Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 21 Mar 1935, p. 6

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_ Kitchener â€" Waterloo â€" NewHamburg â€" Elmira â€" St Jacobs â€" Baden _ C I P N uid Every day we read reports of incremses in prices of what business calls "commodities". By that we mean basis raw materials such as cotten, rubber, silk, etc.â€"â€"foundations upon which rest the whole business ‘:}7 mAmuwymwmm-wumudmwmm.Amhhcuhmuumu.mâ€"umuuamhcm. ~ 3"@ Myuyenm&ualhld'h“ah-fih(Wâ€"ch-..Amhthn-l'orthh-,th-!wtbm,anhthcjob-lbmaryurh-o,ahch-tu.ufi.cu & ‘_?H uwdhh‘n-duâ€"thhyiu'dtlmlhh-lfl.flmpâ€"c-hmummmbdphtmm&lnm tons Myk,dm.-Wa:bwut.. mh-‘mmq.-zummmupymmm. They guarantee quality. Patronize the firms of Waterioo and District and -h:?-‘y-r dollars in circulation where you have a chance to get them back mh'. We recommend our advertimers. -W; v;odi-;;tn; ;dâ€"v;tl.d;T;t‘he-;fw-c-;m -a‘:t:t;-n't-hc;::;oâ€"u;nâ€"hle nd':tr; Trerrazzo ano Ticz ComPranYy 71 Queen Street 8. â€" KITCHENER . Phone 3697 The BER NA RDO 4 : White Leghorus â€" White Rocks â€" Rhode Island Reds Barred Rocks â€" White Minorcas Fireplaces YÂ¥ John Street E. + WATERLOO OLIVE MATTHEWS 106 Weber Chambers â€" KITCHENER â€" 144 King W was baked by Mrs. Weber of West Montrose (competing in a large class of keen competition) with SNIDER‘S WHITE DAISY BRAND pure Manitoba flour. Support your home industry and bui good flour at reasonable prices, If you have not done so, give it St. Jacobs, Ont. â€" Phone 365 r 11 â€" Conestogo, Ont. BOYER LUMBER CO. Builders‘ Supplies â€" Sash Doors â€" Roofing â€" Millwork NEW HAMBURG CREAMERY RED LABEL Phone 105, New Hamburg, and our truck will call at your door. OUR SALES AND SERVICE POLICY EQUAL TO THE BEST. Sales â€" FORD â€" Service PHONE 148 z T NEW HAMBURG New Riding Comfort . . . New Body Room . . . New New Clutch . . . Easior Steoring. OST EO PATHY SNIDER FLOUR MILLING CO. Fireplace Furnishings Material of the right grade, well manufactured and seasoned, and delivered promptly, at reasonable prices, has gained us hundreds of satisfied customers. We have served this district for twelve years. FOR PIES AND CAKES Use SNIDER‘S GOLD PASTRY Flour. For best results always use a Manitoba four for bread and a Pastry flour for pies and cakes. Butter that must pass rigid tests, that is produced from graded cream, and that is constantly adding to its list of homes that prefer its richness and guaranteed quality, is packed in this homeâ€"owned creamery and sold by the better dealers in the district. NEW HAMBURG CREAMERY THE FIRST PRIZE BREAD at the Elmira Fall Fair Wateruoo Countyr HarcnuEery Osteopathic treatment of feet for fallen arches. BABY CHICKS You are invited to inspect and ride in the New FORD Vâ€"8 for 1935 E. G. HAMMER LIMITED From Bloodâ€"Tested Stock You look for size, vigor and egg production in a wellâ€"bred chick SERVICE BRAND CHICKS have all these qualities that will lead "The New Hamburg Creamery label is your guarantee" Are Our Specialty. And all lines of Ask for our Catalogue and prices. Nature‘s Way to Health Junker & Stock, Prope. you to success. Bâ€"Uâ€"Tâ€"Tâ€"Eâ€"R Phone 683 _ There were no services in the churches here on account of the outâ€" break of scarlet fever. Hester Tanner w the weekâ€"end with friends at tford. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coghlin reâ€" turned home last Sunday after visiting for the last couple of weeks __Mrs. R. Paterson visited last week with her friend, Mrs. J. R. Kerr and other friends at Milverton. and Bert Wray‘s recently. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Dewar visited friends around Atwood last Sunday. Mrs. Geo. McLennan is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alex. Cuthbertâ€" son _:ml_f.pliy at Woodstock. _ P Mre. Wdwin Bender is spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mohr at Philipsburg. Mr. and Mre. Sam W. Horst and children Edna, Rimer and Rdwin were Monay visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nathanitl Martin at St. Jacobs. Mra. Edmund Schwindt spent sevâ€" eral days with her daughter Ruth, and other friends in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmitt and sons Stuart