Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 Oct 1936, p. 4

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Total loss As Fire Burns 1lifalllenstein Home Truck Plunges Through Bridge Down 15 Foot Embankment Into River.--Driver Only Scratched. A truck owned and driven by D. E. Sumner ot Bright, returning from the Elmira Fair on Monday, with a load ot pigs, crashed through the railing at the west end of the bridge 'spanning the Conestoga at Wallem stein. when the steering-gear dropped apart. The modern “km economical way to shop to the Moser's Groceteria Way The truck careened down over a lllilillllllli TOMATOES Mothers of Waterloo SALADA SALMON MOSEB’S BROGETERIA Write - FOR an noon." Mmtol'hhorlu 259 Och-- , Plane Irml me your free ft-Paar book, "Any lily I huh Mn". mn- Inlnin. over 100 delnlmlui Fun Recipes A Specfal ANteal, Just Look at These Specials 20 KING ST. SOUTH BLACK or MIXED CORN 2 SYRUP It; FALCON BRAND Popular Red Angler straight fifteen toot embankment to land on all tours in the creek bot. tom, A mechanic was summoned trom Elmira, and put the steering gear together ,and the truck proceed- ed on its way again, minus only the windshield. The driver escaped luck- ily with only a minor out on the back of his hand. I Nb. pair-33.0! Won cod of ' '"iGrTG%tHro-a. ‘. (up " be! m 2 Ir, m of m_ l MENTOR, The Man in the’ Turban 9.45 a.m. CKCR , 6.16 Fm. GUARANTEED WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Located in Steele’s Optical Pnrlon. " King St. W. - Kitellonu 1 Te "1.. " an FISH in: tux: 3 m. 29c 2 Thu 190 WATERLOO Turn thrre-qu"ter rup cl ho! no" in which EM: mu Crenhenrd. one an. cinch ha been Nncrd on Nstter or shntfow did: Spyinklr at? IW le, ','al"'1t'g', (Minoan n _ ' no Ind-boiled an cw" Eh ind dof - . ....__.___ - on I up. " dry annual 5‘. gamma! 'f in”: 'et'.: iGiriaia '1? oGr%tt and am [um um butter Servewlth two In. Ciiii-Tsausyya W, l 31c Barn Saved By Bucket Brigade Nou-ra-carried-Nr- of Ivan ct-nate-Natl. tun Stud. WIND CARRIED MARKS MARI) BARN Fire ot unknowg origin broke out in the wanton» tonne (known; or Mr. Ivan Creamer), one mile will or Wallenstetn on Hominy afternoon about tour o’clock. Men named to save the furniture, but the dwelling was burned to the ground. A south wind carried the work- and elation toward the barn end only the valiant clone ot neighbors with bucket. ot water saved this structure from be- mg demolished also. The home In a complete loss as no Inlunnce wu carried. Had Silver Removed. some ten days ago Mr. John C. Voli had the misfortune to run the end or a board into hi. toot. After poultlcin; it tor tome time they no- ticed something protruding through the skin under the tool. Dr. R. G. Huin or Linwood removed I sliver fully an inch and ball long and a quarter ot an mm thick. Mitt mun: iriends hope his foot will Boon heal up new. Leave For Northern Ontario. A car composed ot ttix men manly Messrs. Elmer and Isaac Brubacher. Harry Dunner, Nicholas, Hummel, Bert Dietrich and Johnny lKrnemer left on Monday tor New Ontario. They intend spending the winter months cutting pulpwood. Move: To Kltchener. _ Tho dance which was to be held on Tuesday night, Oct. 27. will be held on Wednesday. Oct. 28 instead. Otto Henderson's band in attendance. This is to be a Hallowe‘eu muquer. ade. Birthday Party. Mr. J. Fenton Martin has closed “Sunset Cottage” tor the winter months and moved to Kitchener. His many friends here hope to see him in better health next spring than what he has been during the past summer. About sixteen young people enr- priscd Miss Jean Leis on Oct. 19 by giving her a birthday party. The evening was spent in cards and danc- ing. The Ladies' Aid ot St. Paul‘s Lu- theran Church at Wellesley (Can. Synod) will hold a fowl supper la the basement of the church on Oct. 28, Wednesday. A A Mr. Nathan Martin was a week-end visitor in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gingrich of Brea- lau spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Eli. B. Prey. Mr. Art Ray was a Sunday visitor with his parents at Glenallen. