Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 21 Mar 1935, p. 8

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Valuable Farm Stock, Imple Farm Stock, Implements and Farm Stock, Implements, Proâ€" ments, Threshing Outft, . | Produce. | duce and Household Effects. ; Gm'- M _. I rou -._-:â€"A:._M-......- Lbes n., 1 u ‘l‘nâ€"â€".nâ€"â€"A_-mtinnnr. has There will be sold by Publi Auction on the farm of ED. LANTZ, at Philipsburg, on THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1935 Sale commences at 12.30 p.m. The following: Horses â€"â€" Black Percheron horse rising 5 years old, weighs 1550 lbl.;\ grey Percheron horse rising 6 years old, weighs 1500 lbs.; grey mare, 10 years old, in foal to La Beaut (Percheron); bay mare 12 years old, supposed to be in foal; grey horse 12 years old; Percheron colt, 7 Good Dairy Cowsâ€"2 Durham cows due in April; 2 Jersey cows due in April; 2 Holstein cows due in April; 1 Holstein cow due in June; 3 baby beefs; 3 butcher cattle. ;; 7l;n B;.aut, rising 2 years old; aged horse. For good horses attend this sale. Pigs, Sheep and Poultryâ€"11 pigs weighing 125 to 150 lbs. each; 6 ewes with 10 lambs at foot; 2 ewes due time of sale; some hens. Threshing Outht and Tractor Machineryâ€"Stratfordâ€"Decker 24146‘ grain separator with selfâ€"feeder, straw and chaff blowers and grain elevator, (good as new, having only been used for six seasons‘ homeâ€" threshing) ; Fordson tractor in good order; 2â€"furrow Cockshutt tractor plow ; Jolliette chopper ; speed jack; 100 ft. 6â€"inch canvass belt; straw cutter; tractor binder hitch, good new ; circular saw ; International 1;: h.p. gas engine, nearly new; pump jack. Implementsâ€"â€"Masseyâ€"Harris 7 ft. cut binder on truck, nearly new; Massey~Harris 6 ft. grass mower, in good order; Cockshutt side deâ€" livery rake; 3â€"drum Bissell steel roller; 13 springâ€"tooth Cockshutt eultivator in good shape; 13 springâ€" tooth Masseyâ€"Harris cultivator; Mcâ€" Cormickâ€"Deering 13â€"disc seed drill, in good order; Noxon 11â€"hoe seed drill; MeCormickâ€"Deering {double)‘ dise; 2> walking plows; 4â€"section iron harrow; 2â€"section wooden harâ€" row; turnip sower; root pulper; 2000 lbs. cap. beam scales; fanning mill; seed box for cultivator; wagon and box; truck wagon; set bob sleighs; steel tire top buggy; open steel tire buggy; wheelbarrow; 2â€" horse dise; Jumper cutter; M.â€"H. sheaf carrier; tool cupboard; vise; 40 gal. steel drum ; new grain cradle; doubletrees; _ neckyokes; _ chains; forks; shovels; hoes, and many other useful articles too numerous to mention. Also a Ford truck. Grain â€"â€" About 350 bushels of good oats; 100 bus. Prince Rupert oats, cleaned, fit for seed; 150 bus. of oats, barley and wheat mixed. Household Effects â€" _ DeLaval cream separator; churn; 8â€"gal. milk can; wash â€" sink; kitchen sink; benches; _ wood _ heater; _ round table; oldâ€"fashioned writing desk; child‘s bed; baby carriage; tables; cider barrels; iron kettle on stand, and numerous other articles. No Reserve as the farm is sold and Mr. Lantz is retiring from the farm. Terms â€" Cash on day of sale. ED. LANTZ, Proprietor. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, The large pumping costs is all that is preventing the city of Kitchener from utilizing the welle sitnated: in the village of Bridgeport, according to Superintendent Pequegnat of the water departmen. Sommer or later the present wells in Kitchener will be exhausted, he eaid, and then the city will have to install the pumpâ€" img system. In order to lengthen the flow from the present artesian wells. he would favor the building of the Grand River Conservation dam which was diecussed «o much recently. burned to death. MAY UTILIZE Kibchener.. When a chicken coop burned on the premises of A. Norris on Victoria stree! on Wednesday of last â€" week, three chickens . were CHICKENS PERISH IN FLAMES Phone Waterloo 592w. ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. Hâ€"4 Effects. BRIDGEPORT WELLS by Public . : AUCTION SALE ; AUCTION SALE I. H. Toman, Auctioneer, has reâ€" ceived instructions from I. H. Toman, Auctioneer, has reâ€"| I. H. Toman, Auctioneer, lns‘ ceived instructions from |received instructions from â€" the * Mr. John Grant , ndersigned to sell by public auction to sell by public auction on his farm 7“ the Estate of the late Wm. adjoining west end of Strasburg, on Rutherford, on the farm situated 5 THURSDAY, MARCH 28th, 1935 ‘miles south of Kitchener, on the Sale to start at 1 p.m. sharp. ‘Willhnnburg highway, or 3% miles 3 Horses â€" Team of Percheron | east of New\ Dundeée, at Plains geldings rising 4 years old; pcy;Sehool. un Percheron mare 15 years old. This: THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1935 is a good chance for horses before Sale to start at 12 o‘clock noon, seeding time. ‘ ~ _ sharp. 18 Cattleâ€"1 Shorthorn cow due.' 6 Horsesâ€"1 Clyde team, 12 and May 1; roan cow fresh, with calfi 13 years old, weight 2700 lbs.; 1 at foot; red cow fresh two months;‘ Percheron mare 13 years old; bay red heifer due at time of sale;‘,driver, aged; Percheron colt, by heifer fresh three months; goodLBuner Brown, rising 2 years old; Shorthorn stock bull, 5 years old, | Percheron colt, by Highland Laddie, fit to kill; 3 butcher cattle rising 2 ‘rising 1 year old. years old; 2 grass heifers and 4l steers 1 year old; 2 small calves. ; _ Pigs and Poultryâ€"9 shoats, IQO’ lbs. each; 8 shoats, 70 lbs. euh;. 80 mixed fowl. ‘ Produceâ€"4 bus. alfalfa seed; 4 bus. white blossom sweet clover seed; 100 bus. hulless oats, cleaned for seed; 100 bus. wheat and oats‘ mixed; 50 bags Eureka potatoes for seed. * Implements â€" 1 farm wagon; 3â€" sec. lever harrows; Jolliette 9" chopper with new plates; single walking plow; scuffier; stone boat; chicken crate; pig crate; 10 x 12 ft. colony house; 200 cedar fence posts; 2000 ft. 1 and 2 inch pine and hemlock lunmber; good flat rack, and many other articles too numerous for detail. Positively no reserve. Live Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Household Effects, Edward Geisel, Auctioneer, has received instructions from Amos Bowman to sell by Public Auction on his farm situated 1% miles east of Conestogo, 1% miles south of Winterbourne, 1% miles north of Bloomingdale, on § THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1935 Commencing at 12.30 p.m. sharp, the following: Horsesâ€"General purpose team of mares, 17 years old (one mare in foal) ; 1 driving mare; 1 filly, rising 2 years old ; I filly, rising 1 year old. Cattleâ€"Red cow, due to freshen May 1st; white cow, fresh by time of sale; black cow, fresh 3 months and bred again; black cow, fresh a few weeks; Holstein cow, bred Aug. 11th; 7 head of young cattle; 1 veal calf. Implementsâ€"Masseyâ€"Harris bindâ€" er, 6 ft., used 2 years; new Cockâ€" }shutt scuffier; Deering mower, M.â€"H. hay rake, 10 ft.; hay loader; M.â€"H. 13â€"hoe drill; dise harrow; cultiâ€" vator; manure spreader; 4â€"section harrows; ‘ bobsleighs; new wagon; wagon box; new 16 ft. flat hay rm:k;' carriage (with new rubber tires); shaft and pole; 2â€"furrow Cockshutt plow; 2â€"furrow gang plow; No. 21{ Cockshutt single plow; 2 No. 21 Wilkinson â€" single plows; potato plow; 1â€"furrow riding plow; pea harvester; 1 iron truck wagon; 4â€" wheel trailer, with tongue; Elmira roller chopper; Saxon motor (real power); pig rack; gravel planks; fanning mill; 1,000 lbs. scales; hay forks, ropes and pulleys; new extenâ€" sion ladder (28 ft.) ; 25 cedar posts; wheelbarrow; step