Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Oct 1937, p. 2

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Small Reduction in Waterloo Water Rates May Be Possible in January (in Mate Cut l'nlikel as Con-7 , . 5mm Now 'l',','??,:',, 570th 'I music"! Pumped: of u drup In matter nae; at Waterloo, with a (math): cut AIM in gm. mum “an meutsuued by chairman Wm llunleuum tir, at the September meetmg wt the Wuerloo Pubhc Uumm (“mum sion on Friday Afternoon. For the first time In mun) yells the water department of the Utilities system is showing a credit bank rem-ru- balance, 3am the than man, and thcs should be Inl>>ttl back to the consume” 1n tht. fonu of u slightly lower rate, p0>>lblt 1n the next billing In January t938. "We paid "Hurst on overdrafts as high as $27,000 at tirnv, on the wnter department, which "Hunt amounted to more than that re- ceived on the credit balance: of the electric and gas drpalllllchtt." and the chairman. Mr. Ilelldclaon asked the curnntussiouers to consult. making a rcduvtiun at the Number meeting. "All: Art ou. f Mlnager George (Eros: pointed} out that the water mains in use fur; " years are too small, and not efficient enough when pressure is high. The plant is also not running, " 100 per cent. ufficttmey. He ask-" ed the cornmirAoners to Hummer this, although he bchucd a unall‘ reduction in water rates could be; made January next. l All” Gao Rate Cut. ‘ 1lommissioner C. R. Git-a. Wa' de i purtment chairman. ',ugr,rcsted that a reduction in gas rates also be given. The gas dupartuwnt has a, large balance. Chtsrrutan llrmluwn‘ pointed out that in the fall mouth, gas consumption drops and mm thy same overhead, the crctht bulmlrel will he slightly rmluuwl; 'llu‘ 'rt) is sold today at practically cu:t._ The credit balance hw, lmrll hm]! up from intercst on the "tresttucrtty of! the gas dcpttrttucirt accumulated before the town (unnamed to pur-l chase its gas frmn the City of! Kitchener. l PAGE TWO Tito pllrvhusu ot six small trams- fotutttts lo replaco old smaller ca- Writ) qrrtnsiorntoys at the power llullsl- of oo “31101100 Public Utili- tres Gus approved by that Commis- Huu Fliduy ai'teruoon. The cost will hv utmlll 5::10, or the battery of " I"rtusrorttttus, tho six old ones will he sold back to the Ontario Hydro ( mumissinn :nr half price, after hav- )ng )..-.-n in "w " 17 years. Manager Geo. Grosr. told tho commission. llanugvr Grow told tho "ommis- sion tiat it' tho mum transformer at tho hydro subslzninn breaks, the old units would not curry Hie Iuad. Cont- missimwz- Gin-s unwind about Hie d."eu.sei' auxiliary purrhnsml fur this and other purposes. Purchased Under Special Con, tract " ith Hydro.--Approse Purchase New Trans- formers. NEW HAMBURG PLANS OLD BOYS' REUNION RETURNING OFFICER J. R. Livingston for North Wntor- loo election, headquartera u " King M. Went, Kitchener. Phone 2R73. It was paint-ad nut by Chairman IandI'l'SUn that thr. Diesel was pur- (hasml Ttttdrum an "urrisNr,Lsttt with the Gntario Hydro "ourd Hunt when the tost oi' tlw Muzzy- Inn] bra-u derived from thte inch-gnu! ptucr cansump» tion the [)iesul \ms nut lo bo, used humor. but hrld "my for enmrgon» ties. I'wrv’ is att Impendine power teltort, Mb"'. tho Mum! nil] nnrc- again bo Ila-11 in "ttTF'rRetlr?Te.'5. AAW" HAMBURG. Sept, M.