Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 Dec 1936, p. 6

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[A83 I! Tigers [lay tjrr'et!1t..,1.iittt .'il'ttt1igll1t Juveniles (, open Season The opening (we. ot the erloo manila Hockey In". punt! at tat. Loui- rink on My mat at Schnddor'l who Sport. at! Auto into any FI m an "A" (In. Atro- “(gated Vikings " In . "B" much, and out!» aerated Wentwonh II- 0100 " In the opener [Joya Quantum. Kaufman, Norbert Lavinia, - Why:- and Budd, Huber scored to! Schneiders. Bob Home: collected the only goal tor sport and Auto. Art Schlote, member ot the K.-W. Junior team, handled all three men. The teams: Sports & Autsr--41oal, Tucker; do. fence. Wilson and Reinhardt; centre, Musselman; wings Hamel and Cra- ven; spares, Memer, widd, Hoffman, Wall]. For Avros. Bugle scored twice. Behlote, Brunt, mNIman and Quinn on goal each. Trench scored the single toi Vikings. Bow. Pugh tor 311ka scored two goals. and got an assist, while Cote] counted twice and got one all". Martin scored the tlrth. Weicker scored tor Wontworthl. setmeider'_oal Schilling; de- fence. Schaefer, Ray Erb; centre, Willard Ptohl; wings, Lefty Weber, Lloyd shuttelworth; spares, Buddy' Hubert. Norbert Lavlgne; Ernie Wal.. ler, Kaufman, Holllnger. ltl. Autumn-n, --E)T"'"" Avroir-41oa1, Weseloh; defence, Erie] and Eby; centre Bill Schloto; wings. Sheldon Utre1mtsn, Sheldon Groee; spares, Ernst, Dame, Qunn. Helm. sisains--41oal, Dunbrook; defence, Lloyd Helm, Martin; centre, my; wings, R. Bauer and Reinhardt; snares. Dorscht. J. Bauer. Pugh, Cotey. United vitringa-41oa1, Bill Aran- strong; defence Pryor and Bolduc; centre. 9ehnarr; wings. Robinson. Knarr; spares, ovens, giants, Treusch. Don Ciayfiesid and R. Hon:- berger. , Wentworth Radioa-41oal, Kahun- cki; defence, Esau. Garner; centre, Welcker; wings Kathe and Gall: spares, Ram, Bindernagel. Whet- stone, Baxter, White, Dooley. LEMONS AS LARGE AS FOOTBALLS IN UTAH - a.-.“ A lemon sixteen inches in circum- ference and seventeen inches long was on display in Walter Schole’s green house. It plopped from the tree recently. LOGAN, Utah.-They grow lem- on: as big as footballs in Utah-- undeg' glass.. . . , _ . . A GIFT WORTHWHILE An acceptable gift to a member of the family, relative or mend-ts year’s subscription to the CPfonifle, - _ in“: ----.-.-- on a: iGiii -ialG:uadi-ireisk)r, ttU times I year. Appropriate gift end with each new subscription. open nelson - ""'"""M trdUrl'lu'l'l?,Ti'rG"'au'i'ii -_-w._ T - umb-noun " mt “’78 Gaaiu; - -aTiaTTa [ml-MAdn-updmu. I'tltNhf,"tt not macs-tardy... L",'gte'lttl'l A". SHI- P-lIl-bB-Up tttt W -iiFriGa-gitetytt_t1OttttA't.'1"ae WIN-MIA.“ I “Se-O. ' ' . t"'t'e tietitfttteftg"',rlfttgf, Viki-audWe-twu l ---e- I n'mu-mmu t.u'l'll'l"f, of?“ f't,,,t, m. - Mun- 'rl"'iY 333323 mu. an; 303's." T"'" de- Tigers Beat wash» Tum again Mod that be friendly, at but on no let. _ upr- man, a." ...- oolou when my punched!” . . . . . Namibian-0pm.- ri-dowattoieadqeoattnttetr The - should m "Allyn-y If. = no: a second [nun-mediate on; an. ot good hockey, and will. In a. Int count. loll.» all“ W. the Ion-on not. My “It. MW. um. In than - “and. the “bran hock” - in. “was. ot 001t- nuunou unln all“ up the M with Cull-k. new ut "Hum-It, with. our O2LA. entry plied In tho nay-boring any. with the will mint. . 1.eoreortatnttorstrmeV . . . . . mumouxnumum Adam. It up to " m the -tond. 21." g/d so. the in?