Question. f. B., Waterioo.--We hove your an- thry to hand regarding North Amo- rlcln Lnndl nnd Mineral. uqu and we quote the following informa- tion from the Financial Post Survey of Mines tor 1936: "This Gummy was (ormed to take over Mlubuick Kirkland Gold Mines Ltd. and Blanche River Kirkland Gold Hillel Ltd. both on basis ot one new Ihnre tor each 4 shares held. Property con- sins of approximately 360 acres at junction ot Teak. Otto, my and Gren- Write for Finnnciel Some Limited. with its extensive Statistical emulation end in fifteen yenre’ “reliance in the tinaneUl “View, " d, is in the best peition to give you the neon- enry information to help form your investment policy. WE HAVE NOTHING TO SELL EXCEPT FINANCIAL WORMTION Investigate . . . BEFORE . . . The "clonal our", new boil: In. one ttrt" Mrs-01.00 carried out [ma already revealed a above - Jule: m .0: great amount ot new data and. " 6 October am: “We hovel-o! yet re result ot the annoy during the not m"ed a. -r-tte'"ltr- umber-re 't [our aye, w. P. Teylor. an. un- port, winch we “demand la -. asor, reports diacovery ot a not Mn able, mu '9 hgve recoiud a - or importance. Mr. Weaver “on! to at the - from the â€WW visit the property in order to obtain cm] "monitor the nan. to details of the new Ind and an - last two 10-".va giving m1.“ nouncement will be nude u aoon " and $870.05 manly. We hove his Investiution ll completed. not and a recheck on these was. Meanwhiia,xttur working crew are the eenplee otarM" wore mena- by putting the Mat touch“ to he tun- the engineer in change, but the ing up of tho mill and mining - covered MFtt. auction and the Int meat and a thorough inveatiguion ale would no dub: new none - u, being made or the potentialiti- grade. no that the one mil aeom or the No. l [elkwhore “on†- to be 1 check on the other.†Ines of $12.20 are reported, and also some of the mMor companiea are the No. 5 vein when the min an very active around 11-min " thin showed millheada of $MI8 . ton. time and the our- in the above Hulda-II:- In]: an. mum wan nus-mu to no Min-hound.“ alumna-annulus†Winn-d1. vrorartrg.t_--.itaN.o.8ttr.-rt-ty. Ilsa ts-rs-tUttar-ttastro-here-tiM'...'.-- otorettomtueF-tn_autr-d-.amdM0ttt.ef 'ru1oom-tn-trN-ber, dam-y- W wanting to . 1. Wm. pul- '"-"t"t2'e"utt"" deert.AmaordinatotMr-toeD. . . . . S. Baird, eon-nun; out)... - K. L. Kit_.-atit "or to emu dune!" - no. this your enquiry I. have boon on. to Male orobody yielded “I III". In obtain the â€until; hilt-ub- OI gold per ton and manna-two! Polorb cold In». (M) LUw operation can: [or s can†mu It“, run.“- to: m: '" ten ot the out!" “Sn. width. - following In in. I. P. â€that The winter'l mining unplu- Ind provisions have already been ordn- ed. A crew or 25 men are presently engaged on the property. - “no" - ' Toronto Sunk E - New York Curb (“08.) Montreal Stock Exchange Winnipeg Grain Exchange Montreal Curb Mal-ht Chicago Board of Track Canadian Commodity Exchange Conn-nudity Badman Inc. Branchâ€: . Hamilton . Windsor - Kim-or . .Gaolpl KtTCHENER.BMNCH CUE“! IRAN“! 101 King St. West Ryaa'BIildin' Phone: 493. 