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tallinn! and family and Miss Dorothy Mat- thews of lKitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson and family ot 3rd Hue Peel spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Chas. Matthews. Miss Jean Leis spent Friday In Stratlord. Friends ot Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hammer spent a wry enjoyable Sat- urday evening with them in their new home. Mrs. D. W. Musser and family were Sunday visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs Fred Von, Carthage. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elias W. Martin were Mr. and Mrs. George Weber and Mr. Josiah Weber of Kitchener. Ladlel' AId Meets. Messrs, Onlas and 'Milton Martin and sister Elmlna of St. Jacobs were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Bauman. ' Mrs. Elias W. Maitin u; spending a few daysrwlth Mr. and Mrs. [Irina Martin of Breslnu Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lela and Mr. Earl Kelterhorne spent Monday In Branttord. Arr. and Mrs. Ed Stab] and daugh- ter Gertrude visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Stable in Kitchener on Sunday. Mn tuna Mrs. Jacob Lela and tam. ly spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shiry of Kitchener. _ Mr. anit Mrs Alvin Gremm and family spent Sunday 'tith Mr. and Palzo of Broslnu. - Mr. Elias as. Martin and inter Ma. tilda spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Holhnan ot Heidelberg. Mr. Earl Matthews purchased a carioad or stockers recently Mr. and Mm. Bill Sparks and Shir- ley and Mrs. John Sparks ot Galt were recent visitors at the home ot Mr. Charles Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MaePheratttt were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Joe_scharteh, partrin. -- Mr. dna Mrs. George Huehn of \anlesley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mpg. George Pewter of Water- loo. Messrs. Addison and Ada}: Bauman were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Hellman, Heidel- berg. " fdxvf suUer, bazaar and baking .4an in the church basement on Oct. 28. Everybody welcome. Mr. anit Mr}. L. Renwick and Jane Carrol and Bob spent Sunday re- mowing acquaintancga "t_wt11t.tltr: Mr and Mrs. Bill Leia of Kitch- ener spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gremm. Mr. Earl Kelterttortt spent the week-end at his home In Mllverton. c-rload Food for West Promo ot Kitchener and Wainrlon and district nrn again hohind the drive to not-urn toodstttiN and cloth- ing for shipmom in hundreds ot nee- dy wnsiornorn Alderman Irvin Bow- man hmdn the commlltoo " Kitchen- _ Tho Ladloa' Aid of St. Paul's Can- ndlnn Lutheran Church are having mnnd has Minus-d the assistance of Hm rhurrhnn and othprn m the dig. trict (‘rnp {Mini-m m tho drought tttrick- m aroaa has mndn tho need for help imporaiivo as in paint your! and the pnnplo ttrp nakod in mnirlhuio rash. w‘gvmhlnl. trult, and oihor food Mum. Clothing too, will he “capi- Pd A (roilhl car will hp stationed at tho aiding on thr CN.R. mm Oct. M. 27. so and men will be than to nun" iolding. WELLESLEY "I can“; gnome“ Church Sending Relief Carload 'lttmira.