Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 15 Dec 1936, p. 4

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HATCHED OUTFITS 3015' all Girl- .... 's." up Men's at .... $4.88 to 822.50 Lulien' ........ “.35 to $8.78 A full - [null- stick " _ , ONLY 85: lllk?llilhllll,'S The best In, in tho Twin- City. 15him Gun!- ........,...JON iii, We any I CID-pl... lino a Gnu-hrs, Shun, Supports, “a. Boys' Hockey Gino; Bora' Hoeluy Pub: Give Them The I. all “no amd nod-lo. A”! In.“ J. ". Path,':'.','.'.:,".'.',:',,",', MGKDImubOII. mCymdqmtlm- Hockey Sticks BAU ER’S Outfits In Hockey Equipment this year. Are Here For Arepr1eraaqreot 130 King St. S. WATERLOO C.cat Jennies $2.95 up Skates 'roR0N'r0.-a'tte story ot how cer- tain eating establishments in Toronto operate as schools of communism, was revealed at a meeting ot the Canadian Crops Association Thursday by the Chairman, Major Gordon R. M. Dingle. The charge followed the death ot l7-yearold Elizabeth .Elrina Potter ot Northport, Ont. She died. according to the death tNyrtttictke pro-outed in court, from "double pneumonia tol- lowing an alleged abortion due to drugs". The original death earttti. cate was signed by Dr. J. Howard Cryan 9t Demorestvllle. "Thou wilt show me the path ot life: in thy presence is (unless ot Joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. - Psalms MV. 11. ' CANADA’S YOUNGEST SCHOOL TRUSTEE " AGED 22 DOWNSVI'EW. __ Probably the Tountrmrt.yuehool Trustee in Canada was elected to the Downsvlew School Board by aee1amttton. She Is Adena Carruthers, M, a graduate of the school and ot Weston High. Miss Carruthers is a daughter or the Sec- retary of the board. The nomlnation meeting was the second held since all the nominees failed to quality at the ttrat. Woronto.-ht his preliminary hear.. ing Friday, Dr. Dir] " Clones was committed for trial on a charge of manslaughter. Ball of $6.000 was renewed. There was much speculation " to what caused the overnight right- about-face of Braddock and Gould. One report was that "Mike" Jnco'bl, feeling an indoor show between Brnddock and Louis ..would mean little or no profit, was randy to toss the atlantlc City idea out ot the win- dow, and that he promised Schne- ling last night he would not let Mule, whom he controls. meet qeraddoeh. Under the terms ot the contract, both Schmollng and Braddock trm come free agents after the June bout and may negotiate with any pro- moter tor future bouts. The Corps, on a motion introduced by Colonel C. R. Hill, D.'S.0., decided to organize a Protection Committee to inquire into the growth of com- munism and fascism and to recom- mend methoda by which "subversive int1ueneeB" could be combined. “like" Jacdx, 20th Century chin promoter, who ya to have been a- mined with Herman Taylor ot Phi- ladephiz in gigging the Atlantic City show, aid these developments Into- mnicnlly cancel Buddock'u proposed nordociuion meeting with the 'tBrown Bomber" in February. A clnuee that neither Braddock nor Schmellng in to meet Loni: before the June bout was inserted in the contracts in addition to . stipulation that the winner must post "6,000 a. a guarantee to defend his title here within six months. The likelihood Is the Schmellng- Braddock winner will oppose Louis In September. Braddock and his mun-get. Joe Gould, and. the mic): possible by turning their back on Atlumc City Ind prowl-in; not to meet Joe with prior to June a. Tho and» and the m Century Sporting Club will be toint mono ten. The contncu can tor Brad- dock to receive 31% per cent. and Schmollng 12% per cent. of the an. but private “mement- wlll rule than tuurmt to " um " per cent. respectively. nu. if. got his am proton at» day In the pr]! or a “no boat with tint In (om on, tho New York State Athletic communion- ht the two hour- together And gland than tor u 1Fround champion-up battle In “not: Squat. Garden's Long Island Bowl next Juno 8. _ pe, m Doc. u.