Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 3 Oct 1935, p. 6

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i Terraplane E Garage f Phone 3650, KITCHENER Kitchener.â€"After being found guilty by His Honor, Jndge E. W. Clement on a charge of breaking into the offices of the Shell Oil Company, Courtland Ave., east, on August 6th last, Sam McDowell, 50, of London Ont., was eentenced to two years in Kingston penitentiary on Saturday. Although the accused asked that if fou®d guilty, he be given a torm in the Guelph Reformatory because he was the main aupport of his mother, Judge Clement remarked â€" that even though it was his first ofâ€" fence, the prisoner had ample time to think before he committed the issues discussed. All £.30 p.m. TWO YEAR SENTENCE FOR ATTEMPTED THEFT Intabtrut\AMibbtchtcat e h Atihoccmumbe ) Regent Theatre. To , October 8 â€"St. Clemâ€" ents in.:’i.ilmbux Wednesday, October 9 â€"Kitchâ€" ener, Market building. | W'!‘hggsday, October 11â€"Wellesley and New Negiou ue Hling tommmnony mm -_zhfi.u.lm ai: and Centreville. rooms in Kitchener and Waterioo. _ Mr. Euler will address meetings be held as f Meetings in the interests of Hon. W. D. Evler, Liberal candidate in North Waterloo in the October 14 Federal elections, will be held at HUDSON Euler Announces Dates for Meetings DOBBIN trol, Dynamic speaker, guaranâ€" teed Spray Shicld tubesâ€" ST-&W'fl,mp Come and hear *29 Oldsmobile Coupe ‘30 Graham Sedan ‘29 Oakland Coach ‘28° Pontiac Sedan ‘26 Chevrolet Touring Thursday, October 3â€"Heidelberg ‘27 Chev. *29 Chevrolet Coach ‘31 Oldsmobile Sedan ‘31 Buick Coupe ‘28 Nash Coach ‘29 Oldsmobile Sedan ‘31 Hupmobile Sedan GERMANN‘S EDRrY ao000s8 Opp. Pest Office DARK CHECK SHIRTINGâ€" 36 in. wide, at ... 0. 74 PLAIN WIITES at, yaâ€" Aund still another lot of eutre heavry weights, 36 in. wide, Bullas Furniture New Majestic $39.95 15¢ 19c 25¢ Radio Special And belance to cuit your purse. #â€" * wuTtcurxza « 08 Joouph Sr. $10.00 Down at in Tavistock, for service. Interâ€" ment was made in the adjoining cemmetery. Services were in charge ‘ot &vJ R.113' gllxrdk Preston, ‘Waterloo, and Rev. W. E. Beese, Funerasl Home, Kitchener, and ’w to Zion Evangelical Church POLO® PE RCCCR P2C HCRY B Schmidt, Toronto, Mrs. Conrad Sutter, Stratford, and Mrs. John Hill, Beamsville. Two brothers, William and John Ratz, and one sister, Mrs. Henry Wettlaufer, preâ€" * The 4: l;i;:! held Wednesday ‘ e fun was afternoon from the Ratzâ€"Bechtel Kitchener.â€"Seque! to the conricâ€" tion of Sam McDowell, of London, William Phipps of Brantford was brought back to Kitchener on Tucsâ€" day on a warrant charging him with breaking and entering the Shell Oil Company office on Courtland Ave. east 0 August 6th. He will appear in police court this afternoon before Magistrate Blake of Galt, who is preâ€" eiding in the absence of Magistrate J. J. A. Weir. I Kitchener â€"The case of negligence y, charged by George elder Ave., is being heard County Court before Judge illoran of Stratford. Trussle that on April 20 he tripped i hole in the pavement as he stepped from a street car at the corner of King and Gaukel streets. As a result of the fall, he fractured his ankle and had it in a cast for two months. Due to his weakened condition, he claims he suffered pneuâ€" monia. H. Hattin, and E. B. Dowdall are plaintiff‘s counsels, and Murray |Bny of Bray and Bray, for city. SECOND ARREST MADE IN SHELL OIL THEFT CASE LEG FRACTURED, SEEEKS DAMAGES FROM CITY At a epecial eitting of the Court|pott, once prominent C.C.F. speaker Oof Revision held on Wednesday, the|and now back in the Liboral fold as arrears in taxes for 1934â€"35 will be |a candidate for South York, claimed cancelled on the condition that the|that a section of the C.C.F. and the plant begin operations within three|Communist