Ila. 11de has"? upon! tho wnok and with "natives a! Gerri» Me. and Mn, A, W, Hilhorn and Ir. Willi-m Linton of Galt mum on tenths: and (Hand! in the village In! Wedne-du‘ Mr. and Mrs. Erwin McNally nf ulnar: Falls visited with Mr. and _?rr3r. Jofiah raw! on Tyranny of Minn Orpha llnssnhorzt-r prmi-lvd at the regular meeting of the N n cs Chrlltian Fellows) marlin: which VI! held last Wednesday Mm- svv- m1 scripture quotations Mim Glan- llh Muunlmnn Rave " mm ou the "his“. "Humility". Parson-Is. An imnrosling s'vfllml] 3.11110 “an! played on thp Im‘al "shoot grounds but Friday ammo-m lmtwm-n the “with School and tho Now Dun, dee Publlv Srhml which rmulvnd in a more ot 20-5 tor tho lain-r. Mr. Norman Davis, at Toronto. itt. ipector of Agrirullural Chasm or the Department ot Education. viru'ted tho local trrrhool last Frlday afternoon and Inspected the Agrimnturo Clausw of ttteomtinuation Sol-mu] and also the garden. Arbor Day was ohtwrved a! Hm Rossetrank School last 'iu'duosday, It} the afternoon a deligmnu virnir was held at Kasler'a Flats. During the Sunday School hour al the United Bren-nu) Chum-h ll):- younaesl mother, Mm. Jack Sunni.“ was presented will! a lovely bouquet of gang dragons and the Junior Choir sang two numbers. Rev. G.. I) Flem- Ing conducted the church svrvirv and readlnxu on "The Lives of the Mo- them of Famous Men" were given by several of the members. Tho allusion} numbers were as follows: a vocal solo by Mm. Gordon Hallman: a as} lection by the choir, and a voea1 duet by Messrs. Morgan Hallman and Nnr. man Hill. A reading was also given by Mrs. F. E. Page and the Beati- tudes were repeated hy memory hy Miss Jean Hallman, Miss Mary Kant. ter and Beryl Davis, At The Schools. At the Baptist Sunday School me order or service was used as pro- uerl-bed by the Ontario Religious Edu- cation Council and included a rPrila- tion by mm Misc Jean Dinger. The pastor. Rev. H. F', '3chade delivered special Mowers Day sermons and at the morning service the choir con- tributed the music and in the even- ing Eden Hilhorn samz. "My Mother's Bible." Rev. h R, Pipher. pastor uf the MFC. OHM-ch. also gave a Mother's Day sermon in the morning and a musical selection was rendered with solo parts by Mr. Eldon Shark. A profusion of lovely I'luwers adorned the various (-lmrches on Sun- day, in observance of Mothpr"s Day. A short program was gtwn during the evening in diam? ur Miss Ruby Bechtei. Miter, Auguslino or Kin-li- ener was the guest speaker and gave an interesting talk on the suhjeot. "Good Dressinz'i A musical number was also contributed by Miss Arlene “Merger of Kitchener. Mother's Day Services, The mallbearers were: Rev. Curtis Creasman. Messrs. nan Pressman, Warren Bean. Ephraim Shaun. Nor- man Sham: and David I'hristeuer, Interment was; made in the adjoining cemetery. 011cc" Elected At Jr. Women‘s Institute Meeting. The annual meeting at the Junior Women's institute was held at the home of Miss Myrtle Weber at Mann- heim on Tuesday evening of'rast week. The president, Miss Jean To. man presided daring llle business session and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mu Dorothy Nun-berry; Bret vieetprmsidetit, Miss Jean 'the man; second vice-president, Miss Elimhelh Reisl; secretary-Inmsurer, Mien Alta Stoltz: asst., secretary- treasurer and prees vorresporuieut,l Miss Margaret Stoltz: pianist, Miss! Muriel Pom: ass! pianist, Miss Eliza» bath Wood; district director, Miss Shana Shantz; directors, Miss Gladys Brunton. Miss Ethel Kinzie and Miss irene Sherk; auditors, Miss Priscilla Gildner and Miss Myrtle \Voher; committee for the flower show, Miss Jean Toman. Miss Irene Stork and Miss Muriel Path. Mr. Tsunami purchased the collie dog only a tow weeks ago at the auction sale tor Mr, J, 1,'uttn near Ayr and he was considered to be it good farm dog but had never been accus- tomed to children Upon returning home Mr. Tachumi