--A do. ln-Lzminu upward before lhe “Haze mallnril some time ago asking the 'ouncillors' opiniuns Humming an Md luns' "onion in Now Hnmbttrg and were assured support if the cili- mns wFurt* behind tho movement. Should it ho "rwiood In hold a at unimy it is possible that the date Hurst-n will ho vartr In Angus! and tit" (‘nnmlinn l’nrlm; Dorm; may bo um oil at this timr.. Another toaturo is tlto fart that tho wince will he ' vlohrntilzg its lmnh anniversary. The i..st old hoys'. was hold in 1906, "At the 1mm “1- Imuclt1 the Direct up could but no! Lmoucit power from the Otrtario Hydro tmmmisMon Now Me are [gifting srufricieat. hum!) the rughm is mu used", said Chairman Henderson. He also unmarked that if reports (mum: mam. in tho pres- rnl Norman tvamlr.ii'.r,n, are true that Mon" is att Impendine power teltort, To Begin Drive on Ford, Chrysler Mm: ganin‘ the Ford and Chrysler motor car manufnrturinq plank in Ontario will be opened hy Molnar Martin, President of the United Automobile Workers of America, when he speaks in Windsor Thurs-lay of this week. This tulvicr WM t-nntumed m an address by C. H. Millard, Oshawa. Canadian reprcsrmtativrr an the Executive Hoard of the U..-\.W.A.. at a contort-Mr hen- over the work end of Gvnoral Motors' employees. The meeting was called to discuss proposals for n nvw agreement to be negotinlod with the company. Sanlrdzn ”flu-rnur-n par-z ur “9"th Ruth. Hnmlmm and Wm (T Thur. lb“ Kmhnmr, “pro In an "cw-m n-I Kins: clrm-l "Par William Itruol. Wan-Hun Thu Roth var was gain: wmih trtt Kirte wlrml and ntlomplnd In make " In" Iurn in “INN”: not vxm- 'M.atiiort when It struck tho Thurber car mllivh “:1! colttse "orth In ng NIH-4*! Tho front rend", I‘Ilhiap and Dunk M In" Thnrh-w var and tho lot? front {u-mlvr’nr tho Ilolh Int start» dttrtutttM BAMBERG MOT0RtsT IN ACCIDENT HERE he Diesel Engine BRANTFttltir, A drive to at Coat. 77-T.F. IRV'N'M ',h,rJa.e Sulmlarine I h '* ,. , “it bunks Fish Fleet; _. 300 Chinese Lost Jul) , Cut in a Tax May Be Possible 1'h'MBRokr.. Reduction: in the gamma tax will come if the pres- ent Lubual Guveitttt1cttt remains in ctiicu and t't'stmuee, continue to in- u‘onug I'Iumvr Hepburn said in tn inllhrr~ hue Saturday night in armwr to what he termed tt “Con- auumu- whcspt rung campaign'.'. Hepburn Itvnies Rumours of Increase lo Offset Plate Red m1 ion. Hunk-I: arc bung spread about, he saud. that as motor license fees had [wen rctUtccd, the gallonage tux on g‘umJIlu- would be raised. "'l'hrrr h no thought of increm- mg (hr [an tres hope to be able to rcaiucc It at: we improve our tiuattctal poe,ttion," he said. Kitchener Man hh reeks Motor Car at Tilsouburg I, m- tree. Another Local Man Hos Cor Smashed by Stranger Anew Given Lift. 2- th Am» A: Fun Erlu and Nlagun Falls Mr ,‘nvl Mrs “Mn-ll Walters ot huh-Mn spsutt Sunday with J. 0166. Mr and Mrs. Gerald Schnarr‘and MI- and Mvs (hymn Hilker were nwnt x,~i!urx “kn Roy Manet. Mrs n .I Ismrark is spending a c. u “No-1A A ith hI-r Mater in Detroit. l "umV, ot :.roios of S! Peter's LAIm m Ann-h "ttrmdvd the Rally Ft' Mn col as \ch S-wlvtins at the u, lr ‘. [mqv‘m of tho Canada due 1 in "f I‘an Lam-mm 1:11“th In ttw.-;-, tr,'l “minusuhly " Mn! N _ N'rt.tlt Grrrhtrand chil- m. trtrsl gummy 1n pelarsbur‘ uh In Mb: \hmulg’s. ll; ml Itrw luau Sulln'ru and t n1»: tt, \\.|‘h-n wu'v- wank-(Ind u ',rrr, MW Mr Matilda "node. U. ml Mru \Tunm Hahn and Val tinert'-,. 5'”qu An Wollmtler. u "vit w I' l., hr and Martha “J! Kiss Hal Hank and Loren- and V... II" ‘1le " tiny at tho home of iouiyq Rank Me; \nmw Waht an “ands Eng- m "(mm Mu umkmd in [Human '" ltrs l-Imnllnr- Sundm damn; l ln-H F'riet uc luniv-x Wacw , 't lbw!» 1" Imlu» 'ti' ml " IAb\lM!