; m Till on. can: .AllltAlMN. $NWetttlli.1lr (I; So lay 1hmnpultt (In 'lit-yo. . 5;, $§§gï¬w~mmmwwgg , , , 4 , _ , "r _ . (“j ,I.. 4. rr.,, I I n I» '; Ab f Report Of The New Dundee continuation School For The Fall Tenn. _ Bracketed "urea preceeding the average mark indicate the number ot papers written. Middle School Second Vear ! Arnold Pipher (5) 80%, Glennie Musselman (4) 59, Harry Hiihorn (7) 51, James Perrin (6) 50. . Middle School First Year ' Velma Bauer (7) 75. Ellen Page (7) 73, Muriel Egerdee (7) 63, Alice Hallman (7) 56, Robert Creseman (6) 50, Mary Atkinson (5) 50, Ken- neth Boshart (2) 41. I Lower School Second Year Laurens Stoltz (9) 87, Hilda Bean 78, Neil Mall 77, Arthur Beer, 76. Wencel Hubachock 68. Lorne Baer 67. Clare Ludolph 66, Earlmont Path 65, Evelyn Hustle 49. l Lower School First Year ' 'Dorothy Toman (9) TV, Eunice Sni- der 76, Gordon Bean 72, Bernice Egerdee 70, Florence Dlefenbacher " Jack Hellman 66, Jean Hallman 65. Elsie Hubacheck 64, Elgin Mussel- man 63. :Elmer Baer 61, Adrienne, Shape 60, Jean Dietentraeher 68, Me rr Kaster M, Evelyn Hewitt tm, Mary Shantz " Howard Bowman " 3 Andrew H. McKague, Principal, Elizabeth It. Wood, BA., Asst. The annual re-organization meet- ing ot the U.BJC.E. Society was held at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fledenleln last Thursday evening. Miss Velma Bauer read the scripture lesson and the topic, "Something to think about in Dickens’ Christmas Carol", was in charge ot Miss Irene rEaster. The following ottityrrtg were elected tor the ensuing year: preelv dent, Clare Hliborn; vice-president; Mrs. Weston Sararas; accretary, Miss Mary Hilborn; treasurer, Wil- lard Hallman, pianist, Miss Ellen Page. , Mr. and Mrs. Max Bogasat who“ marriage took place recently were pleasantly surprised by the meh- hers of the Senior Luther League at the home or Mr. and Mrs, William Goettling last Thursday evening. An appropriate address was read by Mrs. Albert Duench and Mr. and Mrs. Eogasat were presented with a lovely black and white enamelied kitchen clock. The presentation was made by MW: Ruth Madter. Following an- enjoyable evening spent In games and contests a dainty lunch was served. 'rurmontttlr meeting ot the se- -.togl"'A= 1"l=t1trGG"PaA7iGiiihTa" 2i"iat,ergmtgtta=r,tt,ttAtttt Fie:ihhti . “ta-msgmggrw" 5:" CANADIAN NATIONAL “an. 's2P2teti'STfd','l8ff."s"c, fa. LOWER mans TO PACIFIC COAST, In. atzaihr-tnt UHDrJh-I‘ b-l-M M mugglqwahlukï¬l.m-h~ym~ 7aGrar' Tum _ - 42tsearg a: . . . IELEGRAPHS MONEY ORDERS AND EXPRESS ttttt 5 - It."I b 77Gih"krd'"i'i----t-- uuut . SihiieEliitiftirteltNt,tt4NNtt:'t ltbutqâ€"h‘q-dlbnt.L'.G-I“Co.w¢‘lbhm_¢“_ Mfldebflflhuur-“ï¬m. iiiiGGGaiia---ie%eei. “It-Hi b“. iCaTi"i%rirraufGaiiarcaa%uud--'""""' â€Inhabit-I'd iiiaiiuGriiUfiGuu--etu-"--. â€mth.O-o’lu SPEED, DEPENDAIILII‘Y. IAFETY CANADIAN NATIONAL The DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE (30.. umted NEW DUNDEE t,--tt,renesthi.eae-eetuoe*ex-r"a."'r Coupon Dr. Chou Panda Contest Indqu in your hvorite Sum - -mll Wirttor--in the balmy. hum» tttt .teegta,aac.E-.sPur . Golf hiking. ride WW- mun]. unnu- . . . - .._,_-._ mountain .eer"rrr--*eq snow-clad Candi-n Rocha-en