Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 12 Feb 1937, p. 11

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Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller of Floraâ€" dale were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rdwin Bender. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo King enterâ€" tained some of their neighbors and friends at their home here last Tuesâ€" dey evening, it being the occasion of Mr. King‘s birthday. ‘The evening was spent in dancing and a pleasant time was reported by those present. The Miller sisters, Eether, Ruth and Margaret, exâ€"students of the Stratford Normal School, attended the annual At Home and reunion at that school last Friday evening. Mr. Roy Bolender of the Eighth line ofi Peel visited Mr. Vernon Maurer on Sunday. Mr. Sam W. Horst who was a paâ€" tient at the K.â€"W. Hospital for a month was removed to the home of his father, Mr. Daniel Horst on Sunâ€" day, where he is eonvalescing after his serious illness. Miss Ruth MMler is spending a few days with her sister, Margaret in New Jerusalem. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trask and Mr. George Edler of Alma were reâ€" cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Noah E. Miller. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Horst were Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Martin of St. Jacobs, Mr. Osiah (Horst of Floradale, Mr. Silas Erubaker of Brutus, Mich., and Mr. Angus Weber. Mrs. N. E. Miller and son James visited | friends in Tavistock last week. The subject of "Prayer" was disâ€" cussed in four parts by members of the â€" Evangelical Young People‘s League at their meeting here last Sunday . evening. "Prayerâ€"the Pasâ€" sion", was the topic taken by Miss Orpha Miller. "Prayer as Communâ€" ion", by Mr. Roy Bolender. "Interâ€" cessary Prayer", by Miss Rhoda Schmidt and "Praying in the Will of God", by Miss Laura Miller. Mr. Arâ€" nold Schwindt gave a reading. Mr. Kenneth Schwindt sang a solo and Irvin and Eva Schneider contributed a vocal duett. The meeting was in charge of Miss Laura Miller. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adâ€" dison Bauman were: Mr. M. B. Bauâ€" man, Miss Ermina Bauman and Mr. Abner ‘Bauman of Ayr, Miss Reta Rudow and Mr. Howard Bauman of Elmira. PRAYER â€" Mr. Henry Seiling spent Sunday with his family in Elmira. Special services for lent were obâ€" served at St. Peter‘s Lutheran church on Wednesday evening and will conâ€" tinue every â€" Wednesday â€" evening through out the Lenten season beginâ€" ning at 8 o‘clock. Services for next Sunday will be held in the afternoon at 2.30 o‘clock. The service will be followed by a meeting of the Church Council. Mr. Valentine Hahn had the misâ€" fortune to fall on the ice on Monday und fracture his shoulder. His many friends hope that he will soon be able to be up and around again. Mrs. Carl Snyder returned to her home after visiting for a few days with her son, Mr. and Mrs. William Inyder at Bamberg who celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary on Sunday. Mr. Daniel Schweitzer of Waterâ€" loo called on local friends here on Friday. â€" s ‘Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Menno Brubacher were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cressman and Mr. Freeman Gingrich of St. Jacobs. _ Mrs. M. E. Boos of Chesley visited for several days with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Gteiss. . â€" _ Miss Vera Schmidt of Breslau spent the weekâ€"end at her home here. Miss Agnes and Master Peter Dorscht of Bamberg were Sunday viâ€" sitors with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Grubb. