lteeden Like Tue been Chronicle subscribers were [may planed when on hwy they to coived the tabloid copy at the Chron- icle. This new step ot lent-c two copies A week given the Chronicle Added popularity. Hydro Reduction. The St Jacobs reeldent. will bene- ttt by the recent reduction in Hydro power by 32.50 a hone power, we are informed by Mr. P. n. Weller. the secretary or the locel commie- sion. What the reduction will he to users he. not yet been published. lint-Ilia. Heating. The Snider Flour Milling co.. ere installing a. steem heetin; plant. in their mill here. This will odd much to the comlort ot the employees in cold weather an also to the working conditions ot the machinery. Con- tractor Prey ot [Mondale built the chimney some tiny odd feet in height tor the heating system in the locel mill. IHe thuilt I similar chimney tor the o. J. Smith factory. He in now doing tho brick work tor Mr. Na- thaniel Martin's new newâ€. The monthly devotional meeting of St. James Luther League wan held on Thunsday evening with Miss Ada Smith in charge. Walter IHachborn read the scripture, Walter sdxanar presented the topic, ‘,Worklng tor the Church", and Rev. S. J. Wittig gave an address on "My Neighbor, the Jew". and the study of the Book ot Acts was continued by Mr. Wittig. Preparing Banquet. The old buildings ot the Couch Felting Co., have taken on u bright inviting appearance during the past week or ten days, the result ot the application of a coat of paint to the exterior woodwork and window sash. Luther League. The Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical Church have in preparation a pro- gram of more than usual interest and profit to be given in Smith's hall on the evening of the 29th imst.. The chief item will be a lecture by Mr. Norman Schneider of Kitchener on his travels in Europe illustrated with slides on the screen. To Pennsylvania. The Sam; Bowling Clubs ot the village are preparing tor their an- nual banquet to be held on the even- ing of Nov. 17th. Chicken will be the chief item on the menu. This annual event ls looked forward to with great expectation. Ladies' Aid Program Thursday. Lancaster, Penn., is the destina- tion or a motor party consisting ot Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cressman, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron H. Weber of near Cones- togo and Miss Ida Habermehl, who left on Friday. 'Mr. John Sander ot Elmira in dig- sing a well tor Mr. Abe Martin on tho Heidelberg road. He also dug two or three other wells in the vicits ity this summer. U. P. Meet. Digging Weâ€. The Young People's League ot the Evangelical Church met on Monday evening with Mr. F. E. Welker in charge, Jack Garner, read the scripture passage. Mr. J. G. Hurst gave the topic. “The Seriousness ot Divorce", and Dorothy Fisher presid- ed at the organ. Reorganize League. Rev. J. P. Hauch is reorganizing the Junior league in the Evangelical church. He announced on Sunday that he would like those ot the junior ages to meet him at seven o'clock on Monday evening at the church. Twenty-three responded and they re ported there would be more next meeting, when officers will be elect- ed and the work begun. Many Hear Quartette. The concert given by the Missis- sippi F'our on Tuesday evening was greatly enjoyed by the large audience present. The weather was ideal, the singing was splendid. the audience filled every seat and more. the offer ing was very satisfactory. In ACompglitiou. . . . ' . One of our young high school girls, Miss Katherine Robinson, daughter of Dr. T. M. Robinson, has brought honor to her village by tering a Toronto newspaper com- #hetri'onnt as a competitor in the Children's division. She received honorable mention