Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 May 1937, p. 10

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The funeral was held on Tuesday from the residence of her parents, thence to the Elmira Mennonite Church, lnterement following in the aojoinlng cemetery. In. no.» Yam In. and. Yuu, wtto at M inn ot Bro-bu. Mam an: mid-ace, LR. 1. Brita, on lou- day. Doomed no you. " no. was born in Germanco-ln; to On» adn u the no or ten. Among tho survivors are her tun-bum. tour non, John, D's-bu. Joe, Mme-tad, Henry and Albert of Bloomlnuhlo, one daughter. In. w. Bucky, Bro-bu and u trrandehtldrms. Frank Thom“ Mr. Frank Thoma. died at the Freeport Sanatorlunt on Monday after a three-year maul. Deemed was born in Austria and wu 29 you! or age. His widow, one daughter, Joan and one son Prank. his mother, three brothers and one sister, all Bar- vive. The funeral took place on Thursday, burial being made in St. Peter‘s Lutheran cemetery, Dr. H. A. Sperllng otneitrtinir. Her parents. {our brothers, Wesley, Elmira, Martin, Woolwich, Gordon and Jacob of Yatton and one sister. Violet at home. mourn her passing. YOU KNOW THAT aagatinnoeAquarioo. hit-nail In hold on WM, Dv- I. momma-hams.“ Mm Magdnlcnl Monou- Pollowing an Illness ot one you, Miss Mary Magdalené Mauser of Elmira. died in the K.-W. Hospital on Sunday. Deceased was " yearn ot use and was born in Ytrtton, the caughter of Mr. 3nd Mrs. Henry Manger. The funeral - held on The» day, with lax-vice: in at. Marr- RAJ. Church, Interment In Mount Hove. Cemetery, Kltdleuer. " the regular prices are given for a limited time to secure im- mediate cash. A good variety of fine granites to select from, and the workmanship is all of the highest standard. Call and let us show you our designs. Seldom, if ever, do families have an opportunity to purchase a memorial at a substantial redue- tion. CASPER BRAUN ESTATE " Andrew Sh, Kitchener “you“. Kin. Edward School Prices paid to Country Shippers. Sale of Memorials Limited FUNERAL HOME 51 Benton St, Phone 4480 Schreiter - Sandrock 11.00 n.m.--The Minister 11.00 ..m.--Womhip. 2.00 p.rrt.-_1bore-41. B. And Me. 7.00 p.m.-Worship. Monday. , Tt.m.--mmtor Lune. " I Parc-y. P. More. A a.“ -- b I - Waterloo First United Church Emmanuel Evangelical Church ".00 m.m.--The Pastor. 7.00 p.m.--The Pastor. Discounts up to 35% 9.45 tcrm-Bible School 7.00 pan.-vrhe Minister Calvary Evangelical Church OBITUARY OUR on. and portend . r o “pod-ll, “mind to 50m " n o b Ira-holy and without II] Iii!” " ooh-- Cor-n Kin. n-d Wu":- Stm. Whistle. “V. E. VAL TILT“. In. “that Corner Cedar Ind WI!" St... Waterloo Monday, 7 p.m.-Jooior C. E. B p.m.--Yerrr" Pooplo'n Society. SUNDAY, MAY so, l937 SUNDAY, MAY Mt, 1.37 SUNDAY, MAY 30. 1937 m. Jacohs Surviving are tour sons, Harry, Saginaw. Mich., William, Huron Toddy Woman: l More mud nay 1n the mu ‘Sanatorium, Teddy Won-k, not] 85. ‘sun of Mr. and In. B. Wbumk of Elmira. Decanter! wu_born In Raul: coming to on“: In 1924. MU do- ter and parents aunt's. . Mn. Adam Herllck One ot shakeepeare's prominent citizens in the person of Mr. Adam Herlick, 82, died at the home ot his daughter, Mm. S. Gaming on Monk day. Deceased had been in tor the past two months. He was born in South Easthope in 1866. Linus A. Schumachor There passed away at st. Mary‘s (Hospital on Sunday, following a lengthy Illness, Mr. Linus A. Schu- macher, at Kitchener. Deceased was in his 49th year, and was a native m Bruce County prior to his removal to Kitchener in 1912. His .wldow. nee Lena Geier. his mo. ther, three sons. Herbert, Wilbert. Clare. all ot Kltehener. tour daugh- ters. Doria, Marie, Ethel. Joan, all of this cityrthree brothers, Victor and jOscar of Kitchener. Clarence ot De "roit, and one sister, Mrs. John Ritz ot