Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Jan 1936, p. 1

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E!?; .35 '%lgtNO Devotional Exe is” Open Councic naugural COUNCIL BEGINS “Tho tort of the manic“ - culor I', toddny is , Ttht m spirit 0 an "Inn in; - will nmou all ch... an! t. m the lamina: lilo of lb all to operate under Chin'- In. all u work in His Berviee," In. I WI. Tilton, pastor ot Pint United Church, Waterloo. dock!“ in Ink devotional exercise- whlch opal-0d the uctivitieo of Wutorloo'l 1986 town council " that bodr's lull- uugl meeting or! long. - a The inaugural meeting of the council on Monday wan attend“! b all members of that council. vith members of the Public mum.- Commission and of the to" clari'a and tax collector's olllcaa pro-ant. Members of the council unread their sincere thanks to Ree. It. Tilton at the conclusion of " Nit! address and prayer, one member of the council declaring that the prayer offered was the moat inspir- ing he had ever heard, and that the council would do well to try and live up to the suggestion made by Rev. Mr. Tilton. _ "You would do well to remem- ber," said Rev. Mr. Tilton, "that ell public sen-ems ere under criticism today, since people are restless end expect too great thing- from tle) men who give their time to the interests of their town. In time- such us these it in most mtunl that there should be a connecting link between the church and the town'. governing body." Rev. Mr. Tum spoke briefly of the contact: which he has made among ell eluted dur- ing his brief residence in Waterloo, mentioning especially the under standing he has reached with the unemployed cusses in regular meek ings with them, end expressed the conviction that much more could be accomplished if the spirit of good- will were spread among them. "Make love the aim of ell of you." the speaker said, “and {on will accomplish much good or your town." Business Bath on Four Rev. Mr. Tilton then pointed out that business, national snd inter- national relations of today, were built on fear. The laborer feared the executive, the executive the cor- poration. the corporation the fmaneiers, the finnneiern the govern- ment, and the government the) Isborer. rounding out s vicious cycle of fear instead of goodwill and mutual understanding. "it is not necessary for legislators to JIT. new laws to create 1.1an has, but for them to stand u later- mediary between all chases. If your eouneillors can improve the moral lot of the poorer classes it will go down in history of Ontario municipalities]: - .. .. . On motion of Reeve McKersie I vote of thanks was extended by Mayor Rat: to Mr. Tilton. Anticipate: Lower Tax an. ( Mayor Rau, in Taking ttrietir, expressed his hope t at I“ members of the council would be broad- minded enough in the coming year to accept. good thoughts on sug- gestions regardless of their source. With careful finrmeing, efBeimseg of operation and no capital expendi- tures in the coming year. His Wor- ship stated that he looked for I (Continued on Page " Farmer Successful With Reforestation Tiny In 1925 a windbreak of Newly spruce we: plunted on the farm of Emmanuel Wagner. These were tiny trees. secured free of chute for this purpose from the Ontario Reforestry Branch, St, Willi-ma, Ont. At the end of nine years of growth it hecame necessary to thin them out. Despite their size, fifteen of these were successfully trans- planted in the fall of 1934 and all of them grew and withstood the dry spell in the late summer of 1935. Those so moved measured up to and aver eleven feet in height at that time. One other, the tallest that had been left standing, Ittainerl the height of 18 feet, 7 inches. ut the mi of 1935 Better m d tmee- Street lighting for the month of December, 1935. cost Waterloo 563127. In Iccount - by council showed on Monday night. Hydro rental from the Pu lie Utilities cost $826 and lawn nun:- ing, an annual operation, "02.00. Income Tu Cum Council on motion of Aid. Miller decided to reply to I communicntlon from Forest Hill VIII-(vol council "king for figures as to aterloo’s receipts through municipal income tax, and her relief expenditures, A request to reciprocate will be em- bodied in the (Inn. H - _ Forest Hill council's letter in port of that bod 'n plans m ftght the nbolishin. My munlcipnl income tax by the Ontario government. The On trio government hu Innounced that after January I luv. all muni- cipal income tuxe- trttatl can: to be levied and that a provincial levy, collected by the Path"! to: m.