Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 16 May 1935, p. 4

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"i}li‘u}ke Weicker is spending a few days with her parenta in New Hlamburg. _ _ --â€"I_;'.-_;Po-my Welcker was a business wisitor in Toronto on Monday. Misses Ruth Schiede} and Faith Baird and Mesers. Kenneth Weicker, Clarence, Bob and Glen Schiede} atâ€" tended the Baptist Y. P. Rally at Kaet Missouri on Monday evening. Mr. and Mra. R. L. Roth epent Sunâ€" day with Mr. and Mre. David Flerâ€" ling, Burneide. Mr. and Mrs. G. Lindenechmidt and Mr. and Mre. Bert Lindenâ€" schmidt and family of Stratford visited at Mr. Ed. Schiedel‘s on Satâ€" urday. Rev. and Mrs. Curtis Creseman «pent Sunday with friends at Kitchâ€" ener. Frequent showers during the past two weeks bave insured sufficient moleture to carry the crops along for some time. ‘The cool weather that accompanied the rain, however, preâ€" vented the growing crops from reâ€" ceiving its full beneft. While the precipitation was very welcome it was insufficiently heavy to restore normal conditions to the eubsoil which has been greatly deâ€" pleted of its molsture content by the exceptionally dry summers of 1933 has in the past nine years spent over $20,000 in providingtreatment to physically disabled children with complete recovery to health in a large percentage of the cases. The balance of the evening‘s program was supplied by Bethel. Mr. J. G. Wood conducted the devotional exercises and the choir rendered two selecâ€" tions. Mies Grace Mclntyre, reader, gave several numbers. J. A. Diamond New â€" Mre. leaa¢c Bean spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mra. Mervin Facey. t _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Addis Creseman and family spent Sunday with Mrs. John Shantz near Waterloo. 8 Mr. and Mré. James Mathers of Brantford and Mrs. J. Rabb of Princeton vieited Mr. and Mre. leaac Bean on Monday. Mr. and Mre. Abner Brubacher and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Menno Brubacher and Mr. and Mrs. Epb. Shantz of St. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bean spent Sunâ€" day with the latter‘s parents at Millbank. Miss Mary Ann Baer of Bloomingâ€" dale and Miss Martha Baer of near Plattsville apent Sunday under the parental roof. and 1984. > Men‘s Club Hears Speaker On Aid Of Children. The Bright Circuit Men‘s Club held an open meeting on Monday evening, May 13th, when the guest speaker was a representative of the Woodstock Rotary Club, who gave a resume of the eplendid work carried on in Oxford County by that organiâ€" zation in providing free medical treatment to crippled children. The Woodstock club which at the present time has 33 children under its care, Rev. Wm. Walker had charge of the program, a unique feature of which was its entire rendition by the ladies of the class. Papers on "Women of the Old Testament", "Women of the New Testament‘, and "What Jesus eald about Woâ€" men‘", were read by Mre. A. E. Bean, Mrs. kobert Bean and Mrs. Margaret Facey, respectively. Mrs. Raiph Hilâ€" born contributed a piano eolo and Mre. Ed. Klinckman, "Current Events". Then came eeveral conâ€" tests under the direction of Miss Olive Rudell after which a splendid Junch was served by the hostess and fher essistants. Many Attend Conference. Special Mother‘s Day eervices were held at Bethel United Church last Sunday afternoon when a choir comâ€" posed of mothers rendered suitable music. Rev. P. S. Banes dedicated an address to the mothers of the land while Rev. Wm. Walker gave an inâ€" teresting talk on ‘"The Influence of Fathere". Personals. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Cressman of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Suyder of Baden spent Sunday at Mr. and Mré. Menno Nahrgang‘s. Election of officers took place at Friday‘s meeting with the following officers being elected: President, J. A. Diamond; vicepresident, R. Hil born; secretary, Mré. E. Klinckman; treasurer, Mre. J. G. Wood. Rains Aid Farmers. President Of Bible Class. The Bethel Everâ€"ready Bible Class ° held its firet literary and social meetâ€" _ ing of the season at the home of Mré. ; A. G. Facey on Friday evening, May _ 10th. This clase has held functions â€" of this nature for the past six years,‘l the members alternating in throwing _ open their homes for the meetings . which are held monthly. Despite the | ? fact that these meetings have been carried on for many years the interâ€" ’ll est in them is still unabated and practically very member of the class |. attends. ‘ . Quite a number from this vicinity attended the evening meetings of the Evangelical Conference which was