GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer + Phone 50 r 4, Elmira April 18 (Elmira Fair Day)â€"A the market, farm stock, implement: vehicles, seed grain, furniture o -nythinï¬ you wish to sell, send i out early. March Fair a decide success. April 13 â€" At the Market Com munity Sale, Elmira, a valuabl pair of driving colts rising 3 and « years old, well broke, for Earl Jack son. April 15 (Wednesday} â€" Farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc. of Anthony Eckert, Lot 12, Con. 9, about 6 miles northwest of Floraâ€" dale. April 21 (Tuesday)â€"At 1 p.m., household effects, furniture and beverage room equipment for Sim Wey, at the Hotel St. Clements, in the village of St. Clements. No reâ€" serve. April 25 (Saturday)â€"â€"Ar 2.30 p. m., auction sale of used electric ranges, cook stoves, gas ranges, radio, and coal cil stoves. All guarâ€" anteed to be in Al working order, for Addison Erb, 27 Erb St. West, Waterloo. May 2 (Saturday) â€"â€" At 1 p.m. valuable household effects and fur niture, ete., for Mrs. Elizabet! Heckendorn, in the village c Bridgeport. April 18 (Saturday) â€"Household effects, vehicles, ete., belonging to the estate of the late Charles Ward, at Glenallan. Avril 25 (Saturday+ â€"â€" Valuable furniture and household effects, inâ€" cluding a high class piano, etc., of Fred Hammond, 15 Herbert St., Elmira. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer Phone 222, Kitchener April 29 (Wednesday)â€"At 1 p. m., mortgage sale of farm stock, lmTlemem,s and real estate of Titus Kolb, on his farm one mile east of Ritchener, on the Kitchenerâ€"Breslau highway. Sale under Agricultural Development Board. April 9 (Thursday) â€" Clearing auction sale of farm stock, impleâ€" ments and feed at the farm at Sebringville, for Abrogast Bros. April 18 (Saturday)â€"â€"At 1 p.m., household effects, furniture, etc., for Mrs. Abr. Weaver. willage of St. Jacobs. April 110 (Saturday) â€" Auction] sale of farm stock and implements at Lot 1, Con. 13, Blandford, 2 miles north of Bright, at Chesterâ€"{ field, for the late Charles Baker estate. | April 14 (Tuesday) â€" Clearing auction sale of farm stock, impleâ€" ments and feed at Lot 20, Con. 3, North Easthope, 2 miles north of Shakespeare, for Ranhen Crerar. April 14 (Tuesday)â€"Farm stock, implements, bay and feed grain for Anthony Berberich, situated on the southwest side of New Germany village on the Bloomingdale â€" New Germany road. No reserve, farm is April 15 (Wednesday) â€"At 1 p. m., 100 acre farm, farm stock, imâ€" glements, hay and grain, for Mrs. elina Stauffer, on her farm, situâ€" ated east half lot 9, Lot 3, 1 mile east of Glenalian, 6 miles north of Linwood, and 7 miles west of Elâ€" mira. April 25 (Saturday)â€"At 1 p.m sharp, entire furniture and houseâ€" hold effects for Nathaniel Beam, o2 William St. W., Waterloo. This is u large and good offering. See ad. later. Phone 384w, Kitchener April 9 (Thursdayi The sale ortgrn-lly scheduled for Zephaniah Erb for this date has been postâ€" poned until future date. May 8 (Friday) â€" Community sale at Wellesley Hotel, of horses, cattle, hogs, implements and other erticles. Menno Erb, clerk. Phone 123 r 5, Elmira April 14 (Tuesday) â€" Auction sale of live stock, Implements, hay, grain and furniture, situated 5 miles northeast of Elmira. David StefMer, proprietor. _ â€" May 2 (Saturday)â€"At 8 a.m., at my auction stand, Kitchener marâ€" ket, furniture and household effects. EDWARD GEISEL, Auctioneer April 16 (Thursday) â€"â€" Auction sale of furniture and household effects for William Murphy, Winterâ€" bourne. April 13 (Monday) â€"Elmira Fair, at my auction stand in front of the Farmers‘ Shed, of horses, cattle, pigs, vehicles, implements anr furniâ€" ture. March sale a success. Cash received over $827.00. Everything sold at a good price. What have you for the April Fair? April 18 (Saturday) â€" At 1.30 R;’m.. valuable 7 roomed red brick use and a good offering of furni ture and effects for T. A. Small 872 Wellington St., Kitehener. Attend this sale. April 11 (Saturday)â€"At 8 a.m., st my auction stand, Kitchener market, furniture and effects for H. R. Blackie. April 1i (Saturday) â€" At 1.80 .m., valuable furniture and houseâ€" ‘old effects for Miss Pearl Hoare, 90 Weber St. E., Kitchener. This is a good