for her compo- sition. She is a member of the 5th clue of our local school. _ . Mrs. Clayton Brubncher is on the sick list. Mr. Andrew Wahl is confined to his bed with 1 severe cold. APPLY THE-LAP OVER YOIIR OLO ROOF u.uu-'.aro-yittluti..nst,.t,t.tfr spoilt mum china]. roofs. Rea-00f with Tito Lap or Rib 011, the durable metal roofhstt that on on right over your old roof! Comes in rune r',tg,'l',','.g,"lf, to handle. Tho end In? an soti htthe ‘ren moat invisible. RibRol roof, in. tl ',':'re'iF,rt'i, suited for T'2S over light framework. ill not warp. ah nh, curl or bulse. Send ridge and rafter measurements for animate And Ml imrtructiomr. M gt,,s, noun-uh": - - _ MAL .1 you ST. JACOBS *1, me Aug. dienco Mr. snd Mrs. Alfred Schsefer and h offer children of Elmira accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoelscher and son Jimmie on a. visit to Mr. and Mrs. school Leo Seidewand in Kitchener. I Iinson, Mr. Ind Mrs. Jerry Martin visited tinson, with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heimpel, ttre by Waterloo, on Sunday. r com- Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hahn and n the family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hitter eceived and family and Mr. and Mrs. Henry', tompo- Stroll spent Sunday in numbers with l he 5th Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grubs. l Miss Relretta 'Martin is spending on the a week in Elora with her sister, Mrs. Levi B. Bowman. wince mama-1.1; unnu- WWO! but. dipped f,'Jr.,th',t,Wfdr'tl'rAtv2 my. mt. 'SUI ?ll'ltld iitlbtlit ' ram-£131.92 â€an. overloaded. nun. III! m " Inlet. Imam-unm- 'taaduruttqrt.-. m It mt building new an.“ ."1 hnd "Hun! In annotation of I hunk» of In" biq toe and co this win .' eunufoun “in; m- nuo wwuu being on the my has. It fr MekltrtrwaarqrtsovodtotuK-W. 530 PM... J. tm mums-ha. _oer_tn.mte1oed_tmWod._ Mr. and Mm. Albert Killian ot Kitchener called on Mr. and In. Herb Schmidt and Mr. and In. Cart Schmidt on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. News Hamlin; and Nr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin pt law cnter, Pa,, are visiting amen; Mandi In the vicinity tor a few weeks. .wwwq u... -.._ -._. ___ v w, iVï¬. --- __ __-_ w, out m my trouble for not: b-tNext-ttutters.. Ibo. nova Mod MMM‘OMIN-mm Ttt%1WL'l'lfl.l u [t',i'?ltfi,?,r m in]. luck m. -irrriiiid an. Henry and“ visited in Kitchener on Sunday with Mr. uni In. Noah aruhow. Mr. 3nd In. Thom no.†Markham united among "lend- town recently. Mr. and Mrs. David Snyder of Waterlod were Sunday visitors with, Mind Wy, Jolln Btglv. _ .. _ 7 Mr. und Mrs. Ben Etiy visited uh Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar! Snygier pn_§ugdly. _ ___ _ _ Mr. A. K. Brubacher, Miss Annie Brubaeher, Miss Harriet Brubacher of St. Jneobts, Misses Salome Martin, Melinda Sander and Veronien Snuder Ind Mr. Tilmnn Bowman of Three Bridges and Mr. Tilmsn Sander and Miss Vniin: Sander of Eat Heidelberg enjoyed a trip on a three-seated democrat on I visit to Mr. and Mrs. David Sunder, B1emintrdylt, - -- ' . Mi. Gd Mrs. Isaac Hurst Ind family visited with Mr. 3nd Mrs. John Horst " Winfied or1fhytdtw. _ 7 Mr. and Mrs. John Welker 'und gnmily visited in Waterloo on Sun- 't _ -- -- . -- A. - Mr. Ind Mrs. Enoch Martin of Wnllenstein were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Bowman on Sundny. _ -- -. . - _ Mr. and Mrs. George Riepert and son Robert of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew thl on Surly-1.-- - .. - . . ~“ill-ernnd Mrs. Alvin Bowman of Elmira called on Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Bptrpurn _on Sung}. _ . Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis and family of Mount Forest, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hahn of town, visited in Waterloo with Mr. nnd Mrs. Melvin Hahn on Sandw- _ l - - -.. .. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Schaner, Mr. and Mrs..Warren Smith, Mr. Walter Schaner and Miss Pearl Schlitt vitrited in P1Attsvillt on_Su_qday. 7 Mi. and St f'p"gn Stock visited in Kite ener on, unday. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Horst, sc- compnnied by Mr. and Mrs. Levi Horst of Elmira visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sim Shantz on Sunday. Mr. India: George Btyekflsh -iii." if iiiiiG -iriiaiisiriir a sp'rain- ed shoulder received while yanking I ttdar pottpryt If it},.. Messrs. Alvin Shelly and William Weber and Mesdames J. Shelley and Dan Weber of Kitchener called on Mrs. John L. Weber on Sunday afternoon. - . -- The program of the Young People's meeting of the Evangelical Church consisted of a gi,t',tg by Ralph Fisher, an instruments by Mory Welker, the topic by Harry Garner; Donald Doerbecker rend the scripture passage, Kenneth Doer- becker conducted the devotional period, and Esther Trapp was chair- mun. Mr. and Mrs. William Kuhn of Payton, Seek. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schmidt: ao The newly appointed minister of the Mennonite Church here, Rev. Roy Koch, will reach his first ser- Ton to his peop e on Sunday morn- Mrs. Levi Lichty and daughter Miss Leah visited an Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Good on the back mid to Waterloo and Joined a birth- day party m honor of Mr. Good. Mrs. George Kelterhorne visited in Guelph on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Monno Burkhart of Waterloo were visitors at the home of Mr. and Nrs. Ben Eby on Sunday. Mrs. Lincoln Miller ot Kitchener and Mrs Haurice Wiisti of Detroit visited with Mrs. George Keiterborne inst Wednesday. BuiiSutAiaaadG "triiiw- snow nodal tlrllt'lll, u itl .E'IP!“ Kuntz Addition Beginning Soon The building which will he built or Caroline street. raving Park street “in be 120 by 45 foot. of brick and stool construction and will provide much needed additional cold storage and fermenting facilities The Kuntz Brewery win shortly commence construction of a new building as part of its Waterloo plan. Manager Herb Kunlz said this woek. Mouth Wi' GritiitoNto OM! [AWN MIL "COUCH Jun-any Poultry Equipmont h the most modern And praeti- (ul on them-riotv‘d-maw-y- hurhod" mun! ftnrr rhirkr, morn .-hirk-.nt " nM rod, Wm. for "rrmplrtrs tumâ€. The Preton FortiUtrr " an imwpv-nlive aHm'hnmnt for your nlvl uni drill . hlrh make. " inton mmhmnimn .eed and ferti0ertrowrr Mi-irrtilirrr with need. Sad for booklet. l . '-- tei""" __ w 'Mid,, Mr. Alfred Ries was visiting with iiey and friends in Hanover last Thursday. died on Messrs. Jacob 'H. Cunt: and Bol. Sunday Kirch were business visitors in Kitch- ener on Thursday. Young Messrs. David B. Snyder and Herb. ngelicnl Huehn were business visitors in iin by Goderich on Friday. r'lnii by Send Clothing To We». ot The pains and Mac-- of rheu.. mtism Are frequentyl eauaed by " posits of uric aid in the launch- and Joints. The numerous ult- in Kruschen sum in stimulating your liver and kidney to healthy, rogu- lar action, and elp them to get rid of the excess uric new thick in tho {11: Veil} Gt hot water." - Obs. iid/sis" of so much "tnrring. congraao Newlyweds Feted by Brotherhood The members ot St. Matthew‘s Bro. iherhood with their wives and the Lumer League, numbering 60, ten- dered the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bitter, who had both been members of these organisations, a surprise party last Wednesday even- ing. The evening was spent in mu- sic, singing and in progressive cro- kinole which was followed by a pre- sentation with Mr. Victor Eisenbsch, secretary of the brotherhood, read- ing the address and Miss Margaret Hill of the Luther [ensue presented the young couple with an elegant electric table lamp for which Mr. and 'Mrs. vRitter briefly expressed their hearty thanks. Lunch was served at it o'clock which was coupled mrith a tew atterdinner speeches, for which Mr. Oscar Hnehn proposed the toast to the bride. to whim Ree. B. J. Wit- tig responded. The party after hat ing spent an enjoyable evening broke up at midnight. _ oqeteaetoh_.