Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 28 May 1937, p. 9

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a W861, WW “by. kg!!! CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOK 056.: M Willin- St. - Waterloo PM)“ "" i PROFESSIONAL CARDS 1 ( DR. W. R. WILKINSON Dental Surgeon Graduate Philtuielphits and Toronto. Office: 36 Kings; E.,Aitthtner WATERIDO 01.081013 DR. J. W. HAGEY, Donut. 69 110 Weber Chambers, King St. W.. Kitchener. Phone was. (over Home Dairy Cafeteria) Emphasizing malleted gold fillings where indicated. Phones: Office 1927.1; Rea. 3568M Dentist 12A King St. B. - Phone 418K Waterloo M. J. HOFFMAN. D.S.C. Chiropodiul - Foot Spockli-I Graduate of Illinois College of Chiropody omce Hours: 10 - 12 I.m.. l - 6 pan. Evenings q to 8 pm. Telephone 2426 - 48% Kill. St. E. Kitchonor. Ont. no xiv-"loot M. . n... 3168 GUELPH Evening. until . o’clock. D. S. BOWLBY, K.C., BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public and Con- veynncer. once 19 Queen St. N., Phone 537. Kitchener, Ont. T, H. R. BROOK CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT (Trustee in Bankruptcy) BITBER a snug! BAgmsts. BRAY & BRAY, Buriaters, Solicit- ors, etc.; George Bray, K.C., G. Kinny Brny, B.A., George H. Lochead, B.A.; Royal Bank Chambers. _17 King , Won, BROOK & WEIR, q, R. Ero.tk.pnd B-ar---.--.-' .uruacd-u.htrs_ ____.. ”at...” ”suntan-rp-odkw kmhmdmw lec-anh - _ I” F out CorvoetionUt And under cl Arch Sumn- " thr hllpl’ollhl ot tbo toot. CLEMENT,HATTIN & EASTMAN. LIV offices, Bunk of Toronto Building. 19 King Street "at, Kitchener. Phone 28t0. 49 King St. I}, WILLIAM CLARK Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public and Conveyance: OiBee at 10 Arthur St. Telephone " EWIRA EDWARD B. DOWDALL. W. Solicitor. Notary, 'ste.; Telephone 829; Office 108 King Street Watt. Kitchener, Ontario. FOOT CORRECTION IST HAROLD ls DAUPMAN Barrier, Solicitor, Noun Public mad Cantu-leaf JAMES C. HAIGHT. BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public. Convey- Bneer, etc. Money to low. OMee Bank of Montreal Bid... Waterloo. 49 King Street East Phone 2670 -- Kitchener iiiTGGir", Phone tigt. INSTRUCI I“. m BINDING LOVE-mu if}? iFeCiiirristera, Solicitors, Notaries; 49 King St. But. Kitch- ener, Telephone 4080. LEO G. LATCHFORD. BARRISTER GEO. L. CARTLEDGE SIMS. MrINTOSH. SCHOF‘ELD & GORDON Mek. ifoNfrBERGER, Barrister, Solicitor. Convenncer. -___ Solicitors. Notaries. J. H. Smyth, EL. 28 Queeg_8t.. Sylfitchener ii King si. West Phone 1006 , Ba. 1785' FOOT SPECIALIST CHIROPRACTIC Ind Solicitor. Notary Public; Bank of Commerce Bldg., 1 King St. East. Kitchener, Telephone 627. Residence 4400 Kitchener. WANT ADS SIMS. Banish-ti. Soliritorts. tte.; A. W. B00S, M.A. Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Zeller BuildirNt Icahn Arta Building. 47 kintt Sued West, Telephone 4640. minor. 01mm. Phone 104 omee " 97 Frederick St. Kitchener ‘r. L. FINKBEINER DENTAL Pious 5'28 LEGAL Kitchener kitchene- i7isone 1867 it AUTOMOTIVE ALLAN luKENle. Osteopath, Phone 1t7, Res. 8622w; 00cc. 209 Medical Arta Bldg., Kitch- 40 King St. E. Opp. l “than“ 7 - Tehphonug £10m Foe Your Car GENERAL AUTO SUPPLY NOV and U.“ Pith. " Frederick St., Opposite City “I Phone 27‘ - “who"! ALEXANDER GARAGE J. W. Heinrich, Prop. Repair. on All “on of Can. Cars Washed, Greased and Stored. 