Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Oct 1936, p. 9

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The average production of tho " "sen clans leaders. heifers included. was 15500.3 ms. milk. 557.8 lbs. tat. There warn no ontrios in the tour. ypannld 305 day division. _ Ontario had the high production of 25006 “is. milk. 823 ms. fat made on the 6 year-old cow Blossom Tensen Hengerveld, owned by Victor J. Law- roncp of Oakville. The most sensa- tional of the list however, was the production of 21109 Ibis. milk. 705ltttg. fat, made on the two-year-old heifer Colony Cyclone Hello Beets. owned by Colony Farm. British Columbia. Waterloo County had the high 365 day two-year-old producer in Zena Burke Pooch, 13715 lbs. milk, 515 lbs. butter, owned by Warren Bean of New Dundee and also the high ma- ture cow, 305 days, milked twice daily, ‘ln Rosellill Wayne 'Hartog. mm lbs. mllk, 551 lbs. tat, owned by Nelson Bechtel or Hespeler. New Dundee and lie-polar Animal: On Top in Production Records. Sept. r24.---The Holstein-Friesian Association ot Canada Test 'Bulletin, released for August. lists 162 ani- mals as qualifying for R.O.P. certifV eatea. 114 of 'which were in the 365 day division and the remaining 48, in the 305 day production class The calf In sired by Colony Posch Sir 'Romeo, a so" of Sir Romeo Nir dred Colantha 6th. imported from Hrilish Columbia in 1934 by G. M, Clemons. secretary, IHolstein,vrletuau Ansoclation of Canada, Brantford, Ont. County Holsteins Win High Awards Oxford County produced the class leader in the 365 day division tor mature cows milked twice daily, the entry being the 6 year-old Eastwood Pearl Banoatine 3rd with a Produc- lion of 18772 lbs. milk, 656 lbs. tat. She is.owned in the herd of Fred. " Schell, Woodstock. Trunqnlilv sauatorium, another Govortttttpttt owned institution in IIA'. had also a sensational 3 yearold producer. in Tranquille Gordon P. ('olantha, with a 365 day production qi 21213 the. milk. 658 ms. tat. or the fifteen class leaders. Ontario owned herds produced ten; British Coluhia three: Albert one. and Que- two one. f 162 ANIMALS QUALIFY FOR R.0.P. CERTIFICATES Mr. Gerald B. Brooks, well known Holstein breeder ot Paris, Ont., ro- porls the sale ot a promising young bull calf to head the herd of Sydney H. Brooks, Paris, Out. This calf in out qt the cow, ‘Run'eview Topsy Rag Apple, who was. tirst in her class at Ancaster last year and has n two year old record on twlce-a-day milk, ing ot 13,319 lbs of milk with 3,66 per cent test. WELEESLEY St. Paul's, Y.P. Holds Regular Meeting The Young People's Society of St. Paul's Canada Lutheran Church held their fortnightly meeting in the church basement last Tuesday eve- ning. The meeting opened by sing- ing a hymn. Herbert Berg read the Scripture reading after which the Creed was repeated. The minutes were read and adopted and the October fees collected. The devo- tional part was closed with a hymn. The social pat't 'ol' the evening was spent in games. after which a very tasty lunch was served by the girls. Personal Notes. Mr. Earl kelterborn spent Sun- day}! hilopte ir? Mi.lvtytoy.. . Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Leis and daughters Jean and Betty spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Reihr of Kitehener. Mrs. Ellen MeRae and daughter Mabel spent Saturday with friends in Stratford and Millbank. Mr. Hilbert Wiebe left for To- 111ng on_M_ondn_yI _ _ - Miss Esther Lichty spent a few days of last week with Miss Viola Seyler of: Baden, - -- _ "Mr. Dave Froman of Mount Forest spent the week-end renewing ac1tpintttneos here.. _ _ . _ The young people of this town who are employed in Mount Forest spent tho week-end at their homes here. Mrs. Ellen McRae and daughter Mabel spent Thursday evening with friends in Millhnnk. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Wettlnufer of Amulreo spent Friday evening with thtJtrtttr.'sptrents in Wfllesleyi Mrs. Alvin Gremm and dumMers Shirley and Marjorie spent last wrek with Mr. and Mrs. Hill Lois ttt Kitchener. . Mr. Waltvr Roth and Miss Irons Fnulhafer spvnt saturday evening with the farmer's parents. - - The Rally of the Ladies' Aid of St. Paul's Imthernn Chureh was held In tho church here last evening. A numhvr of. local ritizons ttt. tended the (hilt fair on Saturday. The lights at tho tennis court will lu, turned off thv mud of this month. Lilli» Iourtta "Mama. tio dozn 2M "rarried?" Mtnthpr "Cortninly not, door." lmmm "Thnn what makes old annnr growl no In Rem-lo whon may urn owning their breakfast Ft HOLSTEIN NEWS . St. Jacobs and District News . Mr. Allen Frey or the St. Jacobs Mrs. Havut Frey I Dairy ks digging a well for Mr. Na- visit to the homo o llmniol Martin for his new factory. Joseph Wideman, NE Mrs. D. W. Must St. Jacobs Personals spent Sunday with M Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hahn, Mrs. ton Ernst, Kitchener. Henry Ritter and Mr. and Mrs. Henry ----_-..- Stroh attended the funeral ot the late Walter Ritter at Elmira on Sunday. I HRIDELI Mrs. Levi Licht spent a week . . with her Llfii'llf, Mrs. Willihm wiet.?fty 2lt.fa Thaylor at Willitumrtrurg. “32:12:. 'e.',"r,r,h.t.e The Luther League both junior and senior combined are preparing an interesting Lite Service program to be rendered on Sunday evening. Miss Dorothy Kelterborne the Iteen-- tary or the Life Service Committee Mr. Dan Kraemer who recently bought Mr. Simeon Martin's Jersey Dairy, living near the banks of the Conestogo river, changed the name to Riverside Dairy, though he still delivers milk from Mr. Martin‘s Jer- iiey cows. A number of her friends from Kitchener, Waterloo, Elmira and St. Jacobs surprised Mrs Harold Cress on Saturday evening by meeting at her home on Young street, the occa- u-ion being her birthday. They spent a very enjoyable social evening. Mr. Carl Wahl was at Long Branch on Saturday. The (allowing veto mu than or at. James Brotherhood, who at, Kndod the Canadian Luther-n Bro. erhood Convention in the - Lutheran Chm-ch. Kitchnnor, on Sun- day: Mes-m. 0. J. Smith. Warren Smith. (Martin smith, Herb Schmidt, Harold Creu, Henry Butler, William 'Hachborn, Geo. Krltorttoraur, Arthur Knieschouuhy, borne Kenolhy, Gor- don Holllnaer. Mr. Hal-linger VII elected president ot the Candi-n Lutheran Brotherhood. Sunday was ra‘lly day In the Evan- gelical church A large congregation met in the auditorium of the church where a program of songs, solos, duets instrumentals, recitations. was given by the younger portion ot the Sunday school after which the junior portion retired to the basement where they were addressed by 'Mrs. J. P. Hauch, the adult and senior portion remained and were addressed by Rev, J. R. "such. i, Jonducting and overseeing the pre- parations and a tine treat is In More for all who may attend. Surprise Party. Mrs. William Westfall and daugh- ter Miss Katie visited in Elmira on Sunday at the home of Mr. John Westfall. Mr. and hire. Isaac Hurst visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Snyder, Wa- terloo. on Sunday. Mr. P. K. Welker and son John visited in Listowel Sunday afternoon. Life Service Topic Sunday Evening Mr. Abram Brubachor visited with his sister on Sunday. The Misses Phiana Bowman and Hannah Bowman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Titus Bowman, near Hnwkmvllle on Sunday. Mr. Sylvester Good and Mr. and Mrs. Arna-Good visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Hemmer- ich, Elmira, on Sunday. Miss Lizzie Bowman and Miss Leah Bowman of Floradalo worn week-end Ctsitors at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Bowman. Mrs.‘Ro.'4é Wahl spent a week at Wlat'ton. A Mr. Henry Doerbeckgr of Water- loo called on Mrs. M. L. Weber on quday morning: _ _ Mrs, George Schlnlmin and Miss Hattie Wright of Conestoga paid Mpu. Copeland a visit on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Krug and chil- dwn of Chaney visited recently at tho Evangelical parsonage with Ttov. and Mrtt. J. P. llznmh and tam- ilv. Rally Day at Evangelical Church Recent guesw at the home of Mr. Solomon Eby were: Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Eby. daughter, Miss Violet and son Carl, and Miss Joan Eliy of Port Elgin. Attend Lutheran Brotherhood Meet Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Kelterhorne were: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross and fam- ily of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Noumnstnr and baby Laverne ot Kin-lmnor, MP. William Knllnrhorne or Grimeshy and thirst Waltrsr Keller- borno of Stratford. Mr. George Jlershherg and Mr. Fritz Rehmoller, two Germans ao- jnnrning among friends here for a tow months are returning to