Selling Out WANTED FEW YOUNG MEN, ages 18 to 85, mechanic-Hy inclined, now em- ployed. to train for wonderful job Wnunitiea in Sound Pictun. in and Television r,',',",',',,'.",?,; Luge eorporation will prepay train mu selected. For personal interview give nae. phone, on?» “on, education. DEFOBES 'tl. in)“, Chronicle. 2-1 it}; lt/ii iiitiii ELY-akin Iare Powell of Imira returned on Fri (by to resume their duties as when at the Patton school. Mr. Ind Mrs. Huold Jackson and Ion Donald returned to Toronto after spending the Christmas halt~ dinnvith friends here. . Sanders of Elmira spent “liming " the home of Mr. and In. J. . Judson. Mr. and Mrs. Clnrence Stone and son Elwyn of Alma were New Year's Day guests at the home of Mt.pm19Erts." A. W. Ruler. In. Norman Stevens and daugh- ter Orma of Stratford returned to their home on Monday after Y,',',','; In: the put two weeks at the ome ofAEr. aet_d_Mrs. A. W. Ruler. New Year's visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lin-tin were: In. Ed. Bohlender and furnily of the 8th of Peel, Mr. and Mrs. Urils Snider and family of Kitchener and Ilia: Bhnche King and Mr. Gordon Bqlxlender of Elmira. Quite n number attended the hockey match on Mondny night which was held in George R. Flee?! new skating rink. Goldstone hockey can: defeated the Glendlnn team by} note at 5-1. - " number' -frimrthis line attended the dance held in Winiieid Hall on 'hyyur_nitrttt. - - The municipal elections for Peel were held on Monday. The mecca. fat eandidates were: Reeve, John O'Donnell; Deputy Reeve, Robert Bitch; Councillors. Caesar Stickney. Mr, deer and In Jackson. rel TD. E1ortkrcqtV L GOHEIGIOIJS Mr. and Mrs. Ion Weber ot Wit. nlmshurg, Miss Katherine Shani: ot Kitchener and Miss Grace Beer at Mannheim were Sunni-y guest- at the home ot Mrs. M. Weber. “... 8111'. " Quad. St. B. KITCHENS- Mr. W. H: siorer of Vineland spell: I geek with, Kenna"! snyder'l. Mr. Ind Mrs. Elmer Ballet ot Ron- hnnk spent Sunday at the mar- home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cole ot near sfeshn and Mr. and Mrs. A. Kinsl- of Kitchener were Sundty sue-u with Harvey Behmidt% Mr. Martel Snider spent Sunday with Howard Bowman, Kitchener. Mlll Rhea snldar 'spem Sunday 'rlth Gladys Bowman. Kitchener. Hours. Dun and Vernon Bub Inger, Hines Vern 1nd Almeda Bur- ns» event Sunday with lush crou- mun'l at Strasburg. . but]: .1 In. I. Weber Bttd Mr. Gluten Wow - N0: Yur- with John smut. an: Willinmsburz. Mr. and manual Semen and M- a, and Mr. and um. George Wok" you New You". was“ with Clu' to: saber“. Mr. “a In. Chyton Sultan and humor Inn": - and.†Ttth Drhln Snyder'- near Bloom- ’1'. "land". Triu- “I..."IHâ€. ACemqteteBtoehof humus-“ho 'dfd,etfthtgNl."tttt white. 'ilelrittt,.'tt. M811 _ our...“ â€we“: 'ft-td...'.-.; GERMANN’S may GOODS. CLASSIFIED ADVT. Hunt Be Sold At Cost 1 Trusses panows ooo At.btetitudarittr.ttV "gard-,nearlrtgP_ aiuartuiaa I: in}; 6am mug... nut GERMAN MILLS Satisfy YATI'ON the you. Immune can. In 1ttt ;E;eé_ ii,iiP2iciiircii2;i-" I lanai-ex (mainland: , a o a 'del, and 1'l'lS,'d'Q run-u - TITG would bird»: to meet . nu The "can or an. comma-Ion ad funk" reduction in the mill mu. m â€can“: “mean annual-3 In an Nov Con-m... pole], to the Met that .. my. not Committees of council for "" cold u det-ture, In an put tum m a follow: yam. mm. a . point can. an: WWI-mi "tlt'. Uir,f,it..