"Since the beginning ot 1915 ap- proximately 1,121,359 accidents im voiving injuries to persons in Ontario have been reported by the Industrinl Accident Prevention Association", mid general manager, R. B. Morley. in Toronto, and the board have awarded the staggerng sum of 8110.- 563.127 for compensation and medical aid." 'i"iEEEi=GaTaW=E3EEariUrT=r1a=nCi=inrir',r,'r; te W W â€3., ' w,- CC,:, 'is'tir,yJ,iisl,,_x,',)Ci:,ii) 3%}? ï¬g 5‘32; Lctt:e.:5ttstt" "a8W,iri) _.i?i', g . . a, i KYâ€. T t2St" - (if? 9. . t r ff.‘ 'is-iii-aria sf 'i'ii'iiil,'--t' I t ' m t '"'t M cg . f on: x "a""", ', Eb: . " .1 , 'i'):,)' a "rrrN ' " "i, f v'='y" 4 ' . f f i . V E Mist IP' . ti; i if: m . , r _ K N we! kn Gi'" t ',1t""rs'4t a, , l .. M "' - _ a. 'al" m _ v , “- a . , _ 2? _ . , T A! "tox, , ""aate - - '1' King St. E., ttTAGG, M “I. “a My) We enter to nquota and Putin. castle Inn Now p,,)l'iiilt5t;i,"ii't= A perfected mgth'odj_N'u; Tua, No te “run. LIGHT. INEXPENSIVE. iibs1Tll'lial; Investigate. Write or DOWNING, STEEN and Co Mailer Shoe Stores RUBBERS The ginning Studio filth mnIfncIudn Comm Dog». B. 'h'll% 31. y PRESTON, ONTARIS habit-Ind 1898 " King St. W. Phone 1800 KITCHENER G. C. Crompton, Prop. Ahoro Doon- Electric Opp. Lyric Theatre. Kitchener nG/iaG . Alain-nuk- - iiiaaiG SMITPS Sword]! Pktum an Artistic in..." YOST’S FRAMING DEPT. " Kb. It I. . M I. WATIILOO Ptrfralt, Coinmercial, and Wedding Photography. Dun-hot Bldg. - - Plan. " WWI-[I’m "IAN LACK OF - " King Stud Eu! Kitchener STUDIO LIGHTING T-Iephonn I2I for Boner Picture. Picture Framing Repaired l J. D. NALON Watches Clocks Jewellery KITCHENER "Formerly Naborhood" Janna Gd -oitaiast RUPTURED? III XII. " W.“ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED FLORISTS " Ontario South See Our Toy Display FIRST " King St. W. KITCHENER Watchrnaker Kl'i'cHENEIl Complete Stock of Rubber Footwear. --Ail first quality. KITCHINII 3277 Diemert -At St. Mary's Hospital, Nov. 24. to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence nit-marl. Hespoler. a daughter. (mn- rnvvt died same day). Hinds-At the K.-W. Hospitsl Nov. M, to Mr. and Mrs. A. kinds, Kitchener, a son. vierstoeka-At the K.-W. Hospital, Nov. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. V. Wer.. stock, Kitchener, I daughter. Winfiertd--At West Montrose, Nov. 20, to Mr .end Mrs. Edward Win- field, a daughter. Gowimr---At Glenallan, Nov. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Gowing, a son. 1 Koetti--At the K.-W. Hospital, Nov. 22, to Mr. and Mrs. G. Keel- ing, Kitchener, a daafhter. Beeker--At the K.- . Hospital, Nov. 23, to Rev. and Mrs. E. Becker, Kitchener, I son. Smith-Mt West Montrose, Nov. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, a daughter. Kerlter.--At Waterloo, Nov. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keller, e son (stillborn). Miohm--At Kitchener, Nov. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Miehm, a son. _ Friends of Mrs. A. w. Dennitsoit,' Park street, Waterloo, will be sorry to learn that she is ill " the K.-W. The K.-W. Centre of Community Arts has commenced puns for a Beaux Arts Ball to be held " Foley. H.ill Gardens.lat£_in_Jlnany. ailliareLaBrash--Nov. 16 Arthur H. lellax of Elmira to Lime 1..- Bruh. Toronto. Both-Phil" .--Autr. 81, M. w. Both of Waterloo to Muriel Georgina Phillips of London. 'ehneidetr.Sehit"stirr-- Nov. 21, Ed- win Schneider of Waterloo to Winnifred Schlueter of Linwood. Dahmer-Jurehuk-Nov. 21, Harold Dahmer of Bridgeport to Helen Regina Jurchuk of Kitchener. Horrow.Butier -- Nov. 21, Leslie Clement HEN-on of Bookton to Ida Maude utler of T0sonburg. Mrs. Fred Blackweil of London is visiting with her fluent; Mr. and Mrt WyyMel1outttt I, Adelina stregt. Mrs. R. M. Bean, steen St. S.. Kitchener, returned on unday from a week's visit with her parents. Mr. ttnf, Mrs, H, A, Wyuie, nylon-onto. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. 