PAGE "EV! ein the special "half" --from a firm that has for many years made a specialty of . . . and had a reputation for unusual success in designing "half" size coats for the special fitting needs of full figures. Special values featured " -Black, brown and navy blue coats, furred with Sable-Opossum, F r e n c h Beaver a n d Beaver Planks, French Seal and Seal Flanks (the Planks have a shaded effect). See them in the Coat Shop on. the Queen St. Floor. Special at 69c -Chifron or service weight. Per. feet quality. Fall shades. Sizes 8% to 10%. (King St. Floor) F............. 69c " Goats Special u ".29--Slip-onss in black and brown. §izeg_6 to 7%._ _WIntr Special at 6Se - White cello-crepe, lace trim- med. Sizes 32 to 44. (King St. Floor) 69e Special at stte-Two for $1.00. Women's Flan- nelette Night Gowns with short sleeves. Special at 34.00 "ir- All-wool blankets, whipped singly. Size 54 x 72 inches. 5-ib. weight. Heather grey shade with navy stripe border. (Down- $4 stairs Floor) ....'r.. St. Floor) (King St. Floor) 59c CAPE GLOVES 38h T0 48% SILK HOSE BLANKETS GOWNS SLIPS .-r81'.2t)' On The Step It Has Taken In Increasing Its Newspaper Service To Twice-A-Week Editions _ GOU DIES Who Regularly Feature- Workmanship of a higher grade may natural- ly be expected from this firm's employees, who have been used to putting out high grade work, than from houses that have specialized in low priced garments. A Speck] From A Maker ---A0 the new style ten- tures, and all' the good colors: black, brown, navy, rust, green, wine. Crepe Dresses Kitchener’s Modern Department Store Higher Priced Lines WOMEN'S SIZES MISSES' SIZES HALF SIZES $6.95 (Queen St. Floor) on gratulations Waterloo Chronicle We hope that this new venture will prove success- ful . . . . we think that Chronicle readers will welcome the change . . . . and are sure that they will appreciate the advantage of getting the news of current events at more frequent intervals. _ i, Our own page in this week's " " edition we have tried to fill with helm I l l ful news for the home manager who ' " does the family shopping . . . news I ' of attractive values in every-day ll El needables. 1 This store has had its own history in seeking to enlarge its capacity for service and has been rewarded by liberal patronage on the part at Waterloo County families. We bespeak for the Chronicle the same generous response to its efforts to increase its useful- ness. Let us all join together in greeting this, the first number of this extra bi-weekly edition,. with a hearty-- Til WATIILOO CHIONICLI I --cheek this list for economy values: ITALIAN SATIN in black, 54 inches wide. Three qualities--- -- __ "A -. . COTTON TWEEDS and other textures finished and pat- terned to look like wool, yet costing only 29c yard. Many smart patterns for women’s and misses' 29e .p., -- .___II -- -L:IJ_....’- -A'S.BW. If You Sew . .. VELVETEEN in wine, Copen. blue, brown, green trnd black. 36 inches wide. Special at 69c yard. 69c ROUGH CREPES in all the good dress colors. Special at 49c yard. ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS in (range of interesting V weaves and colors. 54 inches wide. $1.00 yd. $1 --White funnelette in this week's special. (King St. Floor). __ Striped Flannelette 19c s-pie,,', and gist-k shades. 'lu"'.'.'."..".'.'....".'.'.'.'..').... 19c Factory Cotton 10e :1“: inches wide. 10e Terry Towelling 18e --Good colors. 18c Yard ............ Yard m..................... Send a Mail order aikis as well" as ehi1dren's wear ......... “WELCOME AND WELL DONE!" FLANNELE'h1E - fl YDS. FOR $1 59c, 69c, 89e. Yd. to the -From Myott's, England. Squarish shape. Rosebud decoration on the corners of plates with embossed panels on the rim. Ser- vice for twelve. DinnerSéts miles $16-50 .-it you cannot shop in person, and it will receive careful attention. King and Queen Sis. (Downstairs Floor) 'r. 49c COATS WITH FUR coLLARs-A1tiskin Lumb, Grey lamb, Wolf, Raccoon, French Beaver. Plenty of nice wanking: for the girls to see . . . . particular mention today for-- UNFURRED COATS - Duvetyne, Diagonal Suede, Chinchillt, Tweed. Small sizes with leggings and helmets or hats watching. COATS WARM LIKE FUR-un Curl Cloth and in Aretiefur, this semn’s new fur fabric. EVERYBODY', PRICE-plenty to choose from, but wisdom in choosing early when alterations may be made without hurry and before size and style tenses become broken and the best "plums" get picked over. gég; Girls’ Boats WOOL-AND-LISLE STOCKINGS in “marl‘ facts. Two-one rib. Sizes 6 to 10. t Splendid quality for 50e pair. . FLEECED SLEEPERS AT Tsc-white, . pink, blue - sizes 2, 4, 6. ( WINTER BLOOMERS AT 29c - Navy ' blue. Sizes 4 to 12 years. d (King St. Floor) Children's Warm Hose and Underwear -in -the cotton butts It Me 1b., opening out to full size, " x 90 inches . . . . the trateemt in a tro cent quality 'for only Me yard, become of a slight minprint It the selvedge (will not show in the quilt). Floral and Paisley patterns. -in a special-vnlue feature at 35e. Bans - Downstairs Saleem - Upstairs BATTS AND SATEENS - in a special-value c Making Quilts The Girhf Own Floor In This Great Big Store -THE MEZZANINE $.71»; ' __ 'rFMim--eii' . F_zfa' MFEEEEXMES' ENS-ii-ee? 'tree-TE-ra g“ ALi4=iigi = Gateei?=, tEh' "a-daEeSmi 'cei%'a7Gt7,-je.5 ._. -. r" F-=a=tL'teEm - i§a>f WF' Sue-e-ep-eel, rtE5iiiATgii"r] _ '1 f, _ ‘ A _ Oct-hr It, 1986 75c 29e in ef.