-a new term to "pay " we Bo." We have not baa-0%: a. t inttarst ll“!- 'tel to but a" Macadam“:- 'AIU, '-1"l'jl',a, Roe" A Bar tuna-matte! o a r.'- . ' .. 1"hnt,I thy an. a...» ttlr'" no". Bela-lb. lam meal. Net a mom been no any to borrow In the put llllll- M ttf w°fkf_udi:' W. bar ot you'- In Ill-cod my nul- 't1Nue,lt,t,'ThPra',t'l, "dt cumulo- to m. calm _ Walker. ' . . tum. (Interlink-l, my of a. Fir. m ueht---AM. To!“ did not rowel-bar an! tho new chairman- D at, 3.". Hon Ald. bid to to to“ but u. m It Killer. AM. Ta.,' and Aid. ya; would b. u mm mm- colt un- “aâ€, In some can. our 100 par can. Our on Pro rtr-Ald. J. Damn. lComnl-lon may: a. - 7°“ chairman; tWa Run mer Moll ot was m- lo nun was new but», than Gil Holmium or. your. Al noel " tho In)", Johan-r- m nu round '0 an ofNe.--AU. Ink;I chair-u: uncanny loot tor Inbound-1 to have [clau- and d. Wait. auction II “and: at. to an In. C-tttq-Aid. Volta. "humid-:3 Chin-II: It". Helm-lb. AM mm. a. 2tat,tt,' a. can: no: am. Tom-Had - nn. on of â€no. u I. In. , um Board Ivor an. nun-m - fia'tl.%i.'ui 'tat. mu the con-uno- out an. an ttgig'rii,ht'it,t,t, G.' . "can. 'Qh'd,'g 'it'?,'?.::,?,'?:',',),'???' 'tatrstCe-ittse---M-. luau mu... m I ll tt I I: I ot 'ur, m 'Mgr. At s',t,T,22,eg,'th22rg,L'2g; I no. " l m I nu, - a - m In 'g2.'lii2" Work-C‘- (Jo-m 'rtthoqt " 2llUdl or that have but FGDGiFiii7iiGrriiiiiil P.ttteu2ttt'ttute?. “mm-manna “Immum. - . 'dtl.Nlitl M a I. b I: w 6 . on. Ontario Compensation Sunday tutor: ll William M wallaâ€. were: In. Goon. Don]: and daughter Ruth. or Want-ford, Mr. Ind In. Irvine but; and dash- zerg Susan and noun. a can; Last Tuesday OVOIIII the member. Ind friends of the U. B. Sunny School not " the home of Mr. and! Mrs. Sun!†unborn. During tho evening the 3.3. alto-n won doct- mt tor the ensuing year. i manna MnLc.neckorudnny Stole; anemia! the funeral at In. Gilbert Baldwin hold at Station! In! loudly. Mi. and In. Edgar Lunch Ind daughter Don-ll upon! a tow dun with trlendu III Kitchener In! week. Recent visitor». at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shrolbor were: mm. and an. Herb stunt: and dunner. Evoiyn, Mr. and In. Hamid Prom and aunt" Ruth, ot 00mm. Mr. and Mn. C. awn-ts were guests ot Mr. and Hm. Gillan] Swarm, Kitchener. on the holiday. Yukon u the home of Mr. and Mrs. " B. Stole: on New Youâ€. any were Mr. and Mrs. William Shelby, Nitrtt Florence an»; and Thoma Parry or Eastwood. ’Mr .and an an); Irma mind with Mr. and In. Isaiah Snyder. Kn. chonor on Sunday. Mr. Ind Mn. Henry ahrurtrqr Br.. spent Neg Year's In; In out. In†hotly and Ruth Boehrtr and Winston Becker or Kitchener â€out their (Inn-Mme nation tn the Tli. Iago. Mr. an In. - Rimming: family wan vultur- In Pull on New Yen'- my. Mr. and at". Willlun Douala spent New Yours in, um um in 11ntt. In. r. WM and I. III-nun amt the hall“! 