- chinery. will be substituted. Water- Ioo's income tux (amid into the town coffers in 1935 amounted to over 816,000 II‘) Berlet'r, Corner Corn-ponder“! Account. Tohl! - Accuunu passed for pun-non! by nu- q the Finance Committee whlled in; i gat,',:,',' I report mt"tt by stain huh-man Run Me mi. of tho “due: Plum. and Printing Commnuo oxen Mod. loch an“: " the - - on bod Man Man In a. - up. Tree Phoned in 1925 Now Over Eighteen Feet High. COUNCIL SHAVINGS I”. noon): 35032733 Tues In Four Bars Tux Fwy-en! Syste- Brings _ In Large Sun. m PROSECUTE MARKET INFRACTIONS Md. B. J. Miller ot the Olice Cou- mittee reported at the Amt meetiu ot the year on loudly nlxht. The emount to far ahead at the ttttist tour days ot lest you, mJZLSO, when the new tn prepayment scheme wee sinned. whereby a substantial die- connt to given tor Lue- prepaid be- fore due. "it show- that the money is otili here". commented Aid. Miller. "The collection. in 1985 were better iron the email taxpayers. which is a l sin ot returning prosperity", not aid. Aid. Miller also reported that', on lax deiiqnents have been ap- proached. many of whom hove al- ready mile errongements for clear- ing up their tax arrears. Ot " pro- portiea lined tor tax sales in 1934. an per cent hove been collected, l Bower. In Fine Condition I Aid. Weller. choir-um ot the Sew- er Committee, reported that only one section at newer had given trouble during the cold months. that being one on Each street where A block- nde occurred, the newer: "ara) i'lulhed hocking up into when ot homes on been street. AM. Welter stated thot it would he neceeury to take up and In; a new sewer in the spring. The newer term. he reported, was In excellent condition. Protect Marttet lair-alone Aid. John Bellman. chairman of me Town Property Committee, re- ported tnrther irregularities at the market in renpect at opening or sell- ing time. In most cases. he said, it was the market-goon not the farmer who Iris " hull, urn; the farmer to all his good: before 1.30. the opening hour. Steps would be taken. he laid. to punish further infractions or the opening hour by-law. Tun collocud In the III-u (our an of the new you. January , to S, amounted to 350M188, Churn-n Town To Borrow _ ' $75,000 From Bank Funds Needed _ tir cumm Expenditures Before Taxes Will be Collected. REAPPOINT MEMBERS OF TOWN BOARDS Two hydawo were passed by the council on Monday night. The BrBt authorized the borrowing from the Bank ot Toronto sums up to $75,0M necessary for current ttttamMg until the itrBt lnalulmem ot “axes has been collected. The second hyluw was tor appoint-f menu to vutancles In two bodies cre- I ated by the expiration of tonne of l some ot the 1935 members. Ream [Iointmenlg and personnel ot boards are as follows: Board or Health: Dr. Wm. Geiger. Ezra Slrasser. G. s.~ ‘Raymomt Dr. Noecker, M.0.H., Sani- tary Inspector Clark» and Food and] Milk Inspector Dr. C. K. Madon. Park'Board. reappoinlmmllm W. th, Tolelzkl and W. P. Frank: Public Unlined Commission. Wm. Hender- son Sr., chnlryan. C. R. Glen. Tire chnlrmnn. Sam Sdaaah, W. P. Krew, George Gross. manager. and J. ri) Bartel. secretary: Public leraryi Board, A. C. Holman, A. Hushner- gard. Geo. M. Holman. Geo. blackou- bauer, c. MooGregor and ira Snyder [reappointed]. Town Planning Com. mission. Garfield Cressman Ireap- pointed) and John Zimmerman (new); fu-w. Hospital, Ezra Sims. ser and Mayor Rata; St. Mary's Hos: pital Board, Reeve Mr-Korsin; JC-W. Collegiate Board, A. M. Snider ire- apoplnled tor lwo years]. Alex Wel- , ker and Clemens Reitzol; K.