Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 17 Aug 1937, p. 3

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_ UfiiiG -iGrGiiTi? Good experienced girl for general homtork; good wages. Up to 6 o'clock apply at 103 King St. W., Kitchener, phone 3888; after 6 pan. to In. Raider. " Whitney Place, phone "Mr, Kitchener. Two Horses Die From Spinal Meningitis The Albert. premier indicated a reply to Mr. King's request mar be aent to Ottawa late on Knodny. hart aid in spanking at the Gd- m Prophetic Bible Institute. "We are prepared to meet the money in- terest: but we did not expect to hnve to meet the Federal Govern, ment " well." “I did not expect the Federal Government to take up the cause trr the Tper interests." Mr. Aber- think that such . 7566;113:113 t.ome.bom the prime minister of V I meat for a "thirrGrrdcirt ,,'!:",'.tk'iie, plea',',',?, 'lh About. 30' ttkera' ice . eeist.ti. a. 'hte'Ht4 71 '9' 'lff,luSt,tl to Ade,f",'& August. 16:42“ mm but, I W- 957 .01 Prim Jim 1, ”um Wounded at Gg's Runes! - WEEK ==so,, will be- gin noon with an organisation meet- ing. Tenn: of reference are do. lhud to enable the ennui-iono- to link: the Brat thorough-going to- M of Sitrt, 'ts til',',',','.",'."','.',' and was: me cry, In par- tKahr Menace to munch] upset: In” the Domizion can. into :13:- one through c m o British North Anetta Aet " you -"""I'"-..-e. --'"""'-"r-9. IT.“ who.“ --- -- ' "lNtltTgurgtt't. PAePct----o. 017A! A" Ic-rut/attuned": "rthittlliimaiirA' - -- in -ter-t-riuiariiaTi I. uh. ”.0! “My t,'liitifieiit:ft?it'ifiii5ii'l mum-uumummwm M klre1Tf4lterle.ar,,"8,t,ir/iflai2 11t-rta_irirTiGGi"ii"'. :mdmhfiowdbflhhh mm. _-.., __ - M ---.---- - W73 Tan-u" i7'i"a"""liC'alll tuttt2d h h but " IN 1'yteii.GAiiLa 6- 'eu,'ltt M. F. Ana». Glamor of eco- nolniu a an tr='4't," of Brttirt Will. Vnncouvet. I... Nub- W. Rowan, chic! his. a 03m,1‘om-h.ehk. u: an“ my.“ ,g5ThhflQrr8d',ttrutttt dL A My} “pron-or " Srrree.eyt " Dalton-i. Unint- " Not Expect to Fight Federal Gwen-alt as Well as Money Interests. semen. new 19. of WANTED HUI-I- "' . ' “Tm! [ aimed 'tttttttit PADS ', Mr. more was returning through the Twin clues alter the horn race- laz New ~mmurg In whlch " homo Peter Chilcoot had trhseod second. pnd arrived at the picnic II the guest or Alderman W. D. Brill "- mayor of Waterloo. Alanna Brill introduced him to the rest ot the members and Mr. Rowe mattered in a humorous manner. The my sang. “For he's a Jolly good follow". on the :ppetnnco ot Mr. Rowe. I); _irG,iie"iraTiG' i;th “Jam: "my -_..,-. ... - uwluvvll. ) Dr. Chmn could give no esti- mate of the probable enrolment for the new term. Registration has been about 100 each yen for the put tale-n: "qhdrrioo College is not inst an- other university college," he slid, I'tryt it: 'nite-ot-exist-tee i to ,9 few” WWW...“ -v. um. '11. J. E. Births, registrar, returned from his vacation this week. Water. loo Seminary will open September " with registration in the morn- ing and a public service in the eothttreEharre1 in the afternoon. and Rev. a... A. mm of ALI huh, Ga. The new professor: will the our the position; left mat by the reds-union- of Prof. W. C. Fronts, dean " the eoliaqm and Dr. V. K. "MCI, who accepted a all to Snolni College. Hancock, Kick, ll resident of thmt institution. . The new conne- of economic. and new nienee end of busine- 1turld'ltlf, will be in chm-go of Dr. locum. The new acuity. Dr. Chosen believes, will be the strong- eIt in the history of the College. Etch member of the funky holds the mater of ut- degree Ind three members are also doctors of philoso- 31.1. “This should be same-st evi-l. _ ence of the aeademieseiiite.tions, an: experience of the faculty," he‘ an . Waterloo College will open for, Tttri.trtetietr. September 20. Prof. l too cauu “":'.'