-MV ot the mm "on or 81. Pair. [Athena Chard: here will contribute to . wind ot (Inn produce 3nd clothing to be sent. to the who! stricken In. ot central and southern Stimulant Pontoon, carrot... m. cabbage. turnip, and on»: fruits u well u all avail-hie stitch. ot wen-hag - pare]! will be chipped from the local tummy depot on Oct“ 11. Rev, L H. Kulbndnch up one of the repmentauves ot the MN. unher- an Synod of (and: In attending the tenth Inna-.1 mvendou ot the Unit. ed- Lutheran Church ot Annette. be- m; held In Columbus. Ohio, from Oct. " to ”It. Recent whiten with Mr. “a Mn. J. Sonnet-mound were Mr. and In. Alt. Evert“ and am. In, Ever-m and Mute:- Bobby Even-t or To- route. were was . large attendance at an auction sale ot thirtr-ett pure- bred Yorkehire ”II. The sale was conducted by G. G. Clues. auctioneer and the cow: were owned by c. M. Soehner. The highest price received for one animal was 837, and the av. erase price was 828.14. A large group ot young people 1trl this town attended the memorial ser- vice in honor ot Dr. Jonathan (lo-l forth, veteran missionary to Inormosa _ and Honan and author of the well} known book 3fo My Spirit", at the missionary meeting or the Young People's Society of the Livingston Presbyterian church. The program was appropriate with each feature pertaining to the work of the tamed missionary. The program was opened with one ot the late missionary's ia- vorite hymns, “Rock ot Ages". This selection was also sung at his fun- eral. Miss 'M. West led in prayer while the tour Junior members ot the society, Lily Powell, Clara Seip. Car rot Gardner and 'Mary Honderich, sang. "We've a Story to tell to the Nations". The feature ot the pro- gram was an address on the lite and work of Dr. Jonathan Gotorth by Miss L L. Livingston. He was born in Thorndale on a farm and received his early education at Ingersoll. At the early age oi 12 it is said, stated Miss Livingston, he wanted to be a politician, but some time later he heard the late Dr. George McKay ot Formosa tell ot the needs ot the tar. eign missionary work and it was then that he decided his lite work was with the church. He devoted every hour from that time in Homing the missionary spirit in his (snowmen. Me was a graduate ot the University of Toronto and Knox College. When Dr. Gotorth graduated he was placed in a charge ot a newly acquired field or Horton. china. In 1931 he lost the sight at one eye, but he continued his work. but tirtaity 3 years later he lost the sight ot his remaining eye. IMr. and Mrs. B. W. Lichty and two nieces, Misses Rachel and Ivy Rel-t were recent “anon with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rem at !Moorrstieid. Attend Memorial Service. Speaklng of mlsers, we have halt the gold In the world and " Is all 'hurled in a hole in the ground where It Is of no use to attnody.-Detroit Free Press. CHILD CHOKEO To DEATH WHILE EATING AN APPLE Galt.--The two-yearoltl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gordier ot the Eighth Concession, Beverly Township, choked to death Wednes- day while eating an apple. The par- ents found the child in distress and while they rushed to a doetor's otttee at "Bhetrield, ghe died before they got there. If you lulu from badmin- what you want In WM. . "Anplrln" " quick to- llel. (or on. nun. no: they dissolve or may“. most In- stantly they touch mobtun. (Note “Iggy-Hon QM) _ . _.. ' ',t,'Cf,i'tifiii,ii'li, . - -V ,iji?Si,ee,i."il-. mo. in an I ow . And that b may ”an york)“ Aiiftiiu"iria5trtit uait Goran; Almost Inn-1:1], . in. Madman: n-tgl. and pains I a "fiFiWiiGtiriiaFiiitu%hGst . on 0 Ml'. "Wll.Wh my It'- Mom. Demand and Get, Jly28d!l,?.tll,t,!iiri:ia Get In! Quick-Aerial. trdiiiFy.lai Fy tnhqyn TAIPE- ToEasea HeadadIeFast For QUICK Roth! “ASPIRIN" [H331] ELMIRA NEWS made In ;orkl '1'l'J'l'dt Council Rejects Waldemar Plan I1Unira.