-W. Air- l port Commission, Mayor Ruiz, Aid. 5 Miller. AM. Welter. "irGi,i%ewera, and pound have“ are the some as tor 1935 of the lccounu in itemizéd stile- ment of the bills presented for pay- ment. Collector's Salary Raised _ On motlon of DOE“? Reeve AH hart Hear and Ald. . . Miller, the - of Tax Collector Wm. Utter man was incrmed from the 1936 fhture of $1500 to 81700 for 1936. An amendment proposed by AM. Bnumnn um! Aid. Toletzki to leave the salary unclaimed was lost in the vote. Aid. Hamburger swinging to vote for the Imendmem. yhi, Gud of Antenna Allen Shunt: Will ”I. it the sumo future In thnt of 1985, 8500. Police Report The police report for the month of December, 135. showed en's-u for nhopbresklng. a; forgery, l; for mun. 2; leaving children deod- tute, I; finen end cash for the month, 818.75; Lexi bills, $8.25; te 9 neeidents doo ta icy condi- tion of Ittuu. Altar-Nona at MAI-id The III-riot commune was em- power“ to rank: "erations to the "at entmneq to the market build- ing: A pgrtlclop I! the foot tt.t.he tttttt Into the human! will be rain: to u to mum my for an extra lulu tabla and the roll." enm- at tho foot " the mix-- Whirl: l, MMRme Pro-Inn! You-3 Wank. " Fame: Nab W Auditor. . B. Wuerloo township mun" wont to In. polls on My in In. number. uni cloud a uni! DUI-1! Rave for 1986, Lori. B. We... 0|. at the Countr- “mourn! you. tar. mern. Hi. majority our - B. Conan was 8M. That. '0. B, may whim! tor mu on m council with Mm Abra handing tho pl] with Q vale ot 717. John Black}. «In. noc- ond with no vote- and Cart Ink. . new man. third with “I. B. Bolu- hart polled n surprilinciy largo m ot 516 considering that it in the first time he “le to municipal honor. Reeve Simon Kills“, a vet- emu in municipal life I“ again honored by being returned to once by acrlamniion. The succeulul cumming tor do puty wave. L. B. Weber polled MI buses! vote ot 180 a Bridgeport. and lit'. at Cetttreeiliq. In the twelve pom tte lead his opponent a: nine. Mr Cowan polled his but vote It 1uearview and Blair. where he had 162 and " relpectlvely. C'uuncillors John Abra Ind John Steckie headed the poll, the farmer’s best vote being at Bridgeport. and Blair with 136 and 128. The new war: on the council 1. Carl Ellis. Township Clerk P. A. Snider aut- ml that the vote was I: represenutlve we and compared well with the last election held. other comm Hostetler Again Hamburg Reeve New Hambure.--Mr. Walter Hots- teller was elected Reeve of this village in the annual village elec- tions on Monday. He polled one of the largest majorities ever recorded in 1 village election when he over- whelmed former reevo J. E. Binge- mnn by a majority of 288 votes. "he totals being Hostetler Mn, :Bingemyn 103. - , I Defeats Former Reeve Binge- man by 288 Votes-Two New Council Members. "_""""" --_. In the contest for the council positions, L. E. Appel, one of the youngest man ever to sit on the council. swept the polls to pile up the surprisingly lone vote if Mo. He was followed by Albert Fischer with 259 votes, Albert Strange. on- other new man, with 256 votes, and Herbert Kropf with 244 votes, the latter beating out Emerson Luck- hart by 2 votes. Mr. Alex Haunn and Mr. Henry Kohl-gong, defeated candidates, polled 151 Ind 150 ‘votes respectively. Ontario Compensation Board Stops Protection Public Utilities Must Insure Employees Elsewhere, Com- mencing January. WM. HENDERSON, BR.. AGAIN CHAIRMAN The detailed Tate appur- In " (‘uvvmgn Ity, the Ontario Work- mon's t'ompemristitm Board tor In- jurim lo [he employees ot the Wa- trtbro Public Utilitles Commission erased on January 1 last, the Cone mlmlon learned from a letter from the Hoard read " Its Imugurul meet.