party were about to months. Intimation was given that the |unite under the colorful Tim Buck factory will open in about ten days|with Woodsworth ousted. LCF. with about thirty men being emâ€"|leaders were prompt and vehement ployed. * in denying the suggestion. * emmanmnmasr Mitchel F. Hepburn, Premier of LEG FRACTURED, SEEKS |Ontario, paused only briefly in his being organized by H. A. Lipport who was the head of the old concern. ‘The new concern will be called the H. A. Lippert Furniture Co., Ltd., proâ€" vided a charter application calling for that name is granted. Manufacâ€" turing operations will be started in about two weeks, as soon as incorâ€" poration has been completed. The Kitchener.â€"Operations in the idie plant formerly operated by the Lip pert Furniture Co., Ltd., Louisa and Ahrone streets, will be resumed shortly, as a result of a new company Royal Oak, Mich., 15 grandchildren| ‘The sow territory to bo coveret M â€" s and one great grandchild. :r-.'_fi.*. essm territory ensuing year Edward Fehronbach will ipclude Preston, Hespeler, the Rdward Fehrenbach, who lived all tows of Waterice and the north half hh his life in New Germany and district.|of ‘Waterice township. Inspector ‘ “uuhwhhmummmufiu‘mb m&wu?hmuflhnd:mmnh“Mh- Sposk mae was born on a tarm and | spectorate, Wellesiey and Woolwich Englinsk. followed hs father‘s vocation until/township and the towa of Rtwéira hemmmond j he retired to the village 13 years ago.| Circulare have beon sent to teachers| Aitchoner.â€"Investigation has reâ€" Surviving are his wife, one son.|of the various schools which the in | Yealed that there is a noed for ‘ du"mlp: um y 5 oo cll-*u:-h:h ~I or two being only until June 1996 at the + Philip of Preston and Albort of New | latest. i ~ ** *# has been diaccvered that wher moâ€" Germany. * cmrenermmrnm n on :-Mh:.“-b“ memerosâ€"â€"vermanzme youngesters did aot know cnough THE WEEK AT |maist io saspee stuoie gorstions. * * Pormeriy the Kâ€"W. Colleginte con OTTAWA s bom miquinind siher ths dame . uas heen the m mmracaminices tinuance of these classes has affect (Continued from Page 1) od many persons, that night ciasses nmmmurerne Bennott had roversed his position | b* held at the various pablic schools Factory Has Been Closed Down|and released the Conservative party|®it=ated at conveniont points in the for Several Years. from any obligation not to amaigaâ€"|CitY. As yet, no action has boon ta mate, Mr. King declared that the Lipâ€"| en on this queation. Founder of Mill at daughters and one con, Mre. J. 8| . mm * _0 = wide "'V"i Wrh, Poatiac, Wich., Mrs. Ads Buckâ€" mâ€".â€"m‘nl‘l *u..‘*‘& . Dearborn, Mich., Mrs. Norman|the North Waterint Mhaw 300. At the l--.-amv-u--.ma---cbm on Mr. Joar '-:mnnu.ul-.#u .“uuâ€"n:u-u-. & oingare | toa ey m«u.m:-.m ufi.u.u-nr» :'c..-n-:-. Tnc. tho serrive with tho sivtes ang aat h Falhobity 1e bhet |yooal masic will be rendered by [ â€" Pus in l:.l m‘k Meyer P bora to M Peol township. I * WWvide North Waterige as. cdll . u. _ _ .e tiat the pact may by unicery provaie the pact may to a conclusion following the elec tlon. Both parties to the agreoment thhave shown a desire to keep the neâ€" ‘nunuon alive until the air is cleared of the political verbiage of ummnmmus nett revealed that the trado offer which Canada made to the United pact before the general election varâ€" Ished with the doparture from here of Hon. Norman Armour, U. 8, Miaâ€" later. White definite confirmation is lacking it is rellably understood that there is little difference between the U. 8. Trade Pact Hopes for a settlement of the posed United StatesCanadian t To the Loft Interest in the part that the Re construction party plays in the elecâ€" toral drama of 1985 continues to grow as the campaign progresses. Reâ€" ports from various sections of the country