Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Jul 1937, p. 7

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1yHtA'MHAM.--Dr Wesley Thomas Haynes, MNiear-oid dentist, cf Grand Prairie. Alta, was electrocnted Wed- nesday by a 2.300410" hydro-electric cable that was Jarred from its sup- ports when a car that the doctor was riding in crashed Into the pole. Death was intstagttaneoutt. Walerloo'a win Wednenhy had no atom on the standing, except to give Hespeler sole posse-3100 of the collar podium. remedy shared with Prey ton. Waterloo continues to hold the thin! run; on the Intermediate A lad- der shading. Four ot the visiting Red Box bat- tern collecwd , m. In tour trips. Lula-ah “I we only Titer payer to an two hill in tour trips. For the hon-esters Mamie sun-red in celllre am taking, what should have been extra base clouls on the run tor neat (nu-hes Vic Inns In right new. replacing Ringle Lon-nu. an!) turned in a "we gum- "Where Sportsmen Meet" 50 King St. S. - Waterloo PM Cigar- M “I? " Ontario Be. B. KITCHENS“ DOCTOR ELECTROCUTED BUY NOW AND SAVEIIohulh'una-otylo HUI-uh. "ysK"-.to8tt.vo--.-,tx.rE.-.."itaia" tfryevthnoto..9haa,.o..to6satti_aididdui.ib. 21.3,. 8L”. 7.70"”: at... Ty., 3-..b.l,gcwlfgr $1.... IN'.", "a. .' Ion." - 1.66.2173? iiricrLTd"iir'ii", 37.70 " II. _AA?Bm.uit-dor-o-s-u.o... 3.0ququ " an." and "4.05. 0th.:- " .10 to Sit”. If hall to II. no our allow-m up]... .11.“! to 887.80. M. Pu"ruel',lp' was! The Waterloo Chronicle WA TERLOO COUNTY'S ONLY SEMI- WEEKLY THE HUB lil' EWS! ORDON ' S 000 SUBSCRIPTION: J25): 32.00 in Candi; $250 in " Satisfy Way‘ck-Il-nknd _lrorsesr Saving Specials G. L. BRAUN 210 King St. E. Pia-o 2781 LOCKS KEYS MADE All Kinds. The Chronicle brings you lulu each week In mun“ [HIM of the news of Waterloo Ind dtltrltt h, att It. var%r. "n-. Illustrated with “I’M news" pleura nnd mun. my noel-l lacuna, you’ll Illld " I welco-o Vinita. Sui-crib. NOW! Kitcbaov Motorcycles and (LCM. Bicycle- Don Eby Ill Qua. M. B. Op-n Iva-lu- bani. oG., no; u... id 31.7; 3 FiiUU Tr. 'eceery Nrvet. yye.foi*%ehyfe, l summary-a bus mm. mm. is'ctsetrer. Bacrtt1co Mu. Kuhn, Stark. Mamie. chvoy; stolen batma- mun; left on base. lie-pd" D. - llerlw Mr. blue on balls. by Baird, s. ‘by Johnson 6, by Plomke I; bit by pitch-er, Zaluvluki by Burn. and W. Plumske by Johnson; strike mm. by Mannie IO, by Baird l, try Johnson 5; pass ball. Sprung; mu ot nun! l, Johnson 5. Plomske 11; umpires She. wan of Gait and Fillmore of Fergus; lullendanm 200; time of (we 1,58. Kitchener Gait ., -. _ . Wa'terioo Guelph VV Preston Hespeler ' summon! Landon . Strathroy lirantford Tilhsooburg London V-r, Annier ._-._. Ingersull H. Woodstock KITCHENS]! POLICE KiTCHENER.--For the first time the Kitchener police force wilt have representation among the hundreds of athletes who_will seek honors at the 55th police track and field chom- pionships being conducted by the Toronto police department " the Canadian Notion-l Exhibition grounds on July 17. P. C. FYed Wetttstaff his forward- ed his entry for the loo-yard and Zoo-yard sprints, in addition to the running broad jump. P. C. Doug Stephenson will be Among the starters in the sprints 3nd in the running high jump. LINWOOD. -- Linwood Union Juli: clinched a playoff berth in the North Waterloo trofttrgslt League when they handed the visiting Win- terbourne nine I 7 to l setback. R. ‘H-yes: stguck pyt " and give up one chnrity. lutin, who wu re- lieved by Hillard in the eighth, whitred six and wniked aha same number. Millard struck out one and walker the same number. Millard struck out one and panned two. Winterbourne 000 001 Mo-l 3 I Linwood ....t. 03909018z--7 I I WEDNESDAY SWISS senior humour-(y Stratford 7, Slrathroy 4. Intel-county A Waterloo T. Hespeler 2. Guelph T. Precton a. STANDINOI Senlor Intel-county AMATEUR BASEBALL LI NWOOD m PLAYOFFS "'teretourttr_A Intercountyms m TRACK MEET M! King W. Won but RC. Won' um P.C. Won host PC .645 .465 500 Newark _.... Montreal .r, Buffalo ._..PPF Syracuse .., Toronto ...... [Baltimore , Rochester