\ sun .su Att energetic mm Lurlvhl am Itrs lodged u To- Lt q tttseylsr"rsTHut showed more it' pump. “I ”mum [mutuality mu; ' “humus 1i.sii'mtg rieet r0 mm gunk nil Hung Kong by a pm; mt" ,,ithtrtarttte. Vl'wu “hymns brought a Hon; my Hy Hw (b mun Utter Schum- ll A Al thAl all but ohm of a fleet t tsis k mum,- juuks were sunk ittlrt x 'r,ti Hun.- lion; by A JIN- "r' il)rvtrstlttt" n hu‘l two men. rltlr"ll, pl A s.lir, A» " “uh It-llurhd t'll.tcittyil'rUttG, Sept i'.r.--Arttogt 'r. w 1 :coup,o1 Haw, Kitchener. IN ”Lug-d “Uh reckless driving .Al ‘;:\H “inn aiming more than 20 ll r 5 All :mllx' ober " level crossing "Jcs;tts, .41 .ucidl-nl Luis anal-noon ‘m lv.|AIu:le station, m _ h-~.’ vaulpI-(l with minor in- .»»~ ".rl "ret hut his car to the ex- 1.‘ n1 _ ,v-II 1-11 ues twas driving to tst'),),. -' “on. the south. When [ ' rr “and lite Infamy crossing ll'.rttr'- tl all run highway. according m1 '. l. " truo, men bounced ' 43.»..ch nu: Indore stopping. nu y Hts. mm that the car hit the ‘Hllu In»: hurod it mun plunging w lIv- o.,1dettco of Mrs. Earl Fauldl , -. [ I "any, police said. Machm‘e Wrecked M H Ill-25141:, Supt. 27.--TItry mo- ..n "r Nortuitn Hum, Kitchener. . w Alt" Kel nu lurk street late to- rt, in) att uttidetstifted man. Hum. h.ul pickt'd up a man while ”nub lit Waterloo. On Park street [ uni-INK ts, make a call at a house. ‘1. n 1n-...xn-‘ out, he found the car “In. .1 II I..ul skidded across Park .-x "A law mum and anparenuy "r-ur', mud mm mm: or twice and m,- Irt tuett on in lull aid» azallutn IslTt ”EVEN A mororcytV be ‘g on” had with "wanna Ill tho 'd In-Imn Shall-m Klnz "we! all. Hal " 4-\'-‘HH]g ‘nllrul mm "am" “I I .0 hulUV vhmuul‘vl Attondrttttg, Itt mml to t xllnulnuh tho Hm with _ “I" hntom "In ttrs, dam-rune!“ M r Ctrs J- Hum» Minn) was cele- w-I Cl, Mm Lan-rnu Church hero Swan), with Pastor H. J. human]: m: _, Tho church was nicely do all-1X “nu nuns ilowers and 10 MAX-‘5' I!--x l. 1" 1mm“ 1| and FI-urvnr " “HMS Kisio and Mario Helm- vmmnwl lmmc after spending 1 tt _ m \vlhur “Mm “mum my and Mrs, MOTORCYCLE BURNS Here Week- End HEIDELBERG l Mrs Wiuium Quohl ot \uI-nl Hands} at the home luanv- llnvkharl risqttrsrre " Hus homo of ll l.8 .uldlu to tpxco.d 'r \IJIAsIOIIlB "t 193. ummu said punter 'rl and transient- he I (“on In wutorioo A _strsteruay lucIIm; br a. and 570 of the “1| Ix-w Tho lar- ‘vm‘l MW ln aux q " tho home of ‘ru Mr and Mrs. Mum and "when l ttrs Thomas ml w- ot Khrhvnw. Mr Thumu' and “ar- n Prim and Mali”: 4 tmrolitttt Prinz I!” I "I tau u out, you: "an In. A J w, "to - I, not.“ tor tho marvellous mall. I! an. I“. owed from Inn-cm am. lie I. n1n01’4'0 yak. all. All h u m an . “on; Ho an at: am bully and on- m up and do“ mum. HI: tricol- mrvd In) ll *1: he n nun alort, an we (out 'litietM' He was lol- no tho _ea,son 'my mm any do“ ot Kluu'hou sun to my lm cup oi In. (wary "tor-f'---' A.J.W. Moat people yo. on Ion bolero llzolr um m they neglect one vlul not or "atttr-aho nod tor "tttttatt" clunlheu. ' 'rsveatuallr (no, ntart the "atthr reco$ttmenua11ott or lanlger Geo Kruscnon but. Thoa, wobbly tor Crmtts& in him wwrt Mr Grout. “in the ttrut time in t“, liven, tho, mo uid type Ililch was tntncult tu “a" setune rid a." dar of all operate ul lilshl, bolus touted " n. wtttrttt miter "on tho ”It”. [I ptr the "oor um reached with 5 ion; mm ot nun; cloud tho int-nun. trote. are dean uni clear. We! “VI. The: mum-sari wer tor tho and kidney- m‘ “mm no, If. tuonttt m u follow. tSS," and 'Sell'. NS. 