Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Aug 1937, p. 3

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mm in; itricia iri"G “3:“ 'trout/ttttttt in "at. manna: ttrarity. Inca-Me.- “who“ III-WW to I“ Tst -dap_bth.arsthut.e to “in!“ no. can“ ft-., tut}. the, in; 1011"“ Pacing Derby In the future event of the utter-noon. There were nine well tried were. were that In" proven their worth, turned for the word in this _ Peter Chiieoot m made favor- ite, but his buckets were doomed to misfortune. Grattan Awnrthy. than by Gid Lin. looked like I 'tse MT "'* _ - ttsa 'efr._me um crifiGFuGarirr, '3'": - wa; mule tae." mun". um"... Nor- Tom Grsttaa. Pine We Statics. bade. N.rNr.rr TtrFwFr-__rF_r.r-rwrm trFPtem.r_ loom “uneven 0mm Sublet. Tut. Vonh Widow, C, . Rodd-n. Edna-Inna ._FPVVrNqr_ ___.. r. -__..__ ___e-__._ Gl-‘ Una. Kelvin Bell. Niagar- Cdmt cttetaHtioa. I ., Brown. Dillinger Grutwn. L, .. Prue. "rest .. .rt._e,rr-v_ __. ,. l 11mm. 2.09%. 2,98. 8-_Mt. 7 Peter Chileook KG. I.” hire. Newton-Icing“: .r_. ,, vNrFN qrt _ Try-i I ,"‘§r'o}t?vik31£é8f (BK Walter In. W, J. Booth. Slum...., 5 William. Dave Pinkncy. Stat-lord”. 8 Solidi-Io. ' S Gordon. Homilhm,.ll Ber graham. Pine ma.- Sables. Gntmn Qm. Hon. hrl Rowe, Newtonatobusnon Nri.tr.tt,t_..._P.rtt_t__ Begun. lid-ads nnd Hell-m MILK-ii. It. awn, Toronto, a m " by Inventor. bui- lul’. Ila-8L“ _ Elia-Gunny K ir. Pin-r, mst.. Tie, IJ‘K. 2.10. 2.17 212 Pm. PW I!» - Sign-I, W, Dav-on. Port Shula ...re_ __,.-. mW-rt trr-rr.Trr, qrv Gum Gnu-n. G. Knight. Blen- Vuh Ban [owner nuivcnb....,..,..u Tun, (Er-tun. In. E. Lnnu. New 'tetro _ L Tolhurnt. Till-on- 'raTrrdia". I Cum-on, sworn. “It! (Er-tun. Pine “the sum“. 'atTi.TTrriiin. J. w. Brawn. Sud- 1PC2eyecq,eu1,.r; "of. 'hrtSttoe uxmsc.s. - mum WATERIDO " . lletenbock tji) King St. S. - Waterloo OI: opus-I Japan-on! Inh- plunun is "e, us “Italy - "----tt"..oet out to "r. A can“... of bun-o. M's, In ' 1Ten,"ghhgot:gutS' “MISC-full Mali-Mfumdmh CLOTH ES tj, 1heElilraae PAY $1 WEEKLY Diml. John Binghun. Kerr. “Where Sportmen Meet" and a-- mph-.8... INSURED GLASSES ---on credit SOMETHING NEW! I KING K. KITCHIIII head. _ hm». P: am“ THE HUB Quality Metal-cycles and CCM. Bicycle an Eb! - Iva-h5- N H I I tlj':iiiiiii'.i..E.i'.r.?,iliiti, -( m 'hdfJItdN'i y... _-qt......-.-.... 'lr T' Pd 0” 76H] 'e.. tlthdd u I... 'ii.ririril'.silfitittp _ l .. . ..._ ._ are Per. Jr, D. With-.001. -_ - lr%nsdolNtiat Waterloo Tigers Win From the i Hespeler Sox2 STRATPORD, August 10. - Al corona": jury a Shakespeare, seven miles out of here, tonight exoner- ated driven of two can involved in; the accident which caused the death of Iii: Clara Gonnley. nurse-in-t training " _ kitehenth?twitat. l Hm Au. ".--aSo wank loo Timer- deteued the Hemmer Rad So; by a " wore In . when!“ an" in the Intercouniy Intermedi- nto Baseball Chub. The game In a cloudy come-ted one John-ton. Jtehed tor the locals and l. Plonk- pitched tor the Tigers until the m- ermh Inning, when he In reputed Accidental Death I Verdict of Jury} Miss Gormley was killed when I car driven by her brother, John F. Gormley, sideswiped I car driven " William Hurling, of Stratford, on_t_he Ntrht trf Auly If. _ _ht.ldtd's"rArp,UNgtyii' 10 'g.Fua"iiitif The jury decided that owing to foggy weather conditions " the time of the mishap neither driver could be blamed. Gormley is facing a criminnl negligence charge as the result of the fatality. by Moyer, Mrs. Percy Snlder Is enjoying a two weeks motor trip through Que- her to Cape 63599 with her sisters. Mrs. Gordon and the Misses Baal at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Marriott and children spent Sunday at Mon Crlell at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison. Mr. Geo. Shoemaker and daughter Jean. Mrs. Harvey Manner and Mrs. Ion Martin spam Sunday with Mrs. Shoemaker at iHamiiton. Mr. and Mrs. Modesto Jacohinl and children Horace and Margaret ot Hays. Kansas. arrived on sand-y to run Mrs. Jatiibinl'a parents Mr. and Mrs. C. " 'Bowman and other rela-' lives and friends here. - Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wood: and children and Mr. and Mm. Geo. Mil- ler spent Sunday at Aylon at home or Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adamson. Mr. Williams of Month"! is renew- ung acquaintances m this commun- ity. Mrs. Edgar Lemon and children Jacolyu and Gwendolyn and It" Ama’ia Rump! spent Tuesday at Lin- wood with Mrs. Bessie Schmidt to ceieArrate her tulnhday. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Martin ot Wal- lcnsteln and ‘Mr. and Mrs. Jane Mar. tin and (amily ot .Nlagara Falls spent Sunday with Miss Mary Weber. Miss Carrie Vogel bf Guelph In holldaylng at the home at her bro- thers here. Mr Theodore Lauber and niece. Mrs. WIN Lehman of Sandusky are vlsnng at the Mr. and Mn Ed. May- er and other relatives Mr. and Mrs. Burns of Weston cared on Mr. “Alanna on Sunday. Esteem“ emu» Panel. Death removed [mm our midst a very highly esteemed resident In the [-Prsml or Mr. Wm. Itattar. Me. Ral- tar was in ralllng health tor some time and passed away on Sunday evening. He leaves to mourn a Vl- dow and three children, Mrs. Jon. Snider and Mrs. Albert Brntlor In [his community and a son Norman ot Kttcherter, The funeral took place on Wodneaday morning to the Ito. man l'nlhluliv rhnrrll at 'New "or. many, where burial was made ln the adjoining cemetery, The aymmlhy of the community is amended to the bereaved family. Limit: 3 number trom the commun- ity attended the ordination sorvlre or Mr. Lettlie aner at the Ghana Mennonllv Church on Sunday Mrs Fred Bean In spondlmVaown] day. with her when", Mr. and Hr: Wm Roblnmn at MIank Helen-1- a. 9-... 413%"? trill. will meet at ~(‘onestogn an Friday nlgm. ttemily and Mm 'Eli Good of Pine Hill wish"! with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Good on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs Gordon Mllman of New Dundee. Mrs. L. Inn!!!"- of m- rls and Rev, " W. Haultleln or Bright were recent callers on Mn. A. E. Benn. who in " The monthly meeting of no one". ml Workers" Junlor sum; Cireto was held on Monday Inernoon It the home of Mr. and In. AMI- (‘n-nnman The atrm we» Tth-tttyd to have present a! Int-Ir meeting. MUut Axum Good of Canton“. who [I10 . Inns! "ttormsutte account of her rerun trip In Japan the alto shown! many mm rollcl that the Ind mall-In name from the and. unrh an annulus, than, mull-lure .hpanmo honm, eta Mr and Mn Own. Risk ot Gtlt were recent Hilton wnlt mauve. In ttto vldnlly. Mr and Mn. H, L Bean and non OnMOn or Toronto Ttttttrd with Mr. tu'") '. pun {an Wading-l ‘mu H. mm ot at. Mur- moi. plul, uxltchonor vllllod u the bone of Mr, and In A. "an!