Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 24 Sep 1936, p. 6

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' Beef Arum-l- (war 9 month. nnd un an 2 vol" MN 127 Ill Kai “(Gianna an... .w lunar um!" It months. I27, 182, " Grub Bref fault Cow 181. an. I21. 2 your old hriter, 121. 1.t1: t year old heiter. Id. 12t. M. - ur hrifrr under I ter, w. _tftl, I." Hereford Cattle 2 \Mr old hull or nvor. l27, HI; I yrAr old hull. 127. RA: hull “If. t27,M. l27.rnw. 127, 12116.2 your old hrirrr. 127. 127. M; I \‘rnr nld hritrr. ltr. ". ": hrltrr olf under l \er. I27. 127. In; -rrprstnkeq hull. any lure, 127, “non- cnku fomnlr. I27. hm. hard, 127. “6 thin Ann, 'h'r'rt' won bv vrirsstGr Gopygp Schmidt A Sum Mitvrrtoh 'horthoretn--2 we" old hull In over. 104. I2I. Isl, I Year old bull, If”. I21; Bull I'll! under 1 yr". UH. I04. 121; Cow. 104, 18t, I21: 2 w-nr nld tttsine. MN. t04, tet; I your old hoifrr. I04. 121. 92; heifer cnlt undor on» vrnr. 104, lot, 121, “wrap-{alum hull. If”, olrrrpRtnkra frmnlr. UN. MN! herd. I04. I21 An.“- Cattle Prirr" 1n nll divicton_ of BEEF CATTLE 'horthorets--2 vo-r old hull or 121. 181, I year old bull, 104. will under 1 yr". 104.104. 121; Isl. I21: 2 w-nr old ttrite MN. t your old heitrr, I04. 12t. 92: Riddle Hor-. nlwn to all hnrilw and ridersr-th6. 75. “I. 155 Geo , Lnnte. M, A Schmidt. Uerclnrq Sverinl. Girl lirivrr --l5l Special. Boy Driver-gg, tttt Single Ponier-ttt. Isrt Special Single High '3trwper--22. 22 Jumper" and Snddlv Horcen--Hunter "ee 75. Ihh, Ill: Currllle Horse-W “rum! mare with ford. "2._11t',. 142. Full. an. 135, 124. Three yelr old filly or welding. 141, 141. tio, Two your old fllly or grilling. 141. ,NM. 125. (hm year old colt, 185. 128. 141 Roadster Hornrv Brood mare with foal. MG. 113. 150, Foal, 106, '1.8. It? Three ”In old 6lly ur gelrtmsr, l4ti. NH, 92 Tun ysnr old tillv on gelding, 1m; One war old eolt. 22. 150, " Cnrringe tenm--22. 141 Roadster loam Ml. 22. 14t', Single rarrinnr hor---??. 22, 141 Single made!" hor-IH',. ist. '22, 161 gelding, 4 yoan or over, 62. 82. 186 Brood mare with (all. 118. Foal. 118, 1311 Three year old lllly or welding. 183. 186, t89. Two your old filly or galdlng. 118, 186. 9K One year old colt. ttlt, 186 . 129. Special , heavy colt»: bred by one ox- hihltor. M. 80. 80, Special sweepstnkm hes! heavy mare or unldimz. 140. Draught team-z. 25, 103. 128. 80. Agrirultural tenma. 137. log, 147. General Purpose or Expreu team. HI. I”. 62. 180 Exprou‘x nr wngun hone. 141, 141, IM. Percheron 1936 (all. ISA. 124. IIS. 116, K n. Hallmln. Chnr Jaeohn. Director! LIGHT HORSES Percheron u- Belgian - Yeld nuns gelding, 4 yoan or over, 62. 82. Brood mare with foul. 118. Foal. 118, Three year old lllly or welding. 188. t89. Two your old filly or galdlng. 136, 9" One year old I‘nlt. HR. 186 . t26. 142. Heavy Du" Hor-yeh, mare or geld- ing. four yen” or over. 106. 128. 108. Brood mare with foal. 25. 26, 80. Poll, M, 26. Three year old filly or gelding. los, 25. 12,R. Two yvnr old filly or gelding, 128, 2.5. 105, One your old colt. H0. 126. t06. Atrricultural Horses-Yami mare or geld- mg 4 you: or over. 26, 137. 108, Brood mare with [on]. 147. 168, 115. Foal. 186, 168, no. Three year old fuly or gelding. 187, 108. 92. Two year old filly or gelding. HT, 180, 137 One year old colt. 140, 129, 142., ,, _ Kitchener. t87--Nrle Shaun. Plattaville. t88--Gordon H. Mardue, Bright. IS9---Htsrry Forbes. RR. I. Shakespeare. "O-John Cairns. Stalin. Ont. "i-Springs'"" Farms, St. George. Ont. 142---Wilfred Cressman. R.R. 1. Plattsville 148--Wilbur Savrun. Delhi, Ont, 144--Wm. Thiel, Mitchell. 146-g, W. Innis. Woodstock. 146--Dr. Foster, Gait. i47-Elmer J. Atwell. Belton, Ont. 1q8--Murrtsy Fleming, New Hamburg. 149--ErUs Schwartzentruber. Petersburg. 160-A. Dingman. R.R. 2, Embro. 161--g. L. Wright, KR. 8, Listowel 162-Wes. Helpel. Heidelberg. "8-Frnnk Gies. St. Clements. "4--Roy Stoltz, Ayr. Ont. Io-o. R, Linn. Cult. 166-R. C. Meadows. RR. 2. Slrutfurd. 167--W. W. Bishop. Rat. 2. Stratford "r-Wm. Schrnmm. Haysville. Ont, HEAVY HORSES burg. Ill-Geo. Schmidt I Sons, Milverton. 1i2--H. W. Benn, New Hamburg. tt8--Wm. Wrurester, R.R. l. Tnvistock. 114--Wm. H. Douglas. St. Paul. 116-M. Veitch. R.R. l, Blair. 116--Ployd Honderich. New Hamburg. li7--Roy Butson. Strltlord. 118-R. J. Brown. R.R. 2, Paris. It9--Eph. Shut-u. New Hamburg. "O-Harvey Snider. KR. 2. Kitchener. 121--aohn Rogers, R.R. l, Drumbo. 18lt--W. D. Bell G Sons, Shakespeare 128--Donnld Carrath, RR. 6, Embro. 124-W. Wanner. New Dundee. 126--Eph. Fried & Sons, New Dundee. 126-John Albright, Crosshill. 127--O'NeiU Bros, Denfield, Ont. 128--D. Shrine. R.R. 4, Bright. t29-a. Dietrich. R.R. 1. Shakespeare. ISO-E. K. Wettlauter, KR. s, Tavistock. "I-Milton Weber. R.R.2. West Montrose. 182-Andrew Park. WR. 3. Mitchell. 188--John Kress, Mitchell. 184--Lhrvd Schiedel. RR. 2, Petersburg. 186--Adam Lingelbach. RR. 1. Tavistock. 186--G. A. and C. W. Woelfle. RR. 3. burg. 99--A3uyton Sulesbury, Mitchell loo-M. A. Fraser. Birth. lol-Chas Heipel, Baden. t02-H. W. Forler. New Hlmburg. 108--D. R. McIntosh. Tavistock. 194--Wm. Wildie, Stratford. 106-Adam Thompson, RR], Shakespeare. 106--E. W. Fawn, Mitchell. ur7--a. C. Free] 1 Sons. Thlmesford. 108-AlUn Jack. Newton. 109--Howard Meeker. New Humbug, tlit-Mrs. Chas. Doll. Rat. I, New Hum- " M--0. J. it”... luau... Ikgq- Quasi. " I. 831-7“!qu ii-a" :53; t%FGG T's-13,717.77}??- 8b-A. B. Chi-cu. " .. Gabi. "-uord L. lets It. 000:... "-v . Hurray. I. 6. Iain. "--Mrs. Arthur Fork. 'mt. "-ur.. ll. Hill-cu. “who“. "-M... c.. H. Pratt. Wood-look. 'g-N-vin. WG-OI'I Inuit-Ala. "--Mrs. I. C. Lukhrdt. New III-burg. "--Mr.. Goo. Hutu. Walla-Ia. "--4uear M. Sch-Ht. Mn. IHohn _ Manic 86-Mr.. L. mun-mu. Blyu. Ont. ”Hahn Bier-Inn. " I. Watch». "-aua Otto I Soup. Tnduock. "--New Humbug Ion-n1 Inuit-no. "--Mr.. L. Ila-tau". New Ill-burg. qt---MU_ Luau Wrap, Mimi-uh. "--Dr. John Grieve. Worth. Ont "-Mrs. luryurel beer. In. I, 'Net, stack. - - "--LueiU Grunt. Clinton. "--W. H. Diamond, " bum 46~Cuunn l-‘uccy,.l..l I. TIN-Lock 'r-J. D. Doughnu. Btrattord. qt'---". I Kauonmeicr. New H-burtr, "--Johu Mattie., New limiting. MI-- Lilli-n Bauer. Not Ill-burg. 61--Erhard lot-hr. New Humbug.