Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Oct 1936, p. 4

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. . Chronicle Advertisers 1)ftev You g iii. Ti.""' r. STEELE LTD. i'tr,'t F. M. “It”. We for " You. ', 3"mIll"In"lllllllmllmlllllllllllllllmmllllllflllllllllllIIIlllllll|lllllllllllllllllIlli gym; YOU KNOW THAT " King St. w. Mich.“ Keller Michael Keller, former resident of this community, passed away at Bur. ralo, N.Y., at the age of " years. Hie MID. Theresa Fahrar, prede- ccnscd him. also his tour daughters, Lucy, Mildred, Jeanette and Dorothy. Surviving are Father Charles Keller. George, Frank, Mrs, Nichol“ Katt of Los Angeles, Mrs. Henry Dulau, In. Clit. Kramer, Mrs. George Alston], an ot Buffalo. His brother. John Kel- ler or Williamsville, and a ulnar, Mm. John Roth or New Germany, also survive. [WM]Ill"mum""mum""I"IiI"I“lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll The ttttteral held from the home of her brother, Peter Spitzlx, New Germany, this morning, to St. Boni- face church, New Germany. _ "e-ee" --- a... xu-u ]V.l. Surviving are two brothers, Henry! Spitzig of Birmingham, Mich., and Peter Spitzig of New Germany, and tour sister‘s, Mrs. Anthony Hergott. Arise. on, Miss Margaret smut; and Mrs. Fred Price, Toronto and Mrs. Alfred Reinhardt, Bream. ' Miss Magdalene Sphzlg ot New Germany died at Weapon Salu- torium Monday. may Splat; had been in failing health tor the mat two years. She was In her 43rd your. cn-io.., - J a _ .. 3ehreiter " Sandrock Limited FUNERAL HOME 51 Benton M., Phone 4480 Remains wil be resting at the Rat!- Bechtel Funeral Home until Friday man, when they will be moved to the late residence. The funeral will be held Saturday at 2.30 p.m., from her late residence, thence to the Blair cemetery tor interment. Rev. Logan of Trinity United Church will niacin-l ed. ,,V-___,. "n“. was: wrll In Waterio Township on Nov. 6, 1867, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. snyder. She is survived by her husband, three daughters, In. Norman Snider, Elmira, Mrs. Angus Weber, coneetogo, Mrs. Harold Bow- den, Kitchener, three brothers, lu- dore or Kitchener, Jacob ot Kitch- ener and Lincoln of Saskatoon. one sister, Mrs. inautrer shunts, linden.‘ and tour grandchildren. One son pre- deceased her in infancy. I Mrs. John S. McNauyrpanod away at her home, 132 Weber St., Kitch- ener, on Wednesday. She was born Satisfy i) " URINARY. Waterloo No extra charge for use of a home-like Funeral Chapel. 160 King St. a Kay; funeral Service Mlu Magdalena BNtaig - 8 iGL-iiiGTi Fi74i7; Lam Wod-dnr-agid,ro.k Duodenal And Bible Study. [kaolin-Hunky. 9.46 tott.--Servte. and Sunday School. A an” ......_n... -- _.. _ ,,V-. -""'--... " " 10 'ou-drama, School. China for all ' It “a. and 7 an.-- Rar' San-lea tn charge of the Monday. I .e'y--dte1ot Me, A ".00 “”4111. M: 7-00 P.ats--Ttte Pastor. AT VERY MODERATE PRICES '""-tenn.rrttnttvu macs-mum... .. “in; At "ereiaq. 11.00 Batc-Momitsg 8min. 1.00 Pan-lr-trt. Bani“. . u an.“ AW H G. n Chute for use of our Mr Mike Funeral Chapel. tg,? go. rusldl '====a=ra--a=r-z=zaa-=-.=a- up re ' "q-.--.- I--.“ wateriiiii'lii'i"i'i"i -- United gaGa. H ','.'i.i?ji.i,i" Calvary '. SIEELE LTD. untied " lion In. our stock for the ONE mood not lull“. in mmanhes1,Iyatyg1s1isaI Church "S1l1liijElLE' John 8. McNally ry Evangelical Church St. hool- J. P. MUCH. “I. IPP.": NQYEIBEI t, I.