mun. Special Winter - hood; SHIN-n. nil hm new in ' Ind orstil Mar 14. Return Iimitb "and... Wal- lowd " inn-Indian pokes. mot Luther League woo hold at the church on Sundoy evening. The pro- sldent, Mr.' Milton Zion presided and the scripture tetmort m rend by Mrs. Myrum Wanner. The following topics were then presented: "Great Advent Hymns", by Mrs. GBhteld Weber and "Favorite Christmas Ca- row', by Miss Iva Zinn. The re- sponse to the roll can no "A Pm- phecy concerning the Birth ot Chriut." N i The members ot the st. James ;Lutheran udles’ Aid Society held .their chums: meeting at the home of Mrs. Irvin Saran. tut Wednes- day evening with the pmident, Mrs. Mrs. E. B. Hellman occupied the chair " the Christmas meeting ot the Women's Missionary Association which was held at the home ot In. A. Hubom last Wednesday after. noon. The scripture lesson w read ty Miss Ada Bingeman and the re- sponse to the roll call was "Favor no Christmas CaroW'. A paper on the subiect. "An Ideal Way of Pre- paring tor the Christmas Season“, was then presented by Mrs. E. B. Hellman after which s vocal solo was rendered .by Mrs. G. B. Hellman. Readings were given try Miss Alta moi-ta and Mrs. A, 5-11an and a piano solo was contributed by Mrs. _w. S. 'rhtote. ““J ""'"'-eiF ___-_ *â€" '7 ' M. K. Totntut in the chair. Mrs. Ronald Tomsn read Psalm " and the response to the roll call was "A Christmas Message" A Indies’ Quartette composed ot Mrs. H. Ka- ' velman. Mrs. M. K. Tommi, Mrs. Ed. Hillgartner and Mrs. B. Boshart sang the number. “Silent Night. Holy Night", after which Mrs. August 18tl veiman reed Psalm 121. Christmas readings were then given My Mrs. Irvin sat-am turd Mrs. Harold .Webs. Another Ladies’ Quartette, composed of Mrs. A. E. Barton, Mrs. Alex Brighton Mrs. Normsn Hillgmner and Mrs. alrvrl Einwechier rendered the selection "The First Noel", tob lowing which Rev. W. c. Nolan; played a violin solo. After the pro- gram dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. , Mia: Velma Bauer gave a tam on the subject. "Be Prepared", " the regular meeting ot the ND.C.S. Chi-b. tlan Fellowship which "I new we Thursday afternoon. I! - -trey.yr, Born-ro Mr. nnd Mn. W. H. Guthrie at the Gilt 11¢me on Thursday, Dee. trd, a. son. Penman. .................r_ouc It“ m not! "MA-II? W I“ I-.. to" Full W 'mot ll! 'tare - luau-unusu- [*HI“ o...............-....---""""""". g.xntgpgragMtt'nittlrSt2 326$ --v-t.--.--""" 22t.Mth'htr4't,'! “d “11".“ _...............-....-.-.". w...................................". Mr. and In. J. Stanley mmom and daughter: Evan. mica, En Muriel and mum of Mlle were recent tuners at the home at Titu- Bingum. Min Gertie Mun-01mm ot Kitch- ener spent the week-end with Mr. and Mn. Albert maniac. Mrs. George Jacob. the mono- Re- ta Jacob and Beatrtee Richer! and Mr. Donald lamb called on up. C. Nauru“ at Men on Sandâ€. I Mr. Round Tom-n left on Mon- day tor Chicago, Tll,, when he will spend two weeks completing " Intro. ratory work " the Rsrttueration and Air tymditionirttt Institute. . ........ ........ “I†In Mrs. Josiah Ducal called on her brother, Mr. Peter a. mum at Putur1tu on Sundu. Rev. L R. Plpher spent B few any. ot this week with his went. at Markham. Helm. Herman Schultz ttnd John Bowman ot New Hunting culled on Mr. and Mrs. I. a. Team: on sunny. Rev. H. P. Schule Ind Mr. and Mrs. home lumen visited with Mr. and Mus. John Clvpeller at Bull-lo. N.Y.. on Monday. Miss Reta Jacob went but Fri- day " the home ot Mr. and In. Ad- dison Rickert at Mannheim. .. uriai 31;. 35?; Wutormn and Mr. and In. Amen nerds. up visiting with relatives 1n Indium this "iir. Tiiriic inner Schmidt ot] Kitchener culled on Rev. and in. El W. Baku: on Sunny. 7 - t Mr. and Mm. P. Tercott or Wani- loo called on Mr. turd Mn. Matt Hahn Sunday. W . week. Miss Allow Hue: spent the week- end in Kitchener. Mr. .nd Mm 'R, at. lib-tar open! Mona-y in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Koch of Bridgeport spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mn. Henry 'Schleutor. -scariari. Frank H. Schummer went Sunday with rel-then tn St. Clements. - _ - _ Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hahn attended a farewell party on Sundny at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hum ot mwkeuvme tor Mrs. Merl“) ot FaGr. _ .. I -iiisiUL.Eierk ind ma Friedman ‘0! Detroit spent Sundny afternoon mm Mr. and Mn. Simon Fruitful: "ur"G.Trrertu Booze] in spending the winter months with her auditor, Mrs. Manta; at Kltghgnog. -.r- _ '7 Tia" Varied; - Gone: of Kitchener spent gangs! at her lore here. "iiriGrirrk. 1r; Mf's'chum and Mr. amt Mrs. Del ‘Whyte or CTtarrttehbr spent Sgtyrday ,rlttttyf Schultz. Tia, "REBEL ik muse TiBited Wm. Camochsn, quylm _ . ""iaraltia'sirt of Kitchener is visiting grip} Me. 'tet Ament. "t--o. V HERE}; iGa melnecht And baby Franklin of Walla-lay Ipent the week-end with J. l. Burnett: A tttretract comedy drama, "Mun Made some Marmalade", wu pre- sented Friday night In Schnurr’n Hun under the “when of the Wo. men'l Institute and was presented hr the young people ot Gale Presby- ‘terlnn Church, Ilium. I Mr. m! In Archie mum-n of InKltchener, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. any} itll dnuaMer Kathleen ot Toronto ““"194! at the home of the fomar'l. [mound-L Mrs. Levi .Hnllmnn on Sun- Ids, afternoon. i Mr. cure Rlehert .hu left for Windsor where he will remain for name time. _ The Mines Magnet um and Violet Hurlock culled " the home of Mr. Ind Mm. sunny Snider on Sunday. â€jiig'ilocnl school will hold their Christan: prognm on the even-lug of Dec. mu. A _ __ -- 7 fur. and Mm. Char. Woomo worn qundly gum: " the home of the farmer‘s mother, Mrs._c. Waging. motnan n". he" ..T.l.""e" u" o-.. - ""M-_-_-'" day afternoon. i Quite a number at young poopte Spent the wqtiyttd at the horn. or Mr. and Mm. Char. Woomo warn of the st. Paul's (kn. Luther-n her parpntttt, Mr. Ind Mrs.rM.tlttrhhy, Qunday guests " the home of the Church wen» present gt the Advent Mr, and Mm. C. Roth ot Toronto farmer's mother. Mrs. C. Waning. social at North nathovo on Thu» visited with the former'a parents on Tho United Brethren Sunday'dly evening. The program was Sunday. School Chriltma- pron-um will be upland“! and conninod two diaioxuol Mr. und mu. Wilfred scanning:- held on the evening of Dec and. and a trot gamm. The lunch In! and Inn