E Wk??? 3...." aa. 2- - veg-29.934.- F-.--",'"-"" ---'"_.e “a; â€not!“ a to and†mmbgmmlb Miniofvul. '0'.qu mu- - cum tho m cm mucus-ugh"- out". .2: I": "atâ€: swanky In. Win. - â€anâ€: " your math: eon-moo vaunted a. lint ot onscr- at of than can Imi- nn]: the!“ no u. as who": Pro-Idem. In. Arthur W: In: viceprolldem, In. I. D. St ara. Igéioury at "on“ III-(Mm; second vice-walnut. In Jun“ West's“; third 71ml- dont, In". G. H. Hum; tom-1h Tie- m-ldem. In. K. B. Hts, new CiirTiiiUrTii.iat: Mun! coe- reury, In. made O'Dounoll; trou- urer. Mm. A. B. Boyer. St. llhirr's In ts l Open Becket Store Citixenn of Waterloo and district" If. planed to welcome lea C. Joyce Ind funny to Waterloo w an Mr, Joyce will on Sunni: oil: I new jewelry store, 3|):ch D. Becker. who recently acquired the Boehmer jewelry business " Kitch- ener. _ Mr. Joyce. during hits residean in St. Mays. proved a sterling citizen and took I keen interest in church and young people's organizations. The following taken from the St. Mays Journal-Argus will be of in- terest to redyrs: . l k Leaver. w um“.-. Sperry C. Joyce. who has been with Andrews Jewelry for the pan thirteen years, left yesterday for Waterloo where he is embarking in the jewelry business. Mr. Joyce is an exrert in his line of work end is well 'pml't11tf to make 'n success of his, venture. While all are glad to have Sperry find a wider field for his "ortn, the loss of such a sterling either: will be deeply felt, particularly in the activities of the United Church where both Mr. and Mn. Joyce have been_valued Lees . " ' "IV: we" "nun... ___- Sperry is put maiden-t of that thriving organiutlon. the You: Men's Bible Clue, and he. had I large shore in melting it s out-eels. He was lately elected president of the United Church Men's Club. He is an Elder of the Church. Mrs. Joyce is a put president of the Excelsior W.M.S. Ind I capable oMder in various women's organi- zations. Mrs. Joyce and their four fine young sons will remain in St. Marys until spring. fie-Q’s WI? perry C. Joyce. PW st. Marys Citizen, Takes Over Becker’s Jewellery Store. ACCLAIIATION FOR l ELMIIIA TOWN COUNCIL The following is a full slate of oftieers elected by neckmntion It Elmira: Maror--A. Brandt. Reeve-A. W. Holler. comuti1--C. Berman, E. Hemmer- ich, A. Wilson, J. C. Allemng. B. H. Brown. GAY. A. Glennie. m ' 'sa-tr-ees" n. 010"“. ucv- .u. -._....._, Messrs. Allemang and Glennie are the new members, “king the Flues of W. G. Brox and o. Mol- mger. ' ttt MUSIC I 1 VF I 'rrtAfipiRs ' BB-) PUPILS v lid-Inter - numb-non: will be held bully on February tub In! 15th. In". Avplieulonl Inc! (an In". retell the Cantu-van"! not later than January Nth. I’ll. cousuvn’olv JUIILIB â€I'm!†A "do " Scholursllvs. - on a ltudy of the ruulu or the plaid-no vruellr-l ex-nInItIonI "" In 1'30. will be Infiltd - I: qhrtarto. For this purpose Grades I Ind II will form Group A: Grad" III III! IV. Group B: arndeo V Ind VI. 0mm c; Grades VII and VIII. Grow D: - " And x. Group E; one “turd In all! ---ameyetp, to 310.00. ‘I5.00. 820.00. IIIJ. ll‘ $I04... runaway. " to mild ml- tbe co-t at In. hum tuition of the ne- rrulul "rMdntes. coNsratvkFati"6r Home on... 'ecte.2lePt.""' "* _Whloo to - the JANUARY ttth, of I In Mu " E. D. w. m-MS-MmmGn-hmod tNnrtgitt.tk . Wyn-sumo . Pt inf! Sperry G. 302cc ALL NEW STOCK EXPERT REPAIRING amend matedâ€. Ontario b. Inn-Alli. III-h lath-dig!“ manhunt-huh... way-mum's..