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wolfe and family of Waterloo were Sunday visiâ€" tors with Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe. Mr. Martin Hurst of St. Jacobs spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Moses Brubacher. NORTH WOOLWICH C EED WATCH AND "*Ltook arbxikimg 96 King St. W. â€" Kitchener "" 188 King St. N., |w Waterloo OO dnonennnnnnennnnnennen en ons The Bengal Stations in STOVE POLISH 491 King E. (Across from Ford Garage) 600 Queen S. _ (At Master‘s Mill) The White Rose Station LIQUID o PASTE BUY GAS AT HEIDELBERG Located in Steele‘s (Abrens & Victoria Sts.) Kitchoner‘s Reliable Optometrists for 12 Yeare Glasses That Satisfy Kitchener "GTEELE‘G" The death of Mrs. Justina Rellinger occurred on Monday at her home in New Germany district. She was in her 92nd year and had been in good health until the time of her death. The deceased has lived in this comâ€" munity for over 60 years and was born in Petersburg. She was a memâ€" ber of St. Boniface R.C. Church. Surviving are three sons, John and William on the homestead, iPhjllip of New Germany, two daughters, Mrs. Mary (Roth, Ariss and Mrs. Joâ€" seph Bruder, Paisley Block. Her husâ€" band predeceased her 14 years, also one son, Anthony, in 1933. Mission Talk. The U.B.C.E. held a special meetâ€" ing observing Christian Endeavor week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bricker on Saturday evening. Mr. James Young of Knox College, Torâ€" onto, was the guest speaker and gave an interesting talk on his experiences as a missionary in Western Canada during the last three summers. Folâ€" lowing the meeting a social hour was enjoyed and Junch was served. The funeral will be held from her lete residence on Thursday, Feb. 11, tor requiem high mass at 9.30 o‘clock at the St. ‘Boniface church, burial in the adjoining cemetery. Pioneer of District Dies in 92nd Year The World‘s Day of Prayer will be observed by the holding of a union service in the Evangelical church on Friday evening. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Dunston of Torâ€" onto and Mrs. John Folland of Clinâ€" ton were guests of Mrs. A. Véitch on Sunday. . The Misses Doris Huber and Esâ€" telle Haycock of Kitchener were weekâ€"end guests at the homes of Mr. and Mrs Elmer Stoltz and A. E. Stoltz. Mrs. A. C. Becker is spending a few days at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Eimer Becker of Kitchener. Mrs. Lorne Debrusk of Blair, Mr. Rae Marshall of Hamilton and James Swan of Ayr were Saturday visitors with Mrs. A. Veitch and Mr. T. Marâ€" shall. Miss Ruth Morrish and Roy Swartz oi Kitchener were weekâ€"end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Swartz. Mr. James Young of Toronto was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hope over the weekâ€"end. _ Messrs. E. Perrin, Eph. Fried and Floyd Becker attended the annual meeting and banquet of the Holsteinâ€" Friesian Association held at the Royâ€" al York Hotel at Toronto las Wedâ€" nesday. Mr. Henry Innanen of Rothsay is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Becker. Beaten in Close Game. ‘The Roseville hockey team clashed sticks with the Ayr tean&gt Ayr last Saturday evening but came out on the short end of 2â€"1 score. Next Satâ€" urday evening, Feb. 13, they will play against Drumbo at Ayr. There will be skating after the game. > Floyd ‘Becker left on Monday on the excursion to the Purina Experiâ€" mental Farm at St. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Lemp and family of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mrs. ‘Daniel Seyler on Sunday evening. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Krop{f were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leobold, Mr. and Mrs. Christ Zehr, Mrs. Lydia Lies of Welâ€" lesley, Mr. and Mrs. Memno Albright ard son ‘Donald of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. John Lips and daughter Grace. Mr. Louis Freiburger and Miss Agnes Freiburger spent Sunday evenâ€" ing with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kies welter. Miss Florence Wickens of Bridgeâ€" port spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. Nelson Hackbart. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hackbart and daughters Vera, Mildred and Gladys and sons (Clayton, Wilfrid and Rdâ€" ward spent Sunday with Mrs. M. Duench near Hawkesville. Mr. Jerome Freiburger has startâ€" ed work with Mr. Harold Hoerle at Yt. Agatha where he is employed for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lunz, Mr. Louis Gremm and Messrs. Jonas and John Scheffner of Bamberg spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Boehm. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Freiburgetr apent Sunday evening with Mr. and MUrs. \\‘m. Golbeck. Messrs. Harold Hieronymus, drvin Lips and Fred and Walter Hackbart spent Sunday evening with Messts. Gordon and Arthur Berg. Mrs. Charles Hackbart is spendâ€" ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Schmidt at Heldelberg. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Freiburger spent Friday evening with Mr. and \irs. Martin Kieswetter. \r Wilfrid Walters spent the weekâ€" end with friends in Detroit. Mr. .R. 8. Allingham was a busiâ€" ness viaitor in Kitchener last PFriâ€" day i Mr. and Mra. George Crummer and Mr. Wm. Crummer of Ninth of Welâ€" lesley sapent Sunday with Mr. and Mra_.W. N. Allingham. Owing to the iey condition of the road« there was a very small attendâ€" ance from this part at Elmira Fair. Mr. Wm.Baty was a business vialâ€" tm in Kitchener on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Allingham and Janet apent Friday afternoon in Lisâ€" to wel Lawyer _ "dGet my hbroke Jonea" ‘"Yes, sir, stock or pawn?t" HESSEN ROAD ROSEVILLE DORKING Get â€" my broker. . Miga Two Cars Nearly Upset in Ditch been very icy and dangerous since Monday and it was only by the will of the fates that two serious acoci dents were narrowly averted on Monâ€" day. *A car driven by Mr. John Hohl beâ€" gan slipping towards a deep em:â€" bankment on the LisbonWellesley road and was within a few feot of plunging over when a small stone under one of the back wheels held it. Neighbors with ropes solved the problem and cautiously pulled it away from its perilous position. _ Another car driven by H. Neeb of ilmwud slid sideways into a deep ditch just outside of the village, but fortunately did not upset. With the aid of some more ropes and a bit of manly strength it too was reinstatâ€" ed upon terradirma. Personals. Miss Gertrude Kneisel of Waterloo spent the weekâ€"end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kneisel. The Misses Grace, Myrtle and Ciarece Kneisel spent Sunday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C onrad Kneisel. We are sorry to report that Mr. Seibrt Snyder is confined to bed with the flu. Priends and neighbors wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Reuben Roeder, Mr. John Maâ€" thies, Mr. Elmer and Stanley Hohl called on Mr. Harvey and Walter Kneisel on Sunday afternoon. Miss Violet and Almeta Roeder of New Prussia called on Mr. and Mrs. E. Roeder on Sunday afternoon. _ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kimball and Gaughters Audrey and Betnice and Vir. William Becker of Kitchener called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glebe on Sunday. Miss Catharine Hoh] is at present employed at the home of Mr. and Mirs iNelson Doering of Doering‘s Corner. Mrs. Geo. Glebe visited with Mrs Mary Paff on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glebe and son Franklin paid a vieit to Mr. and Mré. Geo. Lantz and Mr. and Mrs. Armâ€" and Lantz of Phillipsburg on Sunâ€" day _ Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Roth spent Sunâ€" day afternoon in Kingwood and Welâ€" lesley. i _ _ Mr. Roderick Forbes of Stratford is spending a few days with Mr. Roâ€" bert Stewart. â€" â€" s Mr. and Mrs. John Leis and ‘Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lichty of Wellesley were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Leis. Mrs. Robert Stewart spent the weekâ€"end in Stratford. s _ Mr. and Mrs. David Reid and sons Jack and Jim spent an evening with Chris. Roth and family. 