sale. April 11 (Saturday)â€"At 10 a.m. horses, cattle, pigs, Tultry, grain and furniture, at the Kitchener Sales Barn, King St. E. F. J. Steffâ€" ler, phone 1714w. Proud Of It An American was tellng an Irishâ€" man: "The fish are so numerous in one river in the States that the folks there just drop a pail Into the water, and pull it out full of fish." "Well, now," aaid Pat. "Do you know that in the River Liffey, in Ire land, if the people want a pail of waâ€" ter they have to push all the fish out of the way before they can get the pall in ?" pullh 40 actrizetbonre 2 dPLIP _ tnme Whirt the pr a rru{ of clear land ut 10 acres, or about 15 lots, situasted north of Wilmot Bt. and west of Dufferin Ave., Kh‘ehxl_u, for Mrs. Agnes Kercher. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer Phone 598w, Waterine _ April 9 (Thursday)â€"2 p.m., on Phone 2777w. 50 Ontario 3t. 3. KITCHENER A. S. SNIDER, Auctioneer M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer Phone 30w, Tavistock ORDON‘S Satisfy Mr. Habermeh] is in failing health lue to old age. He has nine chilâ€" [reu, all of whom were present, exâ€" cept Iwo, Levi of Guernsey, Sask., |and Abe of near~ Hespeler. He has nfty grandchildren and twentyâ€"one great â€" grandchildren, _ About forty of his descendants were present. The marriage took place on Tues day morning, April 7th at the bride‘s frome of Miss Lydia | Brubacher, canghter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brubacher of St. Jacobs and Mr. Noah Weber, «on of Mr. and Mrs. Flias Weber. Mr. Bert Stevens, car salesman of Kiichener, and Mr. Milton Opperts hauser, radio dealer of Elmira, were visitors to Hawkesville last woek. \r. Glon Mecleod was a Saturday evening visitor in the Twin City. _ Mr. Carl Stepplei and Miss Nora Schiede} spent Sunday with ‘Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Melitzer, Bridgeport. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mader Sundayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mader Mrs. William Tyack, Florence and Earl Tyack visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Glaister at Crosshill on Priday afternoon, Mr. Gilles Thibidean «ay afternoon with Mr. tingham of near Dorking Many persons from here attended the auction sale of Mr. John M. Marâ€" tin at Wallenstein on Tuerday afterâ€" noon. 1 Mr. Ralph Adam of Macton, Miss Mac Koebel and Miss Lois Walker of Linwood visited with friends in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mre. Grafield Shantz otf Freeport Sundayed at the tome of Xr. and Mrs. Donald Garner. Mr. Burt and Mrs. H. Dedels Sunâ€" dayed at the home of Mr. and Mre. Aaron Mader. Sunday visitore at the home of Mr. J. G. thantz were; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shantz of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Gurfeld Shantz of Freeport. A nmumber of homes in the village ire reported wich whooping cough. A number of dur folks attended the play "Hidden Harvest" presentâ€" ed in Schnurr‘s Hall, Linwood, on Tuesday night. Mr. Israel G. Martin spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Richmond at Washington. Miss Angeline Martin and brother Israrl were visitore in St. Jacobs on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Arnold and daughter, Miss Jean Arnold of Kitchâ€" oner were guests of friends here on Sunday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Habermeh] and famHy of Conâ€" estogo, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Marâ€" tin, Mc. and rs. John Sully and Missos Erma and Ida Habermeb] all of St. Jacobe, Mr. and Mrs. John Haâ€" bermeb] and daughter Saloma of Nine Piges, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kropf and son Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Korrack and daughter Violet of Cenâ€" treville, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bruâ€" bacher and son Delton and grandâ€" waild Jran, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haberâ€" meh] and sons Jerry, Moses and Wim all of Breslau. Miss Eisie Smyder spent last Satâ€" »rday with friends in Kitchener, Mr. and ‘Mré. Emil Starr and Mrs. Frank O‘Connor of Toronto were the guests of the former‘s mother, Mrs. Mary Starr on Sunday. Mr. Harvey Brubacher of Kitchâ€" «ner was a business visitor here on Friday. Miss Marle Burkholder of Preston speut the weekâ€"end with her parents, Itev. and Mrs. O. Burkholder. Mr. Elgin Fretz and Miss Bessie Snyder spent Sunday at the home y Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dedels. Mr. Fred Hinschberger fo St. (Clements apent Saturday afternoon in the village. Rev. and Mrs. N. Schwalm spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mre. Cecip Mader. Mr. and Mrs. George Goodwin of litchener moved their household efâ€" >cts to the village last week and re now occupying part of the home wned by the latter‘s parents, Mr. nd Mrs. Henry Becker. Mr. Alvin Oitman purchased a "hevroiot Sedan car last week. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Haight enter wined a number of their friends at i party on Tuesday night at their tome {nâ€" honor of Mise Margaret i:fineider‘s birthday. Mrs. John Gles of Hoidelberg epent Saturday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Mary Starr. Sunday gnests of Mr. and Mrs. Seraphim Kieswetter were Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Henhoeffer and family and Mies Edna Kieewetter of Waterâ€" lon, Miss Laura Kleswetter of Kkchâ€" ener. Mr. and Mre. Noah Grubb and eons Jerome and Georgie of Heldelberg were Sunday visitors at the home of VMr. and Mrs. Peter Dorscht. Mr. John H. Doerr of Kitchener was a businees visitor here on Monâ€" Mr. Lewls Eliwood of Goderich was A business visitor here Friday. Breslau Citizen Has 50 Grandâ€"| Children and 21 Great | An interesting gathering took place at the home of Mr. and Mre. Jacob Sauder in honor of Mr. Wm. Habermehl, father of Mre. Sauder. Mr. Habermeh] was 88 years old on Junday, April 5th. He was born to iermany and came to Canada at the ige of eight years. His parents setâ€" led in Wilmot township, a few miles rom Baden. He lived «on his farm inul be retired. His wife was Miss Jarbara Ringler of Petersburg, who lied 15 years ago, at which time Mr. iabermth! came to Bresiau to Hve vith bis daughter, Mre. Sauder. BRESLAU Wm. Habermeh! Has 88th Birthday Daring the months of January, ‘ebruary and March Sunday morning orship services were held at the Jme of Mrs, Marla Fenton. Comâ€" iencing last Sunday services are zain to be held in the United hurch. Next Sunday (Easter Sunâ€" ay) service will be held at 10.30 in ap morning. HAWKESVILLE Porsonais and other items as told by Watericoe Chronisie BAMBERG DISTRICT NEWS epent Mon Newton Al Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bauman, Mr. und Mrs. Ell B. Frey and Mrs. Marâ€" iin Bauman spent Monday afternoon in E‘mira, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. M. Martin have muved their household effects to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah M. Mar tin. Mr. Raiph Habn, Harry Bulmer cud | Hugh Adam spent Saturday evening in Kitchener. Banus at Peel Mennonite Church on Sunday were for Mr. Cleason Banâ€" man of Jerusalem, second son of Mr. Banman and Miss Nancy Diefenâ€" bacher of Wallenstein, fourth daughâ€" ter of Mrs. Rachel Diefenbacher and the [ate Mr. Diefenbacher. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch F. Martin visited ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christ F. Martin on the third line of Peel on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wideman were recent visitots at the thome of Mr. and Mrs. Emmanue) Bauman. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wideman spent Nunday with Mr. Meuno Hoffman. Mr. Wesley Sauder spent Sunday at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Amos C. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bauman of Elmira East. _ motored to â€" Markham | last Thursday to attend the funeral of meir late Bishop Levi Groff. Mr. E‘mer Brubacher made a busiâ€" ness trip to Kitchener on Friday, Quite a number from this vieinity »ttended the Weber and Brubacher wedding near Wagoer‘s Corner on Tuesday. Mr. and Mre. Oscar Israe} spent Supday with Mrs. B. Israel at Floraâ€" dale and Mr. and Mra. Henry Israel it Yatton. We are sorry to report that Mr. Christ. F. (Martin is on the sick list, his many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Karl Gooding spent Sunday at ime home of his parente, Mr. and Mrs. Lonie Gooding. Mr. Ephraim Gregory is now emâ€" ployed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ; Ralph Jackson on the third line of Peel for the enmmer months. Mr. Sidney Gingrich and Mr. Amzio Brubacher of near Winficld epent Sunday with Mr. Manasseh Martin. Miss Mary Martin ia spending a week at the home of Mr. Noah Wideâ€" main Miss Sidney Fairbairn of Canfleld is epending eeveral days with friends here. Miss Hettie Wideman, Miss Selina Brubacher, Miss Ploreuce Shantz of Waterloo and Miss Irene Bearinger of Kitchener accompanied /C. F. Derâ€" wtine on a motor trip to Pigeon, Mr. and Mrs. John Brubacher of East Heideiberg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaizh P. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sobya and chilâ€" iren of Beamsvilie, Miss Ruth Bowâ€" nan and Mr. Fred Black of Kitchâ€" ‘ner were Sunday visitors at the 1ome of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bowman. Mr. Hugh Woods accompanied by Mr. and Mre. Jas,. Mitchell and Mr. Wilbur Hardy spent Sunday in Toâ€" ronto with Mre John Hardy who is very il} at present, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Letson of Gall ipent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Letson. A carload of pigs was shipped on Tuesday and two cars of cattle, one on Wednesday and the other on Friâ€" day from the local stock yards. Mr. Earl Matthews suffered a se vere attack of tonsilitis last week. but is able to be about again. A car of fertilizer arrived via C.P.R. at Wallenstein. Mr. D. W. Musser and family spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Albert Martin, Yatton. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Martin reâ€" turned ho Monday after spendâ€" Ing a lewng‘flsumg friends near Zurlc\ in Stanley Township. Miss Lovina Martin apent Sunday «: the home of her purents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Martin. Mr. Henty H. Wideman and Mise Heitlie Wideman spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hoffâ€" mHdn. Mrs. Fred Hedrich of Kitchener is caring for her mother. Mrs. Isaac Letson, who is quite ill at present. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bowman enterâ€" ‘ained a few of their friends on Monâ€" lay afternoon in honor. of Mr. Bowâ€" man‘s birthday. After doing justice to a taffyâ€"pull, a delightful birthday tea was enjoyed. It is the wish of their many friends that Mr. Bowman may enjoy many happy returns of the day. 3 Bishop Jesse and Mrs. Bauman and Miss Nancy Martin were Thursday vimftors with Mr. Frank Snyder of Three Bridges. Mr. Fred Black has secured a posi hon with General Motors, Kitchener We wish him success. The W.M.S. met at the home of Mra. â€" Joann@ Letson on Tuesday vith a good attendance. The prestâ€" lent, Mrs. MelMzer in the chair. The meeting was opened with a «hort levotlonal period. Mre. Stewart gave 1 aplendid Raster addrems. Mrs. Ida Woodard oullined the main thoughts on Stanley Jones‘ book on "Chriat‘s Alternative to Communism". Several readings were given. The Easter ‘hankoffering was then received. The hostess serred lunch at the close of the meeting. Mr. Charles Matthews were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tallman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Esley Matthews and Miss Dorothy Matthews all of Kitchâ€" ener. Bunday visitors at the bome of Mr. and Mre. Eilias W. Martin were Mr. and Mrs. lereel B. Martin and son Wifred of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Martin of Elmira. Mrs. Victor MeLenuan and Miss l:ql,;- Hflhn spent Friday in Guelph. Sunday vieitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Enodk F. Martin were Mr and Mre. Emmanuel Frey, Conestogo, Mr. Sidney Géngrich and Misa Seâ€" lina Martin of North Woolwich. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Williams spent the weekâ€"end in Kitchener. Mich Mr. and Mrs. Qunlag Clemmer of the fourth line Peel, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Noah M. Martin. Mr. and Mre. Sylvanus Shants of Preston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. John M. Martin left on Tuesâ€" day of this week for a mounth‘s soâ€" journ on the Gaspe Peninsula, on the Guif of St. Lawrence, to do evanâ€" gelistic work. Mrs Sunday visitors at whe home of WEST MONTROSE WALLENSTEIN | _ Tenders to operate the township power grade were received in acâ€" cordance with resolution adopted at the March mecting, as follows, that is to say: C. W. Gerber, at 32 cents [ per hour; R. Voisin, 24 cents per hour; Kzra B. Erb, 25 cents; M. E. ; Martin, 25 cents; Roy Brenner, 26 ‘cents, and E. Faulbafer, 28 cents per hour. After due aimd careful consideration by the members the following resolution was introduced and adopted: . _ Resolution of Condolence Moved by E. Huchn, seconded by G. J. Voll, that we, the members of Wellesley municipal bourd, join hands in sorrow with the parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Beggs, Linwood, ‘Ont., in the bereavement of their much beloved son, Elgin, who died | April 1st last at the age of 87 ‘ years. 1.07; E. Lanz, relief, 5.00; M. Schummer, relief, 23.37; J. W. Burnett, relief, ®.51; Monte Lowes, relief, £.96; C. Roth, relief, 9.75; J. Lorentz, relief, 6.60; A. Meyer, relief, 5.80; A. Kumm, relief, 1.00; J. L. Hammond, relief, 3.50; Ed. Schott, work on road 2, 65.28; J. Miller, road 3, 21.25; S. Huber, road 4, 26.63; J. Roth, road 5, 3.13; 4. Faulhafer, road 68. 36.89; A. C. Siegner, road 7, 36.14; D. Chalmers, road 8, 54.50; C. Lichty, road 9, 44.25; M. L. Erb, read 10, 4.00; H. Hieronimus, road 11. 22.89; M. Kieswetter, road 12. 49.05; E. ‘Hackharl, road 12, 13.12; E. Dietâ€" rich, road 14, 34.13; J. Runstedler, road 15, 44.53; A. Dicbold, road 16. The council decided to pass the following wording in respouse to the above: Proposed by E. Huehn and J. A. Beggs, that regarding the reâ€" movel of the said Dorking station, beg to say that this council voices no objection regarding such action, but at the same time the council does not comnit itself to any change in regards to its present vssessment.â€"Carried. Horse Show Grants Alex Hinschberger appeared for St. Clements and 8. P. Friedman and H. Reggs for Linwood horse shows. _ The â€" following | pleasant answers were given them in reply: Moved by E. Huehn, seconded by G. J. Voll, that $50.00 respectively be given St. Clements and Linwood towards holding their spring Horse Shows as usual. Payment of Accounts Proposed by G. Lichty and G. J. Voll that the Reeve instruct the Treasurer to issue cheques in payâ€" ment of the following bills and acâ€" counts and that the Reeve likewise grant his orders, as follows: Cecil B. Barbour, for excise stamps, $12.00; Canadian General Insurance Co., for treasurer‘s bond, 20.00; Canadian General Insurance Owing to the falling off in freight and passenger traflic ut Dorking station for the past several years, it is not the desire of this company to keep in repairs the present staâ€" tion building and it is contemplated that same will be torn down or reâ€" moved, and in its place the small shelter from Hesson, which is about 10 by 12 feet in size, will replace it, which we feel is of ample capacity to take care of any business handled at Dorking. We,would be glad to have your municipality‘s consent to this arrangement. Co., tax collector‘s bond, 15.00; The Win. Hogg Coal Co., Waterloo, fuel, 24.00; Israel G. Martin, relief, 7.50; P. Lather, relief, 15.00; Welâ€" lesley Mills, relief, 1.40; Reiner Bros., relief, 7.14; E. Faulhafer, reâ€" lief, 4.92; J. Lotz, relief, 2.75; A. Allemang, relief, 55.99; E. Stahler, relief, 5.85; W. Wade, relief, 4.00; J. Reidel, relief, 13.38; F. Schumâ€" mer, relief, 63.70; 0. A. Schnurr, relief, 24.58; J. K. Brenner, relief, $4.63; C. Hackett, road 17, 32.00; C. Logel, road 18, 17.00; A. Lienâ€" hardt, road 22, 49.50; N. Wideman, road 24, 50.40; J. Schlueter, road %5, 56.88; A. Schlueter, road 26, 24.37; W. McCormick, road 27, 21.25; J. Gilliland, road 28, 18.75; E. Stroh, road 29, 13.75; F. Dechâ€" ert, road 15, 1.00; S. P. Friedman, road 20, 6.25; H. Doherty, salary, 76.70; M. Kieswetter, road 12, 8.38; A. Diebold, read 16, 6.25; S. P. Friedman, road 20, 14.50; Otto Poomer, dog tax refund, 2.00; S. R. HMart & Co‘y, Toronto, cash book, 14.73; Peters, Morrison & Brown, Chartered _ Accountaints, auditing accounts, 158.92. Total, $1,420.81. â€"Carried. Proposed by G. J. Voll and G. Lichty that H. Doherty be reâ€" appointed township road superinâ€" tendent for the current year 1936, mt a salary of 35 cents per hour while on duty for the ï¬fwmhip. and that a copy hereof be forwarded to the Department of Highways, Toâ€" ronto.