Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Oct 1936, p. 7

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w,,', Clayton Donut Presidull . ', of Juvenile Hockey League The city clerk was authorized to communicate with the proper au- thorities to collect a fee of 'ur, case on all provincial cases u " the local police court facilities without any compensation in the municipality. Luau. cloned After considerable discuuiou from two factions. on motion ot Clayton homer: playing team In the league “ill be accepted trom Weterioo. ICR. chener, Bridgeport and Breelau. An uuwndtm-ut to have Preston included was defeated. Preston represente- lives declared their willingness to pay expenses to and from semen. and were anxious to obtain a hockey league grouping. IMr. Lnunmn held that Preston should be allowed to enter. it only to provide ormized hoekey for 10 of 12 additionakmoys. Limit Players Teams will be restricted in use ot industrial league playem, only two lining allowed on each team. and they must conform to the age iimitl. It was tell. that a boy must play tor hie employer, and should not be exclud- nil from the Juvenile league. No city lt-ague players will be allowed. In keeping with rulings of former yours. increase salaries was clearly speci- fied. The finance committee gave its t3goropral ty the. tequetst of. _ttyt R.-F. Hospital Board to raise $54,000 by mortgage loan to provide for the new hospital addition. The loan will bee: foot WT tent. interest.. _ The ollcerl were elected In I Ill“ and were as follow]: Hon. Frauen, a new position, John Loam; prou- dsmt, Clayton; Done"; vino-prod: dent, Mr. iHoch; 'reeretary-tr-er, 1.. 'B. Class. The only other change “as Mr. Hoch, who succeed: Henry Kicholz. Playlng member. or Wotal'loa'l Juvenile hockey [cutie meeting In their wljuurued annual mun; in the Town Hall ludltorlnln [not night unanimously named Clayton Doll-u. Waterloo po-lmaator, and or-sr of the North Ward hockey chi tho, past two winters. In pmldont. Mr. holler: succeeds John human, who mixed to be reared. am John 1‘...“ Born Attead All-l Phone 4517 " ontnHo St. s. KITCHENER The meeting was attended by over BAPLING’S MENS WEAR 94 King $Y2:¥CHENER (Continued from Page " PRESTON WED SUITS AND O’GDATS The ”Arch tor a Full Sun or Or.reoat ot distinction wttl .- the III-h you lay eye- on our ouuumdhs. "uetio. cl “In and "Menu. The" Isn't I. onion-Ill. nylo of the now mun. u dour-Ind " nor“ "now-d “-th math-Hues. that iun'l rmomld. Shul- Ind double brunt- odn In ”undo. Aetund., chad-u. bonn- - all 'u-et. In nib“. m chitin. ova-plaid. All “I“ colorl nah the pin-1n couple“. $18.50 to $35 $13.95 to $35 New Fall Hats H- $2.95 to $6.00 No Authority ORDON‘S OOD MEN'S OUTFITTIIS " King " I. WATIIIDO PLO-o I00 Satisfy , Pr. Pun- L. R. Detenbeck SUITS o'C0A'P3 Dr. C. T. Noecker appealed against assessment for business tax as a medical practitioner. Mr. Usel- man stated that there was no alter- native, but that an act now in the hands of the Ontario Legislature might exempt him. nations] League It I Tgy meeting q of the club owners. eld " New Pr t T hi York. Slug succeeds the late Chna. esen top es H. [Kn-Pp of Baltimore. George Wells " Newnrk won elected vice- . president, and it woo decided to 0 oe open the seuon on April 22 next 't',g,','N, instead of the 16th tug]? en t e custom in yen: poo . e annual meeting of the International Engel and Foerster Bowling League will by held on November, Rinks Winners of Twin., (Continued from Page 1) to esttbllsh a precedent for other churches and so refused the appeal. 