-" look like - sorry 014ng to: In Benn. ToledScheig Almost Won the “new "all“! - W Bowl it meld km“! FACES MANSLAUGHTER ACTION BOUGHT Ne III 'AI'IILOO CHRONICLI Play in the City We will let under way during the week ot Jul. 4. The tour cluhl comprising the league. Greniteu. Waterloo Union, K.-W., and at. Kerri, will phy s set of home and home semen, with the two top teem. meeting in the ttnat. tor the TILE; trophy. The .11an chunpionehlp tournament will lbs held at the Kitchener Grnnlte Club. (Ho drank gin tor his kidneys, whis- key . tor a tuberculosis condition, stout tor " stomach, nun tor his nerves. and beer "because Trim) has bad drinking water." Police said they found all the bevernges in Haley's home. Sentence was passed Monday. meeIBN SERVICE av AIR STARTING IN FAR NORTH J0DM0NTON.-'rhe Roman catho- lie Minion Aerial Service in the liar North, sponsored by Father Paul Setutite, noted German (lying priest, it was learned. A six-passenger. all- metal plane brought from Winnipeg will be started within a few dun, will be the ttrat plane used in the service. MONEY FROM SEALS MAY SUPPORT NURSE KITyCmliNmR.-9'roceeds from the sale ot Christen" see]: mar be used to esudbllah a nurse In this district to do follow-up work among the disc charged patients of the Freeport su- mtorlum. The members or the 'ttttttb. torlum 'ladles' auxllhry agreed at their regular meeting that it sum- cient money was renllzed by the sale of the stamps. It would be used to pay the salary ot such a worker. POPE RBCOVERING VATICAN W'rY.---Aette Plus XI continued very gradual recovery to- day from the Illness that struck him down a week Mo Saturday. Due-to the Inet of med G Feiiii this yen, snow shovelling cannot be handled as i relief manure. . RELIEF mus DROPPING MLMINA.-'I'L, Elmira relief bill continues to drop. In November there were seven families, a total of 29 Persons, on relief, at a cost or $172.41. In the same month last year there were ten families, a total of_41 persqns,_et_a cyst of $248.932 The Pontitt must. however. spend most of the next ten any: in bed and when the greatest care ot himself. Ills physician emphasized “tor two visits today. Money-making my not .be the true and of life, but it's often the rel-l beginning ot living. ELM;rRA.--The empmees of the Elmira Shirt and Ove 1 Co. held their annual Christmas party in the Oddfellows' hall. Several rounds of court whiat were played, followed by dancing. "Joe" Klein was winner of Brat prize in the whist, with Isabel Long the consolation winner. All of the employees received presents from the tree, with Frank Kitchen acting In Santa Chm. FOR warm“: 'PROR0. Ni-4Htued into court tor breach of t 9 Liquor Control Act, Bruce Meals: stoutly maintained: ANNUAL CHRISTMAS EVENT HELD AT ELMIRA _ IaTtCHrttNat-JW. t “boy was _reoleseted.Pre.idetrtt of the Till: (my (Bahamian Auqclutlon " the mun meeting hold hon. “mum J. F. Frowde Sauna: uni docum- Treuurer Vie IoKonty were alto returned to all“. . USE. WATER ONLY "all elm cut. Till "I. I. rod by CE V031. folio-d by ltd (In... Car! Boob-u, In! - all all. lion. Dunno. w I not ”is - Other "all“ were: 100 n11 dai-lim M and M. Von, ma tor Int; J. Gnu-1.1!. It"! all . mama. ma broccoli. - A. Anderson. C. Boob-mt. " out). 0. Kay and J. one: att tied for Pird. This 1t4 ”condo. 