â€"Carried. The following letter was received from the Canadian Pacific Railway Company which enntains the followâ€" ing reading : Moved by J. A. Beggs, seconded by G. Lichty, that E. Faulbafer be appointed for the currert year to cperate the township power grader w‘ a remuneration of 28 cents per hour.â€"Carried. Treasurer‘s Financial Statement April 1st, 1936, total receipts $9530. April 1st, 1936, total payments 8772. RESOLYVED, that the loss, of the deceased, having caused deep sorâ€" row and sadness to the bereaved parents and relatives, we therefore wish to show our sympathy to those left to mourn the departed, and we sincerely hope that this mournful cecurrence may be overruled by Him who doeth all things well. Outstanding cheques Resolved, that a copy of this resoâ€" lution be engrossed in the records of this Township, and that a copy be given the parents.â€"Carried. P. A. Wagner, Chairman. Tenders Correspondence, bills and acâ€" counts, and other g‘r‘inted matter were given to the chairman to be cxamined and dealt with by the niembers. Wellesley Township â€" municipal council met, pursuant to adjournâ€" ment, at the 'Fovnlh:g Hall, Crossâ€" hill, Monday, April 6th, 1986, at 10 o‘clock in io forenoon. The memâ€" bers were all in attendance. P. A. Wagner, the Reeve, presided. The winutes of the March meeting were read and adopted on motion of J. A. Beggs and G. Lichty, carried by the chairman. Hesson Station Building to be Moved to Dorking. Balance REMOVAL OF DORKING STATION rrw....~$1535.01 $9530.26 $ 757.79 777.82 8772.47 Bishop â€" Derstine conducted the «ervice in the Mennonite Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horst moved into one of Koch Bros. apartments last Saturday. The Evangelical Good Friday serâ€" viee will be held in the evening at T.20, not in the motning a« stated in earller correspondence. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joâ€" seph E. Brubacher the marriage of their daughter Lydia to Elias Weber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Weber of Wallenstein, took place on Tuesday. Bishop Ezra L. Martin performing the ceremony. Weekâ€"en! visitors of Mr. and Mre. Bruce Gabel were Messrs. Wallace Cabel and Wesley King of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Asmussen of Kitch ener visited with Mr. ang Mrs. Wilâ€" liam Hachborn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sully accomâ€" panied by Mr. and Mre. Jonathan Martin visited with Mr. Habermeh}, Mre. Martin‘s father at Breslau, on the occasion of ie 88th birthday. Miss Margaret Culp of Vineland has resumedl her teaching duties at the tocal public school, Mics Doris Kuntz of Kitchener spent the: weekend at her_ home hore. Mrs. Anna McDougal of Barrie is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Waglotr. Mics Frieda Schnoller of Brantâ€" ford was a weekâ€"end visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Wm. Scimeller. Mr. Roy Gropp of the Bank of Commerce spent the weekâ€"end in Orangevilie, Mr. and Mis. Ed. Roth and family have moved into Mrs. Henry Hot: steiter‘s house. Miss Frances Armstrong of Fergus has been appointed manager of the Baden Electric Hatchery. Sunday visitors at the bome of Mir. and Mre. Awron Wagler were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wagier, Baden and Mr. and Mre. C. B. Janizi of Pine Hill iMr.â€" Funston of Knox College, Toronto, who will be in charge of the Livingstan Presbyterian Church for the summer months occupied the pulâ€" it of that church on Sunday last. Miss Grace Miller spent the week end with friends in Kitchener. Miss Pauling Elsessur is spending ° the Kaster weekâ€"end®with friends in Buffaio. | Mr. Henry Gingerich is on the aick ' list. We wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Edith Miller of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end at her home here, | Mr. Laroyd Bechtel has moved his housliold effects into the house of the Chr. Hofstetter estate. We wel come Mr. Bechtel and family to our burg. Miâ€"s Honderich then took charge of the business, It was decided to have moving pictures on Saturday, April 18th and on April 20th, which is a regular meeting and attended the Young People‘s Rally and Oraâ€" tortcal contest in Quelph. The meetâ€" ing closed by all repeating the Mizâ€" pah Rgnediction in unison. We are pleased to report that Kenneth