- Ing at the Commlaslon'a otneett on Monday morning. Tl". infurmatlon, which caused quite a stir among tho commission mvmiters. was the same as received by all Pattlic Utllllies Commissions in Ontario. The reason for the change. as voiced by Marttsgerr.Geortte Gross wan that Commissions in sev- nral towns had in the plat few years, ‘r-mplnyed nnskillnd relief workers on [ heir payrolls and that these men |hml been injured through negligence. musing heavy losses to the Compen~ nation Board, resulting In the pro- tection being cut or. The action by the Provinclnl Board loaves the local communion without protection in event ot Injuries to Its workmen. Chairman Wm. Hender- son Sn, and Mannxar George Gross Otlanrn. Jan. '.--twNPm--uN" Your tesrlvltlen ended tho Liberal government. headed by Fromm Inn; has "run; into In anon-Ive program of romnlollng undo pact details Ind puqurlng new laud-Hon tor pullin- um-nl opening. Frhnnry C. Moln- Mxlln Iha government in defending Malt “Must the tro-dirt, ot on» anion atlnck- growing In propunuon tor the initial union. One of Mr. Klara molt "'1'qu Inna will he mm of extendln; Cun- ndmn Irndc- With Inrprhlng n- pidnv following hin election he rlmwr! a tode petrt with the, Unlted Slam, rnnowad the New loll-ad agreement, and named the Japanese dHptttr' The next now ”your more r',itticult, Ftmt In Imporuncn come- Empire truth relations. The on." conference - mmmu do not terminate tttttil "" and it muy b0 non not hold". Ill- mlm- "no!“ confoun- In culled. In the manila. Great arm": u cute“, named wilt a. I'D-bum at lump-II dgmltlu I" In (By Chronicle Corteunondem.) Cowu (the "(Week at ®ttawa VA!“ Well known you" hurls» Tp. livutock breeder, USO defeated Robert E. Cowan by “a vote- in the Waterloo to A deputy reeveahip content on My. W. Lmlett Wins [ Woolwich Contest Howlett Advances to Reeve- ship, Defeating Former Reeve A. A. Slider by " Votes. Former Reeve Almo- A. sum», l who has served the township ot Wod1wtctt both In council and county ; council for many you". went down} to defeat on Monday, his opponent: Deputy Reeve Welley Howls". belng I the victor by a majority ot forty. Both candidates, had splendid organic l unions behind them and the outcome was In doubt unul the in: returns) were received. Reeve-elect Howlett), pulled his largest vote at Conutogo‘ with 79, West Neutrons " and Wim terbourmy 19. Former Roeve Snider’s best vote was in his home vlllage. Floradale 1nd w. Jacobs. where he in beat known. the vote being " and 96 respectively. I Deputy Reeve Milton Weber and Councillors Ed. Schwlndt, Herbert Strebel and Norman Wilklnson were honored with tMreltuttatiotiti, Tho detailed vote appears m an other column. When his sleigh was aide-wiped by a motor truck early Friday morn- ing. Carl Clemmer. son or Mr and Mrs. Jonas Clemmor, Allen Bt., Wa- terloo, had his collar bone fractured. The aevenq‘ear-old lad was attended by Dr. McCarrllle. The driver at the truck owned by BeesP's Dairy, slat- ed the lad run mm the rear thPY or the ttawk. ntormed tho Commir,siouers that rhoy had contacted local insurance somlmnien immediately upon receipt of the letter “horny atwr Christmas with a view to oblalnlug coverage Mr tho Im-nl commission, but had thus far be?" unable to obtain pro- tI-clInIL However they extrot'ted to hear favorably on the matter In the next few days. "The short notlce they have given us Is most unfair". said Chairman Henderson, and his (opinion was reiterated by the other ‘commlssion memhem. The Inaugural meeting opened with Socrelary J. H. Hertel ot the Com- mlsslon temporary chairman on mo- tion of Commissioners Glen and ‘Kresm Wm. Henderson St, was re- appointed chairman for 1936. On mo- tion of Commissioners ,Kress and Srhnaln, Mr. (Hes when named vice‘ chairman tor the coming year. l Promises Kept [ Chairman Henderson pointed out that the rommlmlon could feel very proud of tho record which may etsttttF linked In 1935. in improving the Com- mission's tlrtattcta1 standing. “Some of the things which have just been read in the minutes from last year's inaugural meeting. I did not remem‘ her saying. but we can realize the truth?" my statemenls utter we see what we have accomplished during (Continued on Flue 4) Opposition forces. quiet "tre the election, an: Bring odd barbs of cri- ticinm at government