Pt [Jersey City i With smuggling like . couple of weeks to co yet, pre ntions are proceeding owe ll gun's Park, London's hnIf-mile track, for the eleven-do)! running race meeting starting there on Wedneadny. July 21. and ending Hominy, August 2. Every one of the four hundred stalls hes been nllotted and I number of horses will have to be sublet! out- aide the grounds, so mny npplicn- ,tions having been received for atoll! .spnce, Incidentally every racing ierstntrlitshment of note will be repre“ 'sented at the forthcoming meeting! of the racing ulociation spomored‘ by the Omen-Hare interests and henceforth to be known " the Ascot I Jule: Club, Limited. Thin name we: c omen by Fred Omen, who " way: had a great ldmir-tion for the famous end exclusive Engli-h racing resort. Philadelphia Cincinnati A. Chicago _.. New You Pittsburg St, Louis Boston 'P-v Brooklyn Glover-ville ... Perth<3orttwtut Oswego .e..P*..P..._ Ogden-9m"; ... Smiths Faun . Rome mte..mm.rrrerr_ Brockvllle .e_.... Ottawa .e.tVrPre6... New York .. Detroit wrerw_._ Chicago _ ‘. Boston .. 'r-N C'eveland . Washington St. [pui- . PhiMdelpttht 11 Day Racing Meet at London Half Mile Track The eleven thy- ehoaen this at tulle in two Sunni-ya, two 'tN,,".',','. days hull-hollduyl slid the Civic Holiday, which Incidentally will be the cloning dar. ------- Mia-es Elfrled- um! Helen Mnthuts GALT, July '.--.A2torte tam,,,)..'. spar-din their VICINOI'I with Beverly (Inn-hand, a the mond their gangland)". In. Irariatn 'gt',', Va“; of ghhfi'm‘dt dt Peters, at Kitchener. wunoce tone , won mm ........ . tree, ttnd ... re- At, "gg itttgfd'12t. Eh' may“! to (kl! Dwight! that. htin and] ' . :ni‘rini GG I "broken shoulder blui- nad other haiku. Baltimore 10-10 Syrians tri. Bunnie 3, Montreal 0. Toronto 5, nacho-1055. - _ CAr0AtNAN-AMErttGAtt Result.” Oswego 17, Ottawa 10. Ozdvnsburg 9, Brockville 8. Rome IO, Smith: Fall- 9. Gloversville 6, Perth & INTERNATIONAL NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN L000! Won [All P.C. HAVING VICTIM Won, bop} 2.9. Won boll EC. 34 13 .723 " " 159 as " .591 23 11 .623 " " M " " 37 " " " LEAGUE " 30 " 23 21 " " " " " 30 " " " 51 21 " " " .439 .377 .559 .417 .410 302 American haguers Blast Natinnals 31,39t Cash Customers " An- nual A89tskr, Beeteiit WAt9mNGTON.---The American League's all-tttara, unloading a bar- nge of huehit: " the “panic of their foremost pitching foes, rode the crest of 3 combined heat Ind hitting wave to decisive hub-ll triumph Wednesday over the Na, tionnl Lame in the tttth annual charity "dream game." Sweltering in 90-degree heat with the rest of a capacity crowd. num- bering 31,391 cult customers, Preli- dent Franklin D. Rae-even looked on while the Americlns shelled nix rival pitcher: for In 8-3 victory, with In and “hug“; the l - range Bring of [Arrup ' [on Gem and his mites of the world champion Yankees. Gehrig touched " the Newark: with I third-inning homer " the great Dilly Dean, with Joe Dilu- trim, mug-tins] Yankee otrtitetder, a Amt but. A threemm Isl-st in the fourth frame knocked none other than the renowned Carl Hubbell from the Mr. Ind Mrs. Otto J. Schierholts of Toronto are holidarrintr with rel-- tives in town. _t-' Wr.. and Mrs. W. Anmn left on ‘An extended trip on Thundly to British Columbia llld Montana. , Mina Patricia Ruth underwent an operation it. St. Mary’s "capital. Kitchener, on Tuesday. Mrs. J. Dick has returned to her home after spending seven] weeks in link-nit. Mrs. N. Mills, nee Margaret lur- ruy, former local teneher, of Toron- to, In. Mural. Ilia Jun Hurray of Barrie In In. sunken: of Glencairn were visitors " the home of In. A. H. Er]: Tawny attor- noon. In. J. R. Hedrlch h -tdirttr ' couple of months at Port Severn, Mr. and In. Prank Craig. Ruth and Billy, and Dr. J. M. Nairn of Toronto wont the put week-end with Mr. Ind In. E. H. Norm-n. "In Ruth Kro t underwent an grander: u the tu'.' Holplhl on Inc-day. _ ao.tut. - Virfvrlncent Reid of Trout Cruk "rived home to spend the minus" 1qrndnpertt_hAm pol-elm, Mr. Ind Mfr-Ind