ladder; doubleâ€" treeg, forks; shovels; chains; tools; grain bags, etc. Harness â€" 1 set breeching harâ€" ness; 1 set backâ€"band harness; 1 double carriage harness; 1 single harness; collars; harness parts, etc. Hay and Grainâ€"7 ft. of silage ; 50 bus. oats; 120 bus. mixed grain; a few bus. peas; 3,500 lbs. of mixed grain; 5 tons of mixed hay (alfalfa and timothy) ; 30 bags potatoes. Pigs and Poultry â€" 1 Yorkshire sow, bred Feb. 6th; 40 hens; 2 geese; 1 gander; 1 Collie dog. HounhIâ€"d Effects â€" 2 good Gurâ€"|P®‘*""** Oxford cooking stoves (one 20 1 HEREBY GIVE NOTICE pursuant to The Assessm ney $ paid, I shall on SATURDAY the EJGHTH day of JUNE, 1 in.); leaf table; small tables; 2|House in the City of Kitchener, proceed to sell by public beds; washâ€"stands; 2 cupboardn; discharge such arrcars of taxes and costs incurred in and ab washing machine; wringer; kitchen ToOWNHIP chairs; Coleman lamp; granite WASh | Mame Ust £m. sink; â€"new â€" kettle stove; butter " I Christ. Rah 5 worker; Daisy churn; cradle; baby m".._.::" so 3,’ carriage; clothes drier; meat bench ; | Exra Geiger 101, 102 U.B. .. crocks; jars; power clippers; 240 | Pred Kl-h’-l-hr 128 U.B. . s s 3 Anthony Steffier ao 0. ... 1b. scales; lawn mower; robe ; che.ele Cl Te g im sos . press; barrel of vinegar ; milk pail®; | a.,. w‘:.“"’_,‘" p18. 219; 220 Plan 266 ... sdme good linoleum ; pots, and many | J. . Weekner 27, 28. 78, 90, 91 Plan 284 .. § other articles. Russell Detweiler 10 Bechtels Tract Plan to attend this sale! -m-c"" e : :"‘::;: :";". _ Terms: Cash on day of sale. _ | Pearl Woite Doon ’ No Reserve. ~ s fownst AMOS BOWMAN, Proprietor. _ | wi. Huchn Estate pu is Blasss‘s Read N. EDWARD GEISEL, Auctioneer. . Court Mouse, Ritthemer, Ont., Fob. 26th, 1998. JOHN GRANT, Proprietor. 1. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer, New Dundee, Phone 28w. O. S. KOLB, Clerk. 1 AUCTION SALE AARON MOFFMAN, Clovk. 12â€"1 @owaty Preasursrto Office, â€" of valuable â€" Terms: Cash. thorn cow due!' 6 Horsesâ€"1 Clyde team, 12 and resh, with calf 13 years old, weight 2700 lbs.; 1 sh two months;‘ Percheron mare 13 years old; bay time of sale;"driver, aged; Percheron colt, by months ; goodLBnner Brown, rising 2 years old; 1, 5 years old,} Percheron colt, by Highland Laddie, cattle rising 2 rising 1 year old. eifers and 4| 20 Cattle â€" 2 Shorthorn cows, mall calves. {milking and bred; 2 Shorthorn 9 shoats, 100 heifers, milking and bred; 2 Holâ€" 70 lbs. eufi;!stein cows; 2 Holstein heifers, milkâ€" linx and bred; fat Shorthorn bull, 3 falfa seed; 4‘yeln old; 4 yearling calves; 6 sweet clover spring calves; 1 veal calf, if not UoLfel atoaned sold. 935 ; miles § ‘wmn éron ‘| east grey â€" Scho« This‘ â€" TH 12â€"1 Pigs and Poultry â€" 1 York sow, bred 2 months; 11 shoats, T5 lbs. each; 50 mixed fowl; 1 Rock rooster. Harnessâ€"2 sets double team harâ€" ness; set plow harness; 1 set single harness; saddle; 1 pr. Scotch tops; odd collars. Produce â€" 6 tons mixed hay; i tons sweet clover hay; 300 bus. Silver Mine oats, cleaned for seed; 50 bus. O.A.C. 21 barley, cleaned for seed; 20 bus. buckwheat ; some Eureka potatoes. I Household Effects â€" Peninsular kitchen range; 2 coal heaters; wood heater; bureau; 2 wash stands; 2 {beds with springs; 2 cupboards; 3 large tables; Daisy churn; gas lamp; lsmtll lamps; meat barrels; lanterns; ‘sausage grinder and stuffer; pails; lmplemenhâ€"Mc(‘ormick-l)n-oring manure spreader, practically new; International hay loader; . Interâ€" national side rake; MeCormick T ft. binder; â€" McCormickâ€"Deering i ft. mower, like new; hay rake; steel rake; tedder; Deering 15 disc drill; Int. 15 springâ€"tooth cultivator; Int. 16 plate disc; Cockshutt single ridâ€" ing plow; Tudhopeâ€"Anderson single riding plow ; Kangaroo 2â€"furrow plow; 