“ 'ut. af", on W mm. - In: In the a," rittd the toner 0'0- nig t. ey'vo - t e an; 1'. out - " ul- no“, but Bound Guy, 3' GIN- My m. Cano and 'Sbtmtr" pinyin; town: att" fl. cunt. Ho - man WITD!" Tenant. threatened before. “mil tttor “to m Mttt that on . y ”W ' the Waterloo net. on “you! occa- "ainat each other. Bony phy- with was playing two - in" Inn- x... -.. hold an hi contender 'ritrem und Carlo with the Green- mm ' n a . . O Waterloo continued to out-play Gait In the second period when they choked up , counts to out one. The Tigers again took advantage ot Galt's penalties and scored two points while Gan men were serving time. Kropp on n lone charge counted the third score of the period tor the local boys. mu “Wu-w" Tenant. thrown“ the Waterloo not. on seven! ocea- Ionl but wu held oil by goaltender Von. Tune-n trot both or can count: In the ttrttt period. Waterloo lit the red “(his tour than while Galt men were all. Volt in the Waterloo nets held the Gait team to the ground in the third period while Kmpp took a pass from Schulz and drove it home. Gait rallied In the third period hut was akle to penetrate the Tiger defence. The teams: Galt-4Nrai, Orton; defence, Kent, J. Hubert; centre, Bennett; wings, Tennent Rhodes; spares, Murphy, Fowler, C. Hubert, W. Dovegrove and Oliver. wateNoo--A1oal. Von; defence, Hause, Kopesser; centre, Fallbaum, wings, Harlock. Human: spares, H. Kuntz, Krupp, Stumpf, Goldsworthy and Schmalz. 2. Galt-Tennent (Rhodes) 8.17. 3. Waterloo, Hawsop. 8.38. 4. Gait-ts-nt, 14.12. 5. Waterloo-(Hausa. 14.30. 6. Waterloo. Mawson (Goldsrwor- thy) 15.30. J -iaGitieu-a. Hubert, Oliver Kent. 7. Waterloo, Fellbaum (Muse) .45. s. Waterloo -.-- Goldsworthy (Fell- baum) 1.20. 9. wateruto--aKropt, 9.26. 10. oalt--Rhodes (Bennett. Ten- nent) 13.40. Penalties-Rhodes. J. Hubert. 11. Waterloo -- Schmalz (Krnpf) 19.30. Penalties-- H. mmu. Waterloo representing Kitchener. and Kitchener carrying Waterloo colors. That's what thertansrwill see a! the Auditorium tonight when Wa- terloo's undefeated Tigers take on Kltchener's undefeated Greenahins in the third game for both teams ot of the local Intermediate DEA. sche- dule. Summary, Pint Perioit Waterloo -- Harlock (Fellnmum) second Period Gilt Friday WU]. -ftyr Ill WATIILOO A"relyi'h.1' henna tom ot the yum no“ . . . - . be friendly, at [out on tho In. _ Tim was, can who any . . . . . bout about Ha. tho W "an. Mummummnyqymuwmam good My, - will. you» up count. non-oar all. I. up _ - -- _ _A-_-h-- “hugs“ Ah- ...n.... ”In... dam All-n chit". Tigers in their tlrat two starts have been very Impressive, especially con- sidering that they had not had an exhibition game before taking on Branttord Tone Flows in the schedule With amend-In. an Maul. Lor. entz, Alex Pchunhach and Carlo Kunu. all Wand“ men. Tiger. luv. Follbaum, Harlock. Kowr, Goldtmrthy and Schmlz from opener. Volt appeara headed for his but hockey mun, rising to acnaatlonal heights In that not... uwlally agalnat Brantford. on Friday night, Tumult, R',',,',', Gait wingman. waa ouumarted a umber of tlmea when In alone on Kitchener. {he Tlgcr gum. For 'Boston-iid-ttsr (Wol- land) ; Weiland (Goldsworthy) ; Shore; Hollet; Sands (Cowley). Toronto I........... 5 American: ..mrr... 1 For Toronto-Apps (Fowler); Jackson (Fowler); Melt; Drfllott (Jackson); Jackson (Drillon). ‘Canadlens mm...... 4 Rangers Fttm.rrr'.9. 2 _ For canadiens-Lepims (Mamba, Desilets); Lepine (Desilets, Semen); lGagnon (Morenz, Joliat); Gagnon (Morenz. Joliat). I For Bmston-aMstliite (Cowley): lSands icow1errBrnith); Cowley (Get- Info). mug": ...._ 5 Canadian- ........ 