'grt'ty Hunger: Rope" bio the. coun on. o t wins S"2,d'i health and . h for tttts (from of August In “ml pumped [9.0 0.000 [ll of water, "utt ”M", to on" p" ot the bodr Jig-inn 20120.0“) tor July, this in a ----------_ Peirtye ot 1,150,000 trom the July CHILD KILLED WHEN “limping The “my, pumping tor the month was 615,161 xii. The Ini- HIT BY TRUCK nimum pumped tor one day "a on - {August 2tst, 200,000 guiions. ad the 0M. SODL “._n. ”a no maximum mu on August Sth. “0,- lor [guilty within u took an the Wotan”; om, Sapl- ".--Tho "soo" no lor mun, within . nook and the numb at the you not. ocean“ Thursday night who the 18-month:- um daughlor ot Mr. And 'ln. John IlrwllL Jr, 31 Mrrtio "clue. Ill (“my Injured when struck by at ruck. My: woman, daunting and w :::3 Myrtle “was, ttad dumped " Irad He pulled torwaed and than backed lip to leave the grout-1y, when me chm, pinyin; with other l hildren in the and. nu in try the hack ot the truck "troriag . ttae- tured skull. Then will he no 1mm. 92 Years Old-And Fit as a Fiddle To Save Ontario Motorists Timéontl Nirlrsis, Tl. 'A‘l'lBLOO (Ontario! CHRONICLE DUE to the advance in the new car purchasing season and the fact that increasmglv ta ge numbers of used cars and trucks are now purchased at this time of year and {allowing the prachce est 131Mled lust year which met with such favourable reception on the port of the motonng public. 1938 ator Vehicle Permits and Operators' Licenses are being made available in advance of the date M expiration ot 1937 permits. They save the purchaser of a used car or truck the fee for transferring the 193/7 remsirat1on (1938 Permit can he procured without transfer fee). . as indicated In the Budget Hddress delivered on March 9th of (his year, the Government tS able to announce a downward revision in the fees for the registration of Motor Vehicles 1938 Permits (now available) save the purchaser of a new car or truck the expeuse ot 1937 registration. The Government having decided to change the license year to coincide with its fiscal year. 1938 permits and licenses will ho valid to March 3hrt, 1939. This advance sale of 1938 Motor Vehicle Permits and Operolors' Licenses m ior you! cpnveruence. 1938 Motor Vehicle Permits e.lscu'Jsc "a' Are Now Available Mt" '., PBSSENGER GRR REGISTRATION FEES an Commercial Motor Vehicles and Trailers have been reduced 25% Irom the 1937 rtrte The Fee tor the registration of a change of ownership has been reduced trom $2.00 to $100- Fee for the Registration of 0 Motor Cycle has been reduced from $300 to $1.00. Own-Mm Awe. Purchase " t5wttehem.---Eioetrie Cm- September P1111 _ Accounts $11,731 Account. “than! by we Wank» Puhllc Uulmen Communion u! the" September moons-g hm” Hun-noon mulled 811,113.68. 'I'MI was coruprttsst ot UAW! do “anneal bull ol "t83 IT, ttloetrtc depuunom, 3%.”? up and no about than! of $1512.67 Pun-mu» at ti heavy munch“ tor (he lrumlormur board at the plant at I and. of $108 were ‘ppruvwd on recommendauun ot Manager Geo (iron In Mn report Mr (not; and tho old type switch I“ ttttttcult lo hpemle at night, min; located " tt, ol the ttoor and reached with l Iona The current couuunmd tor pump I ..F... ".WV.E' “I” “”er Feueral lug during the month of Angus! mu , ===========-======== ".900 kw h Pumps Wore opentod _ Peal load tar the month ot All"! a will of 27L6 hourtg, was on ttu, 26th at ILM. n.m., 3361.2 There mu) one the alarm m Aute " " . at 33% Power Factor. compared mu. which run on the 29th at 9.40 “In July 3:146 l H P, an tin-ream, of Irma trom box M. There were also ll ILP. two power "tterrturt1oms. one on Sun- Cost or power tor August 86.23350 fe; tug. 