Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 6 Jul 1937, p. 5

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3!!!“qu two we!“ I‘. lug“ sm’ . H-ah-Ho-er-July s, Homer mer home at Port Elgin. l gem-u. off 'glt,"air. to Annn Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dickman uni" omeyer o “a oo. their daughter Mildred, accompanied '"ltri,t,e,itd", 3,. Huger! by her sister Carry of Detroit, spent _ ft 'KI Ir, km PPS Miran " Sunday eveping with Mr. and 'iiiDLle2'at6l'clu'-'ltau, 1 Joseph D." "hweiteu., S 'lt,').,',,',".,',',',?,',",', hWater}oo toruline Mr. and r . . . b a , "nine e ext o Kite ener. spent I wig]: Jig, 'tthaf,,,',",',',', Kryyrrayytt-cdyne, 30, Myron Grant mother, who is seriously ill It Perth. Kropf to Mildred Jetm Pratt, both ---.-- of Sanford. Mr. 1nd Mrs. Edmund H. Zick of "Imp- - Roth - June 30, Harold BtrirNo visited at the home of Mrs. Frederick Philips of New Hm- E. o. Ritz aatd Mrs. Thos. O'Donnell burs to Sank MOS Roth of Baden. on sum“, and and”, Roitaorseuo--,nh l, Neil Jotml -r----- [kind to Esther Fumes Schlob The Ilium Chn and Vera Rah!) Ber, both of Waterloo. entertained during the week " I "Clam-HO]! I, Robert Dmae- In-uge luncheon " uni: ham. for In ptr of Harem to San II- Inm- Ind". 1Mdq..eUet. Down- It Glen Gimme. Mr. 1nd Mrs. Edmund H. Zick of BtriNlo visited at the home of Mrs. E. o. Ritz amd Mrs. Thos. O'Donnell on Sunday and Sand-y. Mr. und Mrs. Harry Dickman and their daughter Mildred, accompanied by her sister Carry of Detroit, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schweitzer. Mr. 1nd Mrs. J. M. hing are spending two weeks at their sum- mer home at Port Elgin. Hill Agnes Fischer. A.tCM., ar- ranged u successful students' recital at her studio, Willow street, Water- loo, recently, inviting the mothers of her pupils to hear them in I “easing piano program. Mr. Peter Wilson. superintendent 01 education at Singapore. Mann; is the guest of Mr. med Wt. You _ panments. Mr. Wilson is visiting Claudia en route to Singapore from his home in England where he has been spending an eitrttt-tmnttha'; leave. I A wedding of intern: to Twin city "aMeettis took place at Dominion- Douuu church, Montreal, Que" on Wednesday evening when mu Tdl- tian Rubicon Minnelli, daughter at Rev. Dr. Arthur E. manual]; out! In. Mullen: or neutron become the bride of Mr. men Forrest - In. of Toronto. can at Mr. and Mrs. lb F. 1Httvay of Journal and mac son ot the late Mr and Sin. L. Brick er ot Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Junk Schmm, w. mira, Innonnce the engagement at their only naught" Norm: Anne to Mr. Philip R. zinger, son " In. antle- Zinger of mum. and the late Mrs zinger. the We to take place the middle of July. T.errfa-eeaehnoitveD..ttt. Ql8tmtm,xrMtboM-6tot-atA.t "alphabet-Mb“ miller-“hummuob canon not), the ma: Cuna- an. Dorothy shoemaker, - an: "on”, Kitchener. let! to! Ian- trent, Qua. whence [he nailed on tho nouns! “Duches- ot Mold" for “I.“ and Scotland. who” no In ”and . month. Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Wheeler of Pasadena, out. are the guan- of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Miller, Frederick street. Kitchener. of Toronto were meant visitor! a the home ot Mr. and Mn. Norm Smith. Mitchell avenue. Mr. L'VA Wtstrtttrurn, " Troy ltreet. left on Tuesday on an at tended bushes: trip to Winnipeg, Mam, and Vancouver, B.C. The engagement ll ”nuanced at “you. manor, pungent (hunter ot Hrs. Cora Snider. " Human strut, Kitchener, and the hie Melvin tmb der, to Mr. Charles Belcher, youngut an ot Mr. and In. June. Beldur ot Gait, the mun-nu to an phe- the latter part ot this month. mow of lute. Mu. MI . I pupil of Will. Omrad - at “who. 