Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 15 Dec 1936, p. 5

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q iii-immune. 'He " Carlo A. Judson, twice-nub rled business mu and son of the Mum ot Bltlmore. It wan Min Pots. lolle'a ttrat marriage. OPERA aTAR WED. NEW Y0RK.--atoaa Pomona, _ yeu-vold open star, mnrrlod her “Prince Charming", culminating a ton-year lurch tor an "ideal" hu- mum" -riiiiiGuirir - iid FdiGGiGi Iehttfqlrnoet “once. '.fA5pirirtr tablet,- m nude in diiio iii 6F'diam"'teg-a"' iriiriiaiTii1 gtantly they touch moisture. (Note dilatation upon.) A _ -w- _ . rteria-LVrrGi 'u take In "Aspi- rin" tablet it Marta to dissolve fc most a quickly as u swullow I . And that in Indy town's-t working ,lrnott .Wuv . A.. headache-.- Cnida. 1eiifii'2t iiU fiiiiiaGi . trade-mutt the Buyer Com my. l United. of Windsor Ontario. iook FiTtirGaiiiiFiFiiriiiGrrii"i t "8t,ollJahft'lr"ie. melons. Dcmand‘ and Get-. JyAll?.,1!ltgfiiii:i. .. 1hiiaP"GrieiGiia quick to- li.et, F?! ”019mm bee-3m they If you matter from headttehen what rel I"?! is..qui.e' But!- _ " annual-Knocking - Dee. 12, Stanley Richard Tomlinson of Gait to Winnifred Marguerite Resulting of Preston. GIFT SUGGESTIONS: “I To. when $1.00 "ASPIRIN" raNrerWor* l- l - by 3 «an 1-1: I. - Get Real Quick-Acting. - od"-ouaotb*tc,,- “ASPIRIN” To Easea Headache Fast 1adueaadChiidrmt'"trr For QUICK Relief ED. HOUSE iDGtr-ht Kitchener, Dee. 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Daub, twins, son and daughter. (Son stillborn). DasahorIor--At Kitchener, Dec. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dau.. berger, a daughter. qhr---At Kitchener, Dee. 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Warner, a daughter. bribob.-At Kitchener, Dee. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. John Seibel, a son. SobSru-At Kitchener, Dee. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Max Sobirij, a daughter. WH-or-At the K.-W. Hospital, Dee. li, to Mr. and Mrs. G. Wid- meyer Kitchener, a son. Morhu--At Ra. 2, Breslau, Dee. 1 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merkle, mm in if. "uni athraurr. ni. at you". on than. No-mpor ”an“. ol l 8”.- 000300 (”00,000.01”) Ind. bl. we" all“ WV. In won-w qua-run. how-v“. mm. gum-u - it u "Moo (“00.- Ontario Cabinet To Take Oaths Tuesday Since tho coronatio- tn all unu- hood In] “hum luau-ao- dulet but will -tneirais, a. hauler Kahuna and tho Ontario Cabinet will an. the out ot I“.- aiamte to Jam-ur- n" “my. King George w, in I mock] coro- mony to be hdld in the Council Cham- bon at Queen’s Park, " a Pan. Tues- day. an" “Hoyt. tho - WP"... view-II! nil-MOI.- -8rm.ps1tePdto_terleee,tcGiateu-va.eruutuwii'ia ttoa.tuaHiesatiemoetlMwaadii. gum, 3.”.w --9at My not». 'irat'Gr2L'll"uri't%,',2lLu"fla The auction sale conducted last week for the late Nick Holler estate at Elmira by Auctioneer Edward Gei- sel of West Montrose results in the sale of the property consisting of house. barn and shop. at the corner of William and Arthur streets. to Erwin Hotter for the sum ot $900. Thieves Get dnult, 21, son of Mr. Ind Mrs. o. L. Lendnult, North Bay, was killed Saturdny night when the eu- he was driving embed through a bridge on the Levine Road, nine miles west of Sturgeon Falls, and fell into I creek. ohunierb..-At Josephaburg, Dee. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Olienick, a daughter. Brodimeh--At Kitchener, Dec. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brodinck, It was the fourth time this your that the plant has been robbed. On the three previous occasions, how.. ever, only lproduce was taken, ob- viously by oeat thieves. . a son. Kohn-At Kitchener, Dee. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Helm, Kiteh.. ener, I dnughter. MoteaW--At Toronto General Hos- pital, Dee. 9, to Mr. Ind Mm. 1 . Melodie (nee Venn Horst, form- er1r of Kitchener) ' 3 daughter. Re-At gm K.