Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 16 May 1935, p. 3

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Over 300 Members from Distant Provincial Centres Attend Public Speaking Finals. Eight Orators of Luther League At St. Jacobs The village was ewarming with Luther Leaguers from the length and breath of the province including Montreal. Some 300 members from 23 districts met here in the O. J. Smith banquetting ball to hear the young orators who entered as conâ€" testants. Eight young men and woâ€" men did their best (and al did well) to secure the coveted prize. Subjects Varied The following discoursed on the various subjects chosen by the con: testants. Mr. Karl Wahl of Water: 100, subject, "A Century of Proâ€" gress"; Miss Lois Pelz of Preston, subject, "Christian Prayer"; Miss Louise Toney, Welland, on "Emoâ€" tions"; Mr. Lyle Benson, Montreal, "Dreamée"; Mr. Clarence Lang, Sulliâ€" van, on "Pioners of our Church in America"; Mr. Bert Paige, Bridgeâ€" port, on "Are We Worthy of Citizenâ€" ship"; Miss Verona Rudolph of Hamâ€" ilton, subject, ‘"Consolidating World Peace"; Mr. Robert Thomas of Chesâ€" ley, had as his subject, "Luther as a Writer of Hymns", _ â€" The judges were Prof. Carl Klinck of Waterloo College, Mra. C. R. Philp of Kitchener and Rev. Arthur Buehâ€" low of Galt. They had a difficult task to perform as all the tenâ€"minute deliveres were excellent. Music Enjoyed During the period the judges were in session a musical program was rendered. The Ebel sisters of Kitchâ€" ener sang a quartette, "At the End of a Perfect Day". Miss Helen Cress of St. Jacobe gave a piano aolo, ‘‘Tarantella"; a xylophone selection, "The Mocking Bird" was given by Mr. Marvin Smith with Miss Ada Smith at the piano. Winners Named Mr. Karl Wahl was given first place among the young orators reâ€" celving a gold ring and Miss Lois Pelz secured second place receiving a ellver ring. Rev. Fisher Speaks In the evening a service was held in the church. Rev. E. J. Fisher of Walkerton delivered an address of RCCT . 2s . ; J 1.00 MUTUAL [IFE m m oPr CAaANAdA m WATERLOO Established 1869 ONTARIO A Life insurance Polisy for the Average Man (The sanual Eâ€"-â€"'..â€"_ $1,000 at ago 25 is $19.16 and ago 30 822. Pcâ€"-:he udJ :---lh)-:.--dh-d-o%. If you are a man with an ST. JACOBS Other sizee equaily lowâ€"priced For 96 King W. wmaee h"- am income and life i aacfestp3 2.';:: 19 1235 gl::l 19 13'25 Inexpensive Glasses "THE KIND THAT SATISFY" Goodyear‘s Sensational Modernâ€"Traffic Tire Built for the increased demands of quick getâ€" away, high speeds, sudâ€" den stopsâ€"already tested by thousands of Canadian carâ€"owners in long, hard service. _ STEELES _ Standard (4â€"ply) Gâ€"3‘s are reasonably priced as follows: on sunday. Sunday guests of \Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thoms and family were Mr. and Mrs. Bert ‘Stahie and son Walter, Mr. Ruppel and Miss Roy of Hamilâ€" ton and the Misses Alice and Ethel Stahle and Miss Pfanner of Waterâ€" J00. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kerchner and family epent Sunday afternoon in New Hamburg. . an educational character to the young leaguers to a congregation which overflowed into the school room where loud speakers carried the voice of the «speaker to the audience. The silver shield this year went to the Waterloo St. John‘s group. The two choirs rendered special music during the evening service. A trio from the junior choir, Misses Helen Cress, Helen Schaner and Mildred Thoms sang two numbers, "Something for Jesus" and Saviour Breathe an Evening Blessing". The senior choir contributed two An: thems. "Oh be Joyful to the Lord" and "Praise oh Praise the Lord". The evening service was preceded by a 15â€"minute organ recital by Mr. O. J. Smith. Personals. Mr. John G. Halhn and son Russel motored to â€" Torouto on Monday where the former looked after the selling of cattle he shipped on Satâ€" urday. $ Mr. and Mrw. Andcow Waht and son Carl visited the former‘s sister in Meldetberg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hemmerich of Winterbourne were Sunday visiâ€" tors of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Good. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Ernst and son Kenneth of Burlington were Sunday gitests of Mr. Solomon Ehy. Mrs. John Hahn and danghter, Mrs. Donald Davia visited in Heidelâ€" berg on Sunday. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thoms and family on Saturday were Mir. and Mrs, Arthur Stahle, Mr. and Mra. Lawrenee and daughter and Mr. Everett all of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stahle of Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brubacher acâ€" companied Mr. and Mrs. Ornan Snyâ€" der of Bloomingdale to Hawkesville on sunday. Mr. and Mré. Menno Brubacher of the Three Bridges visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eby on Sunday. â€" â€" Mr. and Mrs, David B. Sauder of Bloomingdale visited at the home of Mrs. William Westfall on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra B. Martin of See E.Iu:.:l 20 13'50 5.25 x 18 14'75 KITCHENER The following is the schedule of CONTBT PROVB the g:mes to ‘be played by the New: Dundee Softball team this season: + May 21â€"New Dundee at Blair. May 23â€"New Dundee at Doon. May 28â€"New Dundee at Roos Hill. orrnrnpnnnimmmnane ons May 30â€"Blair at New Dundee. New Hamburg Readers Given| jun? $ No, '}’,f.'fia'e'.’:i"m“'m?fl:: Opportunity to Win Cash June 11â€"New Dundee at Ayt. Awards. June 13â€"Roos Hill at New Dundee. _ June 18â€"Doon at New Dundee. This week someone in the New June 20â€"Dumfries at New Dundee. Hamburg district has the opporâ€" June 25â€"Roos {H1ll at New Dundee. tunity of winning a three dollar cash June 27â€"Ayr at New Dundee. prize offered by The Waterloo July 11â€"Dickie Settlement at New Chronicle for the best arranged set Dundee. of answers to the "Do You Know" _ July 16â€"New Dundeé at Roseville. articles. There is nothing hard about July 18â€"New Dundee at Dickie the contest and five minutes of the Settlement. eusiest of work will make you €lig~ New Hamburg Baptist Mission ible for the prize. Circle Presents Splendid Program. _ The rules are simple. The conâ€" _ The members of the New Hamburg test concists of news etories that apâ€" Baptist Mission Circle presented a pear in The Waterleo Chronicle each program at the Baptist Church on ending with a question. The articles Tuesday evening of last week. The i“.“ you about what services Are of< president, Mrs. Norman Hostetler lered hy worthy firms. and the quesâ€" was in charge of the meeting which tions aek something pertaining to the opened with a song service. Pealm iulllt‘t*l'nq that the stories describe. 23 was read in unison after which ‘This does not mean that it is a guessâ€" Mrs. FR. Cookson and Mre. N. Hoâ€" ing. contest, There is ho guessing stettler rendered a piano duet. Miss l;n all. It is necessary for you to call Baner guve a reading on "Labrador", the firms and ask them for the an which was followed by a number by swer, then arrange your answers in the Ladies Trico composed of Mre. the most artistic, original or clever N. Hosteltler and the Misses Mabel ’munner and bring or mail them to and Nettie Schullz. Mrs. F. Cookson The Waterloo Chronicle "Do You contributed a piano solo and an inâ€" Know" editor. Prizes are awarded to teresting feature of the evening was ill,.- contcetants who submit the best a playlet entitled, "Bearing The arranged answers not the best an Cross". Following _ the â€" program Iflw::r.;, for all answers, if correct @re dainty refreshments were served by ’ah-- same. By "best arranged" is the imnembers of the local Mission cmeant cleverness of constraction.. Circle. This may be accomplished ‘by print Former Teacher Obtains B.A. Degree. ,illg the answers or writing them it _ ‘ghe many friends of Miss Elizaâ€" !n)]m\-râ€"oz putting them in the fOM peth R. Wood, a former teacher at | nf_poriryâ€"â€"of elipning the stories the Jocal Continuation School will and posting them upon sheets with he pleaged to learn that she has reâ€" pictnrea in keeping with the servic® peived her Bachelor of Arts degree they describeâ€"or in any Way th& | from Queen‘s University, Kingston, you may wish to construct them. af the Convocation, which was held These are merely euggestions, h()w- last Wednesday. ('\c.-r. Originality is the deciding Mother‘s Day Services. factor 1 GMECS SÂ¥ edhnenl en repectie ces nla Look through thia issue right this moment. call the firms and get the anowers, artange your answers as yon wish and send them in. You may be this week‘s winner. the Three Bridges spent Sunday in Markham. Mr. Noah Sauder spent the weekâ€" end with friende in Hawkesville. Mr. Nuthaniel E. Martin visited with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Metzager at Glen Allen on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Martin spent Sunday wth Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Creséâ€" man at Yatton. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mra. John Thoms were Miss Alvina Thoms, Mrs. Charles Lebutski, Mr. and Mrs. #vers and Mrs. Littler all of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Dilman Brubacher visited with Mr. and Mre. Ephraim Shocmaker in Pilkington on Sunday. Mr_ and Mra. Henry Weber of Conestogo were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Oberholtzer and Mr. and .Mre. Lorne Oberholtzer of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mre. George B. Oberholtzer on Saturday. Mrs. Levi Lichty and daughter Miss Leah visited in Waterloo with Mrs. Ion Snyder on Saturday. S Mr. and Mre. Moses Good of New Hamburg and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shantz, Waterloo, were Sunday visiâ€" tors of Mr. and Mre. Simeon Martin. Mr. Abram Brubacher visited with Mr. and Mra, Irvin Sittler on the 3rd of Peel on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bowman were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. David M. Snider, Hawkesville, on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Tilman Frey «pent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Aaron Metzger of Yailon. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra A. Martin visit ed with friends in Peel on Sunday. Quite a nmumber attended the funâ€" eral of the late Mra. Henry Schmidt at St. Jacobs on Sunday afternoon. We are sorry to hear Mre. George Brown is on the sick list. Mis« Delphine Bierman of Waterâ€" oo spent Thursday with her parents. Mr. and Mre. Edward Schnarr and «ons Lenard, Raiph and Morrie, Mr. Augnet Schnart and Mr. Pius Helm visited with Mr. and Mrs. Engene Dietrch at Josepheburg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Fritz, son Carl and daughters Mary and Doris visited with Mr. and Mrs. John We ber at Shakespeare. Mrs. Wilfred C. Schaefer and chilâ€" dren of Kitchener apent several days with her parents. ERBSVILLE The funeral of the late Mr. Heary Eckstein, which was held at the Baptist Church last Saturday afterâ€" noon, was very largely attended. Rev. C. F. Kraut of Kitchener and Rev. Stuart Boehmer of Waterio0. ‘The choir and the male quartgtte composed of Messrs. Weston Saraâ€" ras, Lincoln Cassel, Anson Lang and Wellington Becker sang appropriate numbers. ‘The pallâ€"bearers were: Mesers. Victor Dinger, Wellington Becker, Charles Miller, Wilfred Arm. strong, Lincoin Cassel and Arthur Lautenachlager. Thére were many beautiful _ floral _ tributes _ which showed the high esteem in which the late Mr. Ecketein was beld. Interâ€" Funeral Service Of The Late Mr. Henry Ecketein Largely Attonded. ment was made in the New Dundee Union Cemetery. Softball Schedule. 8 â€" Cross". _ Following the program dainty refreshments were served by the inembers of the local Mission Circle. Former Teacher Obtains B.A. Degree. The many friends of Miss Elizaâ€" beth R. Wood, a former teacher at the local Continuation School will be pleased to learn that she has reâ€" ceived her Bachelor of Arte degree from Queen‘s University, Kingston, at the Convocation, which was held last Wednesday. NMother‘s Day Services. The Mother‘s Day service as pre seribed by the Ontarin Religious Education council was held at the United Brethren Sunday School on Snniday morning. Mré Albert Fiederâ€" lein, the mother of the youngest member of the Cradle Roll departâ€" ment was presented with a bouquet of snapdragons during the service. Rev. G. D. Fleming delivered a epeâ€" cial Mother‘s Day «ermon, folowing the Sunday School hour and a numâ€" ber of musical gelections were given. A large basket of tulips were placed in the church by Mrs. A. Hilborn in memory of her mother, the late Mrs. J. Reichard. The special program outlined by the Onltario â€" Religions Education Council was held at the Baptist Sunâ€" day School on Sunday morning in observance of Mother‘s Day. Bouâ€" qnets of daffodils were presented to Mrs. J. (C. Smith and Mrs. Manson Battler, the oldest and youngest moâ€" ther« in the Sunday School. Communion service was held at the M.B.CC. Church on Sunday mornâ€" ing with the Presiding Elder, Rev. C. N. Good of Kitchener in charge. The annual miseionary rally of the Wilmot â€" township â€" Sunday â€" School Aesociation will be held at the New