-nt8-o- VIMr. Moses Reis? and family moved to the Henry Kbel farm in Pilkington township on Wednesday. Mrs. Victoria Hebe! and son of Kitchener were midweek visitors at the Herb. ~Huehn home. 7 Miss Alice Koch is spending the week with Twin City friends. Mr. IHerbert leutzke of St. Jacdbe spent Wednesday at the Herb. 0193 and the Walter Stroll homes. - W Mrs. Harvey Shoemaker and Mrs. Wm. Sengbusch ot ‘Kltdlener were visitors at the home or Mr. val. 0198 on Wednesday. The Ladies' Club have made a collection of eatables, fruit, clothing etc., which has been sent to the West for relief purposes in the drought stricken areas. Local friends ot Mr. Sol. Koch ot Kitchener formerly living in this neighborhood will regret to learn his is a patient in the K.-W. Hospital and are hoping tor a speedy recovery. Service Cancelled. The Sunday afternoon service in the United Church was called " on account or the anniversary service being held in the Elmira church hat Sabbath. Flrmers Busy. District farmers who have their potatoes, mangels and apples nearly all under cover, are busy tall plowing with an odd one taking In turnips which are a good crop in spite ot the hm" wave and drought. Young People, Meet. The nib'e Class of Zion Evangeli- cal Lutheran Church held their meeting at the parsonage Monday evening, twenty-three being present. Mr. Stanley Doerlng, the president, led the meeting. They decided to hold their Masquerade party Wedttete day evening, Oct. 28th. at the presl- dent‘s home. together with the Baden mung people. Peruvian. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Eidt' spent Wednesday with Mend: at New Ham 'utrg. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Doorlng spent one day last week with Mr, wnd Mm Lloyd Neel) at Hummus“! A number trom this vicinity attend- ad the sauerkraut supper at Baden Thursday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Milton A. Schmidt of Doerimt's Corner spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Axt, Mrs. Robert Reid of British Columbia called on friends in this vicinity. She was a former Philips- burg ,ehool_tetteher.. ... . . .. Reformation services will be held in Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Sunday morning at 10.30. PING-Ill. _ 7 - Mr. 3nd Mrs. George Lam: af Doering’a Corner visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mmuel Axt on Sundny evgping. _ - _ - ...-.. _ -- Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Eidt and Mr. Sydney Eidt were Sand-y guest: with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Gardner at Baden. - 7 Mr. and Mm. Allan Roth Ind daughter Muri-l of Station! And Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Rod" and ("MIX of Hummer: tnd Mr. Ind In. non lldt of Now Humbug Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Doeri tr and family spent Sand-y evening with Miss Emelin Booting and Mr. Stun- Iey_ peering; _ . - . - . Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Soho!" And dau hter. Miss Hilda Scholar. of 111and'er'r, Ind Mr. and Mn. Wilfred Sch!" of Toronto visited on Sun- day afternoon with Mr. and In. Thgpdorg Dotinr. _ _ . - "Min; t,r,'S,t,f,fih spent Sunk? with Miss Miner" ook at Amu- ree. Mm Ham-y Berg and Miss Irene Berg of Baden And Mr. Conrad Rvibling and son Milton of Will)! visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Axt. A -- We LCiiat to report that Samuel Axt is nble to be up "and "aim- -.. _ A. PHILIPSBURG Mr. Ind Ind And and Ind graduation“- In . Motto got all» trot ot the m. “I! [bl Jetr voy, new new who I. tn love an luv, mm much... to is kidnapped than! . mum. Mary think- ho In sailed [or on. when Jerry and All who ion. tor the wedding, and all). up to Ann and secretly an. her on. OI the morning of In wedding day. Mary overhear- n conversation ttt tween Jarrod and Cam]. thnt lulu her “prenatal". CHM!!! XXX Aunt Nettle went out to the hitch- en. all!“ to heme". It†Bat down halide the living-room table and stared " the other c0100 tonic. tun-Sarah had lent. Her chin wont up. she would drive n hard bargain witty Jarred. He would not be " lowed to squander Uncle Hahn'- Iortune. She would here g talk with Ever"! Sloan about that when he arrived. Tree line were am no she rose and went upeulrs. Sometime later, Jarrod came out ot the library. He Ind had two drink: while there .nnd he was tooling good. His benevolence extended to Aunt Nettie, who clue in from the hint- er with a use or (Iowan. {He patted her arm and grinned at her. " She unwed. but made no remark. Jarred shrugged his shouidon Ind set out to and Ann. "You have i lifelong invitation to stay with in: he and. _ _ We tound her in the garden, feed- ing mm rice tiakees. “Hello, beautiful!" he called as he came up. "Hello, handsome!" Ann hushed. "How's your head thia morning?" "Clear as a hell." he hushed. "And nuts?" "it was a bit cobwebby when I woke up, but I'm tine now." Sift tossed the remaining {lakes to Mitzi. "As a guardian, you made me drive home. Do you remember that?" "I remember being mad because we had to come home," he said. “Where's Jerry.'" spent Blind-y with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Eidt. Mr. und Mrs. Edwin Betyier_of Elmira spent Walnut“! with Mr. John Mohr Ind Min Otil in Mohr. Mr. Ind Mrs. Anon new and son Claire - Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Porter It Doer- ing’l Coma. -- ___ _ A "hir.%ii0gra. Clnyton loin and daughter Idol]: mint Thursday with frUnds at â€We. - __ A "'i‘irtiisar'a may: Broch- de9_-nem. Elm-1.92 h- hem! tye. Gravel Bond went 8% with Mr. John Mohr tad It. In loin. Mr. 3nd In. Clayton 2e and dnttghtar Jean mat Sun . with Mr. And 1171110- --r-_ J1erut. “imam: -ifiCiiid in. mm: Kock and son Kelvin and Hi- an91 1(qu -- 9t -iirTaiiirika'." ihiitGr Sailor and non Wilfred Ind daughter and. Lav. Kinky-Ir dilly 0.10 a... 18.10 “I, 4.00 pa.., 0.10 p... 0.10 [1... - to PM, 030 31...; 11.10 p... Sunni-1n. lulu-y- and night balm _ s-.--- “(than 10.10 “a 8.10 pam.. 0.00 p... L0“. Elmira “I, 0.10 a... Tatt um. 0.10 a. 1.10 p... 4.8: p... 1.00 p.-.1 10.10 p... sunr- #rr, - .0 - 50hr. Tired have: "1le you Titt nervous, irritable and sleepless. Mo. women, and man too, depend on Dr. Chan‘s Nerve Food for mu hem foree. For new pep Ind energy use I I h", a r'o o n Tired Nerves 7 Li., LII) p... 1.00 pan. Phone 'amim as - Kiwi-act "" Arrow Basses S!!gt sditt,'h"i',,e To Hanover -l, f,it daily - vi- Pulmerston, Wllkerton - . pan. . (9.45 mm. Stun-dun Sundtl and Helm} To Toronto .43 trips dsil'y via Guelph, Georgetown. Bran:- ton. - mm nan., 8.00 an" 11.30 an" 8. o \ p.m., 5.30 p.m., 7.45 pan. x - Daily except Sundnyu. To Guelph ELMIRA BUS SERVICE To linden? - _3 -tAps any - Vin Station! - 11.05 mm. 3.35 p.m., 6.80 Ban. Bandu- nnd Honda†I130 pt 3-30. pan, '2.t.tytettne Irith 4M Potor To Owen Srmtd--2 hips daily - vi. Mt. Forest. 