b til)lllllilliiitll0lllllllll©ll,,, Dufferin Track Opens Saturday Popular Toronto Race Course Will Wind Up 1936 Season. Just 01w more meeting, that at 19tttt'tujtt Park starting this Saturday, October' 17th up to and including Saturday. October 24th and the Cam :uiiun running rat-e season ot 1936 tOHIPS to an end. it is fitting that the turmiu should be rung down at To. I'mttu's popular half-mile course for it in in a class, by itself. There is no other track like it the world over. All the old types of wages will be in vogue at Ouirerin these includ- ing the $2 DAILY DOUBLE on the first and second races daily, the one- dollar combine two ways and three Rays, and the "nought-one-one", which is a dollar for place and a sim- ilar amount for show. On all races the |'4').'llii|r two-dollar minimum wa- m-I' will ht- in emu-t. Weekdays there will ho fro“ admission to tho irytltyld Him the Mth race. With the close or the Long Branch raving on Wednesday, Octobert14th, all the horses éompaigning there will Lo shipped to Dufferin Park and those already stabled there, the Dufterin halt-mile track will be filled to capa~ city with horses. “Constable you'd better lock me up. I've hit my wifo on tho head with il coal hammer." "Have you killed her?" "I don't think BO. That's why I want to be locked up." QHWE E Kitchener's Reliable Optometrists for Over 12 Years. 'r-; $19!:ijungupummm"mumpgMy!!!IIInannyILuQIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIummnquugE To C.N R. Stations in MARITIME PROVINCES Prov. of Quebec; New Brunnwick; Prince Edward Inland: Nova Scoli- OCT. 23 and 2.l - To OTTAW'A $6.20: MONTREAL $7.25: (U'EHEC (‘ITY $l0.30; STE. ANNE DE BEAl'PRE '11.10 ROUND TRIP FARES Bargain Fares Oct. 22 From Kitchener rlfkr‘i’ Farm. Tuan Limit, and Informnlinn from Annâ€: M kitrhroer. Gall. "rival-r, Prrrtom. Elmirl or thvloo. A~k for Hamlin†T'ITSA All Ayn"- lor putkulnn of (mud-'- M-plo Loaf Corttrst, Von any win "0000 with on. loll! 7 .. Races Daily - 7 Saturday, Oct. 17th Saturday, Oct. 24th GUARANTEED WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Admission $1.00 plus tax. Located in Steele's Optical Parlors. " King St. W. .. Kitehemor 24 Kutl., - __19fCir" W. Dufferin Park RUNNINI} MMS CANADIAN NATIONAI2 Herman Lippert Stores Fall Top Coats FINAL MEETING OF 1936 Post time -- 1.45 pan. KITCHENER From \Tirluh Mm "old In all ntljntani RN]! Sunny“) To pair ot Men's Odd Trout. . real values, " -“. $1.95 to ‘5... "sTilEMiL'S" I Gail's goal line was threatened ear, ly in the game when K.-W. recovered " him-ken kick on the Gait " but line: the ball on penalties. A few minutes later Weseioh opened the M'Oi'lllg with a kick to the deadline for the first point. Gaining possession at centre field K.-W. plunged twice tor yards, get- ting the sticks a third time to the Galt 22 on a Gait oaside penalty. One or the neatest runs of the game came next when K.-W. faked a left extension run and Weaeloh galloped alone around the short end for 22 yards and a touchdown which he con- verted on a placement kick. Good Glasses " King St. W. - KITCHENER In the second quarter K.-W. hemmed Gait up in their end after Galt kicks went for short distances. Two Galt penalties moved the visi- tors buck defending on their own 25 from where Bean and Malckess plunged tor yards ,and a second at. lmnm to gain yards lost the ball to Halt on the latter's 5. Baxter ran he Cult kick back to Galt'B 35, plunged and a penalty to Galt moved who hall to the Gait 7 and Stecho scampered amass for a major score Inn a cutback play ,which Weielah i converted. Continuing to sweep all opposition from their paths the Kitchener-WI- terloo Callaghan Junior Busby team on Saturday turned back the Gait School's squad by a more of 13-0, thereby further adding to their lead in the group standing Jhree straight wins giving the locals a total of 6 points to I tor the Emotion! “and. With a tstitt wind cutting across the tield and a heavy downpour tall- ing just before the Junior game open- ed, the tirtst battle saw many (nimble: with the slippery ball. None or them contributed directly to scores, how- ever, but they meant heavy losses of yardage. Penalties also proved cost- ly, especially to K.-W. Juniors, pen- alties tor ofNides on line play and for forward passes on extension: coating thens a total or 75 yards durlng the game to a total loss ot 50 yards for the visitors, Tum Bud: Cellar Holden by 13-0 Score on Saturday. In the second halt of Saturday! doubleheader the K.