| reteaimiat caund | CLEMENT, HATTIN & EASTMAN, Law offices, Bank of Tom Building, 19 King Street $ Kitchener, Phone 2310. BITZER & SMYTH, BARRISTERS, D. 8. BOWLBY, LC. LEO G. LATCHFORD, BARRISTER SIMS, MeINTOSH, S"CHOFIELD & BROCK & WEIR, G. R. Brock and H. B. Weir, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries; 49 King St. East, Kitchâ€" ener, Telephone 4080. DR. J. W. HAGEY, Dentist, 69 110 Weber Chambers, King St. W., Kitchener. Phoni 1756. ALLAN â€" MacKENZIE, Osteopath, Phone 117, Res. 3522w; Office, 209 Medical Arts Bldg., Kitchâ€" ener; 7 to 8 pm. Also by apâ€" pointment. a, BV W ELC ®, t e SW ORLLC Solicitor, Notary Public and Conâ€" veyancer. Office, 19 Queen St. N., Phone 587, Kitchener, Ont. 223 King St. E., Kitchener. Specialist: Nose, Throat, Ear. \Cnncerâ€"-lnutnni and external. Coroner for County of Wntcr&)o. and â€" Solicitor, Notary â€" Public; Bank of Cominerce Bld!;, 1 King .S':"-E;;t.‘vi(i;:'ï¬evr;e;, Telephone 627. Residence 4400 Kitchener 111080 . 3 0 w ads B t t i Bs e db aitinta SIMS, Barristers, Solicitors, etc.; Medical Arts Building, 47 King Street â€" West, Telephone â€" 4640, Kitchener, Ontario _J. H. Smyth, B.A. 23 Queen St. 8., Kitch Phone 528 E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR Office: 44 William St., Waterloo Phone 768w Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company Established 1863 ASSETS OVER $1,500,000 Government Deposit â€" $100,000. DOLLARS SPENT AT HOME WILL RETURN TO YOU | Teacher of Piano, Singing, and Theory. Private and Class Instruction. Studios: 48 Roy St., Kitchener. Phone 1171M. ED. HOUSE‘S Shoe Store and Repair Shop. King St. S. â€" Phone 941 WATERLOO, ONT. BOOKBINDER 17 Queen St. N. â€" Phone 2686 Kitchener BUSINESS CARDS Rebinding Books, Bibles, Hymn and Prayerbooks a specialty. Add more books to your home library by h_lvip!_ your snvgrito _ magazine bound into books. Initialing Club 7&(., Suitcases, Prices reasonable. Goods called for and delivered. CHIROPRACTIC DR. J. E. HETT OsTEOPATHY MEDICINAL A. BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITED , District Agents J. C. Lehmann SHOEMAKING DENTAL Miss Auna R. Bean MUSIC Mary Bean is trapped by the will of her Uncle Nathan, eccentric old millionaire. . He bequeaths his forâ€" tune to Mury and her younger broâ€" ther and sister, Jerry and Amn, but only on condition that Mary shall marry Jarred Marsh, son of an old friend of her uncle‘s. Jarred sum:â€" moned from his home in South Ameâ€" rica. is a strangpr to Mary. But un less she marries him, Jarred and Anu wil be cut off without a peuny. Don â€" Harvey, newspaper . reporter, who is in love with Mary, insists that stie defy the will, but she says she thinks «ho will marry Jarred if be is willing. Jarred at first places himsel( at her command, but later tells her that he has decided be should not marry ber â€"that, with so much money juvolved, he feels he would be taking advantage of her UHAPTRR IV I Mury lay awake for hours. think| mg about Jqired‘s words.. One miu-l vie. she was glad. and the next, she was worrbed aund rightened. Jerry and Ann bad been pampered and kept in luxaury tor so long. Could they | make an adjustment? She knew in her heart that they could not r She had trieq vainly to make them see herâ€" viewpoini when she had taken a job and eut loce from Uncle Nathan‘s money two years before. They had been unable to understand why she wanted to earh her own way }\\ hen she could live in luxury. Jerry \l-.:ul poiuted out that Uncle Nathan cwould not live forever and that they Iweald fay Jarred burst into tne room "Read this!" he shouted Â¥as d bat frteas Nar omm tÂ¥ PHBIORE® ow strimnge wishes The nuam rose andd east a yellow plow | abont the hedroom. Mary ts ced amid fried to sieep. She imaâ€" wned she heard voices down the hall a woman‘s laugh and a man‘s woice mingling with in She poundâ€" ed a bole in hev pillow and Duried her head in in At list. che fell into ae fitfn} slumbes: | Pon phome The fist thmag in