indicate that it is drawing its apeakers and club leaders from men who have previously shown little active interest in politics. What success they will have in their intâ€" tial plunge provides fertile ground for speculation. © The Reconstruction apeakers conâ€" tinue to hammer at the evile of "big business" and to uphold the ideal of Mr. Stevens that "business must serve the people." In his Ontario addresses Mr. Ste vens has given his attitude toward tariffs. "I would be giad to extend to an industry reasonable protection provided that protection is passed on to the workers in the form of deâ€" cont living wages," he aaid. _ _While much of his attention has been directed to the difficulties of industrial workers Mr. Stevens is by no means neglecting the farmer. ‘The {nterests of agriculture must underly all other interests," he has times. He said that he regarded Harry Stevons as the chief opponâ€" ent of the Liberal party. tour, and then continued castward to speak from platforms in the Mariâ€" and released the Conservative party from any obligation not to amaigaâ€" mate, Mr. King deciared that the Libâ€" orai party was flatly opposed to amaiâ€" gamation. "We do not want any more monopolies in this country than we can help," he said. Mr. King and his supporters conâ€" tinue to attack Mr. Bonnott and Mr. Stevens individually for the platâ€" forms on which they are seoking votes, and to charge them hhay; wltfiwh.-n.b.l-lb.l'lln|'~wnwlnth.J ‘-hhtundnfl-motthm i-e-tnlel‘tboy-m "They are riding separate horses ao that they will have a team when the election Speaking in Ontario, Elmore Philâ€" pott, once prominent C.C.F. speaker and now back in the Liberal fold as a candidate for South York, claimed that a section of the C.C.F. and the is over," e i t PARKT OF THIS PAGE IS MISSINC ‘m«o..,'.‘ ;&. e Guelph.â€"Both Janior and Senlor | -15-‘“ i mâ€":mnm:-wwmw uy dear fellow, you 250 |segiate gained victorics in a donbie Teaioegt, _ + biew up that brikgs Ipooan Paaer td at O a C old Rare _ _Enemy at the are my prisoner." > mm Tain ©" poople who have beea un * TT Acce Lamee perens en rrnaen s enc onen FACES LARGE DEFICIT|able to pay anything on Kitchener.â€"Because of the fact Inppmmemmmpemmmmmmmmmmemmmemand t the arime to mnich Tae park Seart e NEARLY si50 of grant to Tss entitied. the patey mare mig PLAYER : efther have to concinde their current e u year with a large deficit or else clane | _ Waterlo® Tfi'l'mn'. n{, * mammmmmcmquw_‘““ 3“: Of the year. ‘This was the main gist ‘“'“"h‘.. m"“h Waterâ€" Of a statement given out by Oscar Ml‘-’"’..m“ h'hl'.elur_-nctthh-fl.n'”l “I"""““’“m oo mm'hthm‘mummuhrmhm m'm'm“"hh““ the crowd was one of the largest of hglhuothrhuuhfl..-gm ts a% Te hnmw“mmn """‘~.“ N"""h mu ;:umm‘.“t:‘h‘;m ,WMNMMNQQ tion at the park and also pays the|("‘"Y Bigh callbre. After all or [ _CALGART COLFER WINS TOTEM TROPHT |] mual convention to be held October 3 and 4. W. G. Rae, principal of Cenâ€" TAXPAYERS IN ARREARS tral School, Waterioo, is presideat|DEFENDED BY ALDERMAN Of the institute. Tui be m Smmmestqueme Basiness sessions WB | _ Kitchener.â€"aAccording to Ald. Geo. Thursday, Ocigber 3, at Rilaeabeth|Gordon, Kitchener property owners Ziegior school, While in liew of a #00â€"| will not Yose their bomes in a tax ond day of convention the teachers sale next February, as he intenda to will visit the Buffaio muscam <a Friâ€" ask City Oouncil to extend the time day, October 4. Those teachers who |for tax payments for a considerable ‘°'°t¢°°l“0‘fl.mm narlad io ardar in alace Shase Re on principal of Alexandra School, w».|Rurch cle terloo, about 185 public and segarate | Qatz k mmu&omww Dufferinâ€"Si mepectorate Teachers‘ Institate, of which he is secretaryâ€"treagurer, Phote) . . ‘_‘“.m"‘_“llwlhllnh- omm teach in their own aschool or observe P es MUST SUPPORT PARERNTS title with a 154 win while the seniom BRODEY DRAIMIN FUR CO.