-W. Seniors de- feated York Memorial Collegiate of Toronto io the tune of 24-1 in an "xhibiti6n game, played to keep the local tseniors in condition glues Gall has no senior squad {his year. IL-W. JUNIORS HEAD GROUP AFTER WIN tmill SALT TEAM K.-W. enjoyed a wide margin on the afternoon's play over Galt, mov~ ing the yardsticks eighteen times to twice for the visitors. A Lorentz to Lambms forward a lot or new runmlyt to take ttte near the half way mark went tor 25 ball off the danger line. yards to K.-W.'s 7. but the threat â€"â€" \.:I< removed when time expired. Tho virsitot's were kept in their own _ Half Time 13At q Halt“ most of the next two periods. Play opened up in the second half Suhstnntial gains for both teams an Gait went into the air to gain went for naught when penalties were grounds, but only one pass for 15 administered forcing many puntiag yards was completed in 5 attempts. exchanges: Neither team's goal line IC-W. tried 4 forwards, all failing. was threatened seriously. '"---csra.-.--ir-cra---iara--a-c---c.By MacDOUGALL a.------..---.---.--, PENALTIES AND FUMBLES PLENTIFUL K.-W. Collegiate's two rugby teams again proved on Saturday their superiority over other squads in their groupings. The juniors turned back Cult 13 to 0 a low score over a team which has yet to win its Brat game. The score would have been larger but for many costly fumbles and penalties. Several times the local lads were in scoring position and were penalized for oftsides, losing the ball on having to kick. Gait fielded a smart baekfield, but their line was weak. K.-W. linemen said after the game they eouldn't do anything with Galt wingmen, since they moved back on the defense to the 3 yard interference limit out of reach of the locals, and then came upfo stop plunges. . Forwhrd passes enjoyéd a poor. afGrnoon, the locals trying five and completing one and Galt trying six and completing two for a total of 40_ytutdr. _ - q _ - _ _ A _ _ Speaking of forward passes, a local sport enthusiast who saw the Varsity-Western game at London on Saturday, states that Western had Varsity baffled with their aerial attack. Practically all passes in the flrat three quarters tried by the Mustangs were short c, yard attempts, most of them being completed. This is the American style of passing and Bill Storen certainly has his attack clicking. Moore and Palmer, who starred for McMaster last year, are the mainstays of the Western back- fteld, Moore outkicking the giant lots lgbistgr on the afternoon's play. The wrestling match staged at the Kitchener park pavilion last Thursday night almost saw the main bout between Turf Grimes and Ivan Rasputin declared a draw. Referee Courtis had a job on his hands keeping the wrestlers in the ring, and late in the bout starting counting when both grapplers were outside the ropes. Grimes managed to get back into the ring for be declared the winner. 7 q - lncidentallnyrimes asked for plenty in the bout but couldn’t get enough. One of these days the matehmlskers will pair him with n wildcat and he'll holler bt 'at's enuf". Local representatives of the Hamilton Sporting Club have another good show on tap tonight, also at the park pavilion. It may be the last there, as all parties concerned aren't enthusiastic over the new location for the matches. BOOST Y. M. CLUB RINK EFFORTS Waterloo Young Men's Club needs every encouragement in their drive to raise funds for hockey rinks in Waterloo, and citizens nro‘asked to purchase tickets on a chair which has very kindly been donated by Snyders Limited. The Club is planning construction of a rink on Charles street to serve the south end of the town this winter. Postmaster Clayton Dotzert has already organized for the coming hockey season and is enlarging his outdoor rink in the north ward. the best place to get @SPORTSW QRAPPLERS GRAPPLE our or RING Brantford Guelph .... Galt ..we_.t. 0. 'K-W. ('. I. Brantford Guelph .p__ Western Canada Canton-one. Winnipeg ........23 Calgary .......... St. Jerome's Beaten by Stratford kitehener.-St. Jerome's college senior rugby team took I heating from the Stratford senior W. O. S. S. A. players here last Wednesday at Victoria Park, when they ended on the small side of a 49-0 score. From the beginning the Stratford team, which fought its way into the semi-finals last year with much the same personnel, played the often- sive against the inexperienced Kit- chener team. K.