Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Jul 1937, p. 1

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pn- Tinting 0|. III. of the town hall or church ”who. the run two can. Anchor eun- ran the labour of Amen" cumming the In! and Act. C. PM W “puking the Mayor HeKende assured him that he would receive the "port of both themselves and the merchant. in the matter. Practically the whole coun- eil agreed it would (in Waeerloo a good measure of favourable while- ity. A motion by AM. Batman and seconded by ,l'prr'tr, Reeve Toleuii that the Board of rade be rented 5250 for publicity in the oronto aturdayA Night wan carried. gum,” t'iriiiiTG 'iiaa."""'"", numnnn-no mum of the ma: Con-ninth... Pm! gulp Government "I uncor- Sml locum were then necked. "'" tttis '9" u ProttH.qtt 8mm The ttrat one from the Board of do Vn'on'n awe-l (or . char man- the “a.” Church of on " dllo mlud of IchleVulIGnl, “MI titt- deelnur thmtkhte the council for ““" " ll" 'rttursdars ttattothta rum 0.. - " the town hall showed " mom" of D! Valet! or “my. m tho m [Imu- nu party elected. mural can. Anew M. Iron the with no number- of nit other my. 'd/lla. of ttie',',,"',". concerning Th. Bttttl q"ttditttt "I? the um: um Act. f "Inn- NI (6Torqrtsmrtttt . C. Debut wrote thanking the "ttttt 0"" "9ttttonihmt M. 1tmmeft for on Wh', than htm In IAN"- " an conduction the Shim rink. ”domain. t no ' he 31..“ urn-Ho Bdd to Indmlnunbor. I. sound! for an taut given him In tho eon-uncut": on Shh!- rink. no and for 'M." [rut to odd to (Ca-and on Pm 0 - “WWW, ‘ - mm. - nwllu . periodical read widely by business. rowly "reaped a. prefer-lone] and executve heads in "(use in . “an Canada. denllng wholly with the ad- of Wm. MeDoug vantages of Waterloo and Kitchener. pony was king The section would consist of about struck it during akteen or twenty page: containing Storm drains pictures and editorinls on Waterloo not “I. to can and Kitchener's most trieturesrque (a. enough aged parks. churches, schools nnd screen. ceived numerou: as well as write-ups of leading in, "M etttrener. I tin-trial and Itrtaneinl concerns. m, were completely uncured the council that it would “all... Men I make a thte impression on heads of Booth, who had industrial concern: Ind others who treeutifrihtt it. my contemplate locating branches ---.-- in the Twin Cities. " would do much to place these two live indus- trial and thg.netnt centre. in the “aground. u There we: much controversy on the new nae-t by-hw and the matter we: referred to the town solicitor, W. J. MeGibbon. Ald. Welker took a tling " the regulations regarding swimming at the perk which he termed "preposterous". Other mut- ters disposed of by the council were the receiving of committee reports. communientions and the proposal to erect e shelter over the sand: It the rear of the market building for protection othrmera, hueksters and townspeople during market https) Waterloo's civic holiday we: bred for Monday, August 2nd. l Vote .350 to Board of Trade. Mr. Gordon Rutledge, n repre- senhtive of the Toronto Sntnrdly Night. “dressed the meeting. He outlined a plnn to devote I special section of tho teqrder yieltt, I The nldermen turned down a re- quest for a $250 grant towards the K. a W. Recreation Council on the ground that the past record of ser- vice did not warrant a grant. An- other matter that occasioned a short but heated debate was the question of repairing or removing the public drinking fountain for horses near the King and Erb Bu. intersection. The Board of Works was instructed to have it repaired as decided upon at the previous meeting when Mayor MeKersie broke a tie vote. l The Waterloo council " its July meeting Monday night approved a grant of $250 to the Waterloo Board of Trade to be used for publicity in a twenty-page section of the Toron- to Saturday Night, devoted to a write-up of the main industrial, bunch] and public intitutiona in Waterloo and Kitchener. President J. R. Beaton outlined the proposi- tion and after much discussion, during which the aldermen praised tho Board of Trade for its splendid work. voted the full amount re- quested. 