“ "-Mr.. John Bowman. New I’ll-burg. "--Simon Dinar. Petersburg. "-Witson J. Green. New Hamburg. "--Chas Jacobs, New Hamburg. "--reuE. o. 9frterirth. Bun. "-Ed. Lulu, New Hamburg. "--Geo. lilac. WR. t. Petr-burg. MF--Mr.. Thou. Carlyle, 8.3. 4. Paris "--rriuifm Wettinufer, R. R. I. New Hauntrurtr. 6t-Mrts. E. Darling, Chndehoye, Ont. "-Houtse o! Refuge. Kitchener. "--Dnvid Kitchen. KR. I, Bright. 64-Mr.. N. B. Otto, Stake-pure. 66--?frm, Lorne Luekhlrdt, RR. i. New "--Mra. M-Wm. BBAEII’I "--Mrts. Alex H-hn, New Humbug. "-rild. Koehler. New Dundee. 2t-Harrr P. Schmidt. RR. 1. G-duhlll. "--Mr.. Arthur lucIilI-n. Stu-ke- burg. M--Mrr A. Grulich. New Hamburg, M-Wilfred Schneller, Baden. 89--Elroy TraekseU, WR. 1, Shnkespenre. M-Lorne B. Weber. KR. I, Waterloo. 91--Ed. H. Lantz, R.R. 8, New Humburg. "-d. D. Murray, New Hambuyrx. 98--A, B. Snyder, Waterloo. 94--Rudy L. Roth l Sons, New Hamburg. 96-P. Stueck. New Hamburg. 96-hvid H. Kelly. New Hamburg. M--uohn K. Thompson. RR I, Strident "--y. W. Doering. R.R. 3. New Hun- Ive-re, "-Mrts. Herbert Deajurdinen. Zurich. "--Waiter Vogt. KR. t. Shlkeapeure. 26--0. H. Becker. New Htsmbuhr. 76-MrB. Wes. Heipel. Heidelberg. "i7-Mrts. Geo. E. Steiner. New Hamburg 7r--Herbert Bergey, New Hamburg, 7F-A. H. Baird, New Hamburg. tto-John R, Chlmbers. KR. 8. New Ham- burg. . 81--M. A. Schmidt. KR. I, Wellesley tg2--Ed. Schiedel. Rat. t, New Humburn. M-R. Ruthig. New Hamburg, 84*Valenune Zodler. New Hamburg B6---A. E. Kerr. New tumburg. "--r. Z. McIntyre & Sons. New Ham, Wilinot Fall Fair ii 'Aambt_Irtr PP" 't I: I; 10:7 it; 1.; "Ir. 1.. IT; r.2t Flynn. Sultlord, ' Wine]. Petersburg. Wettuuter. RR 3. New Hon, thihnnr‘Nn 1tl t. New Hm Prize List Results Hf]. II; " " Lorne Roth. "Wilfred Schneller. A. H. Baird. Director! Homo-mud! chant not In:- thnn 20 lb. --7g, " Drouod Iprin'drhirkrn~' (undrlwnl- R2. RA. Home cured hnm---28, 24. 35. " Page for market. white "tell-ttl, 74. 77 Egg: for market brown shell-35. 74 DAIRY PRODUCTS 5 BREAD SPECIALS A it luird. Wm Mnnnghnn. lvirortnrc White whan l bun 50, Sh. trt. Rrd (all that. I hum -4S. 7,8. 74 Early white onta, I hm GI, my " White out. “I. fll, G“ Furl" 9nd GI, TS, 24 lhrloy. mulling so as ch! Rye --78. 58, Wr 46, Tir. Id com» M, 24. 'rd Pop corn 55. 78. Large white but" ".2 Small white bran.- 41, " New Hun-Iburz VEGETABLES A H, Baird. Wm. Monnethnrt lDPrw'ura Late vlrhu Danton -$6. 24. " In]; v.rt.tr vim. poumnw M, N. " "on!" mum» an IG-Donald John. son of Mr. and Mrs. valentine Knechtel. New Hamburg. 4-Ntrney Bernice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Lorne Rosenberg". Puttsville l-Donald, sin of Mr. and s't?ck,Aew9mtrqrer. - a 4-LRobert Gedrsre. son of Mr and Jag. Smith, Palmerston _ _ BAQIES, UNDER 1 YEA! i--kudrer, daughter of Mr. and CamptLeI] Shag". Crosshill., n _ 2---John Edwtsrd,-son of Mr 'ildrin_Piny, yew Hamburg, s. s. 17-Vernu Berg, Hilda Seyler, Ida Shaun. .p__ S. S. 18--Mtseie Neeb, Marie Weglord. Lucille {widen s. S. 9---L. M. Nufziuer. P E. Natmrier, S. E. Lemp‘ - _ s. B. 'tir-Ciara Oesch. comm Rumig, Ednl oesch. Bwerysyytrr--Vlr16W_, in" 1-0oree Elainv, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E, Sandor. Shakespeare. 2---Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meyers. Kitchener. s. s. 1sih-Heun Bulk. Reta Grover- biehl, Caroline Dimer, Winners of Chron- icle Shield. Bread Spatul- Maple Lent brand Rour-R2. " Lily White brand Rour--0. " Five Role! hrlnd Rour-76, " Bell hrand hour. “5. " mmrrdn annd flour. TI:_ '4} o (‘nnndn hrnnd flour -26, hr, Syn-vial rnllw'iinn 66. It2. 45 "T -"e H - Vfifi, _._. gm: ._., ru- h-b. M. 01; I.“ an. u. M; 11.n- "cat u, 01; on II-b. M. " - a..~l.-. nu In. 91. Uh; "In lamb. Ill, 01; ad 0-0. M, “A; than“ out. tu. 91; are huh. tu. " A V S: s. 16--Roy Ferguson, Sarah Dick, Doris _Na!ziger. U _ ___ - - s. B. 16-Hildn M. Snyder, Erma Roth Enos _Honsbersrer. SIAM "oe-Ram, u: an, II; II. hub. 88. and any. M. is; tic-(ling IWC. M; this lamb. " Pun of lino (In. and d "mauot--u6, Ruby Eckstein. B. S. 8-No entries. S. S. 9-Dorothy Blaney. Dorothy Knech- tel, Edith Milne. S. S. 10-irie Gintrerieh, Alvin Ginge- rich. Inez Witzel. B. s. II-Dorothy Steinman. Irene Stein- Jmut. F. M. Roth. B. S. 12--Ervin Bender, Ezra Bender, Mildred Zohr. & S. 18--Florence Rittirurer, Kalhk-en Roth, Carol Gardner. S. "s. 14--Rostmn Dimer. Ruby Knipfel, Ralph Flowers. Bum: Hotos---Boar born movie-u to Sun t. "M, I05; but born bot-non Scum t, 1086, Ind lurch I. "". I": boar born the! March t. "86. 106. IM; champion Fred M. Snyder. Judge. SS. 1, New Dundee-meta Wanner. Iva Wanner. Rudena Toman. S. S. 2 and 8-Violet Dommun. Dorothy Domman, Lorene Brett. S. S. 4---Alice Weicker. Howard Gren- man. Alice Snyder. S. S. ti--Mariorie Benn. Dorothy Kipter, Mildred Cressman. Phyllis Strnined honer--46. 77. l Honey in tworrth---46, tll anlo rerup-48. 3I. 70 Mini. ulnar; I min t, 1015...»: Inch i. nu. In; boar new} the! Much t. "86. 106. IM; chumplou1 boar. 105; now born "avian: to Basrt. l, "M. 106: new born between Supt. t, tM6f and Hutch t, 1936. 106. ilb6; champion ww. lot Onionl. Yellow diaiC -iiGl"ver.-.-m,bt, Snider N: Camerbn Tom-n I and l "rurnivsLierfein IRE": -roaL-uroaot Coxnun. I; c Sw-ruentruber, 6; Don-Id Luckhardt. 5. Mixed Bouuuet--uverne hiilérr is} Hur- old Glass" 13; Elnine Tom-n t. Art-Primary class, Stanley Strut, ISF...; V, Mannnue 155%: John Kline 15%. Art. Sr. lst Class-Betty Jacobs ll; Jean Chnpman ll; Muriel Mrers 11. Art, Third cl.trtr--C.rolirte Ditner Tlite; 14; Don Nahlger 15. _ Art, Fourth Cuss-Marie Gintrerieh to; Miriam Ritchie 18; [lean Hyer 16%. Chas. Heinel. Simon Ditner, Directors 196, (Nun. in exhibit?» .;i;: Gia-it-u,,, prize for ICIIOOI and number (allowing in "tyo) leafy-H he Egon-emu.) Giant White '"ntrel---Hownrd Luckhnrdl 6; Laverne Hill". t8; Roger Weiler. la. U%rruts-Thetm. Lulu. I and a; G. Hollinzer It; 14. suuwsh---Muriorie Bel-cl ll. Potatoes, Burn] New Yorker tvp-Lloret Schiedel 13. Res Tsehirhnrdt 6, Oliver Luekhnrdt 6. Potatoes. Irish Cobbler-Marjorie Bean ii; 0. E. Houteller 7; Glen Beisel 13. Zinnias. 