2 single plows; 4 and 5 sec. iron harrows, like new ; scuffler; oneâ€" third share turnip drill; 5 h.p. Lister gas engine on skid, in good shape; 1 good 1% h.p. Tuerk ga~ engine; 9" Jolliette chopper; circular saw on frame; cutting box; fanning mill ; 2000 lb. Renfrew truck seales, like new; 3 farm wagons; wagon box with double shelving; 2 flat racks; 1 set bob sleighs; rubber tire open buggy; 2 sets gravel planks; root pulper; | wheelbarrow; feed cart; doubletrees; _ neckyokes; forks; shovels; bags, and many other articles too numerous for detail. Extraâ€"1922 Maxwell touring car in running order. sap pan and pails; DeLaval cream separator, good ; large copper kettle; cider barrel; jars; 4 colony houses, 1 large and 3 small; 350 chick coal brooder. Please come carly, this is a very heavy sale. Positively no reserve, farm is sold. Household Effects, etc., for Richâ€" ard Bass Estate â€" 5â€"piece mohair parlor suite; dining table; 5 good diners; sideboard; hall rack; comâ€" plete bedroom suite; 3 beds with springs | and â€" mattress; dresser; rockers; Singer sewing machine ; small tables; tapestry rug )2 x 10% ft.; Congoleum rug 9 x 15 ft.; 12 ft. linoleum ; Coleman gas lamps; empty sealers, etc. Extra â€" Model 1927 Oldsmobile sedan in extra good shape. with new tires. CoUnNnTY TREAéURER’S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES . CoUnNnTY OF wWATERLOO â€" | BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Warden of the County of said County, bearing date the 31st day of January, 1938, and to me directed for three years upon the lands hereinafter mentioned and described, being in Carl Tucklinowier Geo. Walter Snyder 218, 219, 220 J. H. Woekner 27, 28, 78, 90, 91 BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Warden of the County of Waterloo and authenticated by the Seal of the said County, bearing date the 31st day of January, 1938, and to me directed, for the collection of the arrears of taxes due for three years upon the lands hereinafter mentioned and described, being in the County of Waterloo, all of which lands are patented. 1 HEREBY GIVE NOTICE pursuant to The Assessment Act, that unless the said taxes, together with all costs be sconer paid, 1 shall on SATURDAY the EIJGHTH day of JUNE, 1938, at the hour of TWO o‘clock in the afterncon, at the Court House in the City of Kitchener, proceed to sell by public auction the said lands, or so much thereof, as may be sufficient to discharge such arrcars of taxes and costs incurred in and about such sale and authorized by the said Act. TOWNHIP OF WATERLOO Termsâ€"Cash on day of s: MRS. WM. RUTHERFORD, 1. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer, New Dundee, Phone 28w. O. S. KOLB, Clerk. Administratrix of sale 19â€"2 I. H. Toman has réceived instrucâ€" | tions to sell by public auction for| the undersigned, 1 milr north of St. Agaths, on TUESDAY, MARCH 26th, 19356 Sale to start at 1.30 p.m. sharp. Cattleâ€"â€"Holstein cow due May 7; Jersey cow fresh 1 month; part Jersey and Holstein cow fresh three weeks; part Jersey and Holstein cow due by time of sale; Jersey heifer, due June 2; Jersey calf one year old; small calf (fat). Produceâ€"3 tons good mixed hay; quantity of straw; possibly some corn stalks; 15 bags Dooley and 15 bags Yorker potatoes; some turnips and mangels. Miscellaneous â€" DeLaval cream separator, No. 12, like new; pails; milk coolers; lawn mower, etc. Poultryâ€"40 White Leghorn hens, 1 year old, good layers. Note â€"â€"If you want extra good cows, here they are, highâ€"testers and in good shape (all young cows). Real Estate â€" 4 acres, more or less, good sandy loam with good buildings and grand variety of fruit. Hydro available. This is an Aâ€"1l placg for market gardening. Please consider this before you buy. _ ‘Terms â€" Cash. No reserve, the proprietor is going to town. Likely a lot of household effects to be offered, so don‘t miss this good sale. + of + Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects. I. H. Toman, Auctioneer, is inâ€" formed to sell by public auction, !