494 Pinon-z "B, 755 J. P. Van do WEI". Mgr. c. E. Gallo. Mgr. BONGARD dk COMPANY ALEXANDER WATT a, COMPANY " King SM Wool FINANCIAL SERVICE f LIMITED d ' Lu Mk] "lathe, ' =1'h'tl'f,', 404 Nah. I)... St. w... MONTREAL BONDS: GOVERNMENT AND PROVINCIAL MUNICIPAL AND HIGHGRADES DEFAULTED ISSUES PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE Dirac! who for fut quotation. on “and And unlisted “och. Su-vlcoud-yb MINI OFFICE - " WAWA. ONTARIO HIAD OFFICI " [Juan BLDG“ TORONTO. CANADA HILLSIDE MINES 80 King St. W. " TORONTO STOCK nouns AND BOND punks mogul“. emu "Our Principle Assure Your Interest†You Invest I MILL NOW IN OPERATION. Mayfair Hotel W. G. TAYLOR KITCHENBI. ONTARIO large shear zone with weB-minera11zed quartz stringers . . . . Quart; vein, heavily mlnenllzed across ten-foot width; traced four hundred feet. Active mining progresdng favorably on main ore body 165 ft. wide: Diamond drill contract let.. . . drill on way to property. Three Important new discoveries . * . . Quartz vein, "teen feet wide, traced over ttve hundred feet . . . A Write for Descriptive Circular, Maps and Latest Progress Reports. Miss Nollie Dachau of Kitchener spent the week-old at he: hone hero. Mrs. Ada ELI-lock spent“ Bum! with Ella Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hallman and Mr. and Mrs. Hacker and Mr. Ward Hpnman and son Hurray alt of Kit. chener called at the home ot Mn. Levi Emma on Sunday. Sund_ay sue-t4 with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Oswald were Mr. end Mm. Hir- vey Grasser and all" Nellie Hex-nor of Kitchener and Mr. Kiel-hart Lempkl or the Plum. __ was Ruth Devin at Guelph spam the week-end at her home here. in bones of Mia. lyra Knechtel u the home ot Mr. and Mn. Chi-once Knechtel at Roach-at on Bum-d†evening. A Some at the Eliot commutes are very ectlve ground MI. " un- time end the thorn in the above company would eeem to clot en op- portunity ct would“ an Intel-u In a live [pm-peel. tn e decidedly mm camp. We are Advised that be. than 100,000 eherel are tn the had- of the public Ind "qrtiteatttttg ot the allay report n “we, could may cause marked enacted†In - menu, which no quoted My " bid, olered " " was Edith Baton. R.N., ot st. (waning- In Will; I abort nu- tion with her Danna 3nd Mend: Mr. and Mri. Jacob Knochtel and family attemjggi the blrghdax pm [IMITEII (NO PERSONAL LIABILITY) KITCHENER Phone or Write m Toâ€. .30 For information. lens". Elliot Indiudcolm Ham- mer have returned to the vil‘nge after -ttdirttr the summer months tn the Ntagarn kahuna. Mr. and Mm. Tom Calder accom- panied with their gull-.1115 and Mrs. Harrison ot <alitoettu and Miamlunuon‘ot Mean-oodwmowrod tp'Bnhlo mt-Satuhy. The Pmuvnlo continuation School held 1 minor rout. Wednes- day evening. 0n mount of damp weather it was held. Inside In the mil Ranger's building. An enjoy- able time was spent In pines In the spacious well equipped mguium. Mr. J. B. English, Plattavlllo Gen- eral Manhunt, Ind-ma misfortune of hum; his “0|?th Into Tue-any night, Oct. 20. "the tuna-anew“! my: trrmrtm1ervrlMr(rPot., Mm. kaiser Cotton ot Brantford was a recent visitor _wIth Miss Aggie Scott. 7 - -iir. Charley gives is visiting“!!! his antenna Toronto. Several lino {locks ot gene have tlowtt over the village on their way south during the put week._ _ Mil. than and Mrs. Robert But of Stratford were recent visitors rm: Mr. Fred qundt. __ - Mr. 'and Mia. Hirotd Doeton 1nd little daughter hue taken up resi- dence nbove Wettlnufer'o note. MU. nines bummer of kincardlne spent last week with her friend, Mitm Jennie Harrison. - - Mr.Uisdrew Patterson visited with his brother Adam In mutton! re- cepply. __, - A» V“ .. - _ Mr: R. McDonald ot Manitoba in visiting ,titt1Mr.ryurrttPtttteri"P: mm, - u. ............... Mr. and Mrs. Tom Calder and Mn.