Heavy Draught (Open) . Brood mare and foal, Wallace; foal, McClure Bros., Wallace; ï¬lly or gelding, one year, Taylor; filly or gelding. two years, A. Allan, N. Shantz; agricultural brood mare and foal, IMef'ltwe, C. W. Kent, Veitch; mal, S. Coulbeck and Son, Fried and Son. Veitch; filly or gelding, one year, McClure, Wallace; filly or geld- ing, two years, C. Douglas, J. Watson, Lerch; filly or gelding. one year, W. Lanslrervy. Green hunters control/g-A?. Col- beck and Son, May's Farm. H. G. Tillman. Paddock 1special--scott. Ivan Hen derson, T. Brodhuecker. 'Colt. one ypltt' old -lflitag Bram. Brown. Silver, Christan; H. Behalf. 73101.. Delivery ttor-put-'. “on, Canada Bread , And t, Dixon Inky. single any ttor-Winter' Bro. mauor. Ju. Erma-n l LadltW ttunter-GL H. mic, Moulding, H. G. Tillman, Mn. Linn. [Adler saddler-Prtir, Bunlhine Stables. L M. savage, K. manner. 'Ruad hack elatur-Mr. 1.:ch 'ipvatge, Mina Jean Nichol, Dough: Fairchild. Frances Ii'trlrettild, In. A. ll. Linn. It. A. Savage. ' Green performance - Thur-ton, Schaeuer, Mrs Linn, Adam Butter. Harness tandemss--wauaeq Inn- roe. Stralhlyn Purina, Moll-nu. Brood mare, with toat-John R. Svhambers, Archie Scott. F'oal- -Schambers. Scott. Filly or gelding, one year otd-- Stilamber. w. Wallace. Foal c. w. Kent, H. Ollvor, M t', Mulholland. Filly or gelding, 1 year old-q, Luvlshurzz. C. Douglas 2 and 3. Filly ul' goldlngHB. J. Markle & "ou. c. Douglass y. and 3. 3 73'9sz oidL-t. W. Kent. 8. Colbeck & Son. J. Chester. Middle and heavy "ntertr--W. tt. Moulding Clark-ton; w. J. Tim ton. Btrattord; A. \Bullet, Mutter; Thurllon. Ladies' ttuntemr-W. H. W10. Thurston, mu Annie Mb. In. Linn. Single high tstepper-wait- Min, me. stralhlyn Farms Simcoe; Jain P, McKann, R. Prlnxle. Filly or gelding. 2 yvars old Wm Wallace, Get of sire-Wat. Wallace. Progeny ot dam--Schamhers, Wal, "mod mare with toal--%. Marshall It. J. Markle & Son. Percheron Stallion. 3 years and ovtyr--4Haag Bros.. Paris. and 3; Miss Wllks. 'Brood mare with roal-Haas Bros, It. J. Brown 2 and 3. 1Poai--R. J. Brown, Hans. Bram A Sutherland. 'Colt, 2 year old-Mom Wilks, Haas Bron, Brown. T Get of sire 4Haas Bros., Beckett Estate. Alison Farms Silver Cue-Maas “ms. uuu tusourrd-at. ll. â€Inch, " route; In. A. It Mu. out; Bag. Clydud-lo Stallion, 3 years old and over-leo, M, Paddock. Haas Bros. Bpeeiat-:Beckett Es- tate 1 and 3, C. Douglas. R. J. Brown. Progeny or dam4Haas Bros. l, Beckett Estate 3. Inn-00d mare-C. W. Kent, C. Doug- las. W. B. Reid and Son; (cal, Kent. Reid and Son. D. Otto and Sons; one or 2-ynar-old, Kent. Springuslde Farm, W. Ferguson; 3 animals, get ot sire, Springslde Farm. C. w. Kent, pro- gmly of dam. J. Lerch. Qprlngslde Farm. J. S. Knapp. Roadster. Standard bred 'stallion-Dr. Foster W. Souroen; brood mare in foal, Dr. Fostvr, A. Deans and Son, W. Sou- rppn; foul. K. W. Fawn. Dr. Poster, W, n. Reid and Son; one or 2-year- old. K. w. Fawn. A. Dnnns and Son, J. u',. Knapp; l animals. Dr. Foster. w., Source"; progeny of dam, Dr. Fnslnr. K. W. Pawn, J. D. Murray. In ce Livestock Prizé List At Galt Fall Fair RIGHT TIME %kiskeu,tietihetimlast Roe l ompluc LA"... Malia and Com-unnu- " Inf-Iain lbw-dam health nuumnm r" pmduction oi High Quality can. . Rm Ind: an hill on I choice whole pain but of Com, When. My. Mh arolullv rho."- fresh high Why Proeeiew,--thied B-sri', White PM Meal, Vncumn Dned Meat Meat, rich m All-ll: lat. high in Guam; Cane Molina. Super PM Foeofud Cod Liver Oil. mined and blended artfully and packed in dun. new In... But he. of all. Roe Feeds Me hily peiced--S.tuuerorv feed for the MI. Bun Protit lot the Feeder " vow In!" to.do MASTER MILLING co. - KITCHENER M. L. WEBER - . ST. JACOBS J. LOTZ . - WILLEBLEY Waggon Harnes- Represented Lac-"y by nu“ Angu- Bull, a years and ovqr-iraed Btu... Arnold Hem-non and .00; Bull ,earlti-Framu 3m; Butt can .r--lhtward. Bro... Arnold McKinnon um Sol; Bull a.