7 - Serious eottaidemtion was given to the erection of I comfort notion on the strip of land on King St. be- tween the Waterloo Hutunl Fire In- surance Compnny block and the new theatre. A committee In: turned to secure more information and re- Port at tte next meeting: CIVIC HOLIDAY SET ' FOR MONDAY, AUG. 2 ‘l‘here Ind been delay some week. :30 owing to a dillerence between the two relhay [mere-tn. outed Mr. 'Hipel, but plans are now completed providing for the completion ot this work at the elrlleet marble date. The engineers will nupervlle the work of grading tor the new airway trucks which require. the remove] or some 40.000 yard- of earth rollov- lng which the tracks will he [and and the old Inch: removed. " wlll re- quire . month to complete this put or the work. Construction at the new pavement will follow u soon " pol- Warm Session of Waterloo Council W. July 8.--oovqr-t angina-n "rived at out an mn- Ing and I“ run: to commotion the work at grain; and removing trut- tor the luv Itrotch ot huh-1y bo- ureen out And Pro-ton. Thin nu the announcement undo today by “on N. o. ”Opel. Spotter ot the on, larlo miniature. And mm for South Wnerioo. undo. HIPEL RESPQNSIBLE FOR BUSH oe PLANS Sand on Job “My More ir-Witt Tab at but Government Road Engineers Rush Grading, Removal 40,000 Yards of Earth SPEED WORKED?!" wt 31.3.. If Hen-men Wax Hot in Och on Controversial Questions. --New Comfort Station. Storm drain: in Waterloo were not able to carry the "be! any Nat enough and the are In" re- ceived numerous all: from har- nmd citizens. Karly lovely gardens P."? completel! ruineq, one gur- In. Cornelius Rumig Ind her three small children were workinilin their prden " the end of c- Dougnll street, west of Waterloo, when the storm begun and they nu. rowly wiped death by not taking refuge in a nearby barn on the farm of Wm. MeDoutrutl where a saddle pony "I killed when lightning shine]: it dyrinit the gum. De Valera Fails Irish Government Deadlocked If Wile. Votes _ Unmimated demure was done to the crops on farms in this district. Grains, including wheat and rye. were unturned and grass is lying in I angled mass. Strange to BM, the ‘nin fell in torrent: in districts, while in others there was only a sprinkle. Along the Wilmot-Wool- rich townline there we: no ruin It all, Ind fume“ did not leave their Beldrs. lur- Hits Home Kill“. Shingles were scattered shout the yard, I "that was shattered and seven] fuses were blown nt the kms bet home at Linwood. Dnmage amounted to {bout $100. _ A born on the tum belonging by McDowell, two miles southeast of Millbank, was hit by lightning and completely desroyed by tire. Two honed 5 calves, I number of pigs, a large quantity of hay and seven] nluable implements were burned. The loss is in excess of 35,000 and covered by insurance. Linwood “on. Dull-god. I In Waterloo county the storm took one human life and killed a saddle pony, destroyed a large barn, ldamaged houses and flooded cellars, basements and streets. .85 inches of ran fall in less in than an hour. Many cellars were ttooded, damaging considerable fotrdBhttrts. Heavy damages