'trtt,rg.t'tpitttte2e2tg mam-.m- 8r.9neamMtrtrt.ooa'-i. - lwvbudll t- haunt-um. w.lbllndvllsuubu “mum-“1mm: ".Bt_q.e-. t2l "Tl,rgri','g"tM-itt s, Lin- rence Ewin Earl Sue grove of Gait to Brownie Pieeathly Bern- hardt of Preston. NrurMiehoettsrh--Jttly 3, Lloyd Nyllnd of Toronto to Fried; Martha Tschoeltsch of Kitchener. Ritual-Fisher - June 30, lumen lingual to Isobel Fisher, both of Mrs. R. 3EeMiekfntt of Edmonton. Alta, is I guest of In: Ann: R, Bean, " Roy street, Kitchener. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mn. Wm. Owls, Preston highway, fypr the Teeh-end were It. and In. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wade of Toronto were weebertd, - of Mr. and Mrs. R. . Ban, Kitchener. Mr. and In. Clayton Snyder and family. Willow met. Waterloo, have left to spend the holiday BeB- aon " their home " Atherter. Harold Burton and Janis-Me}: iiGd tt-tt5tmtford, and In. Colin Cambbell. Miss Ada Scheifde, of Human. who has been visiting " the home of her mother, Mrs. Lucinda 8ehei- fele, Pandora Ivan-u. Kitchener. has left for the Roynl Victoria Hospitll at Barrie, where she ha been ap- pointed superintendent. Mrs. George Colurt at Waterloo, who leaves for Scotland on July 8, was the guest of honor It a lion way-i party arranged by the mem- bers the K.-W. Scottish Club had other friends " her home, Waterloo Put, recently. "o-tro-trr-oe- Bud one. unit-(mun... tho Inn-mu "can“ with.“ mt-qMttrorn cummm (All; "eeio'9?Em.WtttV Emmumdlmhhlu tnrs._r-tti-r.uki-t_1teerqe..38irh-t_e "irt.tmetaietii..iukiuiiiVeertr?iiyq.iis, In 'tr$Ctqdugai-iu.rd.e.u.'tu.."eet'sy+-tqet mmuWu-ummnmgmmm War-“WWII“. H - mnmmumMNfl-“Mm’uflo ortto-gue.-t_i.-e_rNq-deseMttrN.e- an. mum . 'eg,ettttght.Me'tg.Ng"lttt'dh% "oarertntho-rhtr-oette ”MM-clu- was.“ =rg'.'th.'tSut u MARRIAGES , BRIDGEPORT, July 2.-Detreend- nuts of the Ute Mr. and Mrs. John Becker met for the 11th annual re- union on the spacious ground: of _r._tMtdNtB.B.rtothiarm_ an”, the format tttg an " drc- of welcome. Icht- bani mm" ’“"'£'c'l? Platteville Man is President of _ Becker Reunion _ Rev. Dr. Vernon L. Shun, pester of Central Baptist Church, thtrintr- field, Ill., brother of AM. Ivan Shanta of Kitchener, renewed ee- 'qunintanees in Kitchener over the holidny on his return trip from New York City where he attended the annual meeting of the Bond of Manager of the Amer-inn Begin Foreign Mission: Society of w ith he is a member. He is . guest of Mr. and Mm. Inn Shut: and his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Shunt: dur- ing his stay in the district. Rev. Dr. V. L. Shantz'Patterson Reunion Visits District] at New Hambun Rooo--At the K.-W. limit-ll, July 8, to It. and In. F. J, Boon, I Waterloo, a non (PM). Jhmhoe--At New Dundee, June so, to Mr. and In. Gulleld Weber, 1 I m. Abram-At. Welles] ' June so, to ( It. Ind In. 01% E. 'At.. brain, I non. Wow-At the now. Emit-l, July I, to It. and In. Stanley Weber, Kitchener. a son. M5} KitchenerLJune 1?tr,_to w. and In. Later Hum, " Ont-tic sheet, I son. aiaiauu--At Kitchener. July I, to Mr. and In. Joseph Zinnia-1h, Wilmot street, . daughter. The kArtr" Jura ihfiiit, -iFiGi their honeymoon in allots. On their return they will reside in El- u niece of die Following the cannon a recep- tion wag may the 'tJIS " home. but mini was io."bGiritkiEHtTe little ttter. girl m lilo Buthu-dt.‘ a niece of the . During the Jilht"l of the register Miss Dorothy Bur PH, the teutifut song, "Pe on have '. The bride entered the church to the min of [Mum'- wedding march phyed by Rh Ann R. Bean. (1W 9; Waterloo “In United m gtatitett tr -111“. tumh In Roth, "ts.ttter at W. all In It Roth or has]: to and! but“ Philip. - o! Mr. buy M.- and the In. in. an; . . ' if tFiarifiuiuiaGa -- ara M Lst,'),')'?;?)")),'.?,"'.',';)'.":'."'.].'. 1%"te,ne",',e','atgt'.' It“ not at the Um park woddiq '"f'nm o. . I. , lotus-Joni. m. A!“ m . WI M n Ereettt l'," ”"0qu “a l" l‘ M. .. TLiF2ii"f: - le. Jun 'edt 'g"ta"tt".tftgAtet'd not pun-.0110 his... “muhnuwonurlunu. Potiowitt is, uni-do. ---vu..a’ 'r-dai-Sud, iGiGaSu FU7iiriui a - 1't'r2tStttpgrtgttah1gt -iit2iilk't1'rri'l9'tt'tll N-tter- “m“;m-Mmmmum 're cohat+htt-ir'theNtt.ai. ta"tAtae.r2t%g,tid MUganhut, Pat 01W mam.