Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 21 Mar 1935, p. 7

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_ ST. JACOBS MACHINE SHOP ST. JACOBS â€" = â€" rginghams, cottonades, denims, shirtings, â€"\broadeloths, grey cottons Pnf hossope m Fou ul drspy n prvregreriey( y mss 'Dt’ Goods, Clfihh’:.. Groceries, Crockery and Chinaware. e specialize in staj dry goods such flannelettes, , FEATURING THIS WEEK HEAVY COTTONADES AND DENIMS atr ... Phone Elmira 183 r 4 plate .â€"l.:c'ri':n;;.'r--;i-.’h‘.d';smily. Try us. â€" Phone Elmira 183‘ r 4 for appointment. For Better Butter . . . . try For sale at leading Grocers in Kitchener and Waterloo. Elmira 112 r 5 â€"â€" TELEPHONE â€" Kitchener 4074 Established 1878 â€" ST. JACOBS, ONT. 168 King W. \ 0_ King St. S â€" _ Waterloo, Ont. Smoking Supplies * Magazines » Papers BOWLING > BILLIARDS With a ;enuine photoinph of the Dionne quintuplets on the front cover. This popular number should be on every piano. Buy your copy at â€"_____ KITCHENER‘S MUSIC STORE 58 King E., Kitcl"ener â€" Between Queen and Frederick Your experience will be "It Pays to Shop at Trapp‘s". REGAIN .. fyour normal Health by trying The PERFEET ED. BECKER D I A M D JEWELLER INVESTMENT o underweight, or other ailâ€" ments have been helped back to better health. Why not you? { GENERAL MACHINE WORK SPECIAL and 'RXPER[MENTAL WORK Your roller crushers -t:;d.«b-bbitod and repaired; also _ choppers; clippers ; magnetos repaired and god. Any kind of ma is machined; acetylene welding; Courtesy, Comfort and. a Warm Welcome at the BRILL‘S RECREATION HALL GOLDEN ROSE Pasteurized Creamery Butter BEVERAGE ROOM Chiropractic Adjustments “Qui;{t:i]r;_lets Lullaby" C. J. TRAPP People suffering {rom 44 William Se.]Weer â€" WATERLOO â€" Phone 708vw ST. JACOBS CREAMERY meetinfi place for men who enjoy an hour‘s recreation and like to meet the congenial companions who make the atmosphere friendly and . welcome. _ . Come in and have a good time â€" any time. STRAI#’S MUSIC _ STORE KITCHENER‘S MUSIC STORE Or send 3# and your copy will be mailed to you. WINDSOR HOTEL The Pioneer Creamery of Ontario J. B. KELLER, Prop. Manufacturers of WHERE ALL MUSICIANS MEET Get a copy of the beautiful Thomas Cosford, Prop. C. J. BRUDER, Prop KITCHENER G. FRY Complete stock of perfect Diamonds. Wedding Rings at all prices Expert Watch Repairing. All Work Guaranteed. King St. S. â€" _ Phone 107 City Hotel Block WATERLOO Phone Elmira 152 r 3 ST. JACOBS, ONT. DINING ROOM A LA CARTE Phone 2150 ‘Tel me of it you will, But ‘lvo.omlyti.â€" The hilisides ruhc'afl.*\ ‘The scent of lilac, and dew, ‘The songeters ainging in the trees, And drowsy drool on vernal breese. Let towns allure with noise and glare, But leave me landscapes, greon and fair! Calendar Spring begins today and, apart from trailing fringes of smoky white sleeping along fencerows and shaded hillsides, winter‘s fleecy manâ€" tle has practically disappeared from our rural landecapes. Fresh maple syrup of excellent quality was being offered here last week at two dollars a gallon.. _ A record of 2,200 baby chicks from 3000 egge was the excellent report of a local incubsator last week. Killdeer plovers and bluebirds are now arriving and robing are already quite plentiful. ‘The nolsy fiicker wil probably be the next gay migrant arrival in our midst. Several friends and relatives from here attended the Sunday afternoon funeral of Mrs. William Hahn, which took place from Kitchener to the Hillside