resulted from the severe min storm accompanied by lightning on Monday afternoon. This but of Ontario seemed to have been arch“; hard hit. “We are doing all in our power to gel the man out on tho turns.” in said. “Over 900 married men have but: taken on relic! In Toronto, Hum- mon, Ottawa. London and Windsor. hut there is nun need for may more $5000 0am fire During Terrifie I ToRoMHh-.Aa a Mating Inn rite ened Omarlo crops, Premier “lumen Hepburn clued on amen this week m use inexperienced heritr-4t exper- tweed men were -tiahte-qo ever: lone- thrnugh labor shortage. Order- tor experienced furn- helper- are ttggttiied. ontario “a Ounce were prom-u no re'let -tordar Mm the minor tusat that In. “I: the notary Ion- iraq well put ttte Mum mark in unny pineal, though the West I. on- lioylng lover tempentnm that I ‘heu wave or severity not export- ‘enced slant-era j “Pair and decidedly Inna" was the Thur-day (arena! [or Cellini Can- ‘uh generally, with unusually his}: humidity adding to the dimomioru or high torrbperattsrmt In Ontario And Quebec. But the Inn was expected to break in thtutdershowttrs today. Hepburn Asks Farmers Use Inexperienced Men Burned on mun-n1: Farm. Thimderahowem Expected Today -.Lttm at Ellwood and Waterloo. Electrical Storm triritn :being “in of "per. In Mandate spat vastly dun Woolwich Councillor To Pay For Colieague'tr Ice Cream; Rest Undertaker eqnttrtqms Inuit lo . 7 F'll'lllle'l".'1'L"i'd du- of - The six boys had been swimming when the storm "use and they mught shelter under a lofty poplar tree. The bo't or llghlntng hurled the slx boys to the ground. When ttve or the boys and recovered sulfi- cienlly to gun their [get they tonnd the Bowman be, dead. The ttrty boy. with Bowman were Peter 'Hulenko 11,'Biltr Hudsnko T. Andrew 'Hldonho Mr. John Schwetzer ' sud Nichola- Gabel 13. Thom will be no mount. The vie tim val the fourth own! child in a funny of eight. He is survived by Mn rather, Thoma Bum-n, three brothers, cordon. 'Bot, Ind Ralph and tiottr utters. Mule, Bourke. Mar- xnrot and Mdyn. wdtwMPtNr--Drturtte decllno In crop conditions In Wallarn Gan-d. via the when cron tyBtirnntryd u do per cimt, of normal, compared with on per cent three mock. no and " per cent I your no. vu reported In "to Starla Grnln Comm - "atrtrdnr, (su- and-n C0NEttToGo.--0e trier of E. M. human, “monk, of free ice cram to Wool'kh town-hip coun- cillofl Ell! prove to be an .rtpettttve emom "II prove to In In expend" - If L' Wit um weather The remaining boys described the happening " "It was so funny. we saw whnl looked like a ball of Bro, and " hit Donny" A nelgh'bor. who also law the scene. “Id he at the itutrttsg . foot {have the surface ot the creek dun. The hero of the In- xody wan lx-yelrold “Nicky" WI. who was the 'lr" to am " {not and carry "ro of MI common: to a nearhy home ot In. Garner. BLMI'RA. Juli 6.---Ptve Emir. boys are reeo"ritttt from the elects or a "shining holt whTeh severely burned them and killed their con nanion. 'Donald Bowman. used " on Monday during the severe electrical storm, . Five Other lads Safer Severe- ly from Shoeh-Tooh Shelter Under Elmira Boy Killed by Lightning " I Will Elect O'Har- I The purpose of the meeting in to ‘elect omcers for the ensuing your and to hour Mr. mt and others out late the platform tor the Ontario party. In vlew or the approaching election which may be held till: fan or early In the new year, the South Waterloo Conservatives purpose no- minatlng I candidate in the near m- ture. Karl K. Homuth ls said to he the logical choice. although A. W. Mercer, former mayor ot malt, in aid to be making a bid tor the nomina- tion, W. Brewster is also mentioned as asplrlng to the position. Hr'uritrroN. July 8.