Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 3 Oct 1935, p. 8

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J. Reble, f Waterâ€" the plans which is Canada ited Luâ€" held at in Wa: merman esident. e Synod ONSULTATION AND ADVICE ON UBLES AND THE FITTING OF PA Oct. 7 DY S ‘~Horkk" at the Eub. to idents inger, OWEN MecKERIHEN ‘aterâ€" will TOMs COLLECTIONS UP _ and excise tax collections at terloo customs ocice for Bepâ€" totalled $25,457.90, according to H. H. Becker, local collector. ‘There was an Increase of $2,105.15 over the returns of September, 1934. ‘The following returns for the past month are as follows: duty, $4,338.40; exeise tax, $21,117.50 and sundry reâ€" | p reeve inSTALLED | Abcut 80 members from the variâ€" ous district lodges were present Thyursday evening at the jnstallation of Reeve Wes. McKersie into the | office of District Deputy Grand Masâ€" ter of Royal City District No. 25 of the Independent Order of Odd Felâ€" lows at the lodge rooms of Waterloo Germania Lodge No. 184, LO.O.F. IMr. McKersie succeeds .P:D.D.G.M. Lorne Oberboltzer of Kitchener and venue $2 Kitchener.â€"At the annual meeting of the Waterloo Ladies‘ Auxiliary to the K.â€"W. Hospital held at the Kautâ€" man Nurses‘ residence on Monday afternoon, Mrs. C. F. Ott was elected president of the organization. Mre. K. Cressman presided during the tion of officers and the report of nominating committee was unaâ€" ; YOUNG LIBERALS HOLD | MEET AT WINTERBOURNE 11 the n'l’{l;rn;emher of Waterloo Gerâ€" mania Lodge to hold this honor. â€" ‘Kitchener.â€"Campaign issues were discussed at a Liberal rally held by a group of young men of the Twenâ€" tieth Century Club at a meeting at Winterbourne on Mondoay night. Presidet A. W. Boos, Treasurer John Lguman and others spoke at the gathering which was well attended in epite of the inclement weather. An interesting autumn wedding took place at St. Matthew‘s Luthâ€" eran parsonage in Kitchener on Saturday evening when Miss Doroâ€" thy Marguerite Schrank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schrank of jDoon, became ‘the bride of Mr. Armand Carl Schaus, son of Mrs. \Henry Pfeffer and the late Mr. Phillip N. Schaus of Kitchener. Rev. John â€" Schmieder, pastor of _ St. Matthew‘s Lutheran Church, officiâ€" ated. After the ceremony a recepâ€" tion was arranged at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Ziegler of Kitchâ€" er. Folowing the reception, Mr. d Mrs. Schaus left to spend their oneymoon at Niagara Falls and uffalo, N.Y. On their return they will take up residence in Kitchener. has had a long and varied foot troubles and the fitting Consult him free of charge. DGE SHOE CO. MRS. OTT NEW PRESIDENT ‘The marriage of Miss NeiOA Catharine Shantz, daughter of Mr.‘ and Mrs. Nelson G. Shantz Cameron etreet, (Kitchener, to Rev. Watdl Woolner, Eby street, Kitchener, took : place at Alma street United Brethren \ church . at two o‘clock on Friday. afternoon. Rev. Elmer Becker, pastor of the church, officiated. After the ceremony a wedding reâ€" ception was held at Forest Hill Garâ€" dens, where a delicious wedding dinâ€" ner was served from a prettily apâ€" pointed table. Following the recep tion Rev. and Mrs. Woolner left on a honeymoon trip by motor to Otâ€" tawa, Montreal and Quebec. On their relnl:n: m';; :i.lfâ€";e;siie in Port Elgin. Guests were present from Galt, Presâ€" ton and Fort Erie. ecialist ;lTyâ€";;;p{ed. Following the ess meeting, a delightful tea REARMS COSTLY r, Waterioo, was fned §1 by Magistrate Weir in Waâ€" Weddings Schaus â€" Schrank ® CON VACATION absence of Chief Clarke John H. Schnart sonal “ Passes Sn Woolnerâ€"Shantz Â¥K. C. Moreau will be anything Miss â€" Nelda Bop .m-u.