> mile north of New Dundee, for Mr. Ed. Bechler on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27th, 1935 Sale to start at 1.30 p.m., 1 pure bred Jersey cow due May 14; 1 Jersey and Holstein cow May 8: 2 trio of geese. Harness â€" Set heavy single harâ€" ness: 1 set light single harness; blanket; waterâ€"proof horse cover. Implements â€" 2 light oneâ€"horse bob sleighs; Portland cutter; 1â€"horse democrat; â€" lâ€"horse farm wagon; handâ€"cutting box; metal motor box; 2 wheelbarrows (one new); 1â€"horse dise; 2â€"section â€" harrows; â€" 1â€"horse plow ; 1 set scales; car trailer; grindâ€" stone; cider barrels; steel drums; grain bags; forks; shovels; picks; hoes. and many other articles too numcrous for detail. Household Effectsâ€"zZ good kitchâ€"|years old. These horses are showâ€" en stoves; coal heater; Perfection|ring quality and are the captors of oil heater; _ electric heater; 2!n|any prizes, you will notice in the couches, oneâ€" leather; 2 leather‘ stable on day of sale. rockers. like new; solid oak Davenâ€": 17 T.B. Tested Jerseysâ€"â€"6 choice port. like new ; kitchen table; kitchâ€" dairy cows, fresh; 1 cow bred Sept. en chairs; gramaphone with 50 re-lM; cow bred Dec. 10; cow bred cords; hall mirror; egg testing scales| Dec. 16; 8 heifers, bred. (new) : soalers; crocks; pails; 2 milk! Noteâ€"For a quality sale, please coolers; â€" cream â€" separator; â€" fruit plan to attend this one. Everything chopper; coffee percolator ; matâ€"lput under the hammer will be sold tress; pillows; kitchen clock; Morris to the highest bidder." chair ; small tables, etc. l Terms â€" Cash. Terms â€" Cash. I ARTHUR LAUTENSCHLAGER, Positively no reserve, the farm Proprietor. is old. | 1. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer, ED. BECHLER, Proprictor. | p AN;;T':":“:;‘"‘”‘ * , 1. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer, J * ' New Dundee, Phone 28w. 11â€"2 +uievee ADAMLK RAFE ENR §50 Kitchener.â€"Chairman A. J. Cur dlick of the Boy Scouts Fund camâ€" paign reports that the objective of $6000 «et for the Twin Cities, was more than realized during the past fow weeks. LEANDER STEFFLER, I. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer, New Dundec, Phone 28w THEODORE DIETRICH, AUCTION SALE Household Effects. 4 ACRE FABM, BOY SCOUTS GET $6,000 L. Block Clerk. Proprietor 10 10 4% 8% 11â€"2 SAMUEL CASSEL, â€" e â€" | lnlm,hl-rh and Houschold Effects. Schweitzer, situated one mile south of the Kitchener Post Office and 3 minutes walk from the street car 120.16 470.71 217.00 163.31 Real Estate â€" Consisting of 8% | acres of rich clay loam, very best of: soil for gardening purposes, with} various kinds of fruit trees. A nine room white brick house, equipped with electric lights, new furnace, soft water in the house. Also bank barn with stable for four horses, six cows, chicken house, large drivâ€" ing shed and brick smoke house. A splendid opportunity to buy a real home close to the city. Terms of Real Estate to be made known on day of sale. Do not miss this sale of good clean household effects and furniture as everything must be sold to wind up the estate. TOBIAS BOWMAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3rd, 1935 Sale to start at 2 p.m. sharp. 