“ "tiisterirseurroguts-- A--s.tuaritiaii."."d e... e... - oaJ5ii.GTiT. In. II. A. m, p..._ SUNDAY. MOVE-Ill I. [In Phone 677 “Inc-Imus.“ '""racmrasaa.a- ”LIME-bu“, ““1- 1 Fur-duh: c. R. ' v---Y--u Paglia -----, The surest w” to be happy I. to get no buy that you hare no time to be unhappy. I Mrs. Willi-m Wink!» l There passed away last night at her home, St. Jacobs, Mrs. William Winkler, wife of the St. Jtcobn Pout, master. The funeral will be held " the house Sundny gt 2 p.m., thence to Calvary Cemotery tor interment. I She " survived by her husband. Allan Timer; m mam (hunter. Beatrice;, her father, Mr. J. D. Sur- s-m ot Wodxeport NM.; her brother, R. Surette ot "ifiihii.' Mn. Allan Tham- Mrs. Mt Tuner died Tue-any at her, He. or home. ( Deceased was unmarried. Re to, survived by four brqthers and one. sister, Jack and Jotustrhcttoth of my chener, William Hannon, Kitchener. James, Guelph, and Mrs. C. Schenkol, Kltchener. Edward (Pat) Human, formerly or Kitchener, died " Detroit Sunday. He_had been m for some time. Mrs. nudging was born near Na, panee. out. Survivors Include bo- sides her husband. two sons, one at home and “mother, Clarence at Guelph, and two daughters, In. Clarence Prices ot Waterloo and Mrs. Loan}; Adukln of Detroit. l Mm. Etta Sophia Rudy”, 62, wlte of Jdm Hudglns, Kingsvme, died on Monday, Mrs. Hudgins had been ill since last March. '. MEI-II I. "" Surviving are her hush-ad and one son, George one brother, I. W. " mantle of Rochester, N.Y., end three sistrs, Mrs. Frank Anthea, Montreal, Mm. Wm. Natalie, Kitchener and Mrs. A. Portu-L Whitby. Funeral "'riuacaa held from the residence this afternoon. Mrs. Harry Kramer, nee Georgie Simonds died suddenly at her home, Ahrens street west, Kitchener on Tuesday. he remains will be at‘uttet'a Funeral Chest tnttitht Ban. Md”. The funeral will be held Sunnis! at 2.80 Tun. at the house, thence to Mount Hope Cemetery for interment. I There passed away at the K.-W. Hospital yesterday morning, willful: Handort, 68 Popular Bt., Waterloo. Mr. Handort wa- born in Erbaville and has resided in Waterloo tor the past 35 years. He was an employee ot the Globe Furniture Co. There remain to mourn his lose his wife, one son Marshall. one grandson, one brother Edward ot :Erbeville and one sister. Mrs. Geo. Derberick. Ihunherg. ie",",!.'?.'.?! and Mrs. John Stevens, an or Prelton. There are " anndchll- dren and 18 great grandchildren. The tuners] wm be held from the home ot the docmed'a daughter, Mm. Nix. " 2 pan. Fruity. later- ment will be made in the Preston cemetery. , Her hmnd redeemed her 1901. She Is survived by two II and tour daugh‘erl, mun, out, A tin, Kirkland Lake, Mrs. B. G. ti Mrs. Albert Brighton, Mu. Chat Campbell and Mrs. John Stevens, of Preston. There are " anndcl dren and 18 great zmdnhlldrn Mrs. Martha Ann Andaman, roiiet of the late Duncan Anderson. died at the home at her daughter, In. H G. Nix, in Preston, yesterday. Mrs. Anderson. has Nnylor. wu born in Pin-linen town-hm 86 't"I'; ago. For the last " years do had resided in Pro-ton. Prior to 11km. up residence more, the mod In Hel- pelor and Winn. Mn. Martha Ann AM.” Edward HInnon " Wlllium Hinder! '. bhtrry Knitter Em“.