“ tr-- Arnold IuKlnuou and Son, “in! Bro-5.. Cow~FAwudl Bram, t m 8, luKlnnon Ind Son; Heller , yr. our-Ed-u Bron, loin-non m Song 2 and 2; Halter Y-ttna-IM- ward. Bron; Helm younlg tr-Me Klnnou and son, Mdwaedq Berk.; “alter out sr-Bora". Bros. no Klnuon and Son; Heller (all tr-IM- ward-s Bron. Maximum and Son; Herd at polled lulu tr. and "--qM. wards amt. McKinnon and Son; get of Bire-9"dwardis Brat, luKinnon and Son; Progeny ot dam-aM-hs Bun, Makhuton and Son; Two heir. err-Edwards Brut. McKinnon an! Jiull. 2 years and oven L, 11 We ber, Capt. J. L. Young. Bull, yearlkur-u B. Weber. Hull calf, Jr.--lapt. Young 1 and 4, H. Snider, Knapp. Cow In miik--4Upt. Young 1 and s, Weber, Knapp. Cow not hi milk-Weber, Snider, Knapp. Heifer, 2 years-- Snider, Weber 2 and 4. Young. Heifer. yearling -Weber. Snider, Progeny ot Diamond. Young. rest. Rodger. Heifer calf tsr.-4htider, Knapp. , Two heltel Heiter calf, Jr.--ieber 1 and s, Forrest. Snider, Young. I Herd, sr.-Yoang, Weber. I rMttll. two yt Herd, jr.~Snidm-_ Weber, Knapp. Black Estate. Get or air» "o'alder. Weber, Young, Hull, yearlh Knapp. , Hull can; u mm calt sp-Mot-due. Rolls. Moll- wraith, Bull rulr jun AHOIISI' or Refuge, 'Mordue. Cow in milk---Mcilwraith 1 and 3, lnnes.. C "BN 'h'"'. "an"... m...“ * ...... .,. ' Blltoherm Mellwralth. l Oxfords ‘llt-ife-r calf. sr.~lnn¢>s_ lelwralth. Rant, P. T. Lee. I and '3; R. Blackl Roth, Mordue. and Son. . HelMr rail. Jr.--lnues, Mal-duo. Shearling, Lee 1 and 3; Black _ House or Refuge, Roth. Lamb, Black and Son 1 and 4; Hard, tsr.--Hnnes, McIlwralth, Motu Lee 2 and 3. due. House of Refuge. I Ewe, Black and Son, Lee , and G. Herd: Jr.-9hmwraith, Mordue, Ewe shearnng. Lee 1 and 2; Black House of Refuge. ‘and Son. Get of sire-Innes, Mellwraith, Ewe lamb, Black and Son 1. 3, c. House ot Refuge, Butcher. Lee 2. ' Progeny of darn-Innes, Moll. Pen lambs, Black and Son. Lee. wraith, Mordue. Butcher. I Pen. Lee. Black and Son. I " Jersey. _ "ull. 2 years and over -G. W. 1ttmstr, I. L. Morduo. House of Refuge. Bull, yearlmr--Mm. C. Mollwraith, II. S. Mailman. Cow not in miik--innea, Mordue, Mellwraith. Heifer, 2 years old-Innes, Mell- wraith 2 and 4, Mordue. Two hoirm-s 41.111109, Mollwraittt, Home of Refuge, Butcher. Houtein Frieslan Bull, 2 yam-s and ovot-,FYied & Ron, Bean, Schmidt. _ Inn", yeiming-Bean, Martin and Schweitzer. C. MacDonald. l’rogwly of dant--Suider, Weber, Young, Knapp. Two 'heifevs---suldev, Welter, Young, Knapp. Champion bull-Weber. (‘hamplnn tow-Young. lHNter, yearling--4nnees I and 2, Butcher": Mellwraith. Ttuit calf, esr.-4Hart, Schmidt, Bean 3 and 4. Fried. Bull calf. 'tv-Schmidt, Snider and Sons. Halter can. srv-jehmidt 1 and 3, T. Thomson, Snider. - Coir in milk- -Snider, Hart 2 and 4, Fried. Heller, Jr.-FYied I and 2, Snider, Schmidt. Heifer! calf, ".--Schmidt. Fried. Snider, Bean. ‘Hord. Br.--uF'ried, Schmidt, Bean. Mord, Jiv--aF'riM, Schmidt, Snider. "art. Got of sire-tHart, Griffin and Son, s'uunidt, Snider. 