“ :'l'eacriirtTiiciiri. I _______..__._.__ _ A prog'l’un of men, “dresses, recitation: and readings were en- joyed by the Urge number in at- wndnnce. Many cm: from dint-at point, including swam. Dqtmit and Toronto. l dent for 1938 and Lloyd Poison. secretary-treasurer. The 1938 re- union will be held at Phttsville on the invitation otthe precidgnt. I {son present. and the you“ a; dancing: of Robert Page. aged 11. months. An excellent most-um or songs, recitation: and Iddresses! m given. Wm. Hyde of tittttford, is the new president and Robert Nairn vice-president. A good sports program pleased the younger Bet. ‘ ‘Mespenre and oiher" points. Mrs: John New}. 73, ya} the oldest pen, 1y 1oii lieniiaefs if Van! New. family met here yesterday and en- joyed a_ delightful} jenny!” Ther - Mn Gel-nun I _ V _ Egg“. mm. 'jii:riii'i?,i,i,ii'i'i bmnrg, Jilly l , t. ethnn'nu In other --_.--.- were we cue-t m. The 301-1 Spring- Fu-n not iii we? '4rf.'"45o.Rtg.'t member tttr-but the home of Ir. end He. at the rovineinl mature for Edmund WW. "I the Item at Wouth Jeanne. Be on In in- . b" tethering July tat when tt ‘W account of hi trip to the descendants of the Otterheln Retention. mxioged I Brut def: outing h 1 Mean for was Ire: Mm, games. music and new intercom. ‘0. J. neuter; seen-em, In Zeller; The next reunion will be held 13 and executive, I'hitiy Reist, Hm» S',. 2"a 'tit'",',',',',,,,'.',",,'".',',',',",', . 7erter and Melvin Gannon eluded read by In. ‘g - [me] gudjmh'qmenrtel 3nd? wen! 1 DRUIBO, July 2.--The home of Hr. and In. Boy Mr. Drumho. in” the lane of the annual reunion ,fthfgnmttordt'hatr Mahm- ily Aetpre?ta. The f-ttr emi- nun]? decor-tad truck. Six] Th- lluuuu- octom an m ‘Henryl of the family In; I Ion; Imam "The Old 30““ Gun" and the six-yeqr-old non of Henry and “I: Anchor Holds.” Anti-bri- J. t.eeteiyttek,. dream-L _ . lat alibi}!!! my; Rey. I, Zeller Family Reunion at Drumbo other}. Fine viutnGniFiGo about} 1:le m eften a parts of m coking aid he; Viki; gun. Pam were "dr-es by "lee-president fk, N. 105' I“ J. Neel: Tami, dread u i ulsddn-mmuhbyhmluu ”they. phoned the M, Wm. Slut of ”mink. Hill Olive 2.- with a m " song. e 1938 re. tethrr an; a a Bolo “Ono Puettnl union will 't', held on the nuns dnte Bout" and Iamttgtt Him " Sb. Ind place. ‘rme I short when. Don-Id at“ 'alt.", . 1'tltg by _ um tn Zeller Familv 9iltlet_tieryf lawn. 10¢..- many a Dam -. -iafbu.' baari m! of. Ihr fail! - he! 9!! tdi [he GmurriGiorGfta7e Viii Family Reunion of Neeb Descendants usuamomcuwmm. ' rhriteaAOmgSttrre mntwoum than; . 1mm SehrrrtamirrMeset atWaterlooPark Ngw nugmmq, .1eg 2_.-zNear- ,raryrqa?i)Gt/i-U, new. at Kitchener Park ptntsriiii, or. The election of omen-I for to next reunion reunited u fallen: presidents Sylvan“ Intel, Kitch- onor; Vieepreddont, Lorne Kant, Kiteheneh; secretory. am. am lmel, Kitchener; convene: of In!» sum committee, Joe Diehl. Pram; convene: at lunch com-mitten. In. Ion Snider, Heston; mm, In. Ed. minim. Stratum. duets by In. - ' in? Lled (Markin- _ - _ - barn" f die Alumni” "MW" u 'iiiS'iii':.uQ at. an! m -ehartm a on. Otterheht Family iliiitUtitjErTGF. 'iiaThrTiiii; ',t,Su'tdiP,thlPduefftt “like. " More catchment-1&0 ,t'NrdtTAtu,tuh".'tttt' “dirt-gnu an. 1G.qthrimatuorttyi.et" hull, to can. to Gun-b. It l m , M,itati $5335“ - C. m T'l'g,"u"llh1'%'lll2W'W. nnmhlo,ver¢ want. “an f,NN,'S two Want-I [ Hen Hanuauuduhm ","tlllu'1'r.%gte,t'ldh"Jl'llti mr-eotsdttetedttgrtev._rtoth aim Mo'.&nm -threhairarsan'. Iddl'eu :1:on gaun_ot Edam: ya (iv-n31 nah hold. The _ ' ___ 'alt"s'D%l'etu'2r'J8L1'lt It. admin nary" - '3.?t? VYW - (“immutable "-tteqrhieAqrittbehMdegs sq? 1i',.i'ti5'i'i5'tif,hiet?t 'tSrgrtd1,"gtiut'.t2t 11estittrieitr, _' Il,, Reunion Held it Smbnrg, July 1 A. G. Haehnel 12th - m... 2t,'t,

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