Dunevan, Sash, survive. Hia widow, one son Walter ot New York, two daughters, Mrs. Milton Daub and Mrs. Ed. Paine, both ot Kitchen-er, one brother, Heinrich of Germany and tour grandchildren aur- Surviving are her mother. Mrs. G. Shimens, Kitchener. her hudbnnd, Mr. William iSeigei, one son. Boyd Seigei, at home, two brothers, Sam- uel Shimem. and Lloyd Shimens, both of Kitchener, two sisters. Mm. Clarence F‘aiconer of Toronto, and Mrs. Louis Grail of Kitchener. The funeral was held Wednesday wit.h a ,private service from her late residence to Zion Evangelical church for public services. She was buried in hte adjoining cemetery. Rev. C. A. lHirschman was in charge ot the services. Mrs. 'w. H. Selgel The death or Mrs. Wm. H. Selgel occurred at her residence in Kitchen- er on Sunday. Deceased was born " Golden Lake, Ont. Wilhelm Roi-ltd" There passed away at his home In Kitchener, on Saturday. Mr. Wilhelm 'tohleder. Deceased was " yours or age and was born In Germany. For the past 43 years he was an em- ployee or J. M. Schneider & Co., and “as well-known in local German 1c- (Wines. The funeral took place on Monday. interment taking place in Woodland Mausoleum. The funeral took place on Wednoa» day. with services at st. Mary’s Church, interment following In Woodland Cemetery. The late Mrs. R. w. Wino-mum! nee Hilda May Green, who died In Lake Shore manual, Toronto, on May 17th, was buried in Park IL" cemetery, Toronto. Her hmhand,‘ one daughter, Mn. F. (brindle, her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Green. I Breslau, one sister, Mrs. Ashen Blood , or Kitchener, one brother, Erna-l ot ' Whitby and owe grandchildren ant-I Viva. "'r0.et'Mearre%8h._tr non-“3“; “' " «mum.ummh-~mamlm= 'k.'fa"kgu'llt LttNePg, "iiiiaaFTiiriia%i'aGlht I a . .13 The dumb ot Unblock-l, o! [it than", occur“ at " bro-n on It] 20th. Deco-sod, who - . aloo- maker nu in his “all nu. There BtgrTtve N- am tqro noun, J. C. loam. and W. L In“. both or Kitchener, on. brother, Wm. Moobuc or W. Th. man: took place on Sunday tram In. into ' deuce to loan! Hope Cancun to! lawman. The (lineal took plnco on loads, from St. Theresa RC. Church. mm- ment following In the RAh cemetery, Huber Arnold officiating. In. In, LII. TM etggtttml - IOU a St. “If. Chuwh, Rev. C. B. I." ttdt-ttng u the regal. ”(I ll“. w an were John Kfll‘ It)“ In“, J. E. MIME, Ben lull, bro-o Lin; and wunu. Hick. 'trt ham-Iv V ariiia%r. _"-""'... le: Ite""ey tetltrqe In Midst“. !“_U9Ihiqu¢-m Mn. R. w. Willouohby Loud. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Holman. lu- Malone trnd sunley Holman: and Mr. and Mrs. John But visited rehtlvel at Nawton and mum-Ink on SIM-y. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doctor and Miss Dummy were Sunday "ttora with friends in Kitchcnor. Mm Akin Well of Wallet“! "rm" the wank-end a her home he". Mr. and Mrs. Alfred chkor VII“- :rd with Mr. and Mn. Olen Watcher vn Sunday ISunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kropf were Miss Barbara Kropt ot Waterloo, Mr. Mer- vin Kropt of 3rd line, Mr. and Mrs. Merino Atbright of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Abner [his of Wellesley, Mr. rnd Mrs. Alvin Leis of Haysvllle and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer [Mold ot New Hamburg. member at the accord pal, Amr human, an.) In. W. Judd, Ro- chester. N.Y., than.) In. Alex Forte“, Autumn, SAIL, (My) in. A. “futon, Don-on, (Loretta) Arg. C. Kucnic, Preston. three bro- thers, Philip Banning", Olin-(o, Morris Banning", Wilson, N.Y., John .Bennlnger, Wooten Camrda, three sisters, In. Frank Shaky and In. IJamea Wallace or Roche-tor. N.Y.. and Mn. Prank Wendun; ot Bridge Irort, and eight arandehtidrtnt. One ‘brother. A. Bennlnxer ot New York Iussd two month "o. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vomn of Boon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hieronymus. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Otto and Jon spent Sunny with renun- In Ktt. (boner. Mr. Wm. Dammelor, Mines Viola Heinrich, Marie and marine Dum- meter attended the Sunday School Teacher’s Convention at Bt. Peter's Lutheran church at Kitchener on Monday. Master Win Boehm caught I fish " Inches long and weighed one pound. _ Mr. and Mrs. V. Holmeyer and daughter Ruth and Mine Frieda Hack- ‘hurt of Kitchener spent BundAy at ‘me home ot Mr. and Mrs. Cttarittts maehttart. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kluwattor visited with Mr. and Mrs. (Herb Frei- burger. We are sorry to report that Mr. Daniel Seyler is eottfined to his bed suffering trom pneumonia. Lad Real Fisherman. . Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reichert Ind Mr. Allan .Reicherrt spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George Boeh-m. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scholl and daughters Marlon of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Henry Hieronymus. . A number ot ttits vicinity attended the funeral of the late Christ Kennel or Sunday. Sunday visitors at the homeot Mr. and Mrs. Herb Frolburger were was Lamina Frenmrzer ot Waterloo, Mr. Jerome Fretburger .of st. Agatha, Mrs. S. Strung, Miss Irene Strung and Messrs. Hilbert, Clarence sud Cyril Strauss ot Kitchener. Mrs. Louis Soho" of Kitchener spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hieronymus. Mrs. Valentine Schneider and daughters Helen and Audrey, Mil. Violet Belchert and Mr. and In. Delmore Ratchet-1. of Kltchenor spent the week-end with Mr. and aero. Jacob .Relchert. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Herttott spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mn. George Boehm. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knechtel and Mr. Clarence Leicht ot Kitchener spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Selfert. ‘Mr. Ed. Fisher and Mm Soho“ of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gorback on Monday. Mr. Albert Strut, at Kitchener spent the week-end with Mr. Louis Freiburger. Miss Verna Hackblrt of Crosshill spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles .l-uckbut. Mr. “drum. Wm. Dunnin- and family visited with Mr. and In. Manna Schneider at Liam's] on sun- day. . Mr. and Mrs. Emil Diabold ot Kit- chener visited at the home of Mr. Louis Frerurger on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hackbut and daughters Florence and may: mu- ed with Mrs. Wm. Duench at Elmira on Sunday. _ The funeral - held on lanky, interment taking place In Mount Hope cemetery, Kitchener. I... I“. Mancunian-uncut dance, round-g by mar-cu tl w. “one man. The My oaMbere. won De. an. can In... Theda-u: " In. Sin-n Dotson. widow at tho we Jon. Berta, oc- curred on In 10th. at tho bone od hon" son. HM. In Waterloo. D0. ceased wa-COyanotueuIdm been Ill tor men! an "ocean; her doth. Her huh-rd pram Mr two years ud eight. monk. no, and one is survived by one Both BM . Saudoi’, H. _ mm. ind H. H. any. mm. but." you I. a. pour, . minus, - ww J. c. "tmot/tf. .m- m; Dr: Gordon Hula-jug K. W. M and. H. Baud, P. b. Waterloo No em ohm for an of on homo-II. Fulml Chapel. 160 King St. 8. - Walsh Faun] Service HM!" ROAD EAST ZORRA 5': I.-. Phone 677 fl} . Nr. and Mrs. Henry Waterman at- tended the funeral ot the Late Mr. George Poore at Galt last Tuesday. , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mono“ and Miss Edna Harrell ot Hamilton were ‘guests at the homes ot Mr. and In. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Howling and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ro-| bert Israel at Kitchener last Sunday. ' 'Mrs. Thomas Maslen of Niagara. Falls, 'N.Y., and Miss Grace Poore of Gait were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waterman tor a tew days this week. Mrs. Charles Schwass and Messrs. Ed. and John Schwaas of Port Elgin were guests of the formers son, Mr. Samuel Schwus and Mrs. Schwinn while visiting relatives in the com- munity over the week-end. ( Mr. and Mrs. 'Simon Weber called cn_triem1y at number; on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Bingeman and son Terry of Kitchener spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waterman. _ Mrs. George Guthrie ot Ayr visited wlth her mother, Mrs. Aaron Toman on Monday. Mr. and in. Huvey’Elnwachter and sons, Warne and Jimmie visited with Mrs. vWilliam IBerst at Plans- Mr. and Mrs. Austin Schweltwr visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Harloek at Maple Grove on Thurs- day. ie I.Poril to Sound", written by Miss Reta Hemer and read by Miss Helen Pipher; and "The Perils of Secret Organizations", ptepared by Miss Evelyn Creuman and read try Mia. Willa Cressman. The members of the Junior Wo- men's Institute will hold their next monthly meeting at the home of Miss ldella Sch‘wass on Tuesday evening, June 8th. . Pomnalc. A number from bore attended the funeral ot the late Mr. A. C. Kon, at Kitchener on Wednesday. ville In! Sum]. The M.B.C. Young People's Boetety met at the church last Friday even- ing with the president, Mr. Eldon Shark occupying the~chair. The tol- lowing topics were presented: "What Topic “Calm-ruin. Mom". The [13.0.1 Society not " the home ot Mr. and In. Albert my mm on Thursday evening. The to. pie “Strain-din; tho than ot " marrow". - given by RM. M. Ging- orich which In [allowed by the reading or Icrlpture panne- by Ellen Page And In. M " Snyder. A vocal Iolo entitled, 'I Shall be 'uuMud", “I rendered by Mr. Wee- ton Scum and: which Mr. Arch. Gros- ot Kitchener “we an lntereot- in; an: mommy the Chrlniul Manor Summer School which I: held Annually at Eula Home, Mun- hob. Birthday Party. Seven um. man were entertained at a dollglnml birthday party at the home or In. Ear] Einwachter on Monday afternoon, May 17th, in honor of tho ninth birthday at her daughter Shirley. Follawing an en- joyable afternoon upon} in game. a dainty supper was served Including a large birthday cake with six pink candles. chug. or In (thrones auto:- and talk“ we" given by In. I. A. Path. In. in! Bantu. In. Obi; Ruler. In. had Poll and Ill. Greta up and. ”mud to a. you can), T M's-u; f,"=dt"$2'st't."tir.Tf,t "Dell! not: a tr' (h",", r. Dvhvarv- “hm '106 5 "rr. “an...“ lublor' In rh .4Mhrhr aauttlusqhxzitutoahtxiat t2araxoth2tsdoysaao ONLY owsuom has such smart, distinctive linee “levels-e all around . . . and Super-Hydraulic Brakes. which put it a year ahead in style. And only A better-ridin car. with Knee-Action Wheels-tual Oldsmobile, gives you We} in modern, line-car iuF'iii"si'liire,/f and Centre-Control, Steering. And feature. at such unusually low prices. Oldsmobile is a you'll be delighted with Oldsmobile's low operating 1ggste car, with roomy, luxurious interiors. A eftr. coat and low upkeep. Come today for a trial drive in a car, with new Unisteel Turret Top Body by Fisher . . . thrilling new 95 hp. Six or u 110 h.p. Eight. F Ask about low monthly payments on the General Motors Inst-Imenf Pun. mn- To "I! MINUTE Mqi1t 3 Mr. and Mr; Harold Snider ot 'Bloomingdale visited with Mr. and ’Mrs, Mervin Bechtel on Sundly. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schmidt and son Richard of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mrs. 