Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 3 Oct 1935, p. 7

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_ Rer. W. Schelits officiated. INIOT ‘â€" . ment wes waie in St. Poter‘s Lathor h ah Cometery at Kitchener. "« ‘Special Sunday Scheot. *\ _ The Linvweed United Charch San 2 mmuumm vice on Sunday at 1030 a m. Sorea e wwu‘&.&flt Roi to the Beginner‘s degertment, tweive trom Beginnem to Primar}, sever from Primary to Jenior, and °_ mine trom Jamior to Intermediate. The papils ftormed a procession in rx&c&.moâ€"a| their first meoting oft the tfall a or Friday evening with 20 preseat. ‘The pregran wos The hands of Rart Tyack. convener of the misionary committeo The weciety decided to take up the atedy ‘"Trails and Tales of the North . by Revr. J. C. Cochraze, DD. oft mhattes ftor Nor Ontarie, these securieg an exâ€" temsive stedy of e bhome miston yroblem in wer north lhad. Chaptef entitled, "Why Home Mioions", deak with by Etmer Ogrem and Tyack. A report of the semâ€" at Port Eigina wes given Faalkzer and Great Schwerr, i2 attendance there lost The president then took the and the regular besiness woes P with after which the meoting with benediction by the pos . Rev. A. A. Loteg. afterncon with a short service at the home at 1,30 o‘ciock and thence to marched to the aeditoriem of the .-mmumwfi with vizes and fowers The were opened and closed cach time .,n.mn-mw\ tato which the class was groduating. mmuuacnm- their names were read and procecdâ€" meata. On the platto Schaitz samg. ~Opea the Gates". Rach teacher of the higher @epart ment welcomed her papils as they stepped from the platftorm and proâ€" ceeded to their new department. At the close of the cervice, Miso Ethel in Godk House." __The Women‘s Association oft the h“.-â€"mâ€" o after 7“ the pest weeks with Mre. Ww. Neree. i Mr. and Mra Rmerson Nerse and noer, October 3rd at 2.30 e‘cleck. Neshboad on Seterâ€" SLEEP British Educationists Tour Canada pinvooDd THLIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT ISs INX YVERY POOR CONDLTION JaAT QDDPELLOWY SERVICE mire were preseat along with other m‘uwum to overffiowing. The service was cOBâ€" @ected by Brother Rer. A. G. Mac Pherson of he Preshyteriaa Church, sstisted by the local pastor, Rer. A. A. Loaing. Rer. Mr. Mac llh-â€"u-t-lbcnth-uh of Cain in answer God‘s ques Hamberg, Milverton, Forges and E+ my brother‘s keeper" (Gen. 4: 9)â€"] ‘ rr and Mre. Thomas Bacelor and Boâ€"bd-u.:!-nh&b:-:,wmmm which we and our fellowmen live ! vyins Theresa Dicbold of Kitchen m&mu:w:crnh;‘“nh“ "Friendship, Lore ‘Trath", om nlath Mth.uu-“th Mrs. R. Hosee of Waterioco is visitâ€" necessity of carrying these fil; u::u-dn.uhl\u:‘. al their relationships with their & Mra. George Porwell bt‘&lmhlm."“*..whdwwm might even necessitate in going with Mrs. Jacob Runstedier. war in defeace of the weak. The. Yyr. Bort Heimbech of Kitchener speaker emphasized truth in O4r called on friend; here on Monday. . dealings with others He Hustrated | Yr. Norman Koebel speat Sunday this by a ctory of a man who ©a% in Kitchener. ‘ willing to lose his position rather| Mrs W. Buarnett and Miss Annie thar be false to the treth. nmbwummu-.-nlnw early part of the service Rer. A. A.