and Frederick and Mr. Edmund Bonn of Waterloo an Mrs. Allen Wagner of Creekbank were reâ€" cent vieitors of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bonn. __ Mre. George Koepke and children Helen and Elwood spent eeveral days with ber parents, ‘Mr. and Mre. Simon Waliter near Paimerston. Mr. John Maurer was a ‘business visitor to Toronto on Monday. ‘Mr. and Mre. Wilfrid Underwood and daughter Carol of ‘Bridgeport were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Maurer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maurer and on Vernon attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Catharine Hahn at Heldelberg on Sunday. Mr. Maurice Schwindt was a vie!â€" tor with Galt friends recently. _ Miesea Helen Allgeier and Marâ€" garet Bender and Mr. Moses Snyder of Kitchener visited relatives here on Sunday. Misses Margaret and Ruth Miller and Mr. Clare Moleod were weekâ€" end visitors in ‘Tavistock with Mr. and Mre. Nelil Wettlaufer. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Strome, who reside in Saskatchewan were recent visitors with Mr. and Mre. Edmund iSchwindt. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Elmo King and famâ€" ily were Sunday vieitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Field in Alma. Mre. Robert J. Rumble of Alma epent Tuesday with the Bender famâ€" Hies here. Mre. F. Deeton celebrated her birthday last Monday afternoon when she entertained a number of guests Mré. Bishop of Alterta, formerly Alice Stanley, a oneâ€"time resident of this place is visiting at the home of her foster parents, D. Wright and Mre. Wright, and other friends in the village. at a quilting bee at her home, after which a dainty supper was served, including cake and other dainties. Congratulations are extended to Edwin Ferguson, who has been sucâ€" cessful in paesing his Senior Piano examinations in connection with the ‘Toronto Conservatory of Music, which he tried recently at Brantford. Miss Jean Grieves, RN., is conâ€" valescing at her home here after havâ€" Ing undergone an operation,for the removal of her appendix at Hamil ton. formance put on by the Tice‘s Circus last Friday night in the town hall. ‘A most interesting feature of the evening was when Sherwood Gooding, a local youth, succeeded in riding the donkey a short distance. Considâ€" ering that only one person has ever ‘beon euccessful in eteying on this donkey for one minute, this is a very remarkable feat. Personals. Mrs. King entertained a number of friends and relatives at a quilting last week. Miss Jean Potter, Miss Velma Sanguin and ‘Miss Hasel Randall of ‘Toronto spent the weekâ€"end at their homes in the village. Mr. and Mre. Lorne Shantz and little daughter Marlene of Kitchener visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shants. LOCAL LAD PERFORMS FEAT OF DONKEY RIDING Friends of Mr. and Mre. Lawrence Smith and family will regret to hear that they are confined to their home with measles. Miss Zoa Zinken of the village spent some time last week visiting with relatives at Kitchener and New Mr. John Mcintyre spent several days last week at his home in Woodâ€" Mrs. (Dr.) Jack Wraj NORTH WOOLWICH A large number attended the perâ€" . (Dr.) Jack Wray of Lethâ€" , Alta., visited at Messrs. Geo. Rersanals and other items as toid by. Waterioqg Chronicle PLATTSVILLE MILLBANK DISTRICT NEWS Use it Always Menno L. Weber Phone 161 r 5 ST. JACOBS _A meeting was held in the Yatton school on Friday afternoon to disâ€" cuss the warble fly problem. Quite a number of the farmers are taking advantage of the offer of the counâ€" cil who are distributing powder free to those who will use it to get rid of this pest. resent a patient in the hospital at fim_‘ hener and under the care of Mr. Joe Stubbs of Wellesley was a Saturday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rutherford. Mr. John R. Jackson and son Morâ€" ley were visitors with friends in Stratford on Wednesday. Misses Mary and Muriel Matthews spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman King of Elmira. Mr. Morley Jackson and cousin, Jim Jackson, of Kinistino, were Wednesday evening visitors with friends in Elmira. Rev. Mr. Neil paid a few pastoral ::i:lll on this