-WedtteotUr evening Jtur "th II the date tHqd for the annual meeting ot the south Waterloo Liberalihnsefntivu. " will be heft! at Bernhudt's hall. Preston, and Cecil Frost, Provincial Conservative organizer will be the principal speaker. Others who will address the meeting will he Karl E "rmuth. member tor South Water- loo tor several terms. and Alex M. Edwards. MP. Will Elect Mica-s in Hear Address by Ontario Organizer and Others. KARL HOMU'I'H WILL BE LIKELY CHOICE S. Waterloo 'r.ho.iseidtoyeethetUieat choice a Commtive candidate for South Waterloo in the coming pro- vinci-l election. Hipel. 1LjLltiuttrthtrfiirrtt 'uii' tlratit Conservatives Meet July 14th CROP OUTLOOK 1e',T,higri,t,et the It)? anniver- Jlary of e settlement o this pion- eer family. A remarkable feature was the fact that three children of the original settlers were present for the occasion. namely: Hrs. Catherine Axt, aged " Mrs. Elisa- beth Rosenberger, 91, of New Dun- dee, and Mr. Noah Shanta, M. Hrs. Axt was the oldest person at the re- pnon and the youngest descendant was two-tnoni/d Betty [.0an Eastman. A picnic dinner and an ‘ (ber were served on the lawn and ll; Ite afternoon a short program was then consisting of singing and an interesting history of the Shantz Family by the president, Rev. Isaiah Rosenberger. Softball and other mports were enjoyed 11y the young people. It was decided to ho d the, next reunion tn two years and the editors elected were as followul President, Rev. Isaiah Rosenberg? 'Meer-president, Mr. Jacob ; s_eeertary~treasurer, Mr, B. Warren then-ell” 771.9; H - V 'ttSTN.",',','."-'?,';.?)""' l Among those present from e dis tnnce were: Mr. Victor Shunt: of lanteny. can. Mia: E. It. Handy: of Aberdeen, South Dakota; Mr. end In. In Shunt: Ind daughter: of Washington, D.C... Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miner Gil family of Flint, Mich; Kr. and In. Seth Miller and family. and In. Elstmun Ind ‘d-ughter Betty Locke of Detroit, Mich; the lines Illdred, Helen and Jenn Nnhrtrantr of Buirnlo. N.Y.; Mr. Ind Mrs. C. R. Hildehnndt and Waterloo, Fulton. ReireG/eGG5 hill and Plnttavfite. m hi it. in ' iid" -__H --_e M do “new hymn" of sons Inc): and Harold. In. Sunk Shani: and Mr. Paulo-s Shunt: 3nd fnmlly of Weston, flrh, Mr. Her bert Stu-Ag}: 'tt {gut tof payday; they Ir}. Ff. may .93? may ttyr frot Shifty; mam-r. of the 'a'a'1tsg',"S, Councillor an!» 993'?“ e FNtteyd Councillor iii. ,mifaaaa7TG “"133. tn. ereq Ttte ehnlur- hes tee?! of Jordgn; boulde- ,tnsjr 1ruui ai.. \OLDES’I‘ PERSON 92 YEARS. YOUNGEM TWO MONTHS Approximately 225 descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jonas C. Shunt: gathered at the old home- stead north of Baden, now owned by Mr. sud Hrs. Jeremiah Shanta} to hold their lint family reunion, on 'Sogutdey. _Ju!y_8rd._ the tttmt Plait? Dinner, Songs And His.. mry of E9ttr Highlights Sham Reunion at 0Id Homestead is no new" doe." int idtxiiiir _ _-_ Ihowthetoh correct standing of out contestant. htetW' It: in he; Sabin-7":WIHm-w LTiiaiUC."..C.".."/.r..'.'r..r.".r.', Egrol. {Quack Ce-.....-.......-.....-...-.., Seri, rim uUiE7roFiiirairi.r.r,' -iiiiiaLuii.' iii'nNCréii7al: Tr"a%rr.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.:r.ir.y.r.:r.r.:r.r.r.r.r.r.r. lunar, m Walla-cul- "o""-----.-....-...-....... 'thier-ret., th’IOm 233......'fi'.‘fi:§i..-.."::II::::::::::::::Z::::.“.:::::::It::::::::::::::::::::::: yt-ue," E"- 3:31: -cFiiiiiiii".', Hunt. In. W... w-o.........., Kandy; Both. Ila-on .......t..t.t Kind. “In Mn. St. Anti...