The annual meeting of the St. Ja. cobs Athletic Association was held on Friday owning. The attendance was good. Preparations were authorized for putting the surface of the rink in proper repair as also assuring a igtltti, cient supply of water hy sinkng am other reservoir in the river and se- curing 75th feet of new hose. 1ealllentrteiin citizen Dies In Accident . Six-Yur-OH Son Keeps Watch Beside M. M. Miller’s body of Melvin 11. Killer, colored, we: found beneath the wreckage of his car in a four-foot ditch border- ing a curve don? No. " Highway, between Listowe and Palmerston“ hidny evening. A passing Wmem‘ ton motorist discovered the wrecked, car and Miller's little tive-or-air, yeer-old son uninjured beside it. Many relatives, neighbors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. w. H. Winkler to show their sym- pathy and pay their last respects to the late Mrs. Winkler, whose funeral was held on Sunday afternoon. Her pastor. ‘Rev. J. P. Hauch was in charge and delivered the funeral ser- mon. Rev. W. Yager read the scrip ture passage and Rev. S. R. Knechtel led in prayer and also made a few brief remarks. Mrs. Knechtel and Miss Rennie of Kitchener on request hy the family sang very beautifully and touchiugly two duets. Mrs. Wink- ler was born in St. Jacobs 78 years ago and lived here her entire lite. Fifty-four years ago she and Mr. Winkler were united in marriage and thus a union of long standing is temporarily broken. She is survived besides her hsuband by one daughter, Olivia. Mrs. Gordon Hollinger, one granddaughter Gladys 'Holllnger and one sister, Mrs. W. Berberich of Kit- chener and many friends and rela- tives. Gard of Thanks We deeply appreciate the sym- pathy shown by our many friends of the district, who so kindly sent flow- ers, rendered neighborly assistance and loaned cars in my recent be reavement. The illustrated lecture on Ger- many, England and Switzerland. given by Mr. Norman Schneider ot iKi-tchener in Smith's hall under the auspices of the Evangelical Ladies' Aid on Thursday evening drew a large and appreciative crowd. A reel of comics for the children was run oft before the lecture was given. Messrs. Raymond Schlitt and Marvin Smith gave a few instrumental se- lections and Mrs. Adam sang two solos accompanied by Mr. Adam on the piano. "Rev. J. P. Hauch was chairman. A. A. Annual Meeting. Found lifeless In Road Ditch after his marriage to a Lebanon lady a fey years ago, Mr. Miller spent. several summers here as a farm employee of Mr. Charles E. Matthews, and was highly esteemed by his many acquaintances in this locality. The following officers were elect- ed: president, 'Henry Stroh; rink manager. Jack Morlock; asst.. Bruce GahN: secretary-trea‘surer. this posi- tion goes bogging as Alfred Holst. who hag had it for nine years tity Nines to continue; sports commit- lov, Herb Schmidt and Clare Mc- Leod; manager Jr. hockey, Bruce Calm]. Wife of Village Pe-ter Laid to Red on Sunday. PAY LAST RESPECTS T0 MRS. W. H. WINKLER w. H. Winkler and family Illustrated Lecture. Thv momhers or the Young Peo- plo's Lenmm of the Evangelical Church oolphratnd All Saints' Day on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Flsher. They presented a weird and motley crowd in their Fa- riod and strange mstumes WALLENSTEIN. - The lifele- Prio_r_to his yesidence in_ Mac, ST. JACOI‘ We are sorry to report that Mr. Ed. Knobs] is on the lick list. Friends and neighbors wish him a speedy recovery. . Mrs. Geo. ‘Hohl wen: a few days at the home ot In†Kata Hon] ot Slrattord, hut week. Mrs. Henry Cook visited um. her daughter Miss Vera Cook of Kitch- ‘ener on Bunting. "Ngt Mr. Sslbert Snyder and daughter Delphine, Mr. and In, Conrad K110i- Parana-II. 247 King St. West GEO. [ili)lll In Every Department of Winter Clothing Needs LII-ON SCORES, Again I Till WATIILOO CHRONICLI In. David Cook and con Norma spent Tuesday afternoon with the farmer's mother-in-law, Mrs. John Cook, New Hamburg. sol and and Vera Neel) were bui- neu Hilton in Kitchener on Tue.- at). The towl upper held at SL-Paul'u Lutheran Cltprch on Wednendny vu alleuded try some people from this dustrict, Mr. and MI". Emil Hohl and funny ot Nuhburg visited with Mr. and Mm. Dave Cook recently. my will give you a winter’s comfortable wear. Sturdy fabrics --veio-, “vegan, dually-ch, d-U--'". Slip-on, Raglan. Guard and Tube lulu. Beyond compari-on. 'l 2.75 K Hero’s ml economy. There Suits will give you the service, appenrence and lard-wear in beyond their price. New pat- tom Ind shades exceptionally attractive. $1 2 . 7 5 SUITS Money-Saving Specials for THUR., FRI., SAT. 247 King St. W. Dunker Bldg. KITCHEN ER MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED IF MERCHANDISE NOT SATISFACTORY OVERGOATS GE9flf?,!iii FINE I ,I BUNKER BLDG. If you have wom'825 "othe- you'll no! feel out of place with “was Suitt. That's closer to their Price-if you judge their value. All lulu, beautifully tailored and silk lined. Mrs. Mary Pal. who had been some weeks returned to her home visiting [dead- In texture. tor hereon Monday. _ 19 KING N.. - WATERLOO For Free Delivery-Phone 997 $16-75 I Debtitur better coats-tho kind that take their place in any con:- -r-at any function. Style. and material. are unusually and. You nan-t too then. ..THE STORE 'rrrsnr SAVES YOU MONEY.' AMAZING VALUES t KITCHENER Equally Attractive Valges in Haberdashery Hats, Shirts, etc. . My, Non-kt t, "" In Kitchener Biggest Assortment