0 _ Miss Mary Kerr, teacher of Brussâ€" els spent the weekâ€"end with her parâ€" ents here. e Mis;"fiéllie Neilson spent a day in Listowel. _ s s â€" Messrs. Wm. McAuley and Wm. Neilson spent a day in ‘Mitchell last week. _ Mr. and Mrs. C. Roth and sons Clarence and Elmer spent Friday evening at the R. Stewart home. Mr. Sam Wagler and Mr. Noah Wagler of Wellesley were on the line on Friday and purchased a fine horse from Mr. Gordon Albrecht. _ Mr. Nick Kuepfer and son of near Milverton called on this line on Monâ€" dav on business. Mr. Roderick MacLean, _ Fernâ€" bank, teacher and Mr. Fred Brown, Millbank teacher, spent an evening with Mr. and ‘Mrs. William Neilson last week. Mr. Pat Hanley is spending a few days at Toronto. s “â€"iigisâ€".;ési Francis and Marle Linse man spent Sunday at Hesson. Mrs. Patrick Doherty received the sad news of the death of her sister, Mrs, Cecilia Leyes of Milwaukee on Sunday. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hanley, Mr. Wilfred Hanley made a business trip to Milverton on Friday. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Korman and Mrs. Jas. Kennedy Sr., Mr. Patrick Kennedy of Waterloo spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kennedy‘s. “\lr an;l H;i: Len Harrison and son Don of Guelph spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hanley. _ _ _ ‘Mr. Joseph Hanley and Mr. Patrick Doherty spent SEnday a_t_ Glenallen. _ Mr. Patrick Doherty left for Milâ€" waukee to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. ‘Cecilia Leyes. _ l Miss Leah Martin, Linwood, spent the weekâ€"end with Mrs. J. W. Snyder, 1 Mr. Frances Brubacher spent Sunâ€" day with Mr. Wayne Snyder. _ Mr. Arthur Kennedy spent Friday at Kinkora. Sn e _ Mr. Chas. Haild and friend of near Linwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hanley. â€" _ Owing to ice and rain there were very few from here who attended the Elmira monthly fair. Suuday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fa. Snyder were Meossrs. Raymond Byler and Arthur Maust, Mich., Messrs. Oliver and Lester and Miss Vera Koch, Conestogo, Misses Luâ€" cinda and Almeda Snyder, Miss Leah Martin, Linwood. _ Mr. Seranus Wideman was a Sunâ€" day visitor with Mr. Freeman Gingâ€" rich. Miss Phiana Bowman visited with Miss Barbara Eby, Sunday, _ Recent gmests at the home of Mr. and Mrsa. Herbert Shants were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Woolner and famâ€" ily of Mannheim, Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Bowman of Guernsey, Sask. Master Melvin Snyder visited with Britton Gnyder, Qunday. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mra. Manasseh Gingrich were Mr. and Mra. Paul Martin and son Rimer, Jerugalem, Miss Hettle Horat, St. Jacoba. Mr. Freeman Gingrich was a 3un day visitor with Mr Walter Bru bacher. SNIDER‘S CORNERS Possonale and other items as teid by Waterice Chromicle FERNBANK TO 8Y OR GML. HESSON DISTRICT NEWS l;:; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Williams and son Kenneth of Linwood visited with with Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson on Thuraday and l Red Cross Benefit Concert. Mr. A social evening will hbe held in mer the township hall Friday evening, qt" Foeb. 12, in ald of the Red Cross Flood |Rplip{ Fund. Progressive euchre and gunâ€" ln!hor games will he played. Refresh Aru.!ments will be sarved !