“ you," It, Dayan. who.» 'i,i.iiFiEiiiri Ttiiiril. Hanna."'mitwla.w.ua.. any... tFrGgLikriiifii'C.T...C'-.rCC'.r nun-nun, In". -.. wan-Ila. ........ yak-1m; my; WngI-loo ..r mum: in the an“. [or my br alt club mach-nu. 'To-ar, do we count an! be -tmeted before my 1. MAN, to - then added m. Add“ V“ - tyne-4:10". Ana-n on no the 53min; [M paying lib-aim . “an“ to like " nnme ot a. ”can vote. and. during this mutton. Club Hm - Triple "vFiiT'ii punch: ot all no Between My. in" B. iii Monday, in}, a, triple vote. will he hummu- In tho my» Good- Will chat mum: in. law who! the pea. Colman. - their Ill)- Porters In" - work In earnest to piles In (In - “all. my "ehqeyAm-qir_u_rtst-re-anuc,u-d yr._Amyr'ttttyryyye_iAiuc.'LsiarvTiii'i'iii Pttr-teeAaoHAe-uuiiiGiiuiéiiTiLirT'i'Gr. "kthlisWeek’sFem Enjoyable Mair ILthe. law to fay the full otpmirmaii. h Gaol-WI thh Competition n. Soto-I Shading In Anna-cod. below in for cl] vote. drrotsitod for publication up to _ "You In" Ro be careful on the human. Nobody pa" any uten- tlnn to you So tar no hue coo-pod urn-Minna but we and I near bmlh In Imam. m traMte In nm qtato " lorrlhln. The” " no lunar-y u- trot u all and actor!"- drive as they plan." may dochnd. " "we. were claimed In Ontario n the mercury ”and our the " do‘romuri Wu-or, two will London dlurla tumult. mum by (”Mung m. _ Stop Over. in Kitchener 0n 4,000 Miles hunt from KrH7HENER.--dTwo suIaIchewan boy- are reltlng hero with friend- on a blcyuka trlp that will an than from Widonl. ant, to Ian-ton, and return. . dttrtatterr or 4.000 miles. Tho lad; Tom Bills. 20. and Htrold Endorud, 10, expect to make the en- tire journey on In: than "00 each; probably $N. They hive already (It. "Had 1.600 mun In Carmda Ind the stun without . panel-no. Tm Boys on Long Bike Trip Gordon Schrag; primary, " years) Agnes Weber and Erma Martin; primary " years) His: S.Brubacher and Nancy Gaucho. Pigeon. Mich: lmary, (8 years) Kiss E. Bru- ( "and Reta Snyder; primary 19, years) Mists C. therHxetttrutrer,' Mich. and Hilda Bauman; junior. (10 years) His: Clara Snyder and‘ Katy Nafzinger; Junior (It years) Florence Shanta and Beta Bear- inger; junior, (12 years) Viola Good; junior (13 year!) G. Behratr; senior, (14 year: and up) Freeman Gingerich; song leader, Clara Shy: The school t"rl'l', daily It 9 s.m.. continuing tot 11.80. This period includes the morning devotions sud two study classes broken by s recess of " minutes. The school will con- tinue for two weeks with the closing program on July Mi. The Matt is composed of local teachers with two from United States. The null The school. alum-Icing ten chm: teaching children from the use! of four year- and up. is conducted on ye same principles as four similar AehooU in the county. Entirely Tot- denominational in ehameted, Wc ticdly every denomination in at erloo is represented in the enrol- ling}. A - ‘ Cotusiderable interest is being manifested in the third annual Waterloo Summer School which opened this week in the Er!) Street Mennonite Church with Rev. J. B. Martin in chm-go. The students en- rolled number 240. 240 Enrolled at Mennonite Bible School in Waterloo to loud-y, ' p.31. _ The but“ 'tmtdutt: In Announcod The landing below is tor all vote. demand tor pttttuetstiott up to In: Monday night: given on end: your buck “(burly-1 Mons. All account: we tor each l ”new". lunar! I. 1331. will lo/ cue the extra vote schedule. o. ub- l Icripllone running that that date regular votes only will apply. - Prim VII-mere Mk Glee end All. Amok! won the _ two out when Mat week I The ulna pm... $2.00 end no.» cash. will again be given next week l for ttur two largest vote return- up Ill 0" IN HIAT WAVI follows: kinder- Martin and In. “"gngould Divide ..r',it,i:.'l',i'ii'" Holy lad into 11.135 'titgNttt 12.000 I 1.02. I 1.013 l I .5!” 