%m-.m early ‘Thursday ev at his home, King streel west, Kitchoner. An exâ€"alderman, conducting a fi0â€" ‘The late Mr. Schnarr was the first president and organizer of the Union Jack Hockey Club, which representâ€" ed Kitchener in the junior division of the O.H.A. and served this djstrict as grocer. He, was manager of the Séhnarr Hockey Club, composed enâ€" tirely of his own sons, and led them in a tour through various parts of the United States, du(;ln; which time he gained wide prominence. Associâ€" ated with him in‘ the founding of the Union Jack Hockey Club was Frank Selke, assistant to Conny Smythe, general manager of Maple Leaf Gardens. ‘The club was started in 1912. About 1919 the family team was organized and the original memâ€" bers were Wilfred, Arthur Gerald, Clarence, â€" Werner â€" and _ Maurice. When Jack and Eugene grew older they too joined the team which played an increasing . number of games and became quite famous. First elected to the Kitchener city council in 1916, Mr. Schnarr served one term and returned in 1928 when he was a member for two years. He was a member of Carmel Church of the New Jerusalem, King atreet west. Mr. Schnarr was born in 1867 at Tavistock, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Werner Schnarr. He moved to Cre diton with his parents a few years later where his father operated a flax mill. When he was only 13 years of age his father died and the famâ€" !ly moved to Wellesley. Two years later they moved to Kitchener where they remained for about two years, then returning to Wellesley where the déeceased opened a tinsmith shop. In 1893 the late Mr. Schnarr returned to Kitchener where he built the groâ€" cery store at the corner of King and Willow streets. Twentyâ€"elght years later he sold the grocery business and retired. After four years had elapged, he decided to purchase the floral ehop of Wilson Hler, opposite the K.â€"W. Collegiate, which he conâ€" ducted with his eons, until his death. He was married in 1894 to Annie Doering at Milverton and would have celebrated his 41st wedding anniverâ€" Iuary on Friday. Hos e t Besides his widow, there survlve‘ eight sons, Wilfred in Toronto, Arâ€" taur of Philadelphia, Gerald at Kit-\ chener, Clarence at home, Werner of Waterloo, _ Maurice of â€" Hamilton, Eugene of Philadelphia and Jack at home. Oe son and one daughter preâ€" deceased him. Three ‘brothers, Dr. Robert W. Schnarr, Kitchener, Col. C. N. Schnarr, Kenora, Ot.. William J. Schnarr, Killarney, Man., and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Finkbeiner, Kilâ€" larney, Man., and Mrs. Laura Pagon, Davison, Sask., also survive. The funeral was held Sunday afterâ€" noon with services at the residence at 230 p.m., thence to Mt. Hope cemetery for interment. Rev. Allan Gill, pastor of the church, officlated. ROSEBANK ‘ Local Youth Wins Judging Gontest i The Literary Society of the Roseâ€" lbank school held its annual orâ€" ganization meeting on_ Monday, \Sept. 30th. The following is the reâ€" : port of the meeting : President, Jean : Diefenbacher; viceâ€"president, Earl !Feick; sec‘y, Bernice