|â€" 108 King St W., acionh ther piparey bher :a"'"."k"':‘ &&&E Alb Ohea C e.**.':,‘:'..;.:x:: .. . the Base of ais‘w" 4temll â€" HEALTH! â€" 'fistflcemm.."h‘.m | in St. Clements and Bamberg; on Mazy athee and poine, disâ€" Wednesday, October 9, in the marâ€" m““‘! ‘"f‘...v?s':i;.l&!!!-""!m doun cass: are the caure of , ‘October in the Watericos “-um&“‘; :.'L\:'.!t!s-g-p-!-' o nortk provented so cecrily Ortwhor Sele Price Come in -l__d-.oJ $185 Waterico Chronicle and Mail and Empire ... Waterloo Chronicle and Daily Star ... Waterico Chronicle and London Advertizer Waterico Chronicle and London Free Press Waterilse Chronicle and Daily Globe ............ Waterlco Chromicle and Farmers‘ Advocate Waterico Chronicle and Family Herald and "< J eswuinnl x * * 3e Ruibe EC P . 3 5 * Our Octot C e it s T ) 4( % * C h -b}-fl Renoew your vabocription to your newspoper through Waterloo OUR SERVICE AT YOUR DISPOSAL TALEE ADVANTAGE OPF . c.uc-â€"-.-.!. CE ON YOUR OLD FUR COAT Subscription Renewals Bo ready for sebd Outsher Sele Price Huave Your Cont e aâ€"# CCPF. porty standard. Mr. Walte l,‘-_”d“mpy > weeks. The is also !J_“&h. Ortobey Sate Prive Ounier Site Pits .. l * > PARKT OF THIS PAGE IS MISSING 14e s ... Heeles +g h C e e Cye * t 2s Ex : t ym . K k 5. > /s & T ‘P h 80 LR __s >« % ",‘*‘"*"9“.!.\. e s h T "s e WWe h ce 6 S . F2 C .~ &> hagg o 2 en m ce e e eC e d e T m e e > snnelet C a 2 a \Se t _ c m f it * | » Year T ’)- F ‘s x ‘ 3;‘ Qlfi T x; x ® 5 & a wre. hb f o o . %~".20 . > E.$ i/ | Wear at Gormana‘s =_';'-.-."-;."""‘&,_=.. l â€"t_â€"% .. pract â€"Aldgâ€" e sb ie . fum t W Ao e â€">++ v~. _ _ â€" at yOs h. e < *a © Â¥et ‘“M*h‘ f m opse oficl h dant N_ % ~tts eapart furvint . . , > . e Te a ie 3 in het ts yeat lt Merer ©**/ â€" Divide North Waterine i being ma we 4 lhedas Las kme ®# __ * s â€" < + OB eoensccommerenemmenynne 7& | The bushend -“:&t “fl this year, .:‘ h % f * w "(.»_i~ "“ it % : ’-\ o f ~p &. ; |deughters and one con, waimamsem â€" made + #re 100% 8 . ~ ) BM x Â¥s_ E: Then anether let of 36 in. Wrb, Pontiac, Wich., Mre. Ada Buckâ€"| ©Kitchener.â€"The‘ 7 un m|9 un.x.-q..ug . c i # > Hant :â€" > * / o. ces t nenae hi 4 yPe h P se end _ Dark Dearborn, Mich., Mrs Norman|the North Waterin® Schoot fhas a cepacity of 300. AJ the ; ® i ~~asa h * it myor,â€"â€"â€"â€" 80q l-'-.-‘mm.â€"-.mzu---db-h‘::h. YÂ¥r. Jobn e Nw i a { e 9\ } s * in at it wake .'-:mnnuml..# thes inoignamits in Targase lawd neraege L mag iA q ~/gp . â€" f & , ; ! 1 m ie : t C _ .. * _3 s | s , 4 > e O & " ‘A. . jRA # o o on en "an [{rerse. Detrotw. Two Aues | the resnites & the divadee af se on | be ds won, en J ~@ Beginning Wednesday is more ent â€" K. .~. a &"' : m between Inspecter L Nor | voca; ‘be < * v AC > ac, â€" U o Coamite S _ Eo _ | mane warres & 2eo. | (d Ne on ue proes Eomm ieretm sns (nntpreed eerened 2 â€" |Coneant Puv) French Seat [ | L. / 15¢ 19c 25c ||Mm "swimn Eisnnd Waterice and Porth, req omm o s } _ ® Doutse [ â€" o s SHIRTINGâ€" ||Royal Oak, Mich., 15 grandchildren| ‘The sow territory to bo coveret {BF_â€" ~R s * ‘ q â€" ts witim * _ * e mik e 0e ya. ||and one great grandchild. by Inspector Norman in additics to h. Eo _'_':J‘bfi e e â€"_ “%fi'" * Seag i: ., 36 in. wide, & 5 :““,-‘“"u {. c % m se mt ~ C for Children‘s Dresses, at || _ Riward Fohronbach, who lived all|town of Waterice and the north half + $ , Regular $23%.00 Oumber Sole Pitre _ M â€" * _ Hprmepane Te Cphoncopo s uy _ 0_ maipmmedhcmaas M â€"=r~|"~z="~| §g C| s 60 in. White FLANNELETTE ||T2nd year tollowing an iliness of four|the rest of the Worth Waterioo inâ€" ‘ ‘s « 4 SHEETING at â€"â€"â€"â€" G@, 74 ||months. He was born on a tarm and|spectorate, Wellesioy and Wootwich English, | e 8 1” «â€"â€"ampapgmmse: . l . followed hs father‘s vocation until/township and the towa of Rtwéira fureseatmine _5 Th l < “ C % A â€" sul%cu...fiefl- w:m'hm‘«&mzumv&&bm.fl“!