6 Btoomtr---t4, s, 14. African Mttritrolds-Juue Binnie I Ind S; Agnes Roth 18. - -Phiox, 6 trunner-Grnce Bean 5: Delford Zehr 18; Nelson Roth 6. Petunias. 6 tru-is-Lloyd Schiedel 18; Marjorie Bean 6; H. Helichrvsum-Rotrer Weiler Ilt; N: Margaret Luckhudt 6. t0sturtiums--Gr- McIntyre 6; Doug- las Foote 1 and 8; Florence Roth. ll. Sewing Pot Holder-Theresa Strub 16% May 15trg; P. chuch _15%, . Beets, Detroit Dirk Red-ttoy Booting, 12; Dorothy Kiplcr. ll; Stun". may”. Pumpkin-meld. Roth. 5; Elaine Tainan. l Ind 8; Glen Bel-cl. 18. Sweet cortr--Earr Tom-n. t and I; Joan Digger. Lgnd {alloy Lugyhnrdt. 5. Sewing, Clothe. Pin AsFond.- Mariorie Bean 5. Helen Herner 18; Florence Roth ll 6 Baking Powder Bueuittr---66, 79 6 Grin-m Biscuits--", 61. 6 Oatmeal Cookies-to. 72. fl Doughnuts. 24, 38. 6 Bunis---64, 46. 12 Fancy Cakes. 4 varieties--". 41 Fancy Light lmyor Cake-76, 43. Fancy Dark Law-r Cake-40. 62 White Fruit Cake not ieed--4h 61 Spanish Bun Cake-72 " Angel Food Ctske--g2 Dat. Loaf--40, 46 Snitz pie-UO, 82 Lemon Pie-o. 41 Apple pie-60, 28. Pumpkin ple--76, 79, R-isin Pie-h), 61. Canned Strtovberries---79. 73 Canned Rhubarb--62. 48. Canned Cherries-O, " Canned Plums--". " Canned Rttspberrirs--46, 86 Canned Pinet_--88. 72 Canned pestehen--78. " Canned pelrs~82. To Curr-n! Jeilp--78. 80 Apple Jelly---'", " . Grape jellyH‘m. 46. Raspberry Jellr-46. 78. fanned lomamea. str. 64 Cnnned eorrt-71, 86, Mixed vinegar pickles TIL " Onion pickles---'). 353 Fruit viekles 43 Green smut-e for cold meal -70, TI Tomato catnup~70. " BABY SWEEPSTAKES Dongld. son of Mr. Ind Mrs, Ted Stock a. or has, no not has, "a. "C 1htoeialurdsre.irobeubokurtr-. cl... ""°' Pet lm". Min-- Bell market Iatrsb---96. 122. Simon bit-not. Wm. Howl-n. -___-_ Bhutto". Simon Ditner. Wm ”mun, Directors. ltURA2, SCHWL COHI'HTIMS 15131554 1 Yum FNo avg; 6--June Otto. Margaret Wagner, McIntyre. Ci-Nels, Jones. Frieda Penner, WRITING COMPETITION DOMESTIC SCIENCE GRAIN -. _ w. ..... Ill-urn. Dhaka". Val. Znollor. Direetor tt Mrs and Mrs Mrs Mrs Ted “I‘linli Fttvorrte pour 46 Flt-imam near 87. 26. Shvldnn prttr--2R. 87, 24 A " K nf full hour " 2R. an Barth-f - 37, (a. f14 Flomlnh hrnutv. 2%, " 56 Ben " Aulun -4tl, 28, “I A 0 K winter pour. nttrnrd 't, 2% 54 Rurhnnk plumn, " Brad-haw plumn 26 Imprrinl Gage 2tt " Pond) wodlinl plums GI My Yellow “I! plum: -2tl A o Kyplunu Ttb. " Prunot 20. I7, " I Whin- nr "an "up" 70, I. tted or Mnk .rattos----66. M. " Purplo or Marl: (VIM! M, " " W Srhm-Ih-r. Lorne Roth. “hm-nun Show ttppten---26, 24. so Maiden'a Blush-tttt Duchess of Oldenburx -26, " Wealthy~2m 88, 24. Alrxnnder of Wolf River-26. 24, RR ontario-r-M, mm "ttvin-lu, 46. " Prwrtukeen--2tt, GR, RR. Tolmnn SweetR--26. ttg, " lllenheim Orttntre-26. M. Metntonh Redst-26, 87, St lmwrrnn- 'tpplev--87. 26, 60 A 0 K. (All lple. named-~28 Northern Rrty--26, 24, " Rhode l-lnnd Gre.ninr-26, 45. ii. King of Tompkins Countr-26. M, no Golden tttrit-87. M, " Rnldwlnnw 26. ‘7 Rimrton Pippin 26. M. " A. o K winter apple, nnmed 2%, M. , (‘rnh apple:- 26. it. " Nnmml otrietios. rnlln'lnn of ”‘le 2R. 24, no WOMEN'S INSTITUTES COMPETITIONS be; I. [an In); 0. In. L “wha- nlou; T In. lad-N- M: I. In. C. H. Prong t In. M Inter; 10. in. 1.";wa kt, 'W a! ”an; Hé;el3;d T:iiriicChdit' bull. three years old and upwards. 87: bull calf. under one " " I A. ”and; IT. Wm hulk“; ll. It Ida Pwhr: II. In. In. Gunm:&'. In. Ah: Cid-on; II. In. K. L Slant; " In. Att. Ins-“I: " In. Hub. Doha”; " Hub 8m; " Wumon Gnu. " Inner Bock-r; " Clanc- M: " Jun Hu-o-d; n. Milt - " Echo: menu»; 81. In"! If; " Ruben Wad-MC; " John C. (in: It. mum]. Int-Lulu; " In. Mohr; " In. H, Wuhan " Linwood Inu- tute; In. Ear. Wotthulu; " In". Inp- t; to. In. Inn-l Hahn; M. Walter rJll, " In. " In“; CI. In. '0.- ky Haul; " In. w. K. Md: M. Milton Weber; " Home of “use. KIRI- ener; Bl. Rom. Renato; 48. John Tho-n- wn; 69. Dave Kelly; to. Sin-on 8mm, " Hy. Doqrrlu; M. Mitten B. sun-nu. SI. 3. A L. non and Boa; " Alex. Juli; " In. J. D. Cook; u. In! But-on. b7. lotus, Lemrgjl. John Al- I. In lip-‘30.; I g. In} 9‘. use; b, I any. " In W4; II. Hm: Mid; " John Y. “at; It In. John I...“ " I A. ”and; IT. Wm hulk“; It In. Ida Pwhr: II. In. In. CATTLE Shorthorn cattle-Best bull. three years old and upw_-It. Mt, 46; bull, one year ad. N: bull calf. under one year. Mr. 38. ll: bull. any age. 14; cow. 8 years old and upwards that raised a calf this year or is visibly in calf-14. 46. IO," heifer. two years old, H. 45. 10; heifer, one year old, 10, t4, l4; heifer calf. under one year, 10, 14, 14; best female, any use. N: erd of shorthorns 1 male and 4 female for breeding purposes. u. to. 46: herd of calves. four head. to be bred and owned by exhibitor. 14. 46; best butt, three years old and upwards. 77; bull. any axe. 77; cow. three years old and upwards, that raised u call this year or is visibly in ralf. 75. 68, 69; heifer. two years old. 77: 0e year. 77, 77177: best female, any age. Z7; herd of Aberdeen Angus. I male and 4 _ _ "'V ... ...L. . . "can. lemma. any age. 77; herd of Aberdeen Angus. I male Ind 4 females for breeding purposes. 77. 77: herd of calves. four head, to be bred Ind owned .trv.eyrittitor,, 77. briuln; H. H. F. Sch-Ml; " Adam Llugqlbau-h. tit. Envoy Enid-t; ". L. B. Weber; 6S. B. C F. Stalin: Cd. Reuben Ruth“. 66, Ed Luau; " Milt Nod); M. Evhruim (induct; " H. W. Bun; " Brhantz; 72. Hal-I) Schmidt; 28. John Frank (Hen. 20. Pnt Dietrich: TI. Hug Grierebill; To. W. P. W-nncr. ii/g Tue, David-on; iq. Geo. Hyu- lop; " Geo: B. Bthm_idtt p. . Ve/tek; 79 John Guinel; M. Fred Snyder: 81. G. A and C. W. Woelne; M. PM Wuhan: " Sprinmude Flrmn; 86. Phil D:--: M. Eph. Fried A Son; 86, Jno. . Chain"; 87. E. Z. McIntyre; 88. Clare Douglal: 89. A. Dingman; M. Edwin Hakim; " Ina. K. W-gner; 92. Dan Otto A Son; M. Chan. Dunbrook; " Sun Shrine: M. Dun Lohr. Pol-charm: or B_-Brood aura with toat It toot, 80. 26. ll: 10.1 " 1980. ID. TO, 81; three year old ful, or gelding. M. Si; two year old tul, or gelding. M, M, Bt; one year old colt. M. 88. 70; ycld brood mire or gelding, d years or over. 81. Agricultural horses. brood mnre with 'uly or gelding. 74, qt, 76; two year old (cal u tout. 78. 69, 78; three year old tuly or gelding. 