“ Wm. MeMeekitt visited with trienda‘ In Glen Morris last Friday. _ Mr. anfhers. Lorne Curran were recent mum-- with Mn. Curr-Jr. ulster, R.N. in Hnmllton. A -rgLiirfr-tt-ut-uett m'vum " a. in. " Mr. Latin. 'Mvw a 'gtn.uobetBrtttmmetgM-ttt" Itg1gtt,g'ttP"""t"'""" Ilr.uulln.60dlm1dnu atr.and-o.thortmheptar9nd the plant. of Inch. the Tue. " Allen " .Gulph on [my 637-2; . 'emit-h-iii/i- min... ziflï¬oh-dltJuluo- a.“ IMO-Intimi- ___ Anon-u- 'IR-R"..-.-- Vrllfllll ' --_ ... 'rTAltllr'luT, "lil--. , I: :dm’htwyW’.â€"°‘:".h“u~ "iir5t,?,l"i'i?iie??ftit,tiiiit In} W. let ‘u'-" _ n o mwuï¬ob-notlnw'l-OMï¬VO CC".- "shrr6seamanat udlrl. '0“.qu ' It": ll-h. MiaitaWt.rtris_o- 'rr.."-dihtar-gaee* -i'rtauobetmitte-g-ttt-lttto-ur-tts.oetM+t slut-“lbs“ Itg1ge,g'ttP"""'"'""" “WWI-by“ 98.6 hUttt'urfatrtt by m. thaWW-qulll'l-hu Molli- agi.aasrtgai+ar-idend “Murmuldnhllgm “II an " ha be " Mr. atr.and-o.thortmhrptar9nd chunk: Ian-mun. It III Id In. B. m turm- the plant. of been. the I". dtretitoMBroaitrrtAqmtrtr 'Ts In. Allen at.atrelgrh on [my hula at tummnmuul. In“! luau“ its 11% -rusiakuiriiiriii_auitoar'el of in km on Luau mm of lllnin mun. mama-uunnywu in!!! with the - spent Sunday a the hone of Mr. held an Strum-on mum “a - their we Ind .'f,'gfl,'t, 2teg't'ga t " “which um Win-lo so...“ of e..1tt, . G Id! and m OWN “IBM†'sq.tliaiiGGiiiT.iiG-iuai.aul..Mtu.. . w. Con-toga on and†Moon, Dam ngm'm - "aio lb Am of Edmonton. . ad Sundayjehool yin cop-one: yt and sum-t, a 51:. A. Alll/ll of Hilton a: The Young People'l socley ot the United church held a Hellowe'en Social Monday. evenlng, Oct. " in the Sunday School rooms. he games under the leadership of In. Edwards were much enjoyed. At the close of the enjonhle evenlh; I dlllh ty lunch was nerved after which Rev. A. E. Hopper an e few well chosen remarks on worship. Mr. Verdun 3nd Denny Holm or Rosevllle were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Bonn. 9.“ And will. mic. will In medial. Tho W.l.8. will no" " tho ion. of In. Hugh Wood- on Tuna-y, Nov. and. Bemb-On Oct. 26th. to Mr. and In. Nohon Sun, I son. Computa- - iii? 3idtsiriaiisr of Kitchener vs: a recent villlor with Mr. Fred Quandt. _ _ -- - .- " Mr. and Mn. Funk Monorail: of Btmttord end Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDermlt at Tnvlstock were recent vhltorg with the Mines Annie and Aggie Lake. In. and Mrs. Tom Calder were re- cent visitors with trittndg in Bunllo. Hallom'on Party. PLATTIVILLI Git ifrLfi. tgndik . mu En Deni- of King Ind lb Ernn Wfnhotd of Hamilton roamd aequnhttartees ln the Mtl- on Saturday. Mr. and in. Allurt 11.:- and I“. Agnes mt.r of at. Incoh- mt guild-y with Mr. and In. a “if. Earl lulu- of [Ramon not: the, ,teekendvett1t his menu, Mr. Mr. Edgar Radth, lunar. ‘u ',,',yt',f, M1. n t tur,' n. enry up: with Mr. Juohrhwt " m. Mr. 3nd In. Prod mu and son: Arnold and cm of Shat- ford were the - of Mr. 'me Mry, M. I!!!» or Btmbr.. - -iirriiiii ificifiGat IuDonold of Toronto collod on Mr. and In. cel Btertttiton1tmt4pt, . _ Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Undo:- and sons Bobby Ind Wt! 81:11an with Mr. and In. Geo. Wong", Flahervllle. ___ [ -iir.-aiiiifA. $56 Builder mm Sum!