- John undoin- non-[t Hy. r aMt, All; H. G. NIX. N. Charles mtnongs: the government's ' ia It is pointed out that in ',nt,t,,teltil, position at the end ot the ileoel ii.' to the difficulty which " now found year. nix monthe hence. is likely to ' in tinding a suitable man or group to be ttetter than Finsnce Minister Dun- act as commissioners on so investi- hing anticipated when " budgetted station there is fault in the not thet a deficit of '1,000,0tr0,itit0, yet Albert; at the nine ot the experience whiettl.tsttould she eppeel for eid in meet, ho gains in conducting the enquiry'ing bonds which nature shortly, will d " lent after he has made his report. t probably be disappointed. I' Argue Reform Lem i Aid given the province. from the r: Present combine legislation is also 'Federsl Treesury during tho pelt ' included in the legal tangle surround~ tour years lies been mede under the ' ing the new deal acts of the Bennett "peace, order. and good government“ Government. Appeals being made by authority ot the Bennett Government the Government against several de- which gave broad scope. Lest Ketch, , cisions of the Supreme Court mm at the end or the uses] yeer. that n coming there reform lows ere to be euthority expired and it is now doubt, L hoard next month by the Judicial in! whether the Dominion Govern- t committee or the privy council. ment has the .power to help Alberte . The Dominion, end! severe} ot the Or any other province in limiter cir. provinces will take pert in present- cumstencee. "It the appesl to the privy council On November 1 bonds to the nine , end it is snticipeted that e decision of 31,250.000 will metnre end. mooni- ' will be mede ehortly liter the next ing to Edmonton deepetches. there seesion opene. ls n sinking fund of only ”00.0th to , Unemployment insurence end the meet the obligstion. in April. it will N'etnrel Product. Merheting Act ere be recelled. Alberto defenlted on e l among the most importent eets on bond issue of 33.200.000 when ehe re , which the Supreme Court's ruling i. (used to subscribe to the teen conn- i! heing nppeeled. No notion in erpeet- cil plan, the term on which the ths ed on the merheting set in its pree- minlon Government adored seem jent form no nutter what decision once. fthe privy council reechee. Minister or Trade end Commerce 1 So for as unemployment ineurence Euler continues tum tn hl- _ Guethraryet..etatq, Ann " Kin si. w. .7 was... I While there are those. who would mum prefer to have thinge’ieft as they are it is doubtful if their hopes will be ttt1tilled. Both Prime Minister Mackenzie King and Minster of Le- bor Norman Rogers have on frequent occasions expressed themselves " favoring more stringet regulation. l Although the present act WM passed by the Liberal government in 1923, and the original combine. act frames by Mr. King " Minister ot Labor in 1910, the present when] Government admits weaknesses, which have been revealed in the le- gislation. I i; Present provisions in the st‘utes to prevent combines are complicat- ' ed and for some years have been little used. The tsrlil board new has i' as a side tine jurisdiction over com- bines. It was originally intended to; ' introduce an act at the last session I to strengthen present legislation but pressure ot other business caused it 1 to be‘ghelved. l The combines act now in force was passed in 1923. 