_ The supper table was centred with a beautiful birthday cake. Those present at the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Huehn and daughter Marie, Mr. and Mrs. George Foerster and daughters Margaret and Vera and sons Ernie and Walter, Mrs. Katie Huehn, a sisterâ€"inâ€"law, and Mr. George Rahn, a brotherâ€"inâ€"law, all of | Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leis ard daughter Helen of Kitchener, Mr. ‘and Mrs. Theo Huehn and daughter Luella and Mr. Gordon iHoltz of Baâ€" den; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gremm and | caughters Shirley and Marjory of Wellesley and Mr. Roy Hoffard of Gadshill. Postmaster 22 Years Jacob Miller Dies SBurviving are his widow nee Kathâ€" arine Bickert, six daughters (Anna) Mrs. William Steurnage!, Preston, @Hilda) Mrs. D. Mulcahy, Tilbury, (Alice), Mrs. E. A. Koehler, Kitch ener, Ruth in St. Thomas, Eisie and Margaret at home, three sons, Charles of Gillette, Wy., Oscar of Prelate, Sask., Clarence of Tilbury, 18 grandchildren and one great grapdchild, three sisters, Mrs. Mary Wieischauer, Kitchener, Mrs. John G. Hiahn, St. Jacobs, Mrs. Katharine Kaufman, Wellesley, and two broâ€" thers, Philip of Kitchener and Wilâ€" liam of Melville, Sask. One brother, Henry, of Rocky Mountain House, Alta., predeceased him six months Jacob B. Milier, 79 years old, died on Sunday evening at his home. ‘Phe | Misses Dorothy and Helen Berdux of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end at |thc home of their parents, Mr. and + Mrs. George Berdux. ber of the St. Pauls ‘Missouri Lutherâ€" an church here. On Sunday about 30 guests gathâ€" ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Gremm and surprised Mr. George Huehn on the occasion of his eightyâ€"third birthday. After Mr. Gco. Rahn read an address his famâ€" ily showered him with many gifts. The funeral was held on Wednesâ€" day, Feb. 10th at the St. Paul‘s Misâ€" souri Lutheran Church, followed to the Fairview cemetery in Baden. Surprise W. Gremm on 83rd Birthday Dukes Take Game from Floradale Six Wellesley Dukes defeated the Floâ€" radale hockey team here on Tuesâ€" day evening the score being 72. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Christ Erb of Brunâ€" ner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Erb. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Leis and son Harold and daughter Lfigg‘,yisited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sée&miller im New Hamburg on Sunday, Misses Dorothy and _ Margaret Riehr of Kitchener and Mr. Harold Schrieber of Galt spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Leis. _ Miss Esther Berdux entertained a few guests at her home on Monday evening. Advertising is more valuable and more effective in dull times than in flush times because there is less of it. The ladies here are invited to obâ€" serve the World Day of Prayer serâ€" vice with the Linwood ladies in St. Peter‘s Lutheran Church, Linwood, on Friday, Feb. 12, at 3 p.m. M. Shantz attended the Sheep Breeders‘ Convention in Toronto last week. Rekhardt Huras of Kitchener visitâ€" ed at the home of Peter Lather‘a on Sunday. Mr. and Mra Noah Stadelbaner and A QuiET, WELL CONDUCTED, comvENIENT, MODERN 100 ROOM HOTELâ€"85 WITH BATH WRITE FOR FOLDER vAKE A DE LUXE TAXI FROM DEPOT OR WHARF â€"25c Hotels â€" T ravel â€" Resorts CROSSHILL Her Limbe Were 25 Years. Thpse who are subject to sclatia should read this lotter from one who suffered for years before she found out how to obtain relief:â€" "Wor 2 years I suffered trom sciaâ€" tia in my right side, and I had backâ€" aches which forced me to remain in bottle of them without feeling much improvement. | tried a second botâ€" tle, and that time I felt better. 