4 Horses â€"Iron grey Percheron gelding 6 years old; iron grey Perâ€" 1cheron mare rising 3 years old, in foal to the popular Stable Sire; 1 ‘grey Percheron rising 4 years old ; iron grey Percheron colt rising 2 years old. These horses are showâ€" ving quality and are the captors of |many prizes, you will notice in the ‘stable on day of sale. I. H. Toman, formed by â€" of â€" Percheron Horses, T. B. Tested Jersey Cows and Heifers. SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 193%§ At 1.30 p.m. sharp, Mr. Arthur to sell by public without reserve, Dundee, on For the Estate of the late Sam AUCTION SALE THIEVES CRACK SAFE FOR $50 The office of the K. & L. Traneâ€" port Co., in Kitchener was entered on Saturday night by some amateurs who broke a padlock on the front door. The safe which contained «ome $50 was rudely broken open by the nee of a crowbar. Nothing else was taken from the office. MRS. SHANNON BRUBACHER, A. K. CRESSMAN, Executors. ADDISON S. SNIDER, Auctioneer, â€" Phone Kitchener 384w. 12â€"1 AUCTION SALE Conts, etc 112.46 1941 64.12 31.41 Lautenschlager auction, absolutely on his farm at New Auctioneer, is inâ€" 230.71 We are sorry to say that Master Nyle Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. *48 _ |lmaiah Muartin is at present at the @t. Mary‘s Hoapital, Kitchener, We 16â€"1s wich him a apeedy recovery. ture and houschold effects for snyâ€"|1 mile north of . van that has something to sell. Send |Leandor Baiier: No reseete $95 * Teece i (Seturday) Ath-‘ larek 47 \Weibmmy) â€"â€" Eniith March 23 ( â€" s wew urnit d household effects st stock, “my _au:..io:nmnd at the m“‘::.wmgg “'_ g F _ March 28 (Seturday) â€" At 8.30 Dundee. Farm is sold. No reserve, a.m., at my sauction stand at the! March 28 (Thursday) â€" Apstion m*m?'""'m&- ‘and sale of dairy cows, heifer», horses, household effects for H. R. Singerâ€" pigs, produce, incl .m _ 4 Al .ao“".?m Mg odjnd‘-ln March 23 (lbhn:i) â€" At 1 or 5 p.m., furniture bfi gt!lll)lll" effects at 46 Waterloo St., \ _ April 3 }-WM) â€"Sale of ener, for Hy. Marhofer. ; T.B tested mmw i March 28 (Thursday)â€"At 1 p.m., pigs, and show type cl April 8 (Monday morning, Elmira Fairg'lCommunity sale at my aucâ€" tion stand in front of the Farmers‘ Shed, of livestock, vehicles, lm;lo- ments and household effects. For ‘free advertisement leave list at 'Siznot office, Aaron Hoffman, or the | Auctioneer, on or before A{:fl‘ 2. The March sale amounted c to $700.00. Bring out anything you do not need, and f'ct cash money for it at this sale. It is your sale! Boost it! April 8 (Monday, Elmira Comâ€" munity Fair Day Sale) â€" At :{ stand in front of the Farmers‘ She a good lot of clean furniture nmi household effects, seed grain, No. 1 timothy seed. What have you? April 26 (Tuesday)â€"At 2 p.m., March 23 (&M:i) â€" At 1.80 , â€" furniture theew Thak Warerine es Rhck ener, for Hy. Marhofer. March 28 (Thursday)â€"At 1 p.m., valuable farm stock, implements, feed and some household effects beâ€" April 6 (Saturday) â€" At 1.30 p. m., valuable furniture and houseâ€" hold effects for David S. Shantz, at No. 7 Charles St. W, Waterloo. This is a clean offering. __ _ _ _ W. W. FRICEEY, Auctioneer | 1 H. TOMAN, Auctioneset, .‘ . _ _kt. 809 . on _ SreFF AfhSDIAT | _ _ March 26 (Turnéay) â€"â€" Oublahtt :) _‘ April 8 (Monday, Elmira Fuir)â€" At my auction stand in front of the ;-er:lllers. shed, 2 young nanny goats, T . 2 s at the premises, mértg-so' sale of 2 story brick house, at 198 Erb St. W., Waterloo. McBride & McGibbon, solicitors. I have for sale the 100 acre farm of Oliver Betzner, good buildings, Hydro, on highway, 2 miles east of Kitchener. Act quickly! A. S. SNIDER, Auctioneer Phone 384w, Kitchoner March 23 (Saturday) â€" Auction sale of real estate, farm implements and household effects for the estate of the late Sam Schweitzer, 1 mile south of the Kitchener postoffice and ‘i{ minutes walk from the street car line. April 2 (Tuesday) â€"At 1 p.m., community sale in the village of Wellesley, at the barns of the