-W. Br. ..,.......M York Me, Games played on Monday: 0.R.F.U. unloa- Balmy Beach ..10 Sarah: .. Star of the winners was Benn, whose kicking counted for a large part of the score. The visitors were adept with the forward pass, open- ing up the game from the beginning. Miller, Kitchener quarter-back, was star of his team, turning in a nice kicking job, and taking every advantage for broken field running. Don Meagher, also quarterback, did a lot of field running to take the ball off the danger line. Tho via-item were kept In their own Huh“ most of the next two periods. Suhstnntial gains for both teams went for naught when penalties were administered forcing many .punting Mr and Mt'R, David Weber and rlauzhtnrs Susanna and Rebecca Spf‘nt Sunday at My: and Mrs. Israel Wr?tstur and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Frey m nnnr Elmira. Mr. and Mrs M. Bauman and daughter Nancy and son Clayton apt)!!! the week-ond with tho Sham: family m Dumtriea. Mr, and Mrs. Nahtaniei C. Martin and family of noar St. Jacobs spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Noah Mar. tin It r. and Mrs Norman Stevens and rumily upon! Sunday with the latter- pnrontn, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ruler of ttear Glenalleu. Miss Marion Rutherford of the Third or Pool upon! Snndny with in: min Ill tho VHIIIK“. The wrvirn at thn United (hIIrch “ill lw hl‘lt] at nino thirty Rundly mmninz \inmm- Irvin Hrnlmchnr is sick "ith ihn "wash": at prorwnt‘ Micg Anzolino Martin and brother l-‘rnnl spont Thanksgiving with their tuothor In Elmira. Mr Sydney Snider and dtuuthter Addie spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Nolson snider ot Waterioo. Tho badlm' Aid of the Unltod I hurrh wna held at the homo of Mm Em nannrd on Tuesday afternoon. Rugby Scores RUGBY STANDING Interscholastic Luau. Senior HAWKESVILLE Junior lusting]! ans The Prowl In. an"! In: dc (unduly. Ir-oil bm"ttrq " seotratottttq wmmm gut portly m Hm on m mu own-Ion the mac- Ill- dledttMrttatiqaittt val-03m» tsto, their manna AM to "otoetridofitstooon-ttt% r. Nd: remand In nova-u (unblo- w 1th the whiten pining WI ot the bull. , haul-d Plum was“ .nmm-zqmnm» emu; an. a thou-lam 1tcttMyft+ all†tut Kitettmter.-IT'win City basketball teams which play in various leagues during the winter season with be given an opportunity to develop an- terial in the [all month], by the tor. mation last week of a new Twin City Basketball league. Council took no action on the suggestion ot the Waterloo Cricket Club that the town outfit them with caps at a coat ot 826 tor next season's play, as recognition ot the favorable advertising brought to Waterloo through the club's winning the Western Ontario Cricket League championship tor tive straight years. Council was very favorable to the suggestion but decided to leave the matter to the 1937 council. laat WM. 11. van-- an “my mu Mo.rtert " 9- New Basketball St. Jerome's College and low. Collegiate, who play in WOEBA. leagues, Y.MAJ.A. and Waterloo Col- lege which play OlB.A. games and St. Mary's A. C. and the Mutual Life will comprise the new league which opens this Saturday on the YlM.C.A. floor and winds up at Christmas. who helium of. - ir well In. to Pro-ton armory but no at my†CRICKET CLUB ASKS RECOGNITION, DEFERRED Harvey Watson, 30, is in the Belle- ville General Hospital, with a com- pound fracture of the right leg sun- mined when he was struck by a car driven by Mr. Sutherland at Ohio. formerly of Ohio, on No. 2 hlghway in Eastern Ontario late Saturday night. " _ 'rHfrf" Leg Fractured When Thrown by Car Returning home with Medan. H. B. and Glen Huck otElmira from the International Plowing match at Corn. wall the Haack track was ditched, and It was while a tractor was back- ing into position to tow it out that the Sutherland car is said to have struck Watson, throwing hlm some 15 feet. Elmira Notes. Mr. and Mrs. W. Klinckman and Gon were holiday visitors at Poww- sun. Thanksgiving day visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Menno Mir ler were Mr. and Mrs. W. o. Clem- mer and daughter Doreen of Queens- ville, Mr and Mrs. W. Boden and three children of Mount Albert. Miss Georgina (mks of Toronto spent the week-end at her home In town. Mrs. Roy Zilliax of Gravenhurst is visiting at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Zilliax. A visitor at the home ot Mrs. Ro- hert Buyers is Miss Clara Ovens of Toronto. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Weber and family and Miss Ruth .Eisenbach visited relatives at Southampton on 'Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stuckey. E1- mira announce the engagement of their only daughter Ethel Bernice to Mr Walter C. Haggarty. son ot Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haggarty, Drayton, Ont., tho marriage to take place about the middle ot October. Mr. A. Finch has secured a posi- tion at Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Arnold and daughter Joan of (Kitchener were guests ot friends here over the holr day. Miss Mary Brennan attended the teachers' ponvontlon at Kitchener on Thursdayrand Frrday. - - Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dorscht and daughter Agnes and non Leander visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mm. John Stealer. Ayr. Mr. and Mrs. Linus )Kiuwotter and son Harold of Gait visited here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernlo Kumpt and family, Mr. and Mrs, Herb Mosbur- gor and family of Kitchener, Mr. and Mm. Egidlun Moaburger and Mr. Aim: Moahurger visited on Sunday at tho home of Mr. Clayton Steiner. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rudy of Whterloo and Miss Eloise Gingerich of Guern- sey. sank, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kaufman on Thanksgiving. We can an find something to boast or-with some. It's a chronic allmont. Don't tortret--Nirt Ming a boss dogen't mean that you‘re a big exe- rutlva Can't Sleep It must be the nerves---tired, ex- hausted, irritable nerves. You nerd Dr. Chan's Nerve Food to "More hem {one to the system. It is the ttme-proven depen :th mtontive. _ new. NERVE FOOD Rugby Gttmes BAMBIRG Formed That physical and mental activity is conducive to longevity seems to be evidenced by a resume ot the work performed by Rev. Walker during hie fifty-seven years in the ministry. During that time he has preadmd 7.000 sermons, paid 10,000 pastoral visits and travelled, chiefly with a horse and buggy, over 120,000 milel. A lover or good literature he has read during the past twenty years over 980 books, comprising the beat works in religion, history and fiction. Haycvllle w. l. Moots. On Wednesday afternoon the' Hays- ‘viile Women'a Institute held their ireguiar monthly meeting at the home 10! Mrs. Ed. Schiedel. Mrs. E. Z. Mo- lintyre, the president, presided. At. iter opening the meeting in the usual (manner, with the singing of the opening ode and repeating the Lord's lPrayer in unison, each responded to the roll call by giving a Health Habit one ehOuld practice dalir. Mrs. L. E. Weaver of 'Hespeler, president ot ,the Freeport sanatorium was the iguest speaker of the afternoon. She gave a most interesting and inform- jing talk on health. especially Tm., iand also spoke on the great work -that is being done by the staff ot lthe Freeport Sanatorium. She urged ;everyone to visit the Banatorium ',whenever possible and spread a little ’cheer among the patients. Mrs. Ralph Hiiborn then favored with a piano instrumental after which Mrs. J. Weideitold of New ‘Hamburg gave a humorous reading fentitled, “Mrs. Snoddy's Diet". Mrs. T. E. Cowan of Gait. the district pre- taident, was also present at the meet- .ing and gave a short talk on the "Ohtective of the Institute", which is to uplift the home. Mrs. P. Weick- er then gave a. reading, "On Being Clintcked". The meeting closed with ithe National Anthem after which a dainty tea was served by the hostess and her assistants. Bible Class Hold Meeting. Rev. Wm. Walker, teacher ot the Ever Ready Bible Chas ot Bethel United church was the recipient ot congratulations and best. wishes of his clam on Friday evening, Oct. 9, at the home of Mr. Jun: Diamond. Mr. Walker, who, recently passed his eightleth milestone, was present- ed with a year's subscription to the Reader's Digest. Pastor Has Preached 7,000 Sermons In 57 Years' Service in Ministry On Friday evening, the Ever Ready Bible Class ot Bethel United Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mr. John Diamond. The pre- sident, Mr. Ralph Hiiborn, presided. Rev. H. w. Hagelstein conducted the Bible Study on 'the Book of Revela- tions". The roll call was well re- sponded to with a Thanksgiving thought. Mrs. John Facey gave Cur- rent Events after which Mr. Edward Klinckman gave a paper on “Octo- ber", Mrs.. Mervin Pacer and Mrs. Irvin Hesse then favored with a vo- cal duet after which Mr. W. H. Dia- mond gave an address on “Present Day Politics". The social half-hour was in (marge of Mrs. S. Brinker after which delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and her assistants. Personals. 'Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bean were: Mrs. Wm. Robin, son, Mrs. George Wray and son Jack of Mlllbank. Miss Carrie Robinson of Hamllton and Miss Clara Gordon of Lott Angeles, Gain, the latter re- maining tor sworn] days with Mr. and Mrs. Bean. Mrs. S. Brinker accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Klinckman and son Konnoth of EImlra to Powasmn whom thoy spent the wteh-end. Wpek-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Zones (‘rmsman were: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shanty. and family of Preston. Mr. and Mm Lloyd Burk. hardi and family of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs Ahnor Mussolmnn and fam- ily of St. Jacobs and Miss Agnes Marlin oivEdson, Alberta Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Bean and iam- ily or Toronto visited with the tor- mor‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bean on Saturday. Mr. Ellworth Bean spent the week- end In Cllnttyn attending a convention of tho London (‘nnforoncn Young Ponplo'a Union ot the United Church. Mr. and Mrs, Abner Brubacher and family aecompaniod by Mr. and Mrs. Abner Crosaman spent Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs, Menno Bru- haeher of near Hoidelhertt. A nnmhor trom tho community ab 1":le tha funeral of the late Daniel sham: at Pino Hill on Rundtty after- noon. Nr. and Mm. Porcy Weicker and family spent tho wank-end with the latter's brother. Mr. and Mrs Ken- th Kalbflolach at Oshnm. Mm Isabel Davidson. teacher at R S. 4. Wilmot, attended the tenchnm' mnvontlon at Wan-rim on Thur-any and Friday. Mr, and Mm A E. "can and fam- ll) viallod wlth Mr and Mrs. Clar- onr‘n HaYImnn of nonr Plnllnllln on \Vndnmdny owning “M: In")?! (‘roumnn visited with ,\'ra Ahram (Tasman of nom- Plann- vino nn Sunday. Last Call C A P L I N G 's Great Removal Get Your Share of the Bargains 126 King St SOUTH-WEST WILMOT Giir" GapIing’s Mr. and Mrs. Abner Muuelman ot New Jerusalem, Miss Agnes Martin of Edison. Alberta, were Friday vial- tors with Mr, and Mrs. Emmemon Lichty. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Burkhart of New Jerusalem visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. t Ott, Sunday. Mr. George Snyder of Windsor Miss Dorothy Renter ot Kitdiener were holiday visitors with Mr. and Wins. Ed. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Mogk, Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gains] and tam- ily of West Montmse visited with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence soehner Sunday. Mr. Addison B. Snyder of Maple Grove is spending a short time with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Yanchus and Miss Bony ot Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Class and Paul of Kitchener were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Class. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Snyder, Billie and Florence of Moort6eld spent Sunday with air. and Mrs. Pull Bow- man A large audience enjoyed the pro- gram given by the "Mlsslssippl Four" In the Evangelical Chm-d: Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Bauman, Gladys and carol spent Thanks†ing Day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter !Burlrholder at Markham. tBanns were proclaimed on Sunday for Hannah. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry Gingrich, Floradale, and Mr. Orville “Martin, son ot Mr. and Mn. Manasseh Martin ot Hawkeaville. The wedding will take place the 28th day of Oct. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wagner and family from Kitchener visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heise. Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Wagner and daughter Esther called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Wagner in Hel- dolberg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Wagner and daughter were Thanksgiving guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Bren- nemau in New Hamburg. Although heavy frosts have re. mained in abeyance until recently, there remain still plenty of potatoes to be dug out. Despite most potato acreage having a hard time this summer, this mief table diet turned out to he a normal crop in many cases. with fine quality spuds. Mr. A. G. Wagner has one that weighs 2 ihs.. of the Hustler variety. Mr. and Mrs. Alex ‘Hughston trom Newmarket, Ont., paid a visit over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Habermehl; MIN'I AND 'OYI' WILD A good number ot our citizens at. tended the funeral on Friday in Wei- iesiey of the late Gustav Woiwade. who was