-W. Jfosrrite1, Dee. ST. 1'mWAtr--Robbers visited the plant of Western Dairy, Limited, early Sunday morning, guinea en- trence through I rear window, forced open e we in the min once and took at least $1,200 in money end cheques, representing "9prdar'rreethrta, _ -', YOUTH KILLED m CAR CRASH 'NORTH BAY.-Leonttrd L. Lul- 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Cluence heist, R.R. 2, Waterloo, I son. Comno-At the K.-W. Henrik]. Dee. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. A. . Coiling. Won-r, u Ion. Saturday’s Bacchus Stolen From m. Thomas Dairy. ELM I RA PROPERTY BOLD $1,200 in Steal BIRTHS Linnaeus“ a: cunt.» figg,tgggihe, . 'rmt-rtpttttgtrtt1r1tttotmr - ee [on]: zomuoa m We “a" “Uni-HIM totAuadr%-rorr.rtt.Hr. Cu]. 01..” “who. an.“ council “an" at an. 90-3.“qu youth. a: "at!“ - At u ”new council .00“... - tion was "all (new the at!“ Yuan! uni “new: County Council In been mum thatMr.tlut longer tho town's nomnullvo on expected a member ot mount Coun- that body. Po: log-J pun-m. n In oil will be ambled to Mi the 081cc tor the balance at this you. Mr. lo“ ”no month- uo took up equalised nae-omen! work In Nor- tolk county. He Ind Bllmt the ollco ot Reeve hero tor the out tour ”In. _ Surviving are his widow, one son. Ruben Jr., Waterloo and one daugts ter Mrs. J. Zuber In, Kitchener, sud live grandchildren. Five brothers. OB. car of Kitchener, Charles and Irwin in Wellesley, Louis ot Vancouver. ‘George in Woodstock, and three sis- §tars, Mrs. E. In, Rainer, Wellesiey, ‘Mrs. Clarence Schaub. Elmira, and liii. Chris. Lichty, ’l'rnverse City, Mich., also survive. _ gut-Mu: My: was" - Kia. GIMOIY - 'Robert Henry Melumuer, Agnes street, Kitchener. died at " home on Saturday. Mr. Fletch-nor we: In Me 63rd year, being born at Wel- lealey on May m, 1872, a son of the late John Malachauer and Margaret Peter‘s. B'taterna'ttr Mr. Fletsctmuer was a member of the Oddfellow‘n or- der, and in religion was a Luthenn. attending st. Peter's church. He was married July T, 1896, In Kitchener to Mary Huehnergard. The taural was held Monday " ternoon trom the family residence to Mount Hope cemetery for burial. George E. Bast of Wellesley was found dead in his bed Friday mom- ing, having suffered a heart attack during the night. Mr. Beat. a retired farmer, was in " Nth year. He val born in Wellesley township. a son or the late Mr. and Mrs. George But. Sn, German immigrants. Ilia was a member of Maple View Ankh Men- nonite church. rm: wife. nee Annie Schrag, passed away ten years ago. suravintr tire his iteplmither, Mrs. G. But. Wellesley. ll! muggy“? 'Her maiden name we mu Thor- em undone. use we. born In One“ coming to Bender 40 odd you! "o. "we was a member ot m, Inn's Ro- man Catholic church qpd In active member end olicer In the Cathotte Women'n my” And Altar Society ot the congregation. She In survived by her humnd, George Stark, tour daughter; Mrs. Arthur Frank: um mu Genuine Stark ot Toronto. Mrs. Stanley Mont- gomery or Kitchener, and Mrs. Buy- mond Mitchen ot Hespeler and three sons. Lindsay, Whlhce and James Stark. all of Heapeler. Milton Haney Milton Huey, a lifelong resident ot Hespeler, died at his home, aged 67 year. He was employed at the Forbes min and later at Pttttitton'te woollen mill, in Preston. until his retirement some years ago. He was a member of the United Church. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Misc Ida Huey, both " home, two brothers and two sisters. Mrs. George stark, 6. died at her home in Heepeler on Thur-day. she had not been in good health but her ludden death in not expected. ot Wellesley. Solomon in Wilmot, Aaron at Bridgeport, Moses in Wit- erloo Simon of Baden, um! William at home, together with 17 grandchil- dren, six brothers and :1: sisters. The funeral was held Sunday. Anyone; n fool or an Idiot, cu: be exclusive. It comes any. It inke- aud it “games 1 large nuure to “be universal, to “be Inclusive. Argututohmduu 'tobqrt Henry molten-un- Inn. 0007.. Stare Obituary George