held at New Hamburg last week, and were much impressed by the stirring addresses given by the leaders of that church organization. . Large crowde thronged the local Evangeliâ€" cal church at each session of the conference. Mother‘s Day Observed. "'M-rt aiu'l'Mrs. lvan Creseman and daughter Myrtle spent Sunday with friends in Preston. â€" SOUTHâ€"WEST WILMOT mm(‘o‘- *3] Enser Sedan *3] Buick Coupe ’290Ih~NbSehl %PuuuCoup 96. Pontiac Coach HUDSON â€" TERRAPLANE Dobbin Garage KITCHENER | _ Miss Grace Knechtel of Mannheim spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and ; Mre. Owen Bechtel. | _ Miss Edith Baer spent a week at | the home of her «ister Mra. Ronald Snyder and Mr. Snydor at Waterloo. Mr. Wesley Caulter received on Monday the sad news& of the death of his brother David, at Langley, B.C., laet week. Mra. W. Hawthorne and son Albert has returned home after spending the paét week in Toronto where Mrée. Hawthorne was recelving troatment for her throat. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. â€" Mr. and Mre Burges of Detroit are visiting with the latter‘s aiunt and uncle, Mis« J. Reld and Mr. M Mise Margaret Melrose of Milverâ€" ton aa been eupplying in the Junior room the past couple of weeks for Miss Diana Dorland, who we are <orry to report le on the sick list. Mrs. Arthur Baer of Kitcehner spent Monday at uhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witmer. Sunday visitors at the home of lirs. Simeon Creseman were: Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hallman, Mise Ruby ind Mr. Garland Hallman of Kitch vner and Miss Dorothy Burkholder of near Plattsyille. Muster Roy Diefenbacher of New Dundec spent Saturday with Master Nyle Dietenbacher. Mr. and Mre. J. W. Ward of Hamilâ€" ton, Mra. Jack MeBain of Atwood and Mra, T. Turner of Newton spent Friâ€" day at the home of E. B. Hamilton. Miss Haze! McCallum «pent the weekâ€"end with her aister. Misa Jean MceCollum at Seebach‘s Hill Mr. Henr_\: Curtis of the fifth line «pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Coulter. â€" Miss Vera Fewinge of Weet Montâ€" rose spent the wegkâ€"end with her parent«, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fewings. H. Reid Q.A.C., Guelph last week. | __The Ladies‘ Society of the United Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Feick and Church were pleasantly entertained family epent Thursday evening at 0b Thursday afternoon at the home the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Of Rev. and Mrs. A, A. Laing, Linâ€" Felck at Doon. | wood. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Shantz and _ Miss Nettie Schleuter of Kitchener daughter Doris of Toronto spent Sunâ€"â€" and Miss Alberta Schleuter of St. day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Jacobsâ€" were recent visitors with Alvin Egerdee. | their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Witmer and Schlenter. daugiter Marilyn Vvonne spent Sunâ€"|! _ Sunday visitore with Mr. Sidney day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, , Snxder are Mr. and Mré. Emmanuel Schott at Bridgeport. Lackner and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Has: Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. | enpflug of Kitchener. and Mrs. Lloyd Diefenbacher were: Miss Leiln Reep of Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Eby and family,| visited «everal days of last week the Misses Elsic and Lillian Diefenâ€"| with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ballard. bacher of Kitchener, Mr. and Mre. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Andrews of Maurice Kellsey of Waterloo. Hamilton were last Sunday guests Mrs. W, Scott of Milverton has returned to her home after «pending the past week with Mre. J. Harron and Mr. Robt. Scott. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. O. White were Mr. and Mra._P Coberte of Drayton. Mr. Thos. Hamilton of Chatham ipent the weekâ€"end at hia home here. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Egerdee and granddaughter Irene and Gladys Kurt «pent Sunday with Mr. and Nirs. John Egerdee at Wellesley. Mrs. Mary Strome has returned home after spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Maurice Kellsey and Mr. Kellsey at Waterloo. The Bible Conference beld in the Brethren in Christ Church on Sunâ€" day was well attended locally as well as a number of members from outâ€" @ide districts being presént. Rev. and Mrs.Walter Winger and femily, returned missionaries from Africa, and Miss Auna Steckley, returned missionary from India, were present and gave inspirational messages On Sunday evening. The ministering brethren from outside districts were E. J. Swalm, Alvin Winger, John Nigh and George Sheffer. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Egerdee spent a few days in Toronto last week. Miss Margaret Cressman of Vineâ€" land visited Miss Dorothy Bean, reâ€" cently. Mr. and Mrs. Wn. granddaughter â€" Irene Kurt «pent Sunday Nirs. John Egerdee at Mr. and Mrs. Ross: Miller and daughter Grace spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hilâ€" born at Preston. Miss Vera Hilborn spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hilborn at Preston. Miss Lauretta Boshart and Mr. El don Witmer of Pine Hill spert Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mre Vernon Witmer, ’34 Terrapiane Sedan ’31 Oldsmobile Sedan *20Q Oakland Ceach *3() Austin Coupe *97 Pontiac Sedan ’27 Jewett Coach *06, Oldsmobile Coupe The funeral of the late Mr. Henry Ecketein which was held on Saturâ€" day afternoon was attended by a large number of relatives and friends. The services at the home and Baptist Church, New Dundee, were conducted by Rev. Schade, pasâ€" tor of the church, and assisted by Rey. C. F. Krauth of Kitchener and Rev. Stewart Boehmer of Waterloo. Pallbearers were Mesere. Charles Miller, Arthur Lautenschlager J. W. Armstrong, Lincoln Caseel, Victor Dinger, Wellington Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hallman and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mre. Josiah Cassel at New Dundee. Mrs. Joe Schnarr, Mr. Herb Schnarr and daughter Grace of Kitâ€" chener spent Sunday at the home of ‘Mr. Samuel Sararas. Miss Margaret Stoltz accompanied by Miss Ruth Trugsler of Waldau, atâ€" tended the girls‘ conference at the Q.A.C., Guelph last week. â€" Mr. and Mre. Edwin Feick and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shantz at Nine Pines. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Witmer and {amily spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Shantz at Nine Pines. ROSEBANK MILLBANK King St. West Mis« leabel Scott and Kathleen Scott vielted at Meadowbrook a few daye last week. Visitors at the home of Mr. J. G. Shantz on Sunday were: Mr. and Mre. Garfield Shantz of Freeport, Mr. and Mre. Roy Shantz and daughâ€" ter Ruth and son Roy of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Robinson and son |Floyd all of Toronto and Mr. and ‘AMirs. Robert Hildebrandt of Mitchell. / Mr. Glen MecLeod and Mr. Earl |mtm:m have signed up with the Union Jacks softball league of Linâ€" wood for the coming season. Nine beginnerâ€"pupils have their |tames enrolled on the register of S.S. ‘No, 13, Wellesley. The average atâ€" tendance is now 45. Master Clarence and Elmer Roth and Misa Irfa and Viola Roth epent Sunday with their grandfather, Mr. (‘ N. Roth and Mias Leah Roth. Misa Jean Neileon attended a meetâ€" ing of the Presbytery Young People‘s Union â€" exeentive in | Lietowel on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Stewart and Miss Minnie Brown made a husinesa trip to Woodstock. â€" Boruâ€"To Mr. and Mre. Nelson Heckendorn on May 4, a son. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. George Reinbart Jr., on May 10, a son. ‘The locals teachere, Miss E. Snyâ€" der and Mr. E. Frets escorted the onâ€" trance pupils on a motor trip to Niâ€" agar Falls on Seturday. _ Mr. and Mre. David Reid attended the «ale of Misa Ona Seelhoff last week. Mre. Jack Nelles and daughter Geraldine of Galt returned to their home after apending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scherrer. Mr. Menno Mader made a business trip to Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mre. Orville Shants of Toronto visited with Mr. J. G. Shantz on Monday. Mr. Noah Frey of the 4th of Peel epent Sunday with his mother in town. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Weiler of Waâ€" terlon were Sunday visitore with Mr. and Mrs. Alyin Ottman. Mr. and Mrs. O. Snyder of near Waterloo spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Brubacher. Messre. Donald Garner and Roy Reinhart made a business trip to Toâ€" ronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wideman and litle Miss Allice Wideman spent Sunâ€" day at Smider‘s Corners with Mr. rnd Mrs. Joseph Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Titus Shantz and daughter Anna and Mrs. Allen Weber all of Kitchener visited Mre. Noah Detweiler on Thureday. Mra. William Tyack, Miss Florence Track and Mr. Calvin Tyack visited Sunday evening with Miss Isabel Track and Misa Lonise Huefner of Kitchener. Mr. Allen Break and his daughter Mre. Carroll of Bryn Maur, Calif., renewed acquaintances in the vilâ€" lage last week. Master Bobby Mader spent a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Shants