3 t For Rangers-patrick (Cooper); Patrick; Dillon (N. Golvlllo. Pat- pick); Keeling (Watson); Bomber i(Dlllon). Boston ...........'.. {Mamas \Jucnwnp, "_.-.. \y....-_,. For Americans --Carr (Wiseman, Schriner). Played Saturday Toronto .rrr..m..r.. 3 Americans .Fr.rrt. 1 Por Toronto-Day (Thoma); Dril- lun (Jackson); Thoma (Davidson). For Americans-Chapman (Senti- ner). Canadians For Rangers--Weeling (Watson); Dillon (Patrick. Boucher). Played Sunday Detroit m............. 4 Benton m............. 3 For Detroit-Morrell (Amie); Lewis (Goodtellow); Kelly (W. Kil. rm, H. Kill-ea); Aurle (Lewis, Barry). to n w - msh- 2-3 e_tt _eere: here..'., .3223. -aror eanadiens--Desiteu Joliat: Blake. Chicago ...t....mr.. 2 Amorlc: Bauers .m..t..._r_... 3 Wunders Mutual Life '..r. 3 Forsythe ' Intermediate "B" Beaver 1mm. ..r. 4 Schneider 0.H.A. INTERMEDIATE "A" Kitchener ........ 4 Branttord .......... Waterloo .....mr... 8 Gait "Tr""""""" Stratford Humans Kaufman CIAI Ill Hockey Scores And Scorers TWIN clTV INDUSTRIAL Senior arts ....t...Fr_. 1 Goodrich ....... 'man ....t.F__. 2 Beaver ._....... intermediate "A" Irs .m..t..._r_... 3 Wunders ._._. 0.H.A. JUNIOR "A" d .r.qr...r. 8 Guelph ... Thurm9r, gun-u 2 Alum-lean. ........ 1 BPoRTtriiiiiiii'iiri (Blake) ', bull-ll. new In "unmet-t, ”In. with the MI rel... The old madam no: Kr”! and awn“ 0'0 f ml. on ttq mm. - may In"; i"GruGUkiiidi.ui,ittu-l um fl. ‘wk. Ho -oortetratqd t that on . y night when 'et ( Tommy [huge inn". bumpnig than: an hard a the defence as in recent canons. but in pinyin; more ethsetNe hockey. He collected In unaudited goal Pridar night on u beautiful solo rush, beating Orton Bully. 30?. -arud Vac axon dun against Tonight's game " called for 8.15 o’clock than). Waterloo (In. are ex- mated to turn out tonigm In the largest number: ml. ”I000. Junior "A" Guelph at Port Colborne. 7.30 (Mai-Lions vs. Native Sons. 9.00 1'M.'L0.)-a9ritiBts Consuls vs. Young Rangers. Clinton at Strattord. MONDAY Intel-median "B" Owen Sound at Walkerton. Junior "A" Galt at Stratford Midgets. Junlor "B" Harriston at lllvenon. TUESDAY Intermediate "A" Brantford at Gall. Waterloo at Kitchener. Intermediate "B" f Thorold at Dunning. “ Grimaby at St. Catharines. Kincqrdine at Durham. 22 Benton St. - Opp. Weber Feed - KITCHENER Bearinger Bicycle StorE OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT An Excellent Bargain! USED SKATES - q PRICE SKATES ONLY, Special . . . 39e Gifts that Last 0.H. A. BULLETIN B-FOUI' - DON'T MISS THESE! ........ See hr Christmas Bicycle Display Special Tobbogans - . Sleighs and Tobbogans Tho Wish-t My» In Town MrRBAMLmrilDBuilrGBS ............ 95c up 'NBB0GANS-A1itrizesr ........... $2.95 up C. CM. Outfits The Choice of Champions! Bauer Outfits SKATES SHARPENED BETTER - Me OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT :WATERLOO JUVENILE BULLET!“ Junior "B" Stanford Majors at Suntan! Midgets. Palmerston at Hartman. THURSDAY No games scheduled. FRIDAY Junlor "A" 3 pan.-ieheuer at tgtraftord " jars; MENTOR, The Man In the Turban 9.45 mm. CKOR " pan. "Wh-ire-H-e' nouns”. - my. inhuman-haul? , Tlluday, Doc. " 8:00 Isam-ddoms vs. st. Jacobo. 7:00 tsm.-Vtkinos vs. San. “can. 9:00 p.m.--49cttneider's vs. Bruss- Hiker-ton at Arthur. THE HUB Kin “J Wator Sb. Photo ‘646 KITCHENER WEDNESDAY SATURDAY Jnnlor "B" G'rt

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