268 Use this coupon ‘Piggie‘® Designs For Tea Towels \696.‘).‘) and up sOLD ON EASY PAYMENTsS On Display and For Sale by Print your name and address plainly Enclose 15 cents. |-95 At 11 35 p.m., Monday firemen were called to the apartment of ‘Miss Vera Holmes on College iSt. where a ciâ€" garett had set fire to the chesterfield. Miss Holmes was out and the firemen hroke down the door to gain entrance anld extinguish the blaze. BLAZE AT DEPARTMENT Since Design No. 268 Phone 3290 To 1st,

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