at Riverbank. Rev. and Mre. Pipher of New Dun dee visited with Mr. and Mrs. W Clemens on Monday. The Ladies‘ Aid of the Cressman Mennonite Chifrch met in the church basement for a quilting on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Lichty: and daughter Verna and son Gordon ~pent Sunday with the former‘s broâ€" ther, Mr. Ben Lichty at Strassburg. Mr. Albert Geiger of Kitchener visited at the home of hts sister, Mré. Menno Mader and Mr. Mader. Sunday visitore with Mr. Sidney Snyder are Mr. and Mré. Emmanuel Lackner and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Has: enpflug of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Andrews of Hamilton were last Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Menno Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Heckendorn and soun of Kitchener have taken up residence at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geach. Mr. and Mra. Joe Simmone and daughter, Mrs. W. Shields and chilâ€" dren, Jean and Bruce motored to Vineland on Sunday. The managers and trustees of Hawkesyille United Church were present at the board meeting held in Crosshill United Church on Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. iArthur Lithgow of Thedford Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Menno Mader. _ Miss Bessie Snyder and Mr. Elgin Fretz spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mader. Rev. Oscar Burkhoider conducted the funeral service for Mrs. Dr. Muâ€" maw at Kitchener on Sunday. Mrs. Yates of Kitchener visited with Mrs. Noah Detweiler on Monâ€" day evening. â€" There are two C.N.R. gangs workâ€" ing on the railway bridge, painting the steel and putting new timbers on the top. Miss Marie Burkholder of Preston visited with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. 0. Burkholder on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cressman and daughter of Toronto spent Sunday which the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mi«. Noah Cressman. Mr. and Mre. Norman Detweller and family of Riverbank Sundayed at the home of Mrs. Noah Detweiler. Rev. Oscar Burkholder conducted the funeral service of Mr. Wm. schisler at Ki:chener on Wednesday. Mr. Wm. Habermeh] and daughter Barbara and son Moses motored to Bowmanville where they spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Colmer. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Brohman and family and Miss Nora Heer motored to Niagara Falls on Sunday. Miss Elvina (Cressman of Preeton «pent Saturday® with her mother, Mrs. Joe Cressman. HAWKESVYILLE FERNBANK Mre. Abrah Shantz, Meeers. Harry, Nile and Cameron Shants and Misa Jewel Shantz and Pearl Shantz apent Sunday with friends at Bres}ai Mr. and Mrs, John Cray and sons Howard and Clarence, who have been residenta here for the past three yeare. have moved to Ingersoll, where they have taken up realdence. Mr. Cray and Howard have employâ€" ment at that place. Bornâ€"â€"To Mr. and Mre. Areli E. Shantz, on May 2nd, a daughter. Mias Dorothy RBurkholder &pent Sunday with frienda at New D&ndee. Mre. Lydia Snider and two sons Cyrenous and Clayton, Miss Goldie Bowman and Miss Margaret Snyder all of near West Montrose, Mr. Kéâ€" ward Somers of Winterbourne and Mr. and Mrs. Rdwin B. Snider of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. and Miss Ruby Brown, who has been on an extended visit with her grandâ€" parents, Mr. and Mre. R. Brown, has returned to her home at Oxford Centre. Fellow pupile will misa Ruby. Mre. Aaron Pannabaker of Hesâ€" peler is visiting her sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Burnett Sr. + Mrs. Norman Wright of Detroit is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mre. Jas. Mitchell. Deceased was in his 74th year and «pent the greater part of his life in this vicinity on a farm on the 12th concession, Jater retiring to the vilâ€" lage about a year ago, making many friends and was e«pecially popular with the young men of the town and will be missed. He was the oldest son of Robert HMarmer and Sarab Hagen, who predeceased him a num:â€" ber of years ago, his father having been killed 51 years ago by a train while walking on the railroad track at Bright. Two brothere, Edwin and Andrew of the village and Susan (Mre. S. MacDonald) and Mre. Gow of Ayt survive. Sympathy of the community ie exâ€" tended to the Harmer family in their recent bereavement. Messrs. Arthur and Hugh Wright ot Detroit called on friends here on Sunday. The Sunday School of the Uniteu Church, Plattsville, had charge of the service in the church, Sunday, May 12th, at 11.15. Mr. F. Barrett, the superintendent, conducted the cervice. A choir eomposed