66, 67, 48; one year old colt. 68, 66. 85: yeld brood mare or geld- ing. 4 yearn or over. 71. 54. 66. Heavy drnught horses, brood mire with {all at foot. M. 79; foul of 1936. 86, 49. 79; three year old Btiy or gelding. N. 65, tifi; two year old tuly or gelding. 68, 'll, 72; one yelr old colt. M, 68. 94; yeld breed mars). or gelding: 0 years or over. 94. Heavy Horses in Ha-r-Group of , heavy horses on halter, owned by one exhibitor-il. 65. 94; group of 8 col", owned by one exhibitor. 68, 86. 88; span percherons or Belgian horses. 88, M. 78; span 'urrieulturtu horses. qt, N. 69; ”In heavy draught horses. 96. 86: "veep- ulkes. open to horse. in heavy clauses Any Me. shown on line. 94; sped-l. Hy. Schmidt. Pat Dietrich, Russell Heine]. Milton J. Schmidt, Carriage horses, brood "are with foal at foot. 88, 88. 96; toll of 1986. 82, 60. 47; three year old tutr or gelding. 88, M, 92; one year old colt. M, 95. 60; yeld 74; two year old tiUy or gelding, 96. M, brood mare or welding. 4 yet” or over. Roadster horses-brood mire with foal at rout, 75, 64. 64: font of 1986, 89. 64, 64; three year old filly or gelding. 67. 82: two year old tilly or geldlnx. 76; one year old colt. 67. 64. 89; yeld brood mare or gelding. f years or_ over, P. Walters. Light horses in harness, group of three light horses owned by one exhibitor-M, 96. 75; spun carriage horses, M, as; span roadster horses. 82; single curriage horse, 88, 74; high stepper in buggy or Cart, 83; saddle horse. must conform to type, 67; best lady rider. must be member. M: sin- gle expresn or delivery hitches. 88, 88, M. 33 A. E. Krrr, E. Z. Mrlnlyre, Dirarm Collection at canned vegetables-at (‘ollectinn of rnnm-d rruitr-89. RI l'nllortion of pickle-gt. .19. Collection of iellieir--8t, " Loaf of bread---81. " Home-made eandy-18i, 39. Fruit cake. dr-k. not ieed--89, HI, Angel fond eake--89. " Chocolate layer ertke--ttg, " bt 1runir--itt. qt 8 dousrhnuts--i. 39. tt to: birurultn--,tt, 31' Dntt- luathl. 89. Dining table hmmuM. low type - 219 hiring room Hou---.", HI Wumnn'a knitted wswuit---.89. 3t annn's Dunne drrss--89. SI. Pillow can”, Ty.";"','.'"'"'--". 39 Work Apron-', .'. gl. Gun! lowoll. ernhroidered v3], 89 Pieced quilt-SI, " Hooked Eli} Sweet svdrri--Citir"ir'rt, is . . I. arobs sweet Mme Corn-SI Onions Winners Of Award: At Wellesley Fall Fair HEAVY HOMES LIGHT HORSES h Z. Mrlnlyre, Dirarmra canned vetretablen---8t. as. “mm-d rruitr-89. RI pickle-gt. .19. 89. SI FRUITS ms. 77. 77: be bred Ind 1H Kitrttrsttrsr ‘lkaputy Hhoritt (i " (“Him has rviurnod from Kingston after r'.nr'isurtittg (‘hnrlm Partitn to Portsmouth penitentiary Partitn Tgttq aunts-mud in a term ot ttvp years: in that institution after a conviction m a mnrlln can. ll th. fall unison. Rood work. was” paper hank", Hi flower Inn-kn, Hi, c. nanrlwirh tray. 7. l candle holder. 2 pirvl‘t 12; vnnr. a, 7 fruit huh-l "r howl. l; jartliniorv “and 6; bedroom Inmn. l; small window hor. 7 nowlng "Mr. l2; pun and Ink "av. l2. Partito Taken to Kingston Prison At, 17; Angel calm, 84; chnrnlllo Irsyer (ctuos. M. 17; six hung, 37, IT; nix doutth. mm, I7. .14; six um, 84. I7; nlx ten hiscuiu, 34. 87; nut lnnf. 17, 87; ennm-d vpgemhlen. . varieties 1 pint "all, 17. 37: ruined fruit. 6 mull-tin. l pint each, 37; homemade Intent]. I loaf. 87, an Indin' wear. working smock. 37; pullover swelt- prn. 87. 17; work apron. IT, u; porch dream 17, 38; rhlld‘n drug. up to , you". 27. IT, one pair of ttnndknitted non-kn. 17. at; braided mu. l7. Mz-hookod mat, I7. .17. fnnry quilt, IT, 87; Noted quilt. l7. 87; embroidrrrd pillow ran”. 87, ttC un- hroidorod an": towel, 87, I7; nomethin. new mnde out of nomoihin' nld. wonrinx apparel. l7. 17; flowers, dlMntrroom bou- quot. low type, 34, 87; livinttroom bouquet,‘ 3'7 Imirv hunter. 6 lbs. in t Ib. printn. Ill; dairy butter. crooks. 5 "it. 16. an; hert dairy butter, 3 lb. in I lb. prints, by girl under IN yen“ of age. 29; bent exhibit of dairy butter by any Indy. collection of 5 lb. crock and 3 lb in prints, 81. 15, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE EXHIBITION Domeulii- Science, home made Cindy, va- "My. 37. IT. fruit rake. dark, not iced, Maple sugar in cakes. 2 lbs or over. 16. best loaf brown bread. 40, 16. 12; best loll white bred. 40. 43. 44; bum. lull dozen. 40, 12. N; coffee cum. t2, 40. 48; ten biscuits hi” dozen. 80, 10, 9; oatmeal cookies. be” down; 21. s, 28: drop cookies. any kind, half dozen, so, 321 M; - cookies half dozen. a. 21, 6; Ichnitz pie, 48, 24. a; pumpkin pie. 48, 16, 19; fruit pie 9, 44. 48; upple pie, 2. 12. 24; layer cake. linht. any kind, 24, 29, 42; layer cake. chocolate. R. 6; fruit cake. liirht 8 lbw. or over, without icing, M. 40. an; fruit cake. dnrk. 3 lbs. or over. without icing, 44, 80; nut bread 12. M, 6; date cake with fuline, 19. 21, 31. roll jelly clke. 7, 48; doughnuts, half dozen. 9, 82, 21; tutu. half dozen. any kind, 24. 6; boiled snlad dress- inR. l pint. 7. 5: strained honey, tr. 86: insortment canned vegetables. 6 pints. VI- rieties. 42. 7: assortment table sauces. ' varieties. a. 42; assortment irons, 4 varie- tit-s, 29, 42: assortment canned fruits. ' pints. varieties. 16, 42; assortment mur- mnlndes. 8 varieties. 42. 7; nunrtment jelly. A varieties. 44. 8; ratsup. red. 40. a; l dor. eggs. weight and largest. white. 41. 7; I Ilnzen eggs. weigh And Inruest. brown. 15. ti; home made now. so. 42: I aunt maple syrup. 89. 26. l Grain and tseeds-One bus. white {all wheat. named. 16, 44; one bun. red fall wheat. named, 29. 38: one bush. spring wheat, 46; one bush. six-rowed barley, H. 41: one bush. early oats, 41, 44; one bush. late oats. 88, so; one bush. white peas, H. 80; ha]! bush. Timothy seed. 88, 41; six ears sweet corn. 29. T; one gal. beans any variety. T, 6; six stalks fodder com. 89. M. FRUIT Five snow apples. u. 26; five St. Law- rence. Sit, 26; five Baldwin. M, 39; ttve Ribston Pippin. 40; five Blenheim Pippina. 82; ttve Golden Russet. 82; flee Tolman Sweet, 80, 88; Ben Davis. 26. 18: ttve Northern Spy, 29. 32; tive King of Tomp- kins County, 82, 40: Duchess of Oldenberg. M, 44: ttve Alexander, 82: flve seedling. 28: five Wealthy. 88, 39: five Ontario. 24: five Mclntosh Red. tlt; five Calvert. 