cometery between Heidel ‘berg and Hawkesville. Fallwheat and varioue gramses have wintered well, but they are still at theâ€"imercy of prevailing wea: ther conditions between now and Easter Monday. _ A carloadâ€"of Alberta coal was be inz unloaded at the C.PR. station here last week. â€" So prolific was the run of sap last Friday that overflowing eapâ€"paile emptied in the evening were again found overflowing on Saturday mornâ€" Mr. Daniel B. Martin of the Steve Wiun home, is retiring from active farm life this spring. He is not holdâ€" ing an auction sale as his son is taking over the farm together with the stock and farm implements. Mr. and Mrs. Martin wil continue resiâ€" dence at the old home. ing After having used a second hand binder ever since he began farming on the Walter Martinson farm, in the spring of 1920, Mr. Daniel M. Weber has placed his order for a new, maâ€" chine for next harvestâ€"time delivery. Martin‘s ‘Meeting House and that ot West Elmira will be the centres of Mennonite Church worship next Sunday morning. Fine sunny days occasionally find many bees {from our neighboring apiaries prospecting the warmingâ€"up countryside. These little creatures have survived the winter much betâ€" ter this year than they did a year 2go, when so many colonies perished from the extreme intensity 0€ proâ€" longed «ubzero weather in .I-‘ebru.l_ry. Soveral large icejame were dis Iouged along the Conestogo on Satâ€" urday and ere eventide the unfetterâ€" ed stream was voluminously pouring some four or five fee deep over the Hawkeeville dam. On Sunday the northâ€"south roadway was impaseable with overflowing flood waters and «tranded cakes of ice. We are sorry to report that Mr. Cecil Schlueter, son of Mr. and Mre. John Schlueter of Linwood underâ€" went an operation for appendix in the K.â€"W. Hoepital. Vicinity Visitors. Me«srs. Abram B. Brubacher and Enos B. Martin are apending a week with friends in Penneylvania. ‘"\Ur. and Mrs. Mark M. Donald of Preston were lately weekâ€"end vist tors with relatives in West Wallenâ€" |fltein, Mr. Menno B. Hoffman and daughâ€" ter Salome are now residing with the latter‘s aister at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Martin of St. Jacobe. Messrs, Calvin and Rarl Tyack were recently business visitors in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Christian B. Frey spent Thureday with Mr. and Mre. Joseph Gingrich of Upper Woolwich. Mss Grace Gooding of Kitchener was a Sunday evening vialtor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Gooding. \}rfilia.x B. Martin and «ister, Suâ€" «annah, epent Thursday at the We her home in West Montrose. . â€" Rev. ai{.i" firâ€"c:--.lohn Bauman of Northeast Elmira spent Sunday afterâ€" noon with Mr. and Mre. Ivan Cressâ€" Mr. and Mrs. James Birmingham and son Lorne and Mrs. Lorne Bingâ€" ham and family were last week visiâ€" tors from Crosehill with Mr. and Mre. Andrew Bach. _ (Messre. Ieaiah F. Martin, Alonzo Gooding and Manasseh M. Martin were Weet Montrose visitors last week man. _ Mr. A. R. Simmons of Hamilton was here on business last Monday. Mr. and Mre. Eli B. Frey and Meesrs. Amos C. Martin, Aaron F. Diefenbacher and George H. »WiAlde- man were weekâ€"end business visltors in the Twin City. â€" ~ Mr. Amzie Brubacher of Bast Glenâ€" allan apent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abram M. Brubacher. Mra. William Tyack and Miss Florence Tyack were last Wednesâ€" day guests with Miss Louise Hueffâ€" ner of Kitchener. _ Mr -a‘r;;iw."d-};'.' Menno R. Martin epent élnndny with Mr. and Mrs. Chrietfan F. Martin of Linwood. _ _ Miss ‘Maryann Frey and brother Enos were lately Sunday visitore with relatives in West Montrose,. _ Mr. Earl «Matthews and sister, Mre. Ralph Jackeon, spent Saturday with Twin City relatives.. Mr. Aaron H. Wideman, Mr. and Mre. Rllas R. Martin and Mre. A+ vin Hoffman recently visited at the West Waterloo home of Mrs. Emâ€" manue Weber. 