Ger. many. Mr. Hershhnrg Intends to complete his medical studiPs in Ber. iin then join tho army as media] otricpr. Ho wisth UR to convey his thanks to thone who befriended him so klndly while here, Miss Len! Schultz. R.N., of Hamilton, is spending her vacation at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Schultz. Mrs. Reichter returned to her home at Arkona last week, after spending n week with her daughter. Mrs. Aaron Yost. Miss Gladys Hammond spent a few days last week with friends in Kitchener and Hamilton. Miss Adeline Seizner visited re cently with frjends_ in Toronto, - A Minn Mary Kipfor of 'pooh, visited on Monday with Mrs. C. Kennel A number from here attended the Wellesley Township Srhnol Fair It St. (‘lomonh on Wvdnosday last week. Mrs. M. Yost and sun Will visited at Mr. Duvid Jacobs. Newton. on Tuesday of lgst wpek. A nimhor from here attended the Fr.ehtcBts.qt wedding near Wellesley on Wednesday of last week. Mr, and Mrs. Sam Lois and Clnr cnce and Mrs. C. Kennel visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Jos Ltchti, “our Millhnnk. Mr. and Mrr “cargo Albrecht and rhildron accompanied Mr and Mrs. Dim Em and family and spent Sunday with the farmer's hrnthers near Tnvistnck. - KINGWOOD Mix J. H. Sampson ot Toronto spent part of Friday afternoon with Mr. J. Penlon Martin ot “Subset Cottage" South Wallensteln. Mr. John M. Martin is conducting Gospel meetings In Blyth this week. Messrs. Elmer and Isaac Int-Inn~ cher spent Sunday near Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. John Frey of St. Ja- cobs visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Buehler on Sunday afternoon. Miss Selina .Bauman visited at the home at her sister, Mrs. Israel Hotl- man and Mr. Hoffman. Heidelberg, on Sunday. Misses' Louise Otterbein and Marie Krauter spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Krauter. Mrs. Emmanuel Weber and daugh- ters Barbara and Marion ot Water- loo were Sunday visitors " the home of Mr: and Mrs. Daniel M. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Martin near Waterloo were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Christian B. Frey. Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Bmhacher from near Elmira were visitors " the home of Mr. ‘Enos Martin and Mrs. Nancy Martin on Sunday. Friends congratulated Mrs. Wes- ley Heipel on being the winner of so many prizes in domestic science at the Wellesley and New Hamburg fall fairs. At New Hamburg she won the following awards: Fancy cake lst, tight layer cake Ist, lemon pie 1st, Spanish bun 2nd, pumpkin pie Ist, bread with Buds flour Ist, bread with Five Roses flour 1st, and the sweepstakes for bread. At the Wellesley fair: bread, 2nd; German apple snitz pie, lst; pumpkin pie, 2rd; fruit pie, 3rd; coffee cake. 2nd, and jelly roll, 3rd. _ _ - _ Mrs. D. W. Musser and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mll- Mr. W. S. Moebus and son Russel of Toronto spent the week-end with friends here. Mrs. David Frey recently paid a visit to the homo of Mr. and Mm. Joseph Wideman, New JeruBahrm. Mr. anit Mrs. Jake Otterbe'in at- tended the Fall Fair in Call on Saggrdgg. -. -- . _ u . Miss Maude Engelter is spending this week in tttTwinfity. _ H Mr. Gordon 'Muuer and sister, Mill Lila spent Friday evenln‘ a! t corn and welner rout net: Oral-hill, when, over any members or the Crostshlll and Linwood Young Poo. ple's Union enjoyed a very pleasant. evening together. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Short and “in Dorothy Matthews ot Kitchen- er were Thursday evening mim- at the home of Mr Charles Motthewu. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ball and Mrs. Rosa Hummel, Kitchener, Mrs. Olive Prodgy, London, spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gieq. - __ _ Messrs. Wilton! Mural, Orland Martin Enos Gingrich, Norman Btu- bacher were Sunday visitor. at It. home or Mr, and Mn. E. P. Until. Today, the am of 0cm)", sad In spite or fro-u, Homing Glorio- an sun blooming In from or . Soul Walleuuuln residence. Mr. and Mrs. M. k. Boos of Ches- ley spent Monday " the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Steiss. Mr. and Mrs. William Bass and daughter Rosina spent Sunday " seyystopol, 'td shiheoere, _ Mr. and Mrs. Will Koehler of Petrolia and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Koehler of Kitchener were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dub ot London were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Adkin. Recent visitors with Geo. Weis were Mr. and Mrs. John Grem of Wellesley. -- _ M _ _ _ Elaven Wallenueln residents upon! the. weekend In Klppen. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bowman no Mr. and In. Israel min arq on} lemplatlng taking a trip to Pennsyl- vnnla. Bom-On Thursday, Sept. 34th. to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron P. “tubular, Yutlr Wailenlteln, the {In of l baby Harvest Home and Thanksgiving service will be held in St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday. Oct. 4th, with Sunday School at 9 u.m., preparatory service at 10 a.m., and communion at 10.30. Morning Glories Still Blooming Friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Matilda Hoerle to hold a fue- well party in honor of Mr. Ind Mrs. Clarence Baehler, who are leaving this week for St. Jncobs where they intend making their future home. Recent visitors at the home. of Mr. Albert Fries were Mrs. Daniel Fries, Mrs. Art Rhode and daughter Ruby of Kitchener, Miss Erma Dofrertheim and Mrs. Alice High- land of Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Jncob Fries, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fries of Sullivan, and Dr. Tyke of Kirkland Ln e. , Mrs. Norma Schneldor of Water- loo spam Sunday afternoon It her pavvnt'r, Mr and Mrs August Schnei- dor. Mr. and Mrs. I S. Hahn and daugh- lm‘ Marin attondod the funeral of the latter', brother, Joseph Selfrled at ANN on Friday. Mr and Mrs “mum Armstrong of Hollon spout qaturdtty afternoon with Mr and Mrs. Stevnns. A number of young poopie attend- od tho wolnPr man! or the tlttitod Church Friday nvonlng of last week held on Ward's farm near Crnuhlll. An onjnyn-hio owning was spent in 1:"!qu and munir anr erh the “4-in“ worn roasted Tho 1,arlmq' Aid of thp. Unlted (‘hurrh was held at Mrn. Louis Hoett. nvr In Kilvhoner In" u-Mk “In Daisy Rnthprford will spomf tho winter with Mrs. Clarion Botmer, Mr L Warn-r is on the nick 1m Mr Slmwng had a misfortune of falling and sprainlng his anhlo and injuring his know sunday morning. EzEEEEziiCml HAWKESVILL! HRIDELBERG f IDr. Mu l. Reich, and Dr. Will a. Houghton. l Jieginning early in January, a De- ries of great metropolitan Bible con- 'ferences will be held throughout the United States and Canada. Bishop Taylor Smith, N London, England, who was Chaplairtiurrtu of the British forces during the World War and is very close to the 'Royal Fam- ily, a strong evangelical evangelistic leader, Jock Troup, who was the center ot the revival among the Scotch fishermen fifteen years ago, and Rev. Herbert ibochyer, England. who has already becomes familiar 'more in this country as he has ad- dressed Bible conferences and other gatherings under the auspices ot the Moody Bible Institute, will supple- ment an American team ot speakers, which will include Dr. William Evans, or California, Dr. Harry Rimmer, ot Duluth, Minn., Dr. Will H. Houshton land Rev. main: E. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Tanner have re- turned home "ter spending tstr,?, week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Me abb at Rockwood. Mrs. M. A. Reinwald spent lust tl',',":'."" nttending the Fair at Lis- towe . Mrs. Bert Smith and Miss Bertha Lowrie, R.N., of Toronto, spent the weekend with their mother, who we are sorry to report is not us well as her many friends would wish. We wish_for_he_r_ a speedy recovery: Dr. nnd Mrs. Harold Bruce of Toronto spent Sunduy at Mr. Bert Wny's. Mrs. James Bruce returned with them. Mrs. White and daughter Irene of Toronto Ire visiting Mr. ttnd Mrs. Art White. Mr. Ralph Jaékson 131' London called on Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wrny reently. _ -- ----- -- -- __ - Mrs. GiHiltnd of Toronto visited Mrs. J. Han-on mid Mr. R. Scott last week. We Ire pleased to report Mr. R. B. Jfamiltyt. is imerovintr., _ _ Mr. Und Mrs. Will McNahb of Rockwood spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Maids Kelly returned home last Sundhy after spending the past two months with Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe and__fami1y_ near Jltimonton, Mi. and Mrs. Edwin I,,'"','.'