Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Oct 1936, p. 3

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Mr. and Mt's. anuon Gingorich and family and MP. and Mrs. Norman Martin and family or Elmira spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Amos Good. “Nam Afiro Nahrgang and Isabel (‘rI-qsnmn vieittul with the lattor'tr motltsut Mrs. Leander Pressman at Perry‘s Forum‘s on Sunday. A number from the community at- tended the men's club meenlng at inright on Monday night at which Mr. Johnson of the Woodstock Collegiate staff gave a most interesting address on "the Cohesivenesis or the British Empire". Rev. and Mrs. Curtis Cressmun and family visited with Mrs. Moses Bru. hm-hor or near Heidelberg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Zenas Cressman and family and Mr. Lloyd Crosszman spent Sunday at Flomdale. Mrs. Isaac Bean accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Mprvin Pm-ny and so" Oli- va-r or "Par Ratho to Princeton on Sunday whore they virdto4t with the formvr": More MPs ' RAM) and Mr. Rabi). . Mrs." Isaac Bean vlslted at the home of Mrs, Albert Facey of near Tavistock on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hesse and fam- ily of near Ratho visited with Mr. and Mm. Fred Bean on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Bean wvrn: Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hallman Mr. and Mrs Waltor Becker and daughters ITotty and Jean of Kin-honor. Mr, R. J. Bean and son Wallis, at {ended the Galt fair on Friday. Mr. and Mrs Ahnér Bruubathw and family spout Sunday and Monday at Vineland and Niagara Falls. On F'riduy even, Sept. 25th. a most enjoyable time was spent at the home or Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ellis. it being the regular meeting or the Young People's Organized Clarks ot Bethel United Church. The presi- dent. Ellworth Bean, presided. After opening the meeting with a hymn, ltd-v. Hageistein led in prayer. The scripture reading was read by Car- man Kacey taken from Luke 10th chapter and Genius 43th chapter. Bible Studies were conducted by 'Helen Fat-0y and Elizabeth 110630 on the above scriptures. A vocal trio composed of John Baird, Ted and Lawrence snider was next on the program. Howard Weir-tier thon ta- xrorirtt with tho naming. "No Place For Boys". The address or the even-‘ ing mm given by Walker llllborn on "Weather or Not". Bill Baird gave' Current Events after which the read- ing or the minutes of the last meet- ing were read and affirmed. The; meeting was brought to a close with the mitzpah benediction after which Harold Krampien took charge of the games. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. Attend Men's Club Meeting. Vocal Trio Sings at Bethel Y. P. Meet ()n 'l‘umdny evening the Young Pimple of livan‘s, Geigor's and Blew helm Mennonite ('hurchos gathered at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Huvr :uui lumiorml a miscellaneous shower to Mr. Moan; liner and Miss Leah liner" who suffered the misfor- tune or having their house burned a month ago. Young People Tender Shower to Owners Of Home Razed by Fire a Month Ago LOWER PRICED GLASSES You Will find our prices much lower than you had expected to may for Inch quality glasses. The W.G.Young Co. anollen In Our Optic-l Dopartmcnl ‘nwollen . Optometrist. 8 KING F... KITCHENER “His 8rder's We" Auui,i,.d foaluro is that you may lun- yum- almuw on Your Thrilling New Love Team Hudson. Bob "to. love to lovely Barbara All it make. all the world .0 round! Monday - TI“, - WM, OCTOBER' "er, l Explodo in a In". of 'thrthm. Hun-MINI I'm menu ROBERT TAYLOR BARBARA STANWYCK Amanda's play Dancing “swing Tim" At Tho Kitchener Theatres! FRED ASTAIRE GINGER ROGERS SOUTH-WEST WILMOT We Feature . "_ South errespondenCe - q 'l‘munm Hun) Gr'lt' Immulwl tht, vhnmpinn watorrfmxl with u Whin- lmlimn t'llilrtt'r' :Imk I' l " Till Inn 4mm“ fun nmn_\ yeFtrs and his son John. who is nlmul LV, you“ of ago. K following Ibis footsteps. John is ronsidvred mm of the youngest judges of poul try, making his first appearance m m My wn' ttt Milton In" your Quite a