'tttrttmtrteattrin 1934, the report ot the price spreads in- quiry recommended s trade and in- .dustry commission with the investi- gation and control at combine. and [ monopolies as an important port of its work. A third suggestion has been that s ' single permanent commissioner j should be given the task or investi- gation and control. There is come l opinion here that this is the course l which the government will moose to l follow. To do this it will be neces~ i sary to rewrite the act so that the d commissioner wilt have fairly wide d power of investigation and of decid- , lug what shall" be investigated. He tl would, it is expected, be closely " “I lied with the department of labor. tf 'Prter.Hr.ttusdiiUGiiT'i. h’ In. am... M: Mr and; with Mr. and In. 3-1 hot-Io- Kmlor I." Mr. a“ In. a trod "an: ot Waterloo. If. an 'm" "-d f.lePAyetyiiiiGiNGU"iC. In. - an...“ yHu_atrwsurdtiiiiiiuilTr Mt an In. an Kiel. I It...“ In. Into- an!“ at th Knew” that and" -m. n- .. - W. G. SAHLI CLOCK? ETtitr' "him. Located In stock's Optkat Par-km. Ottawa, Oct. t2.-HWNPm--ms. legislation tor the restriction ot com- bines is likely to be among the molt 'runitieant legialstion passed at the next session ot Parliament. Evi- dence before the cool enquiry now underway or combines in that hunt- neas and the sings-tiara More the Turgeon Textile Commission that an attempt was made by the ttilk indus- try to control production ot that pro- duct in Canada are factors which may hasten legislative action. f The Week at Ottawa A special tr-iii/Fortis,, children was observed " st. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Glo- wore Bun- duy visitors at Kitchener. Mrs. Jacob Fries entertained e number of Erbsvllle and Heidelberg ladies at a quilting " her home on Tuesday. _ Mrs. Henry Koebel and In. Mo. rush] ot st. Clements culled on friends here on Tuendey. 1 I Mr. and In. Hilton Kuch, In. Catherine Kuch and Mrs. Velou- tine onenbein were Sand-y visitor: with Mrs. William Helium], Hen-on Road. I Mr. and Ills. Lorne a'oottlrtgc, daughter Velma and Ion Carl of Wat- lemtein spent Sunday with Joe.) .fi'leldl. and darughter Betty were BI anon with In. ohio, Elm Mr. Simon Brunch" In day guest with Mr. and In Bunchen, Preston. “when" ”on Sunday with In. John Von-u. Mr. And In. Willi-In her-tor were sunny vhltou with the tor. mer'l ulster. In. John Koala. Lin- wood. Mr. AMI-on Weber ot Kitchener u uniting (or govern den with Ir. end In. J. A. Stalls. [ Mr. and In. Noun an» and non Jerome 1nd George were Sunday visitors with Twin on: Month. MIDI Ruth [Nor has! the '00!- end at her home. Nor Woolwlch. Mr. and In. Hem Bochthold m... A.--, - "6 "riiiL".'2Ui'ihCtar1"hP""__t' _ V "It? Aram My vb“. URI Ir. and 'iiiiiiii,ViittWi1't! I fttrhtiyei_aea"'ie-iiiGa" .udln.“ " :nJQhIOtt-uolluvluvublahludm'm 1eirt4dar.ttiVioirri'i In -__'___. __ W fat-{ht In. a." v" . PeedpiiHtiiGCai"'irarirTd 'Ytetett (",1'llffel',trgt, 1ipyt'thtittiJeiiciii2i Itaihiifl2iyi'iii2'ii, llhu'?dt huh-Inn; In- ---- h. A. A 0b.! '-We -e-... _'..-. ‘m I I ’7 - irC'ir; 1tfd.','artd'dt2id iiiiil. "" “L: C"ittii?b',Ci. "iiiiiii iii"; iiit?iiih1 I m “an wan-g". . ' at but“ .1 lot can. 1'Ph'dt Mgt .’ Ill. My ' ..»L n_ --= - Look Over . The 'etty were Sunday A. L 91119.. Elmira. THIATRI Pnoonluma Work on 'Vatarttto'e an that” took Anothor no» this wool with tho Ipouring of cement tor the found» tions. Nundltion cribbing " won under wny And the coll-r VI"! will ho comploiod shoal}. MMM. Minister of We and Comma-co Euler continual busy in " atom to drum up new foreign humus tor the Dominion. . 'be recellod. Albert. defaulted on . bond scene of $3,200.000 when ehe to (and to subscribe to the Ion conn- cll plan, the term on which the ths minion Government onered gum .‘probably be disappointed. i Aid given the province. tram the 'Federnl Treunry during tho an! ionr years In: been made under the "peace, order. and good government“ authority ot the Bennett Government which gave broad scope. hut lurch, at the end or the tNeal your. that unthority expired and it in now doubt, in! whether the Dominion Govern- ment hu the power to help Albert; Or any other province in limit-r cir. cumntanceo. On November 1 bond- to the nine of 31350000 will mature And. weeni- ing to Edmonton tie-patches. there ls n sinking fund ot only ”00.000 to meet the obiigltion. in Apr“. it W!" h _-_.._. -.. _ - - Che-tor Extend Hauling Aid Pultilline predictions made in this column two week; ago. the tavern- mom has extended its housing pro- gram to provide (and. for rewiring and improving homes. The nun. which is expected to put 31.000.000.- 000 in circulation will go into elect immedittely, boiore not“! legisla- tion in. been mod, to no and. mated. Donna are to he mule lull- abie through chartered bun with a discount rate of t 1-4 per cent. A maximum of 82,000 has been not on the loans, tor any one building. l, ,,.__.° "'""""""e"'H" as car at: women are concerned. While in some clues- ot occupation there are an more women available than are required, there are other 'ptassMeatiotui, particularly demonic. in which there is in many are” I decided shortage. Cleane- to tench domestic work have been Introduced with marked mecca in come loan- tiea and the new committee will prob. ably take steps to extend this am- ticé. Wide interest centres about the new women's employment committee. latest development to work under the Natlonal Employment Commission. The plight or unemployed women In one which limited], In: received scant consideration in he put. A Dominion-wide study not completed “by Mrs. Mary leculum tMthssrttuttr, member ot the National Commission, indicates that much an be moonl- pllehed in relieving unemployment In Pm.. -- ---i-----, w .. -"m".-irqBq. an.) by interpreted as desirou- ot linking the Bennett law 'rtteettee. is concerned, the government m! be placed in a peculiar position lhould the council declare the Bennett to. gleletion "lid. By appalling In!!!» the Supreme Court ruling dechrinz it invulid the King Government my in. [nine-mum-’ -- ' _. - I Mr. end Mrs. Earl Miller spent . Sunday at Reunion. v. P. Rally. F Despite the Inclement Ive-Cher I large crowd ot young people stand- ed the Rally " the local Evangelical Church and” evening. Rev. C.' Cornwall wu in charge. Ilia. Ruth Ailier gave a reading and A mixed (quartette an; “The 4%ptaipt ll Cell- lng". Rev. E. E. Hellman was meet speaker and stressed the met, “new ', Can we go fertile:- mu: cum". I "vi __._ _...