'Austln Schweitzer visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allan sHollzhauer at Galt last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton 'Welss and family of Drumbo visited with Mr. an: MrstGordon Escrdee onJSunday. The Misses Murlél Perth and Doris Bechtel attended a rB.Y.P.U. Con- vention at Toronto over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brydon of Galt and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hog; of Ayr called on Mr. and Mrs. Alex McDonald recently. Mr. and Mrs. H. 'MoLellnnd of To- ronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rtpaille 9ver the holiday week-end. A large number trom the Blenheim Mennonite Church attended the an- nual Mission Board meeting which was held at the MSBJC. Tabernacle near Kitchener over the week-3nd and holiday. Mrs. George Morton spent but week with her sister, Mrs. Victor Schaeter and Mr. Schaeler at Kitch- ener, " arr. and Mrs. Florin Toman and son Donald of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Moses Toman on Sun- dw. ' Miss Ruth Raymer and Mr. How- ard Reinhard of Toronto spent the week-end at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilbortt. Representatives from the St. James Lutheran Church attended the Sun- day School Teachers' Convention at the St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Kitchener on May Mth. tlinuchon all. I nut In] on in... any. I all! hue ' Hula soul, bat ly ‘knoel are quite better. I an: over “0 yea-i of “a, .10 a complexio- ‘liko a girl's and tool very It. I " mlly town tor an“ a hall ton-noon- tul at Salt: each morning In ' cup or ‘hol -."-HMrtr.) A.W. Mrs. Myrle -Brieker and Mr. Ward Snyder ot Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Merle Coleman on Sunday. Miss Mary 'Brydon, WN., ot Mt. Clair, NU., Mr. and Mrs. John Brydon and Mrs. 'Robert Brydon of Golt called on Miss Euphemla Brydon on Sunday. Mr. Wellington Bock of Welland spent the holiday week-end at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brighton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stahle at We]- lesiey on Sunday. Warm... The palm and ulna-c of "tou- matism are frequently and " do mains ht uric acid In the nude. and jolnll. We numeron. an. In Kruschon not: In stimulating your liver and kidnoyu to healthy, mu- lar “than. and help them to get rid of the excel- uric acid which I. the muse of so much luleriu. Mr. and Mrp. Simon Weber 3nd Miss Betty Tuchllnlkl upon! the ho- Pday week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Weber at Buhlo, NJ. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lake and son Wallace ot Dickie Settlement were recent guests or Mr. and Mrs. Walter McDonald. _ 4heielttrtrnrsti-i'rrhr Mr. and Mrs. Eli Ronan'berxer and Mrs. H. (manor visited with Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Snyder at Kitchener Int Saturday. Edward Stan: and Mr. and In. Jo- seph stall: over the week-0nd. 'rwasrtotBverrdt_qr.rot sol-gm.blt-Iolum un- www.mnmm ttHtiertt_.atthottmtettmes. {Athon-muhum A. C. HALWIG MOTORS 'il)ri/iyiy, KITCHENS. l Mr. and Mrs. elated-{Whom visited with Mr. and Mrs. w. E. Anderson near Brantford on Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Toman were guests at the BeannBierman wedding near Waterloo on Saturday. Miss Vera 'g'/,',ht"irftr, of Hospeler spent the week-en and holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manna Rosenberger. C - .......,...... w. m.......,. Miss Telma Boshart of Kitchener i Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hallman and spent the week-end at her home in daughter Kathryn, and Mr. and Mrs. the village. , [Edgar Seegmiller and daughter Jean Qttite a number attended the an- [of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mrs. Dual B.Y.P.U. Rally of the Ontario A. E. Bean on Sunday. A large nunttmr attGudii"tise semi- annual M.B.C. Young People's Rally which was held at Listowel on May 'Mth. Mr. and Mrs. Harry 0611mm. Miss Myrtle Gehman and Mr. Floyd Geh- man of English Settlement visited with Mr. and Mrs. Whiter McDonald on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert mood and son Bobby of Kitchener called on Mrs. A. 