500w not in milk-Hart, Schmidt, Fried 3 and 4, Snider. - Heifer 2 years old-Fried 1 and 2, Schmidt. Bean. vrosr,oiay or dam Marl, s'chmidt Fr'iod. Snider. Two heifers~ Prim] Schmidt, Hart. Bean. Hoifer, .veaninq Snider, Pripd MacDonald. Bean. BATTLE AynMn Young, null, yearling, Black Butte. I Hull calf, an. McIntyre. Welter, Bull can. jr., McIntyre 1 and s. I Cow, three years and over, Black. Welter, McIntyre, Black. l Heller, two years and over, Me. Imyro, Black Estate. i Holler, yearling, McIntyre. Heller yearling ir., Black, Mem- aoth Snider, i din“, two years and over, McIntyre, Bun--rqariinq. Fons“, um Bull eait, .r.. Fin-mt, “(on Bull cult. tr, Rod's. lbs-nu, Io Klunon. Minter,“ yearling Br., Donut, Rod- gar. Herd ot Herefords, in, Black, Mo lntyre. Get ot sire, Black, McIntyre, Progeny of dam, Black, McIntyre. Two Hereford heifers, Black, Mc- hltyre. q Tow, three you-a and over, MMU.. non, Forrest, We. Heifer can Jr., Rodger, Coven Forrest. ‘Herd of Shorthorna, Br., “nest. Rodger. Herd ot Shorthorns tr., Ernst, McKinnon, Rodger. Get or sire, McKinnon. Rodger, Forrest. Progeny of dam, McKinnon, For- rest. Rodger. _ tye, Heller, yearling an, Mlhtttort, Forrest. Rodger. Heller all an. Forrest, laKlnnon, Forrest. ., IHeltor. two years, Forrest, Pom Rodger. - Two hélters. McKinnon. Rod‘s. Forrest. Heifer calf an, McIntyre 1 and t. Hellor cait Jr., Black and 2, Mo. lntyro. Herd or Heretordrr, an, McIntyre. Black. Ram, Wm. Clarkson and Sons. Ram shearling, Clarkson and Sons and 2. Ramb lamb, Clarkson and Sons. and 2. Ewe, Clarkson and Bone. Ewe shearling, Clarkson and sons. Ewn lamb. Clarkson Sons, I. 2. Fat Sheep Long wool market wether, A. and W. Whitelaw_. -- _ _ _ - Mm Aarnts, Whitelaw. Douglas. Clarkson. Young. _ Ewe lamb. Willmott W. Gurney t. Pen lambs, Willmott Pen, Willmott. sion wool, C. A. Springstead, 1 and 3; Willmott 2. - Leicelter Ram, A. and w. Whitelaw, l and 4; W. A. Douglas. Wm. Clarkson and Son. Ewe. Clarkaiin, Young, Douglas. Whitelnw. Pen. of three lambs. Springstead. Fl TT. Buck; G. P. Moore. Pon or si'x lambs, G. P. Moore, R. K. Cowan. Shearling ram, R. Young‘Clarkson, Dougala, Whitelaw. _ - _ Shear-ling ewe, Young 1 and 3; Clarkson, Whitelnw. Ewe lamb, Clarkson, Whitelew, Young, Douglas. Pen lambs, whitelaw, Clarkson, Young, Douglas. PM), Young Clarkrron. Whitelaw. Pan, Douglas Ram lamb, Gurney 1 and 2; Shields. dawn. Shields 1 and 3. Gurney. Ewo shnarllng, Rhlelds 1 and 4; Gurnoy 2 and 3. . . iRarn, A, Shields and Son. Shearling ram, P. W. Gurney 1 and 2. shields, G. P. Moore. Ewdhtunh, Gurney 1 and 3; Shields 2 and 4. . Ewe lamb, Gurney l and 3; Shielda 2 and 4. Pen lambs, Shields. Pon, Gurney. Shields. Boar under 6 months, Williamson. Stoltz 2 and 3. Champion boar. Larch, Templar. Sow own 1 your, ~Tempiiel', Siolu. (hithray, Boehner. , Southdowm el'. A. Springstnad, won pverythintt, Hoar over 1 your, Larch. qtoltz, Templar. Stoltz. Boar, under one year, Templar. Williams. Larch. Stolu. Row 1indor 1 year, Williams. Tem. plor. slollz, , and 4, â€my: -e- _ Row under a months. Milan. 1 and 2, Tamplor, Stolu. Hubert. Champion now. Williams. Templar. Advaneed Inquiry uualmod boar. over I your. L. Ha- gt‘). W R. Watt. S, J. Oilhgher. Roar "ndor 1 your, Gall-[hon thnor, "art ()allnghpn Templar. Hoar under 6 months. Wlhmn l. 2 and 3. Rtoltr., "asâ€. Chnmpion boar. Williams Qunlmml now. 9mm. Gallagher. Hart, straws, Sow over l year_ stalls. 0:11am", Tomplor_ Gallagher, Tamplor. Sow under a manna, Wttliargut l and J. Hnnuhm-ur. Watt, Wttnnattt. Champion Sow, stalls, ClumMon hull. “would. Edam Chgmplon cow. Horde“, gunk. mu, two you- and curl-hunt. ctrampion bull. (‘qunplon cow Stanton, - Humpohirn P I Ram. P. C. Willmott. I Ram Shearling-Willmott. Ram Iarrth, Willmott 1 and 2. I Ewe, Willmott l and s. I Ewe shearllng. Willmott 1 and 2.' Ewe lamb. Willmott. 1 and 3; P.; Her-ford. Shropohlre SHEEP 8uftotha SWINE m-.lriii'rditidiiidr '"'T'e" ,' dam 1871:th __ . I Sewing Content. " years Ind over- Meta Blechler ll; Grace Busch il; Ann- Mae [duel 15t nua. Bonn-n 16; Ben- itrtce Schngr ll; Van:- Byydtr 17. n 1.3); â€III, 6N"qrrrFB" In. Ovucy- liuv-Ia-I- .