action as a means or training for tho rapidly nppronvhing ermgBiott. Tho ananmo neillvmom has proud"! llama an» Giiii/irii', prenslng mannr of (‘nnadhq trade: Crlllrn predict that tho virtual abandonment ot the currency dump- Ing duties will hue a serious “but wllhln the next two yum, They in- ‘ternret tho Imminent to mean thttt wlthln that ‘porlod Jumnma goods wlll he allowed to Pqttrxr "In nomlnlnn prartfeuttty Iron at currency dumping dettiogr, The far! that Japan in a hasty or parlor ot "union, they add. wlll otNrr lumen-0d rompettttion to Brlihh mnnufncmmrs and any lava amm- otroct on negotlutlonl tor a new "roemortt wlth Brltnln. uanu tur. ther nus are gram"! tho RPM-h tullla Intern-II, enact on nmrotttttiotts tor a new Untlor United Sula: “th the Ina-mom with Brltaln. “ulna fur- same prlvllouan attended to the Can- thor mus an- [natal tho arm-h .ndlnn calla moortom are “ml-Mo tulllelntofull, to Moxlco, but " in doubltul tt Communal; no lmllin‘. too, at mu country wlll b. an. to an " dlllculllu presumed to tho govm- "at.” ot than. lulu. tt h to an: try tho old bony of New In. pond. in. Mull, Io mu. 00 list but. than. nuns-nun- (on-III“ - - d) BOY HIT IV TRUCK If: [Ida-lulu Anni Wuhan-bub _aartastter6h-eine-- wnulmaoum [an mum! no at. h the clown- in Willa! tot-.1) .. Ion- du. There you In" amt.- to tho council wllh Ano- “In, I low mu: heading an you will I vote ot "O. Conduct WI. VIM Moved clean with m Ill - In; John Hou, mm with I”. Hae. b." Kulor, who“. and a. mt- we“ nkhtully and roll tor a In. ttor of you: you“ '" - but not gunmen: to aunt. and“. The new “plum to and! Ill- on, Anon Wadter polled . mt- lhly can; vote at 106 III II. Iona town. an... and " and " - lively at at. “all: and mm Wm. Wino! poll-d well at all the poll-s and lead I" other. In three. .lchn Hohl'u strongest poll: veto " St. Again and Philip-bur; w I. and " rolpoctlvoly. In In. ho- diw Mot. Herbert Katel- polled m. but ‘vote with " at New Dundee and " gm Petersburg. _ The holding ot an election Carr"' a. a surprise to many ratepcyen tor the reason that it seemed “apron: It the nomination meellng am only It. required number for conned] would quallty. The ratepayers honored Run Ill- ton A. Schmidt and Deputy was" Simon Dimer by returning them too oiriee by leclamnlion. Three New Faces h County (lentil l In Waterloo township, Lorne B. 'tWeber, 1935 councillor, Wu given ‘an overwhelming mnjority om former township nuditor R. E. Cow-n in the contest for the hm 1r"it,',i,t Milan? PIT wu e ‘e “any on o StMtt 'township " culmination. irhite . Hall wu elected Reeve of North Dumfries tow_nship. _ -. ... . . The" donned vote comm In in- other column. Waterloo, Woolwicln and Dull- fries Townships Elect New Representatives. Elections in the county on Mon- day returned two old members to the 1936 County Council and three new ones. In the New Hamburg election, Reeve Hostetler was re- turned by a large majority. while In Woolwich township Deputy Reeve Wesley Howlett was given a Indor- ity of 40 in the contest for the 1936 reeveahip. _ _ - The 1936 County Council will trel composed of the following: Town of Waterloo: Reeve McKenle and Dep. Reeve Heer; Elmira: Reeve Hotter; Preston, Reeve Mosul and Dep. Reeve George Rodgers; Hee- peler: Reeve Bernard Flynn; New Hamburg: Reeve Mosteiter; Ar. Reeve J. Shaw; Wlterloo towns}: p: Reeve Kinsie and Dep. Reeve Lorne B. Weber; .Wilmot towyhip: Reeve M. A. Schmidt and Dep. Reeve Simon Dimer; Woolwich township: Reeve Hewlett and Dep. Reeve Mil- ton Weber; Wellesley township: Reeve P. A. Wagner (1936 County Warden), and Dep. Reeve Edward Huehn: North Dumfries township: Reeve Hall. TAXES UP IN 1934: ROAD MILEAGE DOWN While revenue from guanine tax and registration fees paid by motor- ists in 1934 recorded an inure-ac of more than $3,000,000 over the previous year. the total highway mileage for which these taxes Ire supposed to he used. declined by J45 miles. _ _ _ --- __b In 1938, Gun-d3 had 409.289‘ miles of roads of nll ehustsifieatitrrti, and in 1984, 409,124, yet the revenues from motorists jumped ‘from 847.044.157 to 850,622,688. ‘The greater part of this WIS due to {the revenue from the gasoline tax which increased by 82,li87,tr88 or Ills per cent. TO-DAY'G SMILE Au atrsont-minded jewelry sales man Wild getting married. He was prom-min: his bridtLto-be with Illa ring during the vernmony and he hesitated. 