†with Mr. and In. Funk Kngfmnnl Kimâ€. -- - __ mice Jenn Schiodol I“ a wound guest of Miss In sander. mum-k. Mr. and In. All“ Drab-char and son Delton spent Sunday with alums in Gov-um“. - - Recent visitors with It. and In. M. Cree-man war. Mr. and In. Roy Hirsch of Baum, NJ. It: Jun- .u. Killer ml Mr. Joe iiiiiGiir" of {inch-nus. Wyy uni-um; of - it}. In? MG." Tiaur Brnhuher of Kitchener Sultana with Mr. and of Kitchener Suhdird , Mrs. Albert Bruin or. The Ladies' mum: their“ the (Bantu church are planning B music- al treat tor the public on the armtstttq or Nov. 19th. "The Hymn Sitter: ot Kitchener are prompting the pn- gram. A good attmtdtuteo will be NF predated. Miss Alice sale“). of Baltic. N.Y., is wounding a tow darn It on home of her punts. It. and an. Alvin Schleno. Mr. Orvllle Shut: ot Toronto called on his father. Mr. J. G. Slums on Wednesday. - Mr. Clarence 'Heckondorn ot 0t- tawa spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and um. Mullochn- dome. " Mrs. M. Cressmsn spent last week with her patella, Mr. and In. 000. Schmm. Men. Mr. Roy Schiedel spent I few by: In Toronto last. week. v..-" ..-"'",. -....-.. ... w...†At preeent if trtNttgterdttttbttitl '5. Ironâ€: we!» of in Meet. who ther any eleborete ceremony "dil went the weekend In the neighbor- mark the 0min: ot the no. Mo. hood anld with Mr. MIG! “all There barbecue rumor thet'prob- " stntdar. .ny a “mpgâ€. \mu-u‘m Mr. Sheet Kohl end Mr. use: and " one time Nt"tat.rk new cell- Swlor of Phillip-bur: all“! on Mr. “HEW um the “an†M. a. and Mrs. IMO. Kohl " Bentley. right to hold ‘-dmg~ â€nu-ft no Mr. William Ghtre 'ootst the week- opening. Owing to the leeeueee- or,endwnhml It Wntatrtoo. the season and ttneortaintr otvthe Mr. Btanter Hoht "tttttt Bundtrr weather they let moon-nor limp. “WI It Numbers. As in " could be naeednittqemtthtb. Mr. end we. Gordon been and in; Munch. “you“. "the family vMitad at Mr. and um. JL bridge in coma, eMnteend7M9E all, and at, nee-Int momma» Mr. end Mrs. Emu Bob! and “any the bruise-to any â€title. 't I. ot Militia-x united recently with expected tttaetrrNttv. an» “to Mr. end In. Devld Cook end funny. will be thrmlo’eluor Malt-ll Rev. end In. to“. and daughter now open for name. or New Hellman-3 miter! " the home A Music Treat Being Manned. 10(11} Et"le. efPSit.1Ettt ltttHf: _ The joint devotional period of the pounce ot the manual Church this week we. under the leederlup ot the lntornediete We with Wey‘bnrn orott, presiding. Youth To Reveal HI. Cached Loot. Twenty-yenold [when Cordell, no nxed abode. blamed tor robberies at New Hamburg end Platinum use brought to on Iron Hilton. Open Hamlin 'Bridoeilniwioek.‘ ed the, Saviour And -qgt. nub-an. They would b- w- by tttv..rataeia6r. Date pronounced the Window The Unto-:1- an" up a and. ct and!" on Porno-n low UV- In. The topic not the mom; '0 “Our relationship to when". which wantirstnthieta. mom on Brotherhood, was also by an: SchlodeL Thi- wu M In lb- alonlry work no In loving union to: other. it vol pentod out. In. McIntyre contributed I solo, "The World'o Childron [or Juli“. I“ L. longer an the "eottd topic. Ro- lation to other mutual: Moo. NI implied not hatred but mutation and appreciation. By an. dull all men know that " It. my and» it we love. one another. and apprecutlon. By um in]! all W‘ III. ha been made men "ow that " Bro “I! “W Lutean'ltf2t donation of it we love. one another. "Wt-rum!