- I Senior "ri-Elite-n Dietrich IV. Selin- M'" 2 and 18t leivin- Bowman 2 and 1 . 1 Second Chum --sumtnrtgt Bu". 6; Peter .IJrhti 6; Mary Gerber 6; Edna Albrecht '19: Lenin Brunch" 19: Altred Ogrlm 21. mu-.. 1“,... 1...... 'th..-- In. [Juli-nu Leta-r I; Dough- !!an 7. Ch.rroto-ii- Wash I; u I.- dor ll: Baud ll..- ID: My“: Subl- 10;Kolu¢h Koch-l tt; John Gaucho 8. I’m-MAM Etta I7. t_---. babel ll; lay Dict- rkh 6; Lloyd Albrecht IT; I." - 5:»Kenuth 'e_aekbrrt_1; Irvh Bebe to. Hundling of [JIM or Heavy Coit--- Joseph Forum" li; Charla»! Dietrich Ir; “Ir- old Forwoll a; Joarph Weber ll: Claude loner 9; Hilbert Render It. B---aurr “all." ti; I!" 'toth I; [vulv- Ohh I: an“ hum GP: lich- lo-d. It; G-vud- hasâ€. lt. It, B-9uia. loud t; Cumin. Mt.3f;. "Pe' Pet than“? IIKI! Pol-aloe». In"! NOV Yorker trp-- G-nld Luu O: Edwin Book- F. lean Hoh- uhuh tr; George Bush-n 9; Rhino Sela! t; Dougla- 'lam-d 2. Potatoes. Irlnh Cobbler tr.e--VirtrinU In“ ll: BUM Sch-n! I; Giadrn SQh-ldt 17; All"! W. Ila-ringer , Ind II: Arthur Dietrich ll; Orv-l Lichti 7 rich I: Ell-h In"; ir. iiuarinaG, "ty-vb-tyi; guy Lienlnn ll. Piiox;0nnr - it; mm Vuiiin n; In. Ml" ll: Verna Hukhart l7; Log-def Band}; II: Nor-u loll- l7. Pun-phrhrid.’ 5.1.1:; “in? "sunny Eehr M; John Hominid: is Kart Hnekett tlgrlehll Lel- 16: Seller! t. -ruiiurtt--a+ Dan-dc " “In Round tl; Helm: Bend" ll; In, Sell-n- ter_?ilJeha For-cl! " [on Vol! M. D-iry "cult-wen. annin u; Irvin Hot" man: 5; Helen Holmium 6; Joseph Erb 6; quydyKothVel W. Leroy Goodwin ll, Handling of D-iry or Beef Cntr-Helen Holman 6; Clarence Elbllljh 6; Irvin Holman 6; Wm. Vol-In ll: Guru: Boehln 9: 9eltrtre_Brtmtet 6. _ fl» Atria-3 unkind. LE.R'H.?'E:IT ir., Huh sch-m: 4P; Humid Behr 16; mm. Bath: 19. Belicia-uni --AGG Vinita]; ll; Moses Lois 18: Clarence Krop! l; Helen Baez-Nor fl", (El-yum 'H-ckhnrt l; Herbert Hub Mixed Bouquet-Eve Sch-ll I; lose- Leis IS; Cor-Id Voiuin ll: Aunén vui,in ll: B-lph Gerber l7: lehin Leia " Liv-abet Light colt-ttauth Kieoeetter ll; Jerome Bah-nth 6: Arthur Perwett 5. “on; Y dott--g-h Fo}well 6 '. Hilbert Bender ll; Chlrlen Dietrich 6; Harold F'orwen 5; Chutle Humor 9. Beef cl-ct-ten Bab-ugh 6: Joseph Brenner ll: Harry Brenner 5. - "aGrGrLGitiditoi- Brenner ll; Edna Von 21: George Brenner It; Franklin Signer]: Royt Volt 21: Cnrqlins Iron 2_l. "iii-mm". ot Lamtr--raatin Sinner Tt Edna V0" St; Caroline Voll 21; Roman Brenner tt: George Brenner It; Rose Vol] let. Maple Cream--Ednn Roth 8: Viol- Boehm 9; Roy Gerber IT; Cl.“ Gaucho ll; liry Gaucho IV. Elsie Seifert t. Whole Wheat or Bun MutBms--Mildred Hnekbart l; Virginia Koebel Ili, Lloyd Koebel ll: Emma Albrecht 7; lph Ger- Light Layer CIkHEileen Albrecht Earl Hackett 21; Catherine Koehel Helen Deckert 4P; not†Schummer Betts Wer. A _ _ -- -- -. Giartertrre.d--Doutruts leK-y 18; Helen Bender It; Florence Hnekbart l: Marx-rot Preiburtrer 9; Dorothy Hill 4P; lurk Raine] lt. __ _ _ ___ - Li. 17: Billie Volsin ll Clothes Pin Apron-Dorothy Hill_ " Mary Doernam 16; Hild- Hofrmtot 16t Once Omnnd 16; Eileen Albrecht IT; Elaine Setup! 1. -- _ . Pot Holder of Futon! Cotton-Coretta Diebold 48; Peter Thlenaen 16; Agnes Voi- nin tt: Ruby Minnelli IT; Rose Dame] It; label t_9ebwattetruber. . Swing Content. under 10 ,ear.--rto" Mud It; Agnes Voiain ll; Helen Ben- der li; Betty Schlqu 11: Juliet Intent: ll: Virwinil Koebel. One Room Schools Primarr-irt Blot: t6; Kenneth For- we“ 5; Lorne the“ 16; Amos Burkh-rdt 15; Duly F1terrtltr; Joey? .Reyrt, Ir,. '"'r1tirti/"criifcuau Kueprer 6; Esther Roth 8: Annie Way 21: Amsey Bearinger 2 and 18: Florence Eydt 19: Manure! Schlueter 21 ITF; mm.