Dundee Baptist Church on Sunday afternoon, May 19th, at 2.30 o‘clock. Meetings of Young People‘s Organizations. \[r V. E. Dinger presided at the B.Y:P.U. meeting which was held at the church last week. The ecripture lesson was read by Mr. Gardner Einâ€" wachter â€" after â€" which the topic, "India" was given as follows: ‘"The Common Life of India", by Mr. Wesâ€" ton Sararas; and ‘"The Religion of India", by Mr. Wilfred Armstrong. A micisonary pageant wae presented by the Misses Ruby Bechtel, Irene Sherk and Dorothy Koehler and a vocal duet, "Precione Hiding Place", was given ‘by Miss Doris Bechtel and Mr. Anson Lang. The regular meeting of theU.B.C.E. Society was held at the home of Dr. and Mre. W. S. Foote last Wednesday evening. The topic, "Hymn Study" was in charge of Mrs. G. D. Fleming and the origin of several wellâ€"known hymns was given by varlous memâ€" bere. Piano solos were rendered by Mrs. Foote and Misa Ellen Page. Mr. Eldon Sherk, President of the M.B.C. Young People‘s Society, occuâ€" pied the chair at the semiâ€"monthly meeting which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Schwase last week. The Bible study on "The New Heaven an the New Eearth", was conducted by Misa Violet Herber. The monthly meeting of the St. James‘ Luther League was held at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. George Einwachter last Thursday evening. Mr. Myrum Wanner presided and the scripture lesson was read by Mr. Rueeal Zinn. Paalm 146 was read reâ€" NEW DUNDEE the name of a food." â€" Miggionaries Give Gplendid Addresses _ Mr. Elijsh Baron, s Jowish mis sion worker of Montreal, Que., gavre which he told the story of his con version from Judaism to Cristianity. Mr. Donald Pratt of Piattsyille led the singing during the service. Rev. and Mre. C. F. Embree, who have recently returned from the Mennonite Mission field in Nigeria, Weet Africa, and who are en route to their home in the State of Wash ington, addressed the congregation ot the MBC. Church last Wednes day evening. _ Mr. and Mrs. William Pletch of Stratford were recent visitore with Mr. Philip Poth and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Poth. Church last Thureday evening in Arbor Day was observed at the local Public §chool last Friday. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coleman and the Misses Reta Herber and Arlene Rosemberger left on Tuesday on an extended motor trip to California, Oregon and the Canadian Western Provinces. Mrs. Aibram Sararas, Mré. Haeckenâ€" ratter and Mr. and Mre. Raiph Tha ler of Kitchener vieited with Mrs. Levi Sararas last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Weber and Miss Betty Tuchlinski spent the weekâ€"end with relatives at Kitchener and Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. William Buck of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mre. John Buck on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wiancko and Mr. Reford Wiancko of Toronto called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan H{ilborn on Tuesday of last week. . _ Miss Veronica Bingeman of Kitâ€" chener visited with relatives in the village for a few days last week. . Mr. and Mre. Clayton Karges, the Misseg Irene Knapp, Florence and Stella Bierman and Messre. Oscar Boehm, Melvin Shatz and Reuben Schmidt of ‘Kitchener were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald ‘Toman. Rev. C. W. ‘Backus, Mr. and Mre. A. Hilborn and Mr. Clare Hilborn attended the funeral of the late Mre. Aaron Sherk at Sherkston on Sun: day. Rev. Backus assisted at the service. â€" Mrs. Titus Sheard and Mise Dorâ€" othy Sheard of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mrs. Donald Toman on Sunâ€" day. _Dr. and Mrs. L. L. Stauffer of Waâ€" terloo visited at the home of Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Brown on Sunday. Mr. and Mre. Abner Brighton and Miss Velma Cairns of Preston and Mrs, Catherine Walker of Tavistock visited at the home of Mr. and Mré. Mervin Bechte] on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John McKessock and Mr. and Mrs. George Shouldice of Chatsworth spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKessock. Visitors at the home of Mra. W. Spaetzel on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spaetzel and children, Thelma Marjorie and Billy of Vineâ€" land, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Johnson of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Randal Hoffman and sons, Rockford, Keith and Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoffman and Mr. Lloyd Gedcke of Kitchener. â€" Mrs. J.. i‘opléy called on relatives at Waterloo last Saturday. _ __ _ Mr. and Mre. Gideon Hamacher of Pine Hill visited with Mr. and Mre. 1. H. Toman on Sunday. _ _ _ â€" Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGurn of Guelph visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. 