8 Willi-n St. E. - Wnlorloo Flue-o 146. h. 526 Nov and Unod PARTS FOR YOUR CAR WATERLOO AUTO PARTS t34 King St. S. - Phone 334” Wnlorioo WE BUY USED CARS 8 Watoe St. S. - Kitchens: (A! Kin. St.) Welding - Radiator - Body Repairs (Roar Bunker Bldg.) Can handle your most perplexing motor cu problem. After one treat, ment you: anvil] Inn like new. AUTOS FOR SALE ...-..- . with; iummble. it] Hull's Lalo - KITCHENER Phone 31213 - Run. 3713 USED CARS BOUGHT - SOLD - FINANCE So. our Bargain- first. om . -___ .76.... Lid 3m BENTON ST. MOTOR SALES " Bolton St. - KITCHENER 1936 Terr‘oplnne Conch with trunk 1936 Hudson Touring Sedan 1936 Terr-plane Deluxe Conch 1936 Plymouth Sedan I935 Terr-plane Coach 1934 Hudson Sedan 1929 Ford Coach 1929 Oldsmobile Sedan I930 Buick Coupe 1928 Essex Sedan BIO! You get all these when you buy Baden Super Quality Chicks or Started Pullets. Bbien chicks are all from Government Approved blood-tested stock hatched from big eggs averaging 25 ounces and over per dozen, and sired by big, husky Government Approved males. Rea. 772w DAY ems; Standard Quality-- Leghorns $6.95, Barred Rocks and New Hampshire Reds $7.95. EARLY LAYERS BIG PULLETS - BIG EGGS COCKERELS -- Leghorns Me, New Hampshire Reds $5.75, Barred Rocks $5.95. PuLi,Ers--Bnrred Rocks $12.95, New Hampshire Reds $13.25. White Leghorns $14.95. THREE WEEK OLD PULLETS -REAL BARGAINS-New Hump- shire Reds and Barred Rocks $21.95, White Leghorns $22.95. Also 16 day old and 2 week old pullets at special prices. Phonic 13" SUPER QUALITY CHICKS, the very pick of our matings, culled for size, vigour and egg laying ability $2.00 per hundred more than stan- dard. Send IO') with order, balance Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Plum. " - Baden. Onhrio Let This Be Your Coronation Year in AUTOMOBILE, ngnms or All Kinds. FISHER & CLEMER GARAGE Huxvlapmt Zoltan Rudaa. president of tttrt otvolntionary court wfton Com, munist: undnr "Mn Kun held away In Hungary. er-m'd Mum-n los DR. A. L CAMPBBLL Hedi“! Arts 'd/t Ian. ttt68 - Kile m HOMESICK EXILE TRADES CAR RIDE FOR PRISON TERM SEIGEL'S GARAGE Dobbin Garage Kitchen" BABY CHICKS Ruth“ hark from voluntary Mun it Amtralia. plmdM "TM“: me to prison in a slum! our RO I can no: 'trtrFttlrttt of my loved tnttteyruttd." nae hnnIMick and promptly rpm-had " 13 yum prison gptttpncp, HA BOLD E. [LUNG Osteopath R. 8. C. STALKER Let, Solicitor. Noun, etc. 60 King Bout But By purchasing Service Brand Chicks Their rudpid growth, high liv- ebility en large on lire will lend to profits " the end of the laying amen. _ Write for ceulogue end price Waterloo County OSTEOPATHY rel-pm}. 1574 Hatchery NEW HAMBURG. ONT. MEDICINAL Used Cars Poultry I. woolworth's Oil“ 400 aa-i.. SUI-m in“... Geo. C. Kruger Bicycle Shop " John " E. - W.” Out of tho m rant dim umWHM-h IIOKJI‘SLWB._- Mm Keep It New With- Cleaners and Dyers Rug Shampooers 90 Queen St. s. Phone 4100 KITCHENER DEL’SCYCle “It...” . aunt-um Mum NemeudBkydu $8.50udup. wrung-4W nYEttSCLEANERS Of LADIES' & GENTS' CLOTHING CURTAINsim. DRAPES KITCHENER "iivirworqfs BOOK-IND“ " Quo- "I . " Rabi-ding Boob. Burton, Hyu- All Pnyorbooh . Mt]. Add more books to your home library by having you “write magazine bound into boob. l-ithli-g Club Bag.. Slims... on. Price- reasonable. Goods culled for and delivered. are medicated" insoles. Ends foot torture. Removes caucuses, destroys bad odors, best for athlete’s