31ch Ind Mrs. Harold Berner and son Donald John's Blvd., spent a few days this week in Toronto. Miss Anne Dietrich, Erb street has returned to her home utter spending a five weeks' vocation in Toronto. V A goodly number of Twin-City folk attended the opening dance ttl the Granite Club on Suturday night. It was the first dance of the season. Miss Dorothy Lobsinier, 184 Ian. easter street west, Kite ener, enter- tained u group of friends " the Savoy Cafe, Oakville, on Monday evening, " a charmingly arranged dinner party. __ -- - _ About 80 members of the Amal- iamnted Civil Servants of Canada Kitchener and Waterloo Postal Em- ployees held their annual ban1uet on Saturday night. After a bow his tournament they dined " the Old Mill Colee Shoppe and were after- wards entertained at the home of the postmaster. Mr. T. H. Hnehborn, Cameron street north. 10dThe eh"1'T, ',',fd.telit', Rehab“): (a e 1 Inc: In the lodge room on 'ph'tf,tMLt. were made to hold . cud puty and dance early in December. An tn- vitation wu “canted to attend a double installation ceromony u- ranged by the Helpeler Rebekah. to "lg puree. shortly; ..-_. -- _ Mr. and Mrs. Steve Weller and Mr. Anthony Weiler, I" of Detroit, Mich, have returned home after visiting It the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hunt, Ellen street. Kitchener. The mumbcn of an Honda] Bridge Club In“ mutt-mod Ne their by Monday at the hon. of In. fieinhold Lung, King “not, Waterloo. "gtg2'gh"e p. m run-r, Mi,tf,2h,', honor of mom birthday on Sunday. Att the "can; In. Bauer m o the recipient of a lamina. to not. the graham: 2fLtt? by Mr. W nnd lin- not. Mr. Clan Bennett-lb...»- intod Brunch 0.1:. In“. (C at. Eggs-Hg m. at can; I. Social till. personal I I Marriages Births Page of IntereSt/ to Women q "one "" The now bank notes will he out nhoni August, next year. and a por- trait of his Majesty will Appear on all denominations except tho $1.000 note. which will any a portrait of Sir Wilfrid Lnurier, on at pro-em. and the 8100 note, on whioh Mr John A. Mudonnld'a likenâ€. will â€our. Sir John’s picture in now on the “00 note, which will tre “nominee. TH! KING'S PORTRAIT ON NEW BANK NOT" o'rTAWA.---tht the new humus! notes of the Bank or camel. the por- trttit of King Edvard vm. will be the omy Royal Portrait, " was learned hare. . HESPELER.-arr. and Mrs. Wil- of Fisher's Mills, Mr. Cooper's ham Cooper, well known and highly brother, and Mrs. Dorothy Ginger- esteemed residents of the commun- ich of Blair, formerly Miss Dorothy ity, celebrated the 50th anniversary Sehaumberg, sister of Mrs. Cooper, of their marriage on Saturday who were the attendants when Mr. when they were guests of honor " and Mrs. Cooper were married on a dinner party at the home of their November M, 1886. The toast to son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and the bride and groom W“ proposed Mrs. Walter Holm, Puslinch town- by Mr. Cooper, the groomsman of ship. 60 years ago, and Mrs. Gingerich, The blessing was asked by Rev. bridesmaid, proposed the toatrt to Ernest Gingerich of New Dundee, the original wedding. Method: Dlmolvo gelatln ln cold water. Add hollan water. an. aunt and lemon. When It starts to sullen. add cucumber and plneapple. Put In mold or lndlvldml molds and chill. Serve on lettuce with mayonnaise dressing Hospital. She underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis on Monday. It Is understood her condition is as good as can be expected. Juice used). 'mla Serve Hespeler Couple Honoured by Many Waterloo County Friends. Either palnt your candles with wa- ter colors or varnish them with plain shellac. This will prevent wax from running down the side of the candles and will also make them pretty. 'tPrevent Candles mp' Drlpplng To clean White Furniture Dissolve 1 teupoon nod; In 1 pint warm water. Rub on .Iurnlturo with a clean. soft cloth. Then dry with a dean dry cloth. COOKING HINTS Peanut Brittle Fluff lk pound of peanut brittle. % pound or marshmallows. 1 bottle ot whipping cream. Method: Grind peanut brittle. Cut up marshmallows. Whip cream stiff. Mix peanut brittle and marshmallows with whipped cream Either chill or place in mold and pack in salt and ice. Either 1 package envelop» ot "mm. 2-3 cup of cold w Salt. 1 cup of boiling l 1 cup of canned pieces Seturday brings to a close the forty-fourth of these sales. Be sure and be on hand for these exception- et low prices and the quality " ues that only Ernlt’s of Kitch- ener can otter. Mix For forty-tour years B. R. Ernst he: conducted a clothing business in Kitchener and for forty-four years ..ettt'tr have conducted anniversary Mr. and Mes. Cooper Mark 50th WeddingA nniversary HESPELER.