of the boys and girle led in the worship of praise. Helen Hopper was at the piano. Frank Parkhouse gave the message on the subject,. "Use the Gilts you H@\'e". A pleasing feature of the service was the introduction by Mr. D. Stauffer of Rev. Mr. Mori, a native of Japan. Mr. Mori won a «cholarship in his native «ountry that entitled him to a threcâ€"year term in a University in Canzada. He attended the University of Pinehill in Halifax and sraduated following the term jus finished. He intends returning to Japan and being ordained and takâ€" ing up the work of a Christian Minâ€" jicter among his own people. He spoke very highly of the hospitality of the Canadian people, He sang i\ his native Janguage, "Jesus loves me, this I know". Quite a large number of friends and relatives attended the funeral of the late Charles Henry Harmer, which was held on Friday afternoon, May 3rd from the family residence on Main Street. A private service was held at the house followed by service at the Plattsville United Church. Rev. A. E. Hopper officiated, assisted by Donald Pratt. During the service the latter sang, "All I Want Is Jesus". The remains were taken to Washington where interâ€" ment was made in the family buryâ€" ing plot. The pallbearers were A. Eckel, Geo. Waite, T. J. Scott, John McKie, Alex. Pratt and R. Wright. Messrs. Henry Hamilton, Chas. Smith and Geo. Holmwood and Miss Maggle Hamilton all of Guelph called on relatives and friends on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Burnett and Mre. Aaron Pannabaker visited on Sunday with Mr. Wm. Hamilton who is ill at the home of his daughter, Mr. and Mre. Frank van Norman, Eramosa A party was held by the members of the Evangelical Church, Heldel berg, at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ed. Kaufman in honor of Mr. and Mrs. George Berge of Ayr. Before her marriage, Mre. Berge (nee Alice Kaufman) attended the Heidelberg Church. She was presented by the members of the church with a silver set. The evening was epent in a soâ€" cial way followed by delicious reâ€" freshments. Fellow pupils of Gray Nurse of the 12th concession of Blenheim regret much his serions ilInese at the Woodâ€" stock Hospital, where he was taken last week for treatment for appenâ€" dicitis. Best wishes are extended for an early recovery. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mre. J. M. Shantz were: Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Shantz and daughter Marlene of Kitchener, Mr. Jonas Bingeman of Bloomingdale, Mr. Anson Fletcher of Northbrook, Mr. Ervin Bingeman of Washington, Mr. Ervin Ellis of Gilbertplanes, Manitoba, Miss Veroâ€" nica Bingeman of Kitchener and Mrs. George Harrison. Mr. 8, J. Glavin of Toronto made a bu:siném call here on Thursday, Mise Laura Kieswetter was in Kit chener on business on Saturday. Mr. Sidney Everatt of Watford made a call in the village recently. Sundey visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seraphim Kieswetter were Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Henhoetâ€" fer of Waterloo, Miss Anna Scheffâ€" ner, Miss Marie Kuntz, Mr. Clarence Kuntz. Mrs. Henry Gremm of Waterloo spent Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Bach and Mr. Bach. Mrs. J. McKie of Stratford was a recent visitor at the home of Miss Belle and John McKie. At the Sunday evening service in the United Church a choir of twenty of the ladies of the Church led in the worship of praise. Mrs. W. Ferâ€" guson at the organ. The pastor, Rev. A. E. Hopper gave the message on motherhood from the text, "The faâ€" ther and I have sought thee sorrowâ€" ing." < Mrs. Ervin of Toronto visited reâ€" cently with her mother, Mrs. Sipes. PLATTSVILLE BAMBERG Mieses Lorraine, Grace. Gladys and Dorothy Schiedel of Waterloo caled on their friend, Miss Elale Marâ€" tin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Snider were Sunday gmneeta at the home of the latter‘s alater, Mra. Jacob Shantz and Mr. Shantz of Baden Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Schiedel and daughters of Waterloo called on Mr. and Mre. Clarence Wismer on Sunâ€" day evening. Misse« Eva and Hazel Battler of Williameburg spent Sunday with their friends, Misses Merle, Betty and Fern Holtzhaver. Mr. David Bearinger of German The communion se Mill« and Mr. Isaiah Creseman re | Weber Mennonite Ch turned to their homes on Thursday | day afternoon was lat evening after apending a week‘a vaâ€" Bishop 8. M. Kanagy cation on a motor trip to Northern charge of the aervice Misses Ermina and Gladye man «pent Sunday evening their friends, Misses Reta and jorie Cressman Junior Women‘s Institute of New Dundee was held at the home of the