29, 26; collection of apples for cooking. 4 varieties, 8 of each, 40, ‘24: collection of shipping apples. 4 varieties. 8 of each. 24. 18; bushel best fall apples. 24, sg; five any other kind winter apples. 38 25; five any other kind fall apples. 24, M; five Crab apples. 26, 80; five Bartlett Pears. 2. 86; Louis Bon do Persey, " ;t1ve Goodale pears. 80; five Beurre d'Anjou pears. 36, 44; tive any other kind of winter pears. 86, 15; five any other kind of fall pears. 13. 28; col- lection of pears, 4 varieties. 8 of each. 86, 18; five Lambard. 36; tfve Green Cage h, 36; collection of plums. 7. 13: collection of grapes. 13; five tomatoes, for slicing 18. M: five tomatoes. small. for preserving. 29. 28; five Capscium (peppers) S; two water melons, 29, 13; two citron. T. 18. ROOTS'AND VEGETABLES Hall bus. potatoes. Irish Cobler type. 18. 88; half. bus. potatoes. rural New Yorker type, 9, Ili; half bus. potatoes. any other ‘kind, 16. 24; half bus. potatoes. any other kind, lit, 36; five Swede turnips. 20, 29; flve field carrots. 18, 32; tive table carrots, 18, 16; five beets, Long Blood. 44, 82; ttve blood beets, turnip rooted. la. 4": Bee mangels. Globe. 29. 24; flve mangels. Yel- low intermediate. 29, 13: tive Can. sugar mangels. 26, 39; five parsnips. 13. 88; two vegetable marrows, 18, 29; pumpkin, pie. 30, 13; pumpkin, large tuid. 18: squash. summer. 30. 13; squash. Huhnrd. 29. 18; one gal. large onions, 24, 40; one gal. pick- ling onions, 7; two heads cabbage. 24, 25: two heads Red Dutch Savoy cabbage, 88, 29; two heads cauliflower. 24 18; two hun- ches celery, 44: five winter rudishes. a. 82; ttve fall rndishes, 13. 16, fl, _-- MeV - .._.. - -.. .-. -. Io. War. two you" ou, Cl; ' on 1-: old. ll. M. u; has. all. and. on jun. M, ". M; to“ (undo. a: no M; had of Houtou.tmate and l hush- tor bncdiu Dunn-co. II: lard of adv". four hand. to be brad aged own-d by nil- Mun. " M. " Air-hi. nub-But bull, the. in" old sud “mil. 68; bull, two you" all. it; butt. and your old. 81; bull all. ul- du out your, ct. 02. bull. In, ale. M; cot. an. yen" old And uni-nil. that ruined I calf thin your or u vlllbly In call. It. 62. 6t; idler. two you" oldnu. 68, 68; Idler. "ne ya: old. ll. M. II; holler all. under one yen. 68. 01, 68; but female. guy I... (I; herd of Aynhiru. 1 male and A null". for Nadia. put- Douu. 62. Cl. herd o! culvu. I held In In bro-d Ind urged by exhibit or. 82. 6t. you. " .1; bull. “I “0. II; 00'. (In. "In on amd no“. M kind a all an. ym'on h vii-IN. in all. I1; mu. two my: old. M; I-lu. on nu 0H. I1. II; c. ml. - on all. I1. " I1; boot "mate nu I... I1; {all " lit.- lwd cattle. t - and 4 hunk. I1; It! of _ tour End to be brod all on“ by__¢x_Nb_hor. " - Kohl-h -H-tgrrt bull. throe you- uld Ind numb. (I; bull two you" all. M; butt. out you all. 08, II; bull cult. uudoe one you, 66. M, M; “I. thro- 're. old And up'udl that run“ a all Joruy cattle-Best hull. three yttr- old and uDvIlrdu. u. 63. bull, one your old. 40. 58: bull cull. under one rear. bl, It, M; bull, any use, 46; cow. three - cold 3nd npwlrdu. 46, 68; heifer. one your old, do. 68, M; hello! cult. under one year. 46. " 68; best female, any Ice. 40; best herd of Jersey rattle. tor dairy purpose. I all. and d femues. 46. El; herd of calvel. I head. to be bred Ind owned by exhibitor, 66, " .Grldo Dairy Tre-cow. three yen-I old Ind' upygrgh ilk-linked I call thin yen: _ WW, .__. -___-i- - --.. ....- ,u-. or in visibly in till. TT; holler. two you. old. 71; heirer, one year old. 77; heihr eaif, under one yen. 62. 77. TT; herd of calves. tour head. to be bred Ind owned by exh_itriror. 77. and. Boo! Tre--"." beet shim-l in Ibuw confined to breeding purposes. 81; best dairy animal in show eortBued to breeding purpouen, 62; steer or heifer un- der " monthl. type, quality and Baish ot sand-rd baby beef. 46, 81. I‘: herd of pure beef cattle. l butt and d females. 14: herd of pure bred dairy type cattle. l bull Ind A fern-kn, 68; best fem-lo. my age. M; call of d-iry type. under t your old, " 46. 61; call of a but type. under 1 your old, to. M. 86; on]! race. 46. ". T7, TT. SHEEP " Long Wool, deeotcru. Cot-wold amd Lincoln-Aired rum. 4ti; tShearling nun. 48, 14; run lamb. 19: aged ewe, 48. H: lhggrljng. 48. ll. Short "ou--Shrettire and South Dow. --Atred ram, 48; shell-ling run, 48; run limb. ". 48; Iced ewe, 48. 48: sheariintr. 48; ewe lamb. 48. " SWINE Bacon Ho-oar. born previous to Sept. l, 1986, 63. 98, 76; hour. born be- tween Sept. 1986 Ind Mar. i, 1986, 98. lo. 76; chlmpion boar. 68, 98, 98; sow born between Sept. 1. was and March I. 1986, lo, 68, 93; now. born after March l, 1936, 93. 63. 98; champion sow. 68, 68. 98; pen of 4 bacon hogs. 66 19, 26. St. M; single baron hug, 19. as, ah. 26 GRAIN Shea! trruin--Best , sheaves lull wheat, any kind. M; best 2 sheaves spring wheat. 44; best 2 sheaves oats, any variety. H; best 2 sheaves Mule/.744. Medium wool-H-hire, Butroik. Dor- ul Horn Ind oastords---Atred run. ‘8. 98; 'shiiintr ram. 08. 98; aged ewe. 98. 'r. "tttrliryr, 9g. 48; ewg lamb, " DAIRY PRODUCTS DOMESTtC SCIENCE Je guy'is'fd, Cf. Serum hm me-m Richiod In. In um Schmk n Evolyn aunt-u! , Paul Ine Behink It Jul Miran-rum h In (no! Eartha-d1 ll 11 “'0 ur Moro Ronni tlchrrolst I‘rlmnn (‘Inu Alhn! ()livHH 13. Knth, lrrtt May t3. Manon» Hrnhmnn ts, Wil- Iinm Thnvmuinn I! Edwin Srholl In. Jam- "orhrrlrh l3 F'ourth Mu x Mvrttr, Shuh 6, Vrrnor Wrlnnd 29, Doria Irwinlhm 29. Hilda (Eru'rl R. Mvrlla Ner tft. Violet Prtulitrki Is ' Third Flaw Annn mm a, Mire Srhnnlv fl. Wilhort Crawford 29; Pour] "oohn 2", Ruth Eh, a, knrmth Wound Savant] (‘lu rinia Kraft tl der 29. "rh- 29. Spnior Firm! Schwnndl 17. Strveker In. Fterhtvt I T writhtq tone Room School” Prititry--Rrntriee RAM: 16; Ruby Paw lluki M, Jenn Slrvrkpr l6. Jon Snyder l6 Fourth ('lnuA; Kttthleen Knehut 5A; Helen Sidrlod 18; Inn Wheeler 5A; Kath. IN-n kleni 13; Marion Heron ll. Gene. vieve Run: 13. Third Che-Doris, Kolpetts FA; Doro thy Klein 13: Aunt": Thom-gin. " Harold Rplnnhrdt 18; Helen Bruderf " Holly Brahman 13. _ Senior Firsrt Murmur?! Srhpnk IS. Eileen Ellig 13. Alvin Stem" l3. Claus Buohnnr th. Willrod Zing" 13. Run Fchern-r " Remind (‘Inw anmnnd Hruhnrhvr Pauline Martin ll: Arthur Winn" lirnurn Szmigirlrkn ll: Marvin Muulin Raymond Gin ll. (Two or more Room Schnoln) Primnrv--msrnieo Reinhnrt 24; Marie Srhell In: Wm. Thnmnnin: IS; Edwin Sch!