'ciiTtid'os ring." prompted lhe minister. _ _ "With lhla rlng." nodded the allu- man. "we nlve a written gnu-nice, reminding the customer that the price will he cheerfully rrfnndnd It not as represented." of the butter trade appealed for pro- Ieclion from New Zealeml Imports the government Ind Io move quickly when a shlpmem ot 61.000 pound. arrived at \‘Incouver. A hurled lub- committee nos-km malted in e cur- ‘rpnvy dump duty of tour cente a pound being added to the treaty tttriff of ttro cents. Action to be taken on future chipmunk he: not yot been determined. l Wetter" Cullen.» mm “mum-n mulemen were gluon; tho flrirt lo “In: advent-go of the new United State: tulle treaty which became pit9tleey January t. 1110 next day over zoo held wen qhippod from Alberta and Minuet). and " may: 'sxportod the! the only I,",',"': would he merely the forerunner of a 'wont/ir inure-led trndt [new Fax Meant $16,000 to Waterloo TwoPt-hhrNItri.-- Huh-bulwa- BIG TRUCK CLIPS OFF GAS STATION PUMPS Hundreds ot - on. m qtaited on icy was in“ W» .urttto count, on “My Moo- hIt tort-My in MB in moorted. Aha-u mm o’clock in to “term crooning taunt fol. loved . light run out!“ a. mm with Ice. In Incline: and Wanda» and truck- wero won on at. was and the hm. and tutor-cello" were made gator will I out " all. M Pomona Hurt III tte-h.. Humbert slums. " No. 1. - loo. In. driving on a. Illnlrl - u” when two mile: am ot f.Ptt aa" irivG i, angle! Kym: or [Amy-o). A - - wrist up mined by mu required seven) awaken. hula-Igor- In Kohl'- an, I!“ B. Service and In. - Koehler. both ot ”novel, Inland lulu-ic- to their loo-ll, but not seri- [oum Both an were stunned. Gr, aa in; Er m... 1'!!! an; other [Menu spots were " Bender's hot. was: or New than“. between Poul-abut. and mum-r. hot-eon Waterloo and at. Clemson. the Plum]: hill and on up and. have” Kitchener and Wntuloo. At all or those phoe- motor can uore stalled In dumping to unto the grade. Man, motorists “and " the top or the nude- unld to descend before the truck with and nrrNed. A large transport truck wlth may ton. of might Bot out of control coming down the descent town"!- the service sullen at the Interloc- uon landing Into out um clipped on the service station (In pump; luckily no per-on was hurt. Two Seek Damages For Accidents Two notices of china for damages} were received by council on Mon-1 dny min. The firat from In. Henry och, who listed tint Mr. Koch fell on Prince- Street on December 24, mpg. on ice thick him an 'tgrit, h!- u min pipe which - in con- tenta on the pavement. Engineer Maker's report, utmhed to Mrs. Koch's letter, showed that when he And learned of the accident. two Mays Inter conditions had changed. the sidewalk being covered with lagged snow._ . . ' a r..-“ m.-." The second claim wee from Ben Young of R. R. 4. Georgetown. Mr. Young reported that he had been in I car accident on King Street near John Street on the a temoon of December 23, and attributed the blame to icy roads. Bills attached for medical treatment and car re- pairs amounted to $32.15. En- gineer Necker'n report showed that he had visited the scene of the accident the some afternoon end ,found three wheel hues bare, giv- ling g _drisrttwt.r.rtotihiet in thich .... - .....-. ...- pm”, to drive. Re himself had driven over the scene It minus weeds three times and land been Abe to stop withqut: any trouble. , Eoiii chins were reported " hnving being sent on to A. K. Cream-n. locll went for the in- sunnce compuny carrying the town's liability insurance. - 0m]! Cow-n . Weber . Council Abrl -..mm..._ " 40 135 38 41 71 SIS 12ti Gi, tilt 24 Ellis ...eerm... 10 88 116 19 25 " 24 58 41 t32. 