-‘ =: ie \ m p * nveummmumumumeze. || John, one sister, Mrs. Ignats Schio8sâ€"|spectors will cover, the arrangemént | instruction in Ruglish for sai t Our Budgot | Have Your Crat Wiink Coltar. a one , Mrs. % * og@ || x of Waterioo, and two hbrothers, |being only until June 30, 1996 at the|Old foreignors in the Twin . ®| h * Plan > E. GQGERMAN NM‘S ||rewmp or proston and atmort of Now |intesi. _ _ _ :mmwu‘::_'r-: ~ come in and wfl' Regelar $125.00 : t DRY GOODS rnnrrrmanmmmezere the youngestors did aot know cnosugh the ceat you The. Ortcber Sale Prive _ Opp. Pest Office & * Pormeriy the Kâ€"W. Collegiate con | & venlont time payments| old eveniags that m s « f onA'A ducted night schepi classen, and it Â¥ desikred. seon be hove. _ 4 Nas been suzgested, since the dizcen | “ h‘m (Continued from Page 1) u-.,:u-..u-.:'â€"- C e LIBERAL _ ALLOW Ollwlflnlmmt j > ® Euler Announces Boanett 2e .reverses ‘mis, poattion | bt btid t S merives resus staeee RODEY D : C se ~ Dates for Meetings|Factory Has Been Closed Down T om any Shiigetion no to ammey |city An pot. ao notien uns heve t I co. ¢ w se Hesa, for Several Years. ::lu.ltnl("dlhlu:‘» ken on this question. l 108 King St. W., Enchoner C. H. Gormone, Manager FPhone 342# Meetings ferests Kitchener.â€"Operations in the idie hn h ce WITH JOBS l i :wggilfl'l U?:’a.m"l"" plant formerly operated by the Lipâ€" m:.‘zo:hmmtwfl::m F %“ A Federal elections, will be held at| pert Furniture Co., Ltd., Louiss and cu.“l]elp."unu. mmey _-Us' SUPPORT PARENTS â€" > &'a m CCF. porty standard. Mr. Walter & various in the next two|Ahrone streets, will be resumed m_"â€"“‘.“‘b m im flfid‘hmh‘- weeks. 'fl.ummhmm.u.mmouuweo-m "'~“"“‘.“'"”°“:=°:w"‘“mum anbommimen, next *w.* the riding has opened committes|being organized by H. A. Lippert | tinue to attack i m ns â€" |night it was decided that ouly (Contineed tfrom Page 1) ; oumevigp. dbrongh trom a rooms in Kitchener and Waterloo.| who was the head of the old concern.| Stevons individually for plat ents whoss children wore nUt l of mecting in the district }r. Mr. Euler will address meetings mu.mcenflun.wmmfmfl"u"’m"*“b‘ s um woubs |â€" Lazares some time ago begar ts â€" Bs â€" mmoutmruhfiemm.i:nLUpmmunOo.m_mm“‘“'“"""‘-""“’.. m“‘ -zt practise lnw in Presteg enc toâ€" ‘.'P.ms:: eidelberg vided a charter application calling | With what the Liborals regard as the given m" "Hmmâ€"u North Waterise Active m m mm ‘ f New Germany. er weetings will|ror that name is granted. Mapufacâ€" mistakes and failures of the governâ€" Wha Bowmanr In the inattk w â€" $ be held utoflm: turing operations will be â€"started in |®ent which theyâ€" corved. ‘They are t..?h ':‘ l .=.~ the w‘“ “.h 2t + Thund.g.Oewbcsâ€"fieidelbenaboutwowuh.umnllm riding separate horses ao that they | on u::'d ’:':“‘.‘*‘; established Gm r=] d and New Germany. o epes: wit fare oo Te Saplhe pro, canl tiee priner mecbecn lin matorme ts aies ane i mee Kitchener and Waterioo. Mr. Hakn| fls # > Friday, October 4 â€"Conestogo|company wili turn outdhluaulsom.uflmmmuw in care ced wA on Saturday of this week| Jms bak | and Centreville. bedroom furture, desks and Gother|2!t0rheyâ€"general of Ontario. is up to theee young people to mest at 3-&-1.