-. -q%F"aiB. ’11:. Miaa but: mm, Waterloo. spent and” with It“ Gonna. Ott. , Mr. and In. Harry Ward an! children of Glenlllon united with If. and Mrs. borne Stuntman "'t day. ‘ln. Ont". Blunts. Enchant rm recent miter- with Mr. at! III. Be. Snyder. "r. Mia. Eileen Frey and Mr. Willi. Summon ot Detroit ”on a“, with her.. and In. Imam. It”. I ' 1 ---- I‘Aw- - ' Sarah amt M VII: It. and turn. Hon Wilt-n an: Iain. Mr. and In. Cyndi. Mr Invent “and” with It. and In. bison ttts-rim. Gtmtgh. Mr. and (In. Herb Itrtta ot Contro- nu. visited with Mr. aml In. Noah Liehtr, Thur-day ovum. Mr. and In. cum lot: lull Me". pt Norm hump. Mr, null ".- m_..., --- A ___ In. Kai-lingual Gui iiiiiisii?titiiilsii)iiii,t; ttdlhtttlN,' . h tiirhiii,tk?j3,','i' .45 ___ -"TPl""*.Weqlm Fiialii “my; when». _ xxmyen A ds Carefully D. 'f.eeee 99 9...». to extend (Iii; "iGiir “We Juana-u. A welfare cu- tor the Canadian We“. in loaded hero on New”. I One on ot hon was shipped to [Hamilton on head”. Ill-“IV" nuuuer no ”(ATE EXPOITO Pugh. shop: all Kdtettemrr.-ot 178.001 pain of 'sttersWater1ooty Inte- shipped hom and: In the y" {chock Alvh put ' months, it In Ion-nod that the ten out and Hex Cumin Skate Commy hero man. than foreman I ftttttttred and llama! 148,000 padrs. Foundry Limited A quiet bat pretty wedding wee enlemnlzed on Tueedey afternoon in the presence of about My none at the home or Mr. end Mrs. much P. Martin, when their daughter In: Ann, beceme the bride ot Mr. Alvin Weber, eon ot Mr. end In. Ileana Weber ot Elmira. Shlp Welfare Ger. _ Mr. J. but“ of Kitchen- wa. a rccent vultu- with Mr. Charles Matthews. Mr. Wit" B. Martin and Mater Mgr. “Ida and Mr. and Mn. Orin Martin spent Sunday with was Mary Weber of West noun-ole an! Mr. Ind In. Elias Martin. 8th "no Pool. Weber-Martin Nuntlnll. 1 Mr. and Mrs. launcher ot Winter. Donne. Sunday visitor! with Mr. and Mn. Henry Baum were the Mines Amanda and Mud-1m rural: and Katie Hellman and Mr. David Bol- nun ot agency)»; Radiator Alcohol Mr. and Mm. 'Betrry Imam spent Sunday with Mr. Ind Hrs. Uriel Bau- man. Ruthenium Hunter Ron Jack-on spent the week-end with his sandman”, Mr. (has. Matthews. Mr. and Mn. Abram Slums and (“my Pt'f and” villtorl with Mr. and In. Martin Baum»: wont Sunday with an. and In. 1100b Sul- dey, lanthanum. BE PREPARED! . -. Go to DEVITT’S DRUG STORE W", .____ ”I. - _... a" Du” lemben of t.is/uaiiii'ii"'/ man, 4th Line tr,,'; d Gai; Club of Eitehener Ind Water- Mr. En] Ma t "a was a Sun a, locus selling tickets for the picture I isitor J,', in"! Mr. trad Mt% Rarry '1tFiiiiiti;ioTiii', lturring Walter Hun- ord. E m rt. tott “a rai Cinnamon which is Mr. and In. Martin Baum»: wont . ' ?ed.ey (in: my. and In. onb Sm- B13212! :Uhe .Ferie Thane tn . IT COSTS A LOT OF MONEY TO FIX FROZEN RADIATORS MM Mr. and Mrs. Enoch P. Hum: won Sunday visitors with Mr. and In. Simeon Baum and In. Norman Martin of St. 1mm Mr. and Mrs. L P. Harlin about Sunday with Mr. and In. Eli Bul- man, in: Line Peel. d?.':rcegbiionag Values 0 Mr. and Mn. Riley Human and Mr. and Mn. Chi-once Tallinn and family ot Kitchener ”out and” with Mr. c. “he" Mr. Manna Sander of mm bu ennui Mr. mum Gregory for the nextpvo month. Mr. aim itrkir.