foot. Me a pair, at Geiger's Drug Store, 408 King E., Kitchener. Phone 3738 Pearl Laundry Co. Electric motors It hat. to 5 h.p., 810.00 and ms Delco punts taken in exchange. obbin Gauge, Kitch- ener. -sJiin,the/, Care to all You Fear" BOOKBINDING DYERS AND CLEANERS Sewing Machines, Drop'lleads $8.00 and up Guaranteed Repairs to all m Waterloo Sewing Macrame Shop " King S., Wanda. Plan. 731 w4'! Qua: St. S. - Plum- 808 Kitchonor. Out. Burtol Cleaning Mr. Earl Sarnochln ot Touwnter and Mrs, Arthur Sanders and ohiV dren of Waterloo visited recently at rho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Car- noohan. SUTHERLAND - SCHULTZ Mrs. Thomas Farrell. underwent an operation for appendicitis. Tues- day. U Mrs. Norman Murray has returned home after spending a few day. in Chicago - Room! visitors at the home of Dr. G l). Manner were Mrtt, J. It. Mun-or, Mrs. Rirhnrd Manner, Mrs. Robert Manspr, G B. Van Buncmn and H. It Manser of Toronto. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brownlee of Mllibank spent Wednesday at the homo of Robs-n, (gunman. _ Mr. and Mrg. W. W. Martlnmn of C'mira visimd at the homo of Mr. and Mrs A. 0, Schnurr. wodnt-ur. Local Team Won " CLARE’S FLOWER SHOP Clare Diebold, Prop. 200 King Went . Phono 1410 Kikhonor Flowers telegraphed anywhere. Thursday night tho Linwood Union Jacks played thoir first ball game of thn season against [Fireman and ma N'ndr‘d in (inhaling tho invader: by n more ot " Tho nut game will be pznynd at hnmo Tue-d” night against an Germlny. Artistic Plan] Quip. for all Mr and Mrs, Gordon Jackson of Kiuhnnnr spam the holiday with “Emma hum Was I) Signer, the local tench". apI‘nl tho weekand at her homo tn \mdmny, Mr And Mrs Norm" Mcuumhllu 1 tht', I JUD‘ “" l “""‘““ . 91mm Saturday evening with (Hand. _ TURN TO THE CHRONICLE .2‘ Hnwood Mr " I. Wehor of v:,r,dcs"l, TO DISPOSE OF" THEIR a human visitor hero In! PH " Mr " n wmmnmn of London I USED GOODS. AND TO F'TT,1, upon! the weekend with friend. ham " , I ' S. Mr r H Law-on of 3mm wu .imFIR FUTURE NERD Imam.“ vllitor her. taat Ml} "m-------'"-"- ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC MOTORS DRUGGISTS Kitchener MOTORS FOR SALE FLORAL LI "WOOD NU -FEET DORKING Kiteheiier Guelph Ila-windin- New and . ', .,,, 'T t x: . u _ FOR SALE PgetTAS'ltfaTlt'l,'2 If“! He'd-"ii Fawn»; u; t, wife'- too, phone "" thin. 414 1 GM pun-poo. M M: m. g you: old; 1 Holstein cow no any time; l froth Jersey heifer cot; and 2 young sown, in pig. George S. Scum, Baden WR. 2. Ont. 43-4 Four you: no to nun-d III. luv“. u. an. wry “and“ prim. and no my my]. have at": adv-nus. a! It that we have decided to carry ought”, I...“ irc. ""ii/JTai'i" iiiUUGuaoui V in“. of vacuum :Iunin‘ hot air - with - rebuild job. Agent: for PEASE Furnaces. E. P. KIESWETTER Pi-bis" ud H.“ Pie-o "" - “310” 323 King St. W. - Kilian.“ oot. Inst-I I NEW GlLSON FURNACE Keep Comfortable This Winter. LOW PRXCES - EASY TERMS For further puticulu‘l we . A. STRASSBURGER " Menu-o St., Wltorloo. Phono BBN Repairs i All Make: of Furnaces. 108 Brianna-pl st. - Kink... Manufacturers of Cuatom Built Furniture and Repairs. Phone 3504 Thr- 1 Harper Memos! [Empty Parlor lube“. Park Perm. Waves " to $10, including Zotoa mdchineless wave, animating and Marcelling; Finger Waves by Plum. 2215 - " King St. E. Kiuhuor _ B. A, 911135."