1 have kept on taking Kruschen ever since." â€"(Mrs.) H. L The pains of sciatia are frequently caused by an excess of uric acid in the body. Two of the ingredients of ‘Kruschen Salts are notable for their work in dissolving uric acid. Other ingredients of these salts assist the internal organs to expel the dissolved acid from the system. A pretty wedding took place, Tuesâ€" day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Gingrich, Fourth iConâ€" cession of Peel, when their daughter Minerva became the bride of Maâ€" nasseh Martin son of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah â€"F. Martin, Wallenstein. Bishâ€" op Jesse Bowman officiated. A deliâ€" cious wedding supper was served to some sixty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Martin will reside omn the Orville Esch farm near Elmira. Y. P. Hold Meeting. me almost unbearably. One day I Mr. Dan Horst was leader of the Young People‘s meeting, Mennonite (Church, Sunday evening. Miss Leeta Detwiler read Psalms 1 for the scripâ€" ture lesson. Miss Rwby Musselman contributed a recitation. ‘The topic for the entire program was "The Way of Guccess". Speakers for the evenâ€" ing were Isaiah Bauman and Mahlon Shants. time. When I got up in the morn: ings, my arms and legs used to pain Minerva Gingrich Becomes Bride of Pretty Wedding Is Solemnized Miss Lovina Ziegler, St. Jacobs, and Miss Lena Martin, Bloomingâ€" dale, were weekâ€"end visitors at their homes here. Master Eddie Fahrenkopf, the Misses Sylvia Weber, Myra and Norâ€" ma Shoemaker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Horst, Donald, Eiizabeth and Delphine of North Woolwich were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Bauman. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bauman, Elmira ard Mr. Noah Bauman, Listowel visâ€" ited with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bow:â€" man, Sunday. Migses Alexena Frey and Gertrude Oit spent the weekâ€"end at Bridgeport and Waterloo. Union is strength, but where the eloments composing it are both weak, their combination may be weak also. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Benâ€" der, North Woolwich. â€" Mr. Emmanue] Bauman, local Puâ€" rina dealer, left Monday on a vislt to the Experimental Farms, St. Louis. Mrs. Jonas Martin, Mrs. Ivan Marâ€" tin and son Harvey of Elmira visited with ‘Mr. and Mrs. Amsey Martin and Mr. and Mrs. John Martin over the weekâ€"end. Almost any motorist will gladly give a woman driver half the road if he can find out which half she wants. Miss Leeta Detwiler visited Miss Elvina Bowman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Faulhafer of the 3rd line spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Birmingham. son Roy of the 13th, visited at the home of George Glaister‘s recently. No man, however insignificant he looks, questions your judgment when you tell him he looks distinguished. The trouble with most of us is that we are too fond of people who agree with us and with food that doesn‘t. TO ALL STATIONS IN WESTERN CA N A D A Suffered with Sciatica for Passage Tickets also on sale, good in:â€" (a) tourist sleeping cars at approximately 1%.¢ per mile, plus regular berth fare. (b) parlor and standard sleeping cars at approximately 1%/4c per mile, plus regular seat or berth fare. ROUTESâ€"Ticketa good going via Port Arthur, Ont., Armatrong, Ont., Chicago, 111. or Smult Ste. Marie, returning via same route and line only. Generous optional routings. STOPOVERSâ€"â€"within legal limit of ticket, both going and returning â€" at Port Arthur, Ont., Armatrong, Ont., and west ; mlso at Chimgo, 111. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich . and west, in mecordance with tariff« of United States lines CANADIAN PACIFIC EXCURSIONS SLEEPING CAR PRIVILEGES City Passonger Agent 120 King St. W. â€" P‘ono 585 Kitchener, Ont. Special Bargain ONE CENT PER MILE Full particulars from any agent Going Dates: Daily Feb. 20 to March 6 Return Limit: 45 days. FLORADALE Good in Coaches only APPROXIMATELY Mrs. O. Hambly of Elmira visited Miss Elsie Coulter is visiting with with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kunts Mr. and Mrs. John Jenner and famâ€" on Sunday. $ ‘ily at Charing Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Bender and ! doughter Ruth and Mr. and Mrs. John Bender of Punkidoodle spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Anmnl