well known as a tailor. mu- sician and music tea'cher. Big Potatoe. Mr. and Mrs, Noah E. Miller and family were Thanksgiving Day guests of friends at Amulree, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence stricker and son Franklin of Kitchener, 'Mr. and Mrs. William snicker ot Breelnu and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Kinzle and daughter Ruth ot Elmira were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Mau- rer. Mr. Thomas Main and his daugh- ter Dorothy and son Clifford of Up- per Pilkington visited her on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Stanza. “invent visitors at the home or Mr, and Mrit. Walter Maurer were: Mr. John Humor and Master Glen He. bol of Brldgport, Misses Mildred Weaver and Lillian Wanton of Kitdt, ener, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dealer and family. The "Mississippi Pour" a quartette of colored singers favored the con- gregatlon of the Evangelical church with a program of song on Sunday afternoon. ME. and" Mrs. Edmund Schwlndt en. Joyed Thanksgiving dinner wlth Mr, and Mm, Edward Main m Kitchener NORTH WOOLWICH BERLET’S CORNER FLORADALI Park Pasrilion,Thyrsdar, Oct. 1 5, 8:30 p. m. Prison too In“. Sun. Bttrt Rina-Ida. me; â€In Stbe. Tu trtetoV--H.miitort 8’0"an Club. George Hills. Muslin-in wfCiimirt BROOKS vs. TONY FALLET’I‘I PAUL WEIDENER vs. BABE KASABOSKI Fat ling-Mp Sn! Inuvnlon- Phone In Wrd. or Thu" Turf. Grimes vs. Oki Shikina SEMI-FINAL --e 1 Falls Out nl 3 - " Minot. Lila" PRELIMINARY - Ono Full AA so Minn" Time Linn MAIN BOUT - 2 rllll oot ol 3 -- 90 Minute Limit iiitiiiil"iit; EXHIBITION Rev. Oscar Burkholder had chase of the Thanksgiving service at the Ore-31mm Mennonite Church on Sun- dar. Mm. Harvey Quanu or Markham called on relative: here recently. 'Recent visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sander were: Mr. and (Mrs. Henry shinbein and children Lorne, Lyle and Ruby and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Krutz all of Gowanstown. Mr. and Mm. Allan Brubacher and son Delton and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brubacher and mildren Jean and Douglas of this village. Mrs. Charles Sweet of Kenmon, N.Y., Miss Pearl Heist, Mrs. John Schrumm and non Jimmy all of Preston. Mr. Lloyd Pomery and Min Mil- dred Reichert ot Budgeyort open Monday evening with Mr. Ind Mn. Cecil Mailer. Mrs. Annie Hutchings ot lie-polar is spending the week with Mrs. Roy Schiedel. The Misses Min. Rose and Linda Binder were the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Ire Buachart on Monday. Masters Howard and Ward Det- weiler and little Miss Ruby and Nor- ma Detwefher of Riverbank spent the week-end with Miss Alble Detweller. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Schiedel have taken up residence in, Klpchener: __ Mr. s. B. Grimes at the Canada Sandpaper Company is eotttined to his home owing to illness. - Mr. and MA. John Holm and daughter Mildred have returned trom holidaying in Northern Ontario. Harold tRixon, our Bank Teller ttap been moved to Bradford. Ever-yank joins in hoping Harold has a succeu~ ful career. Mrs. Ahiah Shantz, sons Nile and Cameron and daughter Jewel accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sham: were recent visitors with friends in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shelby )0! Bright were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shunt: over the holiday. Friends of little Bobby McKee will regret to hear that he has had an operation on his ear, and we wish him a speedy recovery. The Women's Auxiliary held a quilting in the Sunday School rooms last Wednesday. After ttnMting two quilts a dainty lunch was served. Dr. and Mrs. .Hussar. London. and son Carlyle of Toronto, Mr. and mm. Everett Coghlln and daughters Phyl- lis and June of Atwood were visitors at Mr. Geo. Coghliu's Thanksgiving Mr. and' Mrs/Lloyd Spicer sit T6- mnto were holiday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kelly. Dr. Frank and Mr. Wm. Lowrie of Toronto spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. M. A. Inwrie, who, we are pleased to report, is much improved and is leaving Tues- day to spend the winter months with her daughter, Mrs Bert Smith and family in Toronto. Phone 2777\v. " Ontario St. S. KITCHENER Chant!“ "Where Sportsmen Meet" 50 King St. S. - Waterloo Pipe: an" They ILW. Pate: Electric to. Dl-lributon M" lug. W.. Kink-not By Makers of Cundn'n Telephonn KITCHEN-ZR THE HUB PLATTSVI LLB ORDON’S ooo m5 Satisfy MILLBANK Tobacco.