‘at Betwood on Saturday. Laing. as minister of the church, exâ€"! Mr. and Mrs. Ragar Wiker and w.m:ommun.mmn‘gnm trom the various lodges. | yrs A A Laing danghtor ;Anam*mtutnmgnmym.dmum- Palaces", wes readered rery bearâ€"/ Saterday 5 Ufelly by Mre F. W. Schuitr and| MÂ¥r. and Mra George Bandacie of tifelly by Mrs F. W. Schaitz and Vre. F. W. Hill. After the service in the charch the Oddtelious paraded back to the hall where a reach was served. After leach the following brothers gave short addresses: Earl Tabbert, Noble Graad of the Linwood lodge. ’mmm«mm Stratford, Mr. Taadt of the Monkton \‘ Ald. C. C. Haka of Kitcherer. Conâ€" eervative candidate tor North Waterâ€" YNr. and Mre. \M. Linsemar speat Wednesday with friends in Tralee. YNr. Joe Goetz of North Bay called on fiend: in town on Wednesday. termed bome after spending the past week in New Germany. Mr. and NMre. E. C. Boyd were re cent vigitors with frieads in North ed at her boime this week. \ YMrs. M. Linabar visited in Kitch ener last week. ii-i-shnn-l YUr. and Mrs. W. Martinsor of Et its Mellic Schnurt apes _ Dr. and Mre G. R. Hain were ris} tors in Beemsrilie on Tecsday. 7 New Dendee callied on Mrs. B Giese ’SI ~.’~ % UVOT VHSRETE TORe: s Mr. Framk Schammer and son A young man was amezsed to fnd mmm.m.utfillfigfilhumnl toit atterding the World Series most violent temper. games. s Ome day he tackled her on the subâ€" Yr. and Mrs T limmerman sad ject: "What‘l can‘t underetend." be Gaaghter Betty spest Mondiy moreâ€" said "is why I didn‘t realise you had .-mm.nmthn‘.wm‘l-nflm‘ tumeral of the late Mr. Fehremhach. _ "Well." she aftably replied, "whenâ€" Mise Martan Laing of Geciph spent ever you said anything to arney me the weekerd at her bome here. _ in those daye, I used to go upstaire | wwam“u!&_:fl’_}lofl«flufldh“‘ |w;.2-fi-i:u-a Nr. and Mrs. _ "You‘re got acute appendicitia" be Dolores and Mr: Nosk of Belfaio and Mr. and YÂ¥re. Anthoay Long of rich of Kitchener apeat Senday with zantly. lr. and YMro. A. Ament. _ "I say, cut out the freshnese," sho Miss Jear Beatoa of Toreato ciaitâ€" Ylr. A. Ament epent Senday in 3e cald. "I went to be examined, not was a visitor in town on Thars The Ladies® Ald of St. Peter‘s Laâ€" theram Chuarch held their moathly meeting at the bome of Mre. A. L ‘Mflhwmm were made for a saeerkrant cupper to be held earty part of October. After the business was transacted a social hour followed. _ town. Oving to tiie comvention of the Ladies® Aids to be held in St_ Jacobs next Wednesday afterncon and ovenâ€" ing the meeting of the Lather Leagee ol&.h«t‘.:fl;nnebndtfll be held on Th evening in the basement of the church. _ _Mr. and Mre. F. W. Hin and chil drea apeat Friday afterncon in Kitâ€" lm. lMre A. A Laieg ard Mro Wa Nurse apent Friday in Gueiph. Messrs. Harry Lantz, Tom Deckert and Miss lla Deckert speat Saturday in Kitchener. 00 LoCCiBEet y ECE ECCE SA and Mr. and Mra. Frazk Kiinkrecht speat Saterday afterncon in Kitch ent Friday at Forrest, F= Jean Begzse was‘a jedge at the fall speat Friday afternoon in Kitchener. The funeral of the late Mrs. Ament was held Teesday afterncon. Interâ€" ment zas mode in St. Peter‘s Lather liame, Conrad Wiker, Frank Ament M tor some time. "Tou‘re got acute appendicitia," be American film star who bed been Mer Vieient Tempeor R.‘B.BENNE'IT,PrimeMinisteroflheDominion,“' in the dark days of depression. His steady hand .US through. wl es CANADIANS. can and should register their apprecdition by suf SIAND | BY CANAD: LIBERALâ€"CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES in the coniing F. tion on OCTOBER 14th. KITCHENER maket Buigag FFI. WATERLOO â€" ton m â€" Sa! PROMINENT SPEAKERS will be pre Meetings to present the Splendid R Bennett Administration. A Vote For will register your appreciation of Mr. safe and sound policies and will help | C.C.HA Greater.. - Saturday, Octo ELMIRA Regent Theatre â€" ST. CL Tiemnctt Camdetare tor Tuesday, Octol "Actions Speahk Louder . Wo y dS” All Meetings Called at 8:15 p. Meetings in theâ€"Int of C. C. HAHN, Bennett, . for N. Waterioo will WELLESLEY 1... u.n â€" LINWO PAKT Of IHIS PAGE IS MLSSIN

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