g illlk1 unm_ In. mm..- been In. wuuun Doorr, 0. died a - he... RR. t, mam. on his). 830 In. 1 hustler oe cm “I. - the m. In. leg]. qt loll!!!» My. She attended tho ml III-celled church. Sho I. survived by her has, up “or, hub-Id end can tsAiMratgt, Hard, Anon, Welter, Emanuel. “on. Alum, lingual end We"... all " home. by three motion, IM- uid. Glut-once end George We ot [811109, try a Imp-brother, 'urrr, and by tour outer-I. In. W. â€when end In. Alex Sloth»! of Pullman, In. Wm. Bony, ‘McKIllop Madly and In. Wm. Grou of Bullet! unm- ehlp. 4 Ilntiida mules Harwood, 67. mile ot John Tait ot Preston. died in a Kitchener hoopla] Sunday after a threoweeke' illness. Born in George- to", In. Tait resided in Fusion and in Gait until tortyAHe yarn ago when Ihe came to Preston, when Ihe had since lived. A member ot the hoepon United Church, she belong- ed to the Ladies' Aid and the Wo- men's Missionary Societies. Surviv- ing is her husband, two daughters, In. Hugh Fisher ot Toronto, one eon, Clifton of Sumner, two brothers, William Harwood, Toronto, and George Harwood, St. Catharina, three halt-brothers, John Hokey, St. canines, Fred McKay ot Rochw ter, N.Y., and Frank McKay ot Chi- Edmund Klan Edmund Klein, New Germany dis- trict farmer. died Wednesday in St. Joseph's Hospital at Gueln, the re- sult. of pyorrhoea poisoning. Born in New Germany dktrict, be In: a son of the late Joseph 'Klein and Francis Scimitar, and would have celebrated his and birthday on Sunday had he lived. He attended St. Boniface Church. The funeral was held thi- unar- noon from her late melldenco to the Met Evangelical church with bu- m! In the Adjoining cemetery. Surviving are " wile. two daugh- ters, Miss Vera and Mrs. William Holler-nan. Guelph, and two brothers, Item and Frank. New Germany. The funeral was held from ttits farm residence Saturday morning to St. Boniface Church. Interment followed in the adjoining cemetery. Ephraim Weber IEphraim Weber, a lifelong resident of this locality. died at the K-W. Hospital on Friday afternoon. He was in poor health for the put two years and was 78 years of age. He farmed successfully for many years about one mile west of Elmira. The survivors' are two sons, Clayton and Allen at home, and two daughters. Laura at home and Mrs. Norman Det- woiler of Breolau. His wife prede- ceased him six years ago. He is survived by his parents, a sister. Betty Geraldine. by two grand- fathers. his maternal grandmother and two great grandmothers. The funeral was held this after- noon trom his late home near Elmira to the Elmira Mennonite Church tor service. Burial was made in tho ad- Joining cemetery. _ "Eldon Gerald Willie. infant son ot Mr and Mrs. Eldon Willis, Cameron street north, Kitchener, died at the K.-W. Hospital Saturday. YOU KNOW THAT “by, 06*: to, I†Schreiter - Sandrock Limited FUNERAL HOME 51 Benton Bt., Phone4480 Eldon Gerald Willis an. John Tan Wrrrt'.te ways It. - and - Ibo-Iti- f-I tribute. we“ within the no.†of every family. to provide 4 5 :Mrs. Austln clemmar, tor-ly Emmallne Weldellle‘lmer ot Kitch- ener, passed any may in Calgary, Alta., relative. hero were united. The funeral will be held in Calgary today. New Harnburg.-toea1 ftrmnen Bot there Brat chance to project water from their new line fighting equip ment purchased two years ago. when Hire destroyed the chicken pen ot Ill. Loehr. local poultry fancier. , iKitchener.--Be1t-lietuidating inter- est-bearing circulation bonds with the city’s credit backing them were proposed to council hero by Ald. John Walter as a means ot saving $250.- l000 annually. , Kitehener.--t R. Batho, Waterloo, was re-elected president of the K.-W. trlrflhtuatsonfe choir at the meeting ot the executive. Lloyd shiry was made vice-president, with the following officers: Ivy Former, secretary: Harry Brubadler, treasurer; Rose Gottdield. recording secretary: Percy Ricketts, librarian. Conductor Harry Bill Is preparing the choir for the ‘annuai concert next apring.~- l In. “If!“ It", I ton-or roll- dent ot Kitchener - tny " Sukntoon on Oct. 5. The Men] ‘wnl held Oct. ' in the Intern city after which the rennin: were chipped to Strathroy when Int-1mm took l place on Sunday Int. ' Hamburg Firemen Use'New Apparatus The bonds would be redeemed} from city holders at the end ot one year at $1.00 exam. The city would pay one per cent dividends on them I while " twttetrnt stamps would have . to be attixed by holders. The city, would print and sell the stamps them- I selves. I Kitchener fur-hue If. at Mll- nvny andaraaa.idatthegtttes nor-Waterloo Bantu! May an» Antonina... Hoyt-“nurse! The deceased I: unwind. try [our daughters, ‘lln. P. llyhtn, Bun- toon, um. Joanne Collard, Vicar-h. Mrs. G. Shaver, Ottawa. In. W. 149 Don, Colorada, U.8., and one son I. W: Man? Sash-loom The death of Mrs. Gweuyth Wight. wile ot Norman Wight, formerly of Kitchener occurred Tuesday at her home In London. 