- tam-Am.»m|-h iuiiiiuj-trie1ceret In mud to N h. a! It. and In. I.“ ll. IM.. "I In in to“. m II. M will did. at M tn Wtue%tt a“ dt- ma. - to, m an“ 1m to“ in nub M a. ‘tollowhc duct-Inh- a _ luck you a. as.» IV“ News and an m Wu ot the m I‘m-not w . m. an. â€an. annual. This qttntq.t in my worldly rand the - and of - in “can! all an content “not all It. 1ch n In! cough-ant when all" an of Do. cent.» se, Iâ€! he with“ in no Hulda Ive-In; New a mutant mum In part u folk)": "For - bully, Mancunian: and cleans-cu. (at out". an can! that of "no“ H. met. "' Into. w. mud mu m ot [all youâ€. and Ibo ot the previous youâ€: content." Now who and. last youâ€. grind prise ulnar and none itrst prise ulnmn not enable (or the “no prim this, you. A. I result. Mr. Zlck’l entry was not eligible to coupon tor the gnarl prise this Pour. but he did win 'trat prise tn his diltrlct. " Elaborate Manley 0n the .0ch side ot the ma reel. deuce, directly over the drive-why. stood a milieu". hem-y containing tNe utilizing sermon hell. tmitstred in gold krona Ind studded with clou- electric nun. he (we ot the hue supporting the - was lint-lied in - 3nd studded with - lights, whlle the bell tower we! itgtUhed in totem! studded with foil lights. The interior or the helm wee arxuhed in e sky blue with eilverod In" ot "rimts sins, giving everything con- nected therewith a very realistir and pleasing eilect. Red Flood Lights I All trout windows as well " all ' windows on the south and the north 1 side or the how curried beautiful ! llood light "tttrea. From each of these futttres brilliant rays of red created splendor indeed. There were _ lino a number of flood lights play- ‘ in; unto the snow covered garden. l Along the from eecond noor win- dow directly over the main entrence appeared six carol singers, and on the root I miniature Santa Claus in his air plane "THE SPIRIT OF GOOD WILL" eeemed to have just arrived to give cheer during the Yuletide menu. To the north of the residence, on cell "temo of not desi'n and picket fence shaped to conform to the landscape attracted a greet deal at attention. The image ot Santa Claus. six feet tall, standing just in- side of the open gate, and the neat lettering "The season‘s Greetings†sppeering over the gate. together with the hundreds ot red and clear elec- tric lights on the pickets of the green F fence. the red lights on the stone wall in the front of the residence, and the lights studded along the gracelnlly shaped atone walk made the entire lilhtlng display an out- . standing and ne-ver-to-Forgotten |spectule. h DWI-DIV. Atmottt every motlve was embo- dled in Mr. Zlck's display. whlch brought forth from the many who admired â€no. daculallons and: as "‘Huvonly", "Divlue". "Gorgeous", i"trtuter-tteya1rtutt1" "Enhancing". etc. Mu Scrum: Peter Schultz, 60, ot Topping, El- llco township. valued away on Mon- day a hi: will home neu- Welles- loy. Mr. Selma 1nd been in with 1mailman“. A - . .- Aug-.. I...“- “an. v'""""""""""- Surviving or. III. widow, four will. Gordon ot Home†wmhlp. City. ton. - old Wilfred at home, and two doughy“. Illa Erma " home and In. John Poole ot Brenner. ltonr brother. Bggd two sisters. David R. Koch David R. Koch paged “my on Jul. 2 at his home in Elmira after an illness of two months. He had been a resident of Elmira for the put " â€an. The hie Mr. Koch WIS born in (Donation) " years ago and val married to I‘vina limb-char In 1899. Sent: children were born to the union. hues. M. (menu-old hush- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Stable, Commune. Ill, thre_o weeks wlth “nun...