0_ Gervice Dopt. in charge, with Mr. #. |=”m-=-nh. The carig Mlfloflmdfl' Peart Hibel, a solo was rendored by Ibmugt““ tributed by Miss l.o% teach Porgivences", was ptÂ¥ sented by J. G. Hurst in the form otomhnna-m:& ble verses, read by members of the sinned? Who can forgive ain? What is the cost of forgiveness to the sinâ€" ner? How much does God torgive! How often should we forgive our broâ€" ther? A bible was in the hands of overy ..-“rm.“m.'ff tention was given the questions. ‘The members of St. James Church choir attended the meeting of Luâ€" theran choire in Kitchener on Tues day evening. To Ereot Storage Garage. * Mr. Byivester Good wrecked the old building at the back of his blackâ€" smith shop and is erecting & fine storage garage on the Sight to house at least a half dogen cars. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Knischeweky of Hamllton visited with the former‘s motber on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Henrich of Dashwood are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Smith. ‘Miss Emma Menger bought a buildâ€" ing Jot on Queen St. from the execuâ€" tors of the late Reuben Eby. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Zenas Smyder and family visited with Mr. and Mre. John Cressman at Kitchener on Sunâ€" Micss Margaret Baird, who epent several weeks with Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Walker at New Hamburg re turned to her home on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wood cailled on Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Walker at New Hamburg one day last week. Misa Jessie Ellis of near Ratho has returned to Mr. and Mre. A. B. Christner‘s where sho is engaged for the summer months. _ 20 day Mr. ang Mre. Addie Cressman visitâ€" ed relatives in Waterloo on Sunday. Yiss ‘Mabel Cressman returned with them after spending a week with re latives. 68. 6. Heyevilie and Miss Jessio Pentelow, teacher at 6.6. 4, attended the Norma graduates "At Home" at Hamilton on Friday night. ‘Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bean and famâ€" ily visited with Mr. and Mre. Raiph Hilborn of near New Hamburg on Saturday evening. A number from the community atâ€" tended the display uf the students‘ acâ€" tivities at the K.â€"W. ‘Collegiate at Kitchener on Moaday night. Miss Marjorie Weber of Kitchener spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mre. Eli Weber. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Menno Nahrgang held a quilting at her home ang invited severat of her friends in. On Tuesday afternoon quite a numâ€" ber from the community attended the meeting eponsored by the Dept. of ‘Axrtcnlure and which was held in the Beden township, bal. * Personals. EOCTBURREC Visitors in this community during the past week were Miss Lilly Richardson with her mother, Mrs. John Richardson; Miss Sara Hamâ€" mond of Detroit, Miss Hannah Hamâ€" mond of Clln&bellville. Misses Marâ€" g::et and lia Hammond and ther Ed. of Kingwood at the home of John L. Hammond; Miss Lauvretta Braendle