'rittrirmtir1sctn Arr. "eiGad sire, 11-11mm was nuts or their grandparents, Rev. and in. o. G. Harm-n during the holidays. Mr. J. B. anchor 'om" s mi any. It the home ot Mr. and In. crw. Shelby, Park, In! real. Miss Alice Blichtock ttt Toronto was I guest ot Mia. Beale Hope over the west. and. In. Henry Shrlobor Ind Ion Glenn visited with Mr. and In. Id. Shrleher. Grmrnttetd on loudly. Russel Wanner ot Ruck-nor aâ€!!! the holidays with his mum and uncle, Ne-gutd Mrs. Tommi Brodhnctar. A, M. 3:11“th ot Toronto called at William Detwollu'l In! My. velvet and - a bouquet " Sweetheu't rout. at. - “toad-d bv Mise Edn- cht and " an, Ki- Evelyn 'ttttir-r, the tor-Ia “and in t gown of you“ cup. and thy letter in any orâ€... Beth bride of Elam old- Mr. Eula, 3m of Datum. attenuatinlnllo 1eltt,Tra"grgltt,,ltir"'"_ “1.1:“an em- .udInJotBo-m monywupufor-dbylu.hdm Mr. long mm was to- s. J. Wilton mud to L-W. Hospital but 11:. um. ulna in m in Inkmhlndcwmuom hee father, w yum!) am in tittetftr ttemi-d-ttr. Accord- a 3mm “yin-9019M WEJII‘ to - .me..rtn hi..eoy.dttion in atthe-eemd A.“ “min-hum BumbwédduIctckh-ohrtflï¬ahafl- 2lttpthrhuf an“ etiuthtttt't [and you: van-Wail“ let-calm. "e-tr-tat-dt-tB-dst. mmumua-nm an "et'Pat,tegatJt2pat"pg ma Well-g. nJ.A.M-dcludvhlr. oty My Church - 'ttl"tatfdra'2N, ttg,leutuNu"t'trgt lino-Banana blah-o! sand-yd. M Bud-g 2'.tta,r,t,', Nu Yur't with 9mm ot w.. and. In. -. {and Wu. Bylaw!“ rG"iri,G' Earn-7.." -_" 'Mut'tVt'tt _ in 'gi,11tsttlftihrlti?S',i' My amt-w. - tu.te1te him of Bu" bride of wr. Am 'i'??!,??'?, "ijtitltiililhtit (Conan-d from Paco " ROSEVILLI in. _ - (ion: In.“ Wd.>arr, chiral: In" Helm-do. Alder In. 30M. Tom cud - ul. _ m C-ttti-AM. B .)ii,liii,'i';) cm; AM. Tax 't2gptfdtrgtt. In" Inn, l,,'l,1',hfihrttftpc3',B' Mer. , Be lenders and not followers. uni we win accomplish much more tor ,tho tan." aid Aid. lulu. Too “any pearls, he said. were cement to be (clowns. Earn-ion of In- dl'vidnal opinbn ulna-t W 2"dgrd a can†under dine-ion, e . _ AM. Bomber.“ and for help from an old eonnclllon on mitten which we" a" to him, and u- nto-led tho hope that the 1986 ~‘onncll would be :hle to etteet u (who: reduction in the mill nu.| “Hui; I cilia-m" "I? rteiG-ieeitusrd. Ald. $umn. Aid. Talus“. Aid. '"Atru, 1deht Ala Mann. chirmu- Ugly when Ald. pm". Ala. In, and Aid. ya; free of "internal rumbling: and petty bkkerinp which mark the meeting: of n neighbouring municl. polity} Commencing his Mouth “can!" term in public once. It. We, rude I strong plea for lint- mony and eo-o-tun. now after csrrying on for three "artr,oateofttte"twotomtsin Censds carrying her own relief costs, would be to admit defeat," Mr. Henderson said. "Our first duty In to are for the sick and that is the min reason why we on the Board have worked so hard. and have tried to keep relief costs at! town taxes. The Board feels that with the support of the citizens we gangster cure of the relief spin in Aid. w. W. Prick†expressed the hop, that the_councl_l_yould he! "We will not so far may if we try to live up to what Rev. Mr. Tilton he suggested," said Begun Reeve Beer. No criticism nee be feared by my member, he mid, if they do their best. Will Suburih Relief Fund- Chairman Wm. Henderson, Sr., of the Welfnre Board. “nuanced in a brief speech that the Welfen Bond would awn endeavor to mite relief fund: for the town by public trutmeritrtion, if given the whole-hearted support of the coun- cil mayhem inditidunur. "'Toastop} l Irevotitttl..lurvie" large sum for provinchl human and another 81,000 given to the Welfare Board in December. How- ever, two mills had been cut of the 1984 mill rate, one mill of which man- 35.000 to the town. Reeve Helm-sic pointed