.”.T"'eii' “-33:31; Dr. Albert 'll2'k'2t a; loam "tdRev.gn-A.RturiGCEi'.'. ___ fl“ rm"... -~ "w v-Wvlwl. my mt. science will be new [utilities of ant Sauce Shield. lot up" hot institution, in the announcement 600 and 1.000 In woman. wt made by Dr. P. B. Chilton, Th- Grlmhy. Ont.. luau-I dent of the College and Sen: . while The Junk. Out, Bacon]. The college also will-serve tau - the Clinton cup tor pm [an of the district by providing the lean than 600 clrcuhuon. ‘complete mum of work notes-r; The George W. lemon“ for permanent trmbet-. - play for excellence In eon-4 dates. The teachers will In M- prluuug went to he Waterloo, emaciated through the arrange Ohmic-lo. The pro-caution meat of clun- " mutual eon- mule by water mm of On My It their dain- m made on wan... a..- -----._._ -. When Watorioo 'ith: - it: dean W in Semen or, damn. ”nuns of bluineu administration and of economic- and Poiitieal science will be new Iacilitim of nut 'aterktralege (ba0irtlillaa TttiGJinGrlse, 9! the was.» New Ito-is?! "iiiiiirr"r'", New Our-es Added. i """" "trkit6iiiTi""'ii'i'iiAms . - Sb-na-a....- $235: Inquest Into Double n for, Fatality is Set r'i'i,'e,'/ for August 30th I GALT MAN l8 SENTENCED GM. August 16.4w the then lot a watch and obtaining a car by {false pretenses. Hamid McCullough. city, was given a term In the Ont-Ho reformatory of nine months deter .mlnate and three months indeter- minate in city court. The wateh be- longed to a widow who employ“ Me. "N.."-- ..l._ I WINDSOR. August Mk-im. In! Green, M, of " Dominion lstreet. Kitchener. was seriously in- »jured here Sum-day when the car tin which also m n passenger, driven 'by her son-imlnw, Ervin Lemky. meteoit, struck an auto and trailer. .lrs. Green sun'ered scalp wounds 'snd possible fractured ribs. She has slso badly shocked. Cancun The ee"GUTiiiiia""i'; mean: ot n '0an check. Kitchener Woman In Windsor' Crash -.- - unun‘nn, AW Mt. - In- qnett into the double fatality that occurred when a radial car hit .1: :ntomobileh: J,gthgri, JuRction, ugnst 7, tt Bet or uguxt M, it was announced here. The in- quiry will be into the dentin of Mrs. Id: Fisher, 55, of P'opi, at? her :daughter. Gui-ace. l . e omel- ‘wu killed may when the crush (new. The angina died 'fee and” night in the Kitcheneru Waterloo 3mm. 1 [ Frank I. Brrps. 1rrrestrini. N.‘8.. Advertiser, cud “H. t nun-cu, of the comma, Alt... Journal. were named tirttt and second vlwnnd- dents with ty V. chm-ten. ot tho Brampton or-tor, elected mn- aglng director and secret-r]. Dlrectors chosen handed John Marsh. Amitem"tmrg Ont. like. VI! m an“ by at m to! m " - can! a stub-am "tVerity. s. I. wonder-d along a. m I. vol-no. can In. um - it ditt you tt Bqt - a. may amp... ot he tin. mm tor stalk-co ll walls. phan- ot now-nut wort um r. will“. IL P, mm. of The - ville, Na Winn, received I sold wrist Inch cloud for tttn but on: ma The (mule. Glut On (In - :euco In upon hung have“: "oo and 2.000 clrcuhzlon, val avoid to The (Jamaal. BC. Mr. 11. KITCHENER, n3 ii; gym-9w Waterloo, mi: “on. in! to [NW-It. If. - In- will t N.EwYoRrSAutr,1tr.