440 rard---V. Penna, Gut: P. Benn-o ad 0.01m, not in! mood: Alt. ‘Brudor third, and our“. Kay. fourth. Tum, 01.1 “canal. HEADINO TWIN VIII Bugle-p tht can. but]: ,rerotwete-eetugLaf."e cmr “autumn tiatatatatritritatstmitatmitmmsmtatatatm,. GuritLPH.-A3ornintr to life with a determined rush after a near-riot in the third period ot Friday's exhibi- tion hockey game with Kitchener: Junior "A" entry, Guelph junior “Bees" outphnyed their clever rive]! and did everything but score. but were unable to overcome n two-goal deficit, losing the contest tra. Galt-ae. Peacock. Captain; Spoon", H. Brett, C. Ptutard, Playtex-d, M. Com-lay. Stanford - Patterson, ennuin; Tomllnson, Polly, Stabler, Whittaker, Preston. Founder. Gutschene. Fight Enlivens KNX3amNm.--gt"t KIQQhener-Wy terloo “Y" teen detected equal!- from manned, can end Stretford In the noon-d of a series of monthly volleybell competition. held here Bat- urdey. The local team put together In victories. Brendon! tirthtutd lec- ond with three wine. out third with two, and stretford rat with one. Kitchener-Water-amid Von, 'auttaitt; a. Winner, A Brudor, W. Brick", IR. Hulock, R. anchor. P. Cottlnghnm. IBrautttord--9ira Harris, uphill; Ritchie, B. Knowles, J. Tgylor, Brown, H. Mitch, N Luann, B. Waters. E. Duke. VOLLIY IALLWPITITION I. OW!" IV K.AY. TEAM '_ltgqrt.--agt, lee- Iiil eel- erie. you) two a! the Junior one-10 _ Alena-tine uiee. The sneeriilbeudenndtnne‘w' tnttbrq at. Kitchener, Poet ai- borne end “we linen. and three "B" die out, Geeiyl and Stretiort union. The tee- )hy . home end lone urine. At the send-ion, the two top Junior 8 ell“ - "Mi: - do". 0|, e - 01 but two-devot- thm melee with the tunnel-e (on; Into the mum leenwinile, the three "A" Divinion glui- continue with n nonunion. echednle ot their on. at the end of when unnu- player muse-lean will be (allowed. There will be no mayo! between the A and B etutm.l but each divhion will lend he on wine:- into Provincial competition. Draft Junior ORA. 4tMMMittaMmlMMtttttaigtaMtttatttttttttttg Game; Guelph Beats Locals Bring Your Letters To Santa Claus To Our More And Santa Will Animmee Your Name Over The Air And Aaner Them From craic On December 17th, 6 pan. to 6.30 pan. 'rrmh-'ota'a.Mot-eiseoi.sare... Glasses That Satisfy Children "S1llita.iCLhiL' KITCHENER Players ot both tum dropped stocks and milled around nntll Ille- tcree Johnny Jones restored order, banishing McCom'b tor a major venu- tr. and Bush and Wickhlm for two minutes. Dzular didn't return to the game. Early In the last frame Bush ot Guelph and. MOOomb, rival defense men, engaged in an argument nan the Kitchener net, and an Dual", Kitchener, attempted to net " pence- maker, he became entangled with chlnnan. Guelph defence man. who landed a harmaker on Dznhr'. Jew. knocking him out. McBHNO’O ........ a Donor Fun. .. 2 Ont-Ho than .. 2 CluoWI ............ , patrol! "C"'"',' , - ........me.r.. , For Detroit-a-ru (Aim); Bury. For Chi--Mareh (Roz-nu, Thompson). F-ttte'. W"'.... 2 aaitotamr'. ........ 2 Mutual Llfo .... ' D. [Isotrohom.1 Intel-medial. "B" KIM-nun ....w.w. , Por Amerie--aetrriner Warr, Wilma); Winn“ (Chapman): Whom“ tshttdorsony. lb: Boqton-iattu (Chipper, Jot» war, Cook (Welland); Stewart, (Bo-ma. Portland); 0011110, cov- ley. Studs). Overtime. _ For Caatadqrso-Mestrert (Moms); Lapin. (Delilah). For Montreal--. Twain. vino): [Coll-c twatuay; Inflo- (PIMct. N. Oolvulo); “trick (on- Ion). For Toronto-qtruion (Com. ADM): Jack-on (AFDC); Demon (Howler, Council"). m .r...... I “more“ ..r......... a ohm-o. 8 T U R M’s Bowling Club nu KING w.. unusual Phone 105 I". Dual-hr u. ag _ TWIN CITY INDUOTRIAL - Moeller has, lnumdlato "A" Eye Examination Dun-of. ........e. , PHONE - (Col-

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