Rotter Ind daughter Yvonne M James Lutheran Sunday school very appalling. M Kitrttonmr, Mr. and Mrs rrod vii-i hold their Chriotmu program! Mr: Kate new" m a busing" Summit!" of New Hamburg visited on the evening of Dec. Nth. manor in Btratfttrd on Friday. with Mr. and Mrs. J. c. Lou on Sun- Mitre Marguret Kahtar hn returned Saturday night was the opening day. to Kttchouer after spending a short night at tho rink. It wan wail al- Min Dorothy Ruhr of Kitchonor tin. at hr bola he". tended by the people from here gnd and Mr. Harold schroibar of Gait Tho United Broth-m Sunday School mrlntmu promm will ho held on the owning of Dec M. at June: Lutheran Sunday School , LINWOOD "AMI-III" 71:33- ar- Ita '22! Hotels , Travel - Resorts ammo-momma" 11mm"... . 'Tuqrdtu-.nd an: M" ‘mcu-uuw.muum mlmudunuh Ionian moo-nan. _"Turotatt"te-rarmatto-f' nonunionâ€. [mama t""aearr.arrN6.ard stirred I: the suck ot _ Wye-Iowan?“ N do," law aaid “upâ€. “But " an a. only question you grant to -'.twranserstutxg up Into in a]... , v. “Thou I'll luv. to at minor." I!" said 4trartlr. N amt Ion you ottee-T don't Inland to rat It until. Don, will you - In?" A "adow mud our MI has. “I'm mu a very poor man. Mary. and you no very rich. Hana known, I In! to marry you this 7m minute, tttrt-om" It just can't. In done. Went have to wntt um] I out make some many: More Uncle to» than and amt will: I thought he was going to cut you out. ot " will. I um " not to pop the question, but now things no amount." "How on they amount? We love one]; othar, don't we? Thar. Ill that mum-I. It you were randy to at me to marry you before, why can't you new?" .. _ 7 "Wall, tor one thing, Pm worse than broke right now-Wm In debt," he and ulowly. "igow am you get into debt?" Mary naked. "l nude tt lot ot rub promise. to n "tutor a few days go. mad now I have to nuke good." 'tNo," he uld Brtnlr. 'Wil settle my debt. mylelf. 1 love you, Mnry, more nun anything In the world, but I can’t marry you and live on your money. I Inven't the right, either, to ask you to watt for me, but some dar--" I en make some moner--r hope-"He broke or, attempting a cheerful grin A _ "Don, you mist let me My for that. at was tor me you did It." Mary and. Mary new there we: no hope ot bulging him, Don In like thtrb-- uuy- sure that he won right. She tWtM5 proud ot him for tahing the stand that he did, and a great tender- ness and her. hut at the "me, time. she was sorely duturpointed. To“: tnted her eyes. “All right, Don," the whispered. N suppose rn jut have to. wait:'.' - lHia Arm tightened will her. "And now IM better be getting along. I'm once more the tandem star boy reporter. and ~I'vo got to write my yarn nbout the sensational will ex- pose." There was I. humorous glint. in his eye! in he spoke. "UGrGredd if iiG a, moment. then suddegly buy: out ttyyPintr: "-7éim' mung capxm out of my troubles. are't your: _ _ -- " - J Il-Ie 5:11:11; 4diasur. "A good nowpaper mu never suppresses I Ital-y." '8. :1on “any. "For 'M"e- l In the bucment ot the St. Paul's Can. Lutheran church Sunday even- ‘ms. Mr. Dara Hummer of New Ham- burg showed the pictures that he ‘took on the occuion ot the con: tut- niverury this put lumen The bullet Aid of the St. mapa Can. hazel-m Church held their Ad- vent 80cm Thur-d" evening. Quite I number attended. Arrow Bosses To Toronto _.6 trips daily via Guelph, Georgetown, Bram;- ton. - x6.00 Ban., 8.00 1.111.. 