- "nun-um. ..,. .....-.. v-._... __. Third ci-Luer Sherrer 15; Lydhnn Brubuher 18: Ilka Waiter ti; Verna Frlppier g and 18; Filing Burkhlrdt 16; Hey-y [am-Hurt]! Js. .. . a k Two or more Room Schools Primary --- Teresa Pnutkl 11; Helen Reine] it; MIdollne Koebel ll; Dorothy Schiobel ll: Gertrude Gin tl: Lamina End 11. __ -- _ -. .. rut:- ... Senior First-Reuben Schnlrr II: Ros- ella Scion“ ll; Billie Hartman ll: Carl Bender ll; Peter Thiesun 16: MIbel sshwtsrtsentruberf6.. -.. " _.,. '""si'Je"o',ii""diircLiGie Thieanen 16: MIG ford Roth 16: Arlene Schlueter A: Allen Timer 10; Etnme [All lg: _. Third curtr-Carotirte Plutkl ll: Brenner It; Helen Bladder ll; Jtl1tt'r, I: anklln Meyer " oilin ll. --__ _ n. . . 'vu . n . .. ' "r'i,'iirt's' cinss-9ttttet Dietrich ll; Marie Reine] ll: Beatrice Schnlrr ti; Betty Diets 16: Carl Punk: tt; Norman Meyer tt. Writing One Room Schools Primary ct-Edward Runntedler 6; Robert Moe 16: Kenneth Forwell 6; Joseph Bub-ugh 5: Eire Atbreeht 19; Norman Erh 6 Senior FNrrrt--Eueett Dietrich 6; Eileen Roth 17; Ruby Albrecht i7: Loreen Roth tq; Nellie Goertlen 6: Lorraine (lion 4. Second civo---Mnry Enhnuch IV. Ruth Forwell IV. Mnrion Jenni R; Arlen Erh 17; In, Gerber 6; Allred Ogrnln 2t. Third t3tau--atvetrrt Glebe I: Lurlndn Bowman 2 and in: “no†Forwell " Geraldine [lunch c. Verna Bender IT; Roy Gerber 17. Fourth ct-Bernice Stever r, Erm- Roth l7; mitrord Voll IR; Amnoy l'lenr- lngrr 2 AM! In: .Eo'rvn Schlueler “I; iii-oi '11 "jhinior'thn Writing Two Room Schools Primnry c,--Mitdred Hiniupertter Dorothy Sthlohel ll; Dnnlld Doorum Grortre Brenner ll; Dnvid Lehold Ellnbnh _Steinu‘her "u. n I'AIIIIDFIJI ultlllu~u<n nv- Senior Pirst ct---- Blunt» Runntedter 48; Mabel ttehwnrtrrntruher 16; FIoroncr ttruder ll; Laverne behold l6; Curl [lander ll; Ruth mu: 16. Second currrs--annet Lorentz it: Mildred Kumm ll: A|nel Volnin ll: Frieda Sci-nai- der tit; Annie Thin-â€n In; Home!" Ertrl ll. Third ci-r-Meta Hertrott ti: Cttthttrirte Rachel It: Virgin“ Brenner ll; Hrirn Karla! Mr. Helen Bleehler l1; mu Bloch- ler ll. REALLY I flilE!gEiE Grocery or Gena-II giore. yeuersaate" -ciiir Li, Harry Diet- One poll kills Sire " day Ind = AnrtorSor8weA.. Spatial-en Ma. No apt-y"... no until-en. no ha odor. " your Mn. Mt CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? bielrich 6; Clarence Elba-mt. 6; Roman [Helrich tr; George Roman Gnce Billy IT " " II: In: 16: BRIGHT WOO“ FOR CANADIAN HAY, BRITAIN The market for Canadian hay in Great Britain looks very favorable at the present time. Latest reports indicate that not more than " per cent ot the available hay crop in England can be considered good, due to the continued wet and inclement weather during the spring and sum- mer, according to the Agricultural Department or the Canadian National Railways. Norway will be a factor in the control ot the market. the Nor wegian hay crop this year being rs- ported as excellent, although prices at present appear to be too high to otreet any business. "iac.aia.G u. ar" KGLAhiii Recitation co---' Div“ II; Ar- hu Wm! "'t â€an: IDA-OW 48; Unit“ Hutton l; Nelle Gonna-II 6; H.10- Gluo ll, Public 3â€an Content -- Audrey Sebhuter 6P: Ben, Hahn-nor l8: huh " Blunt! T; Beto Wrre ll; Ger-Id Vocal 6; Evelyn Globe I. Mr Conan. Group I-es.," ID. Poultry Cumin; co---Harrr Dion-kt I: Jami Parnell I: Cletus mad I: David Goodall I: Murray Poll-er A; Charter Dietrich I. - The meeting or ' village coun- cil was a lengthy o as may sub- jects were under discussion. Mr. I. (Lightheart asked tor the right to open a ditch across a street tor the purpose ot piping water tram one property to another. Although the piping did