J. E. Ratz estate, near the Ratz sawmill. FARMERS: Bring your unneeded implements, furniture or household effects. What have you? Get the cash! We need your coâ€"operation! If you have anything to sell, list it with George Bast, secondâ€"hand dealer of Wellesley, or with Mr. Leis at the hotel. No extra advertising charge. _ _ _ _ c | An enjoyable afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. D. Otto last Thursday at a quilting. Those presâ€" jen were: Mra. Becker, Mre. Chap April 2 (Tuesday) â€" At 1 p.m., sale of a number of wagons and wagon trucks, sleighs and some imâ€" plements and household effects for the J. E. Ratz estate. _ _ _ April 8 (Monday)â€"At 1.30 p.m., auction sale of household effects and furniture for Mrs. Mary Voisin ‘Estate, in St. Clements. and up to 200 acres. Eoo o me n o n es March 21 (Thursday)â€"1 o‘clock p.m., farm stock, implements, hay and grain on the farm of Reinhart Heldman, situated 2% miles east of New Hamburg, 2%4 miles southwest of Baden, near the river. . April 9 (Tuesday)â€"Holstein sale at 12.00 noon of 60 head of pureâ€" bred, fully accredited, milk tested Holstein cattle, by auction at the Winter Fair Bldgs., Guelph. These sales have been quite successful This ofl'-rinx is an exccpt‘lonslly! good one. A. B. Brubacher, Sales Sunday visitore with Mr. and Mre. Dave Otto were: Mtr. and Mrs. Norâ€" man Hilgartner of New Dundee and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Leles and family of Wallaceburg. Mr. and Mre. Moses Roth and daughter (Hadys spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. leaiah Martin. 1ME 00E U Dotochar Gala,| Mcsérs. Harry Keiterborne and eon iood one.:x.dB. Brubacher, Sales Royal of Wellesley were business anager, Drewin. Ivisitorg here on Tuesday. ) Sunday visitors at Clayton Steffâ€" PINE HILL ler‘s were Miss Clara Mosburger, Mr. weâ€" Alex Mosburger and Mr. Willard Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Madter of Hergott. New Dundee epent Sunday with Mr. , The funeral of the late Anthony and Mre. Amos Otto. Starr was largely attended by friends Sunday visitore with Mr. and MT6. jngq yeratives last Wednesday morhâ€" Dave Otto were: Mtr. and Mrs. Norâ€" ing. The pallbearers were Eugene man Hilgartner of New Dundee and , Dietrich, Alex Dietrich, Louls Dietâ€" M"&“‘S ns I;L‘Wb Leles and family ‘;icy wim. Dietrich, Matt. Schummer of_Wallacoburg. of St. Clements and Louis Eebaugh Mr. and Mre. Moses Roth @0 of nampere John 8. Meyer of St. daughter (Hadys spent Sunday WitB |(yamaonts was crossbearer. Miss Marion Bowman epent Sunâ€" day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Allan W. Jantsi and family and Mrs. J. Zehr and Mr. and Mre. C. B. Jantzi «pent Sunday with Mr and Mre. Aaron W. Jantsi of Wellestey. 0_ Miea Vera Wagler and Mr. Eric Schulz of Kitchener apent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swartzrenâ€" truber. man, Mrs. Ehnes, Mre. Schmidt, Mra. Holst, Mre. Eckstein, Mrs. Vohs, Mrs. Bruegeman and Mre. leaiah Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Swartzenâ€" truber apent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Gingerich of Wilmot Centre. _ Mr. Amos Heer epent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mre. William Heer of Kitchener, _ Mr. Frank Buddin of Toronto epent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mre. C. E. Swartzentruber. 0 _ ‘Dr. Torry of Stratford, government teater of cattle, has again teated the herd of Mr. C. K. Swartzentruber, which is again fully accredited. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. I have for sale farms of 25 acres Auction Sale Lists _ TMJICCALTU "â€""_:| March 27 ( Wednesday) â€"â€" EAWE® sehold effects st -hdlthfl-gE t the Kitchener and houschc‘4 effects for * l uin & hi. ure af e of horses, 1 y gd}ohh:‘thm of Now Dan April 4 (Thursday) â€" Outright sale of farm stock, im; du:o and household m-& estate of the late Wm. Rutherford, at Plains Schoolhouse on Williamsâ€" -bn.r" rg highway, 5 miles south of Kitchener. No reserve, farm is sold. Phone 50 r 4. Limire. April 8 (Elmira Fair ) â€"At the l:lflrkct. livé stock, mmm. vehicles, furniture, seed grain, or nnythlnf you wish to sell, send it out early and be assured of real service. No extra charge for adverâ€" tising. My sale held on March 11th was the most successful eoghm sale ever held in Elmira. amounted to $966.00. J M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer," ~>â€" ++ I have for sale a Gâ€"ton Gurney scale in good condition, at a, barâ€" EDWARD GEISEL, Auctioneer fipril 3 (Wednesday)â€"At 1 p.m., v ble real ostate, furniture and irgplements, a few head of Jersey e, 1926 Ford coupe, for Amos iedel, Bloomingdale. .‘ Phone 30w, Tavistock, Ont. March 22 (Friday)â€"Tavistock‘s community sale at the Commercial try and implements. Parties having any articles for sale, please bring in. March 27 (Wednesday) â€" Clearâ€" ing auction sale of farm ntoc:j imâ€" plements and feed at south of Lot 10, the 3rd line of Wellesley, 3 miles northwest of Wellesley, for Julius Pommer. T oy mig implements reroor kivieg March 28 (Thursday)â€"Clearing auction sale of farm stock, impleâ€" ments and feed on Huron highway, No. 8, % mile east of Sebringville, for Arthur Schellenberger. March 29 (Friday)â€"Auction sale of 35 Ontario horses at Commercial Hotel yards, Tavistock. Clydes and Percheronsâ€"a choice lot. Mre. Ed. Kaufman and sons Walâ€" ter and Wilfred and Elmer Kress viâ€" sited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Berge, Ayr, recently. April 5 (Friday) â€" Communi:z sale at Jacob Leis‘ hotel sheds, W lesley, of horses, cattle, hog, imâ€" plements and furniture. arties having anything for sale, please fi)rlnmunicate with Jacob Leis, Welâ€" sley. Mrs. Jonas ‘Scheffner spent a day in St. Clements at the home of Mrs. Adam Scheffner. Mrs. John Gies of ‘HeideYberg spent Tuesday with her sister, Mre. Mary Starr. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer, Mre. Henry Grube was a weekâ€"end visitor to ‘Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Arnold and daughter Jean of Kitchener visited on Saturday afternoon with friends here. «Mrs. Mary Hinechberger epent a few days with her children in the Twin City. Miss Nellie Bachert and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bachert and family all of Kitchener were Sunday visitors with the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Bachert. Mr. and Mre. Stanley Snider and family and Mies Meen Lautenschia:â€" ger were Sunday visitors at the forâ€" mer‘s home, Mr. and Mrs. Rphraim Snider at German Mills. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mre. Clarence Klie were Mr. and ‘Mre. Clifford Hamacher of Petersâ€" burg and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hallman of Centreville. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaster and son Welter and daughter Ruth were Bunday visitore at tha hotte of Mr. and Mrs. Orlander Bowman. Miss Beatrice Rickert of Ifitdl- ener apent the weekâ€"end at her here. â€" yir. Cyrus Rickert spent Monday with hie daughter, Mrs. Will Woods and Mr. Woods at Williamsburg. _Rev. arnd Mre. Evan Sider were Monday vi@itore at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Devitt. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Oawald were Mr. and Mre. Isaish Wby and children, Mr, R. Kby. Stanley and Mildred Bby, all of WiMiaméburg. Mise Bernice Howald visited with her friend, Miss Doris Rickert on Sunday. â€" _ _ MANNHEIM BAMBERG

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