Ci 8hi.Ate.t1+r_.?A_.Mf.0, a I 5 Leather Slippers . Mo 'I' in?" co1oeestandtud3eathrratA-- ~' KING ST. WEST. 2F After °;;’-1r---- BVW_MMWW'."r. 'g?diT,',',',rf with good 'ouhhtg m ilk (For G . “ A “a Suey Ann 'h1'l,'i'l',, ogsghree years, a m ..rr.r.......r.rrrr. a“ h a'fts That Last) 2 her home, 34 1'dUl'e 'ft..'Tr'itUt _ K I T C H E lit Ellen on December 12, at ii.'si I 'i,". MItrltNg s t N E R ilhecat'k,"/ her 74th m, m, tll; ttMt=ltMe',lt3ttlltt,'ltb'ltMtr'ttytMtMtMt= it ',.iid,iiii?r'ii.l: 'agtt.r gl, tts it: ItmeltgeltmltN.uiadd by t,,r"g,2id,'d"s JT 5:3:- Brightly colored new styles flattering to the foot, and an all leather sole. A lovely gift. ..-........-....r_........-.......r. “an Grecian mules In new designs, pretty color oombinnm and padded leather soles. m... a Gay 01131-5, plain or trimmed with 1-. Priced trom ...et__e-r-...awr...P___ 51.3 to u“ Satin' Fabrics Rich Velvets Built to fit like shoes in colors ot Brown. Black and Red. Soft uppers with padded sole and heel, or solid leather sole and heels. Priced from $2.50 to $2.95. Size. To Please A Man Gifts m Like . higggé These Favored by u host ot men and decidedly Opera Slippers Solid canton-t for '%ia" Christmas. that is the way to please him, and Mandy's are prepared to help you select just the right type for him. Brown Kid Romeos THU WATIILOO CIIOIICLI ',i",-'i'iit fs-cr-rr'. a if', 19 For many years now the uae.of 2 electricity in the home has constantly lifted the housekeeper’s †burden. Still greater progress is be.. sa ing made in this direction each yen. g Esther Snyder Esther Snyder, beloved wife of 2 Albert Snyder passed away It her a home near Bloomingdale on Satur- 'tt day, December 12. She was born a near Bloomingdale in 1851 and wns “a a member of Snyder Mennonite a» Church, Bloomingdale. She was a a daughter of the late Rudolph end 2 Susannah Dettwiler. She is survived an by her husband, one son and one a daughter, A. D. Snyder of Bloom- ? ingdale and Mrs. Selina Weber, of a Kitchener, one brother, Rudolph a Dettwiler, of Ingersoll,'0nt. Three 19 sisters died in infancy. The funeral am will be held from her late residence a on Wednesday, December 16, thence 19 to the Snyder Mennonite Church, Sh Bloomingdale, for services. , ii? Melinda Cream-n a There passed away at the K.-W. a, Hospital on December 12, Melinda a Cressman, in her 55th year. She 19 was the daughter of the late Mr. 3, and Mrs. Levi Weber. She is sur- 3 vived by her husband, two sons, at Joseph Cressman and Wellington a Cressman at home, three daughters, a Orpah, Ruby, Leona, at home, three 19 brothers, Jeremiah Weber, Abram ea Weber and Rev. Burton Weber, 'ret Guernsey, Sask., and two sisters, " Mrs. Rev. Mass. Schmidt, Guernsey, a Sask, and Mrs. Rev. S. s. Shantz, a Kitchener. The funeral will be held a from her late residence, 16 Doehn 2 St., Kitchener, on Tuesday, Dee. 15, g, at 2.30, to the Sterling Ave. Mettuo- a nite Church. Interment in First â€a Mennonite Cemetery, Kitchener. g! Susy Ann Foreman m After an illness of three years, i Suey Ann Foreman passed away " 2 her home, 34 Mansion St., Kitch- ener, on December 12, at 3.35 p.m. lit She was in her 74th year and was a a faithful member of the Zion h, Evangelicpl cygrch.m8he was helm viticulture-thinly,» oo"uaurst.d.ulo-rtamrMt." mumezoJuu “mmmuuluvym '.r-,turanM.' - woman!" no “I; mambo-o Dumbo-m martttte, Wanton on“... Quite undo-uric. â€unit. “In trom an to M .hoqriatgitMr-ogrtotq16to" porceanqu human-mu ruinethrormhtissd18" Announce Bonus For All Employees A elm-tau bonu- and a igb. cranu in the wue lulu comm-o in; January 1 m Announced on a» min by the Bretthaupt [anther Company at Kitchener. _ Washing Machine Model Announced Th; bann- will "tret all employee. " the Kitchener, Huang- all Pene- tang plant: at the Company. A new and _ improved electric washing machine has been intre- duced by the Benny Bros., Limited, it was announced over the week-end by the company. The new machine embodies all the ndvnncemenu re- cently made by electric and aeien.. tifis developments. . . Some of these developments are new methods of putting the machine parts together, new means of mak- ing machine run easier, to do more and better work and yet run with less power. New arrangements make then simpler and easier t? operate: Bonny Bros. 1031 Electric Washer Has “any I-pI-ovo-clu. Mammoth Show of Furniture Trade Developments in materials, their ftsbrietttion and design, which were trndrenmed of a few short years ago, make possible today results that were 7 then irtysoatittle. 'g"qNMlrNlM. - “and. tttmb [YOU IKNOW bTHAT (Continued from Pose 1) trevllle. After another year at Nor- txeville. After another year a Nor- mal school in 1,908 she returned to her duties at 8.5. No. M, Waterloo Township. She remained there for three years until 1911, when she joined the Matt ot King Edward school, Kitchener. ego. There rennin to mourn her lone one daughter, lies All. Fore- man, " home, one stepdaughter, In. Becker, of Kitchener. three 1ttgt',"tttt?'t four brothers, Ab Sherk, of Victorie. 3.0.. Thomas Shah of Jukeonvillo, Fl... Samuel Sherk of Waterloo, Celeb Sherk of Plymouth, lick. and two sister-I, In. L all!!!" of Kitchener and In. B. Gehmnn of (Johny. The funeral will be held Tuesday, Dee. Iii, from the Rots-Bechtel Funeral Home " 2.80 Pan. Interment in Mount Hope Cemetery. Rev. C. A. Hirechmnn will olllciate. After teaching at King Edward tor six years. she came to Waterloo. to join the Central school stall! in 1918. She remained at Central until IMS, when she Joined the Alexandra stair. After six years at Alexandra school. she acted as asslstsnt to thewuer- loo principals in 1931, and in 1932 was transferred to Elizabeth Ziegler school, where she has taught titth form work. She was given leave at absence by the Waterloo Publlé School Board a few months ago when she became m. Surviving are her mother, two sis- ters, Miss Blanche VanEvery at home, (May) Mrs. H. E. Wellein, of Regina, and two brothers, J. Russell \anEvery ot Hamilton and Hugh C. VanEvery or Kitchener. Miss VanEvery was a member of First United Church, and took an active part in the work of various church organizations. At the time ot her death, she was president ot the Women'g Missionary Sociey. "iiirriiarioA; ii: Watérloo, the daughter of Mrs. Agnes VanEvery. and the late A. C. VanEvery. - Waterloo VH0 extr- clnrgo for an of our homo-lit. “and Chapel. Walsh Funeral Service 160 King St. B. - Phono '" " Benton St; Phone 4480 Schreiter " Sandrock Limited FUNERAL HOME Miss VanEvery Klu_g-d wer, a... PAGE 'LLrT_rfff - nrvico in available to att, reedto.i o f , did-net, Lid "Ill-dim " tin-ut oef,'r if