9.46 1.311., 5.80 2.111. To Goderich -2 trips duly - vi- Mitclull. Clinton - 11.06 - ___ _ a.m., 6.8otm-___, To Hamilton .-6 trips daily - vi: Guelph - x6.00 Ban., 9.45 a.m.. 11.30 a.m., 3.20 pan., 6.80 p.m., 8.80 pan. x - Daily wept Sundays. To Sarah Hotels - Travel fResorts Write, phone or a.“ for ulna-Ia. at... Ole. Fred Wen-on. I†Kin. Stud But. KIM - Phi. "" CENTRAL ONTARIO TRAILWAYS TORONTO _.-...--...-.-. "err-q-rt-f' -_ Lave from Kitchener depot - opposite City mtl. _7 trips --1 trip daily - viz Pnkhill - 11.05 Lin. L%sii] éfiiée to Wind-or; dilly. “than†-."_6ltusatirn.rrosoyr." “a.“aun-Ic“ ttarvuAto.suuattM..Frttt "eu. Manama-ulna. Want-7â€! â€it? tho-land“ And-ho “Dom Ma..-- -trgtt "L" 'Mtg-dt-tutils Anyway.,-t-tnatdltu-ertit9ntotsr11dyoory' uncut" uncle-alt. on. would know g-I-ra-r.---. t't'pt"eg."eat",d'hrtet8t Iona. "Wott,It-otortm nut not". ,r-t-tqia3etqt-arsddr-,"attoaaH,aatd atmuurb.atett. -- - tacitly. . mun-tummy...†(on)! (layman's-Id. m tgetti.maIn'ttamttumtotrt- stunt. a.emdMrrtttMttMotAotr manna-comm walnupgrlwml.‘ -- “with, in is '00.. lay no man. by . window. at» Mall on and III Jerry tn in m a. can Insulin; you gum And -tierrs. mod to some one Ml! ' by uhmbbory. Then Ivy - rho it Wti-tt that!†M tttttag" The (It! not a stop town-d Jam and snapped in mm and" " nou. Then aha “and to tam. "r ry'l hind. [on at his '14-. TI. gtrt continued to all for meal mm. She wu â€intently 4.1mm a " umntnm. Suddenly, do titled aad walked rapidly away. Jerry wood our!“ after her, but did not try to follow. 7 - stared helpleuiy st the old hall clock. " In that three o'clock. How time had slipped put her. Just then, Evert“ Bloch came in. she must have her talk with him before eetus went upturn, __ Lunch "3 me, and do many had scarcely than from the table when Sarah arrived. hear}: Jog-r} was m" aje can -ot troutrio-atsi wu am ot It. Gracious, Mary, luvon't you lun- ed to are" my" A _ - A -- “I Inn-t hue I word ,AthWr. than tirat." Mary crouod to tho attends aide. may I no you In the Inn-In tor a minute?" 'Burely, my den." The old attorney followed her. Mary pulled back an only Chair and sat down before him. "Mr. Sloan, will Jarrod have con- trol Ayt Uncle Nathan's fortune we: we are married?" due and any!» ly. Wanda. I Mr. Ind In. J. E. tes were Sand-y visitor- with Mr. n Mrs. Sta-Minn " Attrood, A - .. "Hfif’lifsond' " of Occur- Conm- Mud with Mr. John Mohr on Tuscany. Miss My nanny - Sand-y evening at the home of Mrs. IL Br rons, porting. 'Mr. Edwin mould: of an: Ilium spent and" at his homo here. Mrs. Indore - spout Guard-y In Kitchener. Mine [.0qu nor-tor in spending mmp timp In Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Rem Ind family upon! "In “MIN-Id In For- mom, Mrs. Rom remained to spam! mom» ' wllh hm mother, Mm Ppttsr Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Chan. Dirndl! and Mr. and Mm. Dennis Hank-y spam Sunday at Guelph. Mr. Slam-y Rel-t In. now Com. mand Mn tin-â€Mn; for “other not- A QINIT. HILL 00.000110. OOIVIIIIII’. IODIII I... Iâ€. 'tei-." “I". It"! Ill‘ll "I â€I VIII A " tux: 'ar" m - CI ---tt" up} Amtdar with alum: l pa" fiitt2l'T lug-1' P l mush-luau! uggsmaur'lwe!!! Id. "at-r-r-Br'- glint-clown]. “My“ unmauH Nita!- ‘IIIIIyWYIOImm tu-.--." Jmrv_Aioysuuattun., - by 2-1 Score. Rev. and Mrs. Elmer Becker end --_.