Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 May 1937, p. 5

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glllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllE rr-. KITCHENEI: F; i-'iumrcmetms1umwsostt,t.o.sn_iei'i. CHILD BADLY HURT JPalling from her'tricyeie on Saturv day, six year-old Jean -Kilgour, daugh- ter or Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Kilgour, Norman 51.. suffered an abdominal injury. She was admitted to the K.- w. Hospital, Dr. Leavine attending. furniture and Reproduaortn. " Kill. S., Phone ATT, Wnorloo Old Bureaus, Poster Beds, Chaim, etc.. bought and sold. FRED BARANSKI Designer: and Bu't,'ler of _Higl_1 Grade Man DOWNING, STEEN and Co." A porhrlrd method, Nu all-Ila N leg straps LIGHT. INEXPINSIVI. GUARANTEED. lnvutiluo. Inn. rw-- Smith Manufacturing Coup-l1 'sei.. I” F.ler k Late" lent equipment, rapid uervicc and rennin”. nut. Murray s. Mann, Optomeirill " Kin. S. WATERLOO Phone " '3 R. W. Bierwagen ELECTRIC co. Hepry L. Zoeller EYES EXAMINED FR AN K's. Jewellery Store " King St)". Phone 1800 KITCHENER Bnnqnon _ Ae"Meer.aru. _ We‘ll-.- SMITH‘S STUDIO ANTIQUE FURNITURE WE OFFER the iineat possible service for your furtr--a service that keeps them in ultra-p dangerous summer mm insects and moisture, fire CALL US FOR EXPERT, GUARANTEED, SERVICE ON ANY RADIO Brodey Draimin Furs, 33 King Street Eu! Kitchener STUDIO LIGHTING Ttlo'hon- I” ". Donor Pkw- "N' Kill Woat Engineering Diploma from Radio College, Toronto. R. R. a," NEW HAMBURG Phone BADEN St - 2t ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Watches Clocks Jewellery Repaired l J. D. NALON Radio Service 204 King Street West Charges very moderate only a h'; Reasonable Prices. RUPTURED? SATISFACTION GUARA NTEED FLORISTS Watchmaker Mt Ontario South . KITCHENER 'rnisTou. dun-:6 Hut-blink" In" ultra-perfect condition‘through the a... -.s-j, __ A I I - - KITCHENER Ford S. Knmpr announced on Tues- it.iy. that the Waterloo .Red Cross Surft‘ly had reached and exceeded its ohjoctive of $1.500 tor 193?. The drive was conducted by 18 canvassers during the past week. The sum ot $1.210 has been contrihutmi try the "uriely to the Thames River Flood tvliet this year, he said. During 1936 the local society contributed to the Moose River and Western Canada :01in needs. Ranking highest in the work tor the "st and second year at the On- lll‘lO Attrlcu!tural College, Mr. J. Ed- uard shun, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clay- '.tm shuh of Waterloo, was presented nth the Governor-Geneml's medal by His Excellency himself, during the wurse or a luncheon on May 20th. Mr. Shuh is widely known locally tor his work in connection with boys. SCHOOLS fro ENCOURAGE PUBLIC SPEAKING Waterloo Red Cross Exceeds Objective President Ford Kumpf Pleased with Generous Response of Citizens-Mk-ty Active. Young Farmer Wins High Award at 0.A.C. '. course of elm-Minn. This decision WUR arrived at. when memlhers of the hum! ugrood that Public Speaking ic 'lwillg required of the average citi- w n, nun-u and more as time goes on. Hummel ,At Kitchener, May 4, to Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hummel, 144 Water street, a son. Herritttter---At St. Mary's Hospital. May 22. to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome ,He-rrinzér. Alpkandra M., Water- loo, a son. _ Rothman- -At K.-W. Hospital, May 21. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rothman. Shan- Ivy stt'erst. Kitchener. a son. Thoman At Kew. Hospital, May " to “I: and Mrs. o. W. Thoman. Hruhacher street. Kitchener. a son, lstillhnrn). Weicker N KAY. "nominal, May M. to Mr, and Mrs. E. WeiNter, SunnY- shln, a sou. Rmdel At Waterloo. May 2, to Mr. K1'PC,HK,?OHt.