“ roe-ally. I'uMm tAt K,-W, Rowan An. ti, go It and In. I: Raider. Ml AF 11-. irt5iUrati." tux WEST MONTROSE but _ Mum}. . In. " " a Newark .. Syrncue . lomreiu Baltimore [Toronto _ _ Bulalo -r. Rochester Jersey CH, NEW taAMBuR0.--mtts New Hamburg Burgers handed the Plan.- Vllle nlne a IIH trimming. on M day evening. at a game played st Platteville. Puttarnie had "mated them in a game at New tumult: Iaat Friday. fan: on “TM laugh Won-lanai. Waterloo Cardinals “Herod clin- inauon trom the Junior Intercom“, race when they loan the third and deciding game or the northern Group 'imMs to Guelph Manon. so. The game was playqd at Hotpoint. New Hamburg Beats Plattsville Nine The W.C.'PU. ot Baths! United thurrh held a meeting on Tiled-y urn-moon at the home of Mn. John Murry The president, Mrs. Manna Fury. presided, In the absence of the secretary. Mrs. Ralph Hinton. Mrs, w, H. Diamond In: “woman to lake the minutes ot the meeting. The meeting opened with a hymn and sentence prayers by dlllereul mombm's Mrs. Wm. Elihu was nom- i"ated cottTtyttor tor the next meet- ing. Tts" devotional exercises were taken by Mrs. IR. 1.33am who chose as her mph “The King‘s Workman". His: u. liuddell mvored with an In- slrumenlal and Mrs. A. [Fleming sung a solo. A reading was given by Mrs. John Faeer alter whlch the dip-sheen sent out by the Tempur- mu-v Depurllnenl were read. A dilu- ty lunch was served at the close It! the hostess. Personals. Miss Verna thirty ot 'rrttaHrE spent last week wllh her cousin, Miss Nina Good. _ llnv. and Mrs. Moses Roth ot wn- mul Centre spent Hand-y with Mr. and Mrs. Miner Creatmsan. At the conclusion or the morning satire al St, Paul‘s Lutheran church on Sunday, Aug. 8, the congregation honored their pastor. Rev. F. ll:- imsky and Mrs. Malinnky. formerly Miss Thusnelda Senna, Kitchener. “hum: marriage took place reconiiy. SOUTH-WEST WILMO'I' Miss Marjorie McIntyre In spend- ing a week's vacation with relative. at Vineland. Mr, A. Winger. chairman ot the 'nmgregaliun presented Rot and Mrs. Malinxky lo the congregation. Mr. A. "orchard! read :11 address on heattatt of the convex-Mom uni prvsrettted them with. a beautlful rttetstertleld chair. Ree. Mr. Mann-U replied nub ably, Mr and Mrs, T. Bowmnn were culled to Dunnvme on Ptldnr to ha at the bedside or their daughter-In- law. who In Ill. “has Winnie Darlow, Harold ' low. of stratrord, and George Echo fer m lllgersoll are holldnyln; at the home of their grandparents, Me. and Mrs, George animator Chic-.0 5. Huh-r. L tte. ml- 3. chem Syncuu 5, Rocha-lot I. Baltimore 8-4, Bunk) " WATERLOO CARDINAL. OUT Mr. and Mrs. Angus Ginsu-let: and INTEHNATIONAL - ...rmm_m_-r.-ee.tro. a a i -v-- tcs .m_..m..rttmr_t.. a 0 'e,, Ann... “no-1459M“- " m cm 0. 0. Bean ’Appliance Shop ig) 334 KING STREET m MIRA -. It”. L ouch-nut. In”!!! _._ _-rVrr'NP o a dal! _ .r. a a ail! t-P-re T", as u 510' -,-.rr_r___VF_ a u .m H . a " .u' ".r.reer.r u u null "rtr_.-r.v a I a an: 33;..‘Im rum-cu...“ u "iCiiilrrq-te_se9.rr-'e " ii.iiil9oe-teelrSrqete" " irii'il'thuetg2'lNtgrtftt a a -mmntbn‘d - a " ".iiilth.ro-"etrqetrft- " "‘n-muthmoulohutoII-n g. (ilrail'.'tfaT,Sg1'tUluN'tue LIAIUI u 12"td.rgntJll'fP. . yea-C mmwlb“. or 6. that. an mm; at fee, _ -- I01... tho on“ m out. Wo- ld" P.G. 1m MP. m!” gunman; In. I.