! GiAiay. Ali! Smoky Furnaces! REBUILT COMPLETELY For M Sit " King St. w. Phone 8878 for Appointment, KNAPP'S BEAUTY PARLOR " King Street Wat. Kitchen" or Dunne: throuqh Goad!“ Btore. Specinlizinz in For. Waves. P. WIVES. Knit Cutting. Funk, Handling. Scllp Trenb ment, Manicuring Absolute Sunk-Hon. can” and t%rvKo - Walter Hill-pert". Prop. Permanent Wu” (Hunt-l. Cronin. Bout. Spit-I) $1.50, $2.00. $3.30, $5.00} Hagu- Wun fr, '"ttei. Pr'.., Spam. ate; Vw-VB. KeurrioT: iiGudA. its; 261 King E., Kitchener. Pic-o III Yohnc MAN WANTED Age 17-22, high sehoot or business collage training, for neeountant'a oftiee. If satisfactory may consider partnership arrangement. Apply Box No. 28, Wuhan-loo Chronicle. 41-2-3-4-5 JONES BEAUTY PARLOR HAIRDRESSING Ogilvie Sisters Bair and Seth) Preparations and Treatananta. LUXURY .. UPHOLSTERING CO. People have always been in the habit of looking to The Chronicle for Auction Sales. . . What more natural thing than that they should use the same advertising me- dium to bring them re- l Stilts, at low cost, in l other fields. :THEY JUST NATURALLY l TURN TO THE CHRONICLE 1T0 DISPOSE OF" THEIR I USED GOODS. AND TO FILL ALL vain cum HELP WANTED Spend Your _ Want Ad Monei where it will do the most TAKE ADVANTAGE FURNITURE OF THE CHRONICLES OFFER OF 25 CENTS MINIMUM CHARGE FURNACES FORSALE - HABIT is a great thing " insertions for 60 cents) WALTER’S BEAUTY PARLOR I504 - It... sun For Free Eatimate. Kitchener in}? MP lap-Mu 40-1-84 _ m WAN-run for sum m Ind -twstt, for t w 12dlt, 'llbnU'tff Ti." the 's, - - B, lube-1m - - Willows-00C.- “on“: Wm“ Insurance Agencies Great-Wont Lilo Alec. Co. Fin - Automobile - Accident ASSETS OVER $1,500,000 (Savanna-t Doped! - 0100.000. Um” IRWIN'S CREDIT JEWELLERS 259 King St. W. - Kitchen-r Par Moro for Your Old Gold “Id Do-Export W.teh, Clank and Jewel- lery Rm at modern. “fie... The Swiss Jeweller W. G. Watch-I - - - W-wloo E. F. San.- - - - Wind.- E. J. Ian-r . - - - Waterloo Oscar Iii-Del - - . Kink-ul- Ford s. - - - - Wat-rho W. R. Brick-r - - - Wat-riot Wu. Had-ru- . - . waif!“ ' t Pigs l Bought - Sold - Eau-od. . lhrgy,ett,', Livetségk Exchange ‘CHICOPEE H HTS FARM W. G. WMUI - . - Pram-l J. Howard 3|...” . Vito-Push! F. H. “our - - . - "we! J. A, PW " . . - Stern-r1 E. E. lucky-cl - Sn... of A-ci.. cloclm and jewellery. _ Also . complete line of Watches, Clocks. etc. " Boston Strut - Kitchener (Opp. Walter Food - Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company Community Auction Sale 10 mm. every Stand-y. Livestock, implements, or what hue you. - Sell your staph? for cub. - - -, - n n --.-- 19“.- - 6-9 mm. -. 4-7 p.m. 1232 King!” Eitrbeer, Ph. For ca,ray. agiuh chku. Pulo. - """ica'ii'a,"R7Gk. TGT' --_-'. Also good tor Hun-In. H.K.WILHELM HARDWARE --- -- _ _ 7 who!" t “I. St. 3.. Wet:",', Phone 409 c. A. BOEMM INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITED District Ago-h FEHRBNBACi-l MATTRESS Not sold In “or... Q-nlity and Cindi-cu. 309 Q...- St. S. - Kitchens: Ph. 254 - Ron. Ph. Wat. 855w. Horses, Cow_s, Young Cattle KITCHEN” . ONT. MARVEL OIL BURNERS ("ml-dun! h Kitchen.” For the Kitchen Stove or Halter SW" Oil luv-on and Ila-co moi-y fe th_t Eyyest. M Flu-Q "" " Beaton St. INSURANCE SAVI MONEY OI Your PAINT and WALDAPEI Krréii%iiii "iiifrthiER IP "tt In. In" - [ltd MISS ANNA R. BEAN Tencher of Piuno, Singing and Theory. Private Ind Class Instruction. Stedtoo " Roy Sh. Kitchener. Piano ttrtM. Does un expert repair job on pn, king 91 Elwyn, Kitchener Sales Subles JEWELLERS LIVESTOCK " NOTICE! rrtiiiiikiGr.