&- bat end et| 2%. im Saturday, October 5 â€" Elmira, | genoral lines. Smlflo-”"“&g;fl'm their obligations squarely and not Schnurr‘s in Linwood; on v E4 Regent Theatre. or ho t ::c;nelmd;;“%&;“‘l L s _’:“".::,““meuu:lm]m expect the rest of the citizens to Tucsday, &t’ he will speok at| . . j en fen bambaw * o * ~ "*"lsircare 1o tagee Tor 190090 nill po 1s camandety for moale York, clatmed | boar thair burdene for e af t i Tinks s 4 n alum. ‘ MA = 3 w 'Im,, Kiteh_|cancelled on the condition that the|that a section of the C.C.F. and the was as a '.: Parish Hall. His mejor meetings| 'A lved | c avia? beagte ~â€"_ * ~|Blant begin operations within three|Communiat party were about to | PlC® from an seemployed mea who will_be towards the ond of next| 1_ I ener, Mark meâ€" months. Intimation was given that the|unite under the colorfal Tim Buck “"::m“' depend upon o s woek when be will mu C | Thursday, October 11â€"Wellesley factory will open in about ten days|with Woodsworth ousted. «LCF. m..:‘ they m“"m market & in on | C and, Linwood. he with _ sbout thirty men being emâ€"|leaders were prompt and vehement | PAY IMt Ne hees Nes ampaitt atipe Friday, 11, ard i the| M eoey aneun 3 "an megnner O |plored. â€" in denying the suggestion. y @epartment. w Town Hall on hm F & actings xz z_ _ Mitchen F. Hepburn, Premier of October‘ ; | ‘ £.30 p.m. LEG FRACTURED, SEEKS â€" |onane, in n | Nâ€"W. SCHOOL TEACHERS w e addresaes | YEAR SENTENG f cnrpgelied A ind CONVENTION TODAY t O , TWO YEAR SENTENCE DAMAGES FROM CITY|°w= province after a busy western The Liberate | ur _ FOR ATTEMPTED THEFT y ::‘:put mmt:“ph“u:ru::.l‘n:l':: Amfluhu&mgah.-w?w.m;nu nnht:unl l : w ns Kitchener â€"The case of negligence times. He said that he regarded|Drincipal of Alexandra School, We Cobetton, thoir | SP NE . â€" E Kitchener.â€"After being . found 7. charged by George | q Sler as the chief opponâ€"|terioo, about 135 public and separate Out., who was W 3 D.N-‘-.- guilty by His Honor, Jndge E. W. elder Ave., is being | ©*"*" fls * school teachers of the Nortk Waterâ€" MI’II? _ fors |ber rd slnce 1917. }r. f Clement on a charge of breaking into | heard County Court before |°"‘ 9 the Liboral party. mepectorate Teachers‘ Tnstitate, |POKerinâ€"Simcoe. â€"â€" (National Press|BEuler compaign | . E the offices of the Sheil Oil Company. | Judge Moran of Stratfora. ts the Loft o‘? :ilei he is secretaryâ€"treagurer, | * "***‘* m He wii hoid im "": . . . the Base of E Courtland Ave., east, on August 6th |Trussie that on April 20 he| Interest in the part that the Reâ€" mmwummnnn=========.===,mi. :“0*.- mm! | last, Sam McDowell, 50, of London tripped i hole in the pavement |conmstruction party plays in the elecâ€" mual convention to be held October ville, and on in Eimire ‘ ‘ + Ont., was eentenced to two years in [as he stepped from a street car at the |toral drama of 1985 continues t0 | 3 ang 4. W. G. Rae, principel of Cenâ€" TAXPAYERS IN ARREARS Next Tuesday, Oct. 8, he will speak Kingston penitentiary on Saturday./corner of King and Gauke! stroets. |grow as the campaign progresses. Reâ€" umwmummmnnmmmi.amuw- Mazy athee and poine, dis ‘ 5 AlthonghthouccnlodukfllmtflA‘arsnuofthenn,hemctumdpomtmnvmm“m“..m nemmmrceâ€"_ Wednesday, October 9, in the marâ€" ‘ fouÂ¥d guilty, he be given a torm in |his ankle and had it in a cast for country indicate that it is drawing Business sessions will be helid on Mâ€"QM:«MMNWHM.QM comferts, and gencerally româ€" ! ; the Guelph Reformatory because he|two months. Due to his weakened "“N“'“‘fl'“"‘"-m-n-w.m;ummmm,mm.mmhum doun cass: are the caure of 4 was the main aupport of his mother, condition, he claims he suffered pneuâ€"| men who have previously shown Ziegier schodol, While in liea of a 80tâ€"| will not lose their bomes in a tax |town and on Fridey, October|Ml nervens diverdere which might } + Judge Clement remarked . that monia. H. Hattin, and E. B. Dowdall little active interest in politics. What ond day of convention the teachers sale Rnext February, as he intenda to llhh:;hdnt-lw [ e prevented so suaiiy?! * . even though it was his first O0fâ€" are plaintiff‘s counsels, and Murray |success they will have in their iniâ€" 'fl'lfi!thmmfih'l--katymmamilhh‘ third candidate in the north | * fence, the prisoner had ample time Bray of Bray and Bray, for city. tial plunge provides fertile ground day, October 4. ‘Those teachers who |for tax tor mmhh\- Waiter, lhel-. 