“ ml J10 um am; I!- .tha Ku- A: lady. a an. "at -, In. In. W,“ -. a u do in... Honor. wutut. [INC . .0 law“- r Hammad!“ n.m.m _ pet on. ' I any. .Celebrated His _ ISeventieth Birthday and' Helen tiaiik I ._?lrcyed29t. N! _ In damn who Interim and. motives, a. mum we lug: illrst, In. - dahe-Wat B- dea. out ‘8; "and. VI. M. m. mm, '" Gnu!- How It. “I _ Who [when - Guts. 'toco6- My Gun. l Roam cum " the home of ---- ,'fttltg', and f',',hutgt, Iff, Relatives and triad- gntlnnod " . 'bs. Potts o MI” " the home of Mr. and In. John Mr. - Durant of In! Guelph- Juobi on Sand” to eeuheate In! It. and In. "on What " Jacobi's 70th may and -rat- Grin-by all“ It Flo-ant Vicw on Al y"ar,et my t'r4'/4r.thlt./'"2't'i e 00"”! um ".9“: . MiGtluetBeeht-ttgsWB. and In. Elmer Pill Ind [on Ron- an}, - Lilthn gaudy" _of F": 8.'L"""' I week with friends in In} etteehotmsu.irrthqStlt.l standing It “I to“! that VI. up my had not he. u], m I! " placed him than! at It. My tor ucond out - The should. m to than Mt the candidate», “I a. -- who worked to id] " III. a. and family of Willa-lay, Kr. and In. Arno Noah of Me. Mr. and an. Elmer Neel: of banish. Mr. and In. Henry Koch, It. Grit! Meets, Ill. Reuben Neel). Kr. Bnrotd Itt"tp - fat mean so . Wm. tLetetd't. ”noun. Guy. 'iiii"iii'Wi' ‘II. an In. All!!! "rayyte.' _'W 11de :99 “up was T. “a In. W. erloo. Mr. my! ma ”hula; Udidiiia" _ 22e't,t,f2, r; Pat, an o, mgtd hte,',',, Much!!! of . Claim cuts and an Bunch: " tho but. out and union» had:- _ Anna ion? of “In“; vtiitid A Tut? i;irtGii iraii7T, - the home of Peter loner and In. lt: in 'tt Its, Tt 1% In! Him-chm. , Manny sad It. nnd In. Enoch L.tPd.tyg,teee 't LttPetEliriah and funny at new St. I:- Anthony Stunt. Mr. Nomi For; ttell Am} gr. Be' 31 St. Claqngnh, Brannon! m a bunni- villi" at. Gd iii. Pad sh I. iii idiii: a}, in. Albat‘ an»; 'm’ i" Lam Kin-70th: of W. In. Iona Sch-Ina- ud 'W,t m Ann att-de' the than. 'ii wedding at Wat-rho on My. Mr. cud In. lull In)": and“ busily visited on and” " Pata- Domehth. . Joseph Helm and Edward Puf- burger of Dani: edhd on Mail, tesott "te#rereyrse. - __l sand-y immi- ic’uu home of 'yraaery Way“. ILA-Id of tttteuGr. Mr. and In. 100. Honk, Iii‘ 1-119 Foul: and Mr. Wm. mun; In; an} my»: Jana! mtiiirt “3394-4“th - XI. I'll “mu, -.. I Sunday dalm- " Rani Gris, are Mr. Ind In. Just cub“. Westinghouse' A funuino Westinghouse Iron FREE WITH WASHER ttat, De.ted for out and comfort GU spud. Over-tin contact: - brain; of unhind- and the damn! I: of at“ Ind 1rtmNtod (at long Mo. a. Tu. u-vdu In». I... . In by. ood tt a. you mun-u, a. In, . but qasoBrr Wu»... ho": a. _ . top-d h it. and ”It... $0tt06.$t.6mPIt. 'dh22r.hitgArdt.l.'"att 9-4....- anon-blah- mum-a- - ean-ltul. “I an 11% at tAer-ortho-att-die. twmduhntholoum hum-um» :3!»de thi- rutng. "thy-utmhckl will content 1!."an _ Awmfmmwm "..ttutNa1etW.g-.ru3... Wvomh»m1IYork. uMat.d'to-0m=tate-o. In»: u'smhrhmovomhoh cloud. “on mm of the report In! Ripe! m,mmm:~v~.|nu Iii.uiaiumitrvr-sie-- Ptvegttf,tt2gtr, fir. all In. each iaf,ll'llllrf',uT W lat-III and Mar An- w'm...“ 2tg.'tttgru'rt1fgo',' . " . , o-aikfpytrotkHr.tetaq.tyfs.- It. and In. Edmund Henson-n and daughter Ki- Verle returned in ihiiOoiG isriisskd alph- an: 1etstthts a“? visit!"