Egerdes;‘ treasurer, Jean Hallman; paper editor, Norman Bean; assistant paper editor, Russell Oberer; orâ€" ganist, Elva Diefenbacher; assistant crganist, Marjorie Witmer; program committee, L:rry Kaster, â€" Irene \Kurt, Robert Hallman, Willis Baer. .School Fair Prize Winners. _____ Earl Kurt, who was successful in obtaining first prize for stock judgâ€" ing at the sthool fair held at Philipsburg on Sept 19th, was also successful in obtaining fifth prize at the county stock judging compe-‘ ‘tition held at the farm of Mr. Wilâ€" liam Schneller at Baden on Saturâ€" day last. There were twenty boys who entered this competition. We congratulate Earl on his good work. Lihnt;So:icty_Mgeh. Do € The following is a list of prizes won by the scholars of Rosebank school in the school fair held at Philipsburg, Sept. 19th. _ _ EeE ie n t e Norman Beanâ€"Garden plot, 1st; mangels, lst;â€" dairy calf, 1st; handling dairy calf, 2nd; market lamb, ist; handling market lamb, 1st. s Jean Hallmanâ€"Garden i);Io'.. 2nd ; public speaking, 6th; mixed bou, quet, 1s. MR Es Earl Kurt â€" Garden plot, 3rd; stock judging, 1st; Barred Rock cockerel, 6th. Stewart Kaster â€" Garden plot, I1st. Elva Diefenbacherâ€"Garden plot, 2nd; art, 5th. Edna Erb â€" Garden plot, 3rd; sweet corn, 2nd. Bernice Egerdeeâ€"Art, 5th; writâ€" ing, 4th; scrapbook of insects, 1st. Clara Youmansâ€"Art, 3rd. ‘ Norma Fried â€" Plymouth Rock cockerel, _ 4th; White Leghorn cockerel, 3rd; potatoes, 6th; turâ€" l"ips'& foster Goett! Field ngster Goettling â€"Field corn, 5th; potatoes, 2nd ;_‘-_r-_oqiu conâ€" asters, 5th: . Kathryn Hallmanâ€" Robert Halimanâ€"S« 1st; Phlox, 1st. der‘s Weston Kasterâ€"Sweet corn, M;‘_ Mr. Sangster Goettling â€" Fleld corh, I8rKO! SPu0MMr U O " Tima at R h ; got-tou. 2nd; Lr-oniu conâ€"|Sunday visitors at the home of B. ty salr 22 stack Fadeimg. pre | " Wim" Tes Lichty sgent Sunday Jean Diefenbacherâ€"Drop cakes, evening with ‘Reta "Bnyder near Mary Kaster â€"Scrapbook of inâ€"| _ Mr and Mrs. Le&ander Bnyder and eta, Ath; ru-h.'_“i:t. _ _ |Mr. and Mrs. Earl Snyder and { . r. an amâ€" Nyle enbacherâ€"Sweet corn,|ily spent Sunday m.lvin Snyâ€" t: Phlox, 1st. der‘s at Blair. d ues Takss Qweast saen @rdc| Mr and Mrs Amos Good and eet corn, 3rd; '“ll'r.":,id;lin %fl ww were Sunâ€" Priex, 126. Tiey vaitere with Derig Brecingers. TBE WATERLOOQ CB j uty T i\ OWt Mrs. Nicholas P. Schmidt, 203 Frederick etreet, Kitchener, passed away at the Private Pationts Psâ€" vilion, Toronteo General Hospital, on | Monday afterncon at the age of 61. i Mrs. Schmidt was a resident of Walkâ€" erton before coming to Kitchener 8 years ago. ‘ She is curvived by her husband, four sons, Arsepius, Detroit, Raiph ‘ of Chesloy, Milton of Sarnia, Héwin .tl-oulcl.hl‘"lm“‘ G. Hicks of Windsor and two daughâ€" ters, Mrs. S. Witzel, Kitchener, ‘and Miss ‘Cqra in Toronto. Also one broâ€" ther, George of Mount Eigin, Ont., L:’nd oune sister, Miss Ellen, also of "Mount Elgin. ‘The funeral was held The death of William Hicks, 82, occurred at the home of his daughâ€" ter, Mrs. 8. Witzel, Scott street, Kitâ€" chener, on Tuesday, Sept. 24. _‘ _ ‘There survive three sons, Charles of St. Thomas, Albert in Gueiph, E. at Fairview Cemetery, Dutton, Ont on Friday from â€"Towers‘ Funeral Home in St. Thomas with interment Word was received in Waterloo on Thursday of the death of Marie Berâ€" dux Wightman wife of Albert F. Wightman, and