“ be ghi ped mug Mutt akin; than» 'fyPrctiither-t. About!“ he: WI 'Wh Ott "Our rel-don‘t» to ttthar hawk“ Milne: but there Religion". The hum -tduUii'hirraargk my“. “a the Christ.‘ Wtt nut mt r'2t"a,'l'drittitigitttiteli' that the Mr union at other races: ttt. any nood- m,“ dt all: west in no. ao'm. if»; if“. not. .-6t.-a..i-" chit-5"!“ - on In“ mu. â€3 I... "only “it - i an; “Lu-w WaraN-t to in. bid", at a. “Km an; out. and in tin M My. an! on, 09.9.,†can S. It. Mackellu I G. has... a. quotations Bro-dent Duly our CKCR Toronto SM Incl-m - III-h Inch-.0 " In. St. W.. KM." Ilu pm and I." p.- 8. 1?..- - home or Mr. ma W. Mr. Imo- - at North - ucous-t may at is. parent. Mr. and In. m m- of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Seyler and Min Anne Soy!" of Wollolloy upon! one any Int 'Mk with Mr. and Mrs, Dnlel $urur. Mr. Simon Vol! All “an" no“. ot qg-beeq In" may " tho 77 Air. Mervin Kmpt of 8rd "no upon! Sunday “7th home pore._ _ Henri. Carl, Alfred Ruth": and "Amy Hip-mm want and" at the homo ot Mr. And In. curle- "which. who Lamina Fromm-gar ot Wntor- Ioo attd Mr. Harold Prottrttrger ot Bomber: - and†with tholr nan-n. Mr. and In. Marrtr.rt m1- and†visitor. " the home of Mr. and Mn. Wm. bender were Mr. end-In. .Anhur educator and Gusher Either of near Linwood. Mrs. Walter Wiesel and “tighter. June and Yvonne at Waterloo, Mrs. ‘Herbert Schlegel and daughter Betty and Mr. Mon-ll Schlegel. - Mr. Und Mrs. John Kropf Ipent My 191‘}:an A. _ - "iiUikii"U french" I. â€ending I few any; It Mitchelâ€; - - _ Mr. and In. Neilon Madman ’Apent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Id. Hob] It Bamberg. Mr. and In. Edwin Hackbnrt spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Ups. - Mr. and Mn. Daniel Sewer and daughter 801m: nnd Ion Norman vteriterd with Mm. t Rosenberg " Eu: Zorn on Sunday. _ â€Hr: Allen Weber: has returned hone utter spending several months " all-OWL in and In John Kropt upon! Sunny @19an _ -- ' . A masquerade party was held " the home of Mr. and In. John Hein- rich. on Saturdny evening, in honor ot their daughter Viola, who was manually unwind, " being the oc- casion ot her eighteenth birthdey. 'U-tttttq “I: spent in pinyin; prone-live mono end contests. no addrul van and by In" Mule thunder with lib-lather schnei- der making the Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Bunch and pan Arnold of “ammo called on Mr. and Mm. Edwin (benign-t on Sunday. - q Mr. Pun cunning In: completed work with Mr. Jacob [Kalahari and upon! the wok-end with " parent. " Waterloo. WMi-i-Henry um spent -the week- end at therbo. .htttt threshing operation: no un- demy u the term-rm this district and the were "I." jetting their ham. may jar the winter which ‘rl'riende from Kitchener visited " the home ot Ila-end Mrs. John Ma, mie- Mat Sunday. A, number ot young people gather- ed.“ thehome othlr. and Mn. Geo. Hohl on Wedneedey evening. During the course ot the evening einxln; and dancing were "Bored and e.deliclone lunch was served it the clone ot the evening. um non trirtusro. Mr. and Mn. Henry Kneluel visit- ed at the home ot the former. pub eats Mr. and In. George Rachel, Gui-NI]. (dayd- u. Penman. . In. Alice nth In Whiter We] went. Sunday .u their grandparents, In and In. con. Knolls]. -f,tittt2'r.lkPaalgtutp. Br, artVa't.2erit,e'g ' FiriiGE 'Cl'fr,TI E9f "of“... h. 0. thud.