Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Oct 1937, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE M, yERMAN‘kzsmr STORES. All “of. Suite and Oven-.- .ut also .0. Soo - wad-lo " SILSI) and $14.35. OIL-n I. no " .10.”. " Ind " it. m on ”do-m." .-ru.. 811.50 to 821.50. " do“. no." new Cash-on sur'..--.. VI; tcei, clued-.0739}. 05¢ I. 'css. . . . Over 1,000 - " “of. Plato. 3].“. "" to $5.05. BUY NOW AND SAVEI Io Jou- In'u In this Bill-ova. on. "all; r... I. " you this. .I.". $2.80. ".M. . . . Dos-u of F onylh. a... Shir“. I... to ".50. your stoic. "e. 81.2.. 81.55. SIJO. "f . Forortk, ote.. tho. you. to " now I for " . . . North Waterloo Connemtive Candidate Thursday - Friday " Saturday COME AND JOIN IN DISCUSSION OF OUR PRESENT-DAY PROBLEMS. H EAR O. W. Thompson A SPECIAL INVITATION Is EXTENDED TO THE “OTIS. All Anti-[n ed"8B$aBio at 8 p.-. C. C. F. MASS MEETING TONIGHT THURS. SEPT. ao Waterloo LINWOOD W............... OCT. LinSdmurr's Hall CROSSHILL ......r...._.r. OCl‘.l,in'l‘ownshipHall srrFi:"iitiiiii'ii'o'tiiiii'ii"iia Speaker: Ald. Miss Edna Sander, St.Thomas September 30 October 1 (J at 6.30 over Kitchener DIRECT Wellesley IorthOIaterloo' . Conservative Meetlngs Hear Mayor Smith in last radio 1ttaAftytfetyrdaytvtPing., Radio Station C K C R Hear JOHN WALTER, North Waterloo candidate, and C. A. FULTON. Putidelt " the Trade. and Labour HALL'S FIRECO RANGES Mr. Thompson will diuuu the In“. of the election. Fireco Bridgewlll A ll t Enam.l E Finish MEETINGS FIRECO RANGES, HEATERS OR FURNACES The HALL FOUNDRY Co. Ltd. The North Waterloo Liberal Association The mu. 0. W. THOIIPSON and other: will “in. tho null-3|. North Waterloo Liberal-Conmtiu Amciuion MR. SMITH, ELLA. for Dutrerin-Simeoe, and the candidate, MAYOR SMITH, will Council1 of Guolpll. and {other C.C.F. cundid-le. Money Saving Specials Tune the cold - ott the kitchen "or. It nit-condition: your hon-a. A kettle hulk anywhere on the top of this tense. You have Io trtneh-ttottoarred kettles sitting around your kitchen. The fuel you ave will ply for your range In 3 years. WI“. (or Tail-0.1... ' Prleoe Holds are over night Att/wood. Burns soft an] perfectly. Requires only In" the fuel of In ordinary tinge. Thu - any h no. I. H. R. "I!!! STORE - I01 KING STREET EAST. KITCHENS. Tm 8 pm. WATERLOO TOWN HALL From Factory) ito Farmer For this week as follows: I I." at Tm “all Box 290 - HESWLER. ONTARIO Shipping Weight 660 lbs. St. Clements October 4 October 2 148 Kb. W. PttF24To?C--iurpamnntt all prowl- nus attendance records the 12th Ill- mml carnival, uponsored by the Prel- mn Rotary club. cloned Tuenhy s tuning, the airair having proven a dfm'lde success. All proceedl of tho rarnlval will, as In put you“. be do voted to providing treatment tor crin- pied chlidren In the can, Pro-ton. Hospeler and South Wuterloo not. Mor" than $2,000 a yelr In expended n. this work by the Pro-mu club. The intern-110ml union oII'Icu said tho alumina]: were and. m "t-ronomy reagent" Marlin In: up own: time. hinted at A “purge" of tatt- r.-Ing forces, but dld not “will? to- day's action ll Inch. oErTRorr.--Hotmyr Martin, procl- dent or the United Automobile Work- rm of America. shook up tho his]: rommaud of the u. A. W. throughout tho United sums Wednesday with announcement of alumni of " or. ganizers. and usulsnmant of “(tour a: directors. PRESTON ROTARY éLua CARNIVAL sen nacono I ToRo.Nr0.