“ ls; June Both-rich 18; Doris Hum- mel 18. Third CIIM-oEneuh Welnnd 29; Wil- bert Crawford 29; Hnrry thncke 17; John Snyder 16; Marion Stryckor l6; Jenn Finder 17. Fourth Class --Worner Wl'lllld 29; Elvi- nor Thomas 29; Kathryn Riehl 29; Violet Panlllzke IR; Eleanor Tole" 29: Wilma 'tvrner l7. Senior Fir" _. ituriet Schwnmlt l7 'ref/tv Berna l7; Lenter Bechtel l7. Sewing Contest, under 10 years-Betty Snider 18; Mildred Zinger; Pauline Mar- tin ll: Norma HIM: ll: Aliee Shun”. a. Art (One Room Schools) Primary-Be-eu Rahn 16; Ruby Pan- litzki 16: Jenn Stryrkor 16, Sewing Contest. 10 yearn and over-Bi trice Thom-sing 18; Darin Berberich 13; Kill-lean Klein 18; Annette Thom-sing ls; Larisa Zettel 18; Helen Thom-sing If, Pot fYi.rgku,'t,q cotton-M-et Slelriod 13: reg Baum-n u: Dorothy Klein 13; Doris Benringer Mt; Doris Dede]: 24; Rat. Kramp H. Sewing Clothe.» Pin Apron-Kathleen Klein Genevieve Kuru 18; Betty Brahman Beatrice Thoma-inn 18; Helen Slelried Helen Brahman 13. Whole Wheat or Bran Mumns--Bentriee Reinhardt 14; Rat: Krnmj It; Doris Weber 6 Betty Snider 18; Dolores Bowmln ls: Gladw Weber 6 Maple Cteam---Eleanor Lichty 6; Jeanne Berherich 13; Edith Sander 24: Marion Slrycker 16; Dorothy Klein 18; Bernice Reinhardt 24. Hnndling of Market Lamb-Harold Sni- der EB; Kenneth Sch-eler 12; Herbert llollze l2; Russel Bruuki 12. Cooking ' Light Layer Cake-Gerald Hummel 18; Jean Finder 17; erjorie Klein MP. Kath. lea Klein 18; Mabel Olincky ts; Gene- vieve Kurt: 18. myuririjrayr-,peu Krieger N; Donnie Finder 17: Anna Kraft 6; Beullh Bowman 16: Doris Berberich 13; Jean Underieood ll. Judges included Mr. and 'Mri. Alex Slater, Mr. and Mrs. Wat. “the, and Mr. and Mrs. Hush Elliott or Gall. Reeve and Mrs. Wesley Howlett. De- puty Reeve and Mrs. Milton Weber ot Woolwich township, not! Mr. Harry Hill, dimmer ot mullc in Kitchener- Waterloo Schools. " judge at the musical competition. . Corn. Root. Ild Vogohblu _ _ Hundling' of 'Mi’rié'et' Liaic-riirrotd Sni- der EB: Norman Snider 58: Kenneth Schnefer 12. Handling of Dairy or Beef calf-Norman Snider 58; Gerald Hummel 13; Roy Schneler 12; George Shilling 14; Joie Hick- nell H; Tony Zinger 13. - Btatioa.-qturnt School INI- nlll from school. in an unborn pan ot We“ tonal!» (more! hrs In [any numbers on Monday So: no district's annual whom an. Tho number or exhibitors In lunch ttreator than In: year. with teen mums“ being when by St children. emu-buy In the home P jean. Mixed Bouttuet---Euniee Cressmun 14: Herbert Gustmeier llz‘Hazel Mlnkly 16; Stuart Schierholtz 24; Dorothy Schlerholt: 24; Durwood Garner 24. Livestock Dairy Cl-Marold Snider EB: Norman Snider EB: Joie Hicknell 14". Roy Schloler 18; Simon Reinhardt 14; Jack Holtze 12. Market Lirntr-%irai Snider Mr. Nor. man Snider BB; Herbert Holtze I2; Russel Brgtzk§:12: Kenneth Schlefer 12. Exhibits ot man! work by the hon depicted a medieval castle an! a Cone-logo oovorod wagon. the lat. ter very true model: ot the mode ot tramoortation of Waterloo Couty'l early settlers in the beginniu ot the nineteenth century. Beef our-maid -riu,Ga -irrbiGue Finder 17; George Schilling 14; Tony zirnrer_18; Kggneth Hive] 24. Onion. - Betty Blake 18; Gordon Woolner 6: Doris. Thgmuinx In. Ntisturtiums-Doris Schiedel 24: Carl Prong l7: Mervin P-ulitzke 16; Howard Krnmp 14; Harold Reinhnrt 14; Louise Zonal 13. Turnip.---Geuevieve Kurt: ll; Henry Beecher ll: Henry Jnhncke I7; Chrome. Snider ll; Simon Remit-hit 14; Humid Shut: 18. Pumpkin-ie Hula: 18; Herbert Gastmeler It; Hildn Gene] 6; Kelvin Snider M; Carl Wlhl te. Annette Thong-- in: la. Hertehrrsrum-Kathteen Klein 18; Doro. thy Klein 18; Jean Finder 17; Wilbert Zettel IS; Kenneth Hipel 24: Roy Wigner Competition In. "penny anon; in the drive tor the Hon. N. o. Hips) Ihleld, to be nvardod to the school scoring the Lilla]! number of points. Pupil- ot Continue school vote unable to compete being under ' ri- gid quarantine, 1"n.elts--F'rank Kloeufer HI, Howard Gunman 16. Beatrice Reinhardt It. Henry Beechey u; Wm. Frank 13: Claus Buckn- er ll Ctsrrotts--Dolores Baum": "f Eleanor Lichty 6; Doreen Metaloft 29; Gloria Gnrner 24. Angus Brubturher ll; Henry Zeller 24 - Potatoes. Run] New Yorker type--Ro" Snider EB: Tony Zinger 18: L star Bechtel t7i., Hilda Geiyti_6; Roy Beckie] l7. Potatoes. Irish Cobbler 'trpe-'ronr Zinger ts; Betty Snider EB; Beatrice Rein. hardt ll: Mnriorie Klein 68: Gloria Garner 24; Eunice Cressmun I4. Flowers mnuitsri--dom. Zens] Iii: Gordon "than H: Laverne Muslin It; Mary Shirk li; Gerald Hummel 18; Edwin Sahel] 18. African Maritrolds-Marvin Instill 18; Herbert Gastmeier ll; Donnie Finder 17; Edith SIuder‘24: Genevieve Kurt: 18; Myrtle Schnndt l7. Phios-Lester Bechtel 17; Curl Sander 24; Gloria Underwood li; Doria Bearinxcr 6B: Henry Zeller 24;Prthur Wagner ll. Petunia; __ Glad; "V 1fGai" 2-4. "tint“?! Dedelu 24; Roy Bechtel l7; Eunice Cress- mnn 14;‘Henry Heechy 18; Mildred Drudge Beet-Mildred Drudge lit; Mervin Pun- liuki 16; Audrey Dede]; 24; How-rd Knmp 14, Carl Sunder 24. Jnck Schnlrr tlt, Soy Buns-Jerry Hewitt 16; John Sny- der 16. Byron Bingem-n 18; Werner We- land 29; Walter Hammond IT; Will-rd Berner Pi. Sweet Uora-Edith Suuder 24: Influx-i2 Klein EB; Reta Kramp N; Wm. Thomanirur 18; Joie Hickn-ll. In 14 Suu.tsh--Norbert Thom-sing la; Lydia Martin Ir, Florence Gunman 14; Gordon Ringer-Inn 12; Marion Strycker 16; Dori. Weber 6. Pssrsttiptr---Martraret Benz H; Peter Fay N. Jenn Slrycker 16. North Waterloo Township Annual School Fair Results (‘luv [hm-thy "awry tl. Vir- In tl, Jov Martin ft; l‘hyllia Sny- lll‘ll'n (‘lrmo-uiu 29. "" Gable- Elonnnr Ellis" 16: Muriel "nu-l Mnrklo 16: Keith Teddy Horn" IT. Futher Mauls)“ 29; Dene" Sunder it '. Loomd Berberlch 18; Helen II II It " " " SUV"! Corn Dorothy Rrhnildor 10W. Dummy Mtturrr 9. Ctieord Srhnu low, Hon-rd Kat-ma “SH, ll. hull. Mm.. ' Inntoln Henry Koch-"Huh 7, Ward Schwinn“ I, Thollln "both 23' Dod- Ila-nu Marian "Irdv I, ('nrl Frlu 10W; lw'le Dnhmrr l. Ahner Martin ll: "and?" Fihrriffq 23W, Norm. Sho'mlk’r r, 510v "vane Ru-wl Flrttfitt. ('Ilylnn Snu- 1hr i, Wnltru lllrhhnrn 3. Fidwnrd Prrtr l", Arno Rrhnnrr low, Hurrv “on II Pumpkin“ Lonnnrd Srhnnrr 10W. (ilmlvu Suhlhnum a; sun-mun Martin a; (‘yril Hrtm tOW. Flu-Inn Pram-n t; Loni. Rnudrr It Turni‘n RiIn Srhwrinrr 12; Lloyd "win In. Margin-I La-hmnn 10; Vern Srhwdnrr l2, (Inrnld Lonny: R; Howard Sehwindl fr Mr. and Mrs. G. C. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. MacPhail, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wilsort,utnd Mr. J. D. I'rudhnm. all of Gait. Miss Helen Woods, Preston, Mrs. Jessie Mom, Detroit, and Miss Myrtle Wilfong, the latter judge in the humonicn and the school choir contests. Corn, Roots ucd Valet-bl" Union»: -Meltu, Rehwindt 9; Stuart Slut hrl low. Violet Snvdor ll. Lorne Srhnnrr low, “in; Gingrich A, Murmur" Norrh ll Jiia.e. The judges " the Fair were In follows: . The schools taking part in the flit held at Winterbourne on Tuendly were as follows: I. Conestogo. 5. Floradale. 6. West Montrose. 7. Winterbourne. 8. St. Jacobs. 9. North Woolwich. 10. Weissenbnrg. ll. Bola-m Grove. 12. New Je unalem. 10W. Erbsvglle (Waterloo Tp.) 28W. Victoria (Waterloo Tp.) ll. U.S.S. Union School, Wool.‘ wich and Wellesley town-Mm, Heidelberg, I V 7 Single Roadster-sunshine Puma; 2 and I. J. L. Wright. Beit ARrietutttrtu--Grnnt Scanner Ind Son. Single carriage horre-t and 2 Willie: Munroe. Beit heavy driiiditt---g- Sven. Cro- mgrty. _ - - A A Year old colt-Mere'", Henry. Britten: R. Ruthie; J. D. Inn-1| Home: In Han-en Span heavy drnutrht---g- Scott. Cro- mnrty; D. Helntonh: S. Shrine. Spin Atrrlealturtu--Fnt Summer. Ayl- mar; R. J. Scott: N. Schantz, Span gene"! purpose-John Krien. C. Kyle". Putin: W. ngener. 'Nvistoek. Span Carriage-t "Id 2 W-llnce Munroe. Spun RotuUters--fNnshine FIHIII. Wood- "ev J. L. Wright. l.is_towel _ Romulus" Brood mare with toal--J. D. Hurray, New Hamburg: R. Ruthie, New Hamburg; A. Dlnzman, Embro. FotM---1 Ind 2. R. Ruthie; 8, A. Dinzmln. Three year old tul, or .etdintr---J. D. Murru- ,, _ __ f, - Ira-14D}:- "dit-d' iiViagéi E blch. Tlvilwck; C. W. Kent. Crgamln. -- -__ A» Carriage Brood mare with foal-M. Cream-nan. Ed. Schmidt. 'rCvutoek; Dun Lohr, Liam's]. Foai---Dnn Otto. Tnvintock: A. binge!- Elch. Tlvilwck; C. W. Kent. Embro; M. "fwd {a}; Bid any or 'reldirur-1 and 2 W._Mynre. Embrq: L?., Lghr. - l Yen? old-c514: 7W.7li(;hrt: D. Curr-h .D. Lohr. 'Three year old tUly or treldintr--C. Me- Lngnn. Mitchell, ___ -- - Year old eoit-W. Wullnce Ind Son; M. Crepnmln, Pl-ttaville: E. Fried and Son. Geno"! Purpou Brood mire with fonl--C. Cuthbert. Ingerwll; L. Clark. Foat-L. Clll‘k: Donald Curr-h. Embro: C. Cuthbert. Two yen old fuly or tretdintt-WrsU.ee Munroe, Embro: F. Jlmieson. Norwich; C, Knell. . Three year old tiny or sreldirur--dohn Erin. Mitchell; C. Knell. Pnrls: C. Outh- ert. Year old eoit-N. Schnnu: C. Knell; W Rrantr., 'Nvistoch. hm Elihu-u. Clu- "Notebook on Tron": Genevieve Kurt: II; I." “in" u. Third not Fourth Cl." Set-MI on Textile. Itrehoei, Proiell-Fa. It Inn-d W-k lode! Made of Cardboard---; Mtaso nd ll: Byron at...“ It; Sign" A IAIII‘ It: Myrtle Bah-III! IT; I lunch 17; Leroy Haber-oh] IT. Thai, yen? 013’ iii} 'JihruGir--G. Bom. mer Ind Son. Aylmer: N. Sch-nu. Plann- villg: A. B. Clygnilggrn. Guglgh. - - Five your bid My ir-sGiiiktr-E. J. At, well; A. B. Chimps": E. K. Wettl-ufer. Tnviswck. he“ Clan; “in“. “1. IA; In!) Doctor IA; lich- BI-Icr ll; Dolor-o Bau- m I", Ink I“. ll; Nab-1 m...- h. l . Third Cui-Mar-ret “rad II; In” 8-“. ll; Best, Itch..- II; A...“- Poeey ll; Dorothy Kid- IC. Helm: my. Mira: Baby Show One of the out-“nan. events of the tair “a the Baby Show. held In the Arena, when eighteen young Canadian. Iere en- tered in the event that attracted eon-id"- able attention. Dr. M. Steele. of Shake-- mare Iva- the judge. nail-ted by In. Chan. Quehl and In. Torn Kaufman. lady directors. The renal": Babies under 1 year: In Jack. non of Mr. and In, A. Rennie. RR. 2. Stratlord; 2nd. Robert, um of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Inn". Ill. s, Ta- vistock; 8rd. Donald, son of Mr. and In. V. J. Knechtel, KR. a. New Hamburg: 0th. Donald. non of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Stock. New Hamburg. Babies, over I year and under two: lat. Wllllaln. son of Ir. and In. D. W. lnnel. ER. s, Tavlutoek; 2nd. Ray, Ion of Mr. and Ira. Gordon Bell. RR. 2. Shakespeare: 8rd, Donna. daughter or Mr. and In. Chan. Quehl. Tavlutock; 4th. Joyce. daIIIhter of Mr. and In. I. Sander, Shakespeare. __ - - Year old colt--W. WIIIue And Son; S. Shrine; w. H. Di-mond, New Hamburg. Agriculturul Brood mare with 'ol-ve- Morley, Norwich; E. J. Atwell. Bolton; W. WI!- lace Ind Son. Bouquet " “in“ "o-o-Mrs. H. N. Roth. Mrs Donn: House punt. In. J. Merklinxer: Best tern, In. Quehl. Mrs. Liebler. HORSES Heavy Draught Brood mire with fou--W. WIUICQ Ind Son, Woodstock; L. CUrk. Salford; John Gaines. (igdshill. Three "velrjliuiiv"liirikTG--o. Me, Inwsh, Tnvintock; W. WIHIK‘P and Son; Sag Shane, prurht. Foni--E. Fried Ind Son, New Dundee: V, Meter; G. A. firery. St. Plull. Bud. ll. Fourth Clu- __ “autumn Kurt: ll; Helen Bietried ll; lurk Bi.trtod H; In. BmI-n- It. Hutu-it: Tho-unit“ ll; Phyllh [hunch ll __ _ We“... Probe!- Foei--W. Wauaee and on; I stt1ttrord; wuCrrdlar. Hitchelk "'rwlrGir"oiiiiiTiv"or treidintr--J. C. Hen. derson. Lakeside; 2 ttnd 8. R. M. lclntoah. Tnvismck. Woolwich Township School Fair Awards “and ciGi 7‘: Tavistock Exhibition Prize Winners Announced Huh: npth. Hyde. "indium of linurv ur "rer I)” lhurnllu Nhrrriftn IIW, Rohhr kirrh I. Gnu Plrio T: Earl lnrlol C Aden erlm " [Holl- Rattler "98 ll Live.torh Univ" ('alf linhhv Klrrh l. I‘rh-r Hu. l-r-rl ". "urnhl Geirset 7, “no" Mailman G Fart l-nml 6. Hun-Ila SMIIrr ['SS ll Bret Unlt Dorothy Hhrrrifr, 2~W, ('nrl Hrhurtt 7. hmmln- Wilhununn 7. “urn Pirie 7. Dun-Id Bird ft Kstrm, yUttler U.