E. But 0031’.) IV 00006“. Crown Prince Michael was too young to know much about it, but he owed " short reign as king of Ru- mania to an "ttttttir." He succeeded to the throne es s child in 19m after his father, the present :King Carol, lost favor as a result ot his friend- ship with Mme. Msgds uneaeu and his subsequent divorce from his queen, Helen of Greece. [Four years later Carol rewon the throne and Michael is now just a prince again. Former Kin; Ferdinand ot Baku-i. is aha much relieved not to be a. king any more. For the so your: he ruled, he we. in con-tantjenr nun-nine- tion. But he had " pride. He kept a loaded revolver on " desk every time a vilitor cane. Lenving the throne to Crown Prince Boris titer the Greet Wu net-buck, he went to Austria numb” lived lines in exile. Arntusuttati Khan in probably lofty he in no longer king ot Atghtutistan. it was considered had when he and his queen toured Europe in 4027, buy- in; modern furniture. clothing end on objects. " was too much when he advocated education of women and abolition of the veil two years inter. The Mohammad“ priests got rid of him. Illa-teed or amuling to resell: his crown, ionner Kin; Whip“ ot Slum does everything he can to for. get he ever lived in 1 pence. He re- eidee quietly in England and “he not to be referred to by " tradition, nl oriental titles "Brothen ot the Moon" and -"Poeeenor of the " Um. braille." (untamed from Page tt Defendant lil- The 29aear-old licensed. charged with advertising birth-control infor- mation and contraceptives, sat most ot the day with her eyes closed. in such ill health that at one time the court recessed tor he]! an hour to permit her to rent. _ Canon WhMler based opposition to birth-control on the teachings of th Anglican Prayer Book. Would Not Approv- The witness sold: "I would not ap. prove of the use at ttrt$t1Citt1 plans (of contraception). All the woman could do would be to refuse to per- mit her husband to perform the ma- rltal set. It he was not tmtitMed the next course would he to seek a seps- ration." v 'r'Aar,tg,hlg mummunmmwm CmtNBALvR.Thu-_..o-q 1T.ytetrdttu'gt,ttd.trd.'a tH..Ca8troatr-eto.dn, uh (Co-thud no. Pa. " ygweg In public he would yet "die . "We lose the peace of years when we hunt after the rapture of mo. menu."-aBttimer. 810 Reward gut-:33; in; éii "WW "'" Sid-y - Bul- k: " jitti?it,fitittitvSti. Noni. cup-db d.'Ned Wd In. At another time he said: "I would not approve ot the use ot contrscep the: under any circumstances." at woman's I. B. A. Drug Store" ”until. WATIILOO 0".me M181 W,P~DIPe-dbh8dsu wmmvsmmun crGArttt'thitg and CIGARS Evidence Em]: APtrn"CYGgrYro.tmb- Didn’t Want Throne Nile Living 'euMCKq.PAd=AgtDEgaCrrttCgtAao. dunno-Minna... "It I was the proprietor ot the store, how was it you picked on Mr. Clark?" demanded Burns. “Just a case ot mist-ken identity," returned the officer. "Who cashed the slugs?" pressed the crown. "The proprietor of the More." ' "Well, ln'l‘elation to the In! wk netm?" “That's the gentlemen." the witness declued. Burns paid his tine and served vor- bal notice he would appeal the do- clslon. “The punch board van in the store when I took over the human 1- April and has not been and “not." laid the seen-ed. who was not - sented by couuel. "And E'tt uke my oath that that gentlemen (Silver- thorne) hu never been in my more. And In the second piece I - bought any Bltttrtt from him." ”There's no doubt the machine. us gambling devices." laid Inglo- trate Watt utter hearing the orb deuce. He ordered the exhibits con- 'ttseated. Silverthorne VII mulled to the stand. Helen they had and when police staged their “clan-w." WNW Am?“ with as. am and. mmm 1tu,e22,t2gug2'l',.T. and.” mu.- 315.. imrkttgttts-_.rttduudut- -tniereiprer.-t ara' Siiiiftlfefiiieei ___--'-- ' Saran-JO GOODRICH Silvertown Stores (Co-thud In. Plot " Cor. Kin; & Water Sta. KITCHENEII 0pc. Eve-In.- $100 Fine DAG. m

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