--rThe Public School board. at their meeting on May 20. decided to replaee the present sys- it-ttt M instruction in dramatics, Iwith PASTORS EXCHANGE PULiPlTs Row, Finlay Matheson. former pas- t.n' cl' [hr Waterloo First United Church (manned the pulpit on Sun- day for both services. while Rev. Til. Va'. Tiilon conducted the tBurlington mrrvices, the Occasion being the an- nwm-sary of the Sunday School in Pttrlintrtort. CAR AND CYCLE COLLIDE Driwn by Franklin lplson, of Kit. nhmwr. a var was struck by a motor- 1yvlss. ridden my P. Rocket of Wa- n-rfu. The I'e‘lr fpnder or the car and the fork and from ot the cycle were d mmle in the rollisibn. and Mrs. William Ripde1, Cedar slum? vast. a Roo. Euvkholder At St. Mary's Hoapltal, May m to Mr, and Mrs. Stalwart 1turkholdor, Wellington street, Kit- vlmnr‘r. a sum. Dron it K AV Hospital, May 19. to “r and Mrs (' Drnn. Moortrfte1d, it llnuz‘hter. Bernhard At AC-UI llmpltnl. Mar 19. to Mr and Mrs. Z. Bernhard, itituirrd Ave, Kitchener. a son, an." At K w Hospital, May 23. to Mr and VIM, I. Erin-In College 911mm. Kin-lwm-r_ n daughter. Moeter At h' AV Hospital. May 24. Mr null MN Herman Moe-am; It It :‘.. Waterloo. n son. Mussclmrm Nmr Elmira. May 21. to Mr .ml Mrs; Edward Mtteplmtttt, .I mu. lslillhorn). Swalwrll M SI Mary's Hospital. walwell .\I S! Mary's Hospital. Mas L',L'. to Mr and Mrs. Goortte A Swim-.1] ("on Irottrt "rtsdltsyt. (Junnn alum! mnlh. a daugh'or. Mary Sheila THIS ORIGINAL [XXIUMENT IS IN VERY POOR CONDITION. BIRTHS P505. 3030 I Miss Dorothy Mickelboro. of ot. ‘l'm'a. district supervisor,, of the Vic- torian Order of Nurses. was the guest lot honor at an afternoon tea given by Mrs. Frank might at her home, [Young St., on May 20th. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Prowde Sea- gram. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Seaman: and Mr. and Mrs Campbell Beaartun tutended the races at Woodbine Park, Toronto over the week-end. Miss Minnie Flynn accompanied by her mother, Mrs. s. Flynn enjoyed a motor trip to Detroit over the week. end. The marriage of Dorothy Adel, t'aughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt Ls'trassburger, Preston Road, to Mr. Herbert Arnold Richard Schurman. of Pembroke will take place in St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. Kitch- ener, on June 18th .accordlng to the announcement made recently. Everywhere you Bo. The marriage (I Min Blush. M. -u. P. Martittmm. Wolf, daughter of Mr. nad In. --------------- {Harry Wt, lib Bt., Watch») to In honor ot In. Mary Halon ot Mr. Carl John Ohm, only on ot Hamilton. Mm statute Seagull: Mrs. Class of Elam-n. took place on ot Wt-loo and In. Marr Wish ot Saturday, In the First United Church, “lulu-tun were butane. It adlnnor Ber w. Vat. Tlnou performing the dance on May an at the Tmhuc keremony. Club in Hamilton. all“ Bolton in Mr. Howard Scttaut, of lulu “- married this week. hp)" mun and um [Had- rum... Mrs. A. Ill. PequaNrmrt's girl's Sun- day school clan honored her in a men voyoge' bridge and gum party at the (‘hlcooeo Toucan- on my 20m. Mrs. P1183“ hives tor France in the n r future. The Nuns: Graduating clan: of '37, trom the ‘K.