%.R ll Mixed Rosruurt .Rhirlrw Goad H, Lorne Snvdor 5, Gore Wand: 12; Rrnh "HIM"! I . Murrlr llllllnrd t, Abnor MArtin I I Petunia: when "on." 71%"? ER”; 11; Ruby Wrath" 9; Norm. Shnpmnker tr, Curl Norris tt: Glen Cabal N. Flow! P.iettter U.Rs 1 Lennnrd Rrhnnrr 10W Nreturtiurn. Norm" “mti li). Alum-l Martin ll: Gnu"- Plrin 7; Mann”! Hnllor 7; Evil Rrhott low, Rursseo" .Rrhlitt It Afrienn M.rittoldn--Audrer Bnumln D; [mun Konosky g; Lorne Hrhnnrr to: Huh-"n Salllvr USS. ll. Lurm- Hal." 7. Dorothy Maurpr D. Phtor--Clnrenee Ritter 5. Violet Snyder ll; Ivan lie-ring" ll. Clifrord krnuter USS ll. (illdyn Snohnor h, Ha Lona" R Holirhnwumr (‘nrl Fr/tr, Ilrrhlnid [1.3.3 ll. WIIfn POI-them Irish Ihrhhler tytre Huh-III Sank-r [LS K. ll; Clnrn Mailman tr. Mntret llnrhborn "w: Hilda llnrtunk USS ll, Glad“ Soohner B; Lyle Dunner I, Flower. Zinninu~7 Floyd Lemon 6; Retn Srhweill- pr 12; Henry Kmhnnnwski It; Thelma, Uhori. 23W. Mildrrd )lnrdv T. Gerald lmhnn 6, Potntoerr. Rural New Yorker typev Lloyd Mind. ".33. ll; Grture Wood, l2; Entelln Saul"- Ir.ft S. tt; Eva Srhou tow: Rum Elvy 12; llild- "Minn: USS ll. _ W.“ W. .". ....... mun-r I'. Muri-n Pirie 7: Mnrenret "outer 7; Georere Weber ... Floyd Martin 6. Potntoerr. Rural New Yorker typev tlord ..,_. B.rte-m .. .. -- _ carrot-Harry Bin ti; Donald Hurtunx U.S.S. ll: Loraine Lirhtr 12; "try Klrnehnnr 10; Floyd New!" 11.5.8, lt; Rather Stu-Inner 6. Pnrsinirrsa--Lnur. Kurhanuwnki 7; Floyd Lot-Ann 6; Donald Srhnoidpr 10W; Dnvid 'lat'""'" t; J. Kurt: T: Ralph Schn-rr 10 . Fritz IOW; Wm. Oberie It mnn i. wrfrte Pacjrink" Co: JpeaCior%iirot bnc_on hotrn-:rFtuter Von. Tnviatock. Toke-n5 EilGiiG' "Gir,- __ GiGii' for Champion [neon hotr--Waiter Volt. Sow born in 1986-Elmer Slum. Clur enre Innes; Elmer Btoltr. Toronto Elevators le.. special for Chgmpion Yorkshire Sow-Elmer Swill. Boar born in 1986--CUrenee Innen St Pauls; E. Stoltz; J. S, Cowan. Monkton. Champion boar-Elmer Stoltz. Bow born in 1984 or previounly---t and 2 Elmer Stoltz; J. B, Comm. Sow born in 1986--Wmer Stolu; J. S Corinna A Hyslgp. Boar born in 1986 or previously-EU- Stonz. Kitchener: G. A. Hyslop. Strtsttord; Elmer Swill. J. G.-F‘ield and Son sped-I tor best mir- het limb and breed-D, D. Bell Shake. anemia. - - tht' of long wool mheetr--Norman Park D. _Ketty. If. E. wdolCrG/cun tor pen of short wool ruteerr--W. H. Douglas; J. K. Thomp- Shenrling ewe--D. Kelly: 2 and 8, Nor- man Park. Ewe lamb-D. Kelly: Norman Yuk, Short Wool Breeds V Ram any ture-W. H. Douglas, St. Pauls; J. K. Thompson_: J. K._Thompnon. - iireGdiniilar-Hari' iiiu K. Thompson W._H. pound-n. sheariiruCiiGr--i and 2 and 8, W. H Dolmllu. tSe 1amb---W. H. Douglas; J. K. Thomp- ""r E. 11; unglls. Ram umir-V. "kr'riGGrail." w. H, Dogglng; J. K. Trofon, _ fl Cult nee fol; tGrrGrd'sriACiaTrie'en yelrs and under-t Ind 2 Kitchener House orlefytre; , and} E. Fried Ind Son. T. Enid! special for beiifrurViGifGts. d-iry type--H. W, Bean. New Dundee. mamjGcUiicraCirrrirji and a D, Kelly. _ Bruedimr ewe-D, Kelly; 2 mm] a Nor. m-n Park. C SHEEP ' Lon; Wool Breeds ' Ram, any age-Norman Pnrk. Tavistock 2 and 8_D._Ke|_ly. Shnkespenre. llgegt lat-k" "1371M -G-iiGGia iam; a." II: "all. I'M-k u: I'll" Wt ll. HM“ - ". lap. “in“. Gnu-I, Icahn; Ad.- Ilylu II; Loo III“ II. Gut-Id m II: an.“ Hun-II ll. Loon Mk. II. Jug. It... u In». Spun-u Conn-I, Jxuuur.-uo-ga land tr. Hub." Dachau II. Bitig Ira-k ll; Clau- Bm It GirW Driving Conn-Hun Purdee 11. caroitae Koch-nod! It; lid-n Sula- It. Bene Tho-Aug. ll. Hymn Hero. II Pubiir Speaking (Joule-l - Cancun. Koch-nun H; luau: linu- ll; Saw-n Schmidt: 14; Marion Bruutu 11; Dom" thy Bogus-r ll. Beatrice Thou-ha. ll. Hu-Olkl c--0oasevh Inn]. ll. School Choir-Gr- On. (one roo- .ehoour--lt.B. C. " 63. " IO. " II; Group Two (two (can "tuaoul-V ll. loyl' Drivh. Cont---..- Klein ll. Gar-M Hun-cl ll. Gordon HA" It. Alvin I...“ II; “when Gut-ck: ll, Kenneth new " - [vain-“on c'vat.i-iNuore. Cowman ll, Hahn Buvcr ll; Virginia Krart 6. Kuhn: Burch" 16. land Cook 12. Edwin Sake" ll Inter-School Stock Judxlux co--- on Schnlrr It. Cal Wlhl It. Byron Dian-nu- IS; Lloyd Sch-um IT; Irvin Brubacber ll. Roy Bechtel l7, Bull ar-A. Kendall, R. L. Roth and st;...Kitehettr_R?use Mundane: - Two year old heiter-Kitehener House of Refuge: R. L. Roth Ind Son: A. Kend-ll. Year old heifer--R. L, Roth and Son; 2 and a A Kendo. Heifer ealf under one year-A. Kendall; Kit_ctteyter Hotyre 9! Refuge: A, Kgndnll. Hurdle Jumvittte--t and 2, R C. Mend. OWN. l'lmbro. 'Nndem-WniUee Munroe. Spain] for Boys " to " Fear. any drluzht colt. 1936 foo-E. Fried Ind Son; W. Wallace Ind Son; David Hyde, Stratford; W. Ray. Mitchell. Yenrling bail-t Ind 2. M, McDonnell, Oxford Centre. Yen? old hetrh--sr McDonnell; E. Fried and Son, heifer calf under one vear--M. Mtporytelk; H. W. Benn; E. Fried and Son. Yelrlihg bui-icitauiTr -iraiCUr" Re. ture; A. Kendall.. R, L. Roth and Son. New Haytt?yrrr., _ __ Pail"! Culling Contest-lo" any“: IO; Fred Klie H Express hot-H. Knoll, L. Clark. Grand Champion helvy hortrr--Grartt Sogmer_ Hy) Son. Aylmer, Grand Chlmpion litrht horse-Fee Munroe, Embro. Lady driver-ice Munroe. Ben mingle ttsrrtout---Wutace Munroe. Sunshine Firms, J, L. Wright Cult of light breed-one year or uruier- Don-ld Curr-h. Embro; A. Lintrelbaseh. Tu- viuwck; D, Otto. TuvisIm-k. M. Henry. Britton, Herds--" Wright. Crorntwtr; K. Z Me. lnlyre, New Hamburg. Horton!- Bull two yeuru and over-K. Z. Iclnylre. Yearling bull-E. E. McIntyre! W Wright. Bull eaur--E. J. Helnlyre; H. Wright. Milk eow--H. Wright. E. Z. Mainly”. Two year old heirer-E, Z. McIntyre; H. Wright. _ ler old heiter--H. Wright; 'd and 3. E. Z. McIntyre. Heifer all! under one yenr--H. Wright, 2 Ind 8. E. E. McIntyre. Barby bed Any breed-- E. Z. McIntyru. H. Wright. __ - __ HolIthu Bull two yearn and over H. W. Bean, New Dundee. Bull cttit-H. W. Bean; E. Fried Ind Sag: H. W. Betttt. Herd-Yiouse otieiisG. k%i,GG "I! MuDuuznll; Art Kendall. Norwich Jenny. Bull two yum Ind over-A. Kendall. Norwich; Kiwhengr- H_ouse of, Refuse, - Two yelr old heiter--H. w. Bean; M McDonnell. . Squawk-Roll Attturer 9; Ruth Miller It .- Pyetteh. 8taWt --- Short Horn. Heifer enlf--E. Fried unq Son, New Dun Milk eow-Kiteheier Honing-67! Refuge Kendall: R. L. Roth and Son. (Continued on Page I) ll. Wilfred Hrihein s' [sail], Arthur Vuavl In SWINE CATTLE MW, mstty Walter Free " " " "

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