--r-d by the #5100 added Handicap end In. Or- pen's Cup and Sewer. which cloud hum " nominating, the Long Branch Jockey Club open- in autumn meeting next Wednesday, October 6, The condition book jun vuleused about: that the Anna-lion 15 distributing 840,600 In purine dur- Pug the seven darn. Thu || an 1n- sz'ase or $4.400 over In! nu end In the second beat otror1ng around here this fall. being exceeded by only Woodbine, which he. an: me- daily. Long Branch hive only mu races each any. H. Martin, C.I.O. Head, Fires Helpers which way you look at It. the Long Branch Handicap look: 3 very open race, d’stance the Canuckn will he asked to go this year The dunno I- n true strength or th “main and cuurage or a 'lhooru'lii,r'd'l, and while some have complained that the route is a trifle long, yet it must he re membered thu the juvonllu arc hithin two months and n lull ot no lug three year o‘da. In the Clarendon Pinto at Thorn- .Iifl’e, Bunty Lawless In the winner. rut in tho Corotttrt1ott stake: at the Woodbine. Bunty could thshrtt only swam! to skyros. which was hr back in the Clarendon. no no matter or interest to broader. nod hono- mon, as well u the gotten] public is the $5.000 added rues on closing day or October 13. It ll tor cannula- bred two year-old. over the mile and sm-pnty yard jaunt”, the longest $5,000 Feature Added HundL Long Branch Track Opens Wednesday u some of the can plum. [may kept the vultoru' mu nu matted. (an took tho but In tho um. than [no an: two but." Muted, " unwed on n udder. cholco. Hush scoring on Pond“ error. Tho othee Vaults tn the ninth on two ling)“, A walk nnd A perfect was.“ pm, with Walker " bat tor can. Jump), Murphy on the hilltop tor Iialt Ind A slight edge on Silver» tborne, whole Blow ml uu a push 64141" Sun 'e-irate In that! Dem! tteidtas guns ot an. Jon-on no Terrier. yesterday afternoon do [wand Brnnlford In an Br" gun. or ttte southern Ontulo tntomoalnto A Dem! nul- by n Icon of " Du ptlo the any hour ot the gnu. n good crowd I": on Ind and In t cued to a smart exhibition. The return game um be played In Bunt- xunl an Snlnrdny. Gall Terriers Continue in Lead Mina]: Bows To Meat Brantford Alerts " Hurdman In fast " l-‘lm Game of Southern Ontario Inter-dine up Drawn 41 Fine Entries. an. “no B Finish "In LrA.rloitifthturst CHRONICL! GALt-Dtyelttttt, word wu recon» ed here yesterday that the Toronto Maple be“: ot the National Hockey League would again do their tall training at the Super Park Arena. which opened for skating Wednesday night. It is expected the Toronto squad of [when 35 lo 40 players will report here October is. Toronto leafs to Train at (alt Now York Detroit {Mme 'rv ;Cloveland .. . Boston r-et.' "Yunnan": "'ttiladssltrtsta Now York _ Chicago ,. T Plluburg "r", St. hauls T _ Benton TVT Brooklyn _ _ Ph|hdolphh Cincinnnu _ St. Lou!- LITTLE WORLD SERIES Columbus 5, Noni-k 4. Result. New York 6-5. Phllndelphh " Plluburg T, St. Louis ir, Chicago 2, Cincinnati a. AMERICAN LEAGUE Ila-um New York tir-O. Phil-dolphin +3 Boston rt WaBitfrttgton " Cleveland 54), Chicago 4-1. St. Louis 7, Detroit 7, Detroit C. Won [on P Junior 0.3.A.A. Burnt; dvlnulled to Owen sound Bantam st, Cumulu- Mi, Chatham I. Imam-mm c Clinton " Huron: 7 tuledouia 2, Cheney 1. "erittt 6. thermle I. WEDNESDAY SCORE! unlu- 0.I.A.A_ Fla-I Toronto t Otlui£ I. Inna-moan. A 1Mit t, Brandon! . Immodln. . launch i, Timur, t Ooh-nu 0. 0.111119 1 AMATEUR BASEBALL BASEBALL RECORDS the most important events in this young man's "enty-two an of public service can he By summarized: "tS-Elected to Count“ of Gwillimbury Town. Some of the old-lime proverbs are wearing a little thin these modern days and that well, known one--"' prophet is not without honor save in his own country" means nothing, simply nothing, to these sturdy citizens of Gwlllimbury. They honor Earl Rowe because they know and admire him; the oldsters have been watching him for twenty-two years, ever since he ms elected a Township Coun, cillor on his list