“- ï¬n!" ROAD "dd"trartraaa __ 3; uiri. to I“: 'JHuwr. int "HI-l "aF-hrorst'. Intu- _ "ao-sto" “my... fl? no. Pony Downton of Sukltoon; Jack Schnarr, of Kitchener, In Lorne Orly of Sukuoon. They will play under V-l HoMnger, for." When Btar, who couched the German Olympic tum Inst The flow of Can-diln nmnlnur hockey talent overseas t'ontittttrtr, but not til the puckntorn no moving to England and France. This trio nailed IbOII‘d the liner Duchen of York from Montreal along with seven] other player: to nuke up u (am " Krefeld. Germany. Left to right, they pre, Peer qugtop of Sui-coon; jack Schnnrr, of Eugen", The Young People's Lemme ot the Deon United Church held their meet. ing on Sunday evening. The meeting opened with a sing-song. Miss Andrey Teet conducted the worship service. Miss Vern Goddard was in the chair. Robert smith read the scripture. Mitts Louise Goddard gave Ra her topic, "What would Jesus do tin the Present Crisis". The meeting was closed with the mizpah benedie. tion. Relief ofnear Here. Ted Wolfe of English Settleme'm spent Sunday at the home ot his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. 'Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Holt and family snent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson of Wash. ington, Ont. Mrs. Malcolm Green or North Bay Is the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Green. Mina M. Ross ot Stratford spent the week-end at her summer home in the village. Mr. and Mm. David Dnhmer and two sons ttKitchener spent Saturday ( at the home ot Mr. and Mm. James g MoGnrvey. I Robert Hickson of Kitchener spent 8&9]:de with friends in the ylllage. Mr. and Mm. Wm. Guiiiette were visitors in Gait on Saturday. Rev. Walter Patterson ot Preston conducted the service at the Preev byterinn church. The choir an; the anthem, “Because He Loves UB". Ree. C. Herbert ot Galt conducted the "nicest the Doon United Church on Sunday afternoon. Young People Meet. Eldred Hobbs spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. levey Liggey olitAurner. 7 7 Mr. Vardon Latsch ot Kitchener, relief otneer tor this district, was a business visitor in the village on Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. C, Home of Preston wqre recent visitors in the village. Slm'Detzler spent Saturday; In Kitchener. F Mrs. Fred Hobbs spent Thursday with relatives in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bricker and daughter Beverly ot Elrnirra spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mm. Nelson Wiltong. Mr. and Mrs." Walter Atkinson and family of Preston were Sunday vial- tors with relatives in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Joy Shuh and daugh- ter of Kitchener spent Sunday at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weaver. The Young People's Society ot the Presbyterian Church, held their meeting on Thursday evening. We hope more ot the young people will at- tend these meetings each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. Kenneth Prueter spent" the week-end with relatives in London. The congregation of the Deon Presbyterian Church thanks Mine P. Watson tor the good work in open- ing up her home tor the btynttilt of the Presbyterian Church. Preston Pastor Hon Sunday. ,mnqioaetar-8.ars. Y.P.B. Mun. (lanolin & Cu.) It“. Dal 'a.--o-a ".--a- Bunk ".-w-'. a... LOH'OCK Iteotatior" '.16itor lRev. Mr. Little ot Allis, will con- '61)? NJ! VhWKQ; DOOM Leave For Germany Vh'l Iii. 