the anorinng. i "I‘m sHLL bopins, and what‘s more. I‘m doihiy things." he tobl ber. 60 "Piease walt ue Sfew alaye. Dei." Oche o pleadod. I’ "I‘m waiting, Intt 1 have to 866 you again." He was cuger and im Euied . vili "I‘m fet se came Lngel will aly,n-(-l o the o man bage.C . Mary explained. "He taillal last night as Hrmagh hbi wouldn‘t." ‘ "He‘s nist kidding you along," Jron auswereid. "Believe me, he‘s only 100 eager to grab that million. El call you qutain this afft rnson." Mary Ining oup the phone â€" and turned slowly about. There was No use jn trving to deceive herself â€"she cared a lot for Don Harvey. With a start, sho realized that darred was standing by the window. He turned with a grin. " a ussouclgeon "Good morning." he eaid. "I have heen â€" prowling about, hoping . you would come down, so we conld have hreakfast. fogether." "Good morning," Mary anewrred, am| wondered how leng he had been in the room. "I‘m enre breakfast must be ready." 18. 1 â€" Woten Te During break{ast, Jarced was quiet and thoughtfnl. Finally he sat back, and Jooked at Mary a moment. have his mones wher he wits All they ul to do, he had said. ve nue to him an humor his aA QuIET, WELL conductED, convEniENT, MODERN 100 rRoOM HOTELâ€"85 WiTH @aATH wRITE FOR FOLOER TaAKe A DE LUXE TAX! FROM DEPOT OR WHARF â€" 260 will agree explained. rougch he In his said nutit They are good for the soul," Mary replied lightly. . M L muss sc "I want to take back what 1 said last night. I humbly, and with due regard for the early hour, want to ask you to marry me." He looked into fher eyes as he spoke, and bent toward her NX Een Mary put down her fork. The sudâ€" denness of his change of heart starâ€" tled her. She was facing the great decision. Slowly her lips parted in u faint smile & "I accept," she said alowly Jarred rose and came &round 10 uer side. Hepbent and would have taken her in his arms. but she pushed bim back. "Not yei, Jaurred, please. | want to get things ptraight." He id unot smile ms he atraightâ€" ened. Slowly, he walked back to his lcaair and sat down }f l ‘O.K." he said. Conversation dragged through the rest of the meal, and Mary was glad when they rose from the table. | _ "I have to go down town on busiâ€" ness," Jarred said. "I‘l be back for ‘lunch and uh «hmall we go some place tonight?" Mary nodded, and he left At noon, Jarred called to say that be had not been able to get his busiâ€" ness cleared up. so would not be back for Junch, after all. Mary could pot hide her rellef from fierself. She was scared now that she had made her decision. â€" Jarred was fine, but "I have a confession h was a stranger. She wanted time to get to know him. Ixm phoned at four that afternoon. Hie was excited "I have a plant" he said. "Ir will be no nse. Jarred and J have decided to go through with the marriage." Mary‘s voice was color jess. moinReatancs ol "Dowt be a litte simp‘!" "You‘d better forket all about m« Mary said. "I won‘t do that, hecauge [ can | refuse to quit ontil the preach suys the words." # "Thal will be seon." Miary answ "I‘m going to help yon whether vou want me to or not," Don insisted. "Yon can help me by not secing me again er ealling me up." "I have better help than that ," Donâ€"safd eagerly. "Listenâ€"" "Guodhy, Don." Mary bung up the phone with a desperate little jerk. Why did Don frave to make it 60 bard for her? Jarred was a gentle man, and he would be fine to her. |:w‘h.- would find a measure of happiâ€" ness with him. He had hbeen very :wmnhl- rate, and would, she knew. Ceive uer Hme to get adjusted. hand was a constderate, and would, she knew, give er Hime to get adjusted. The front deor banged, and Jarred lmrst into the room. He was plainly angry. In his hand, he held a rumâ€" pled newspaper. Mary saw that it wae a copy of the Leader. He waved it wildly and thrmst it toward her "HReud thist" he «houted. ‘ (To he Contimed 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jacoh Seip and Mr. and‘ Mrs. Andrew: Ruhl of Hanover «pent Sunday afternvon with Mr.. and ‘.