-atmmrtea and "intently nvinhed, the nude body of four-yar-old Joan Kulebl was found in l lonely Inn-Inland beetle, on Staten 19nd todng. v H. -__.... .0...” way. The discovery added impetus to a enmpaitrtt against sex crimes nl- ready running Nit tilt in New York court- ud police department In I null. of two nimilnr shying within a In months. Sex Maniac Kills Four Year Old Girl dkht comm-ion. Br." Vii-7m: who in ealled, stated the Indh, con- dithn m not serious. Mi. and "arm. iiAir5rttGirGrsG T,ete_etls.rtttiae.: “My: whim GTG iioGiiik, Wing: y1rermeupweftrse:eiii Inn of ,' Among those " the dinner were: ilr. Justice Martin, F. K. Morrow, IToronbo; Bruce Barton, New York; 1A_ithelt Walker, L. B. Unwin. H. J. immrtphrer, and George Stephen, 'arontrea; Norman Schneider. Henry ‘Krug. George Satin, Louis Brett- ,hnupt. A. R. balm, Jerome Lang. W. E. Woelfte, luyor J. A. Smith. J. A. Ill-tin, and R. A. hug. Kitchener; W. H. Somerville. P. l?.) Wilson, Ford S. Kumpf, Pravda! Sagan. Waterloo; A. R. Goldie,l A. I. Edwards, ILP., G. A. Debbie, N. McMillan, A. Dietrich, George] Barber, Ind R. o. HcCulloclI, Gait; S. 1rarhy1te.r, Bo.ttuNuo._1piiree, nil BILLY UWELMAN 1rrtqrrg?ppmoNsCrotm well; _ 77â€"- -- -""""""". - ee will. in the long court. of I"can. Tt the benefit of re. l','.',',"""""' n this action mink l T." _ Wtih an"! to Quebec. Sir Ed- vard aid "the steel and cod iw. duty "we.” to be on the boom. In Alberta the country in poor yet but show. promise of picking up. . "You - Saskatchewan in bad. Yerr bad," Mr Edward aid in re- fmnee to that province. He he- lietles British Columbia is doing '1Dr_ttqreethi.G.eiieUiicciGi WM 'urareprye/rAGrfiiq were but your and than in more ttpeer IPO?'.' 'te "'an mu! atvtiGii%G - Kara irwTGT.' $3.533! SEE M III-n "ami. L but. cut. hum: of tho his Tuning Co., Kitchener, " C rebate hand " the Preston Vim Motel, for thw men " ““1” County, than iq . [not dad " 00an Mumut ' ad. My for h: tutu" promo-icy. Att,eiw P eep my! new“ ',,tdieiiii2hfi,ti' win-Jane; and - a b touring m Wm v'""iefryN.--A_eeordirw to Mr mm M, President of the 9.P._IL._ why with; gust of Mi. Mr "want Batty Add!“ Wholtbnty. -hithhac-. L' Ht.rTso?..-- Aeeotd.irw l Rani; Says CPI. President m “Li; iitii iiiirfFiiiiY I. - n. V. “In”, In. I, and P. R. Hilbert: of he 11mm and the v6.7.5; FiiiG lei: Club. Mr. and In. Emma and. a Mr. and In. Scanner of Donna spent a to. du- In “the .. guests of the lanor’l sister, In. L Flynn of William about. . Emu. math. at tho A“ and co. tanker-go item tor my» our And wnorloo dun-let. to: can. 10.", m marred to ttemtto I. My. E. no a when: In“ or the Wouulmlml no]! And Country (an; ._4 “L- um: _. _ '7 I We. “a” can Mr. and In. mkidGGaT; not! ot mand- during chair mac-co hero who will than - cum- In their an} iron}; KW“ trt 'iii,,,,,!,!,,),,!? '0" mm. an John Jeff in; for Toronto. their am. no... of Ftelot, In!) Fiiilurr' J...- weak. In. Good viadted with I. liner, In. “no. “an.“ d Promo and In an In. loner-u and runny u the bone of a. ta- unit’- tattter at Elm and W " Port Mt. Thor also Md .oqulmces um Mold. In ti. Twin all”. Mr. muwoo‘.smum MI"! at the Loam Dummy a Am.“ A- _-A_-, " n _ -- -- _.. - ........,. - wilt "m "'traly"tirritt " I FETriiiiErUri= uouxwooo's A In. In“ a.“ at in" In. L lab-mum at w at mum Jun ad One. or m Bock. 3.0., who I." boo. I”. was mm In an. view}. In to turban; to their home by new: this .t9IgtEtL3t.tiiiL2, RI. WPt In”. - a... lie,,' -‘ Mountain Music Guy ml... - u.- loch-l 1 "tterr If”. "It WIFE” Mr te, PPluipm ttreaiu. and Wed-why and nanny My and My . -,

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