57.500 I 5.000 ”.715 mono 14.133 3L.” 14.375 wASMNoTi,--,rohn L m!- formally hunched a drive Wain” (In, to 0"an all United Gute- mnrmmo micr- mm A “than! "Mon "uutatd with "an Mum“ for Induurlgl Ornnlnuon. Lawl- am he haunted Ipwnrdl ot 300.00» worker. would In drum mo nu Mot-ano- landlady. The "an! arid. . Guam to. talled $915.79. In addition to thin I share or some property in Blooming- dale will he handed over n won I. " can be sold. Another ttrant ot $75 wan rvrelved from tho Ad: Kerr "(Ila Conlrlhmlonn ot tood mulled 3213.1. The balance on deposit at the hunk ll 92,177.71. The me- ot the two mlldl who have been than for two year- have been mind from $25 par month to M. The matron, Hm lk Good, to parted "lore are " children III the home. " glrll uni nlno hon. Of the" " are and" " year. ot ac Brunete. a key pout neu- hr. was already in Government hands, one!!! nespatches said. “but the insurgent command denied that Brando Ind Bequests of $990 to the Orphanage 9990 constitutlllg two bequest- ttae" been pm Into the cone" of the low. Orphanage Board It “a announcod a the monthly meeting of the board on Monday night. Kerr and Cram Estates Luke Cktotrftmtto-.-2' Children m Madrid the Government an- nounced Willnenu de la Canada, due west ot the Capital, had mmm before the assault or General Jose tha’s troops. been occuplod. .HLEN'DAY‘E. Ptqmettdetpttrtmtt Fron- t.'er.--4Heav0, relntoreed mpattfta Government troops struck . Bhattqr- ing blow at the Insurgent close linen west of Madrid yesterday to capture two strategic village: In one of the heaviest Government ull'enalveo In the almost-yearold civil Tear. Strike Shattering Blow at Spanish Insurgent Government Troops Gain From Rebels [ The commlllon was appointed hr 1thty British Government to Invest]- gate tho cause. or repeated disturb ance- and common between the Jew and the AMI. In elect it round the “conflicting union-I unit-um. of the two men could not‘be humon- iiad will I Jingle Matt It: pronouns. 1ndormq by the art, llsh Government In I white punt Issued along with them, Involve the nreatlon ot Independent Aram and Jewish state! and the erection of a third zone under Bra-h administra- tion which will Include Joruulem and Bethlehem and exercise novel-n over cert-In localtlel within the Arab and Jewish sates. WNDON..4Pnleulno, the national homeland or Jewry, the Holy Luna m Christians and the native had of nearly 1.000.000 Ionian Aruba, will be divided Into three oiru " the recommendatan of tho Pals-tine Royal Communion are approved by the League at Nation. Each to Have Own Government for Jew; Anb. and . Treasurer of the Wain-loo County Health Minion, who III prom- iud l grant of $19,000 by Premier Hepburn for a proposed new 860,000 wing for the Freeport Sanitarium. LEWN OPRIAD. "M'P"MP' .ThreeSeeti LOUIS L. LANG in Home. I Provlde Needed Accommodatlon ' Treasurer hauls L. Lung 01 the M'aterloo County Health Auoclnuou and a member of the Executive Bowl when interviewed by the Chronlcle today elated tint tho pres- ant accommodation at the Senatori- um provides Mr 150 patients. There are new 103 patients In the new wing Ind " In the old stone bulld- mg. The new wing to be erected in! provide tor on uddluonn] " ”New. l PRESTON, July Gene Pro-ton Town Council u to" " the Gal! City Council agreed to Trropotraht to to move the Grand River all.” ‘ll'lckl. from the cult-Prenlon ttttttr way‘ Hott. N. Hind, MAA., " drain-d both the Gilt no Preston Nanci): on Monday mum. [is or pillnod nines " will cost “00.000 to revise: the, luck! “jaunt to thet P N.R, line, the Ontario cannula! [new " should run municipal upro- val Work will commonro u noon " on In“ formalin” an col-proud. Dealing. have I" been may!