birthday. Reaches Cabinet Rank They start them young in pub- Be service in these Ontario towns but only one in ten thousand forges ahead to the Provincial Eagiuature--onty one in a hun- dred thousand keeps going until he reaches Cabinet rank at tlt- h“. Such a man is Earl Rowe ---ttnd Gwillimbury Township he followed, with pride, every step of his promos. This little dot of a hm" h beginning to tind itself in prim frequently these days. The lili- mans feel that this is only to lw expected because one of their on boys, Earl Rowe. is gain: to be, they are contident, Pre, mierEiect of Ontario the night of October tith. If you had a large scale "up of Ontario, you Would liml (Mil Iimbury Township marked in the County of Simon Hm yuu would have to possess a very large scale map indveU. to Ill .m- the town of Newton Rulnirmm Fellow citizens of Gwillimhury Township, who know Earl Rowe best, are enthusiastic admirers of his sterling character and gif t for lI-udership A MAN HONORED IN HIS OWN COUNTRY lyhla . ___. 50 S In . C cc _ Trc .. u H NATIONAL LEAGUE "ttV-Elected Reeve --_- re- elected each year for Eve years. t92r-Elected to Ontario Legislature. "39--Eketed to Federal Parliament, t93G--Reetected. "3S-Ptomoted to the ' Inet by Honourable R. B. Bennett, theo Prime Minister. Re-eleuedto Federal Pnrhiment. A Public Srnunl For 22 Yawn! Won host PC " 55 .626 90 60 .600 _ 81 68 .M4 I 80 " .633 l " " .501 6t " 112 60 " .103 " " " " " lo " 6 I To " 77 " " Slit 1iM att " -67t Bill Schmlu_ K-w, BC. moral 'an easy victory over Charlie Mead, ‘wuoduock. Mead mung only LM minute. In the second round when Ibo towel was thrown In by M- nec- onds Schmalt: showed more rlng c-xperlence and had bl: opponent at his mercy. The other bouts Included: i M, Lewis, Woodnlock, defeated "r'ote 1.9mm, Gait, on a decillon. The sum-on], "0-qu division, Gus-don Young. Toronto I. L Bonn. l‘éub outpolnlui Sid will, out landing Club. In a very cloudy rcugm content, both flelty show- Fir plenty of action In . who In ile!lt'd by armc- u . comer In tho tight sane. tout tho "ttt on . clone idea-ton. , In the [ZS-pound at... Jun O'Neil. Gait, scored . win over Tom Foster trolomd). Toronto. It In. a eioBer thrttt and paired plenty of action. Faster mun; liking mutual wren- ling more than to tho panache. haul- ed him “(would clastr-9asmtett, Wood- stock. defeated Elmer Welland, Cou- "stogo In the t35ooumt class Joe Planer, K-W, won a unfavorable decision over Ted Agnew. Woodstock. nub-u- tuning tor Bell. Puporweuhtis-ai'red and Funk Shields battled to a draw in three 1-minute rounds, Krr1PHtirNtite, Audttortui--gn . noun; that tttat cur-M plant: or action to the delight of the ha. ”and present. both “Mun 50h; Al " mud, Bun Mammal of In. " nnnlo Manolo Leat Both; Club, do ruled “onlou subunits, Kitchener- Waterloo Boxing Club and Canadian Welterweight l‘hunplol Huldumu, who I- the Onuriq Mut- manelgm Champion, Ion tho bout Mm mnsutent long and "(MD to smumuz'l has. oorito being unable lo mud any telling Nola. almond; m the rum he did ion In 1 tew traid thou Hartman anon/ed Min-9K a new" - and . crowd pie-Jot Middleweight Ct-htm, Turn Back Kittie-er Welter Title Holder. Virtues of the Soil On his typical Ontario farm- in his wical rural Ontario rest- dence Earl Rowe leads the regular routine of a farmer when his Parliamentary work does not In" him to the cities. His is a friendly home-made happy by the prewnre of his wife. and his thildrrn, Jean aged 17, Billaged H and Lennox aged ll, Here are emhrined the homely virtues of the mil those virtues which since earliest days have given strength of character In so many of Canada's greatest public ner- vants Heredity must get some of the