“ ... ._.,, pneumonh. died on Dec. am " the Franco. Fern Buttle Obituary - SATURDAY. new» or Wuurho loot - C Tuna!†o! bu I.“ h (to " May. Ht-ttat. DOM III born in Wat-rho may " "no “0. _ were mm" he ml. - qt Elmira, Arthur, Rt I new and um diagram. In. A. Brategu, De mm and Elm, In A. Janus.†ronto, Two Intern. III-[tut m.. mer of Kitchmor and In. our“ Riley. Victor“, BAY. also mom - pus-tug " Am 0- huh-o- The death of Abraham o. Lub- mu occurred a Mannie. SOIL. on Friday, Januu'y 8. Mr. {Adam nu born in Bridgeport in 1888 and was well known in thin loulhy. no moved to deennie, 831k: 5m: re- moved to Boljennie. sun. nut te- siding in Bridgetort for " yan- Surviving Ire in wife and that Atr, Lucille, two brothers, Glut ‘of Waterloo and William of " ‘mk.. Sun. three shun. In. my liam Schott of Kitchener. In. David Boenger of Lexington. um! Mn. William Kuhn of Bridgeport. Four brothers and two mun tlt donned hlm._rrt_termmtt took p e 'it"iGiiGGiaHah. Willi.- Voile! A resident of Waterloo for fifty years. William Vein]. died on Jan. lat after . tea days' illness follow- ing I rp/gf" stroke. He was in his " Aer: . . ' " his 76th year. Mr. Veitel took I keen inmat‘ in municipal main and served u a member of the town council under Meyor John Fischer. Me was born in St. Clements. Mr. Ind Mrs. Veitei observed their 50th wedding anniversary last yen. They were married in Heidelberg. Surviving are hit wife, one son, ‘Norm-n Veitel, two (brighten. In. IN. H. Letter of Materlott end In. ". Il- utuyc- v- .__rH_'e-- Simon Thiel of Kitchener. Obituary ' wauer"m -.--- .-" I Ina-mm . iii-i-rat-et.-,." The?“ of In. iiteeltnrn."iTai'iGaiiifr.ui. annular or Wind†not - Nook I!†and†ot M '0“ h tho " "- - mun. haul O. Petor Have) The death of Peter Hmleib. 194 Mary St.. a resident of Waterloo for more than tro yen-s. occurred n. at. Mary's Hospital on Sammy, Mr. Bartleib ya: u work on Monday. Ind wu ill only . few anâ€. q wu in his 713'. “It. .- " Surviving are his wife, four Ions.‘ Irvin of Parry Sound. Charles of Port Dalhousie, Wilfred of Water- loo and Harry of Kitehener, three daughters, 'ttit" of Toronto, Clara and Nel ie " home. two brothers, Joseph and Louis of Kitchener, and two sisters. Mrs. Harry Giesler of Walkerton and Mrs. Joseph Hunt of Kitchener. IThirteen grandchildren also survive. Jo-u Gilli.- Preston lost one of its beat known and molt prominent citizens on December 31 in the person of ex- Mayor June: Gillies. His posting was somewhat unexpected. Re wee in his 47th year. Born in Preston. the son of the Isle James Gillies, the deceased was educated in local school: and for wears hes been the naive head of James Gillies end Son, Limited, (iiiiiii.i, cool and business "ttleg Iindustry founded by his other an a a. no: elehtg 1 . _ a u h and. tNUM "f wwwti’:£é'ï¬tï¬u% "'1 years ago. Surviving are his wife, the former Vera Beck of Preston, two lea Mrs. H. F. Mekeadriek of Gait a pm. Mabel Helium of Mn. Rav. John K. Winn Rev. John K. Sch'alm. retired preacher of the Evaluate“ Church. who had been engaged In the pioneer mark of the church tor many years. passed away Siturday afternoon at the home of Ms daughter. In. J. C. Dunn, 132 Falnlew Are.. Toronto. Tter. Mr. schwahn, who retired about. 