killed the dog. Factual Ot The Late Mr. Noah shat-u. Largely Attended. The funeral at the late Mr. Noah Sham: of Baden which was held at the Blenhelm Mennonite church on Sunday afternoon was very largely attended. Rev, M. H. Sham: conduct. ed the service. assisted by Iii-twp M Human The exceptionally Sarge congregation was enabled to hear the tuners] get-virt- by the use or two amplityera placed in the basement or the church and out-or-doors. thlle lorrlli Tachunil, Irina!» old son at Ir. rind Mm. Fred Tatum, who reside on a him three ad onmu mile- esertttlrwtst of New Dun-tee nun the Perry's comer. School, nun severely bitten by [halt collie do; on Monday morning Mr, Wham who was repairing lilii plow tn I laid near the house heard the child scream and notlced that the do. will attaching him tiercar. He mated to lib aid immediately and In able to release the Jim's hold an the child only by hitting " a num- ber ot times with an iron bar The little fellow was already sutterisut with severe bites on the back of ther neck. the right car and nunmmua other places on the head. Mr Tlchnmi ‘bruught him to Dr Foule‘s onto.) at New Dundee where he was ("on w anaesthetic below receiving medical treatment. He was later re- moved to hll home where it is e» peeled he wlli recover. Two Year (H Morris Taseheat.i Seventh linen. At The Churches. NEW DUNDEI _ Mr and Mm, Mums sum-man of Toronto. Mn: Slldar of Walton-loo. Mrs Aaron um» and Mr. Stanley Mlller of Ortttht, Me Orville Elliot of Wm}, MP, and In on": l Mr and Mrs. G. Wildy and (lanth- tnm. Alma and Janet. Mrs, (Morn- Ralwr and M!!! n. Gorwln or cle- lnnd, Ohio went a f" any. at mu wet-k with new and Mrl, " F. Srlmde l Mr, and Mrs, Ell Role-"berg†awn! the Mack-end with Ihelr daugh- tpr Mrs Matf “gun at Gormorly. Mr and Mr: Mitton WM†and family and Mr. Harvey no)†ot nrumho visual wlth Mr and Mn Fred Elli-1111‘ on Sunday Mr, and Mm Weber and Mr. and 'Mrs, Otto Her: ot Kitchener and Mr. FIT"! Ruettpr and daugMora. Helen and Ruth of Wamrloo vialtod with Mr and Mrs, Slmnn Weber on Sun- (my. ( Miss Elizabeth Wood, BA., the “Imam Ttnth Bean. Irene Raster. Glonnis Mumplman. Rnth Snider and Hilda Mao Bean and Mr. Andrew ham: attended a Christian Fellow- ship Italy at the First United (1111er aw mm on Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. L. K. Bingemnn visit. Mre I'hrisllnn (‘n-isman near Putter nd with tho Inllnr'a par-mks, Mr. and win.- an gummy L “vars, Samuel Hill and Wilfred Hill attended the funeral of the for- nn-r's eister. the! late Mrs. Aaron Lee at Harriett": last Thursday. Mrs It. B. Playford ot Waterloo Is visittrte with Mr and Mrs. John Cop- ter. Mr, and Mrs. Dilman Hunaharxer of Prr'ston vinitpd with Mr. and Mrs "avid " Snyder on Sunday Mrs. Aaron Toman. Mr, and Mrs. I. H. Toman and children. BurkV and Rudene and the Miieses Grae" Toman and Betty Tuchlinski called on Mr. and MW. have Mitchel, near' Ayr last Thursday. Mr G. A. Gruetznpr and Miss Flor- Pttee Gruntzner of HPspeler visited at lln- home ot Mr. August Lamon- svhluxer on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Diethnvachee \jisitpd with Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Brynn-her at Elmira on Sunday. Mr, and um Ezra Shanta, Mr. and a! the home ot the farmer's mother, Mrs, Elwin Snyder and Mm. Andrew Axt of Baden visual with Mrs. Isaac Row-ulwrge-r and Mr and Mrs Gil. Ier HI-rgpy on Sunday. Mr, Mibton Schwindlrof Mannheim; mum] at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hellman on Sunday. I The Misses Willa Pressman and Dorothy Baker or Lorne Park Col. lege Port Credit. spent the weekend Mrs. Simeon Cressmau. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schnan- and daughter. Grace and the Misses Gera- leon Saunas and Helen Jacob of Kit- r-lu-uer visited with Mr and Mrs V. E. Dine" on Sunday. Miss Irene Snider and Messrs. Walter Bowman and Roy Weicker or Newt Hamburg and Mr. Ed. Canon of PVattgrTiMe visited with Mr. and Mrs. L H. Toman on Sunday. [ Thrs If, B. Otristiim Endeavor Sm riety mm at (hp home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hallman last Thursday evening. The Iopir. "The Golden Rnlv In The Home" was presented by Mrs. Clare Hilborn and the scrip- nn'e lesson was read by Miss Gladys lh-umon. Mites Alice Hallmzm gave a wailing and questions on the topic \wrn answered Ity sewn“ members. 1h.ssrs, Morgan Hallman and Nor, mm Hill rendered a vocal duet "Mothers' Prayers Have Followed MP". atter whim the following read. ings were given: “The Path To Home". by Miss Irene Kaater and "The Kneeling Camel", by Miriam Hi1horn. Miss Mary Hilborn contri- Muted a piano solo and in closing the members responded In the roll call with a scripture verse. l Th" members ot the local B.Y.P.U. presented a program at the Baptist ('lllll'rh at Now Hamburg lam week. The pummel)", Mr. V, E. Dinger new: pied the chair and Mkgts Verna' Ewhade continued the song service. Miss Greta Bunk read the scripture lesson after which the male quar- mtu- composed of Messrs. A. Lang, 'W Ih-cker, E, A. Pom and J. w..Arrn. islrullg sung at number entitled. "Ho Plans My Life". The Misses Grace and Rudonr- Toman rendered a vocal duet. ""l‘ia So Sweet to Trust In Jesus" and the topic, “The Observ- ance uf Sunday" was given by Mr. J w. Armstrong. A vocal duet en- litlml. "Alone", was also given by the, Misses Mariel Path and Verna Scha- de. After the program lhe members ot' the New Hamburg BARR“ served 1errotdtmeutet, l U.B.C.E. Meeting. 1 The Junior Luther League will [ml-went a Mother's Day program at Ilw s, James Lutheran Church on Sunday morning, May 17 at 10.15 u't'lork. In the evening the members of the Sullul' and Junior Leagues will mum marge u! the service. Present Program At New Hamburg. Hm. I" I: Pago “v0 . radium "The â€other; Wad)". an" which Int 6. B. Human: rendered s vocal solo. "The Sweet Old Son.- I lit-l My Mother Wutr" Mun Vera Hullman live a allieudld Hill on “The Mothers and Girlts In South America" and also showed some Interesting Incline; res “Live to her suinecl. Mrs, w M. Foote then gave a radius annual "She Monitored Five". Favorite Ivymnn of the mothers Mrtieut, were um, during the meeting Minellancou. SHWOI". Mrs Jack Schmidt entertained at her home on Tuesday evening of km week in honor or Mrs, George Mor- um (nee In. Knthleen Schmidt, The rh‘ltlllg was spent in making a "Midi-'3 Huok" after which dainty n-frrdimrnts were served Mrs. MOD ton was then presented with a mire celtaaeoas shower, the sins being at- ttactively arranged in a three-tiered mark wedding can prettily.decorat- ed Ill pink and white. Guests, nunr baring ten. were present tron] Kitch- uier and New Dundee. Tave"ty-two members of the Junior Luther League pleasantly surprised their vsuporintettdeat. Mr Gartteld Weber and Mrs. Weber at their home last Friday evening. An appropriate address was read by Kenneth Boer hurl aim! Mr, and Mrs. Weber were preseuied with a miscellaneous shower. Contests were enjoyed dur- mg ther evening after which a dainty lunch was served. I who At VIA. Hum... The union] Ion-I'- on m of the U s. Wo-u'. Ill-bonny Aa- wcnunu In. hold at who be. od In. A HIM not Wan-lay afternoon In. a. D. mun. - ‘ed ind the members responded to Hie mu an In. a scripture vane. I]. Vor- HQII-n. M Mr. and Mrs. wliliam Thompson ot Washington called on Mr. Samuel Hill on Sunday. The Mime-s Pearl EM. Nina. Elite and Lillian [)ifelmudler of Kitchen- er visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Die- renbacher on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagner of Kit. chester called on Mr. and Mrs. Josiah (Tassel on Monday. Mr, mum. Aaron Duenda and non, Arnold or Plallsvllle called at the home ot Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt last Saturday. Mrs. John Copley visited with Mr. mu! Mrs. William