\Ir-s, Jacoh Seip, Howick. $ Mr. and Mre. Wm. Seip and family \~|u-m Sunday â€" with â€" Mrs Heury Behrns \r. and Afrs. Telford Seip and famâ€" ily spent sundav with Mr and Mre Wm. Huth Mr. and Mis. Jaek Dhekert and fson spent Sunday eveting with Mr. |"m|r\' Meéiv Mi. and Mrs. Eldon Demerling, Mr. Nelson Selp and Mre. Jacob Seip spen! Sabhirdsay evening in Hanover Miâ€" and Mra Ofto Baetz and son spent â€" Runday affernoon with _ Mr and Mrs. Wm Weitlanfer You just can‘t (lfl it‘" Don cried Mrs.â€" Frank â€" Robertson of New York City fhas left on Friday for New York after spending two weeka with her brother, Mr. Meir, who suddenâ€" Iv loet his wife two weeka ago Sunâ€" day in the Palmerston Hoapital. MUra: Charlea Albrecht and sona of Carrick spent Snnday afternoon with |.\l| mnd Mre. Alfred Pfeffer j Mr_ and Mrs. Philip Weber and son «pent Runday afternoon with I"mir daughter, Mro. Ira P Buhrow \r. Wm. Huth, who wa« confined to his hed with plenrisy is now able to be up again Mr cand â€" Mrs. Edward Widmye and children Mro and Mra. Christ Seifert of Fordwich spent Sunday with Mroand Mre Pant Zimmerman Never Worked Teacher : "Mabel, who was it that supported the world on his shouldâ€" ers, according to the ancient myth?" Mabel : "It was Atlas." Teacher: "Very coreret. . Now, how was Atlas supported?" 0 eyes as he spoke, and bent "ml'lsvi;.l' :"""l-"t“h-iaï¬ _he must have married a rich wife. 1 ado that, hecange [ ean‘t. to quit antil the preacher words." £ CLIFFORD plant" he said. no nee. Jarred and J I to go through with the Mary‘s voice was colorâ€" rumpled newspaper. is w en Lantern @iides and Spoiling Match, interesting Featuree of Library Cencert. ‘The annual concert sponsored by the New Dundee Public Library was B | neld in Kavelman‘s Hall on Tuesday evening of last week. Mr. E. A TY | Poth, secretaryâ€"treasurer of the L4â€"| 14 brary Board presided and the proâ€" ;.. gram consisted of the following numâ€" bers: selections by the orchestra, ““" composed of, violin, Mr. H. D. °C \Schmidt; trombone, _llf_. L l‘! 'I'l: man; cornet, Mr. Jack Schmidt and piano, _ Mrs. Ivan Sararas; two choruses‘ entitled, "Crooked Specâ€" tacles" and "Ob Dear What Can The Matter Be", by a group of Public School pupils; a vocal duet, "Drink id havidil} ts Aiind Aioeiiidiorone hainbraiiient o dinl £. To Me Ouly With Thine Eyes" by |, the Misses Murle] and Bernice Rgerâ€" | ; dee; readings by Mr. J. W. Armâ€" strong, "The Beli of St. Michel" and | j "How Bateese Came Home", by | Drummond; â€" a â€" vocal sgolo, *‘The |, Booger Bear", by little Delmar Toâ€" man; a trombone sol0 by Mr. L H.| Toman; a cornet and trombone duet |. by Messrs. H. D. Schmidt and 1. H.| ‘Toman; a chorus entitled, The | ‘Ash Grove", by a group of Continuaâ€" tion School students; a reading, | "Home" by Edgar Guest, by Mrs. ’(‘Iar@ Hilborn; a vocal duet, "Beauâ€" tiful Dreamer". by the Misses Muriel iPuth and Doris ‘Bechtel; a selection | ‘anml»d. "Oh Susannah", by the N.D. ' 'l‘.S. male quartette composed of Messrs. Lorne Baer, Willard Hallâ€"| man, Arnold Pipher and Russel s.ltr’ berry; lantern slides portraying a trip across Canada, with explanatory ‘ remarks by Mr. A. H. McKague; a vocal solo, "Anchored", by Mrs. M. B. Suyder; and a spelling match conâ€" ducted by Mr. ‘R. R. Bailie. Fourteen contestants were chosen from the audience and the two who were unâ€" whie to be spelled down were, Miss Velma Bauer and Mr. M. B. Snyder. Election of Officers at Women‘s Institute Meeting. The annual meeting of the Woâ€" men‘; Institute was held at the home of Mrs. R. B. Hallman last Wednes day evening with Miss Sylvia Bock in the chair. During the program Miss (Hadys Brunton rendered a vo-‘ cal solo entitled "Sylvia" and Mrs. Ronald Toman presonted a paper on the subject, "Do You Kuow". Miss Elizabeth Wood also gave a plano solo. The winners of the salad conâ€" test were: first prize, Mrs. G. R. Schultz; and second, Mrs. A. Futher. The following