.,",} of Fullerton spent Sunday wi the fotyyer'syyother,9rra. A. Hoffmygr. Mrs. Heater Tanner spent the week-end with her sister, Miss E. Crookshanks. and other friends at Stratford. Among Canadian Cities are: To- ronto. Winnipeg, Vancouver and Vic- toria. Other cities will be listed. Era-oat in the ohsorntion ot the Centenary ot D. " Moody's birth will be The Moody Bthiet Institute ot 4'ttlcaao, whitened by hi- in 1886. Through its British Centenary Com- mittee, of which 'the Marquis at Aberdeen is the President, Sir been Levison the Chairmen, and mm. Erlington the Secretary, together with many outstanding Christina leaders of Great Britain, plans are now being formulated for a simul- taneous owervance ot the Centemy overseas. Among the American preachers and teachers who will re- present the Moody oBihle Institute in Great Britain will be Dr. Surry A. lroneide, Evangelist "Met" Trot". Mrs. D. McCrea and daughter Mabel of Wellesley visited with' Mrs. my Rgirlvy-[g ope tht last week. with her daughte'r. Mis. T. Higgins, at Stratford. Through I uric: ot tntaraattonal Moody Century equtteatie a. mm. ot the Christian we!“ qrtit be directed In "rt wind D. L loo dy dud the work he alum-had nu. engaged In his maul" "mom cr-ttta. Miss Nellie ttutherfoFd spent the week-end with friends at Palmers- ton. Mr. Wm. Stmhnn of Ethel visited recently with Mr. Ind Mrs. J. Weir. Mrs. J. Weir spent a few days with Ret W. ind Mrs. Mofhtt " Finn] and a day with Rev. and Mrs. Bell Ind Rev. and Mrs. McQuu-rie - London. 0.. "LI-4rd!!- ”Fm 0' Mr. and Mrs. R. Shade!- of Or- lnndo. Florida, culled orttMrs. W. E. Brownlee while on their wuy back frqrp u trip thrgpgh Neyv Ontgrio. - Mrs. Fform Phiiir of London is visiting her sister, Miss Olive Free- born. Mrs. M. A. Iteittwald has returned home from nursing at Mr. Lawrence Ogram'g on the mu line ot Welles- ley. $igfiatshr Mr. Russell Anderson of Cochrane called on his uncle, Mr. Henry Kelly, recently. Misses K. Sen-lea of Struford and Gladys Riehrtroon, who Are visiting with Mr. And Mrs. S. J. Hnmmond at St. Paul’s Mation, ent the week-end with Mr. ttnd E',','. Mel, ville Kerr and dtughter Hazel. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reid and daughters Isabelle and Joyce, of Atwood, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John A. Crawford. tended the Stratford Fair one dly Inst week. Our firmer: are busy may iinyr, cutting cor]! and fulinrtilos. - _ Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Roth and chil- dren siren! Sundny with Mr. and Me. C gyton sehulty of Tppping. Megan. Clarence Ind Elmer Roth lee.'." Sundny visiting friends " New Hamburg. Miss Clll'l Gordon of Los An- golan, Cnliformia, in visiting with the Gordonan this c_ommunity. Recent visitors with the Neilsons were: Miss Maude Mnson of Toron- to, Miss Cl." Gordon f lam An- gel", Cal., and Messrs. L/dl,' Ttslt ind J ck Naming of Toronti, Mr. and ik,'. Jun. Depew Ind dluxhtor. Minn Flo, of Aims. Rhtt - Oh' I'm Inro you don't mnan it! You're bound to Improve Mrs. W. Scott is " preient visit- irttLwithAt..ytd Me. , letter. llr‘ " mum danro on like "In for. "or. Wr. A Iroityteyer, trpent he]; week le Kerr and duughter Hazel. Mr. Ind Mrs. Robert Stewut " MILLIANK FERNBANK l It is expected that a decision will lbe reached shortly as to whether the government will allow the overdraft to occur or clash from five to ten per cent oft allowances tor the next three months. According to the pres- 'ent scale the Dominion will in Sep- tember give to the provinces for re- lief purposes $2,345,829. divided as follows: Ontario, 3803.250; Manitoba, '8180.73l; Alberta. $133,875; British Columbia. $200,M2; Saskatchewan. ”267.750: Quebec. $669,375; Nova Scotia. $53,550: New Brunswick. 333.- '468; Prince Edward Island, 32.844. I The wiekst Ottawa The extent ot Canada'a trade with Germany is dimcult to estimate be- cause much ot it In carried on through the (Netherlands. At present Canada gives to Germany its Inter- mediate tarin' and receives in return most favored nation treatment. Germany's drastic attitude toward exchange constitutes one ot the main ditrieulties that has to be ironed out but it is anticipated that an amicable agreement will be reached. During " summer trip abroad Minister ot Trade and Commerce w. D. Euler visited Germany and Dr. Hennen'e visit is one of the immediate out- comes. Ottawa, Sept. 30. - (WNW) - Moves directed toward increased trade will