-on Sunday Mrs. Elizabeth Marriott, one of Guelph’s oldest residents, mother of William J. Marriott, Hespeler, celebrsted her 91st birthday. Assisted by mem- bers of her family, Mrs. Marriott, who ls most active for her age, re- :eived her many guests on Sunday and on Monday herself. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Hespeler Woman 91 Years Young l The hostesses It a very enjoyable ton hour were Mm. E. H. Oxley, In. A. N. HcTnvi-h, Mrs. Charles Tweed, Mrs. Melvin Snider, Mrs. W. Geiger, If" M. O'Donnell, Mrs. G. M. Fisher. In. R. B. Bean, In. Wettennat, Mrs. Valentine and Mrs. B. C. Tweed. Mrs. M. Hallmnn and Mrs. Hutton were in charge of birthday donations. FORTY-FOUR YEARS IN CLOTHING GAME Another of her songs, “Brahms Iautntrr",or" ge,',." on the piano by “be A. R. n. _ Finn. were made for the Christ- Inu My Sale to be held " the home of to. B. C. Tweed, Friday, December 18th, from 3 to 6 pan. Improvements to the personage weLe also decided upon. A future of the Woman's Ano- ehtlon hold " tho Wntcloo Ptmt MM Church on TM, "tar- Pte was gut iaptmtaelr that? hit a In. I. C. Wood on the t of a Bqhsqrtausn-Reinh, world- mou W, who died this month. I“ allowed by the singing by the gathering of Iowan! of the favorite â€no of this great o liner, iney4inor “Silent {than tQulte Itt up cucumber (cut Ill 1 cup ot sugar. [ cup of chopped nice of 1 lemon on Famogn Singer A little altogethnr sugar an a with any Cucumber- of boiling water. or canned plneappln cut In All Your Roll-h r Oifioront and Good) flntx--red and green pet» little ottlott--ent up fine, Mhor with lemon juice, 3 tr and desired seasoning. I any kind of menu. Pineapple Wltel'. Up) apple Sal-d lemon jello or 1 nuts. tit gelatin In DOROTHY ANNS nephew of the bride of 60 yen-s, 1nd W. R0160"? of Kitchener Mr. and Mm. Cooper's son. Icteé u toutmuter for the occasion. Among the guests were John Cooper of Fisher's Mills, Mr. Cooper's brother, and Mrs. Dorothy Ginger- ish of Blair, formerly_ like D_orothy Quick Supper Dish 1 pound can of salmon 1% cum crackers, crushed l cup milk. V. teaspoon salt. Hi loaspoon poppor t tablespoon butter. Heat milk. add crackers, salt, pop- per, and then stir in flaked salmon. Tho addition ot one well beaten on improves this dish. Serve on topt with a slit). of lemon or sprinkle lino ly chopped pull» over tho top " I gamma. Swift once wrote: "tUh should mum thrice . . . first it should swim in tho seas (do you mind me?) than it would swim in butter, and at last sirrah. it attoud swim in good claret." Dispense with the claret. tor this “mild not he in kneplng with our " fort to help the housewives of Can- ada stretch their food dollar to the limitL It has been our aim, however, to keep you in touch with â€noun {nods . . . foods that will give you the biggest return for your dollar in hnalth. l cup or sugar. 1 teaspoon ot baking powder 1 cup ot chopped dates. h cup at pastry tlour. V. teaspoon ot salt. 1 cup of walnut meats. 2 eggs. Method: Mix dry Ingredients. Add nuts and dates and beaten eggs. Snread in a thin sheet. Bake. Do not let it (at turd on edges. Cut In 1% In. squares. Cool. When cool enough roll In balls and roll balls In granulated sugar This makes M balls. 1 cup of sugar. Little salt. 2 eggs or 2 egg whites. 3 teaspoons ot baking powder. lk cup ot shortening. % cup ot milk. 2 scant. cups of tiour. Flavoring. Method: Mix ingredients all to- gether and beat 2 minutes. Bake In a moderate oven. EAT FISH FOR HEALTH Nnme City....... Street Address Use this coupon. Print y To The Waterloo Chronicle Needlework Dept. DESIGN No. 6004. SIZE............ dress to delight a small girl. The model is made in white, but it will be equally attractive in any pastel shade. The openwork border is decorative and com- bines well with the gain knit of the dress. It is so simple and pretty t t you will find making it an enjoyable pastime. There are separate instructions and a separate pattern for each and every size in- eluding 2, 4 and 6 yaers. The fl,'i'fri',', includes: a sample of the yarn from which t e original cannent was made, a tissue pattern tor blocking the garment after it is knit, easy-to-follow working inatruetiont, without abbreviations. and an assembling chart. BAKING HINTS Mayfair Noodlo-art Chinese Chews Sm Styles for the Little Miss Quick Cake Charm tM daintlnegs an} combined in this knitted ......