<W. Hospital more guests at a dinner given by the " ti-rioo Ladies Auxiliary to the Hon- vital. Guests of honor At the dinner were Miss K. Scott. hoapilxl superin- undent and Miss L. Meratrue, assis- tant superintendent Nlowing the dinner the guests were invited to the home ot Mrs. George Wuhan. Miss Marie sham: of Oshawa visit- ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mien Sham: on Sunday. . The engagement is announced by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph awn-rt: of Tur- ner, Mind, of their daughter, Kath- erne, to Mr. Sanford R. Snider, son 01 Mr. and Mrs.. Edgar Snider of Waterloo, the marriage to take place early in June. The new otr.ieers of the Patricia Chapter Order of the Eastern Star were installed on May 20th, amidst pleasing ceremony at the chapter moms Kitchener. Mrs. James Jalmet succeeded Mrs. Alfred Oottingham as the worthy Matron. Mrs. Oliver Schletrel acted as the installing om- 'eer. The retiring matron was pre- sented with several beautiful gifts following the installation ceremonies. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur burn and Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson MoCorkln- dale of Whuerrioo, left Saturday on a week's motor trip to New York City. Rev Finley “than” ot Burlings DEIUCWIIIU .Ilu at. nun! nonwell. my, who conducted the services at we Waterloo United Church on Sun- Hohh. f H" " . day was a truetrt at the home or Mr. A pretty meddling was solemmzed and Mrs. E. D. Cunningham and Mr. " the St. Cleynuts R. C chum]! and Mrs. H. u. Mistele during his Saturday morning when Mists lane may in town Herman, daughter of Mrs. Emily Mr and ca, A K Cree-mm and Herman, became the bride of Mr. Mr. Wm. Meme-u were In mm t),ognae,elpia"g.t,f,."pt,,f,t,t 9Ye.r.,,'he}L°'.if‘§_y P1ili"iet.1he home Becker otBeinted. Miss Marie Creosman spent the holiday at Detroit. Mr. Jamieson Martin ot the Uni. versity of Toronto has returned to his home in Waterloo tor the summer vacation. Mr and Mrs. A. K. Creams/n and Mr. Wm. McDongall were In London over the holiday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hahn. Mrs. Byron Bechtel of Grhntrhy was the guest ot her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh VanEvery. Miss Catherine Lung, studenMn- residence at Branksome Hall. N route, spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Laing at their summer home, Sauble beach. Mr. Jack Nichol of Toronto, was the week-end guest at the home ot his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Edmonds, Willow St. And note the pinel effeet down the front that will give you such dug-mill; Ahetght. A _ You'll“ tind-it so simple to sew, you'll want to mike Inother in print cre_p_e. _ - - _ _ Miss Ruth MoBrlne ot the Univer- sity 'ot Thstxmto. has returned to her home on Duke St., tor the summer vacation. V There's futterr and femininity in this smart grey crepe dress with new wide shoulder effect. Shining be- nelth the shoulder yoke, ldds lovely soft fullness through the_bu'st line. The sleeve: cut in one with the yoke Ind shoulders. The Sewing Guide that seeompaniett the pattern shows "ep-by-step how to cut it out Ind stitch it. Style No. 3017 is designed for sizes 16, IR. 20 years, 34. M, M, 40, 42. M. " Ind 48-inch” bust. Size " requires 3% ylrds of 39-inch material. Name City To The Wumloo Chronicle Needlework M STYLE No. 2017, Size Street Addrem Print your null. nnd “Mr- plnlnly. Provinco I socisidriiiriiiJiii'i"'i I um. lumb- when... 