1. Snyder on Sunday. o. _ Miss Geraldine Sararas of Kitchâ€" ener was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Dinger over the weekâ€"end. _ Rev. and Mrs. G. R. Schultz and son, Gregory visited with Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Smith at Kitchener on Monday. The Misses Jean Toman, Ruby Eechtel, Irene Sherk, Dorothy Koehâ€" ler and Alta Stoltz attended a Girle‘ Conference at the O.A.C. Guelph last Thuraday. Mr. and Mrs. Ciayton Cassel and Miss Dorothy Casse of Plattsville and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haliman and family of Rosebank vmteg__wml Mr., and Mre. Josiah Caseel on Sunâ€" day Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kavelman, Miss Nellie Kavelman, Mre. August Kavelman, Mrs. Henry Dauman, Mrs. George Einwachter, Mr. and Mre. Earl Einwachter and children, Carâ€" son, Shirley and Newton and Meesre. Cecil Kelisey and Clare Einwachter called on Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Spae tzel at Beamavilie on Sunday. Guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Schade last Thursday were: Mrs. Ida Hilker of Racine, Wice., Mr. Elifah Baron of Montreal, Mrs. George Boehmer and Mre. O. Hanenberg of Kitchener, and Rev. and Mrs. Stuart Boehmer of Waterâ€" Mr. Abram Stager of Alberta is visiting with his brother, Mr. Menno Stager and other friends in the com:â€" munity. Several from here attended the Luther League Final Oratorical conâ€" teat at St. Jacobs on Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Pol) and family visited with Mr. and Mre. Ned Wanner at Strasburg on Sunâ€" day. e m \lrnnc; \;rs \Fraser Hitborn of Paris called on Mr. and Mre. 1. M. Hilborn on Sunday s Mr and Mrs. Elgin Anderson of Galt and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brightâ€" on of Preston visited with Mr. and Mre. Alev Brighton on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. C. N. Good of Kitâ€" chener were guests of Mr. and Mre. Ell Rosenberger over the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gol®beck of Kitchener viaited with Mr. and Mre. Alvin Lautenschlager on Sunday. Mlnrr;orol)ry Schweltser of Galt ia apending this week at the home pi Mre. Levi Sararas. s 5 Mr. and Mre. Ephraim Baer and sons, Jeremiah and Martin of New Hamburg viaited with Mr. and Mre. Ezra Baer on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lee spent the weekâ€"end at London. Mra. Willliam Goottling â€" underâ€" went a serioue operation at 8t ilr and Mre. J. W. HilbomAnn_d Mary‘s Hospital, Kitchener laet Satâ€" urday. ‘Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Elizabeth Wood, B.A., of Preston visited at the home of Mrs. W. Spaetzel on Monday. Rev. Stuart Boehmer of Waterloo epent a few days of this week at the home of Mr. Augusét Lautenschlager. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Toman and children, Barl, Elaine and Weseton called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bechler at German Millis on Sunday. Mre. Harry Hostettier of New Hamburg called on her mother, Mré. Aaron Toman on Tuesday of last week. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lautenschiaâ€" ger of Kitchener were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lautenâ€" schleger and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Coleman. _ Mr. and Mrs, Josiah Casse! called on Mr. and Mre. Ephraim Snider at German Mills last Thursday. _ Mre. Catherine Walker of Taviâ€" stock is spending a fow days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kaufman and Shirley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Seip. h Mr. and Mre. Fred Huth and famâ€" ily, Mr. and Mre. Ira Bubrow spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rehâ€" kop(. _ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wahl and gon of Listowe}] spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. E. Dickert. Mr. and Mrs. Telford Seip and baâ€" by spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mre. W. Huth. â€" Mr. and Mre. J. Seip spent Sunâ€" day with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Miller. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huth Jr., and family epent Sunday with Mr. C. Ziegler. s oo Mr. Elmer Frey and Mr. Alfred Long spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mre. Nelson Seip. Mr. and Mre. George Dickert Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Feick spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Wim. Keller, Ayton. Mr. and Mre. Curtis Creesman and family of New Hamburg were Sunâ€" day visitors with Mr. and Mre. George Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Seibert and daughter Margaret were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Marâ€" tin at Ratton. Misses â€" Margaret Derstine and Esther Kotb of Kitchener epent Sunâ€" day with Miss ;\llldred \nge:. Mr. and Mre. Irvin Lichty and sona Gordon and Howard and deughter Verna and Miss Verda Cressman of Breslau were Sunday guests with ‘Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Lichty. ~Miss ~Erma Ernet spent Sunday with Mise Lillian Axt near Petersâ€" burg. â€" â€" â€" Mre. M. ‘Weber, Mesare. Clayton and lon Weber epent Sunday at Vineland. BROWN LABEL â€" 33 !% Ib. ©RANGE PEKOE â€" 40: 4 ib. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Battler of GERMAN MILLS CLIFFORD FOR FLOORS, STAIRS AND LINOLEUM It wears on Floors in spite of the hard usage they receive. Is equally good for other interior surfaces requiring a high gloss varnish. Renew Tonight â€"Use Tomorrow Wears on the Job â€" Not Of FOUR NOUR _ . FLOOR VARNISH Leading I'lnd-v;;o and Plumbing Merchants Phone 260 â€" WATERLOO T TTEA CONRAD BROS. atâ€" Rosebank «pent Sunday with the latâ€" er ter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ‘Snider. of Ross Snider epent Sunday with es Donald Burkbardt, Kitchener. ! The modern hotel of today has become essential to commercial acâ€" (tivities, and in ever increasing numâ€" ;bers. men and women are making such institutions their home away |from home. Then, too, people from adjoining towns and cities find it more convenient to stay over night at the modern hotel that maintains reasonable rates, rather than make the trip home and back again to complete their business. Any town that can boast of such a hotel as the Commercial Hotel, in New Hamâ€" burg, is sure of much recognition throughout the »surrounding terriâ€" tory. Mr. E. Grundenberger, the proprietor, has realized that to «maintain a modern hotel, receiving patrons from all walks of life, he must have the prices moderate. That he bas attained. the highest degree of success is evidenced in the fact that when a local hotel is menâ€" 'tioned the Commercial Hotel is the first named Mr. and Mrs. Edward Seibert son Stanley and daughters Eduna and Elsic wore Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hess at South/West Wilmot. Offer All Patrons Excellent Service "Guest Is King" At Commercial Hotel, in New Hamburg. Mr. Carl Schmidt epent Sunday at home. Mr. and Mre. Earl Snider and chilâ€" dren and Miss Vera Bearinger called on friends at Preston Sunday. All rooms at this hotel are comâ€" fortably furnished, are tastefully decorated and have plenty of venâ€" tilation. They have spared no exâ€" pense in making it as comfortable as possible for the convenience of their guests. It gives the advantages of excellent service, which is of the highest character and provides for most any want desired. At this hotel "Guest is King," meaning that when one registers their name as guest of the Commercial Hotel the staff are at one‘s service as long as one wishes to stayâ€"â€"be it just over night or for months. The home reâ€" sident is just as welcome as the travelling salesman or tourist. _ Of course one gets hungry and must eat. The best remedy for this most human ailment is to have a meal at the Commercial Hotel. One will find the food well cooked, wholesome and deliciously appetizâ€" ing, the prices are most reasonable for all meals. Mr. Grundenberger is to be commended upon the efâ€" ficient manner in which he is conâ€" ‘ductinfi this establishment. Do you know how long Mr. Grundenberger has been in the hotel business? $3.00 cash prizes for best conâ€" structed set of ankwers to questions in these "Do You Know" stories. Call the above firm to assist you.

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