'i"l1 and one All 29th. owing to the gamma] Increase I) rum 10103‘0DJII. l A- k (in purchased Ior the mum of rth w are at present bringlng but: August was 2,031,900 on, ft. compared rum service on a temporary hook-up. . mm July or 1.892.100 cu n... u: Irv 3 or our old type 150 K.V.A trans»: Lrmubtt or 139,300 en. tt. (armors. an an emergency unit only , (In purchased lor the mouth of August wan 2,031,900 cu ft. compared Mill! July ot 1.892.100 cu tt, u: Irv Lreuse ot 139,800 cu, ft, 4cylinders s..,,.-....,...,,,............'... 6cylinders, up to and including 28 horse power chlinders. over 28 horse power qr. 8cylinders. up to and including 35 horse power 8cylinders.over35horsepowerr......t........ 12eriirtamr................................... 16cylindors s....,..................)........., w-plion humped. Secure YOUR License Early'. The desngn ol the 1938 registration plates tS eticephouoily uttmclne with Crown and Orange figures on Blue background. (8.8.2. rating of horse power shall be used) CHANGE or LICENSE YEAR "Ontario on the whole In en- Joylu an aeolian! your Begin- ning with urtcnllure and and!“ with industry program ha been greater than In the but seven yum," Sir Edward Beattr.G B El., KC., LL,D.. Chairman and Presl- dent. Clinician Pturitie Railway. stated an" a recent inspection of the (‘umpanv'a properties and " tsurfruiture and businrxx generalr Canadian Pacific President Tours Ontario m use ot [allure of [Ina 1300 K WA lemmfurmrr This arratttgtr"ieett all] nol anon as lo tie in ullll the other 3 phase ammu- trtotstorrtterrr. Inn wlll havo L: In- used on a ut‘yalulr unlguing b-eder. due to like tact than the old trauitsrtttsmern hau- a high reactat"'t, and there-lore an not be tutu-0.1.11 in Irarallel “11h out prrurlll stalk)“ t-anstorruers. nhlvh ttave a lawn: r-~nclunc9, I, throughout the province‘ Sir Edvard, and the manbers of his My. were everywhere weicomtNi by reprersetttatiee crtizertei. and are here shown nu the slallnu platform at Sudburv atter being received by W E Mason, presl- dent ot the Budbury Board a!" Trade: J. Fl, Simpson, act!!!“ mayor of Budtrttv. and Mavor Fl A, (IUHIIIS. Coptrer PM! In Ihr pic-mn- "re wwn from !vl'l to right 1937 Fee ' 7.00 12.00 15.00 15.00 MINISTER or HIGHWRYS PROVINCE or ottrmtto 1938 Fee ' 2.00 7.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 L B trrtwirt. oce-presidertt ot ttgg ante and treasurer; Aitken Walk- er. grin-ml mum mum; George Staph”, sit' wwidrut u! trar he: l. m: "ouastx; thr Dunn] Heavy: H J "utunttrey. Vice-pre- 51th and xenvral marrrttter.east- on: lines; Thomas "arostey, tt'orttt Bay grneml sttperfatertdertt: Mr Summon Mr Mason, and B J 0mm. surrerirrtendent Sudbury Churets or metal possession of II. mum Annll'ury to seclion " of tho Lulum Iurturol Act, aguiuul Joseph HJAv-L Liuwood. were unearned ttt- m~liml~~h In police court, Kitchen”. Finlay when the pmvinclal police um. mm] the tNMtrt the defendant haul dtsapiwsared before he could be sued mull a summons Paulie" of the smug Bur. LINWOOD MAN IN COURT ML October Int, MI

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