president, Miss Elizabeth Reist, Mr. and Mrs. Manasseh Cressman and family and Misa Ruby Boshart of Pine Hill were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mre. Sam Jutzie at Williameburg. on fiond:‘ evening. The meeting was opened by singing the Institute Ode, and an account of the Jil’ll' conference, which was hel at Guelph last week, was given by Miss Ruth Trussier and Miss Marâ€" garet Stoltz, who were the deleâ€" gates. The roll call was "A daily courtesy". :‘rw on "A Girl and Her â€" Perso Appearance" . was given by Miss Dorothy Newberry. The officers for the following year were elected, which are as follows: President, Jean Toman; 1st viceâ€" president, Elizabeth Reist, 2nd viceâ€" &ruidcnt. Cora Stager; sec.â€"treas., nrmel Stoltz; assistant, Dorothy Newberry ; press _ correspondent, Alta Stoltz; pianist, Muriel Poth; District Director, Mrs. Hah Sararas; ‘luditors, Ruby Bechtel and Priscilla Gildner; directors, Ethel Kinzie, Irene Sherk, Ruby Bechtel and Mary Francis. The meeting was closed by singing "God Save the King" and lunch was then served. Personals. Misses Merle Holtzhauer, Marjorie Creeaman and Ruth Feick epent Satâ€" urday afternoon with their friend Gladys Bauman. * \Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and~Mrs. Neil Wanner were: Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Wanner and on Russel of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Telford Broadhecker and son Ward of Roseâ€" ville, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wanner and family and Mr. and Mre. Milford Pol] of New Dundee. Mr. and Mre. Alvin danghters of Waterloo guests at the home of Fred Aemussen. Misees Vera and Verna Bechtel of the Plains spent Sunday with their friendé, Misses Ruth and Doris Feick. Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Eby and chilâ€" dren called on Mr. George Trussler and at Oscar Trussler‘s on Sunday. Mrs. Lloyd Snider and Misa Araâ€" belle Snider called on Mra. Clarence Wismer on Wednesday. â€" Mr.: and Mrs. Otto Dahmer and son Stewart of Kitchener, Miss Marie Dubrick and Mr. Gordon Erdman of Waterloo spent Sunday at Ed. Dubrick‘s. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schreiber and son Glenn of Roseville spent Sunday at Ezra Becker‘s. o A few from here attended the Mother‘s Day service at the Roseâ€" ville U.B. Church on Sunday eveâ€" ning. _ 0 s ol _ Rev. Evan Sider of Mannheim visited at Isaiah Eby‘s on Friday and at Ezra Becker‘s.on Monday. _ Personals. Mrs. Ida Wiemer spent the week en with friends at Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spaetzel and family of Vineland visited at Ezra Becker‘s on Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Reist spent last Thursday at Guelph where she atâ€" tended the Junior Institute Conferâ€" ence. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dubrick and Miss Geraldine Dubrick visited with Milton Snider‘s at Elmira last Sunâ€" day. s e s Miss Evelyn Wells spent Sunday at Henry Becker‘s. _ _ â€" Mrs. Henry Becker has been spending several days at Morley Battler‘s. 6 Mrs. George Richardson spent Sunâ€" day with Mr. and Mrs. Omer Hastâ€" ings, and daughter of Listowel. Mecsrs. Thos. Wilford and Firman Ward, Ruby Ward attended the Y.P.S. Rally held in Harriston Monâ€" day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Birmingham spent Sunday with friends in Stratâ€" ford. Mr. and Mre. George Glaister, Marâ€" vey MacPherson, .Mrs. A. Bigam, Mrs. R. Poster, Miss Laura, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rennie visited friends in Linwood Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Gascho and family of New Dundee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John R. Albrecht and family. «pent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilford and son John H. Rennie in Kitchener. Miss Marjory Smith of Palmerston apent a few weeks with her grandâ€" mmother, Mrs. John Richardson, Misses Jean and Jessie Hammond altended the meeting in Kitchener Tuesday evening, arranging for the judging contest to be held in New Dundee in June, Mrs. M. Israel of Kitchener sgdent Sunday with her daughter, rs. Ezra Becker. Bornâ€"May 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Moriey Battler, a daughter. The Y.P.S. of Boyd Church will hold their May meeting at the home of Miss Eva Ballard Thursday evenâ€" ing, May 16. Mrs. Thos. Birmingham, Mre. A. Bigam, Mrs. Foster, Miss Laura Faster and Mrs. L. Rennie attended the WM.S. annual meeting of the Gnelph Presbytery in Guelph on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Petch of Kitch ener visited at the home of John L Hammond on Sunday. > Mesers. Allan