79 ReinUrt' ...122 " " 29 21 34 26 as I4 26 21 smug Pte.. 19 " I19 42 55 102 so an 44 59 30 Three elected: Abra. Bteckle ttnd Ellis in order named ', Reeve Simon Klnsie re-elected by ucl-mntion. Flu-Iqbal: Con-ell Kohl. John ..r-r Ruler. Herb. anlor, Adam Willa]. Wm. . Waterloo Township Egg»; _ [1:321:13 For I“ No. t--Wintertrourne .. . rr.t No. 2--=onestotto .r.P..Pr_VP". Fr No. 3--at. Jacobs: .r..tt.rV _ No. 4-.-Cetttre of Woolwich No. ir-rtornd.le . .8._rrr_ _..__ No. Heidelberg .._rtrrt. (FFF No. T-West Montrose _ Woolwich Township Eiee1ioy_RetlT11t Wilmot Township Eitttjee_Rt1eatt .e..._ 48 9 err-.. tr3 " Kujority for ohn .......N--.rr"r. (V 27 an in :m mt tic, 363 Herb. m-ree....."'" 33 Tt 70 3:1 2." 22 258 ', Adam .t...mm.._r'. 32 53 51 1% T" Mt 456 Wm. .t..r..r.r..tr.. " 84 84 81 70 65- 421 Three elected: Wualer, Witlel and Hohl, in order named. Hm. M. A. Schmidt Ind Deputy Reeve Simon Ditnvr oleeted by "e1am.tiom Deputy no." Hilton Wobor ahead by noel-mum" Common and by "trt-tton: Ed. Schvlndo. In», my“ aniline-um 40 I35 38 41 71 56 12ti Gi, 88 116 19 25 " 24 58 41 " 78 29 21 34 26 38 I4 " I 19 42 55 102 60 53 44 Weber, 206 as " 22 " 23 180 46 40112 49 "a 3: on 3.1 o-MWW i Who-om ‘wu'uwouxm __' _ ammornxun J- Anon-Mn; at the W h- ool- In by the comb would III a. major woman I“ W than council at their In! - and“ lot not: hold on - light. omen: Ina-nun a It. .00 no. 6: the Olurlo govern-om. a. received In . loner inn no; {hill “an. who pointed out that In. hum-r1 I, I”! :11 mum be... to: lulu would can old In - “tuned by a Provlnchl levy to he collect-d by the Dominion moo-o Tu Collection mill-nay. The I.“ int-tea that the non to mammalian which have been collecting tho taa would be made good by the - government la some It”. MN! nuumlng full cost or who! Illn- ten-nce, although no dell-no do!» mom as to the communion no. made. Town Would Lou 31m The municpal tax levied in Water- loo in 1935 wanted to some 810,000 national (and: to the town trounry. Tu Collector Wm Ullelmn pointed out. He also mentioned that the in was producing greater revenue and: rear. should the province collect their leer on the nine has a the Federal government, and Waterloo be given its mil all-re, le- colloc- tlon mate, Waterloo would stand to gain considerably, he laid. Under the Dominion system a single mu Ia exempt tor only 81,000 it he in not maintaining a house. when“ under the town syltem his exemption (iiiiau'i to 81.500 nnnnnliy. To an Information The concenaus or opinion among council members was that the coun- cl] should get information from the Department of Municipal nihirl u to what form of repayment will he made. no that the town's estimates tor 1936 en he struck at the Myttr. runry meeting. The amount collect- ed in 1935 means . dltmrenee ot a mills In the tax rate. (‘lerk N. A. Zlck was instructed by the councll on motion ot Reeve McKeraie to write Hon. Mr. Om“. pointing out the town's increued revenue in 1935 from Income mu. and asking tor a definite statement as to repayment so that the estlmnte can he struck. , notllnd any. mu St., - Ion. 22-year-old youth. his completed after fourteen months elort. an. miniature ship. a repllca of a arm-n hallo ship. n is on exhibition at be- vilt's drug store and a model place of workmamhlp. It has all the m- lfngs of a modern ship and Includes M life boats. 5 Sets Twin Calves On Farm in 2 Years "clutch Hard on Mrs. D. Wagner's Farm Boasts Record. [By Berlet's Corner Correspondent) On Dee. 26 last, twin ctdvets were presented by another cow owned by Mrs. David Wagner. This is the fifth set of twin calves given by five different cow: in the past two years out of I herd of ten Holstein owned on this farm. In four cases I“ twin chives survived, while in one case one of the calves was still- born BUILDB MINIATURE SHIP 76 MT, Incl-mum“ P.o 38 “mail? " tt9 l " " 30 I62 I2 mi 2." It: To 4 7 24 q, I . 21 so 33 503 M 709 .34 " 40 71 Snidei' 336 21 " 1Mt " an " " TIT 642 516 666 363 258 456 421

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