neighborhood on Friâ€" y. â€" â€" Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Martin of Elmira were Monday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ion Martin. The assessor, Mr. Ira Jackson, has been making his rounds in this locality during ghg‘ past week. â€" A number of the youn& people from this line attended the play, "Beads on a String", put on by the Y:l’l.S. in Hollen on Thursday Dr. Symons of Elmira APPROVED SHOE REPAIRING Susannah, daughter of Mr. and 4rs. Henry Metsger, Jr., is at resent a patient in the hospital at PROMPT AND. COURTEOUS SERVICE Change to summer oil now. Next Bank of Montreal Phone 612 â€" WATERLOO British American Products PURITY FLOUR PURITY FLOUR YE OLDE MILL That‘s what every customer wants â€" â€" That‘s what users of Try it Once SHOE REPAIRING Phone 941 King 8t. 8. Waterioo Ed. L House of repairing shoes are approved by manufacâ€" turers. We use factory equipment and materials of highest grade in our work. ® STANDARD PRICES Give us your order for a sack of our‘ Munroe Fisher, Prop. That means our methods SERVICE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT and You‘ll today. YATTON . _A New / Quality" Without the Loss of The death occurred at the Old Peopie‘s Home, Kitchener on Saturâ€" day morning of Norman McKay. He was a resident of this }ocality up until Jantary of this year. The re mains rested at dApport‘s Funeral Home, Kitchener, untit ‘Tuesday morning and then was taken to ‘Carâ€" gill for burial. _ ‘The postponed meeting of the Litâ€" erary Soctety wili be held on Mon The U,BC.E. met in the church on Sunday afternoon, Topic "Manâ€" aging OQurselves", was given by Vorâ€" na Bricker. A duet, ‘"I‘m a Child o% the King", was sung by Harry Hilâ€" born and Robert Stager. Norman MoKay Passes On. 0 Dr. and Mrs. G. Cheeaman, Conisâ€" teo. N.Y., were guests of Mr. and Mre. William Detwoiler last Thursâ€" day. Mrs. Owen Snyder of Mayronne, Saek., who has been visiting with friends and relatives in the village accompanied Dr. and Mre. Cheesmhan to Conisteo. Mr. and Mrs. Teord Brodhaecker and son, Ward were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mre. Neil Wanner, Strasburg. Mre. Russel Fried and son Murray of ‘Kitchener are spending this week at the home of Mrs. Allan Fried. Mr. and Mre. Clarence Hilborn and son Eden were visitors in Brantford on Saturday. Rev. and Mre. G. D. Fleming, New Dundee, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Becker on Sunâ€" day. Mr. and Mre. ‘William Detweiler, Mr. and Mre, M..B. Snyder, New Dunâ€" dee. attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Charles Willets of Clifford on Saturday,‘ Eric Cox was a visitor with friends in ‘Palmerston over the weekâ€"end. Mre. Lovina Schiedel and daughâ€" ters Edna and Dorothy and sons Car] and John of ‘Mannhelm visited at the home of Mr. and‘Mrs. Vernon Witmer on Sunday. Miss Nora Henderson of Paris is «pending a week with her sister, Mre. Bigin Miller and Mr. Miller. Mr. Wayne Cressman of Wilmot Centre called on Mr. Roy Diefenbachâ€" er on Wednesday evening. Personale, Mies Miriam Cressman of Strat ford apent the weekâ€"end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Simeon Cressâ€" man. Mias Jean Diefenbacher spent Sunâ€" day evening with Miss Alice Witzel of Victoriaburg. Mr. and Mre. Addison Geiger and daighters Ere and Ada attended the funeral of the late Mr. James Meyers at Kitchener last week. Mrs. Henry Eckstein and «on Elâ€" mer visited with Mre. James Cash at Waterloo on Saturday. Mr. and ‘Mre. Ephraim Knechtel and family of Mannheim epent Sunâ€" day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Bechtel. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Feick, Miss Myrtle and Masters Earl and Donald were Sunday visitors with Rev. and Mrs. P. J. Wiebe. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Jantzi have taken up residence on the farm of Mr. Vernon Witmer. N Mr. Joe Stoltz spent Monday afterâ€" noon with Mr. Samuel Sararas. Mr. and Mre. Wm. Egerdee, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Egerdee and the Misses Irene and Gladys Kurt visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner at Victoriaburg on Sunday. Mir. Roy Diefenbacher and daughâ€" ter Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Diefenâ€" bacher and ofildren Eiva and Nyle, called on Miss Lillian Die€fenbacher at the St. Mary‘s Hospital, Kitchener on Saturday evening. A splendid Program. The monthly literary meeting of Rosebank School was held on March 16th, with Bernice Eigerdee in charge. The secretary, Jean Diefenbacher, gave her report. Sangeter Goettling rendered a mouthorgan selection which was followed by a reading, ‘"The Last Portage", by Drummond, by N. 8. Hill; Jean Haliman then gave an instrumental which was fol lowed by a reading, "Maple Byrup in Canada", by Norman Bean;A mouthâ€" organ duet y Lorne Baer and N. 8. Hill was given; A dialogue, "A Joker Joked", was given by the following: Earl Feick, Eldon Bechte}, Elyva Dieâ€" fenbacher, Margaret Witmer, Wesâ€" ton Kaster, Willis Baer;A reading, "Johnnie Courteau", by Drummond, by N. S. Hill; An instrumental duet was given by Jean and Elva Diefenâ€" bacher which was followed by the reading of the echool paper by Mary Kaster; N. S. Hill favored with a mouthorgan selection. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witmer and daughter ‘Mearilyn spent Sunday with Mre. Martin at Kitchener. Mr. Albert Duench spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mre. Ste phen Duench at Wallenstein, Mr. and Mre. Elgin Miller and son Merle spent Sunday in Paris. Sunday visitore at the home of Mr. Samuel Sararas were: Mr. and Mrs. Vanner Hues of Petersburg, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Huebach of Waldair, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinger and duughters of New Dundee. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Eligin Milier attended a funeral in Brantford last week. Mre. Clarence Knechtel held a quilting at her home on Monday afternoon. Mr. Kenneth Stoltz epent last week with Mr. Gillis Linton at Galt. ROSEVILLE | Koegler‘s Hamamelis Ointment Koegler‘s Linâ€"Lax Koegler‘s Tooth Paste 18 Lancaster St. Conger Lehigh C So you will know from whom to buy next season. Give Us a Chance to Serve You U Spring May Be ‘Round the Corner, BUT DO NOT FORGET We Will Have More . No. 24" No. No. Renew Your Fanning Mill Screen Now ELLIS ano HOWARD uto. DISTRIBUTORS 110 Ontario South â€"â€" KITCHENER â€" Phone 3300 King St. N. 1334 Â¥ern.h- Sedan 1934 e 1933 Dodge Coach 1932 Essex Sedan 1932 Ford Sport Coupe â€" 1929 Hudson Sedan e All the above cars are in excellent condition. Come in and see them, they are priced right. Buddell‘s Garage T he New * Sow full sized healthy seed only. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF SCREENS IN STOCK TUNE IN EVERY EVENING, $.30â€"7.00, ON CKCR. USED CARS WEBER HARDWARE CO. 316 Perf. Zinc, 19/128 rd. mesh for removing coarse material MY HAES .... 1. . oorcon0eeereormeimineniovreprensrenyrrayrennrrnscenees B w Fi. 347 Perf. Zinz, 7/64 x 1%" for grading barley. a width Black Cotton 7 x 7 mesh for wheat and barley, _ Riddle Screen, 3 x 1/16" for barley 341 Perforated Zinc, 5/64 x !;" mesh, used for early cats. A natural Laxative, contains no harmful or habit formâ€" <ing ingredients. A valuable Ointment for Ulcers, Haemorrhoids or Piles, Burns, Bed Sores, Injuries, Rheumatism, Varicose Veins, St. N. â€" WATERLOO ALSO LOCATED AT GALT For the treatment and prevention of Pyorrhea, Canker sores and other Teeth and Gum Troubles. For Sale at Hachnel‘s Drug Store, Waterioo. Special Sale WHOLESALERS and RETAILERS Cold Weather South WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ELIMINATE WEEDS. Ideal for the '"E;:.ie.n, lighted average family. tevior. â€"__ KITCHENER MGR. H. W. STURM 25 cents a large tube 25 cents m large tube STOR â€" DOR" 25 cents a box KITCHENER â€" Phone 3000 ment.. Easily removed for cleaning. able inside the food eo-_p@- Saves food and vegotables for with the new "storâ€"dor" far more shelf space is availâ€" Keeps vegetables crisper. Rolling shelves. Selectâ€"aâ€"cube ice trays. ‘Fast freezing shelf fo 1931 Buick Sedan 1931 Studebaker Sedan 1930 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Hupmobile Coupe 1929 Oldsmobile Sedan desserts and PHONE 34 Phone 403 15¢ sq. ft. 15¢ 19. ft. for 18e

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