19 years ago. was In In. 63th year. _ _ w -- ‘A-‘“ a bV F... - "n -- - - - Surviving are one non. - H. sdnulm ot Bunk). N.Y.. and Ill daughters. Mrs. E. H. mu. Kimm- er, Mrs. J. C. Dunn. Toronto, In " Knochtel, Kitchener, It" Kahuna. Kitchener. Mrs. Perry I. cum. sunnenm. cant. sud In. L W. my. Port Arthur. Ono broth". ww lmn Schnlm. Gillan-y. tho ur- vlvea. In. Schwinn predeceased him ttee yam Mo. The funeral at the In. In. Jury Heme]. 70. took also. on Saturday from the Into residence In contro- ville (the gonna cry» PW’ to the Pit Manon“; Church a... ury. Deco-Id had ban In poor health tor tho nu! year. She m born In oat-my. Two (human. in. Adam D.- ;Brulk Blur “a an. flour! 'Pt mot. Controvlllo. Int-Vin mm with two was, Mun! In - and Herbert ot Kltchaur. 0n. Mona. John K. Mou- of (butt-Mme, also aurvlvu, Mes. Ann “an. l 0mm. manhu- of the 'tmt-t Catholic parish. In. Ann Em rollct of the In. Aunt Hung; {and may u no (any hon. t. Clement on andâ€. relieving I ling-ring “In... 8h - l gun of)â€. 9|an her m- M ttttdai"; "the - ae) wan-s 1- iiriia"ii/1e.hufe..t' Mrs. any '"e ta4t2at Illa nun M a - Nam-00hr“! Inn-din. Nail-m lthIHWNI-“mo' ummmumhomuhy neutlyll'l‘on-h. , Mr. all In. Ralph Mm out New You'- d†u the born. ot Mr. Chas. may“ Visitor. win Mr. “A In. num- loath-non on New Yar- any can Mr. at In. W Brun- - than" moon M 0m. Mr. may MnrtP%rratott ot Ora-hill. Mr. And Mrs. no. C. Von and - ot Un- wood, In. D.8. - Ind hull). A large lumbar or tumors from um mun, unondod the auction sale ot the Join. mil-III mute on Thoma-y. Jul. 2nd. Mr. And Mrs. - Adkins returned on Thursday hon their Yuletide holl- anâ€. all“ Mal-gnome Jack-on - . for days with her grandam", Mr. Châ€. Mall-awn. Mr. Ind In. Martin M. human were Sud†"than ,, the home at Mr. um In. Noah M. Martin. mu an†Holmln k ttoitdarintt with her granny-mu. Mr. and In. IAN-ham M. Bummer. "BEE: 1iiaiia- Brubscher Ire taking up residence with Mr. 3nd Mrs. Joseph Brnbachor new St. JI- "in Dorothy sum spent. a ("I day: in): Mn. Ralph Jack-on, 3rd “no all“ Selina Baumn ot Hunter villa has - engaged for the com- lng you n the home of Mr. and Mr; Ella: W. Martin. Mr. Moss: Martin ami Min Ado- litter Martin spent. Sundny In]! the ton-men pron“. Mr. and Mrs. mm P. Martin, Megan, Amos C. Martin, Enoch P. Martin, Mama-ah M. Martin, Emer- son Martin and Eli B. Frey spent Friday with Mr. John Multan in ‘Bnntford. i Mr. Abraham Brtrttaettetr spent the weekend nt Brecht Mr. Owen Bland, non of In. David mum sly-datum Mr. Btu- mnn, um united In nun-tinge on Tue-any. an. 7th. to Min Inn Ann Frey. hunter of Mr. Ind In. Mn- tln B. Frey of Wnllenntoln. The young couple will take up nsldence on the old Frey homestead vat ot Willenlteln. Mr. Ralph Wilton accommnled by Mr. Ind Mrs. Huck! Willi-ml spent a day last week with friends nenr MiNerton. Mr. Hurry Manor ot Wnmsmttoin has been caused nt the rum home ot Mr. Clayton Rochelle]- near w. min. for the coming you. Wand-n Honor“. - - mm-., -._.-.._. -...... w.......-.._v. "V _ A number [mm this vicinity spent] Monday evening at the home of Mrs. I Marin P. Fenian. Hawkeuiile, whore‘ a surprise party was held. it being the occuion ot her eightloth birth- day. Over 1 score ot [Hands were present. the evening being npent in pinyin: bust Heir. Croklnole and Patched. Mean. Al. Cooper, Waiter Alum nnd “than. Adam, 8010mm Bowman. Mr. and In. Dune-n Rachel-won und Hrs. D. W. Muller attended an: - A --. - --__-., n_- I Nauru. (u. \W'v-, ww-."'