officers were electâ€" ed for the ensuing year: president, Mrs. A. Futher: first viceâ€"president, Mrs. F. Eo Page; second viceâ€"presiâ€" dent, Mrs. M. Bechtel; gecretaryâ€" treasurer; Mrs. W. S. Foote; asst.. Msm en e e en nc en Mrs. K. . Bailie; Pianist, Miss Mary Hilborn; district director, Miss Sylâ€" via Bock; directore, Mrs. E. B. Hallâ€" man, Mrs. Clare Hilborn and Mrs. Alvin Lautenschlager. ‘The financial report for the year howed â€" that the | total receipts‘ amounted to $140.87 and the expendiâ€" tures were $121.24. Some of the exâ€" penditures were: $25 io the Public Library; $5 to the Sick Children‘s Hospitat at Toronto; $8 in prizes to the local entrance pupils; and a set of dishes for the Institute consisting of one hundred plates, five dozen cups and saucers and five dozen forks und teaspoons. Besides this flowers and fruit were given to the sick and donations of fruit to the Hespeler Orphanage. Rosebank Literary Society Meets. The Easter meeting of the Rose-‘ bank Literary Society was held last Friday afternoon with Elva Diefenâ€" bacher in the chair. "O Canada" was sung in opening. followed by the secretary‘s report by Margaret Witâ€" mer. The treasurer‘s report which we« read by Norman Bean, showed a ereditable balance after the purâ€" chase of a football. Audrey Egerdee gave a readiug â€" entitled, "Easter Joys" after| which Robert Witmer sang a number, "Buoy Bee". Kathryn Hallman gave a reading, "Easter Time" and Bernice Egerdee and Jean Hallman rendered a vocal duet, "He Arose". Willis Baer gave a reading, "The â€" Kaster â€" Me«sage‘, | following which Mary Kaster read the editor‘s paper including the story of ‘"The (nigin of The Easter Bunny", Marâ€" jorie Witmer favored with an organ 2 ineimmewree in sews illslrnl;lvnl-'l;lVai und Irene Kurt gave a reading entitled, "Easter". ‘The meetâ€" ting was closed with the singing of "The National Anthom". Entertains Hockey Club. Mr. Garfold Waber was host to. the members of the New Dundee Hockey Club when he éntertained them at a dinner party at his home jast Friday evening. Mr. Weber, who has been a popular member of the club for a number of years was preâ€" sented with a lovely walnut maga zine stand, in honor of Mis marriage Penny Social. ooo onua c i wal was the speaker for the meeting. Communion Service. The Quarterly Communion . Serâ€" vices were held at the M.B.C. Church on Sunday with the Presiding Eldor, Rev_ C. N. Good of Kitchener in charge U.B.C.E. Meeting. The semiâ€"monthly meeting of tha 1.B. Christian Endeavor Soclety was theld at the home of Mr. and Mre Jack Schmidt last Thureday evenâ€" S on We mt on es ing. Misa Alice Hallman prosided and the acripture lesson was read by Mss Velma Baver. The introducâ€" tory remarks on the topic, "Methoda of Growth In the Chriatian Life", were given by Miss Alice Hallman after â€" which Miss Elizabeth Wood read fllf‘d"l‘“‘)"â€l’l‘l)m one of Henry Drummond‘a sermone, ‘"The Program of Christlanity®". Mr. F. E. Page gaye an address on the toplc and the folâ€" lowing readingsa woere also given: "Serving Christ At Home", by Miss Mary Hilborn and "How Does ‘The Soul Grow", by Misa Ada Bingeman. Program at NEW DONDERE® a.Y.P.U. Mesting. ‘The Stewardship Commission was in charge of the B.Y.P.U. mooting which was beid at the church last week Mr. B A Poth occupied the chair and also read the scripture which the topic, "India" was presentâ€". ed as follows: "The Work In India", by Mr. ‘Roy Gildner; and "India‘s New Day", by Miss Irene Sherk. Misg Muriel ‘Poth save a reading, "Blind Philip‘ and Mr. J. W. Arm strong read an article on "India" Church items. Rev. G. R. Schuits occupled the pulpits of the Philipaburg, Bt. Agatha and ‘Baden Lutheran Churches on Sunday. Student Fred Haak of the Waterâ€" loo Seminary conducteg the service at the St. James Lutheran Church on Sunday morning. ‘The members of the Christian Enâ€" deavor Society will give a special program at the United Brethren Church on Sunday evening, May 3rd at 7.30 o‘clock. a The annual reorganization meeting of the Junior Women‘s Institute will be fheld at the home of Miss Myrtle Weber at Mannheim on Tuesday evening, May 5th. Christian Fellowship Meeting. The N.D.C.S. Christian Fellowship meeting was held at the school last Wednesday with Miss Ruth Bean preâ€" siding. Following the reading of Psalm 19 and sentence prayer, Miss Ruth Snider gave a talk on the sub ject, "The Word of God". The Misses Ellen Page and Velma Bauer renâ€" dered a vocal duet entitled. "Pilot of Galilee". s | Personale. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mollard and Miss Lella Mollard of Exeter were recent visitors at the home of Mr.‘ and Mrs. Fred Lang. | Mrs. George Guthrie, Mrs. Dave yiitchell and Miss Barbara Guthrle of Ayr called on Mrs. Aaron Toman last ; week. Miss Marie Bock of Detroit, Mich., ; visited with Mr. and Mre. E. K. Bock last Wednesday. Mrs. J. Goetz and Mrs. E. Chapin . of New Hamburg visited with Mr. and Mrs. A.‘Hilborn on Sunday. 1 Mr. and Mre. Elgin Miller and eon Merle and Mr. Albert Schenk called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Techumi at {Perry‘s Corners on Sunday. | Mr. C. W. Davis and children, Lesâ€" ilie, Max and ‘Babe of Ayr called on | Mrs. R. J. Davis on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Omar Cressman and children, Ethe} and:Clayton of Plalte ville and Mre. Owias Cressman ot New Hamburg visited at the home of Mrs. George Hallman on Sunday. | Rev. and Mrs. C. N. Good of Kitchâ€" ‘ener visited with friends in the vilâ€" t lage and community over the weekâ€" end. (Guests at the home of Mr. and Mre. Austin Bauer on Sunday were: Mrs. Homer Watson and son, Billy of â€"| Montreal, Que., Mre. Harry Barnes t‘ of ‘Ingersol], Mr. and Mrs. John -lBingeman and Mr. Jack Bingeman s | of New Hamburg. Mr. Samuel Hill attended the Christoning of his little granddaughâ€" ter, Baby Blsie Ruthig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ruthig at New Hamburg recently. eJE Ese (e e rourd Mr. and Mrs. Walter MeDona‘ld and son Ross visited with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin MoDonald at Bright on Sunday. Mrs. «William Goettling was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Sippel at Drumbo last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yule of near Ayr visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Egerdee on Sunday. Miss Reta Baer of Preston spent the weekâ€"end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baer. * Mr. and Mré. Ephraim Cassel of New Hamburg visited with Mr. and ‘ Mrs. Josiah ‘Casse! on Sunday. 3. Adiills didivsandeicemaini on n near T: Mr. and Mre. George Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coleman and the Misses Violet Herber and Harriet Schlicter attended the Graduation Exercises at the Toronto Bible Colâ€" lege last Friday evening. 4 U ceb uts â€" Mrs. Kli Good and Mr. Jonas Good of Wilmot Centre visited with Mrs Ezra Baer on 7Sun§lay‘ PS e eeanene cants Guests at the home of Rev. and | Mrs. H. F. Schade over the weekâ€"end were: Mr. and Mrs. John Cappeller and son, Norman, Mr. and Mrs. D. Binge] and Mr. and Mrs. D. Smith of Buffalo, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Dan Seeâ€" bach and daughter, Barbara and Mr. and Mra. J. McGinley of Kitchener, Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. ‘K. Bock on Sunday were: 'l'he‘ Misses Dorothy iCook, Katherine and "Hams" Henoerson owes hS NEWw JOB /,"I $ /(4 4 o1 Prowie Poh+ Ruby Moyer and Messrs. Dow Sarâ€" geant and Ronald Bock of Toronto, Miss Althea Bock of Port Credit and Miss Helen Pipher of Kitchener. Mr. Leslie Hilborn of Blythe called on relativee in the village last Friday â€" Mrs. Alex McDonald is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Ames at Moffat, who is seriously ill. Mr. anm Mrs. George Heipel of Waâ€" terloo, Miss D. Heipel of Bamberg and Mr. A. Heimpel of Hesson visited ; with Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Goettling on Sunda®r. Miss Irene Snider and Mr. Roy Weicker of New Hamburg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sararas on Sunday. 