â€a...“on.on..."........"nun-u..."-"u.........u....uu.-u Print your name Ind addreas plainly. .......... Province An apple a day keeps the doctor 'twar-- unlpss you get the needs In your appendix. Mr. Clayton Oesch visited with friends at Poole last week. Miss Myrtle catty spent the week.- end with her parents at Kinkora. Mr. and .Mrs. John Coach and tam- ily spent last Sunday with relative: at Nithburg. Mr. Luwellyn‘Lela la spending a week with his parents. Mr. and In. Allen Leis. Mr. Joe Black ot St. Agatha and Jacob Frelburger called on Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch on Saturday even- ng. LUX SOAP , "u. tte s. O. S. uh 14c, 93: IVORY SOAP m h IVORY Helm hh 2tk CALAY Soap 3mm“ kWh-lo RAISINS JOSEPHSIURG Tomato Juice 2 No.mT|~19c Nrdei, Q “on MILK Evaporated 3 'tr 25e Monti Hun COFFEE H. P. SAUCE uaeutoe, 10 King St. S. WATERLOO Phe ne 894 Nguyen» Dodg- No. 181 was. 16e CARROlliS Mr. and Mrs. inliiiiriFiikmrr and family visited on Sunday with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hammer and their children Lorraine and Raymond visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neeb in Petersburg. Master Raymond Helpel. non ot Mrs. Edward Hammer, had his small linger caught in the root pulper white turnip cutting was in progress dun ing chore hours, resulting in the ting- er tip being painfully cut. Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Wigner and daughter Esther visited on Sun. day with Mr. and Mrs. Elle Albrecht and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hellchauer In Milverton. _ juveniles tigured in minor mm ihape during the past week. Min lleene Bast, daughter ot Mr. and In. I Solomon Bast was kicked In the flea by a cow, ordinarily quiet, which I110 endeavored to milk but which Iho had not touched for Home time. This may have frightened the animal. The I kick resulted in a cut and badlyl swollen lips. Master Elmer Wagner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Wagner. had " thumb cut in the gears ot their home clippers. The clipper tell to the cem- em tloor earlier in the day and in so doing the clover over the gear: was smashed Mr and Mn. Flynn were blessed with eight children, all of whom were home to help them mark their golden wedding. The children are: amee Flynn of Heepeler, Frank Flynn of Winnipeg, Mum, Leo Flynn of Toronto, emu-d Flynn. Reeve of Hespeler, In. L. M. Evans (_Winnrfred) of Detroit, Mich., Edward Flynn of Chicago Ill., and Min Loretta Flynn end Patrick J. Flynn " home. tub.tts Me Mr. end Mrs. Flynn were married on November 24, 1886, at the Church of Our body in Guelph. Rev. Father Kiely performed the cere- mony. At that time the Roman Cetholic church here we: . mission with service: conducted once I month 2 the Incumbent of the Guelph c ureh. "tFt.-...). and In. John Flynn on Tuesday rocoivod the con. rutuluiom of their friends from 'stu'.",', 'IT, tttt tt ttiff tU/dt Ann Vern o t e . Mr. and In. gym: were?“ home to their friends " their home on Gut street. County Councillors Parents Observe BERLET'S CORNER mmamm ree Injured in Minor Accidents ' 2Te Golden Wedding “Wt-â€049d. Libby} M MUSTARD BACON WHITE BEANS lowla- CO D Fl S H “We!†.--4rttree ot TIA “If?†Mr. Daniel Wagner, who was ludv denly seized on Saturday, Nov. " with an acute attack ot appendiciti- Ind which burnt, ls, we are glad to mention, doing as well as can be expected. ' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kooher and Mrs. Emmanuel Wagner paid a bull- ness visit to can and the Twin Clue: on Tuesday. Recovering. and Mrs. Con. Rowling nou- Doe iutr's Corner. Johnny used to loee at "alga". A: a matter of fact. he was poo: at all game- (not to mention his atudh.l0-.which bothered his dad considerably. One day he had lohnny'l eyes examined-- and diamond that his trouble was poor vision. Right glance corrected that. Now Johnny'- on the way to becoming champ of his neighborhood. JANSE'N EYESIGHT SERVICE "Dedicated to Better Vision†no Frederick St. Phone "s KITCHEN" - 'uAhmrswhmmemt t For in Ith: 14b. pkg. 28c we. on. lb. 14c Me