1\; to think before he committed the _â€"â€"__â€"_â€"_________ for speculation. ‘ohp“mwmm"“hmdh"mnm |*bh~~ N“ “““ ! E game. SECOND ARREST MADE IN m;l::‘:lmm:mifl:tfi \-uchnt:&on-ehdwm rears to pay up. nooolt:i-tht omm mm | '_h‘m.:.*_ | { â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€") SHELL OIL THEFT CASE hmlnul‘h‘-' prige g‘t‘.m'm"h“ of ethods ‘u-; achools. m : l-ldl‘"&.tm lfll= sc"'. ! pod etken. & WKifehener. el to the convic | MT. Stevens that "business must KITCHENER PARK BOARD in tax srrears than by forcing a tax c‘ | ‘ tios. of Bam McJowell. of Londog |S°TY® the people: FACES LARGE DEFICIT|1ble to pay anything on their houses Wut do pohdd yar wat diff [E â€" Avpointment ust necesiory. 6 Terraplane William Phipps of Brantford was| I2 his Ontario addresses Mr. Ste Ahonbmmbletin in the last three years. whith uomm womsy dine. cul in I § brought back to Kitchener on Tues |Y®N5 har given his attitude toward| witchenerâ€"Because of the fact e e on viaay of Srento cnd | E. G. FRY \ _ day on a warrant charging him with|fa‘iffs. "I would be glad to extend |nat the city council withhold $4,000 BENEFIT GAME NETS m _ JFordhel beGarl *29 Chevrolet Coach breaking and entering the Shell Oj} |{© A2 industry reasonable protection |of the grant to which the park board PLAYER NEARLY s130e » Conmyofleoon()onrtlndAvam"“‘““~m“mmuummwbh-uvm M ~1) Chiregrectic and Dreglsw 31 Oldsmobile Sedan east 0 August 6th. He will appear in |On to the workers in the form of deâ€" | anther have to conciade their carteat T ~â€" INARD I Theragict 3 ‘31 Buick Coupe police court this afternoon before | °2t living wages," he aaid. year with a large deficit or else clase| . W2tOTIO® _ Tigers gavre way to | a El While much of bis attention has Chatham Colored Al Stars by a J | Wnn St. West Magistrate Blake of Galt, who is preâ€" the city‘s parks for the remainder *28 Nash Coach alding in the absence of Magistrate|been directed to the difficulties of | ofr the year. This was the main gist|*°°C °C 114 0n Saturday in Water | | WATERLOO J. J. A. Weir industrial workers Mr. Stevens is|of a statement given out by Oscer |!?° !® the benefit game for Johnny | s *29 Oldemobile Sedan c cce mm by no means neglecting the fArmM®t.|Lauber, chairmar of the board, re.| MOY®*: Wateri0o player who has outâ€" Phone T68w â€" @ 3t 8 _ Tge intereate of agricuiture must/cently, but he docsn‘t believe that | ‘*"C@4 * 102&thy Miness. Although the ’NlEN . | § S t Hupmobile Sellen Founde f Mill sudotly all other interests," he has / the parks willGave to be closed, addâ€"|5*®° "25 22 bour late in starting, & ‘E oqunder 0 &b ||sna. * Ercensive _ interest . ratee ing that other boards im the past |th® crowd was one of the largest of emmmmmmmmmemmemmmemmemmâ€"eall > â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" crushed tho\nm people and curbed have wiggied through deficits and n season. Wh obvious t 'aa_-__==§ HUDSON (Continued from Page 1) . their l:""’.::‘:{ manufactured "we can do the same". Rach year the m”"‘“mw'“" :'lal."‘-"u of ® s fidmm.::, with n;::rmmmq‘, 'l“h: prol:lle-eo &t. reform and eoâ€" m“n";,'“:,:.:r.::“-“ pays the | (t!"‘y h:l .‘:Il.‘r: After al'l on . eammmmmntaanmiaiantenemsisnteeinnteneestins en E Jacob E. Ratz, Detroit, George K.; cial measures in present cam| deficit penres a expected Moyer > For . . . . : ::: Chev. Stake Truck -MEd?:d:.'.E‘bothotK'fiwb-:. :l:unud;oo:o_z:mu:m..;::,_m‘“‘ mat:tum»mmtam ive Glasses f M ® m" l‘ilrt’um l(nr:.uihry Kauf‘| the policles of the CCÂ¥, J. 8. Footed Again en ts i "THR THAT satuFr 30 Graham Sedan man, Kitchener, Mrs. Henry B.