'l‘nllp Noon- at". tuning my- to lure you Everywhere you go. Dromry drool: In "any“. Rival“. “to... Bouilntl :tllklln‘, Gnu “will; (not. - - Oriole. In the mm, Chadian y: a. blue, allay an alum-In. “may“ decked no! Tor "ai/O' you: Aubimi Professor of Household Arts, Teachers College. Columbia University, New York, N.Y. SIMPLE TO SEW Enclose " can... Use this coupon. and by umlu}_l. BAH. A. M. ‘III It’ll.” 7 1t5hlBdMthtLgt l The bride looked lovely in a Princess wedding gown of white moss crepe falling to a graceful Itrnin with which she wore a shoul- ,der length bridal veil with becoming halo headdress and carried a bou- iquet. of calls lilies. _ _ - Mr. Howard Scttaut, ot lmira If“ best man, and Min Glady- Khulna of Gail. the bridaemaid. Hill A. R. Bean, organist of the church phyetl the wedding music Walla-in; the ceremony a wedding dinner In served an the home of the bride'- parents. after which the newlywed. left tor a honeymoon in the States. They will reside in Elmira Zion Evangelical parsonage. El- mira, was the scene of a quiet wed- ding Saturday noon when Him Elva 1eidewyuul, daughter _of_, Mr. and Mrs. o. Seidewand of Elmira, be- came the bride of Mr. Oliver Hughes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wnlter Hughes of Kitchener. Rev. C. H. Cornwell performed the ceremony nnd the attendants were Min Olive Seidewand and Mr. Herb Bonwell. St. Andrew's Presbyterian mange, Kitchener, was the scene of a pretty wedding when Miss Violet Lottie Bortz, daughter of Mr. Ind Mrs. Norman Bortz, Guelph street, be- came the bride of Mr. Fredolin John Reiko. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Reiko, Indiana street. Rev. George Taylor-Munro oMeiated. Mrs. Harry L. Fina, Toronto, sister of the bride, " matron of honor. Mr. Harry L Putt was groomsman . After a wedding braid-at It the home of the bride's mother, the bride and bridegroom left to spend their honeymoon It Ningam Fulls. On their return they will take up residence on King street, Wnterloo. TORONTO, Muy 22.--A quiet wedding was ssolemnized here yester- day when Florence R. Schweitzer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schweitzer, New Hamburg, became the bride of Donald Doberer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Doberer, Van- couver, EC. - - - fl One of the prettiest May weddings took place " the First English Lutheran Church, Queen street north, Saturday afternoon, when Miss Florence Bierman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John gierman of near Waterloo, became t e bride of Mr. Oscar Beam, son of Mr. Gideon Beam, Euclid avenue. Waterloo, and the late Mrs. Beam. Rev. A. G. Jacgbi, pastor of the church, omci- ate . an“: iirrurruriTi. i.' a; ... m m A. ‘6. Net. mu... nuy ot Granville, u the home ot m“ w “m“ " than: on Mon. the bride'. 'Nsragttts, If. and In. M. day. has numbers at thelr "lends Puller. lie-paler. on “mm! new. calling dumb. mute!“ "It I .t', It $tt anon cannon] . t or is , Char on 'e'tt'."" cu r. "on! were their on children and c..._w°" “ht grandchlldtou. including Mr. Chyton hick, Kitchener, Mr. Harry The marriage (I Min Blush. M. Valet. Throne, In. J. H. Barkley. Wolf, daughter of Mr. M In. ' Marry Wt lib Bt Wu...“ to London, Mr. Ralph Peck, soulhvaend, Mr l‘nrl ai, (“Asian nu]. m n! lud"and Mra.de. Jurmh' an" She was attended by her sister, Miss Stella Bierman, as bridesmaid, wearing a frock of aqua marine blue stiffened chiffon over taffeta with turban hat of the same material and bouquet of blue eornftowers and pink roses. Mr. Vernon Hosea assisted the groom. A - _ After the ceremony the bridal party, with the members of their immediate families and friends, went to the home of the bride's parents where a buffet supper was served. White decorations graced the supper table carried out with a white wedding ctke as a centre- piece, bouquets of white roses and white tapers for lighting. The bride's mother, gowned in Royal Mins label M. Puller u: uw' - u. marriage with W. Ulnar J. lu- ”There's. ee, et".eter, l" Doberor - Sclvoilur Hugh.