--m"t town council " Ill meeting on Tuesday night adorned a resolution received from the " ierloo Town council cuppa-in. tho Grand Vniiey Conan-"um: project It planned by Kitchener, can, Brut- mrd and other valiey towns he council also rojecled the re» lutlon or the Dunno luau? - elation favoring dominant: ot the lucurably mane now In Ontario Mental Hannah}. Local Factory Fills Fast Order mmir..-A rum order received from 3 Chicago ttrm by the Link Belt Company's plant here an week. reached tta (lamination seven hour- after the order was received by man. The deceased was born in Wilmot township on March T, 1868 and was therefore 77 years ot age. She was a [daughter or the late Mr. and Mrs. 'George 'Koch, and was a member of the Baptist church, Preston. Mr. Harry Vice, muse:- ot the plant. tert by automobile I! noon. reached Butralo airport In time to place the order on a wen-bound plane, which reached Chicago in time to have the order delivered by 7 Pan. the game evening. Puma-In. Mr. 'E. J. Bulgin ot Montreal in visiting his brother, Mr. George But- ging and Mrs. Buutn. ------ _ Recent visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Nobuary at the United Church par- sOnage were Messrs. Bert and Lau- rie Chalmers at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D. Kiihoarne Ind family ot Montreal were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Swine: recently. A Recent visitors with Rev and Henry Mucus were Mrs. J. “Numer- berg and daughter Ruth and: Miss Alma Raitt ot Hanover. Mrs. Fred Ferguson and baby. Donald or Palmerston, spent seven! days with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bulgin. 18. 'She Is survived by two sons and two daughters, Emmanuel Bechtel and Miss christina Bechtel, at home Kossmh; Edward Bechtel. Galt and Mrs. Norman Dedels, Breslau. One son died m infancy. There are " grandchildren. There also survive one brother, [Henry G. Koch, New Hamburg. and two sisters, Mrs. Ate ram Dunlap, Oxdrm. and Mrs. Her- man Path, Brown City, Mich. There passed away at. his home in Toronto Tuesday, Emit C. Heller. 66, formerly ot Kitchener. He is aur- vived by his wife, Mary Allen. one sister, Mrs. Usete Vetter. Chapel street, Kitchener, and Alton H. He]. ler, Ahrens street west, Kitchener“. The funeral will be held at two pan. Friday from the home ot her daughter, Mrs. Dedels, Breslau, to the Cressman Mennonite Church. Breslau. for services. Interment will be made in Breslau Mennonite ceme- tery. a Funeral services will be held at 8 o'clock Thursday evening " the residence in Toronto, and the re- mains will he brought to Kitchener Friday afternoon and will be resting Joseph Barber Dr. C. L. Beck and Mrs. Beck ot Kitchener. have received word of the death at his home in Independence, Mo., of Mr. Joseph Barber, in his Tut year. The deceased was a former resident. ot 'Kltchener, having lived there for a number ot years. He Is survived by one son, George or the Prestonoalt Highway. The funeral is to take place In Independence to. day. Tder husband, Isaac C. Bechtel, pre- deceased her 18 years ago on Not. Mn. Jun accord Mrs. Jean Secord. nee Rennie, died at her home in “Stowe! Sunday. She was born In Linwood " years ago and was married there in 1879 to R0- bert Secord who passed away In 1881 .She lived In Linwood vicinity tor many yeam until she moved to Listowel where she reamed unkll her death. at the schreiterJSandrock Funeral Parlors. Friends and acquaintances can view the remains until 2 pm. Saturday when services will be con- ducted try Dr. H. A. Speriing, with interment in Mount Hope Cemetery. The only child died in 1881. She is survived by six brothers William Rennie, Genaiian: Pembroke. LU. towel; Allen, Lisiowel; Arthur. Crosmili; Everett. Toronto; Almond. Tilsonburx. One brother. Hugh. pro- doceased her two years ago. ' _ Mrs. Julia Bechtel