number of young people of the village enjoyed their first skating in Kitchener on Saturday evening. Doon Poulirylnon Are Big Winners. C. A. R. Tilt and son John of Doon showed loo poultry and water-fowl It the Gait Fair and was s'ttccvcsful in winning n no!" mnn)‘ prizes, and I'M) have tnkml I 12 fitst vihhmn in threw othvr slums. nnnu' Lv Toronto Crl. [Amman HI, and (Wow: 42. and many st'r-umh‘ and thirds, At Ottawa (‘c-ntrul (‘anndn Exhibition this yum; tin-y won- sttctutsrscful in having: R Rim-k Lang 4mm! rock bird tukv tlu, grand prim I‘m‘ the but hm! Ill thv ahon It 'l‘muntu the) iirUtr Mum'dml tlr. I' l " Tm yvnrs and his nbout 135 yeah: his footsteps. conducted the service at the Pres hyterinn Church and Rev (' Her. bert Waltz of Gait mnduotoJ the wrvwn at the United Church on Sunday afternoon. The wrvit-t-s were poorly attended on account of the wet weather. About twenty-live neighbors and friends met at the home of Mrs. J. R. Slee on Monday evening, bid- ding her farewell before leaving the village. She was presented with a lovely leather purse. The presenta- tion was made by Mrs. F.'. Perine and Mr. James McCarvey read the address. An enjoyable time was spent in games and singing by all. Lunch was served by Mrs. Lawrence Cluthe, Miss Alma Thorns, Miss Emma Kinzie. and Miss Ethel Wil, tong. A number of people of the village and Mr. Prueter and a number of pupils of the senior room of the Doon Public School witnessed the Hell Drivers exhibition ttt tho Kitch. oner-Wntorluo airport an Thursday evening. Farewell Party. The Doon Public School pupils were given a half holiday on Friday afternoon so they could attend the Galt Fall Fair. Each pupil was pre- sented with a pass by the directors of the fair. A large number of people of the village attended the Fair on Saturday afternoon. Miss Pauline Eschleman and C. A. R. Tilt were successful in winning numer- ous prize?. - _ - - William Kelly had the misfortune to have his car run in the ditch on Sunday to avoid an accident, in the Blair district, and injured his left shoulder and ribs. The car was damaged beyond repair. The farmers of this district are busy cutting corn and filling silos. The corn is only half the crop this year onPceoutrt pt the drought. Carl Krogman of Kitchener was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jory.loeltte Sn .Mylttay. _ - Mr. and Mis. John Lips and daughter Grace of Hessen Road spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Voisin. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wintermeyer and daughter Dolores of Kitchener spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Guillette. Miss Eunice Teet spent the week end at the home of Mrs. A Hugpphey ld Qalt. - - Manley Queleh of Preston Wh visltirut itttltts villgge op_Monday. Mrs. William Toot spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and M rs, Walter. Atkinson of Prcston. Miss Kay Jones spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lesttu. Weiland of Kitchener. Mr. Russell Wood and children Rita, Kenneth and Billy, of Bright, were visiting in the village on Mon- day. Mr. Rd. Stoskopf is visiting with relatives in Mitchell. "Pod Wolfe of English Settlement spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wolfe. l Oscar Sully of Waterloo is spend. 1 s'ii"id, mg a vacation at the home of Mr. {Valium and Mrs. Herb. Ohlheiser. nvsdav ', Edward Nahls of Preston spent ',,'r/iiii'ed' Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 2mm, pri William Kelly. M__“ rz... Mr. and Mrs. b'red Hobbs and daughter Edreld wont. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Raster of Kitchener. l Mr. CGrles Williams, who has been working on the Mee farm for the past eight months. left on Wed, nesday for wales, England, whum- he will spend some time. dress. An enjoyable time was! lluiuIH Education of the Baptist on! in games and singing by all,‘('hunhm. “:st used. Musical num- Ineh was served by Mrs. 