out that m to capital expenditure: in 1986 end the decaf. $11 It dabenture debt at year T, . e tax rate mi be all? further cut. $5.000 DoSeh I Reeve Wen. Helium: announced that there was a detteit It the end of 198o " “out 86,000, due, hob mid, to expenditures which were] entirely unexpected, qn_e_l_re_ing a, members of the Waterloo Welfare Board for their work in keeping relief com " the tax rate in the put three yarn. further reduction in the mill nu. Mnyor Rata Emu“!!! extended his think: to C yirmntt cnderson Ind Thu-day while fallia‘ln an attack of g'."gg, to which . la anhjact. _ Mr. ward In)" of Kelvin. Sat, and non Arthur um... oi chburn, Sula. arrivad hm on Saturday to apend a month with relative: and friends. The]: are may: of {tn-19nd tera. Johg _ " _ aiaitirit khaki __ Epic. aa, in; itat; n Ate, homo "'l and in? via} ataid -it, .adAiiiair 'll'dGl'hl him nil speed tow-rd tfr. Henry tiehier hld the Inb- gqrtup to, [not big an In: éoébiég ruaiirx.." ‘Farni‘u... "M, 1"“ 'tthieMlt.iag. f van-n toil-011"." Jill-iv ,d.t'h,ttNtututt ara. , 1'tttd'ttrtu"utM'Net tannin-um!!!†M 1NPtrukliN "M'.t.'cNY,ed'igatT, up. . In it“! you-Luau. ?,1utth'ltt4'alMfdtd', mum-.1â€. {lads-:1 "7, V It. and, [my ta,rilEidiGnd (Continual from P1:- " In: an Dunn of Runner mu) tor an Ono-lua- In“. to “In“ with her â€an. mu Br uman a. Pro-Ion walnuts. bun neatly. l was. tinny mun vlu to In. Joseph Wuchur visited with on. of the we: "ttNets ot eclect- Mn. John Run: on land". Jo Mr. King I“ It callous-u Our New“ of Mr. Joseph and. will III â€It. mm: eon-luau be (In! to hear that I. I- up and mutant tum-non It II M armntdngahtuteru.r-tmt- mun-mm: walls! brew ---------- [pacing no â€animal-m ADVERTISING In no l'nwomnl‘ tram. with a haul of and “no US- CHRON’ICLI WANT AM Won. Ir. mad im.}nll Kmu'ch ind family ot st. chi-gnu wor. nun ago-on Huber- on Now Yen’s. MI:- um. Wanda!" of Tomato spent the Chi-hum. loudly- with Minnow. In". I}. Ami scum-u» and mu Ann Seholnor of the Twin Clty visual on Nttr Yang! ft ml: what-391’s, _ Mr. Ind ma. Werner Well. and family of Waterloo and m - horo on New _ Mr. Jon-I Schema" and .03 Alvin of wuorloo and daughter Ann ot Kitchener spent New Your: " their home he". . Mk. in». Wuchtar we a was! at ttt. Jim“ Menus. Albert nnd Loui- Email of Waterloo visited " the hon. of their mm“, Mr. and In. Jonah Bum. Megan. Oliver Globe. Stanley Hold, Harvey 1029qu Ind It†Gertrude Kneinol spent New Youâ€: on with Mrs. Ann: Wegtora Ind null: ot Dom-int. Corner. Mr. Geo, Norma-tar and con mm o! the Btth lino. Won-slay clued on Mr. Goo. Globe 1m Thundu. l The death ot Mm. Sylvester Saxony occurred It the hem of her leon-in-lew. Mr. John Kohl here on ‘Frid-y morning. Jan. am. She had Ibeen m for lone months and wee only recently removed from her home lln Wellesley, where she spent the greater pert or her untried life. to her eon-1n lur'e home. Here she cele- ihreted her 88th birthday. Dec. It, _ Wilton at tho home ot Mr. and Mrs. . Reader on New You“. wore: Mr, and In. Clayton Roach: Ind daughters Aimed: nod Violet or New Drunk. Mr. and Mar. Conrad andâ€. Mr. Elmer Roedor. mu 'NItt Rosier nod Mr. Alvin Daub of North Eu!