11.80 I.m., 8. tt p.m., 6.80 p.m., 7.45 Pan. ___ x - Dnily except Sundays. To Hanover To To London ._3 trips daily - vin tetratford - 11.05 s.m., 3.36 p.m., 6.30 pm. Sundtys Ind Hand.†also " 8.80. par. Cgpegting 1rith1rret,U,'y?ter Yo Owen Bound--? tyefui.1.r, To Goderich To Sarah. To Hamilton Write. phone or call for Iehdulu. "In, etc. PM Won-on. 120 King Strut East, Kitclnlor - Phone "" CENTRAL ONTARIO TRAILWAYS TORONTO 7 may! 'dt,trU.'tAg"dtNt1l= Dunn-n: 1 tookâ€!- m not |‘.n Mar, ='t"td "roht-mrra-ttmdthrtrttre ttriiuidiiuitiir-'.etttP"t. Milo-Mal!» Mluuk-‘de" 'qB.-1qrtat"uea1trdhal. Ik.ny.cnluum “mama-arrow".- " hi My Utt M.rrittw,"Marre_turhtm. WELLISLIY -.-b.-.-.---- 7-1.1.“ ---- Leave from Kitchener depot -.. opposite City Hall. --n tripiilr, 1-2 trips daily - Tris Mitchell, Clinton - 11.05 mm, 6.80ttt, --1 trip daily - via Pnrkhill - 11.06 mm. ._6 tripa_¢jaj[y - via..GyftAr- yy,lo ..m., be, tr.80ban. - (9.45 Ban. Sgturdlz, .; Airs daily - vi: iiGnlsruton, Walkerton - 9.45 3.11. -iciar gait; -to Windsor lil," TGif .11." f?fiiti; 3.50pm.; 8.80 mm. It - any except Sundnn 5230 Tu non ovum, Do.- mind - Aunt Roma 'reatt can“ u ttuatoU and lovely. Do- thoi‘lu to “-011 that he Ind nova - In: looking no" haunt-.1. I’ll haul. out Into an Nacho]: and Home and, and an than. They stood 'Being out othor. Don month pulled down, all an» was a strange light In hi. â€on. Mary red hll thought: and lifted he! he. to MI, her on. may, "You m a mum“. but a da- line man." I†“a "tttr.., - .1. - "ruin a not." he wanted. “It I kissed 'you right now, " throw all my good tool-non- uni Mt my good judgment overhaul." “Then kin no," the and. He shook his head grimly. At that moment. Aunt Nettie - pared with an envelope and handed it to Don. "That just can. by nae-unset. And how do you like your “at done?" "Are you trying it yourself?" Don asked. “I am until May loam to do it," Aunt Nettle hushed. “Medium." he aid, and tore the end on the envelope. Aunt Nettie went back into the kitchen. Don withdrew . single sheet or mper from the envelope and held it so Mary could read with him. “newer-d!" he guped. He and Mary stored It etch other. They could ncercely believe the new: that the menace contained. It seemed that the police ttad $dmttitied cnrmio and the (she Jerred u a pair that were waited in a, number at dinerent place. tor previous livin- dIes under other than, and Don was in line tor e rewud ot twenty thousand dollars that hnd been oner- ed for information lending to their mprehension, . . J ,“Do I have luck!" Don c ‘Twonty thousand!" "Do I have the luck!" wry reacted him. Tears walled up In her eyes. Don clasped her to him. 3nd pro-sod his lips to her. In a long kin. The letter muttered to the floor It their feet. At last, he maimed her and mule a. dash for the kitchen. _ "Hold up that steel, auntie!" he shouted. “We'll use it tor a wedding supper. Mary end I ore on to get a license and and a minister!" He turned to and Mary just