-ir7iirsn,as, ot Kitchener were Saturday visitors wig: Mr. Hy? In. Ola:- Adhin. Mr. and mm. mm w. Martin were Sand” visitor. with In. Noah Ban- man and Mr. uni In. Tobin Bret. bucher ot Spruce Green. I Mr. Pun Cram-man'- house which 41: hour; meted k may (or the {brick work. Sunday "that: with Mr. and In. Amos 0. Martin were the - Unto Weber of Elmira and Blinding Brubtchor ot “1ka "MINI“ TzltEZ1 PORK CHOPS my; me Fresh SPARE RIBS wan-av l I “ROUND SIRLOIN 'WING STEAKS _ 'her 'drtfitr 25c 'tUtah! Per Gallon , ABSOLUTELY THE BEST IN TOWN ii.it.. Itk NOW! . . . Foe Your IIs I Toronto. Oct. M.--rmiustrr the iworld over is entering the age of al- tops and to keep pace with new de- velopments. over 360 technicians from all parts of Ontario have jun been attending A special ciinic in Toronto devoted to improved weid~ in practice: and showing the one with which norrterroua metals may he joined by she and electricity. ( Among those trom Kitchener and Waterloo who attended the clinic were Horace Cowgili, J. W. nipple. s. Jkryeis and G. Huber of the Do. ‘minion Rubber Company; Fred H. high, shops director ot the Kitch- ener-Waterloo Collegiate & Vocntlon- at {chock Alvin E. Bock, superin- i ten out and Herbert Mass, mechine chop foreman of the Philip Ciel man--.I__, . 1‘71; . sin??? -iiiri"Tpii'a",""t'iif lucky pen-:9!!! 2e,'l that mm?» lid iiiiiiheili." Kitchener.-At least three Kitch- ener citizens ere rejoicing at their hick following receipt of teiettramm notifying them that they have} drawn comhtion prise: tn the Irish Ergo State Iheyytil .threetetake. I nixed, ,,teiiriidiiEifri'aGii' , of illegal on of liquor, Ind = was tlttsd mt, and costs amounting iS to 319.75. --- hi"ir.', THREE wm m SWEEPSTAttES IE, l Simon Roche], York strut, who was mated in a police raid on his home two weeks ago. in which up 'P"tt ot hrmerrnad'is wine were In - IFfe" Irtdttu"d2,gt on Kitetrentrra last mid-week make: was held yesterday by order ot the city council's market committee. " zerloo'a Wednesday markets were discontinued two week: Mo. PAINTING ADDITION Workman are busy painting the addition made last year to the Old Mill service sullen. - 115° tttt6it -__ fin ROAST ....... ATTEND CONVENTION t9lu'l.lllttl's mus wean 94 King 'i'Ctli'r'cHE,m, PAYS "00 FINE THEM-R: nexus LAST MARKET “Kl-(Saw... . E35... 12k SHARKS uni We}; Moiidir. pasvGv- Service - Phone 4334 KITCHEN" leor ...m. Cutting. a - V I .re.Ett.e...tty.g.yitt1tt1mtmmmmmi "='=u"i----rt..--.--"-=u=Cr2' 'f'. The Store for Vdneu. :lil Ihttlafer's Pork Boot 31mg. .. goneckea, all r.ooi,GaijiGiir, - at--- on A, .. I’ll-burg tlr'immmtmmntmtntmmnnmea: - $Se SALE 2Se 8136;}? G" ic.?...'.'."..". J. D. NALON 99° Dept. Store WATERLO ----READ THE Arm., ---BUY FROM Arm.. Watches Clocks Jewellery Repaired t so In. scare Flam“... light il. and dar stripes. Raul Ind--. Fl, 5 rd.. 750 E: Week End Specials! NICK Men’s Sweater Coats Piir mi; J.?.-.."."..".".".".'."."..".".'.'. ltd fth TI hug”! no... tir": . tun " s a es. = Per pair F...................., 25e "At , Lett 2tntt,t Mt and r a pen. peel: per yard .................. 12%e SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Watchmager Mt Ontario Son“: KITCHENER cm W " tho GMT BOLOGNA “.00 'd Fro. Candy “mew-thing: " SURE TO SEE lTl 6 15.. 2Se n... " c u... 2Sc tu. " c nu.25 C In. 2Sc Witt " - "ii"ii'ii ij:'

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