- hope. Mr. Solbert Snyder Ind daughter Delphine. Min Vera New â€out Wednesdny afternoon In: weak It the home of Mr. Inc! In. Edward Knelsol. The Mia-u Christina Wade“. Esther Bard“ of Philllpoburg Ind Mr. Oliver Globe called at the home or Mr. Ind Mrs. Fred Knelul lat “mine-ally. n. mum: {a um and“ not. tho Hob) reducing. u st. Pun w- :0an Lutheran Gum-eh. Wells-icy. when lawman: In. and. in tho adjoining cemetery. The when] '3: attended by a large number ot sym- pathetic friends and mammal-I. Patton-lo. Surviving to mourn her death no her aged husband, two will. John of Luann, sum. and Chm-1a- ot W01- leuley. one humor. In. John Hohl of thin district, two grand- daughters. the lion. Norm and Esther Hot] and two brothers, Putt can“ of M.- M. and ceglter2Petti, a LU, ,_ _. At the mum Ichool new†ot 3.8. No. 9, Wool-1m. the tolled-x zrnuee- were elected for â€It: Menu. Item I. Hor.t. In. We her end George Schmidt. In: Lovin- Horel left on [My so take up her Ill. and. at the home at Mr. end In. Ctittttrd Scheuele near Kitchener. Mg. Sylyutgr an» blot. In. Allahâ€! link. and Mr. . J. mm of All!» In: an“! an In) In - mm In; In. Ian-u â€that all no- Wllhrd and “not um m (up and In. M gum: or Mo. Mr. and In. Dun Bott and may. Mr. Ind In. acorn Schwinn“ And finally. Unto“ on My. Mr. out long and - um Hon: you lull-y - of mm. at numb-mammal». Bridge. action. Ken You". day dun-r "an at Mr. no {In an"! Schmidt Zonal}. Mr. and In. In “no"; J. I. In!" all Mr. H.rbqet Hill. at $1.11! It. Sunday - at Mr. and In. - ling." _ - T-i- -"-'_e"'-.'5i-'H"_.'V " use. In... ' """‘“‘ Titr%rTi - i- Fgii.ers7, â€-NI'II-‘mdm 'dl'eNlff'gll2'lll1 /,'S'teai2liii.ciirilit .mm ail “mV‘Izmw‘V-mmmmuummww will...“ “I k'tud .P, 1..Wrgivt, 'tatt""""' $eh','ttgh"dt't,t.'t'dih'hii; PM..." 'at) r. . . m. -......- trtsoutta., - 1'rdt.tftt22'gu'd a. "" " 'm. 'ritiii'i'Sitat - Fjie'h',,t,iftttb'ttfii noun-unuusnuu-mnmcmumaflfl " TiTiii antiwar-nuns. a (nulllmifltuwolTO-Wh-wu noun-u 1lt.hptllh11"itl.y.1lt.1tSt'%i b.“ ""'"""""'"lir,litt2i'tu'ntt qirtehtrtirte ad 'fietl%'atgd,'g."f, 'WWA'.' “mmmg‘mmn‘x Atlrtntptgrte uï¬nnmmmuau~wmm.mflmfuu&;m c',Attg1,'liitFi"itafslt4 '"efa In. In lulu-.0111. H'!m.t"'hAtt" “"199"! -1th-tataia---.t-qo-LMu" at 9...“. lie-rd] that Inform “about“: mntemd-énohzlflnamwu‘rmh councillon. “an? am on M 8lll'G'."NML"tT,= k'hTIdWl'e%UtPdf,', ahiPhsthiO-treidgo-tHhrt-efaltmt.. WILMOT TOWNSHIP ELECTORS SANDERS LISBON AARON WAGE! I An Importent more In connectlon' ' with um: mum In the vacuum! l at the were or the Teri! Bond pro - vided in the Us. end Jenna-e um ' menu. Under the new nmngmentl thee; countriee Iney mks repreeen- r anon to the Board. e prlvnece we 'rlouly extended to (My the conn- .trlee with": the empire. We chenxe is regarded ee “Winning In Important precedent. The new d+ettttitm ere being er 'perleneed In woe-tin; once. end "rennin: eating new In the Home In prevention (or the one-In. at pen- “uncut. The hat lmportent bnllllo- len- Mg the members when they convene at"oemoat6tmaary6nrttitretths election of n wanker. The choice I- u wetter ehlch Ie et mt giving the Ceblnet eon-ileum concern. Acclaim; to tradition n ma- eveekln‘ member In due to take the Milan bet there in e concerted more withln when] rent. for en English â€can; appointment. I I One-ken end new.