7( omm C _ 12 ) K Faos C ue 1. )# 7 \&e\,\ 1“/_‘,5.) //,; A number are attending the evanâ€" gelistic_services at the U.B. Church at Manmheim this week Miss Lillian Struke and Mr. Fred Hauk of Waterloo were guests at the home of Rev. and Mre. G.R. Schultz on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Haliman and children, Hugh, Marie and Carol and Miss Ruth Erb visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shantz at Pine Hill on Sunday. Mr. and Mre. Franklin MeDonald of Bright called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilâ€" liam Oberer on Sunday. Mr. Morgan Baer spent Sunday at ihe home of Mrs. Leander Cressman at Perry‘s Corners. Rev. Mrs.. B. Jordan of Grand Raâ€" pids, Mich., and Rev. and Mrs. E. Siâ€" ger and eon. Evan of Mannheim visitâ€" ed with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilborn on Monday. a Rev. and Mrs. G. R. Sdhultz and sons, Grogory and Peter were guests of Rev. and Mrs. H. R. Mosig at New Hamburg last Wednesday. Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Schade visited with Mr. and Mre. Abbert Einwachter at Hespeler on Tuesday of last week. For vacations, health training or hwmnlr-m chasming atmosphere of friendlic Mdmuâ€":muun% md'u:;, -dNodu..l:du:n- c‘qhflt 4 INEXPENSIVE â€" ENJOYABLE â€" COMFORTABLE A sequest from will bring complete information and Book of Vieweâ€"no obligation. Find our what we have to offer and the many aitractions in comnection with a health course, vacation or longer visit. rooms, restful slieep. You will this world famous resort. Make your plans for en carly visit to "ToontErviLcLe FOLK PHrysicar CuLTuURE HoTEL Inc. Dansville, New York Mention this paper and receive valuable Health Booklet. Write Today ( y( * 1€P~ & 60 _.nA TO THE SIZE OF HIS HANDS on is The happy couple will take up resiâ€" dence on 116 Waterloo St. in Waâ€" terloo. Congratulations. Miss Lauretta Braendle of Heidelâ€" berg spent a day last week with her sister. Mrs. €. Shantz. Mr. and Mrs. Omer Hastings and Gaughter Miss Marguerite, of Lisâ€" towel .and Mrs. James Merkley and sons Clayton and Hartwell of Waterâ€" loo, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Shantz, Mrs. C. Shantz and little daughter Audrey visited relatives in Moorefield reâ€" cently. Mr. Morris Fitz John and family of near Galt have moved onto the farm he purchased from Carl Wagner and Mr. Wagner has moved onto the farm recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Habermehl. Mis. Amelia Ziegler and family who had been living in part of the house with her daughter, Mrs. Carl Wagner have moved into the house un the farm owned by Edwin Hackâ€" hart. Miss Eva Ottman of Hawkesville spent Saturday evening with Misses Jean and Jessie Hammond. Willie â€" MacPherson â€" of Linwood spent Sunday afternoon with Harvey MacPherson Several from here attended the enâ€" rertainment in Schnurr‘s Hall, Linâ€" wood, Friday evening in aid of the Women‘s Association of the United Church. A varied program and a play were given which was vely much enjoyed by all. Linwood can well be proud of their talent, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stoltz and Miss Alta and Howard ‘Stoltz of New Dunâ€" dee were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elâ€" mer Stoltz last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Becker and Misses Myrtle and Eva Becker called on Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Carson Hallâ€" man of Plattsville on Sunday. Mr. George Hope spent several days last week in Princeton, Illinois. â€" Mr. and Mrs. E. Fried and chilâ€" wren were Sunday visitors with Mr. um Mrs. Wilfred Wanner at New Dmmdee Doris, spent \r. Leslie Hilborn of Blythe was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Detweiler on Friday. Mrs. Edgar Latsch and daughter 2e d ROSEVILLE last week in Kitchener. 2â€" 26