- - soido-d Benin - Diem”: Reiko - Sorta Inmyvfullor I Mr. Arthur Woods, professor of Cmnthematies, in the Western Univer- sity, London. son of Kr. and Mrs. M. H. Woods, Albert Bt., who spent ,Wedneedny uni Thursday of this It." " the home of his parents, .sails for Europe from Montreal on .Mny 28th. He expects to spend isome three months in Germany. He will motor to Montreal where he hus fiiiiiii plunge on the Empress of Australia. Forty guests gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Sender, Erbsville, to celebrate with them, their wedding anniversary. The home \MEDICAL coups In is ot Interest to note that Dr. Norman Bethune, organiser of the central and mobile blood transfusion centres In war-torn Spain, In the bro- ther of Mrs. T. K. Styles, Union IBIvd.. Kitchens. The marriage “I solemniled on Victoria Day an in Elmira, with Rev. Mr. Wing. - ot the Elmira Evangelina church olicinting. Prior to her marriage. In. Feick was like Seine Dunke. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dante. The bridegroom we. the non ot the late Mr. Ind Mrs, John Feick, and was born in Anon, ad in not in his 73rd year, being two years senior to Mrs. Net. " is ot interest to note that both parents ot the celebrants. lived to celebrate their 50th anniver- any, " did the groom's "ter, are. Genbraeht, Pandorl Ave., Kuchener. ERBSVILLE COUPLE OBSERVES ANNIVERSARY was beautifully decanted for the went, the happily married couple be mg presented with lovers] lovely gifts from their guests. Mr. Woods served overseas in the Great War Ind recently wns mode a Colonel of the London battalion. He had the privilege of being ut- tached to the Roy-l Air Force heed- qunrters staff slang with the Duke of York, now King George VI, whom he learned to know well. blue with cor-use of white roses, recgiyed tht “opts. - - After I short honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Beam will take up residence on Mnry street, Wsterloo. The bride donned for the trip I black travel- ling suit with matching accessories. #me0! I Weddell]: PROF. ARTHUR WOODS LEAVING FOR GERMANY; ACQUAINTED WITH KING ORGANIZER IN SPAIN "emerreuimam.kMo-ert br6mltrandP_nt kWh-t. Orr. Lyric Than; iKiielo-er vosyg ERAsTgicritrt"r. Picturga Framing Pick-m all Artistic F Pun Nod: Lung" Chocolate tend“ P... Md Outed (and! I’TUMPKIN Mo. ttt, G. C. Crompton," Prop. Above Doon- Electric o, Eng-hm Shad-hing I-lb pkg. 14e CRISCO o. " .u‘l COFFEPE lb. nks- 36c 't"i'iiiiiiiii'ii' 2w~23c 8..de Ontario PEACHES No. 2 14c . DAINTIES J'DDA Pod-man Cocoa LII: can ttse unner- K putt oungo moan». shun-m t It. tin 22e 10 King St. S. WATERLOO Phone 894 PEACHES DOMESTIC COWANS , No 91mg ttN CRUNCH PEPPER A YLMER ChoeoUte Coded adds. Own“ So'id Pod: Pic Hmo- U armaladc ' 'tg," 21c ad Sol-bull's Dated f "ammo. Waking PER T ibir. 'tau SAUC E If-h. toe 1Eiliilirti,l,ii),ii,"ll',i'i',",ti,:), 2 No. 2 (in: 19C clot. Durham Band NC H L0 CORN STARCH pound 25c in “5‘ a pig. 9: ”NADA! snn UV: nun"- canyon. 1liiSiLt (mun Looked SPAGHETTI tttttfd o P-or a, r - tub. tin 23c l Arnold Robert, Brnder Francis, Boyer Joseph. Dietrich William. Dorsch Carl, Dorsch dtoy, Ertel Neal, Finnegan :Norman, Frtz Vincent, Frieday ‘Bruce. Girodat Edward. 'Gatchene Gerald. Held Peter, tHelm (ooyglas. Helm Bernard, Krona Ger- ald. Laurence Carl, McGuire Sean, EMoser luigar, Oberholzer Donald. t" be r' Frankford Bauer Teresa, Charm" Audrey, Dorset: Mary, Dorsch Shirley. oortrch Jhrrnice, Dom) Jean. Dopp Dorothy. Foster Gloria. Fran, Joy Rosalino. 