8119 we: e daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morgan, formerly of Kitchener. She is survived by her husband, one eon, Billy and one brother, William. She was in her 32nd year. Burial took place in the Woodlawn cemetery. London. Throw Water fro. Two-Your ou Equipment for First Tin. as Chicken Houu Rand. lli ll. mrattaro trado ll] It £71; nut-dad at. WI Wu.- um mum, a lone, We. The “new In taid (all: it 8.30 hon the residence. Bil-Ila “not. to Mount Hope Cemetery tor inter- meat. Breaking out shortly after noon Friday. trom an undetermined cause, the pens were totally rated at a loss ot $200. Fancy show Wyandottec were saved. Walter Proposes New Type Scrip E. R. BATHO AGAIN PHILHARMONIC HEAD Err, Mn. Henry B., Oct. 18, Nat- chez Rd., aged 74 years. Funeral Wed., Oct. 20, 2.30 p.n.. from late home. Becker. Mrs. Wm., Toronto, Oct. 18, used 67 yam. Funeral Wed., Oct. 20, 9.80 aan., from home of son, C. A. Becket, 297 Welling- ton St., Kitchener. oe brother, you. Bun. oeV Mn. Austin Clem-nor an. Gwenyth Wight In. In.“ In" DEATHS Till WATIILOO CHRONICLI lot the Waterloo Board ot Trade heard Mr. A. M. Wineman. British We Commissioner toCanada. weak on Thursday night. Close to 50 were present. The joint service club. ot Kitch- ener and Won-loo will but an u- are.- by Ron. w. " Inlet at the want [1qu in mum on may night, “cording to an moo-Int rundown. Wnurlooaoudotm Trade. the K-W. Romy Club. KM; Kim. Club, Gym Club. And Wator. Joo guilty Mn Chi will tho tile . Mom were mule some time no by Waterloo Bond of Trade to In" Mr. Euler â€out he", but later to- qum trom other Ionics club- were made tor Mr. Euler to â€out, with the run". that he will speak Prldny under the combine. mules ot the Twin City club. Among those at the meeting were: W. P. Kreu, J. A. loCorklndele, A. M. Snider, J. H. Ruppel. P. W. Rue- tter. Harvey Ziegler, Mnyor M. E. 'tata, Harold Ball, president ot the Kitchener Board ot Trade, AM. J. Welter, R. S. Been. W. J. loGlbbon, Earl Putnam. J. C. Height. C. G. Dar- nan, G. H. Harper, J. H. Wood-, C. EC Necker. It. E. Patterson. A, C. Hoffman, E. C. Hellman, H. Helbeln, J. c. Cunningham, w. M. Preles. Town Clerk Norman Bolduc, E. H. Sippel, C. H. Room L. R. Detenbeck, Dr. B. Echo), Dr. wm. Geiger, M. A. Stunner. R. Brauullch, L. M. Devin. Reeve Wesley MoKersle. w. s. [Hu- vey, P. B. Kampf. bee Henlloellerl Wm. Henderson Br.. Ill. J. Bauer, C. Reltzel, w. M. Bean, Ill. Ronnenberg and J. Uttley. so Hear British Trade Commissioner Luge Number Attend Board of We Film. Fall Evening luv. rock by It. Wm Haldane- Br.. President or the KHW. Rotary Club. . Hon. [Billet Speaks Friday Noni Wattl- ILP. to Ad. “1*th LW.8cviee Baptist Church Marks Anniversary Market butter is now full weight, according to Food Inspector Dr. C. K. Mader tor Kitchener. New Iramtmrg.-ARev. E. G. Hinds, pastor ot King Street Baptist Church at Kitchener was spicial speaker at the morning and evening services here yesterday at which the congre- gation ot the local Baptist Church marked its 83rd anniversary. New Market Butter laws in Effect YOU'LL ENJOY READING The Chronicle is now coming to subscribers twice a week. More and better news at no increase in sub- acription price. The chum was founded " Vic- torlaburg In 1863, moved to this vil- lage in 1880 and the present build- ing erected in 1909. Only " mink ters have served It in the " years. the present incumbent Rev. E. G. Dale coming here in 1921. All vendors are conniving with the new regulations in regard to mar- ket sales, which call for the words “Dairy Butter", on wrappers, instead of “Choice Butterâ€. The largest turnout " a meeting " when at a. Waterloo No extra charge for use of our home-like Funeral Chapel. Walsh Funeral Service 160 King St. S. Phone 67 7 ot iRemanded in Court 5 on Bribery Charge Mrs. Katie Woruk appeared for the crown, showing a 86 bill which Mochoruk gave her on condition that she not appear in police court against lhim. The accused stated he often gave Mrs. Woruk money, but the |plnintiit denied this. saying the ac- cused was a stranger to her. Btrttttord.