'rta,'i'i,,,'0'i,litl,', \u-ro also rendered by Mr. A. uthe, Miss Alma Thoms, ivirs'slh'a/cir'i and Miss Margaret nmn Kinzie. and Miss Ethel ii/ii-Iii/iii/C/n" of Hartford who are con- ng. Hurling aptwlul <ervlees at the Rev. “talker Pattern)" of. Preston .hun-h this week W‘ "FATAL LADY" loud-y . Tuesday . OCT. its A“ Fatwa Ina 1&1};;::V;;;;; an... "SMALL-TOWN GIRL" and "THANKS A MILLION” Wed. - 1'51"th PCT. T - ti AIWLI a Change 119:" "Buggle- " led Gnu Fla-sis “Hy America We" Joa- Hnnboh - D.- Angeli Until further motieo thu that!" witt - It!“ ch..- of m - "Sins of Man” NMLBREAK" DOOM Au Bother. its Tho Baptist Church was beautifully tlmul‘nli‘d with flowers for the an- mm] Rally Day program which was hchl (luring tho Sunday School hour on <umlny morning. 1110 worship ser- t,ii', prn-purocl by the ‘lloard ot Re- liuimw Education of the Baptist ('hunhm. “as: usuul. Muslcnl num- hnrp \u-ro also rendered by Mr. A. Harm-pl Homo Survlc-m will be In-m "l ths. m .Iamm Lutheran I’m“. h m-u Sunday. ON. 4th Hm lyiuiutt 1losvnttortwr of Haiti‘- till,, ttl , up'rorl tho pulpit of tho 319m ',it-lttl Jlvtinonitn Church on Sunday umrning. At Hu- Sunday owning sorvlne at IIH- M ItA' (tum-h. Minn Violet Her. hr] :uw- n hulk on her vxporlenco In ('in Mission Work at lelslowel, St. Thomas and SI. Catharine‘s during ths, past few months. V Rally Day' was observed at the Uttitrul Hrothmn Sunday School on Sunday morning. A special program was prrvented, consisting of the fol. lowing numbm‘s: responsive serim turo 1mm)" led by Mrs. M. B. Snyder; tieitation by Stewart Kaster; 9. 9e im-tion hy the Junior choir; reading " Mrs. qt. R. Bailie; piano solo by Miss Velma Bauer; a talk on the subjm-t. "Loyalty", by Mrs. E. Ging- "rivis; and " voeal snlo hy Miriam Hillrorn. On Saturday, Oct. 3rd, at 3.30 p.m.’ tho Roseville-Now Dundee Football "lcivstl will meet the strong Bognar More“ in the firtgt of their two tittal mines for the W.P.A. Intermediate Cup. The game will he played at Host-villa llmzmu- ion the Beau-final mum] in two straight games with Wiarton and it is expectde that this will lw a \‘H'y interesting game. The local boys are ready to give their host in order to bring the cup to ltosvvilln and Dundee tor the first tiuu- in history. _ Th.- rmurn gmnv will be playedot Hogmu‘ on Thanksgiving Day. Rally Day Sarvicel. Mr. It]; Itosettlrotpw's car caught lire ull Sunday atternoon as a result of rwpvulul efforts to crank the mo- um, Mr. 1toseuherger succeeded In pushing the mm out of the garage and with'the help of neighbors the lire was extinguished before serious damage was done. Soccer Game Saturday. Car Catches Fire. attended The weather 1'fas ideal and mind Irritvs were realized. New Fire Hall. 'rln- norm section or Ervin Khan's building, adjacot In the Bechtel gar- :ugv, Wus,' rurenlly purchased by the Hoard of Trade for a tire hall. The nocesxury remodelling alterations are practically completed and the lire engine is now located in the new qualrlf‘rs. H, Kavelman, E. A. Path and 1lose, Town: have been appoint. ml us truism-s or this property which ul-o iuvluuos a small piece ot land to tlt,. was! and north or the tire hall. Box Social. Don't forgot the Box Social to be Irill '.tl the Now Dundee School on Friday vvoittpt, Oct. 2nd under the “mummy; ot HIP Community Park Hoard. The auction sale which Auctioneer l. H. Toman conducted tor Mr. Henry Waterman in this village last, Wed- lie-allay afternoon was yery largely .‘voniug, Successful Sale. Over one hundred friends and neighbors pleasantly surprised Mr. James Linton at his home, em of the Village last Thursday evening. Mr. Linton, who has sold his term on ohirh he has been a life-long resi- iimit. is lowing this community in lino “our ruturu During the evening Mis, Oliver. Zinn read an appropriate address and Mr. Linton was present. ~-rl with a club bag and a gold-mount- l-d mum The presentation was made by IV. Eli. Stoltz after which several ~llm'l sptuwhes were made. Lunch “as servrul m tho conclusion at the Amoug those [mm a distance wttol uunmfnd the funeral were Mr. md' Hrs, Moral Bingaman of Capetown. ', James Linton Presented With om.