'heard on Sunday. Quite a number attended the am' nual picnic of the Waterloo County, Christian Endeavor Union which was held at the Wnterloo Park on the! holiday. Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt and little granddaughter Shirley Morton and Messrs. Willard Sellth and Anson Lang called at the home of Mrs. C. Nauman at Baden on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martin and daughter, Geraldine ot Kitchener v‘sited with Mrs. August Kavelman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Backer and daugh- ter, Doris of Kitchener visited with Myand Yrs. V. E. Dinger on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Weber and son, Norman ot Windsor visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Weber but Thursday. Several from here attended the New Hamburg vs. Plattsville bane- hall game at New Hamburg on the holiday. _ Rev. and Mrs, C. W. Backus on Bun any. Miss Gladys Manor ot Toronto spent the holiday week-end with her ttro, than Mr. James Bauer and Mrs. Hatter. Buy You-Canvas & Camp Shoes Here YOU’LL PAY LESS More closed Wednesday nftemoona, lily 5, to October. No coupons after May 1. AOHmNDER’s WATERLOO ' am Ctltllltllltlrllr INnt PROGRESSIVE [fiiiilMEQiE'Tiri? - and ”and... The Ink cl fin-b titan-d " - con-clout]..- consideration " applaud..- hl M M h.- mm na- where. q-kombhho advantaged [W 1855 6 my! fro" Coup.» with 05:"- Soul- Derivere "rfrrrorr. (his-In, pnvo'nmonl In". Iiconoonnd {night nddnmnnl (Pun... nub/or! In rhnn‘a Inhout unlit.) .48.t-Mrt-at-t-. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hallman and ‘Mrs. Walter Becker and daughters, Betty and Jean ot Kitchener called It.t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Inn .Hilburn on the holiday. Mrs. Mervin Facey, Mrs. Rd h Hilborn, Mrs. J. G. Wood, Mrs. 'fo'll,'l Facey and Mrs. A. E. Bean of Bethel United Church W.C.T.U. at- tended the Oxford Presbytery W.C. T.U. convention at Salford on Fri- day_afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Benn visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson at Mill-bank An, Surlday. -- __ Miss Vera Lichty of Breslau spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Good. Mr. and Mrs. Hoiird Bean and son Douglas of Toronto called on relatives in the community on Satur- duy_. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Rudy of Kit- chener spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Good. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weicker and family spent the week-end with the latter’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ken.. neth Ktubfieiseh at Oshawa. Quite a number from Bean's Mennonite Church attended the Mennonite Mission Board Confer- enge at ISiteh.enet on Sungay. _ _ - and Quebeg Societies which I" hold at St. John's Parish Hall at Water- loo on the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bean attended the funeral of the latter's cousin, Miss Carrie Robinson, It Humilton on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Alex McDonald attended the Adams family reunion which was told at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. James Clmsley at Castto on May 24. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilborn and Mus Mary ‘HIIborn visited with rel-live- liear F‘ordwlvh on the holiday. Mr. Victor Hill of Toronto spent the week-end with routine in the village. SOUTH-WEST WILMOT -

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