Glaister and John Lather each had the misfortune to lcse a valuable horse with indigesâ€" tion last week. * WILLIA ELECT 1985 OFFICERS STRASBURG CROSSHILL Schiedel and were Sunday Mr. and Mro. with Marâ€" Sunday evening gneste with Mr and Mre. Theodore Howald were Mrs. John Waltera, Mrs. Oscar Lauber and daughtera Irene and Marjorie of Kitchener. The communion servicee at the Weber Mennonite (Church on Sunâ€" day afternoon was largely attended Bishop 8. M. Kanagy of Blair had Ontario. The men were very forâ€" tunate coming home with the same air in their tires as when they left, travelling around 2400 mile«. The men reported «eeing some wonder ful land and beautiful country Rev. and Mr® Simon Martin and family called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kden Bechtel at the Plaine on Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Milne and daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Albert Holsworth in Petersburg Mias â€" Marjorie Rellinger vieited with her cousin Miss Hallman on Sunday evening. Miss Wdith Schlichter spent Sunâ€" day at her home near New Dundee. Miss Estelle Haycock of Waterloo spent the weekâ€"end with friends in the village. Miss Ruth Devitt accompanied friends to Toronto for a few daye te cently. Bornâ€"To Mr. and \re. Hubert To man, on May 13th, a daughter. Misg leabelle Cleland of Ayr was a guest of Miss Bessie Hope last Wednesday George _ Hodgins _ visited _ with frieuds in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. APbert Gooding and daughter Isabel of Plattsville were Sunday visitors at Eph. Fries. Miea Edith Bachert RN., of St Catharines is spending a short time with her parents and friends in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider and family were Sunday gueste with the former‘a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Snider of German Mills. Mre. Addison Richert called on Mtrs. Theodore Howald on Sunday evening. Mice Stella Shants, Galt, spent Sundsy at the home of Mr. and Mre. Irvine Porrin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shrieber and son Glenn spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mré. Ezra Becker, Wilâ€" liameburg. Mr. V. Bingeman of Kitchemer spent Friday at Stanley Hilborn‘s. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Milne journeyed to Elmira on a busine«s trip on Monâ€" day. Mr. and Mré. Gordon Morden and baby, Durwood, of Platteville, called at the home of Mrs. J. B. Bricker on Saturday evening. The members and friends of the U.B. W.M.A. were in charge of a special service in the U. B. Church on Sunday evening. Mrs. F. Pitman of Kitchener gave an address based on the eubject "Gifts". Outside talâ€" ent who helped with the program were: a solo.by Mrs. M. F. Snyder, New Dundee and readings by Mrs. C. W. Shelly of Paris and Mrs. Cranâ€" ston Hallman, Plattsville. Sunday visitors at Willlam Detâ€" weiler‘s were: Mrs. F. Stabl, Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Lang &nd daughters of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGurn and son, Jackie of Guelph. Among those who attended the General â€" Conference of the Evanâ€" gelical church held in New Hamburg during last week were: Mr. and Mrs Melville Vietch, Rev. W. H. Wagner, Mre. Lawrence Fried, Mrs. Allen Fried, Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Latsch and daughter Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Detweiler. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Schwindt and family altended the services of the Evangelical Conference at New Hamâ€" burg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hilborn and daughters â€" visiter in â€" Eloru â€" last Thursday. J Rev. and Mre. Eimer Becker and family of Kitchener were visitors at he home of the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Becker on Saturâ€" day. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Latsch and daughter, Doris, were visitors in St. Catharines last week. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shrieber were: Miss Margaret Shrieber of Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shrieber, Greenfleld, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Shrieber of Port Elgin. Mrs. Allen Fried, Mrs. _ Kdgar Latsch and daughter Dorig called at the homes of Harry Brodhaecker and Mrs. George Hussey, Dickie Settlement, Jast Monday afternoon. Roy Swartz was a visitor at his home in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Dahmer of Waterloo and Mrs. John Techithart ot Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kurt on Sunday. Mrs. Josiah shantz and Mr. Baxter of Calgary, Alta., called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Devitt on Satâ€" urday evening. # Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Bachert were: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bachertâ€" and family, Miss Nellic Bachert of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Witmer and daughâ€" ter June. Mr. Bert Bachert and Miss Beatâ€" rice Rickert epent the weekcend with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Terbit and daughter Dorothy of Detroit, Mich.. were weekâ€"end ‘guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kurt. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Levi Hallman, were Mr. and Mré Leslie Hallman and family of Hes peler. _ Mr. Ward Weber of Waterloo spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Weber, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Shelly and son Billy of Paris were guests of Mrs. J. B. Bricker on Sunday. Mother‘s Day was observed in the local churches on Sunday. Several from here attended the various programs of the Musical Festival held in Kitchener the pact week. Henry Tunonen spent Sunday at his home in Palmerston. Mr. Milton Schwindt spent Sunday a‘ his home in this village. Miss â€" Eileen â€" Heimbecker | «pent Sunday with friends here. Mr. and Mis. Levi Holm and eons visited in Plattaville on Snnday. Miss Bernice Howald passed the weekâ€"end at her home here. Mrs. Eileen Lautenschlager visitâ€" ed with friends at New Dundes on Sunday. MANNHEIM Mrs. Selina stanfer spent a few days the pasl week with her daughâ€" ter, Mre. Reist of Kitchener. Mrs. Herman Koelln spent a few days the past week at the home of her daughter, Mre. John Dierlamm of Waterino. Mr. and Mrs. fon Martin and little cone spent Saturday evening in Riâ€" mira. Mr and Mre Elmo King and fam:â€" ily of Alma were Sunday viaitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jack«on Quite a number from this locality attended the May .Pair held in Elmira on Monday Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. am| Mrâ€". Norman Matthews were Mr. and Mrs. Josh. Hilborn of Hollen, Mise Evelyn Kelly of Winfield and Mr. and Mre. Elwyn Cherry and son Billy of Glenallan An interesting sermon was preached by Mr. Moses Roth of Bean‘s Church at the A. M. Church, lith line on Sunday evening. The «nbject being "Mother". The church was« filled to capacity. Quite a number from this vicinity attended the funcral of the late Mrs. Rudy Yantzi at Baden on Monday. A very interesting Mother‘s Day program was given by the departâ€" ment of Instruction at the weekly meeting of the E.L.C.E. on Monday evening. Miss Agnes Brubaker, the convener of this department, was in charge. A cong service conductâ€" ed by the chorister, Gordon Henrich, wits heartily entered into, followed by a season of prayer and the scripâ€" ture reading by Mary Sittler, then a wong by Misa Agnes Brubaker‘s Sunâ€" day School class with Gladys Hollingâ€" er at the piano; a reading by Miss Rosy sSuily: the topic by Miss Norma Bird; another chorus by Mre. Gorâ€" don Hollinger‘s sunday School class with Mrs. Hollinger accompanying on the piant, and instrumental music on the piano by Carl Wahl concluded a very enjoyable program. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mre. Aaron Helmuth were: Mr. and Mrs. Jue Gerber and daughter Ruth and son Norman, Misses Ida and Mattie Gerber, and Mr. Jacob Gerber, all of Millbank Mr. Werner Brodrecht on the 17th line is laid up with pneumonia. We w[s!: him a quick recocery. Mr. David Yunker of New Ham:â€" bure «pent Sunday under the parentâ€" al roof. Mesers. Gordon Hollinger, C. J. Trapp and J. G. HMurst attended the Liberal convention at Waterloo on Saturday. Mrs. C. B. Schmidt of Lisbon spent Wednesday last week with her danghter, Mrs. Allan Otto and Mr. Otto. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stroh and sons Russel. Lester and Donald were sunday visitors at the home of Mr. Herman Lebuteki. Mr. Ro«« Wahl of our local C.N.R. Station is relieving the agent at the Wiarton Station. the latter being on the «ick list. The Micses Ftora and Carla Dettâ€" mer and Miss Rolina Wagner of Kitâ€" clener spent the weekâ€"end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Schaner. Phone 2777w. 50 Ontario St. 8. KITCHENER A that will interest Y O U ! Whiffietree Hooks Build a set of Wedgewood Dishes by purchasing merâ€" chandise in this store and receiving value coupons. H.K. WILHELM START NOW! 39 King S. â€" _ Phone 408 Fishing Tackle Kitchen Stools Lawn Mowers Wire Screens Lawn Rakes Dairy Pails Flashlights ORDON‘S OOD Satisfy EAST ZORRA WATERLOO, ONT. ST. JACOBS YATTON Lanterns Wagons Shovels Forks Pails

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