- The funeral was held on Friday afternoon at the family relldonee and was largely attended by reb- uves and friends from various points including Heepeler, Kltmeuer m Waterloo. Rev. E. Ginserich. pastor of the UH. Church conducted the taervice and interment wu nude In [Me Wanner Cemetery near Heepeler. The pallbearers were: Messrs. wv ter Hostettler of Plan-ville, Nash Cressman and Zena: Snyder of New Hamburg. Clarence Snyder ot Kttety ruler. Oliver Snyder and Junhh sham: ot Fischer Mills. l Anny In nor on You. aaseukiii..uie W. Mrs. Tuna Bin-m. . won-known' A uncut“ - an madden! ot this village was I.” laid at ll. as” our.“ '0‘. all tser tsome on Tue-day tvetilttti. L. H. Can-I. m at It. Sew. 22nd in mgr am you. he'll-slo- almanac.“ (loci-had liste Myus, umumu had been in an i9,t norm-n buo- Iu "I! is In. mg balm tur the put you and Int-'Chroleo Hilbert. Ibo “a Clut- “(z-red a man are. "on ago. 3).. ton ot Strum. III-hut!“ was bornumchor Milken iUT,liiiid tro- lull- no a. M 1854, a daughter or the his Mr. ad speaker and an . vtrt0 coco-I: at In. Absalom snydor and nu m- In? work along the Nun. In. ried to Mr. magnum: on Jul. "th. M Pom rendered I you!“ and 1921. The deceased was I member In. E. A. Poth use! In lane! of the United Brethren 0th ulPoth contributod a vocal and dur- New Dundee Surviving are, her blu- In; the m. band. tour Btepdaatrhterts, three “on Luther Luguon PM Program. was and one Mower, Abram Bnrder The Sr. and Jr. Luther m ”1 Waterloo. mnr- In -12..-- a: ' --L- -n u._ In. T. may”. you. , NEW DUNDEE Mr. Ind -,trr. M, B Rnydor attend-N! I hlMhdar dun" (”on in Rev, and Mrtt. Elvin Snider. tttleo Mannrins-nn-furlough from South Armticrt vitsitpd at the homo of Mrs. (:mrxv llnllmnn Inst wont A large number from this commun- ity .1110"th the GI" Pair Inst FYI. day and Saturday. “his Dorothy Koehlor upon! a {at an.“ or laut u-Mk wlth Mina lary Pratt at l‘mnuilla and “I" Mannor \‘n-w-nrum at lnnprklp. Mr and Mn w Mmdhnrnt of 'rss. Mr and Mrs W. Mmdhnrnt ot To rnmo wore gum!!! or Mr and Mm A Hilhorn or" the “wk-and. Mrit Aaron Toman In spending few days with Mr 3nd Mrs [)ch 'Mitchell at Ayr Mica Moe1 Clarke Adria. "1.33111 Rowan of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mm R. R. Pajllqlu} Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Bonner. Mr. and Mrg. Kenneth Bolivar, Mn. [mun Sham: and Mr Dusty Miller of (‘mmsmgo were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shunt: on Sunday. mm. [Henry King or Harper. Kam us, wished with Mr, and Mm GIL hurl llorgny on Monday. mus Marni» shark ot Rosevme anon: Sunday with Miss Irene Shark. Mr Addison Hill spent siimuy with rvlallvol at Palmerston Mr. and Mrs. Gable of Kitchener eallod on Mr. and Mm. Josiah Causal last Friday. Mr. George Jacob, M4m, Reta Ja. colt and Mr Donald Jacob visited wlth Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob at Clinton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Schiedol and sons. Cameron and Richard and Mr. and Mrs. Groh and family or.Heap" or visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mailman on Sunday. Rev. and Mia. H. P. Schade were guests of IRov. F. Forsythe of Salford over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinger and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Toman attend. od the funeral of the late Mr. Harold update] at 'Hamilton last Friday. Mrs. W. o. Menger and Mr. Don- ald Monger of tHamilton visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. IE K. Bock last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. o. seyler and sons Jack and Russel of Paisley spent the week-end with 'Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Bailie.' Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hallmnn of Kitchener called at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Ivan “Whom last Wetlan- day. Miss Edith - alumon ot smuom was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. u H. Cagsel for a few days last week. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.I Allan Bowman were: Mrs. Leah Mall. I man of Detroit, Mich., Mr. and iiii.l Joseph Bowman and Mr. Lennie Bow- ; man or New Hamburg, Mrs. Charles Molnwn and daughter, Hazel and Mn. 1 William Hood and daughter, Betty of Kitchener. I Mr. and Mrs. Elton Baer and (laughter, Bernice visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson at Glen- morria recently. The monthly meetlng at the Jr. Wo. nten's Institute will be held at the home of Miss 'Ruth Trawler on Tues- day evening, Oct. (tth. Per-om“. _ Mr. and Mm. Oliver Betmer ot Kitchener spent a few days of last week with Mr. and Mm. Harold Shantz. Miss Marie Nolting ot Scranton! was a recent guest of 'Rev. and Mrs. W. Noltlng. Mm. iLeandor Cressman entertain- ed her class ot the Blenheim Menno- nite Sunday School at her home at Perry'a Corners on Sunday. us, who was in charge ot the meet. ing, gave a talk on the topic, “The Friendly Christ In Us" The Scrip- ture lesson and comments on the topic were read try Rev. lit. Gingerich. During the business session Mrs. ‘Quontln Hellman was elected as de, legate to the Provincial Christian Endeavor convention which is to be held at London over the Thanksgiv- ing weekend. The following dele- gates were also appointed to the annual U. B. Religious Education Convention to be held at 'Port Elgin in the near future: Miss Ellen Page and Mr. Willard Hallman; alternates, Miss Alice lHallman and Miss Mary :ililborn. Rev. H. F. Sehade occupied the pulpit tor the Anniversary services at the Mt. Elwin Baptist Church on Sunday. The regular meeting of the U:B. HE. Society was held " the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hilborn last Thursday evening. Rev. C. W. Back- Miss Velm Benet, president ot the ND.C.S. Christian “Hominy, presided at the weekly meeting which was held last Wodmmdny. Miss Elizabeth Wood, ILA., gave a brief address and the Misses Muriel and Bernice Egardee favored with A vocal duet entitled. "Guide My Steps Aright." c. E. Meeting. ‘ther WI. toward: the Spiritual Lite or the Church", by In. AW Bunch, "The Social Port ot the hu- mor League", by Mr. Milton Btrus; "the Intellectual Part", by Mr. Gar. field Weber: and ‘The Spiritual Part", by Rev. Molding. The Eluc- Grace and linden Tom contribut- ed a vocal duet, “The Royal Tele- phone" and mu Lydia 006nm gave a vocal solo entitled, "tho' Sun Should Fall." Christi-n Followohlp. The Sr. uni Jr. Luther Lennon were In cling. ot on. unto. a a. St. James lathe-u church on 9» day evening. Rev. W. Nola-g con- ducted the opening embo- and the scripture moon an read by Ibo Ruth Hunter. 111. Ilia-ea Ed.- and Lydia (healing random I '00:! duet entitled, "Ood k Love". "tar which than an. were given u tttl- 1onrs: "The Contribution d the LI- I ulna-oculurudlu. J""t'rad'r't,.t1t,--, In?” mun with an... n _ A ”cent“: .00.; 'i7i2l'eett1e m" "uattAoBqtutc-tnatire-. 'etn.e$oHttgorbqruttgitrmtrott. Inn. Hen-ILMdMPG HIM-howl“!- luau cannons-sud noel-had City Ill-1°- Work tora I" m- y,ttersriiirjfjaicii.Ga_kTiTii'rT.l hmAun-Koohkrotstm Clare-co when. Se, m Gin-lfmg_tlo_wmgd gm he dangl- The heavy (all ot rain which tell on Sunday was a great btymyiit to the farmers. Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Snyder accom- panied by Mrs. Marley Snyder and daughter June of California were Sunday “shore with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Snyder. 'Mr. John Butler is spending a few weeks ‘with friends and relatives in Zurich and IDaah‘wood. Mrs. g." W. Honderlch has returned home after spending a week In NI- Mara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. ILamyd Bechtel and son are spending a week’s bonds"~ in Michigan. Misses M. an. and A. cfm'xweu spent. the week-end in Gan The auction sale ot Mr. J. U. Grody was held on Saturday afternoon and prices were good Mr. A. S. Snider was the suction“. Mr. and ers. Ludwig ot Kitchener were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. tutdPrs. T. Ptomeorpetrger. Miss Pearl 0mm ot Kitchener spent Sunday at her home here. IMr. and 'Mrs. J. B. antedtler spent the week-end in Hespeler. Mrs. Erwin ‘Hoover and His. Mary Hoover of Selkirk visited with Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Cause] last Friday: Rev. and Mrs. W. Nolan; and chit. dren, Marjorie. Joan and Bllly attend- ed the Waterloo Seminary mm Group picnic which was held at North Whom last week. Mrs. C. W. Backus spent a low days of last week with Mr. M. been: at Kitchener. A number (tom tho village attend. ed the "enrxtbatte" stunts " the K.