- __,,, and “than. Adam, 8010mm Bowman. Mr. and Hrs. Dune-n Mocha-Don ond Mra. D. W. Muller attended the funeral ot the his Minn - Small " can on Monday ottoman. A number from this vicinity " tended in. tailor-l of the mo m- enu-d 0mm no" Linwood on Tool- dn, afternoon. Cor slid-o Into Ditch. but wonk'l sleet an [new wt our roads in a ruthen- prmrion; condi- tion with the remit that . new Buick car driven by . wow who“ lune It. not obtained. and into the ditch, Ind on but overturned, no" the Wab Ion-(elm city works. An Fhettf".t ' - - ‘ -----v A- IIn-uuu mu, w.---" -_' vice truck had to be summoned to W“ the on up on In lush", min. L With good slashing now In full swing loss In rolling into pm. in Iour local sawmill yin]. POM"...- Mr. no In. Wm. Hutu um unu- ter are! - Nov Year'- day with Mr. and In. Wm. Woman. Mr. Ind In. {no thip and mu Bath 80!) spun Tint-tally visiting muting In Hanover. In. 8911: In ‘uuyln; for n â€or. actual. l lit. and Mro. In BUM-ow - Walls-II! "In!“ routin- In I‘I’Ill. le - _._-- n, Mr. and Mro. In Bin-ow - Wednesday "In!“ relatives In â€ton. Mr. and In. an. new and amn- m Rath c. - Now Tear" in um: Mr. and In John up Ill Nor- mum- 'll-IIIJ’. In. Haunt auto of Tnvhtock an returned tom the: visiting to who: and friend- In mm, How- Ick and Wroxotor. _ _ -- --.__- " “‘l -Il'l "IV-v‘v-u Mr. and In. Ruben - at cow-mien - I (ow an with Mr. Ind In. um Worn". In. “El ung ml In W - Now Your. a! with In. {acorn my. Mr. Ind In. Wagon; And {any Bdrm. Hovlct. Mr. and In. In Buhrow and Mr. Jacob an. - and†which; in Humor. In up "and lone "(I a... and mum mm] my; um mum - -- --.---.= --- ---‘A- u-y - "'â€""' --v B. ad In. - In! - with Mr. and In. In!“ - w. and In. w. Woman! at - up: - att-ttq. with anâ€. In Yar- m m It. all “mum: Inn-I In. â€mm-nan - not uld In. we. By" PM auth- CLIFFORD iii -ims. Henri Ampolmmnm tetaeutreigr.amdi.get&ir" In“, "can. " ball. a. on. alone: Mr. Bod-1W“ aT. -iGGGau - Gi - h . Mr. uni In. can “to! - children. Irene and Budd not! III- dar It the how: 0! It. All In. John floor. Mr. and In. Abn- - m mm, at mun-n - It. You-'- dly " {UM-0010.3.III ll". no] Behind“. Mt. Wm. Hlbomhl Sr., and Mr. ad In. Jacob - - New Year's u the home of Mr. all In. Abe Habermohl not: Render. Mr. and In. H. Gem! and Mr. A. Geiger of 'Kitchener were New Yon?» "than at the home ot Mr. an In. Mr. and In. Nelson W and Mill Nora sandal - New - night u the home ot Mr. Ind In. Henderson, Kitchen“. A Mr. John sander of no" M. .lneobs is spending the white:- It tho hon. of Mr. and Mrs. boob Sandor. Mr. Gordon Made!- In manila; I few days at the home of ttiq m. In. A. Wright and Mr. wnnn tn Detroit. Mm. P. Bruder and dnaqttter Phyllis renewed aeqututttatteers in New Hamburg hut, week. was Doria Brahman - a low day: with Mend- ln Wnterloo. in“ Mae Shunt: ot Kltchmr spent the week-end It the horn. ot Mr, and Mrs. N. Heckemlorn. Mrs. A. Colon ot New York, N.Y., has returned home utter spending some time gt the home of her Motor. Mrs. Wm. Puddlcombe and Mr. -Hld' dlcombe. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Buhcher and mu Dalton attended the {annual or the late Mr. David Koch In Elmlra on Sunday. ms; Nelda Sander in spending week at her home. Mn. Nelson Sci) tad lorlono. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Selp and funny, Mr. Oscar. George and Albert Selp and Mr. Jack McWeln. 'Mr. Alex sup, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Selp and tinny and Miss Madellne French. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Dermal-ling and family. Miss Etta Demerllng lnd Mr. Edwin Diet: spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. xenon Sell). Mr. Edward maldt and Ilia. man- McLeod spent Sunday with In. iiuth Behr. CARROLIIS (Neh- HADDIE 2 'at Me SARDII’ES to Ease. s. WATERLOO Phone 894 36.13: Jttgtut'ttAtkaA Tho mch' m Me wed-oe “In.†mawotmud purl-Human.“ .-" _ Inmmolmm mm,mmm aiiruair.i-eeeee: my? '1. hr “at... In " son mum u M [an Art mm and swim 3).: TIM, with Mr. and In. a. m It 00m lea-u. John Hunt at at" all Mr. Bum: Dunn". of -tet M the tuba-ll at the in. ot Mr. and In. Dun mot! _ A Mu. not: laurel m tho nut or main mm tor a m an†Mat week. Mr. And In. Mn alumna and - of mutton! spent the bond†It the home of Mr. ad In. Pe murals. h In. Arthur not: all hunts We - n row an may with In. Roi-r. prank. Mr. and In. Hurry Both" nou- Burke-r ville. ilGiirr. in. Gordon Pine. _ ra Win. Cumming ot Jordan su., returned to last home on land†after spending l ("Nagy with hot . -iiGUUsie, Ind Hulda Hamilton oLBtrattord, are visiting Mr. J. Brun- nor and Helen. ‘- _ - _ . _ Mr. and Mn. Wm. Pink and has)» tar Dorothy and Mr. Herman Fink ot Tomato spent New Year's with Mr. 3nd In. Jacob Hahn. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rtbey of Tm ronto amt the holiday: with the latter. prank, Mr. and In. B. W. Conner. , Mr. and In. J. P. Fauna and daughter Bile have rammed to their ‘hom at Chum; Croc- lnor upend- Ing a. no! cook with Na. Janet‘- parents. Mr. and MM. Wesley Conl- " r. Mr. and In. H. Sage and funny of Newton spent New You'- ds, with Mrs. J. H. lRelnwnld and son Henry. FAIRY Mr. and Mrs. tymhlin went the weekend villi melt daughter. Mm. C. Votritt and an“: " Stratford. Muses mum - nu returned to' Toronto, undone Tumor to on- ville, Vera Faring: to Mint. and 76H“ , cub-11c (Inn:- 'W te J: MILL-INK Q4 M, 'MI su. “(ON it Oe Mi M MUSTARD 'r Ce Alice Chris to m: at“: - " the bonds" It their m-tho - with Mr. In Mrs. John nook-II um family at haunt. We are planed to and Mr. not! Wray nu returned hon. no. a. Gamer-l Hospital when he no". but! a very aerloul opal-don. Mr. and In. Cecil Tum and - or Toronto upon! New You'- with the tormer’. mother. In. But tar Tuner um mu shim m. Mr. Lindsay Venn return“ to Us home in strauord after spending a. pondâ€. with friends hm. In. Joan - has returned to North Bar, Miss Joreo Inlet to " romo ttttd “his Bruno Freshen to Chlplelll Alter swam; the m mu holidays with uls- Otto, In. Tii; Brown ot Mitchel um um Deane Don-1nd or Hamilton have n- turned to their school dunes Inâ€. -iii.uikr" Nicklln about a week at lilo handâ€: wtth friend: P Toronto. WATERLOO WOMAN -iiiirGauiokan of Oahu I: visiting her grandparents, Mr. um! Mrs. Geo. Coshlln. The Canada Starch Co. hive jut completed their mull Cm competition and it is interesting to note that Mrs. Alvnh N. leke at this town was one of the ante- Fil' competitors. . New Year's my was celebrated in this district by the arrival ot you born to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Horn- mm, 340 Guelph street. Kitchener. One died a few hours Inter. The m1- ‘lowing day twin sons were born to In". and Mrs. C. A. Kraemor of Wel- Tester, III. R. Pour-on In. C53eEEi!1 qi-.-.-- “hand-cu! oG..s-tiso- 'o-tttabt. Wan" Mouth-Cynic. nun a NO was I“ (continua nut M) WINS ARE BORN -iitTtitrt Pet 3.... 27: lull all mini-m III-5,593.... NoJu-9c WINS PRIZE Me Me 26e t%