not concern the council, they thought the contractor should have a definite understanding before the ditch was opened. Mr. kmesl Riddel, one of the committee on the community shed gave a detailed re- port of the work. He thought it tar. were applied to the side which was not newly shingled if would last am-| other year or so. He was told to order the tar and see that the job was done satisfactorily. The chair- man of the road and bridge cammit-. tee recommended strongly that at least two more sections ot the ttoor or the Shade Street bridge he retold. ‘He was told to order the' lumber that is necessary to do a neat job. ' Ietuth Hat Finger mangled. _ -.- I has H; mm. Btu-m IT; Ion and. tt; _ Putt-ll s. Gulf Driving co--M.ug, Hal-n. 6; Tenn Inn-HI: ll; Doll- li'orwcll I. 3011' Driving co----. Ian-ud- lee b; Clue-nee Ilium. I; Irvin Helm later-tuhm" smock Judah. contest-. ILIMI Gui-m 17; Clarence Bikini c. Elwood Squire t2; Clurle- Dietrich F.. Joseph Forwell 5: Gordon Ziegler TT. Not Bo and Toactter--UiMy the word “commer- cial" in a sentence. student-When I can my dog she’ll either commercial at!!! Gordon sparrer has his middle finger on his right hand badly Tacer- ated while at his work. He was em- ployed in the felt department ot the New Hamburg Felt Boot as a pick- ing machine operator. Ile had shut " his machine and was in the act ot cleaning it when the accident oc- curred. IHe was railed to the doe. tor'a office where seven stitches were required to close the wound. Expect to Pour Floor TM; Week. Pun to Refloor "ork of Bridge. Another week has passed and the new bridge which is being construct- ed across the Nith Rvor is almost ready tor the cement tloor. The men doing the rivet work are through. Three gangs of riveters were on the Job. They were held up for about 2 days when the air compressor broke and they had to wait until new parts arrived. Alter the. cribbery tor the floor is laid and it will only be a short time until the noor In poured. Once tho pouring is begun operations do not cease until the tloor is completely hardened. It will be about 28 days after before trattle will be allowed to pass over it but pedestrians will be allowed the use of tho Ridewnlks in about seven days. Explosion Victim shown Wm. man. who was severely bum- ed in the gasoline explosion at the farm of W. swaraentroher, coatings; to "how improvement. Yesterday was the first time since the' accident that he has shoWn a desire for com- pany. Ho has had a painful tlght and still is in a critical condition. His face and neck are healing nicely but his hands mmvially tho right one in which he carried the pal] of may lone, which exploded, still causes some concern. Nobody In allowed to vlslt him. Mlu Dorothy Syng- Weds Mr. Albert AWL: A qulet dedlng took place on Sat- urday attprnoon at the st. Peter's Lutheran parsonage, when Rev. ELI Erdmnn united In marriage Mitrrr, Dorothy Butter. daughter ot Herb Sutter and the late Mrs. gutter of New Hamhurg to Mr. Albert Apel,‘ son or Mr. and Mrs. H. Apel of WI-l terloo. I The trrlde loode smart In a tur', coming gown of blue ttttttfort yttf mado in Prince†style. Mina Evalyn sRattpr will: her sister's hridonmnid and was attired in a navy tunic droul with memories to match. Thai hridn carried a bouquet of Johanna Hill roan and calla lilies, the bride.