†- Those unearth; this no" point ; out met Qnehee'e unmet rem tetlon he: now been liked to In when. Consemuvee, too. ere known to be owned to n French. â€can; â€Murat. and It In rqth ebly reported that the oppoeltlon my ehetter e precedent by owne- In: the eppotntnlent of P. P. Get new. [About member for Chet-level:- Seneney It he le nominated. It In ,' Bums rare proclulnod " an lo. cat Mennonite church and†tor Mun Ann. (humor of Mr. and In. ' um, of an mm line and um son or Mr. and In. Both Martin. INorth Wool'ich. l mam sunmh. Lucind- and may Ann new; of nut Watarloo are â€cum; a north at than home here. on!!!“ Emma! Damn In loader. Albert My rad tho any tuna. In. In!» sm- eotttMbttt" . reading, In wan: Dunn and In. Paul Baum n was] duet. Other Inn-abut were slum by a “nixed qua-none um] I ml: chorus. Rot. c. R. Cornwall new as lane on the subject. "New Your. Retaliation." (Conan-d m- Pln " . the weights elected “liable tor In. Peter Bowman ennui Nolan! with Mr. Amos Martin, wan-min. l Tho you; pool. at mu, uln- onn chum nth-n4 n. tho hm lor Mr. um In. Pour Bell-all. Ptb, any ouch; In honor ot their - ter cum moat W to Mr. Harry anchor. and W than I uncommon- atom. My :0 .ffOlhllIOllh won and u the con- phuiol ot the plenum ovum. Mr. Norm Schmidt has "turned to the Vet. 0011.... Guelph. to to- un. My and!“ um spanning a. liqi-dui with ill moth“ hon. The members at the mammal Ladien' Aid gathered a the home ot Mr. and In. J. B. Snyder for n quilt- mg on Tuuday. Mr. and Mn. Levi Ohmic]: and In. La: Harm In. "turned home that unending tho out your " the home on". 3nd In. Bttt Btty- an; B1oominedata. The Week at Ottawa Bom-gan. 3rd to Mr. 5nd In. c. H. Sooner, a not. "Paul". Gaul-nul- lanolin A “who: or local pol-Ion- mund- ed the “no": not!“ of tho Key 'ee â€but, may a tho homo ef. yr. and in. Nirrtrsiimriir, - mm:- at - Willi “I"... m "_---- lb Am Selim-at loft 'ltul"Gitlrrlru'rs.%'Lrfll'dt 1ttSTuturardt2ut 3W d'rlh,d',0',"'l2'g.'t'ar tt_tMrt"rtrtrtVntitret- on“ he to". M would the Cow. . . 'llS'rdrgt 'ar/tnt i,iiiiii'iiiii!,, imam .dt'l,t 'lgtidhitt."gtt !,hlit a t out . Btreut M ‘ 1iiiriiii7, Intel's-seine. A. ttm. 1!er untoruocmmummn and can: nau- - willed] lotâ€... “minimum In an Anoma- III. at - shim-tum“ con-um tho '"lmttymhtVntitreitAr At tho FLOW†I The people at to village and db trlct were but) on Honky - In their vol... , Mr. mud In. Swen":- and - Ill,- , an. Adm 'teetet, can mu New Your- i†nth. om it It. And Mm. Will. Tut. , Ibo-Mould layman's -tsdisse the guitar montlu In Kl:- lchonor. Hurry Yum: at W. â€out a few at†It the home or Mr. and in. lid. station. I In Robert Bonus: and mum Dolores roturnod to their hone In Toronto on Saturday utter sputum; a week's not!“ " the hem ot Mr. and In. J. an“. I Mr. Chan. Me} n. . mum- ttt Gait on My. (when Wilton; Br., Ind Stanley Jona- were busines- vhlm In In: digger 9n sungâ€. _ - mun Dorothy and AM"! Test of Preston spent Bunk, " the home 31 their parents. Mr. and In. W. Mr. Cronin ot Prawn In: . bun-L [lu- mm: In tho 1min on Satur- Mr. Kenneth Pruni- In: "(and to the um. to mum his dull“ " minor (In the senior room at the noon Public wheel). Inu- - In; the Christmas homily. at In. home In “novel. with tel-tins in slalom. Mr. and In. 8.011; sun and two children or Patton wore New Year'- vhltorl at the home at Mr. “a In. an! nuance. Violet and this King of an". aunt I my day. an an home at Mr, and In. F. Robin. Mr. And In. Harry “a and Jo. Sch-an an uncut N" Yur- a: " an home: ot If. an In. Win. Manor Ind Mr. at] in. Will. Orin- Iur 0! Button. Ill. III-north Wilton; u. to. and to Wound “not Imam tho curl-um. Ind Nu You-'- bonny- It the home of tor plant. In. and Mr. and In. Lhrrd axon and two than.