“ Ind hun- N-nn calla mir all MOB. Mr. Hive]. The Insular In!“ Am" 90.000 will be - In labor, 31.0.. an IIIIIIII "5.050 on "an"; mu on had and 911.000 on "on C.tMt. right-clan]. l The sunlorlunl Bond pllnl pro- ( vlditttr tor the erection of a "0.000 Inew wing were laid before the com- mittee, and approved, The munici- _ pumice of Kitchener. out end the County will banked to lime are you [debentures tor a total of 345.000, the San-term!!! " repay amount " and of tint period lens tho interest which will be paid by the municipalities In equal amounts. $100,000 Will be Spent on Remuval of Railway Tracks Hon. N. o, Ripe! Places Matter Before Call and Preston Councils 86,000 for l Hon. Mr. aspen stated that the ,gnnt requested was $16,000, but In lview or the met that the sautorlum otncitut, declded to provide for I ’buemenl in ‘the new 960.000 will; to be erected the government grated an addmonel 84,000, or $19,000. " Is not often. commented Mr. 31901. tut l deputation receives more than they request. Mr, Lang slated that err-numeral had already been completed for the County or Waterloo, and the cities or Kltchener and out to “we " benture. tor “5,000 for I ttver-rear period to be lewd by the Health Aeeoclntlon at the end of this poi-loll. The Baird, stated Mr. Lang, did not anticipate being ewe to complete the proposed new wins but the grunt or 819,000 will now enable them to proceed with the constructkm (it the new addluon without delay. President w. H. Semen-Illa of the Anorlnnon could not be reached when called by the Chronicle. mler Hepburn, Minister at m Hon. J. A. Phallus. Ind Dr. Drink. the latter not»; the government's ro- mesenhtlve In connection with nil the Sun-mommi- In outdo. Doing wood-ml work Tribute was paid to tle Summari- um omcinll comprlling lending bui- neu men of Kitchener. mama. Gill and Prelim). by Dr. J. ' MMUh- ner, mninor ot health. who "ei-. It the conference that the neuron Sanitarium "in doing wonderful work Ind we are glad to mint." To Erect New Wing The you " in oak-idly 1n- nounced will nuke it Double tor the otneuu of the sunmrlnm ot which Mr. W. H. someniiie in the we“. dent to any out it. plans to erect anothor'nov wing which VIII provide accommodation nor nay additional ..- txenta. The Mtgaatorfmn is one at the ttrt institutions ot it! kind in 0on- ads and " located at [Weapon overlooking the Grand River. "on. N. o. Mini Interview“ When interviewed over long dil- :ance telephone Hon. Mr. lane] "at- ed that he introduced the donation including losers. Ioni- L [Ans and Percy unborn, After ho hall wo- aentod tho use the repr-tattom or the "Snn"vonti.ined their WWI- tion to the manner: or the man- meat committee. which included Pro Cttht against tuberculous. Tho do- putadon which vultd noon the Cor ernment VII hold“ by Hon. N. o. Htttet. water or the 10¢“th and L L Luau, "enures- o! the A-tteb. Mon. The Inmuncement ot the grant wll announced It tho name this an the gram. ot 336.000 to the Toronto General Haunt}. _ TORONTO. July t.--Th. anon-co mam w“ and. today hr PM Mitchell “than that no Ont-I10 government would maul. an“ to the hoover! moduli - unwed not: mutant. It I. an of the government m tn “I TO ERIC? NEW WING; " ADDITIONAL BIDS $19,000 (hat kr - 5:51 tlterremrt 'u' . j' mu..w~umw-t§m Walnut.“ manna-cut

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