behind him. her eyes Ihlnlng. He soiled her by the arm, rushed her to the front door, grabbing her hat eminent as they wed htrough the mm. and had her out in " car before Aunt Nettie could catch her breth. The old lady 11331235519 front door jun in - via It Forest, Durham - surrounding district. This is the eu- Hes-t the rink Ins been open tor some Mme and the lee h tsxetytunt. There will be nhtlng every Silur- day night hereaftar. Mina Esther Borden: spent tho weekend at the home of her â€rents. Mr. and Mn. tyrorgoq%rdesuz. Mitm Paula Stable of Kitchener spent the ,eerttettd at the home ot her panama, Mr. and Mrs. IM. Sabin Mr. and Mrs. R. Elmer and con Franklin visited tha latter. parents in New Hamburg on Timothy. Mr. and MM. Wilfred Sawmills:- and Inn Rotter Ind daughter Yvonne M Kltrhonnr. Mr. Ind Mrs Prod Sawmill" of New Hamburg visited with Mr. and Mn. ' C. Loin on Sun- by. Sandal Standard Time Detroit and Holman) Schedule an Chicago; cried. HeDnneNot Nights In fltL.ettc2t, in. - fhtlrgte2T.1"gratt1tg- - an mm , kt,,',!.',",?,'?).'"),",;, 2iettt-, plain. ymuuiou â€on tttM2rthtgtxr,',22'g; Lac -teltro0onrErunehen L",',S'ratWu,t'1'"""""""" Nth-u! c--- l "gud that} and of hunk-go. "algal-tow l Mao-by In that position-4 could not nova for pain. Ididn't know whattotahe oriuttodo. Iaraa.dvisedtotr, Who-Mudla-vorygnto- NI I a no. After taking a In do.- I felt "list, and and: taking fy". lug! bqttle, , am glad to say at Gri'iGiGii, M3155.) _ ni, uni I Jive npt MA Que Jug»: iiUVofii chili; "tsau/C-aa.). [when k I combination of m W Kiwis!) b IEmbinauon of Im- Incronl mineral lulu which uni-t in tttte/dn,'. your liver mid adag- to y. r Bette ty. y ensure humanize-I tad BO help to keep the blood-urns: pure. A chrhmnu concert Will be pre- sumed in the local school on Tues- dny evening, Dec. 22nd. The pro- mm will consist. ot dulogues, arm. and songs. , in. and Mrs. than TMrrin and son Bobby were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson at Kitchen- 'Mr. ind MES. Rae Marshall ot Ham- mon were Sunday guests at the home or T. Marshall. - -- _ - The Sunday School '11] present a 011an program in the United Brethren Church on Sunday evening, WA, irloirtun will be presented in the Evangelical church on Christmas Im- IV. . A number from here attended the funeral ot the lute Mrs. Joseph For» tin at Kitchener on Friday. A ltr, -uiisrrGiseue and Hugh Cleland of the Gore, Arr, called at J. Hope's on [Saturday pyenlng. _ --. - . Mrs. J. 'Bricker and Miss Evelyn Briekirr"of Gall and Mr. George Hakim at 'Pmston called on Mrs. A. Veitch on Sunday evening. A hand-om grunt. photograph of Elmuwlrd Vmuwttitintrfbr ,ootrorirdmgtriat'-spirt-ttT homo '11!pr trump. Pro. with tho patch.» of a bottle of Knuchen Salts. Supply timitoir-tymut' now. -ura"iuriok Bbimn Loom the week-end at Pine Hill. “Mm. (Brannon Pullman and son Gerald ot mtmmo spent Tue:- day pt A; C. Bttur'y. - --__. â€in†Heien Swarm ot Kitchener spent Sunday at heLhopeuhelje; PET"!!! WORN $2 FREE Sunday guests at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. E. Perrin were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Per-rm, Miss Mildred and Jack Perrin or Galt and