oopley at Platte ville on Sunday Mr Jud Mrs, Eldon :lwri and Mr. and Mrs. Ploy} shark Halted with Mr and Mrs. J. H. Sheri at CW ville ull Sunday, Miss Belly Tuchlimki spent the week-end with relatives ttt Kitchener, urn, V, E, Dinger and daughter. Hazel visited wtth Mr. and In. b. Banner at xilchener on Mommy Mrs. George Coleman. Mr. and Mn; Earl (‘oleman and "In Violet Herber attended the WortdU Chrir Han Fundamentals Association Con- "Pinion at Toronto last Fridny and Saturday. was Vera Rosenberg“ of “uncle: and Mr Smart Rosenberg" of "r. Kus span the weekend with their parents. Mr and Mrs, Manna Roun- berger Messrs Harold Wettlatttetr and "oughus Coxson ot Putttreitle can“ un Irlrmls m the village latrt Batu!- any cum aim um» 8gtttier at w". loo nailed v“. In and In. Our Snider on Sunday. Mr and In. Ephraim Sun" at German Mulls, Mr. and In. Claim (and ot Pmuvme and Mr. 8taar Iey snlder ot Ithnhelm and on Mr and Mrs Jodah (‘anel on Bun- day Mrs, M, Strome rtqtted with Mr. ‘and Mrs. Band Robertson“ Ella". on Sunday. Inn.“ .. 'tu'h'tAue&gueltift t"daran_r. 'er_.qMth1.asooaati., Holon tse or union 1‘“ an an»... mm. mi and um. m leg powred to Humilton on Sunday. Ir null Mrs, Roy GM!!!“ and tht WATERLOO THE WATERLOO TRUST AND SAVINGS COMPANY If You "Die _ , Without A Will . Fllere's What The Law Does 4. In Addition . . . . '. [fa Wife and More Than One Child Are Left '. Ifa Wife and One Child Is Left . . . '. If a Wife But No c-Gag",,, I: Left . . . Mr. David Zinn his sold his property on the Western limits of the town to Mr. Peter Goertzen. Mr. Zinn will law. I ale of chattels on May 16th. la Hood of was. The caretaker of the park has the nail: part of the Judi in exeel- lent dupe. " has I been raked and moved and within a week the park should be in tirat class con- dition. The swimming pool has been cleaned, revealing the hard winter took its toll here. The floor of the pool has been badly damaged and a man with experience will have to be secured to repair it, and the entire centre of the fountain will have to be rebuilt. Mn. A. R. G. Smith Again Koala Wenon'a Inuit-la The Women's Institute held their annual meeting May 5th. Mrs. A. R. G. Smith was again elected president. Reports showed a very promable year. Aid was given the local library, Freeport Sanitorium, and Kitchener Hospital. besides many other needy causes. PW! Chang, Haydn. wishes to retire. The nine, the! an absence of ten years. was revived three yen: no. The executive is anxious that we again have our team going. Sui-uh. Pool u Put A muting of the New Humbug Baseball Club In held in the club rooms hat “fluidly A new nun- uggr in needd u w. C. K. lento: a. a... - db ik not not in than pan-.1 Inâ€: atrial',' J - m. . t.ntLegtttuedUtNg'tcd: That-venue“: bytmuiu'lc which Yr than out 'dA at meh' II.- buy-o to T1%'"llLNfNr l, It uh. about 600 clause-um: to build 1 do " feet hill. It? one of them - that " 9tl hey are u when: addition to am yin-g: "sd-ttary . tutor, than in Seen do.“ Tor yam. - 77v M'- In. Pero {a be Decided. Make A Will HIV HAnU.G There are a' great many more distributions the luv oomph be made depending upon the relationship of variwus legal heirs. Furthermore, the administrator is expected, if at all pumihle, to liquidate within at ya, and this. coupled with the legal distributions. frequently result in a situation you never intended. It can be seen that the above distributions might nun great -- hardship, Mulls; in the ease of modest We. The only way to avoid this is to The wife receives one-third of the estate and the remaining two-thirds is divided among the children. If any child is dead, its children (the grandchildren) receive such share. Each takes one half of your estate. If the child is. a minor, he or he cannot get the share until the age of 21 is reached; in the meantime the court tak full charge of this part of the estate. Your wife receives