--aniured In a highway crash Jun loath ot Strum"! airport on No. T Highway on Oct. 10, Rev. Charles K1010:- ot St. Jerome's Col- lege, Kltdmner, died In the General Hospital here Wednesday. Hg was 60 you: ot use. Prom-nor Thieie, who in the band mster ot the Waterloo lulled So- ciety and put. president ot the Can- adian Bandmuters' Amsoeiation, will conduct three numbers by the mood bends. The grand mititary tattoo, composed by Lieutenant- Colonei lacKonxio Log-n. will he played by the 'Belleville mankind! band directed by Fred Jobeon. "tttttdt Party-{Issue Permit iirliii'iyFiFiiiryiFiiF?, '.u'ffgdurt2e.t " [august-oat rim“. 'Belierrtlur.-mreive band. compris- lng 38 musician will play I am- t-ry tattoo in the Ballerina "on an Wednesday, October " under tho lender-hip ot Proteuor c. Ir. 11.1919 ot Waterloo " gum eaaltuetor. Tho tattoo II under the all-pica of Lieut- ennnt Fred Job-on and the Beruttei11o municipal band. St. Jerome’s Priest Dies After Crash Fsther meter was born ln Kitch- ener on April 26, 1876, and went to Route in 1896 to study theology. He was ordained In Kitchener in 1911 and had served on the out! of st. Llerome's College tor a number ot yearn as master of novices. retlrlng in 1929. 'For a few years Father Klefer had been on the stall ot St. Inn’s Col- lege in Kentucky. In. I; i. fiiuGuaV'iiiGiiiui. Ihi1hiele Greets Belleville Band Father water annex-ed a mound right leg just baby the knee and had ButNred trom shock. The Utter was said to have been one of the contributing actors to his death. Surviving ard two brothers, Mat- thew and mound one-ahter, Nora, all or Kitchener. Cronin was evaded the T. W. Sm cup for the best batting avenge in the Southweetern On- tario Cricket League, and Young- mn received the Hurry Deere trophy for highest bowling nvenge. Captain Jim Hebeod made the pre- mutation. A vote of thanks wss psssed to Mr. Y. W. Seagram whose otter to outBt the members of the team next yen- with bluers was accepted. The Waterloo Club his won the Western Ontario ehnmpiomhip for ttve successive years. Cricket Champs Are Honoured than Cronin Ind Arthur Young- mnn were presented with trophies emblematic of outstanding work in cricket games played this summon. when members of the anloo Cricket Club glthered at Forestl 2ll, Gardens, Kitchener, on Friday, n t. ' rkitehener.---gohn Momomk, Kitch- ener, appeared in police court here Wednesday on a charge ot bribery 'and was remanded for a week. Chantal-den Night Classes 1 Begin Tonight K.-W. Collegiate Expects Good , Elmira; 9f__Studenls at tel-loo, the handling permit ulna-t hell; not at 835,000. The theatre. whim wlll on m ly star the new you, will an. 700 per-om. n n helm; around. by tho Theatre Holding Corporation of yo. ronto. Local labor In bola; In! a Mr " pot-lbw. _ That Waterloo men are not "tr. leru when tt comes to working. ll - by the lane number of not who and shout viewlng the work and: dar, and who kayo asking the oil- ch): tor work. About 26 won on hand on Friday. IKMeheaurr.-imintt study clam open at the -K_-W. Collegiate and Vo- oulonnl school tonight, according to an announcement made by E. W. Brown, collegiate Board wereâ€. Cont-ea in was and honor untri- cnlsuon, in regular [min-mu and commercial cannon. clause. tn In;- li-h tor new Canadian and - in Home Nursing, Fir-t Aid tor Ian and Women and others will Noland it the minimum required number ro. sinur tor the classes. mt†fees for chuc- m a.†tor and: clan, with $1.00 refunded next spring It the ltndont am so per cent ot the lecturel. Prarton.--0trmtu induction of Rev. B. H. Brownlee, tormerly of Stroll:- my, " rector of St. John's Anglican Church, Preston. was held hm Thursday, with Venerable Archdea- con A. L. G. Clarke of Braattord ottb clatlng. The vacancy was created by the acceptance ot the charge ot All Saints' Church, Hamilton, by Rev. lWalter Bagmm. _ of Kitchener 3 ml? by; Mon of a new than. tn " MINI8TER l8 INDUOTED IN PRESTON CHURCH YOU'LL ENJOY READING The Chronicle is now coming to subscribers twice a week. late and better news at no Increase In lub- ecriptlon price. DOLLARS SAVED Yes, Chronicle readers will; save dollars in purchases by reading the advertisements in this issue. Real values for men, women, hon and girls. TPm “in." chads their on British made Pencil " Sheet Linen PM RegularPrice.....25c 'Nta"etru1nrPtiee.7S, $31.39c L J. KLOPP that...“ I’M-.444 - NAM Paul" and Pencil New Theatre SPECIAL PAGE NINE