and little niece, Marlene Ziegler, of Heidelberg, with Mrs. Campbell §hlntz; Mr. Illli Mrs. John Rennie of Kitchener, Mrs. Reâ€" becca Hahn and daughter, ‘!h‘y- DOUUR RRRR TE OOR O EOS berta, Miss Jean Foster and brother Brock of Linwood with Mrs. R. Foster and family ; Mrs. Fred Clarke of Kingston with her sister, Mrs. Leo Eisenminger. _ Miss Erma Albrecht visited over Sund;r with her sister, Edna, in Waterloo. Misses Jean and Jessie Hammond and brother Ed :?tnt Sunday eveâ€" ning with friends in Kitchener. _ _ last Tlmnd:&wlfll her sister, Mrs. J. W. Burn in Linwood. Mrs. Alfred Hahn and children spent Wednesday at the bedside of her father, Ernst Schmidt, of Brunner, who is under the care of Dr. D. Spohn of Waterloo. Jacob and John Albrecht, Henry L. Schmidt and Lorne Rennie were business visitors to Orangeville on Tuesday. W.M.S. Hold Meeting. The W.M.S. met with Mrs. John Richardson at the home of Wm. Knicll}I ‘Wednesday afternoon, Mar. 38. seventeen ladies present, five of whom were visitors. The I’IIH D PP PR PSimy o ERRCCCIIRCT rs. Walters is nding a week with friends in l‘_u?‘o?{l._fl_ _ five of whom meeting was and Scripture “‘yorbyhlmdfll.m"u iss Eva Ballard favored the Soâ€" ‘ci.g,byd:“h:‘unlo. The reâ€" mainder of the afternoon was spent in piee .am. At the close of the m hostess served very tastv ents and a social hour was spent. family have moved their household effectd, stock and implements from Baden to the farm about three miles west of Crosshill, known as ‘the John Phair ferm. CROSSHILL â€"WEST WILMOT Baird, who epent with the Holy Name team of and the ecore was $3. ~ dir. and Mro. Harry Ward Ken and Mr. Merino M. Frey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Noah Froy near Mr. and Mre. Bii Martin, Lioyd and Eileen, Rev. and Mre. Reuben Dettâ€" weiler, Forn, Lota and Gladys spent Sundsy with Mr. and Mas. Serapus Mr. Norman Schmidt of Gusiph epent the weekâ€"end at his home here. Mr..and Mrs. Cyrenius Zieglior and Lovina epent Sunday with Mr. and Mr. and (Mre. Martin entertained about twenty young people at their home Sunday in honor of Miss Adell Snider, who is leaving shortly to epend the summer months with re latives and friends in Pennsyivania. Miss Jean Maine of Middlebrook is epending a few daye with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. W. Bauman. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bowman and family of St. Jacobs spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Martin ‘M. Bowâ€" Sunday visitore at the home of Mr. and Mre. Neil Wanner were Mr. and Mre. John Wanner and Mr. Miram Wanner of New Dundee and Mr. and ‘Im. ‘Telford Broadhecker and son Ward of RoseviNe. Mr. and Mrs. lsaiah Creesman, Mrs. Elum (Martin and children Donald and Pauline, Misses Reta and Marâ€" jorie Cressman and Mr. Alvin Gascho were recent callers of Mr. and Mrs. Leander Snider and Mr. and Mre. Earl Snider of German Mills. Miss Violet Martin is epending some time at the home of Mr. and Mre. Ephraim Snider. Mr. Ed. Shants and Mr. Menno Martin of Buttress, Sask., were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ieaiah Cressman on Friday afterâ€" ‘Miss Marjorie Creseman spent Sunâ€" day with her friend, Ermina Bauâ€" Rev. and Mrs. Simon Martin ar daughters Elsie and Lois and & Paul were Sunday visitore at t] home of Mr. and Mre. Herb Feick. Mr. and Mre. Ed. Otterboin, Mi Gladys Otterbein and Mr. Lioyd Otâ€" terbein attended the funeral of ths former‘s mother, Mrs. Ezra Otterbein at Dashwood. Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Cressman were Mr. and (Mrs. Nathaniel Snider and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snider. _ Rev. and Mre. Simon Martin and family were recent visitore at the home of the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mre. Elias Martin at St. Japobs. iMiss Minnie Schults of Kitchener was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Holtzhauer. Phone 2777w. 50 Ontario St. S. KITCHENER ‘"Where did you got that , â€" delicious celery?" FIRST LADY SECOND LADY JOSEPH FACKOURY PHONE 2055 938 King W. â€" Kitchener Near the Hospital, at Mount Hope St. marks the work of our shop. and girls have learned to rely upon Hodgin‘s prices â€" higher than bargain shops but lower than the d or phone for appointment. "At Fackoury‘s. Meet me there this afternoon, if you want to get some real fruits and vegetables!" HODGIN‘S BEAUTY SHOP ORDON‘S OOD Satisfy Phone Kitchener 808 ;..halltbltbulty,wlumnyyonrthouhm A BIRTHDAY, an ANNIVERSARY or other SPECIAL OCCASION will be the brighter if you "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS". Wedding bouquets and decorations. Mmuhndfiommaâ€"mflydo- signed to please. Wofmflc\nnuyvi’_nâ€"uyflmâ€"u-hm GRADE A BARRED ROCKS................ 12; GRADE A WHITE LEGHORNS............. 11c DAY OLD BARRED ROCK COCKERELS .... 5&6 DAY OLD WHITE LEGHORN COCKERELS.. 3c â€" We also have White Rocks and R. !. Reds, started chick» and pullets. Send for complete list. SEILING FARMS ano HATCHERY PHONE 161w SPRING FLOWERS and ROSES Mead‘s Flower Shop Phone 1410 + KITCHENER â€" 200 King St. W. â€" THE EMBASSY o acarka â€" bNTt PHONE 17 New Dundee Coâ€"operative Creamer% Ltd. BUTTER â€" Apple Blossom and F. C. C. Brands â€" R POWDERED BUTTER MILK Frosh every day. New Dundee Creamery products are produced au-:;-’ '}"h":'m:z"‘g’ m‘?fl{ &:::".f-:gn;gfi Seiling‘s ~|~ Hiâ€"Quality Chicks |: CPORMIOLY, AWC UWIIOBE CERTC C _%-‘-.-‘-eâ€"hâ€"v .--vr-â€"-;°‘-.-;‘;a you as as when they urns. For youm% Inwm and enjoyment, ask for i NEW DUNDEE CREAMERY PRODUCTS ZAPFE MACHINE & REPAIR 16 College St _ â€" _ KITCHENER __ _ â€" _ Phone 4122 oo GENERAL MACHINE WORK Bushings â€" Reâ€"Babbiting â€" Valve Grinding â€" Bearings Crank Shafts Experimental Work * Repairs of All Kinds Modern equipment and thoro experienced mechanics eo-hlnmdny::wfi«ndfnnuddu?on mulfidgodénmu-fodmhmad-nd. For good health cat more cheose. You will fnd our xrodncb on the best tables in the district. You, too, will find Baden Cheése meets your expectations. At the better dealers in the district. DANCING â€" MUSIC â€" DINNERS Smail sige at ..............~ zlAO Large size at .............. $1.98 HARDW A RE 39 King 8. â€" WATERLOO, ONT. â€" Phone 408 CHILDREN‘s WAGGONS All steol, rubber tires, 34 Bridgeport Road + WATERLOO â€" Phone 1027 GENERAL MACHINE WORK ‘ â€" _ lncluding _ â€" LATME * (ll.llhlylh * IIIAPII'-.- MILLING and Mm satisfactory work. Come out any time and enjoy yourself. Our food will delight you and the welcome sign is always out. When you want a real enjoyable evening come to the Embassyâ€"we guarantee a good time. . KITCHENER SPRING COMPANY SAP PAILS â€" 1% PETER GINGRICH The cheese that made Baden famous. CHEDDAR SWISS CANADIAN Purata es 0| us reamnel al o0 Cage ) BE ............._. $140 SEPARATOR BRUSHES D BE sessressceress zl-‘. Assorted styles, 10¢ and 15¢ H. K. Wilhelm xtlmvedfré-wl ; Tested Stock DAIRY PAILS

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