- maid wore a roman- of orchids. The hridn'n brother. Mr. Howard Gutter summed the hridtmroom. I The young couple In" later in tttCone, mo Thotum, took tho var awn! spun! tho wook-ond at hnr home hero day for Ruin"). NN., when, they will from the nirgronnd again. -- ----___ __ -ee ---- spend their honeymoon The brida] Thorn m n ziriunvyvd man in Probably Ova-done wore" brown unit with Accessories Thnmnn' "ranch Hubby 'Look, dnario at the nmoke in mnich. on their return they viii - _---- -.C"ee ___------- vnming from thp (won! he nt home at tho King-way Amri-I mem nrdovrn ml» nun-n Important WIN dimm' Snmmmn. mun b. manta, Waterloo, than mm large single order done After the vnrmnny the wedding party wont to Waterloo when: the wedding dinner was nervod It the homo of tho hum-groom's parents. EEGCBnu-z. Group 2-Hyr. Noc. ll1 new oi'iciiim new mu 8.8. It; II. I. - Ian-J 're" _ - Little Improvement xr-crk-y its; hid in" IT; lo:- M NEW HAMBURG >Illldn Ii..- I Mr. James Wilson ot Milton was a visitor to the home ot Mr. L. G. Pequegnat. Mr. Eli Holst went to St. Mary's vHospital, Kitchener to go through another operation. He was severely injured internally and externally around the stomach and abdomen some time ago in an accident and the iwounds did not heal properly. The Teachers' Training School is opening tonight tor its fourth year in the Evangelical Church, New Hamburg. The mudren‘s Work will be dealt with try Miss Bertha Ama- cher. The course ot Church building wii be taken by Rev. E. G. Dale and the Temperance Course by Mr. A. E. Bean. A good attendance is ex- pected. Hamburg Notâ€. I The infant daughter of Mr. and Mm Isaiah armory. who was about five months ot ago. pasle away at tho home of her parents at Yatton on'Sopt. 21. Tho sympathy of tho community is extruded to the family. Among those from this vicinity who attended th" funeral of the late l Amos Martin ot Waterloo last Thum- Iday worn Mr. and Mrs, lrvin Sittler, Ulla and Mrs. Israel Bruhnnhnr, Mr. Gnd ern. Solomon Martin and Mr. Elo Martin. Miss Ruth melee] ot Preston is visiting with Miss Ruth Kropt of New Hamburg. Quite a number from this line at- tended the Listowel Fall Ptrir on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Weber spent the weekend It the home ot the tor- mer's sister. Mrs. E. Potz of London. Mr. Walt Melton at Milton called on friends in town recently. Rev. Mr. Neil and Mr. Fred Moser were Tuesday vki‘tors with Mr. Wil- liam Guise. Miss Jean Jackson and brothers Neil and Donald and Mr. Nelson 'Ma- tlhews and sister Muriel attended the dance in Listowel on Thursday owning. Miss Ruth Jackson at Waterloo spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John R. Jackson. Mr. Henry Metzger and Mrs. Gor- don Manger visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bramhall of Palmerston on Saturday. a fellow garage (-Inployov to Frank L Thoma: here as handvd him thrpe lihkeu 1m 1 drum for a motor car which Thomas had just! brought trom Windsor. and “hit h ho was to bllvllvor In tho welluitd County Fur. Mr. Nelson Matthews and sisters Mary and Muriel spent Friday even- ing in Drayton. A - - ‘Mr. Johii R. Jackson and son Mor- ley spent Thursday, in Guelph. _ Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Perkin of To- ronto s1pont tho wank-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ruler. lui. J. Neil made a few pastoral culls on thin [Inn on Friday. Mien; Annabelle Matthews and Mr. Art Sheard ot Kitchener spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Matthews Infant Child Dies. Mr, kph. Gregory, who has been quite in with the mumps, is able to ho hark at work again at tho home or Mr. Ralm Jackson. Mr. and Mrs Harold Jackson and sons Donald and Robbie of Toronto visited recently at the home of tho formnr's parents. Mr and Mrs. John qt. Jackson. DIDN‘T WANT TICKET. RECIPIENT WINS' CAR ()m- m tho tirkrste “as tho lurk! mm. mo Thmuuu took tho var may from the (“around again. Welland. ()nl~~“l could naver he lnrky