daughter of Mrs. Peter Berdux, Waterloo, at Highland Park, Mich., on Wednesday last. ‘There survive her husband, one daughter, Marjorie Berdux, her mo, ther, Mrs. Peter Berdux, Waterloo, three sisters, Mre. Lewis |C. GHmore, St. Catharines, Mrs. Oliver B. Enâ€" deln, Toledo, Ohlo, and Miss Hildeâ€" garde (Berdux, Waterloo, and three brothers, Peter F. and Oscar W., of Detrolt and Albert J. Berdux of Waâ€" terloo. John Senlor The dgath of John Sentor, resident of Preston for 17 years, occurred at St.. Mary‘s Hospital, Kitchener on Friday at the age of 75 years. There survive his wife, one son, three broâ€" thers and three sisters and three grandchildren. f ‘The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon from his late residence, Middel | street, Preston, at 230 o‘clock. Interment was made in Preston Cemetery with Rev. C. C. Gifford of St. Paul‘s United Church, Mrs. William Brown The death of Mrs. Willlam Brown. nee Sarah Jane Oberholtzer, a former resident of Kitchener, s0ccurred at her home at Oshawa on Monday in her T2nd year. officiating. There survive her husband, one brother, Josiah Oberholtzer, Preston road, Kitchener, and three sisters, Yirs. Aaron Shantz and Mrs. Cranson sSnider, Kitchener, and Mrs. Norman Hertel, Freeport. â€" ‘The fueral was held on Wednesday in Kitchener. Recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Joseph Snider ?:e: Mrs. Daniel Martin and son rvey, of near Floradale, Mr. Peter Ziegler of near West Montrose, and Mr. Moses Bauman of Fourth of Peel. _ _ The Misses Almeda Snider, Lena Sauder and Margaret Rieck of St. Jacobs spent Sunday with Miss Almeda Eby. . . _ _SNIDER‘S CORNERS Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Shantz were : Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Woolner and family, the Misses Arlean Lautenâ€" schlager and Lona Shantz, all of Mannheim, and Mr. and Mrs. Urias ‘Snider of Waterloo. ooo _ Mr. and Mrs. Manasseh Gingrich and family spent Sunday with friends near Elmira. | 80c _ _ Messrs. Lester Koch and Joseph Martin of St. Jacobs spent Sunday with Mr. Albert Heer. _ e _ Mr. and Mrs. E;i-.“s-nyder visited with Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Weber on Sunday. _ _ _ on e Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingrich and sons Leonard and Mervin, and Mr. and Mrs. Israel Gingrich visited with tB’rlr. and Mrs. Enoch Martin on Sunâ€" ay. f _ Mr. Melvin Good visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleason Marâ€" tin on Sunday. _ o. C Mra. Wicholas P. Schmidt The Misses Margaret Rieck and Lena Sauder of St. Jacobs spent Sunday evening with Miss Minerva Snider. Mr. Abram Gingrich, who has reâ€" cently returned from Saskatchewan, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Istael Gi;l{rich. r. and Mrs. Israel Gingrich, Mr. fln: Mrs. Amos Gixrleh and Miss h Gingrich attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Menger, held on Monday afternoon in the Evanâ€" gelical Church, St. Jacobs. Weber‘s were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Martin and son of Yatton, Mr. and Mrs. Ion Weber of Williamsburg Mr. and Mrs. Herb Burkhardt of near Breslau. Mrs. M. Weber is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Walâ€" lace Hamsher and Mr. Hamsher at Berlin, Ohio. _ _ _ _ _ Mrs. Albert F. Wightman family spent Sunday with Hamt‘s at ,ce_ntn'_dfl?s,- _ Misses Helen Weber of Yatton, Erma Lichty of Elmira and Mr. Vrias Frey of near Wallenstein, Mr. Israel Brubacher of St. Jacobs were Sunday visitors at the home of B. Mr.