be pushed forward on two main fronts within the next few weeks. The arrival here of or. Hen- nen, counsellor ot the Embassy in the Foreign Office at Berlin he marked the opening ot negotiations which, it is hoped, will lend to more extended trade with Germany. Further prospects of increased Ger- man trade is seen in the visit to Can- ada of three prominent Germ in- dustrialists who slowed particular interest in developing business with paper and coal industries. Australia Complains Particular attention is also being directed to Australia and New Zea- land, and Mr. Euler plane to leave shortly for tho antipodes to discuss revision of the conference trade agreements among the three oo. minions. Complaints of the operation ot the present trade pact have been heard for some time from Australia. Can- ada, it has been maintained, has been getting too much of a good bargain and strength is lent to the claim by the trade figurea. Against the 325,- 000,000 worth of goods which Canada sold to Australia last year she bought only $7.250,000 worth. Slash inane! Grants? Possibility of a cut in Federal re lief grants to the provinces is seen in figures of relief expenditures for the tmst six months of the i1eeal year. During that time a total of $14,865.- 829 was spent. leaving only $11,150,- 000 ot the $26,000.000 originally pro- vided. With the heaviest months ot the war still to ho raced the govern- ment has tho alternative of standing :1 heavy overdraft or cutting ita al- lowance to the provinces. The num- her of roilnf recipients during August was 1.0M,000 as compared with 1.070.000 in that month last wan The September grants were ten per cent. lower than thoae of April, May and June, which. in turn, were 15 per cent. below those of January, February and March. Appointment of Major w. R. G. Murray ot the [British Broadcasting Corporation to the position of lien- oral Manager of the new Canadian Radio Commission fulfilled expecta- tlona. For some time there was a distinct difference or opinion as to whether the post should go to Mr. Murray or to a National Broadcasting Company official from the United States. Latteriy it was evident that Mr. Murray was more widely favored. Frlgon, Murray Aid His assistant. Dr. Augustin Frigon, is likely to he in reality more a co- manager than an assistant. Mr. Mur- ray's salary is to be $13.000 a year and Dr. Prizon's $12,000, indicating that tho Commission regards them oi practically mural importance Mr Murray was horn in Canada and Hde harp until he wunl to or mm as a Rhodes Ichohr In "" Mr. Murray In unload to sail for ('nnndn at tho ond of the week and will lnkn nvr‘r hi, dull” November 2. Onco the manngnr and his “not, an! lakn chttrtro and organization In completed it In oxpocted that the work or tho Commission will he lurks-1y of an advisory nature, Work in compiling a report on the Canadian radio situation for the now-rnmnnt FOMI‘ yours "to has " roadr zit-on Mr. Murray a fairly good insight into rnnditiom m the Dom. inion .Movvpttl or his: rnoommondn- Hons made ni that timt- I'PI'P not ndoptnd but it is thought liknly that they will moot with the favor of the nnw mmmiuionr While they last . O’COATS All shades. Up to $18.50. Lot2 ......... Ittdtlt su ITS All shades. ur to $24.50. LEASE EXPIRES . . . WE MUST MOVE Capling’s Wmâ€" "tttiris-it-C-St-lt-t tir' ,_..,_...:: LADIES - Ask rumour Engljsh China and w... Rogers MEN'S SUITS ODD COATS RAINCOATS O’COATS MEN'S 33.95 $14.85 yiv_erwe.rsRp.oie." These steps, it In argued, remove two main objections advanced by loan companies when the government sought to determine why more ex- tensive advantage had not been taken ot the provisions ot the net. During the war he gained an envious (lying record winning special tune for his teat in flying over the Ger- man lines and dropping a wreath on the nirdrome ot the great German ace Baron von Mchtoten. The appointment ot Brenton " Daly, Winnipeg railway conductor, as employee representative on the new Canadian National Railway Board of Trustees has been protest,- ed by the grand divislion ot the Can- adian brotherhood of railway em- ployees. In a resolution ot protest the brotherhood held that the selec- tion was made by an undemocratic method and asked that he be re- placed or provision be made tor an appointee of their choice by enlarg- ing the directorate. Housing