-W. Airport In: Thursday gnar- noon. Mr. and In. Thom" Lennox of Stmtford were recent visitor. with Mr. Philip Poul. Mr. and In. R. R. Bums new» pulled by the former. “not. Mu. Boner motored to Toronto on Sun- any. new". A. Him, John Howling, E. K. Bock, Clan-once Hllhorn and Clue Hilborn mended I Dunn-'0 Field oar held at the Glen Campbell Farm. near Dundu on Ionian Mr. A. Thompson all In. Mar. gmt Thu-non at Hutton! no guest. at Rev. and In. H. P. Belinda darn. their any In the vtilaae. Mr. Moo. Bock In! a. in (an ot but week with In. Abbi] aha-u nest Phluvllle. _o-_oeasm.a.trtauataattw mow-unify” [21332] To-day, your telephone is within we} reach of any one of 33,000,000 telephones scattered throughout the world. Low night rates from 7 evorv Once again we have cut the cost of Long Distance. On September lat, a new schedule of rates became effective on calls (both person-to-person and station-to-station) to points over 130 miles distant. This reduction will mean an annual saving of over $200,000.00 to telephone users in Ontario and Quebec alone. This is the second time this year that Long Distance costs have been reduced. In the past seven years, we have made six substantial rate revisions. At the same time we have constantly improved service, as evidenced by the fact that, while in 1929 it took an average of 3.4 minutes to complete a Long Distance call, to-tlay the average is only 78 seconds. On calls to points over 130 miles _ Mr. Herb IKn‘fekI has been very busy cutting corn In the neighbor- hood and the farmers have been very 'husy the past week 'initrttIttx up the corn harvest. Barn Rebuilt. The harm or Mr. Lloyd more: which was destroyed by the severe storm is now completed and Is . very Inna structlu'e. . Mr. and 'Mrs. Morley Battier and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Battier spent Sun- day at Niagara, Falls. 'Buelness exists to serve customer; and unless it does that It nus. Several attended the minionary meeting which was held on WedtMtw day evening at the U. B. Church. Mm Lottie IBhttr of Guelph returned missionary from Ethiopia, was the guest speaker. Mr. and arm. 'Henry Sin-ether and son Glen and Mr. and ‘Mrs. Lorne Fried spent Sunday with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Becker. The members of the WJMA. met at the home of Mrs. Milton Weber on Wednesday and spam the day quilting. Mrs. Noah Schweitzer of Kitchen- er spent several days ot [an week with her niece, Mrs. Ezra Becket. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Duhriek and [amines attended the funeral ot the latter: brother, 'Mr. Whine: lunar or Elmira which was held on Sunday afternoon. 'Mr. and Mrs. Bred Becker were Sunday guests with 'Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thoman, Kitchener. Womn'. Immune Mme. WILLIAMS-0R6 Blanket Special Kittie-It's Molar- 1Nert-o Store Phone GOUDIES "vening and all day Sunday! (Downstairs Floor at Candies) W. MILNER Mm Ruth Devltt k; spending 50m time at Guellll. Mr. Clare IRlckert and Mr. and In. Elmer Jacobs and baby visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobs " Clinton. Mm. Hamel and daughter Mary and Miss Dorothy Rich" ot m- loo spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. A. IRlckert. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Woolnor and tamily were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shunt: at Water, loo. LMr. A. C. Bowman ls having hydro installed on his dthrtn. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer min- and daughter Marion ot Waterloo were Sunday sue-ta at the home of Mr. and Mrs. dit J. Devin. Mr. and Mm. Archie Gunman spent Sunday with the lormor'a mother, Mrs. Levi Hallman. miss Beatrice Ricks". is unending some time at Waterloo. the EV. New?" Electric Ct. 79:.an so. In. w.. that... By Mum. of a...“ "rant... PAIR iaC1z!C1E1

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