| Woodsworth, leader of the CCF., is & KITCHENER GRID TEAMS ' Schmidt, Toronto, Mrs. Conrad|telling audiences in Menitobe. Enemy at the manceutres: "Yor S See e ; â€" *29 Oakland Coach t are my prisoner." EKE WIN OVER GUELPH : , %nfltit’«. Stratford, and Mrs. John| "Neither m? Minister BenB®tt. |garrsant: "Noneense. How @12 STEELE-S | ‘ e. Liberal lead ackentle nor id e : 28 Pontiac Sedan im ang dorn Ans. ooo ie sn hi. i giavams gourd be m hmoe hi y 4 s Gueiph.â€"Both Junior and Senlor 98 King W. â€" . _ KITCHENER *26 Chevrolet Touring sister, Mrs. Henry Wettlaufer, Preâ€"| on reform if we had not kept these ..‘Mn'" .".'“"‘ Teliow, ar, | ttams of the Kitchererâ€"Waterloo Oof deceased him. questions before the public®, he said, F & you legiate gained victories in a double m e d / The funeral was held Wednesday | Saging «Now j drowned. We biew up that bridge | "52.¢ Di at O.AC. feld here from the Ratzâ€"Bechtel , "Now it is up to you to GO2C | yesterday" regby = . f DOBBIN %urnmoon Home, _ Kitchener, and|"* "®‘"fOrcements. to > on Saterday. mmm. ir | mm to Zi ’Evunru»lictl éhnrch U. 8. Trade Pact sremonmmmmmemmenmummumunumnâ€"susm,, | Chaimplons étarted $ Ga :‘n'li.:vhtoek?ufor service. iInterâ€" Hopes for a settlement of the proâ€" ”m..:““'m.?. f l'age u.::t was ;ule in the adjoining | posed Ulltc:h Statesâ€"Canadian trade &” m hanbrok & cerhetery. rvices were in charge pact before the general election varâ€" rmereuimmnnseumremmmmensernecauge. Phone 3650, KITCHENER BlShute) by mev. i. A, Kelerman: bPth TB (no Uopeita® from here "".E. like =4+coul dE Intin § & Potsucy and Rev: W. . Besss) nver"whte ectale conmtenton‘s | "Wetpeeee $ : Firk eane Subscription y f lacking it is Chicago Cubs q there is Iittle difference between the i # oeooiereemeeneeeemmmmsee ooemmmmemoomccucummuumtcs Dotroit Tigers ...............___.__._.___ 0 ho To w al weecntioy on uies ; Renewals ' . that the pact may be quickly brought Ne e mm mm mm mm mm * s P e f&:nothum..muot::.m‘ m z New Majestic |;=":=ss"<==) | oneam come was toms morn ® f ‘:‘:""“"m"mm‘ i ioi oommmommmammnememe Renow your vabocrription to your newpoper through f e e election. Nee f the Ceciiities ef#ered by The Watericoe at Brandon Premior Bonaâ€" ~wok > "Ceiesl ¢ f Radio Special . Breaking at Brandon Presmi 3 . Chrcanars. ’-uao.-u.-aua.lm: d ooo us € en manrentronmeenennencmencnoonrmmyeoncs was worth a minimam of $8,â€" f 5 Tube Standard Wave, excep. | Cammda® new threeman wheat s S j Waterioo Chronicle and Mail and Empire ... $€.25 J tional selection; 3 gang conâ€" | will buy wheat only from producers "_‘..; | wmm.flhbhrm 1.3 :"Wd S eemer, ariame sak IPotof this youre antionied wap og i Waterico Chronicle and London Advertiser 625 ® , Dynamic fl.-‘-fl' |300,000,000 bushels will be handled W E teed Spray Shield tubesâ€" t Board. The Board‘s entry R ol | atericeo Chronicle and London Free Press 6.25 ‘ J””‘,,,"‘“‘.,_,.""'," o wl‘ s | Waterige Chronicle and Daily Globe ... €.25 i $ 95 Saey thnd attempt "to handle: her | e J a board of aupervisors aet prices. | MMfiMNQfl rnennennemnantmronmennrnnenmteoernertonn fls en o m oo l + .h.“.(‘n“.u‘ | WetkTY SBT .o ns 2Be p " 00 Down uoqt'hwdlt.lln â€" & 4 Ana -‘.L. to eutt cntidems es bolng bomsond "Ig OUR SERVICE AT TOUR DHSPOSAL § your pureés. were 3 the Conservative party. TAEE ADVANTAGE OP . ‘ Seo cour complete line of FURMITURE, 1998 RADIOS, n.m-*~“ * [ wasuInq maciuwEs, srtoves anp Rrugs. Propany" mone" ns conak a e The f 4 + . h..‘mrd‘-fl d&% % e ' Bullas Furniture t ce ce "a | _ Waterloo Chronicle PFhone 4186 * uTcuzxer « 90 Jeooph S¢. «am l » e 1 ) * 3 t “ P m ;- > W ® o & x â€" 4 + * * * & f #» fs: > . 9 butt e o , t ,". x «it ""J pit "14 mio$ s sns L f £ R M <€" t x % ; R > C F ~‘-.'zf‘7w s C Mn “r‘-“:,"; i t m ic s ns t i i omainne .. oi e 3 mbA l ts ioh es iiieniininis stt C itias .255 2 o e n o Om > > â€" . l

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