Act Changes In the hope ot encouraging further use or the Home Building mas otter under the Dominion Housing Act, the government has guaranteed to absorb 80 per cent ot the loss on the smaller loans and from " to " per cent on larger loans. Provision is also made under the new regula- tions for the government to assht in the cost of inspection services to borrowers in districts distant from loan ottiees. Under the new provisions the gov- ernment assumes 80 per cent ot the loss risk on 83,000 loans for a single family house, " per cent on Ions between $3,000 and $3,500 and TO per cent on loans trom $3,600 to not over $4,000. The suggestion ot Hugh Plaxton, Liberal member tor Toronto Trinity, that a ministry of sports should be created in not likely to receive seri- ous consideration. it is thought here. The attitude is held that the govern- ment already has too many other pressing problems on its hands to commence dabbling in sport. Mr. Plaxton based his suggestion on the necessity tor organization to iron out many of the dittieultiet, which sport faces from time to time. He had in mind particularly the selec- tion of Canadian representatives at the Olympics. ottawa.--itinite changes in the Radio Commission programs avail- ahlo to thousands of loudspeakers acrms Canada are expected from the new hoard of Governors, in whose hands has been placed the control or Canadian radio. General approval has greeted the Mr. and Mrs. A. G. SMMZ. River- choice of |Leonard Brockington, Win- bank. nipeg barrister, as chairman. Mr. 'Mr. and Nine. M. Mader and grand- llrockington's wit has won him the daughters, M16806 Norman and Form reputation of being one ot the lead- Mader Sundayed with ‘Mr. and Mrs. ing after dinner speakers of the Do. Fred Mitchell, Strattord. minlon. He was at one time an asso- Mrs. Charles Richardson spent a ciatv'of Rt. 'Hon. R. B. Bennett in a few days last week in London. (‘algary law ttrm. His contribution Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sham: and to Canadian radio is expected to be daughter Rath, son Roy called on Mr. an Important one. No matter what J. G. Shantz on Sunday. changes Mr. Brockington may recom- conduct. Services m Pennlylvania. mend in the type of programs to bel tRev. Ostar Burhholder has left for provided for Canadian listeners 1rrie, Penn., where he will hold there is no doubt that his suggestion Evangelistic meetings for ten days. will prevent the entertainment Gal vissitots at the home Of Mr. and anything dull. tMrs. Allan :Brubacher on Sunday In addition to improving the ca. were; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Koch and mm, of programs the Board of (low Mrs. David Koch of Elmira, Mr. and ernors have two other important Mrs. Paul Koroch and daughter VIO- taska- strengthening the sense of let and Mr. and LMrB. c. Kropf and national unity throughout the Do- Bon Lloyd ot Centreville minion and providing wider coverage Rov, N. H. Schwalm h” taken up through the construction of new and his duties at the H.820 Chnrch tor more powerful stations, another year. For hln servlcos Mr. Brockington will rpveive an honorarium of 81.500 a your Other mom’hem or an exe- culive committee will receive 81.000. and the remainder or the governors will be allowed $50 tor each meeting nth-natal hut not over $500 in a year. In addition provision is made for trnvnlllng expenses. While no wholesale plan of build- ing n'cwr radio stations is anticipated it is likrsiy that the Commission will tak" ndvnntnzo of its power to hor- row, with a maximum of 8500.000. to ttrot-t stutioms in smno paria of Con- ado whorn iisionora urn now unnhlo to Him- ('unndinn Mationg Thore- are a mll‘llln-r or lhoqn "blind" are” hut stutlonq will only ho built when po- ppiniion warrmulm Trade Cumin \ixhnmzh (‘unndinn nxporuu to mlum pans of tho Empiro qhowod a mittrtt (Imlmn during August trttde with rorvizn rnunlrlns mado a haml- th, Imrnnun (unndn‘z "porn; to foreign mummy mulled $53,”3,935 "\lthmmh no olrtcrol announcement had hot-n mudv at that timo it was un- do-N'oml hnrv laswt woek-ottd that Mujnr Ghulsmnn Murray of the Bri. ti, h llrnadmming Corporation had mmph-d thrs ofrrtr of ma position ot (:Mnrul \lunngm “f thc new radio orenttirntlot, 81.00 TIES Lot l-Reg. $3.95 While they last I. J. if FALL HATS " shades. Lot 2-Reg. $2.45 ... $1.69 Heavy. Reg. 59e [EI2lflEiE Hundreds at other items. Come and not then. HALF HOSE WOOL sox TIES 2 for 81.00 MIN‘I AND IOYI‘ WEAR 126 King W. - KITCHENER Messrs, Wm, Richardson and AF hert Wray were Saturday evening In Kitchener. Mr. and 'Mrs. Thos. Adam have re. turned home after spending a Week with their daughter Mrs. TM. Erb and Mr. Erb of Tobermory. Week-end vbltors with Mr. And Mrs. Walter Adam were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Forrester and non Drew ot IHamllton, was Janet Zieg- ler at Owen Sound and Mrs. Jno. Small or [El-min. Mr. and Mm. Earl Tabben and daughter accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Timber! and Mrs. C. Koo- nig ot Linwood spent the week-end at Bullan and Salamma, N.Y. Prof. and Mm. W. w. Brydan and son Kenneth ot Toronto spent Wed- nesday with the farmer's Ulster, Mrs. Duncan MacPherson and Mr. Mac- Phonon. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Donald of Preston and ‘Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Donald of Toronto visited on Tue.- day with 'Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Adam. 'Mr. and Mrs. Em tare. spending I few days ot this week with Mr. and Mrs. Adam. Mr. Anthony Newton held a very succeostul auction sale of surplus stock a week Mo. Mr. G. G. Class of 'Floradale was the tttte- tioneer. 11113 is the seventh surplus stock sale which Mr. Class has con- ducted tttr Mr. (Newton during the last 'tltteen or twenty yours. Mrs. Rdbt. Mewhhusy has returned home after spending a couple of wtts.U at_0rimsl_3y and beauty . Mr. J. W. 'Rlchafds'on spent the week-end at Wingham and Bruce Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hammond and daughter Fay of Kitchener and Miss Viola Johnson ot rRocheeter. N.Y., were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tabbed. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mm. Duncan MacPherson were Dr. A. D. and Mrs. MacPhemon and son Ger- ald of Waterford, Mr. and Mrs. Ttobt. W. Bryden and daughter Eileen ot Galt and Mr. Jno. Bryden and sister Margaret of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Erb or Tohermory were recent visitors with her par- ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Thom Adam, Mr. and Mm. Adam returned with them to spend a week at Tohermory.. Mr. and Mrs. George (Mouser and sons Lloyd and Floyd have taken up residence at Camlachie. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brwbacher and children Jean and Douglas spent Sunday with 'Mr. and Mm. Hem Schnarr. Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ‘Mader and sons Bobby and Reginald Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Shaun, River- bank. 'Mr. and Mus. M. Mader and grand- daughters, Misses Norman and Fame Mader Sundayed with ‘Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell, Strattord. Mrs. Charles Richardson spent a few days last week in London. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sham: and daughter Ruth, son Roy called on Mr. J. G. Shana on Sunday. Conduct: Services m Pennlylvnnla. A group ot about twenty women surprised Mm Goo. (Mouser on Pri. day m’r-nlnm Mrs. Glosuwr left this week to nnkn up rmidenre In Cam- laoh1e. With the rMumpHnn ot trade with ‘Ru-Ma van: haw bot-n taken to pm w-nl dumping ot RulnIan con] on tho Canadian market, nornrdinx to an an- nounromonl by Mlnlntnr ot Tull» W " Euler Russia hag agreed not to plnro on tho (‘anadian maria! more than 250.000 tong annually. Tho prlcF of tho: will will corrolpond um. that of mu from ('nnullan and Amerlrnn mlnea The best way to makn money ist to hrtlp others to make money. tor August as compared with 838,- 889,202 m that month hm year, an incrnuso of " per mm, Exports to countries withln the Empire were down by A per cent and to tho United Kingdom 56 per cent. A hnnvy Inn-map was shown m the "urban of Statistics report in trade with tho United Stan“, ('nnndn's hm" rustnmnr. whloh bought 844.- 29R.r'tl worth of goods. tT4,.'mtt.929 morn thanstn August last year Dommllr imports for the month wore up 22.3 per " and mulled $92,5Mt,V.tr, R. R. I WALLENSTEIN WORK SHIRTS Allshadea. Reg.$l.39 "?"" While they last: Lot 1, up to $2.95 . $1.89 Lot 2, up to $2.45 . $1.69 UptoSlu35 Reg. $1.25 LIA-nun COAT: ' $5.89 BOYS’ SUITS ODD PANTS Boys’ Pen-Inn’s COMBS. L1rEr-EEE MENS

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