'Freiburger Loretta. Grove Teresa. Guenther 'Dolores. Hattck Theresa. Hooper AHPI'nico. Kromscll Mary Jane. Lauryssen Luella. Met'avville Mary. Meyer Anne, Reidel Irene, Iteitzel Clete. Raymer Munroe". Rosendahl Jane, Salm, Elaine. Sulm Angeline, Seherter Patricia, Sehl Dorothy, Flu, ndskl Elaine, Thomas Catherine. Voisin Anna, Voght Mildred. Weinert Mary. Wendel Colette. T. E. Hurley, of Barrie, was sleek ed president, succeeding Charles Hare of Hamilton. Rev. J. N. Millar, of London. was electéd vice4presi- dent. The executive comprises 0. L. 'Bigham, Woodstock; Rev. A. Bell. Hamilton; Ree. B. L Boehmer, Wa- terloo; Deloss Scott, St. Marys, and M. Dickson, Toronto. Sidney L. White or Brantford, was re elected tsecretary-treassure Mr. White observed his 10th anniversary as secretary or the association. Upon the occasion he was presented with a mantle clock. First communion was received at St. Louis' church by sixty children under the ministration of Hev. Fa- ther Hinsperger. assisted by Father H. Opperman. In the evening they were enrolled into the srapnlar. The girls’ choir rendered special music. assisted by the first communion class. The following is a list of the first communicants: Nine hundred persuns attended the nth annual coutereuce ot the Bats Cust Young People's Ammunition ot Ontario and Quebec held her on Vic, torta Day. Forty young peoples so- Helios of the province were repre- sented. Three hundred delegates Paade the trip trom Toronto by spe- cial train, Rev. c. M. Keen, of Benton Street Baptist Church, Kitchener, was guest speaker at the conference, Plans were made to inaugurate two new camps tor 'teen-age boys and “teen- age girls in Musknka this, summer. The senior camp will again be oper- ated. Uherle Donald, Weber Kenneth. Wei. Ier William, Wendel Carl, Wyszynski Joseph, Zitzelherger George. SIXTY CHILDREN RECEIVE COMMUNION AT THE 900 Delegates at Baptist Rally 11th Annual Conference pound TOMATOES y, tin 9c Try Salad: Orange Palm. Blond Y.P.U. Draws Delegates ,3 From Wide Region.‘ ' ST. LOUIS R. C. CHURCH 19c tt 33.3“ 31C . ft No. 2% tins 23c (Item's Cooked JUICE' Heinz 1mm Libby) In” BEANS SOUP 3 Eaglcjnnd 92d}! LOBSTER No. y, LII toil“ St. Goo (ml. (am Gere Gite, TISSUE 2 SOAP LUX SOAP ft TEA Hal (It Wu of "all" on i Upon the strong recommendation of the Waterlo Inward or Health, the Public School is organizing a pre school clinic for the tall ot 1937. The list or beginners is being ob. toitted, and the parents will later be notified as to which clinic they may have their children examined. It is made plain, however, that family phy- sicians may report if the Intent! wish it. Pre-School Clinic for Public Schools JANSEN EYESIGH'I‘ SERVICE “Demented to Better Vilma" " hula-lei St. Ph- I” We Won'llnvleh-nl Uni-Wtodnuvo“ moh-ttrh_rtr."dth. alumnus-mulling“ Emmi-IIM-nmm nirtgen"ttttagtesrMr.M-+ Mw"htnghimuanorqr-' mmauummwum hazsd-dftamu.ft-dwrtV th-too-ttttttit-_" tri.rsd.tts-od.artrmtdqtrit*troo mrtttitYorMtg1-6irtMB- mum-“Wm lady by". has!“ My Id qmirtetrtattttqeidgnM--a-tt-. MMmydowp“ The Rexall Drug Store Phone 210 - WATERLOO m toh-on tin 5c . Urge package A. G. Haehnel 'eyrUe me all u 10-01. tine bug rolls 1tTtre's gun relief for C"q Sore Feet AylmuChokc APRICOTS No. 21in 16c or ti" Cob - Det Man tt Ie-or. (in: Mc AYLMER PEAS Lemon Oil “.93 m 'tfy "t JELLY POWDERS CORN NIBLETS No. , tin Choice Quality 2 I-ot. (in: 15c IA tin Me tt pings Ce HAWES' than F I G S MeLeren's in! 2 3c cake 15c ' 21c 9c 5c 9c

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