- family or Kitchener were Sammy l The deciding game between the visitors at A. C. Becker’s. New Dundeedlolevilie Combined and. Mr. and Mrs. Clitord Swot-t: end Bonn in the battle for the Ontario Miss Helen Swan: ot Kitchener were lintermedinte Soccer champion-hip, guests of Mr. and (Mrs. Clayton eased at >Roeeville, Saturday, reenlt- Smart: on Sunday. ed in e H victory tor the home team. l The Misses Estelle r“smock end However Boqnar take- the eerie. " J. Curtis of Waterloo were Sammy due to the " trouncin; given to meets at A, E. Stoltu'. the local- the previous week. Animi- Mm. Gran-on 1-1:an end eon lnr two ume eerie- ended " mk- Gerald ot 'Plntteville were week-end in; tho lat eerie- neeeuary. visitors st A. C. Bee. The (“no In very much in (“or l Sunday visitors with Mr. end In". of the Combines, but Begun held W. Detweiler were Mill haunt the locals to two soak, treauentiy .Wood of Fulton and Bob Bond. C. booting W believer the fence. Gord gAlien and Dr. W. Bullet of Gait. Fried and Norm. Hill Icored tor thel Rev. E. D. Shad or Weumn, Ohio. Combine. end Mcinnoe tallied tor the and Rev. Elmer Becker ot Kitchener visitors. sol-Hy after Fried'u god called at A. C. Becker'l hat Tuesday. he received a twisted knee which I -----------_ put him out of the game and val a my 1mg tf? the noun. _ .No Income Tax It. hum“ upturn. who†Sun and . maid um mun; mt her. pro be Continued) Drop Bedding Game to Bagnor by 2-1 Score. The 03.0.3. met in the Church on Sunday morning with Mr. J. Hope in charge of the topic, “The Seriousness ot Divorce". A solo, "rue Day With. Arut a Cloud", was sung by Miss Evelyn Bricker. and a splendid report of he Ontario Christian Endeavor convention held in London over the i'l‘hankuivlng week-end was given ‘hy Miss Marlon Bowman. "rid, W.WA. win in charge of the special meeting hold in the United Brethren Church on Sunday evening. III-amend look!“ l Low FALL RATES l F. H. WHEELER My hreetah.d now m EFFECT MAI-uh: and. item-HEATED THROUGHOUT - MODERN LOG mums Licensed Airport - Suplane Baa. fs,,',,,'!',?,!,?,, RAY " “W: m 1 ‘ 1 . . , ‘ w", s,1.,lti'lliiili'i'iiis5jl iiA0ItEfrtrA2FLlgt2 A A L" " 2 "qiiiFi la, r. our maul-mun “Mil-h- L=ilm!Ei? Soccer hhals gr..-re-u-tr-rr-mrh-Psi'" -a.urG-urhhr-t"vo-ru'oryP.'- o-tiv-a-ti-ttu-ur-oo-ttter" --.v W - In the MI! “I“. Iriiiie-ft-tthtmui-att-srmuw-" a-mu-rt-tts-of-tttw-hu -.-e--o-dla_h_s-"", Jai/ia-ra-r-A-tMus-ttbr--"-" -._ gr-s-ou-r-tot-re'-".'! airiiGiriatoi-stGu-oritedttetet', Iairaa-e-aiatts.Yo-otor-'r'ou" -trq,gHr-rr_e.rrorosa. Ba-i-a-.----.'- trips "r-te-e-r-em-hu eo-oi-nee'--" h“. vi. Vary madame "no. “*ICHOI'VIQVI and rule "hedut.--Ut 1“!- -- H - nlIooInMIy rorsfideotiat. '“ H W FREE tf you million W- m [Ev-mun wrrH rrs RIOTOUS COLOUR? . . . . A Perfect Season for Sporta! - Golf, on a sporty, private course. - Riding, on tails painted with the myriad colours tif Fill. -..qertnis. - Camping pnties. - Fishing. - Hunting for partridge, deer, bear and moose. 'No Income Tax I Cheque for Town i, Included In cheques mulling 3335.- 365 mailed by the Gnarlo govern- ment, last week to municipalities for their share of the new Ontario m. come Tax. was one for Kitchener for 318,917.? " . _ - Themrealdent, In. J. Brick“, .._ qided, and the pronu- eolumed ot vow uumben, readings and an ad. dram by Rev. I. Quench. Rev. B. R. Knochlel ot Kitchen: occupied the pulp" in the museu- cal Church on Sunny monks. School WIN TAX but Tue-day “tomcat I ram one wa. played at New Dundee " tween the New Dundee and Mlle Public School foothill team result in; In a 1Ay more in ("or of Rose- v'llle. The team- ure wen matched and Domld Fried of the loci). neared the only teral ot the two “as. - Mr. ind (Mrs. Gordon am: an family or Putt-ville were guest: ot Mr. und Mrs. triad on Sunday, Saturday visitor: at the home of Mr. and In. Win. Damiano: were: Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Snyder at New Dundee, Mr. and In. luck Moon": and son Jackie ot Guelph. In. Charles Lang ot Perry's Corners, Mr. and Mrs. S. st-hl Ind Mr. and In. I. Lang and daughter. ot Gilt. 'Hirlmeque was received try Wa- terloo who in 1935 estimated income tax receipts at about 814,000. " all“ north of Montreal.