III, vibrb ”out: In“! any-any with mall at Mushy and Nominal- Mr. and Mn. Arbor! (Htratr, m. " cotta villlo‘d um. Mr Ind In. Amos "lurk-h on Sunday. - in. ml In, David - mu. ed Mr and In, Maury Ban-II. Ipxlnllon on Inky. Mr. and Iln. an 0mm» and In. Mon-q (mulch of no" Honda. upon! Sundny 'Ith Mr. and In. I. Snydpr A _ - Mu. Joseph Snyder on can Illa- anl Milton! - hill, It a. homer of In. David In": nu In Jun-Alon. Ilu Nanci Gin-rich mu Dul- day, with 'e “cl-h RIM: _ Mr, and Mn. Inna-nah Gingrich vim-ad Mand- In 614 Jacob- “a Walkman": on Elma-L In and In. In! W“. ladle] Ion, Ir. "In": nn-n ti In. I’VI In"!!! on!“ on If. m Slum rm. Mr, and In. [and mum u m It. nu In. “an in. ml In, um winch nu mn- wqrgpnqdny "an a! Ir. all inn-m. INIDIR'I CORNER. I mil to [can the We or young Arure. Plain, Printed and Floral. Ynu'll be aur- priaed at the value. We have a ttne stock of large sin dresses. NEW HAMBURG DRASTiC REDUCTIONS IN SPRING W AND SUMMER [ Wyn” Cottoan DRESSES t'i'itii"i'i?st'i':" Jl',1kuf,t'el'g,, COATS - SUITS dfg'gege, Filmy §ummg Sheers Artful in qt! and designed Cool Chalk Crepes t Beautiful Luca lee- Cream Pastels Guy. Foret 13mm Eyelet: and Nets Sporty Linen Gay Sea-suckers Crisp Pianos Summary Voile. up to Ike " ILMIRA STORE-WIDE Jill] SALE WANTED Gentleman domino mall furnish- od not, or print. room“) with tint- bath In Waterloo. Apply E,',', u. Chronicle. " “on "n.. Wanda. July 10 "Umur)--At 8 mum. at my market auction stand, Kitch- ener. I good ottering of furniture. household deck, cooking utensils, sullen, foncy and pllin dishes. July 10 fitg"tlrel,-d.t 10 n.m., at the Kitchener es Burn, In en- tire local herd of " choice dairy can See ad. Do not miss this good doting. July " 1Tuesdnrt---At 1 th sharp, entire attteh of the Stan rd Automotive Pam Ltd., " College St, Kitchener. Be lure and attend Mm Isle. July " 1Nturdnry-At 1.30 p. m. valuable furniture sud home- hoid elleetl for Funk Bilitzki, 209 Amp: m. Tr., Ripehener. In., 'iortiui Illa of [tawny It it Charla St... Waterloo. BIG RACE AND DANCE AT NEW HAMBURG l, NEW manque. July 6. -Tte bond and hand committee made - umngemenh for the nee matinee to be held on Suturday. The two "mural-I who have dune of the ticket-taken and tellers re- ported digit Itatt of the Igor! to_b_e ported thehglrt of the work to -eomNytod. rehestt an! tht " luv; been procured for the dance, mad the three claim of racer: no In; as. of rain the event will be postponed. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer Port DtMtMmtrie.-nA bright rod ca-'.. _ __ nos. idemtitUd II the one In aial Mâ€"fl WuIl-m Birch. 15. and Viola Guy. 10. Luke Ontario trom hung Bunch Onluriu shipping lanes. ton lulle- " "m “In. VII" thop tsaddled irgto June " was picked up In the “he this "mart. late yt-utarday. Auction Sale Lists July 21 1wtdeeury-tAt ' _p_. F As " I ON 8 " o P no KING w. KITCHENER pro - Lovely Summer Dresses 'tss to $14.95 ToKeep Cool With'. F4335! /i'i'ttaiii?lie, Family Size Kelvinators Now available at tonn- u low a. $6.00 a month. tss King St. W. HOLLYWOOD " Starts ' h. I. Tommw 2.95 5.95 FIND CANOE EVER STAGED! ME PI... 1“. I enjoy my Work -- GOOD HEALTH. It's the old story. To enjoy one's daily tasks . . . . to perform them properly . . . . calls for the vim and vigor of a sound body. A “run down" condition never did make for etBeieney and happiness. Hrs SMILE gives you his secret. He's in PHON E l 527 Tho new Sun-.- nbbu M In. - c I " III-n "rbodr-- at CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS of tho upino . . . . the mm. of -06. nil-Ulla . . . . Cl- Jo much to build you up physically. Consul. II and lot 4.95 E. G. FRY $12.95 $10.20 an (iv. you the FACTS! $8.95 WATERLOO The material and labor can more than we nah--- Coats and Suits 85 - 810 Knitted Suits Crane-W Lil... Printed And Phil: Raiah Dre-see Juket Frocks Wedding Gowns Better Dresses . For Evening Wear 1 CMP? Other Hats $1.95 up While The): Last Allour Bprirgr each Me 100 Hats KITCHENBR 44 Wm“- St. tit

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