- '5 in“... 1714.: OIL BURNERS HANFORD'S BALSAM or HYIRH MATTRESS [mill-OI!- " KITCHENEI PAINT I WALLPAPER co. OFFICERS MUSIC . . harem WEE-lei xime-znsn tr, 230w MINERAL VAPOR BATES SCIENTIFIC 810d”: M Heath Thenpiu. ROSA BROWN, N.C. PIANOS Fully guaranteed. Small designs, nearly new. Thoroughly (one over and tuned. Nude moth-proof. Beautiful finish. Luge stock to choose from. From ‘70 m up. CARL HEINTZMAN In Schnau- Ltd. - KITCHEN“ Phone 194 AUTOMATIC WATER PRESSURE PUMP For cunn- all Well. Have "and.“ water in your hon". Ind plenty of In!" for run: tattle. XII-ml n Anton-tic Pnnure Pump on your I” or summer homo. KITCHENER BRASS FOUNDRY MS King St." E., “Idle-or Repair. on all m"eCe', Pun-u. tttsas-aid-dai". [nah- Special - iteprGentative "simpssort's" 285 King E... .- Phone 3124 The ATlifChtrirtidn Co. R'2,f,2f/Al HA: melt y e t'ilG?ge,'.'g.'r'laF,1ht att Ontario Street s. 1- Pinon. 790 KITCHENER Whether BUYING or SELLING I . FARM Hessengus; A- Shantz Redacted D.P.A. Phone "Mr. 164 King Within". FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY For Sale and Exchange. "o,"i"vii'i"'C" -ii, 'Fréézricl. St. PPiMllrll REAL ESTATE - INSU NCE . LOANS E. K. HEARTH " Kill li., 7 __'__ Ah" EXPERT Radio Repairing Radios Repaired Phone 925 ED. HOUSE'S SHOE STORE “a REPAIR SHOP Ioo ACRES good land, store- house, large bank barn, spring creek, some bush; 4 miles from Kitchener. Terms arranged. SHOE REPAIRING Farms For Sale REAL ESTATE 100 ACRES. Specinl price to wind up estate. Situated on Kitchener highway. Good land. Mortgage at 4 per cent. in- tereat. " ACRES near St. Agatha with spring creek, selling " $2,500. PERSONAL " [VI Anything In MED] "We Do It” E. L. Hearn, Mannger 305 King St. W. - Kitchener Phoncn: 1775. Ron. 255 i Farm Bargains Anywhere - A-nrtime. All work swamped. A. K. Cressman King St. S. Whatever it is among the thousand one one services, IRE CHROMWB WANT ADS. 'ro BY OR m a wan-ad docs--you'll find as people have always found that The Chronicle can do it beiirr at loss cost. J. W. SAUNDERS In Business Over 32 Yee. Ital - and Insurance 102 KING SOUTH Waterloo Tubes testéd free. Sell your Car Rent your Flat Hire a Maid or Find your Cat PIANOS RADIOS Bender’s Lis_tigga_ly_gi_§ed. ALL MAKES 925 - 258 King W. KITCHEN ER WATERIDO ROOFING WATERLOO, ONT. Kitchener Limited Roofing Co. Phone Tttt Phone “I Local Tire Shop Sounding Tin Do... 207 King St. E. - Kitchener Now and Uood Tivo., “no". TYPEWRITERS SUPPLIES “a REPAIRS pyTlieatfnr. Htd ..Aytd.inslehire, Ruins 9-5929. We buy old and new may. or collection. We and out he ulce- tions on approval to collector; Cd] or drop I line. Unlo- Sue _Co. _ "" if! iiai id M _ We Fix Flats - Vulcanlziu Fii'areui;ineu, ttLet on; Ontario Ottiee Out “or: Ltd. " Q...