80 it Montreal. The Waterloo Juvenile League val formed about six years ago under the guidance of John Lauman, who has held the presidency each year. Games have been played on ice surfaces in both Kitchener and Waterloo. Certificates were handed out to team representatives and must be fOyd out and handed in to Mr. Class, alter which they will be returned and held by the team managers. Prank Shnughneuy of Montreal, former player scout Bmi late mn- uger of the Royals, who recently "e. clogged president ofAhe Inter- Booster tlckets were also lssued to all boys, and will be sold at 25 cents each to raise funds to carry on the lenguo. The things whim no man can ad. vertise successfully are the undeserv- ing things. 60 boys from Waterloo. Kttetiismsr, Bleslau, Bridgeport and Preston. Revision Court I The Heller Trophy for runners-up was won by the rink skipped by Herb Foerster, and composed of Wm. Garner, Richard Braunlich and John Walsh. C Runners up for the Filsinger trophy was the Jack Luxton rink of the Mutual Life and for the Heller trophy the George Dixon rink of the Kitchener Bowling club. The only club not in the fimUs was the Beaver Club of Kitchener. 7 .rr,,i,eiui2,riit,?, {at night fdr their Inna-I nnnnt null for khss are- annual Banquet and for the pre- sentation of trophies. _ Two Waterloo rinks won both trophies up for Twin City compe- tition, end were presented with them " the banquet. The rink of E. Engel composed of Walter Wit- thuhn, Ernie Snoxell and E. G. Seyler. won the Filsinger Trophy, which hes been up for competition for the senior e1utmpionship for three years. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon IHuber were: Rev. Father Kloepter, Rev. Father mmu, Miss Oliva Buchelt of m. Agatha, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Buchen and fam- ily of New Prussia, Mr. and Mm. Cyril Haller and son Robert ot Pres- tun, Mr. George Huber. Baden, Mr. and Mrs. John Greyerblehl, Rummel- hardt. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Straus and daughter Mary Anne and Miss " lentn Strum of Bombers. Mr. Wilfred seheemyr had his ton- sils removed at Dr. Gutters otttee, Wellesley, on Mona". Mr. and Mrs Enoch Steiner and family of Josephsburg. miss Anna Behetrner, Messrs. John and Alvin Schetrner, Eldon and Elmer Kress of 'Bamberg visited at Peter Dorscht's on Sunday. Members of the Twin-City Bowl, gyr _Ciubts_trrtAertd ,t_tlte tleer Support of citizen. is liked for the Juvenile PE',',',"', drive for operating funds. uy your booster as from tile ltd wtys cell: on you. Messrs. Simon Huber and Jack Straw; were business visitors to Gait on Wednesday. Wrestling lulu will be all not for next week's mat show at the ludi- Mrs. John Golbeck spent a few days in Waterloo this week. Juvenile Hock" We. John in to loan of the uncounta- o! to- urvod long ad I." " I tank which night's to. due to It. being put in tee no mudbut puma! .tb- at the audited-n. if t'r'lii',n.rliitri!,r,dii'iia"iii,iil . . . . n o organ . 'rueh-homtwoehurehtaimn hm, wilt tall tho tak in in town to Includo ton-u from four Enatern IL't,'g 1mitt foe - contra. m. counul on the can» tum. toth {and M tNeehop1rrargeidentwilit" tanUqrill bqon Itrtet_i,t,t?y nppmseinted by the new omen Pee,tttit,fi.te? BEE-1:; lt tive "B" team. Ate iisitreGGA; the grouping. A _ _ Nothing will develop latent wicked- ness in a man faster than Ibelng watched. Eight unmade-t. night slgniited their intention of entering and will be divided into three "A" team Ind P-aaa-ii-iii-aaa-s-oi-aaa-is-aaa-al' Aft-rd: mumthoh- tort-n. hutch-Int bplll- unw'it‘dmhungthuhxmdybmgthII-o thrp,tyeetr I" the y."ero Mum‘vb-nnmhd 8T. JEROMES RUGBY PLAYER Ill HOSPITAL India. will in in. "teruitnororth .