Lelekau, who had been conâ€" fined to the house with quinsy, is wble i0 be back at work again. ‘Mr. and Mra Godfrey Leiskau and sons Kenneth and Donald were visiâ€" tors in Kitchener on Saturday. The Young People‘s Society of the Livingston Presbyterian Church beld their regular meeting in the baseâ€" ment of the church on Monday evenâ€" iIng. Miss Doris Kuntz, convenor of the missjonary program, wase in charge. Scripture lesson based on Raster, wasy read by Miss Grace Snyâ€" wer. Report of the Women‘s Missionâ€" ary Society of the Guelph Presbytery was read by Miss E. E. Struth and the reading of "My Spirit‘ by Dr. Jonathan â€" Goforth, missionary . to China was continued by Miss West. Miss L. L Livingston rendered a beautiful «olo, "There is a Green Hil Far Away". Mrs. Wm. Weller and son Wm., accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kline and family of Brampton speat the weekâ€"end with friends jn Detroit. EOE ETT RARCT UE CCRITNM, SRBJ 4th, 1936, fo o‘clock in the foreâ€" noon.â€"Carried. St. Clements, April Tth, 1986. EDPE 7 ©aRs AECCRT, EORCRRET by J. A. ‘ccg-. that this Council do now adjourn to meet again at Moved by | -od-dA#.u-a ved by Ed. Huehn, see Peter F. Schummer, Clerk ST. JACOBS BADEN . Or "Nice Weather For It" | _ Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Horst were: Mr. and Mrs. Auaron Martin and famâ€" ly, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bowman and Miss Muary Cressmun of Elmira, Mr (nnd Mrs. Sim W. Morst and family. { _ Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Bender aitendâ€" ed the funeral of the late Mre. Ed. Wihelm in Nurth Easthope Monday. Mr. and M[rs. Addison Bauman and family were Sunday guests of Mr. Mr. Wm. and Miss Mary Freeborn moved their household effects to Wellesley on Tuesday lust week, where they have taken up residence in the house recently vacated by Mr. Albert Berscht. While we reâ€" gret to lose Mr. and Miss Frechurn from â€" the â€" community, | the best wishes of their many friends go with them to their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Seigner enterâ€" tained a number of their friends at their home on Friday evening last week. & Mr. and Mrc. Enoch Schneider, Mics Eva and Mr. Irvin Schneider were recent vicitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mobr in North Easthope. Madam Jones talented gospe] singâ€" vr, assicied BRey, €C. 08. Cornwell at te â€" serviees in the Evangelcal Church here on sunday aftesnoon, Mr. Dan. W. Horst of Ploradale, Méersms. Noah Hosst, Joe Rowman and Moward Bauman were Sunday viiftors of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Horst. Move to Wellesiey. _ Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edâ€" mund Schwindt were: Meesrs. Harold Mmain, Edward Main and Alfred Break and Mss Ruth Schwindt of hitchener, Miss Esther Schacfer of Elmira amt Mr. Kenneth Schwindt of Mr. and Mrs. Win. T. Shearer of Poole were visitors on Sunday at Mr. Ed. Hammond‘s. Mr. and Mrs. Hardld Kollman and baby, of near Stratford, and Miss Ada Yost of Kitchenc:s spent n day last week with Mrs. M. Yost and Mrs. Mahlon Sn:dor and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Detweller at Floradale, "How Jesus gave Himself for Us®", was the tople taken by Miss Mildred Bonn at the Evangelical League on Sunday evening. The mecting was led by Miss Eva Schneider, Miss Laura Miller contribured a vocal solo and readings were sgiven by Misces | Ruii Miller and Orpha Miller. An Easter pageant will he presentâ€" ed by the young people of the Walâ€" lace Leagie at the o Evanzelleal Church here on Mondsy evening, April 13th. Come and hritw sour friends. $175 Top Price for Holsteins at Guelph Sale Hundreds of farmers from Water 100 County and adjoining countles attended the pureâ€"bred Holstein sale beld by A. B. Brubacher, Association feld manager at Guelph on Tuesday. Top prices paid were $175for cows and $200 for a yearâ€"old bull. Aucâ€" tHoneers E. J. Shantz and Franklin conducted the sale, hitchener, Miss Esther h;(‘.hal‘f(;;' Emira amt Mr. Kenneth Schwindt Guelph Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Miller and children Marilyn and Ricdhuard of Elâ€" mira visited at the home of Mr. and Mre. Louls Miller on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller of Floraâ€" dale