the tirat $1,000 and half of the net estate then remaining; the other half goes to your tektites. If there are no relatives this half GOES TO THE CROWN. KITCHIND The School Board held their monthly meeting and Miss Knthleen Snider of Kitchener In: in “00nd- ulce and explained a suggested course of music in the New Ham- burg uhool. but was not fully de- eided on that night. cert, Bridge Committee Hon. The Waterloo County rand and bridge committee was in town for the purpose of completing arrange, ments for the erection of the new bridge over the tint here. It is expected tut I temporary bridge will be put on the west side of an... of lupus: Y.P.u. The New Dundee Baptist Young People's Society were the - of the local Union and me the pro- grnm. It: Verna Be . presided over the devotionnl exciting. Fol- lowing this the pruidcnt, Mr. Dinner, took over the meeting and Mina Greta Buck and the maximum luau. A male quartet.“ sang. "He Pigs My Life for Me." A wet.) ham wad hélii'in the basement after the meeting, at which was were played for a short time, followed by lunch, Meir Con-u for School. 1.. a C. ha} -laGraT contain“: 'ii'iiilH,'itiE. Hutu“ W h nble " mud in a mu Joanna s *0th _t.r-i.roork-D.rt-oetid _Thhl Raver-Id. an m a. an em tice tbrndq " In a may“: mod on the am . m 1.1.0.“!!!- Roth, vidLh'I St. Petey. W. J. Armstrong presented the talk on "The leaning " Sunday." Canada respects the Sabbath day more “manly other copay-y. - tagftfeilifthyiiaitii2? to: and. in a. di-rt, whom-civic.“ ___.- w. v i. l-w Iv- - ' --"ee -- W -""_-. “and in drama: localities b *0 '3' to T,"fstirlt,t't-d,d River-i4. lunch took I. the chug. tice 'bytar.rsiefrt M ar. W to " In“ last "n mod on the (“Obtain-huh: Mar " 1LTAuT2rll'otr, vithhbSt. 'm Tto-dd-eu/hi-i-d hut-lunatic“ and“ the valuable uni-ml 'tlt _trtyoan_d-deiaogtarbbine the: throwing it down Roth - taid " foe "v.1 "nth. able to and: it with " net. 11. In Pred Danish a! Tihonburt tax. a pod one. but In. any“ - the week-end It NI home in from a nnch but it doe. not be- MIL . long“: may of the local om _ Mr. Nib. Rina-an of the - All {use ue registered And this one in tattooed in the m with the Utters KE., and the number which Roth would not nuke known. He took the animal to his ranch. Nov Dund- You. [Dole tos ,aureiririag [La araiVii'"ii; he?“ 'EQEVW31_~-x Ask Us About It et. n. mgr": D-ul. d Thaw m spout the week-0M at " home in not be- town. Mr. Nil: Bi of the Roy-l 'dh this Bunk an! a and“ i: landing with the three _ holidays with. pun Ir wht'Eh "te, Mr. PM 'il.. E, Binesan. can, Mr. med In. J. E. Diligent-n. Mr. Ind In. M. Sella!†of kiteh. ener arm the week-end with the former: litter, In. Chm!) untold uni Mitch" Schiller. Mira Ruth Bowman of Wlterloo spent Sunday with her wants, Mr. and In. Jno. Bowl-an. - the Greek-chi}? hi; tGG-iii town. Mr. D. moon: of Toronto will be in the gamut Church on Monday aunt-u. an... iouiriaiieikihii" [ se it, tAt d “IIWISTIIN CANADA tture/n tu “in - TtFi Fi%tiaiFl -a.Frraiu'LT' - Tra; r2L"tr."2, Nov-“Hum Dub - 1¢b8il986 at u . t X“: “In WI 'adtLlt/.. at)â€. “I“. ' A! on" 3 ho_lunt.n on cm "I m CANADIAN NATIONAL “0mm“ new: m tbt-tpt-ur. male-Quad" rugMC-mmammmw ASUC [DRAM/Dani. WESTERN CANADA Pat', excunsmus “aluminum“ GOING DAILY - - " h " Inclusive .txhMMrrtroeet.-- .mmulsun cum-amass» M, - w' a; â€M63â€. of I“ n: mun an evening, Mny 18th, " 8 o'clock, to give interesting lantern slides on miniomry work in Africa. ml“ m PllVlLIGls FIN!“ " eu. - - "oPoiB--Withu: Inn". of tutu. but. w “a "tar-luv“ Fol: Arthur. . k-nmu. 0-0.. and to“; the It (thingy. Ill. Spun 8h._luh; lisp, and w- iyGG Gaic5 --- - w“. (M BELT“ Lao-â€:4 thing. 'ttat I OHIO ONO no 'uncsttwod , "a. us Ian-la. Fthl inlonn_t_tion frog my in}. A.iiirLd%srGir, TsiViar. a; “Dill "1-qu. rianiccu%rraGroGG"d.Tii'nira Canad' it"iaiinltiarig PRESTON â€ion-III. Iru6or- - re, tteg,.' like... L, ' “0, Inch. mum-I -