Mrs. Huber ot Winnipeg, Man. to see them whirl away and round the corner on twoprhmrlt. _ .. _ _ ini. turned back to the kitchen with a turtittfled smile. "Well. that’s thatt AND ALL 'W/tif,','.';':','; f'fao,,'fil ill P H . y, a wn, owmnnvi e, on ope, FRI. DEC. 18 to Cobourg, Belleville, Napanee, Kingston, Gananoque, Brockville, Prescott, Morriaburtt, Cornwall, Uxbridge, Lind.. uy, Peterboro, Crtmpbe1lford, Newmarket, Alllndole, Penetantt, Calling- wood, Meaford, Barrie ori11ia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Braeebridge, Huntsville, Colhnder, N’orth Bar, Parry Bound, Sudbury. All towns in New Ontario on line of Temisknming & Northern Ontario RIy.; Nipiasintt Central Rly.; Knpuskasing, Longhc, 'Gernldton, Jellicoe, Beardmore. ---- -_- g - - .. h * a m. nwunlurc. Also to Branftord, Chat- SAT. DEC. 19 to Toronto ham, Chem, Clinton, Durham, Enter, Fergus, Goderlch Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harris- ton, ‘Ingersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mitchell, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Elgin, St. Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia. Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, W-lkerton, Wiarton, Winghun, f2,rl',ftih, l S 0c: y etween Import“! unions at and SAT, DEC. 19 which Excursion Tickets are tsold-Ask Ticket Agent. R038 CASH REtMBYER m FRONT OF CLERKS iiiTitThTiiiiirittnn TRIP BARGAIN mas rG Fun. my"! Emlyn. Tr'?? spent Sammy evening at Mr. and Mr. nnd Mrs. Bill Lela and daugh- ter Helen ot Kitchener winked with Mr. and Mrs, gnome Huehn on Sat- urdny. " J. c. Lem KITCHEWR; " glrl walked Into the 20,er chain store here during the rush hour between a and 0 o'elork Thursday. walked our to the cash rum†and mum: it plokod up 3 httndhtl of mm; and made her oxlt an qulotly an aha "ma tn. Al- though dlnrovemd Almost Immpdl. “My, nho was â€lost In the crowd. "it“ found tttnt lb. secured .35 CANADIAN NATIONAL, A own, mu. commerce. convuunn. loot-u loo noon Moi-" um. um t want rel man nu A " LUII nu no. on†on -tF--8Bo ROSEVILLE Move in Bed -----------------" mun Limltl. Train Information. Tickets, consult Agents It Kink-nor. ma. Prawn, Haydn, Waterloo, Elmira. Bee HIndblllu. TloztA Minn-ml Fare. Adults TBe Child 40c FROM KITCHENER 7 iius British Broadcasting Corporar tion, the Newmronlcle added, has not received an otneial communica- Hon. IAhMDON, Dec. 6.--The King may decide to broadcast a message to the Empire within the next " hours, the London-NewsChronlcle declared to- ROYAL BROADCAST Hard Starting'? Let Us Check Your Battery F R E E Radiator Covers (Silver) CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS: Floor Mats. Felt Back 81... Cigar Lighters 508 up Fender Guides $1.35 up Flashlights, Focusing Chains - All Sizes GOODRICH SAFETY SILVERTOWNS As Low as 55c Weekly MV up Seat Covers $2.35 up Steering Wheel Covers Goodrich Hot Water Heaters _ $8.90 up Exide Batteries "" up Casoo Frost Shields Spark Plugs Cleaned Se each A, -6' tf; your health 4: 9 iij'ii"ir'iit,'a'r' iiisi 'Wh' help / " a ',r, H" gt " l ii. f At King And Water Sts. Phone 4646 Engine Warmers $5.00 up Fan Defrosters KITCHENER BELIEVED POSSIBLE $1.15 up