- uni in for thi stuka-Gia-i alignment. Imdy " In: and. I favor-bl. impression n on: mining eynp. Btsth 99M: Supt-o Ind Dick Irvin minis. to [In him "If, calf. Both Conn bn I Tlll'a of making lee Moot Walter Brod“ folks, the young-m who is liable to rep1nee Geo Kninlvorth In 0 Luff not this amen. Broda, with Detroit 'tflll'Jh In} rertyttd gdjndedfho bet goalkeeperjn the Intetippnl AT NEW HAMBURG MSPORTSE City Honours. BAMBERG Trying Out For Leaf Goalie l Down " London fan. will be treated to has of the but - of the season when the Wutetn'l Mustang- play but: to (tgtg',t - experts as calling “an: to win the Intercollogiau crown this you. Mountain Ci when Danni portleu 3011ng On at. that m the return match. A lo.. eliminate Titan, wink a will Mr. Louis Schneider, Clotlldo Schneider and Lena Dietrich spent Tuesday with friends at st. Clements. Sunday guests at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. David Sander were Ml:- Annie and Mr. Abram Brubaeher ot St. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hear and Miss Harriet Brubacher ot Bill- der's Corners, Misses Malindn and Veronica Sander. Miss Salome Mar- tin, Mr. Tillman Bowman, Miss Va- lina Sander and Mr. Tillman Sander from near St. Jacobo. Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Strauss were: Martha Scherrer. Priscilla Roth and Luwina Strauss, Felix and Leander Strauss and William Wo- ber. Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch’and (am- ily called on Heidelberg triemU last Wednesday evening. Miss Martha Scherrer is spending a week's vacation with Mr. and Mn. Amen Strauss. Sunday visitors at the home ot Mrs." Mary Balm were: Mrs. Joe Balm and sons, Mr. and Mus. Edward Ho. meyer and daughter Anna, Mm. Jack Mader and son Herb from Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kumm and fam- ily and Mr. Prank Booze! from St. Clements. illLliiil!! EE’EDIRE‘E Sunday callers at Pleasant View WE re Mr. and Mrs. Weuel. Mill Myr- tle and Mr. Gram. Wetzel and Min Hastings ot New Hamburg. Miss Clolilde Schneider spent Sunday with Miss Olive Zettle at Wellesley. - . Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch and mm. lly spent Sunday at Baden. Mr. Jacob Schwartzentruber from St. Agatha ched on Mr. and Mrs. Henna Roth on Thursday. Sunday Manon " the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner were: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Men: from Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Slower. Mr. Charles stealer. Sr., from st. Agatha and Mr. and Mrs: Bingon Wan-r. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Noun-tar and children accompunled by In. Stuart ot Ripley visited ‘Mr. and In: Jae. Tucker ot Arthur on Sunday. Mr. Percival Redford ot North Bay culled on his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bedford recently. Miss Kay Schwllm ot Kltmener visited her friend, Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Alllster recently. Mr. and Mm. Michael Strauss spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Linus Dimer at St. Agatha. Miss Antonia Strauss spent Sunday " ith Miss Priscilla Roth. Jack Frost visited the irtmtow- panes. Mrn 5!th etch- RIM-nay, ___ tum. JL'f,'liLfh' and The tank. will b. on the up“ in the Kuwait City gluon guy's in- eliminate Tigers, while a win for the Rider. coupled with I ion- for Argo- will tie the two for the " Four leadership: BLOOM! NGDALI JOSEPHSBU " maiuu In an akin in l H'h 35:3?" Gi, William