credit. The Conservative leader comes from old British Mock which settled in Simcoe County many, many years Mo. His father, still active at M and his mother, eight years younger, were farm folk, and Earl Rowe, when little more than a young- ster, bought his farm from bi: father on credit and paid every cent of his debt from his profits as a dirt farmer. One cannot hope In under- stand a public man solely by ob- M-rving him in the midst of pub- lic affairs in Toronto or Ottawa. Follow Earl Rowe back to New- ton Robinson-haven meal with him in his big kitchen-walk with him over his fertile acreF- see him feeding his swine and his cattle -- talk with his aged par- ents, who live across the road. T hen you would realize even more fully than ever before how completely this man possesses that something without which all else is so much chaff-and that something is CHARACTER. I'm. [Tinnimuusly selected its lender of the Un- lurin Li1seral-Conser- vative Party. A Happy Family I/art Roma " heoever his pub- li, tlllllr~ will lu-nnil, hurries hark In chlun Rluliillmtll. For lln-n- he limb awaiting him his sturdy red brick house his wife and thrce line rhildren his 225 sure» “I farm land Allis pure- lm-ul Yorkshire swine, Durham mule, rvgisterrd Clydedales-- his old Township friends. BOHLENDER SHOE STORE 5 Round Bout To the Public of the Town of Waterloo and surrounding district. 2t Erb St. W. for Business as Usual Newton Robinson isn't seeing much of Earl Rowe these "are This has been written of Earl Rowe by a tong-time associate "The warmth of his person- ality is contagious. One cannot come into his pres- ence without feeling his force and sincerity, tem- pered by a natural kindli» ness and interest in his fel- low-men and their prob- lems. With his splendid ideals, bathed by long and honourable Parliamentary experience, he is uniquely equipped to make a great contribution to the public lite of Ontario." OMS (Juicers ur the can t‘url- in; Club are now busy planning for the ("non-use ot the 100m manner any of the club. A series or bon- spiela laslln; tor I week In scheduled to start November " with all club- In the province. anocialod with tho Inca] organization In the early days, to be Invited, A cenlennlal dinner will ulna be held. Gall Curlers to Mark Centennial VOTE CONSERVATIVE You Can Trust "owlllil A Warm Person-lily Kinshasa”. lodon Donn-on! Stu. _ ,Tolo'hm Batt WATERLOO hand hr tho tJbrrerCoo.or- Pan of Ontario GOUDIES RON. EARL ROWE It is a blessing that he is still in the prime of life and health, for he hm, mapped out a speak ing program whh h will keep him moving hm k .nul forth through out Ontario until the eve of October tith. His friends are glad of this 1setaura. they know that every man or woman who sees and hears Earl Rowe, who shakes his hand, who comes under the influence of his warm personality, will my “This is the type of leaderOntarioneeds." For that's the kind of man Earl Rowe is, likeahlr, sincere, earn est --a statesman whose good character and good judgment are written indelibly in the record of his twenty two yeanol pulilii service (Silo- " " 48) -red treatment on nnvy blue . _ ' _ embroidered stitching in beige on brown, in white on navy . (teen ornaments on n-vy . T . white pique stand-up coll-r "was _ etc, etc. Jersey Frocks -- , select mu: group of new number: now " the "roruttt price of- $8.95 ORDON 'S ooo LASSES Satisty It... “I? I. Olin“ St. S. KITCHENER Alwnys FIJI Favorites "Where Sportsmen Meet" Y) King St. S - Waterloo Cl'nronu THE HUB trHd.r,oetotmrtqt,1_qt Wopkhlll-lhool q, L:__BR_AU_N -iiriuuG iarisi.N.' PL... an: LOCKS (as MADE All Kind. ODI. Iv“-

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