- 't s.. - M m Vic'toria Day was celebrated u a. holiday and passed on quietly "with the older people going fitshing and a display of areworks in the evening for the children. THIES“& TUBES Constable Jak, Mans: made a trip to the nood stricken area in London inst week and reports things in a very sad condition. A number ot teachers ot ‘St. Peter'. Sunday School attended the district Sunday School totweatioa held in St. Peter's church, (Kitchener on Mon- day. A number from here attended the annual mission board meeting in the First Mennonite Church and in the Tabernacle in (Kitchener on Sunday. Silvertown Stores In. and Want Sts. - a... 4.1 KITCHENER " o- St. tr The committee or the late Lorenz Schneider family met at the home at Miss Maude Engelter on Monday to discuss and make plans for their annual family reunion. Several of our local tiirlMyrttttytt 11.76 made trips to Colpoy's Bay and More suceessful in bringing home a haul of trout. They catch the 'uttt by hand at night by flash light. Each time they brought home over four hundred 41trh caught this way. Mrs. Catherine Kueh, Milton [Km]: and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Much mo- tored to friends in Detroit over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. w. min ot Wham were holiday visitors with "Mr. and Mrs. Clifford lHuehn. Miss Melinda Lindner, who spent some time with her sister here, re- turned to her home in North Eut- hope. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph learn: spent the holiday week-end at the home ot the latter's parents. Mr. Edgar Berg of Ligbon about a few days 'with his grandmother. Miss Mary 'Hottman, Messrs. Henry Martin, Freeman Gingrich, Orton and Lester Kuch [were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mentto Brubaker. Mrs. Otto Jturkhardt, Mrs. Jack Wilson and Mrs. Chas. Schmidt called at the home of their cousin, Misc Annie Wahl. TYPEWRITERS Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sellers and son Clayton of Walton spent the holiday “ovkvond at the home ot Mrs. M. lloerle. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cluthe and children spent a day at the home or Mr. and Mrs. M. Ziegler. Mrs. Ed. iHuehn and son Howard spent a fvw days in Elmira at the hum? of Mrs. A. Gentz. Rev, and Mrs. ll. J. Lamack visited at the latter's mother's home, Mrs. Sippen of New Hamburg. Mr. and Mpg. Ed. Koehler. draugh- ter Grace and Miss Bessie \Heist were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Koehler, Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmerman were Sunday guests of.the Misses Vallmar, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Weis, Mrs. Jnhn Weis Wasps Lauretta Wei: and Violet Edlor called at the home ot Cm). “7919. Wasps: Marie KrautPr and Laurene (hmrlwin spent the wreak-end at the horns, ur Mr. and Mrs Emerson Krau- tpr, Personal- Mimosa Hilda and Irene Doering mom Sunday afternoon with Miss Mario homing. Mr and Mes. Clayton Mohr and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Irrs PA Hoffmeir at W‘nlerloo. Mr and Mrs Wilfred Weitlaufer :"Id Mrs Annin Schmidt, of 'rtrritw inrk visiind Monday evening with Mr and Mrs Clayton IReyler, Mr Howard Snidvr 'tttont Sunday "itll triorlsw at Kitrhonor Mr and VIN: Alvin Eidt vialtod rllutliu Manning with Mr. and Mrs. Giorint " Sohmidi lull w-M, Pay-not- Mr and Mrs-William Rvylvr ttpeett Sunday m‘r‘ning with Mr Mid MN. .Yuhn Huilrh Mr and Mr: J E Dom-In: and tttt Eur! worn Monday visitors with ltr' and Mrs John Rrdt a! Km.- wood. Mr Emil Dnhns mom Sunday with ‘lv' nml Mr" John haw an 0911.9” Mr and Mr, Clnvton Saylor um! Illnlghlnr Joan upon! Rundny with Mr and Mry David Euler at Rad!“ Truck Tires Mr and Mr: Thmrlorp Do.rintt u pm Sunday vmmrn at Hm home of Mr, Edward Jacky at St Agatha. STAMPS WANTED HIIDILIIRG WANTED PHILI PSBURG

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