es po ,Hu'gon, Golt. Beat wowed 1and---t, Willa-d Shantz, aterloo; 2, Reginald Bur- nett, West Monti-oar 8, Earl Stroll, iiiiGi.' Best plowed land by” under 16 Teartr--Arehie She a, West Montrose. Beat crown, by Woolwich retddent-Wi1inrd Shanta, Waterloo. Best finish by Woolwich resident-Reginald Burnett, West Montrose. Best plow teams--1, Reginald Burnett, West Montrose; ' George Miller, Elmira. (Continued from Pogo " you: and under, who have new: won ttau',,', accord prize het oven pro 0 --1,Reginntd urn. nett, Welt “gamma; s, Harold Schweitzer. Elmira; 8, Earl Stroll, Elmira. Beat crown, Pete Bur- nett. West Manhole; int-h, Reginald Burnott, West Honk-m. class 4, open to boys of Woolwich tomuhi ' 16 an and under-a, AreAiss gland“. screyt 3011901012. "any luv-luv“; 0, Wu"!!! ”a" West Hontrose. But crown. bound Simmons. Elmira: best itnish, Inn Brubaeher, Weatjonh'ou. Chas 6, tractors, open only to thye ny..yrptiryt1ntr my or_locond prlua, Woolwich to%tahirs pldwiliéli 'sareepted---i, 1, C. Wm, Kitch- ttll; 2, Nah. Glacial Elem: 8, Class 5, open to non-winners, any make or plonrintr-_1, Dould Sim- mons, Elmira; s, Inn Brubtchor, Ire mum: l, Gordon when {hi-min wetelweit 7 My“: best tiniah, te.Ar.aainari, Khaki fair e decision es could be "rived " .1on Colored Artist wss in from. e few Net from the wire. It shows dean tel! that both Sue Jones and Wound candle Colored Artist just before the hit the tiniah line. It oloredArtlsthsdbeenmchescloeertotheotiertwohorses, tt,i cine? end judges would have been forced to rule e three-horse a. q Mnhlon Slants, Winn-loo; 8, Peter Damn, Elmira. Best crown, Archie BherrfiN, West [onto-o: best finish, Archie tttterriirtt, West Montrose. s," Embank- When they make mo Bnigheq my clout than this one, it will Mel even more than J,'Tt'fg't "mo" on: to settle the decision. This photo we: called for by the dgliigi " Duluth track, Toronto, to decide thel winner. The verdict in a dead hoot between Sue Jones, the, outside home (neoreot tho comm) nod Bunion“. the hone in tho tteptm.Ahrlttred Amt!“ third on tho pail.-, The dead heat was as Oldest plowman---rmn Brubcchor, West Montrose. rY,,rarNlttg,tg.-Arehu Slur- rim, West outrage. Watch For The driver of every 20th car in Canada and the United States will be in an accident resulting in the death or injury of a man, woman, or child this year, it automobile occi- dents continue at their present rate. Every motorist may be thankful it he is not riding in Car No. M. they?" Year after year the "trrific toll ot motor vehicle accidents in Guam: and the United States has been in- creasing. ln one year about 375000 people died because of someono'n recklessness -or carelessness. and more than 1,000,000 were intured-- many crippled tor lite. He Got Two Order. ' “How did you get on with Hard. nut?" asked the head of the Brm of the traveler. The boss beamed. "You did!" he exeomted, "aunt's more than any of our man ever did before. What were "Wen." traid the trualor tally. "one was to get out Ind the other was to stay out." "Oh, no. no". replied the Inter. only got a couple ot order- out him." No Inland Two Jews were In a boat which “poet, The one who could swim hold up the one who could not,, until he could do so no longer. "Von; the good ot "thtng business M n time like this?" an! Abe. He said. "Can iron "out no». Abe?" "ttly olght weeks to Christmas. Amid tho rush hy phnnlnx And buy- ing ynnr Chrutm" need: now. , GUNS and AMMUNITION Egat 1squipmenb-GUn Mchdden, Shin In... mu. In oa.. sc. B. "rails“ Don Eby'g Galt Plowman Camera Cumin. Dead-Heat, Car No. 20 .tAtihjsir; ot Sunday supper guests at the home ot ‘Mr. and Mrs. William Tuhroo in honor ot their twin eons, Elmer and Eldon who were eoMrmed on Sun- day at St. Paul's Lutheran church were: Rev. and Mrs. J. H. hunch. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doerbecker, Mr. and Mrs. William Fritz and daughter Doris, Mr. August Thuroo, Mr. Addison Brubaker and son Alvin, Mr. and Mm. William Ziegler, sons Walter, Harry. Lester and daughter ‘Almeda, Mr. and Mrs. Alt. Mueller. jdnushtens Wilhelmina. Beatrice. Florence, sons Arthur and Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Good, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Good, Mr. and Mrs. Hans ‘Pewletzlka and daughter Ella, Mr. and Mrs. John dielnrldx, son Nelson and daughters Viola and Alvera, (Messrs. Charlie Treiea, Hans Gronau, Andrew Jacob, Allen Brown, How- ard and Percy Helmpel. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Neel). the Misses Erma and Ellen Neel), Mr. Harold Senator, Mr. Orley Neel: and Mr. Howard Schwr spent Sun- ‘dey In Mitchell with Mr. and Mn. Valentine Noel). Mr. anti Mrs. Hubert Schnarr and eon Bobby, Mr. end IMrs. Eugene Schnarr, Mr. and In. Willlem 11m. 1'00 and gone Eldon and Elmer spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mn. Gilbert Senna-r. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schnarr were: Mr. and Mm. William Hunt and daughters Kathleen and Jean," Miss Patsy Hauae, Mr. and Mrs. Seraphlm Selma” and family ot Waterloo. Service will be held " St. Paul's Lutheran Church on Sundny morning Wink confession It, 10 o’clock. Rotor. mat on " 10.30 and the Lord's Sup- 'Nethtg 90-day vo Mom the “Nov Magic Vole. Tndo-In Plan" lo molt. tt otaBiqr for you " own on. ol those norvolous rodlos. Wo cordially invite all to com. and ill-pod tho startling now 1937 Mao cl RCA Victor "coin“. “(TO SI. . .1100 Nov "" It!" Vol-o “do. [CA Vlclor hi” . o o o o "r." " "eg." _‘ "_-" "‘" - grain PN", YWEIJ'E " ll. . " m " m. . .11.. Nov "" 313:: ri"t.1r'iciiie,hiE hm v.1... sum [CA Victor 'iii','r'i1fi?"i ma Mllt Roll“ . . . . . "r." to 3603-“ '30-22,00tt m 5151-” 70"" no": “on much an Inns-dbl. may of Manny peieod not. " on I". All all" um” that Inch than Hum inhuman. . . . give you I." In: your money. At your own price you can in. a unpaid and. backed by tho gum nan-- oi RCA Inetoe. And m-bee . . . “I! tee a CI... TM!" N‘s an RCA Victor." htttt, 'tere? RADIO MIRACLE IRISVILLE HERMAN LIPPERT STORES 156 Mn. .1. w. Value; $10.90 to $22.50 We Ilsa have on sale over 150 men's , "new style FALL COATS, re . to $22.50, t choice $8.50, $10, $12.50, :16. KITCHENER Are readkwith speck] prices for early buyers. 0 have hundreds to chum from, all are real Btvlr-- WINTER OVERCOATS The Stradord team won the nine 31-0, going through the season without a defeat. . Hanger, . student from Roche-- ter, N. " autrered I fractured no... out: and bruises to his lips and fore. head, and is feared isutrerirtg from a frdetured skull. Plenty of people have u good aim In lite, but a lot of them don't Tmtt the trigger. Sanford, - lpjured when he crushed into hil‘own interference on I lino play wtaChik can mi th Stremrd Cough-ts 9'1"." Eon yummy in n Ichaduled W.0. 8.8.A. tune, Dun longer, 19, stu- dent at St. Jerome'l College " Kitchener, in in the Shadow] Gul- enl Ralph] in a serious condition. Don Manger Injured Hitting hnhterferaee [HEIDI] Sam, 30t Pip.- "Where Sportsmen Hoot” go King St. s. - Waterloo Clan-alto. Game in Stntford Yester- day.--Seore 31-0. THE HUB KITCHINIR '" King w.

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