't"i""'ii'iii"iitiiiikiiis '" LOG or STATIONS IAN-DAY m on - . “a! p... Intan- ' 0. d b--r.t. VIII-r ii. I i-igoiioratue Anti. Mta'd'r.i, Boro ll IRE-[III _ Pee loaned. - 'r........ Ottawa. 'tot-H....,........... Ton-Io. (hurl. VVr_Pr. m....- Wind-or. cum. 'T'____.'"'r â€taunt. Mylvuh Ler. yer! aty_...:...,.... _., lute-lot. "0' York. Damn. Mich]..- .V._V. No' York tutr..-.., Milo, Nov York v... an“... [Ill-oh _......., Cinch-nu. ' _........ Ely-(k, Quinlan-y . gal-Io; 18.U"rdiir, biiiuia, - L" bit; iiuibi I Heart Disease In ehiet ot the slay- nrs or men. 16.342 persons died in 1934 in Canada from this "1iction- ia number far in excess of any other ‘single cause of death. in response to an otter of free tickets to the College Theatre in Kitchener to children bringing in old tires, Twin City youngesters last week collected close to 800 old C8MF ings and delivered them to the Good- rich Silvertown store in Kitchener. The theatre and the Goodrich Com- pany co-oporated in the move as part of a campaign to further safety edu- cation. Mr. and Mm. 'Mannaue Weber and daughter Martha visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Drudge or Lin- wood. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Adam, Helen and Percy visited in Elmira on Sun. day with Mrs. John Small. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shields, ot Lon- don and Mr. and Mrs. Jag. name or Kitchener were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tabbert. Collect Almost 800 Old Tires Sunday visitors with Mr. and In". Solomon Bowman were the Mann. Sydney Weber and Gleason IBrubaeh- cr and the Misses Mnlvina Brubnch- er and Sarah Martin. Mrs. D. Musser, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Voil. Mr. Duncan MacPherson and son William visited tor several days in Sault Ste. Marie with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fowler. Mr. and Mus. M. Donald ot Preston were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Adam. Mr. Hugh Adam returned home with them after spending a week in Preston. Mr. Thos. Adam and non Ralph ut- tended the auction sale held at the O.A.C., Guelph, last Wednesday. Mrs. A. G. Won has returned to her home in the village after spend- ing a few days at the home ot Mr. and Mm. T. Nadroukl ot Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey bluesy and son Irvin or Kitchener upent Sundly at the hoe of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hobbs. duet the service at the Doon Prey byterian Church on Sunday, next, Nov. Ist. We hope their will be a good attendance at this service. Everyone is welcome, Dr. J. Scott. Hogg ot Preston was a business visitor in the village on Tuesday. (Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie and son were visitors in Kiethener on Saturduy. Wilbert Snyder of English Settle- ment spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Drager. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vollin spent Tugaday in Kltohepeg. - Mrs. Wm. Jones and daughters lio- bel and Yvonne spent Tuesday with friends in Kitchener. R. R. I wAh.LeMrrrtm "a.-.otoek Quad-u t.0.-No.e. Du. tab--Dr- 'oo-a- inn-k t.00-Wo- no" '."--wttt+ “I 'Ibh tlHonlor 'a.---rutevr Ind-no. 8.0Hllol Juno-1h Gel. IOJHh-{Aesl Vuhlkl Ina-i. Lutheran Chunk '.t6---uomertt. cl _ 'ao-or- lull-l T.O--_to" SI, hum SUNDAY Ch “It.