Bender. Mr. and MYS. Aaron Helmuth spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Hoenry Weil. a s Mr. David Yunker of New Hamâ€" burg spent Sunday with his parents. Several from here attended the funâ€" eral of the infant daughter of Mr. ard Mrs. Amos Zehr, 16th line church on Thursday. Miss Olive Wettlaufer spent Sunâ€" day with Mr. and Mrs. John Wettâ€" laufer. Mrs. Joseph Bray Sr., was removed to the Woodstock General Hospital where she is taking treatments, last week. MASTER MILLING CO. â€" Kitchener M. L. WEBER «= « â€" St. Jacobs J. LOTZ = e & Wellesley HUEHN BROS. w « Heidelberg "WHO‘S AFRAID OF THE ; BIG BAD WOLF?" With homeâ€"grown grains scarce and very costly to buy, and pigs at the lowest cbb in their price range, it takes very little @iguring o show that you can‘t afford to waste grain. Wih 40 pounds of ROE WONDERGROW HOG CONCENTRATE, you will save 450 to 500 pounds of your own grain on every 200 pound pig fed. besides marketing them three to four weeks carlier. Farmers are depending on ROE WONDERGROW for greater hog profits, to say nothing about healthier pigs, faster growth, larger litters, and freedom from stiffness, worms and rickets. If yos are already using ROE WONDERGROW ~ A few from here attended the sale lh.m&-podmâ€"ulofi- farmers the results you are getting. If you have never used it, ask Be Prepared for Real RESULTS and Greater PIG PROFITS f Arrow Busses TICKETS GOOD IN ©@ COACHES at fares approximately 1c per mile. @ TOURIST SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1%i c per mile. @ STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1 \4c per mile. To Toronto â€"â€"â€"6 trips daily via Guelph, Georgetown, Bram; ton. â€" xo.zo a.m., 8.00'n.m., 11.30 a.m., 8;6 p.m., 5.30 p.m., 7.45 p.m. x â€" Daily except Sundays. To Hanover â€"‘! ;l(‘)ip daily â€" via Palmerston, Walkerton â€" .30 p.m. (9.45 a.m. Saturday, Sunday and Holidays) To Guelph BAGGAGE Checked. _ Stopovers at Port Arthur, Armetrong, Chicago and weet. Tichets, Sleeping Car resernations, and all information from any agent. ASK POR HANDBILL To London â€"3 trips daily â€" via Stratford â€" 11.05 a.m., 3.35 p.m., 6.30 p.m. Sundays and Holidays also at 8.30 p.m. Connecting with direct motor coach service to Windsor, Detroit, Chicago. From all Stations in Kastern Canada GCOING DAILYâ€"FEB. 20 to MARCH 6 inclusive To Owen Soundâ€"2 trips daily â€" via Mt. Forest, Durham â€" 9.45 a.m., 5.30 p.m. To Goderich To To Hamilton Write, phone or call for schedules, rates, étc. Fred Wesson, 129 King Street East, Kitchener â€" Phone 3679 EAST ZORRA COST OF ACCOMMODATION IN SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONMAL e ‘h"â€" Commemaenee® . Leave from Kitchener depot â€" opposite City Hall. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRAILWAYS TORONTO ROE FEEDS sold locally by â€"7 trips daily. â€"2 trips daily â€" via Mitchell, Clinton â€" 11.05 r.m., 6.30 p.m. â€"â€"1 trip daily â€" via Parkhill â€" 11.05 a.m. â€"â€"6 trips daily â€" via Guelph â€" x6.00 a.m., 9.45 a.m., 11.30 a.m., 3.20 p.m., 5.30 p.m., 8.80 p.m. x â€" Daily except Sundays. Return Limit: 45 days ‘Miss Elizabeth Klockman of Fernâ€" bank spent Friday night with her grandmother, Mrs. (R. Paterson. Mrs. Russel Riley of Milverton spent the weekâ€"end with her grandâ€" mother, Mrs. R. Paterson. _ _ _ of Mr. Douglas Harkness near Bright last week. Mrs. Wm. E. Kerr of Fernbank spent Thursday afternoon with the Misses M. A. and Lavina Phair and Mrs. R. Paterson. Mrs. Wm. Eddy celebrated her 7ith birthday on Monday. We wish her many happy returns of the day. m.firs‘..-fi..mfa-t_evrgbn is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Klockman and family at Fernbank. _ _ _ Miss Ruby Helmuth entertained a few neighbors and friends to a quiltâ€" ing this week i@ Schedule on Q..} Standard Time MILLBANK TH®

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