enough to min anything," maid OPEN EVEMKGS KING AND WATER STS. (1de 2tT2tt'a,/fd'tt,t [El hoatdeduatertlt-t-d-ttth. Yu-oiI-ohuh' mhcwhhhh'. Minding-I1“ T.tghat,t2,tt'tltx.T."f. isc1rre'galT'rd 'IST;; .iaaiiu- -'" " - w“ Ymerisr4tt--...t- &oqoaob.AtrorUHr. None-rm YATI'ON I The local Mennonite Church was the scene or a pretty wedding on Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock .when Miss Emmellne Mohty, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Noah M. Lichty became the bride of Mr. Herbert L. Krltz, Aon ot Mr. John Kritz and the 'late Mrs. Kritz of Hollyrood. Ont. (Rev. Reuben Dettweller, pastor ot Ithe church, oftdciated. ' flew Mnlimky or Elmira dolivewd tn Thanksxlving IIH‘SSHZQ at the Har. [Vt-st Homo m-rviw-n at Trinity Lu. 1thoran (‘hurvtL Sunday evening. The rhurth was attractively derorated mm â€0“er and fruit for the 0cm- Minn. Emmeline Lichty Weds Herbert Kritz The .brlde looked lovely in a white crepe dress with matching accessor- ies and carried butterfly roses. She was attended by Miss Iva Lichty of German Mills, who wore brown crepe with accessories to match and car- ried Sunbeam roses. Mr. Arthur Ba- ker of Lexington was the best man. The ushers were Eldon Drudge of Lexington and Melvin shunts ot 'Kitchener. Later in the day Mr. and Mm. Kritz left by motor for Indiana and other points in the United States. The young couple will reside at Cen- trevllle. c. E. Meets. Miss Irene Spies was in charge of the christian Endeavor meeting, Evangelical church, Sunday evening. Oliver Bowman read the scriptures and the topic in three parts was: "Fellowship", by Mrs. Paul Bowman; "F'riendship", try Mrs. Lloyd Snyder and "Relationship", by Mrs. W. We- her. Mr. Martin Bowman sang, "The Ninety and Nine", while Paul Bow- man gave the crayon illustration. Other musical numbers inéluded a hymn, "The Banner of the Cross", by the male quintette and a duett "hove Lifted Me". by Mrs. Paul Bow- mun and son Coleman. Misses Vanna Martin and Gladys Koeh, Messrs, Norman Martin and Jos. Martin of St. Jacobs were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Bowman and Henry of Linwood were Thursday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Bowman. Mr and Mrs. Levi Bowman are "pending a week with relatives M. Mannheim and m the Twin Cities. Messrs. Orvie Bauman, Josiah B. Martin and Ananias Martin accom- panied by Alvin Bowman and Jere- miah Shunt: of Waterloo left Tues- day try motor tor Allterta and sas- katchewan where they expect to .qn-nld M row weeks. Elmira Panor- Hero. 1Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dietrich ot To. ronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nic. Dietrich. Miss Clara soohner is spending a “m-k will rolntivva at Peru and Lo. xansporl. Ind.. and points In Mich. Leave For Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Burkhart and Mary of Centreville, Dr. M. 0. and Mrs. Bingeman. Jonas Jr., and Balm-11 of KIM-honnr, were recent Vixitors with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Mohr, Mr. Ind Mrs. Wm. Mohr, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Mohr and family, Mr. Geo. Hartung, all of North Euthope. Mr. Ind Mrs. Abruhnm betwiler of St. chobs, and Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Spies \N-rn I'm-MI! Multan at th homo of Mr. and Mrs. Emmorsnn Spies. Miss, Irrur Hurst spout tho week. c-nd at hvr home In Elmira. _ A mmer or pooplo from here It- lnmlwl the missionary 'usrvirptt It .Ut Paul; Luthl-rnn ('hun-h In Kltch- vnvr on Sunday. Mise,. Hilda Knlpfvl of Waterloo spout tho wook-ond at hnr home hero IX" DAM... Foch-odd Rbr0.ePtr6.or- [mt-“WM! FLORADALE PETERSBURG