were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Waiter Maurer. Mr. Maurice Schwindt â€" visited frienda In Galt on Sunday. NORTH WOOLWICH Tickets good luvinï¬ Kitchener 8.00 p.m. train April 17 and all trains April 18. â€" Not good on No. 6 leaving Toronto 4.00 p.m. RETURN LIMIT â€" APRIL :o Tickets not good on train 15 leaving Montreal 3.00 p.m., nor train leaving Ottawa 3.00 p.m 120 King St. W. All Canadian Pacific Stations in New Brunswick. All Stations on Dominion Atlantic Railway in Nova Sco Return Limit Leave Nova Scotia points not later than April 22 Leave New Brunswick points not later than April 21 Not good on train 15 leaving Montreal 3.00 p.m For full purticulars â€" ask for Handbill Consult any Agent, or CANADIAN _ PACIFIC OTTAWA KINGWOOD To the MARITIMES â€" APRIL 16 20 $7.45 _ _s10.70 STE. ANNE DE BEAUPRE $11.30 [â€"Aâ€"MILE BARGAINS From KITCHENER, APRIL 17â€" 18 City Passenger Agent KITCHENER, ONT | _ Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Kennedy were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Starr and family of Glenâ€" allen and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Korâ€" mann of Waterloo. Passage of a bill to provide payâ€" ment for western wheat pool memâ€" bers in final settlement for their 1935 deliveries over most vigorous opposition from Conservative memâ€" bers provided the setting for one of the bitterest series of clashes in the present session. Several times agriâ€" culture minister James G. Gardiner and Opposition Lcader R. B. Benâ€" nett crossed words and on each ccecasion neither spared the other. Bennett Objects. Mr. Bennett, pointiny to the lengthy preamble of the bill, told the House that it contained gross inaccuracies and party politics of the worst type. This drew from the Minister the biting retorts that caused the Conservative chieftain to complain that in the face of such & large Liberal majority he was forced to suffer insults. (On the subject of insults, Mr. Bennett recalled that he had been insulted previously by the new _ Minister of _ Pensions and Health, C. G. Power. Miss .A\lma Schiebel spent the weekâ€"end with friends in Kitchener. Spceeding up of vreturned soldier pension appeals now pending is exâ€" pected from the House of Commons special committee on pensions and returned soldiers‘ problems, headed by Hon. C. G. Power. Remodelling the organization and increasing the number of commissioners available to hear appeals action is anticiâ€" pated toward quickly reducing the 10,000 applications now pending. Nearly $50,000,000 is now being ilistributed annually to some 250,000 men, women and children, through #6,000 monthly cheques. It is not expected that the pensions at present being received by any veteran will be touched. Mr, and Mrs. Wm Dorking spent Sunday Mrs Harold Calder. Miss Agnes MecPhail, long a critic of the Canadian penal system, has recommended that assurance of protection should be given inmates, guards, officials, and wardens who will be called to testify at the enâ€" quiry into penitentiaries. Curtailment by 15 per cent. of Dominion relief grants to provinces, much of it passed on direct to n.unicipalities, has raised a cry of ?rotest. The department of labor, n announcing the cut, explained that it was the result of a survey which showed the cost of relief to be lower in the spring and summer months. The new policy means that the Dominion grant to provâ€" inces for relief purposes in April will be $2,606,286 â€" instead _ of £$3,06065,218, Personals Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hanley and sumn Jack spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weber of Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lambert of Dorking spent Sunday with Mr. and Foremost question to be answerâ€" ed is why prices should advance with the tariff reduced from z5 per cent. to 124 per cent. under the Canadian â€" United _ States trade agreement. To throw light on this and other points which the comâ€" mittee is curious, the financial setâ€" up of farm implement manufacâ€" turers will be investigated. wide in scope. The matter is one of the many with which the Price Spreads investigation probed and the new enquiry will go from where the Price Spreads stopped. The Week at Ottawa (Continued from Page 1) HESSON Scotin