â€" -‘;l-émlr_s. Roy Karcher and GERMAN MILLS Wiltiam Hicks PAKT OF TIHWIS PAGE IS MISSING Yatesâ€"At Preston Road, Sept. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Yates, a deangh flifigâ€"ux.-w.ml-t.. to Mr. and Mrs. Harold ‘Tillsloy. and Mre. Philip Kruse, Locust St., + a daughter. Vollmerâ€"At Hesson, Sept. 16, to ! Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Vollmer, a Bathoâ€"At K.â€"W. Hospital, Sept. 29, .to Mr. ahd Mrs. Kigin Batho, We terioo, a daughter. Mansaâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospital, Sept. 39, to Mr. and Mre. Arno Manss, Eimira, a daughter. Winterâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospital, Whiteiawâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospital, Sept. 80, to Mr. and Mrs. James Whitelaw, Abrens street, Kitchâ€" _ Mr. and ‘Mrs. Clinton ‘Keller, a daughter. s Krugeâ€"At Kitchener, Sept. 13, to Mr. Kellerâ€"At ‘Brockville, Sept. 11, to daughter. Sehiâ€"At Kitchener, Sept. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sehl, Eby St. S., a daughter (stillborn). Kressâ€"At K.â€"W. Hospital, Sept. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. C. Kress, Park _ residence, Kitchener, a son. Jabeskiâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospital,| Rapsonâ€"At K..W. Hospital, Sept. 85, | to Mr. and Mrs. A. Rapson, Waâ€"| terloo, a son. ‘ Robinsonâ€"At ‘Waterloo, Sept. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Robinson, 130 Waterloo St., a daughter. Goetzâ€"At Waterloo, Sept. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. David Goetz, Caroline St., a daughter. Kuhlâ€"At Kâ€"W. Hospital, Sept. 25, â€" to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kubl, Park °St., Kitchener, a daughter. | Wagnerâ€"At RR. 10 St. Clemnu., Sept. 24, to Mr. and Mre. Carl Wagner, a daughter. ‘ Goodwinâ€"At RR. 1 St. Clements, ‘Sept. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Goodwin, a son. Kadwellâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospital, Sept. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. H. V. (Kadwell, Galt, a son. Buleâ€"At Providence Bay, Manitouâ€" lin Island, Sept 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Verden ‘Buie, (nee Blanche Bock), a son. lJutzleâ€"â€"At Victoriaburg, Sept. 21, *to Mr. and Mrs. John J. Jutsie, a _ daughter. Dietrichâ€"At Waterloo, Sept. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Louls Dietrich, 121 John St. E., a son. Quinnâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospital, Sept. 26, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Quinn, Peter St., Kitchener, a son. (Child died recently). Schmidtâ€"At New Dundee, Sept. 19, to Mr. and Mre. Jack Schmidt, a «on. i , Readâ€"Al Elmira, Sept. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. George Read, a son. i Hartmanâ€"At Elmira, Sept. 18, to. ‘ _ Mr. and Mrs. A. Hartman, a son. 1 Krachlingâ€"At Petersburg, Sept. 19.‘ to Mr. and Mra. Homer Kraehling, | a daughter ; Goodâ€"At K.â€"W. Hospital, Sept. 20, to Mr. and Mre. George S. Good, St. Jacobs, a son. Fritzâ€"At St. Agatha, Sept. 18, to Mr. J and Mrs. Joseph Fritz, a daughter. | Breithauptâ€"At â€" Belleville â€" General : Hospital, Sept. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. | Philip W. Breithaupt, a daughter. hofleidâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospital, Sept. 30, to lr.&lu. 1. H. SchoSeld, Lydia Kitchener, Sept. 22, to Mr. and Mre. Jos. Jaâ€" beski, Water St. N., Kitchener, a 29, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Winâ€" FRESH BISCUITS CHOCOLATE PUFFS «> 9 m. 250 CREAM BALLS CROTHER‘S MEADOW CREAM ~ sOoODA BISCUITS _‘ 1â€"lb. pkyg. 13('. [ DEL MAIZ CORN Old Dutch Cleanser 3._G 27 q--mmm to secunt wit. A soorns a mos eaumy onvemeane . \ s‘ ReGver:* King 8t S. WATERLOO P 2 17â€"a. um 23¢ pounds 25‘. l SUGARâ€"CURED SLICED _ both of wh fiot 7curhq.. Gageâ€"Ahrensâ€"Sept. Helen [Mura Abr Moba.lol-c*sm. 28, Atwell H McDaniel London to Joan F. Cook of Detroit, Mich. Balzerâ€"Schediorâ€"Sept. 28, Joe Balâ€" zser of German Mills to Alice E. Bchedler of Kitchener. Hahnâ€"Doerrâ€"Sept. 28, Lewis W. Hahn of New Hamburg to Marâ€" ville Doerr of Kitchener. Ebyâ€"Heckendornâ€"Sept. 28, Gordon Eby of Petersburg to Pear} Heckâ€" _ endorn of Breslau. Rehkopfâ€"Olbrechtâ€"Sept. 28, Arthur William ‘Rehkopt to Amanda Doreâ€" thea Olbrecht, both of Kitchener. Thoman.Perrinâ€"Sept. 28, Lloyd Thoâ€" _ man to Grace Perrin, both of Kitâ€" Schausâ€"Shrankâ€"Sept. 28, Armand Carl Schause of Kitchener to Dorothy Marguerite Shrank . of Dorscht.Simonâ€"Sept. 28, Louls J. Dorecht of Waterloo to Violet E. M. Simon of Kitchener. Mundtâ€"Uebeleâ€"Sept. 28, Albert W. Mundt to Margaret H. Uebde, both of Kitchener. Colemanâ€"Brckerâ€"Sept. 28, Arthur M. Coleman, New Dundee, to Verna: ’ E. Bricker, Roseville. | Helse Schoollhornâ€"Sept. 21, A Helse to Auna Schoellhorn, both of Kitchâ€" ener. Ebyâ€"Shantzâ€"Sept. 26, Nelson E. Eby to Hildegarde Shantz, both of Kitâ€" chener. Woolnerâ€"Shantzâ€"Sept. 25, Rev. Ward Woolner, Th.B., of Port Elgin to Nelda Catherine Shants of Kitchâ€" ener. Cowanâ€"Matthéwsâ€"Sept. 25, Edward Douglas Cowan to Dallas Marie Matthews, both of Kitchener. CARR eâ€"Ahrensâ€"Sept. 28, John Gage to elen [Mura Abrens, both of Coldâ€" CROWNBRAN CORN SYRUP Wingfelder Jr. ot Stratford to Tea at its . CARROLL‘S ECONOMY BLEND FRESH COFFE SIDE BACON A product of The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited GY FOOD pM _‘-“ER uoumsuzom“r HAg MORE CANADIAN CHILDOREN THAN ANY OTHER CORN SYRUP ‘ Edwardsbyrg . %8, Atwell R. 17¢ P Five Ros Batty, Schillâ€"Hanleyâ€"Sept. _ 28, . Will Schill of Peel to Winnifred Ha of Tralee. Bernhardtâ€"Saundersâ€"Sept. 28, Ro Bernhardt to Lillian Jessio S¢ ders, both of Kitchener. Hachbornâ€"Randaliâ€"Sept. 28, Wa H. Hachborn of Kitchener Grace W. ‘Randall, Preston ro@ Koenigâ€"Ellisâ€"Sept. 25, Roy PI Koenig to Geraldine Mabel R both of Waterloo. Litwillerâ€"Whiteâ€"Sept. 21, Anson: willer of Waterloo to Ele White of St. Agatha. ; Brittonâ€"Mitchellâ€"Sept. 21, Frodé James Britton of Guelph to ] Elolse Mitchell of Kitchener. | Wettlauferâ€"Hinzâ€"Sept. 21, CH Wettlaufer of Stratford, to Hinz, New Hamburg. l)diatd“l‘o = ud Better Vision . . . wHY EXPECT A PERFECT SERV Frou imperfect . oyes? â€"DO render the best service" they can. If you have cause. to complain of this servieg;{ you cannot M blame _ your _ eyes. _ You wouldn‘t have to blame anys SLICED PINEA No. 2 tin 9c thing if you would per us to remove the cause all blame. (Continued next Thursday) EYESIGHT SERVICE PANCA 24â€"lb. bag FLOUR pound pound Singapore oLD C Lt

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