- "-9 En dhtlo'mm and Hr. Ind In. Car! ncAnm of Gulph. Mr. and In Wed Worn], ll- - and It. Grant Wetaet of Hominid and on II. M. and It. not: - on Sand-y. lb [m Mnrtin spent the week- end at WC. If. Olive 8etrweitaer in spendinf be mm " New York, Philnde - phi-L and Feel-he»!- 19-0... . - _ Ir; main minim mm of Preston we" tht tr, [can at Mr. and In. A. D. " a. _Mr. .91! In. John spam 9! William were - of the iiiiiFi liter. In. 'lat.' till It. Junk Slade on an . __Sundu_y_yiliw_u g! Ell. pone of will“ in. h.ALgnider made a hymen trip to Durham list Wed- may nut: " the home of Mr. and In. Clayton Bmuki were It. and In. John Inwood. Mr. and In. Emil In'ood and Mr. and In. Chrome Invood and son you. Mire, my. - ted Inn-hi and [our Do l It. tn abusing-:1 FuiFF.1 1" atii. we? “a Ion Jack Tl'. mum oma'u wants, r. land 9bu. Amhlnv neu- Guelph on an]?! 3!“ CZutieHlle were- Sindhi we!“ "Itfetlu..t.r. -.- . tiidty Aid ur.":a‘ck ontl little [our Donolly lnwood and In. Arm-tron. " of Woodstock. 'vii: “(In inch ’Kowulnki In.“ In. Ferri- Lotl: Ind little dunghhr‘ My.titrss oflitehytr. I!" mer i435? Jit7i"r,Giid idiom. sum 7 "iii "ari."Gy jug. Iglgn Bum}: qnd I. THE QUIETEST WASHER BUILT ' a. THE STRoNGEStwASHER BUILT a. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WASHER BUILT PEONI: “88 Washer wwu'umm'a'h P.-_,whetar-tr. tr-trt-ini.-- “but of tirtngteeq in dehyod or» uni-lion work." uh! secret-n Or- use. "Early have has «to tho Con. scrutin- lave only Ft tor enry no the Liberal. Mn In their election (and. but we have only one can! ttrr "at, dollar In the Conumtlvu' election mud." on”: not - Main ohm, only United M In“ at Charla a-Bar of "I. I- ;Illltnn. 1. duo In only mutton! who will not Mono-0d, Harry Join- lon. and." or (to climb [A on] my, - way. Mr. Olin.- Ild Samuel [Ail-once (01):.“- mon an!) won the only non-{Ji- enls new by [Ann]. In tho 1984 simian. be! our Warm-1M. not: nomination. . dihteq My AmiGiU an more column: when“ an an math. 0.01. was“. hr. been nominal " mam I'm-u, all! more coma-non rm ho hold new u, noun-mu all. M‘Hlnlnmvmm ',','iihifl'lii'iktlt5'1 " u " In w A “munutau LAST , DAYS Th-hr .. Fr5Kr - Sun-In! AUG. " . " . " counts wan. Jean Harlow . hum-Imam HONDAY - TUESDAY Only AUGUST " - " ' LOST HORIZON” BtNNoWaND8AvTrt_.M-u-rseruBm-m, qt.,.M-.m..to8.,ro-_.-.8".....Boo- "Fo-ah.-.-.-..-'-,-).-.".'., ".g$_....Po_,.TN-oh.-ororh.... "d-tr-u-rc-har-tH-h. I...“ 81.05, M0330. “A9079!“ . . . Ova - - of Moi. Pub. $l.“. .1.“ cl CIR.“ ond 'toaq. “an " ‘I. b SID-.00. If hard}. it. no - m ._. $11.50 to 821.80. “Kl-cl: _ . K116831033 "ExcLotHvE" RONALD COLMAN "shlthr0tlh" "no ”WIMY Atop-u, gag-791w - uro_e. see gut ,-e. P"! i"- M‘." a. Money Saving Specials HERMAN UPPER? STORES [DE AUGUST " cm Gable REC}? Holding Clothes Line Dryer WESTINGHOUSE DEA I El! "Midnight Madonna” “undo, - Frid-y - Saki, AUG. " - " - " My - Tindny - Wed-nth! AUG. " - " - In - Anon) ATTRACTION -- Bert ROM. WHEELER WOOLSEY “Hollywood Fatwa-twin. George Cecilia O'BRIEN PARKER "E LEPIIANT BOY" “On Again Off Again" Pn- InJy-Ii ”Iii-('3 um ”rob-l ol the Elephant." - ADDED ATTRAChON - WARREN WILLIAM londgy y_1d_'Netsdnr ar--..aHo KITCIIENER Gwbor" lam-3W.

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