“ John and may - cgguuqu_ myâ€: Year‘- holida- In. N. Wilton. a-ruvotvirGaaiii0idTiiiaaaiii tt all: in": of thugs". 1-mpdttruqsttiud " 31m citizen tttthis phat. [hum-.114. In an exhibition on. have“ Lirrytoo4osdPtNruiithoueatHnh a 'tirisdir' __ 'ij/ii/it ai%GGr- a; by a not: of u 8. 'erahteerothanh-tto_lthet-bt-ortad no " a. ril- on Honda). detail. In the Walt: of trt.', s..." 'tMed “'5'. 'l,'L'S'l. 'r?gttditt,Qk J, Tdl “at t*emqbitart tho a.“ "MP. you In" Mn that my unite- in your mutat- havo ICU-tuna. by leading no such I Inge vote at tt,r'l?,tt'drit',p 1d-rrtithntrnriit-rtrrtirt "I tombuto 'rtr.bttttr,"qttt-dotteirttlteet. rmetrhtoetrtersdittie.etthuHtat.ttt_rho-rtt. mammal-um TO THE ELECT ORS or WATERLOO TOWNSHIP 1virh_toh-tWthnrthntithtt-wtttrtmr-srpehfht. wood " the poll. on leader. I more you that the con- enee Ibo-n In my election to the deputy tuneup of your uranium not he Minced. I will " all time- eervo you so the of ',',g,dt11ht TIt gentile ever mind to keep on capitol are: mgretted an election was forced 1:35... nth u then. when the some council was returned to though no election had been held. To the Electors of Waterloo Township 2CaCa7.tTa2 - 'I . "‘ * rm“ -w 'iiSiiii?! ['-"z1'tEi"i'?EEiGlGi?, To Waterloo Township E L E C T o R S -iritiCi'c.. T-__ car-tE - - Lï¬El‘gzï¬ lane B. Weber Mr. and' Mn. Joe Vols“: of noon spent Sunday with the Inter- pu- mo. Mr. and Mn. Henry merom- mun. Mr. and Mm. Ann-t Reid! um funny ox neu- Cronehlll spent New Yen'- 'ur with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hieronimus. Mr. and In. John [rapt visited with Mr. Ind Mm. Nicholu new It Waterloo. mu Barbara lit-opt ot wan-loo spent Sunday " her home hare. Mr. Hilton - left tor North Mpg when he I: emptored for the summer with Mr. Goal-n m. m. Violet Belch»: 9mm manna-got»: girl Mad-Val. ‘u quilting be. on Tttaah, gamma. Mr. and In. Emil Schneider um $hrttiir â€out New You"; any with the mun wants. Mr. and Mm. Charles Blah-rt. Mrl and In. Erwin Refer and Ian Stanley ot nonlethal-g and all†Von Heinrich of Marion. New Year. visitor: with Mr. and Mrs. John Heinrich were Mr. um! um Ed. Schott and family of Mrhe ville. Mr. and In. Harvey Ruth": " Croathlll and Mn. Nelson 1!“an spent Sand“ with Mr. and In. limb Reichert. Mani GiGiirtdaai" -rGuaia, W." " _ Mr. and In. Dune] Baylor mam vlth Mr. and Mm. John Helm-kn on Smithy. A number or young mph of this vicinity attended the New Your. putty In Mllverton on “at!†- but Walla-10y. on land.†(not two mks ttoiiaart" with, I good alto-dance. . The Young People's W" of 00 noon Unltod Church held - - In. on Sunday evening with m- Audny To“ In the duh All Wil- lhm Wolfe an the topic and lb- Dorothy Toot ma A story. Mr. and In. Wm. Dotmrq4qr I" Emily arty Nt", You! - - loud-y in Kitchen-u ., " We at any to - Jerome Knead: m bert It Glenn-n on load†I‘ ttea, 'tar2tN2t"l a. up . helmet. when ' __ two bone- vm -ie' "emeltis "thu, Me “I till Me ot mm luv. mod their M elect: to the mun, way out mg by Mr. I“ m. c. cm. Tho-pool: Paulo Scion! 7w H3885" ROAD F A: i $1