Mrs. Julia Bechtel died at her home at 'Kossuth Tuesday (allowing a. stroke Buttered three months ago. - iilreriunefal was 'held Tainan with interment In the United Cemetery at Linwood. John A. Taylor John A. Taylor died at his home in Kitchener, Monday. He was born in Howick tawnnhlp. Huron county, and had resided in Kitchener tor five years. _ .. . He Is survived by six sons and three daughters. John Taylor, Wa- torioo; anIn. Lloyd and Reginald, Howlok; Ernost and Arnold In Wind- sor; Mrs. James Bhsolt. Kitchener: Mina Nadya and Mina Irene, Hamli- ton, There are threo grandchildren. Thor» also survive two hrothorn and .mva stator-I. Stnphon‘ meelor; Thomas. Proston; Mrs. Mary Knowl- Walsh Fuaeral Service Waterloo No thn than for on of our homo-like Funeral Chlpol. 180 Ring St. S Emil c. Holler Phone MT non, Miss Rose and Min Norah Thr lor, Gorrla; Elisabeth and Magda- lene Taylor and Mrs. Mule Grant, Kitchener; Mrs. Minerva Renter, tstouiNi1le.' -\_ The 'pgtttiis""', held from the home Wednem afternoon. Inter- ment was made in But End Menno- nite Cemetery. She la survived ‘by three daughters, Mrs. Reid, Acton; Mrs. J. H. Helm- backer, Toronto; Mrs. Fred Pugh, Waterloo, and one son, R. 3. Brand. Hamllwn. _ _ -rttd%iserat was held Wednesday 'atternoon. Anne Broad Mrs. Anne Broad passed away n the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. J. Reid in Ayton, Monday. The deceased wu born In Corn. wall, England, but had resided hi Canada over 60 years. She was an Anglican In faith. Her hutband pre- deceased her many yum no. The snow nhove shows the tpproximute location 15 miles from Cleveland where the Toronto ship "Send Merehent" laundered and. went down in a heavy gele Suturdny. Waterloo First United Church 11.00 n.m.--Momirq Sanka. 7.00 p.m.---Biiatq We. Emmanuel Evapggliga! Church I I." aan.-', 1.00 rats.---' Monday. q pam-Muni" We. 8 ir.m.--You" People's League. wo-r-Midweek Devotional and Bible Study. 'to_--otndsr, 9.46 .an.-Serviee and Sunday School. A will mm " " -_. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 85th 10 tot.--Sund" School. Gluten for all as“. " um. and T an.- 'l'hMil Services in clamp! the Minister. Calvary Evgnglical Church PUBLIC WELFARE There I. only on. Genuine Vin-Kelp. {at Men. Women, and Children. Vin-Kelp Tablet. no pun concentrated m vegetation. pure And mud-manual. unmixed with 3avoum Ind arbor “bounces. "3entiNstty Proceed from Mineral :34 Vitamin rich an Vega-lion. very rich in energizln. Ltfe-t"hm Mimll not! Viumlnu. so Quentin! to bodily health. rho Mlnenlo m in proper mun nnd I" readily “small-red hy the blond calla. an in why Vin-Kelp tablets are producan well remark-bl. mulu. Vin-Kelp "bier. In my to (the and out on little per any. only two mull “Men “(or mu. Vita-Kelp Table“ Ire put up in SlALID 3011118 Ind heavy not been touched by human undo. This " for yr protection. m VIEW " THE WIDESPIEAD PUBLIC AWAKENING " THE IMPORTANCE OF MINERALS AND VITAMINS To BODILY HEALTH THIS WORD OF ADVICE " PARYICULANLY TIMELY Th mm In chug. at both union. qt-ra-m-..-'- Illnvuuluul-H- “LI-mm“ ”consuming-h. Int-LLWM. m. ' ---a- c. R. I WY” I“! My. Ask (or SUNDAY. omo® SUNDAY. OCTOIII an Demand the Genuine Vin-Kelp put up in “SEALED BoTTrE.V the able" with an envinble to up nation, priced to mam-bio n goo table" for ".40, MO ubleu for .2 Ito, Ahmitlhku .Y “no. at gm! Drum or Health and . on. or dine! from Canadian Distribute". A. W. Eickmeier & Son, Grimsby Beach, Ont. Vita-Kelp literature. IDOirrrirrirE YOU ‘KNOW THAT “dunks!!!“ Schniter - Sandrock FUNERAL HOME " Benton St., Phone 4480 L , mm- of 'in- ale!“ link-lions not! bo doprivod " the bountiful {ninth of thi. o.tmHuhment. fa-ily by

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