Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 21 Mar 1935, p. 4

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:;w + * It has â€" ?"p:m POWER ROOMINESS and SAYETY. * KLEINSCHMIDT‘S LIMITED TO INSURE _ _ â€" Well Matured, Early Laying Pullets START YOUR CHICKSâ€"ON KLINCK‘S CHICK STARTER 263â€"2381 King East â€" ORDER ! GRASS SEED NOW 16 Church W. â€" _ ELMIRA, ONT. O.A.C, No. 3 OATS .................... IMPROVED BANNER OATS....... O.A.C. No. 157 OATS.................. O.&A.C. No. 144 OATS............... Red Clover, Alfalfa Alsike, Yellow and White Blossom Sweet Clover and also Alsike and Timothy mixed. SEED OATS S O.A.C. No. 21 SIXâ€"ROWED.............. VELVETO, SIXâ€"ROWED .................. SEED PEASâ€"GOLDEN VINE....... economical service during the 12 years we have served our patrons. We pledge a continmance of this policy. 87 Bridgeport Road â€" WATERLILOO â€" Phone 919 54 Bridgeport Road â€" WATERLOO â€" Phone 110 Upâ€"Stairs at 8 Frederick St., Kitchener, a large stock of RUGS, CURTAINS, WALL PAPER, BLINDS, FLOOR COVERINGS are shown. GREENHOUSE Potted Plants â€" Cut Flowers _â€" _ Floral Designs There is no more subtle or effective way of conveying sentiment than by sending flowers, 96 William St WATERLOO Phone 924 Cut Prices. > â€" â€" Visit Our Store. Extra help has been added. My daughter, (Pauline), Mrs. Hornung, and Mr. Hornung of Detroit, are now helping to serve you promptly and courteously. WE SELL YOU GOOD GOODS 8 Frederick St. â€" KITCHENER â€" Phone 353 N. S. HUNSBERGER BUILDERS‘ SUPPLIKES Sash â€" Doors â€" Windows â€" Trimmings â€" Cupboards by the economy of our low prices. â€" Specialising in Combination Doors and Storm Windows. 184 Erb W. â€" WATERLOO â€" Phone 708w Cut your fuel bills FUELâ€"PAK is highâ€"grade 'l‘r.‘ coal, It burns with a clear, hot :.-. and leaves little ash, no clinkers and no dirt. Let us prove to you that by every standard it is the best fuel for you to burn. Sold by package or ton. Prompt Delivery. 168 Moore Ave. â€" Phone 600w E. LANTZ T nTERLOO, ont. DO YOU KNOW ..? Watch Your Budget! Economize! Service from KITCHENER to TORONTO and LONDON And intermediate Points. , ® LICENSED AND INSURED It has been our constant desire to build a reliahle, safe and economical service during the 12 years we have served our Our service is prompt and reliable. Kindly share us with part of your requirements this Spring. D PEASâ€"GOLDEN VINE.................... $1.25 bushel MARTIN‘S CHOPPING MILL ._ _ CUSTOM HATCHING Bring your HEN and DUCK EGGS to us and we will turn them into "Livable" Chicks and Ducklings at most reasonable prices. For size, vigour and egg production, our Hatchery will a guarantee satisfaction. Klinck‘s Developing Mash or Klinck‘s Range Mash We also offer Chick Scratch, Wheat, Chick Grit, Beatty Brooders, etc. * Offering a lnx- selection of millwork and other building materials which will stand the most rigid tests. You can rely on the quality of our materials and profit KLINCEK®‘S LTD. FUEL â€" PAK CHRIS. SCHEIFELE J. DERBECKER C. anp H. TRANSPORT ymMoOUTUJase â€" The improved engine has the highest comâ€" PHONE 95 PAGEL HATCHERY c ERDTC UERRARIRNUINND] ceagececersces MRD PC “ , INGREDIENTS: Butterimilk Powder, Fish Residue Meal, Meat Meal, Bonemeal, Pearl i # Grit, Calcium Carbonate, Cane Molasses, ‘ Cod Liver Oil, Kelp Meal, Soyabean Oil Meal, Wheat Germ, Alfalfa Meal, Corn E" Meal, Barley Meal, Ground Oat Groats, Wheat Bran, Wheat Shorts, Wheat Midâ€" * dlings. Aund after six to cight weeks, feed SEED BARLEY REGISTRATION NO. 5405 Guaranteed Analysis: Protein (Minimum} ..........18.0 Fat (Minimum) .............. 4.5 Fibre (Maximum) ...,.......... 6.0 ......18.0% cc... 4.5% ...... 6.0% 65c bushel 65¢ bushel 75¢ bushel 70¢ bushel 80c bushel Phone 17 ‘The many friends of Mrs. Albert Preece, Allan St., Waterioo, will be |glad to learn that she has recovered sufficiently from her recent serioue illness to be permitted to be out of the Waterico UADINNT:| y o Lockio and on Seturday‘ orOD ~"“ Order of the a‘:::r' ; and the conâ€" aatawn. 6 , manaentd brâ€"wadt smadionadeth iA e Wls BB WOSS ‘Rastorn Star recently. eolation a .fz;.'.,... mo.n‘ua-mo-. and dr. A. H. Lowe. was the guest of and Mro. A. W.] Mrs. 8. C. Tweed has returned to Mlmamm.umm Bt,, Waterioo, to the city to address the Women‘s|ed the National Federation of the tained at her home, Willow 6t., We m&mu.mmy' in of her house guest, Mrs. R. L Stratton of London. Kitchener, is spending the winter in ‘Toronto. With her sister, Mre. A. Schiede} she attended the reception wiven by Mre. Mitchell Hepburn reâ€" SVEUOUE WDUWOD PODDNOMT, WHART MECY were addressed by Dr. D. W. Whaley. Mre. C. F. Otit entertained the exeâ€" cutive of the Kiwaniqueens, of which she is the president, at a charmingly arranged St. Patrick‘s tea at her home, Allan St., Waterloo on Friâ€" to her home, Alma 6t., Kitchoner, from Windsor, where in her capacity of provincial organizing secretary of the Imperia} Order Daughters of the Empire, she presented the charter to the newly organized ‘Royal Jublice ‘The alumnae of the K./W. Hospital nurses‘ training school held a suc of a delightful event Friday afterâ€" noon when a group of six members of the Ladies‘ Aid of Knox Presbyâ€" terian church arranged a successful talent tea there. Mre. E. Frey assisted by Mrs. Harry Germann and Mrs. F. Quehl had charge of the second meeting of the Lutheran W.MS. prayer series in St. John‘s Lutheran parish hall, ‘Waterloo, on Thursday. _ Mre. James Fleming and Mrs. J. Schondelmayer were recently apâ€" pointed delegates to represent the Women‘s Missionary Society of Knor Presbyterian church, ‘Waterloo, at the.convention of the Ontario Proâ€" vincial Presbyterian Women‘s (Misâ€" sionary Society. spending several days in Waterioo, the guest of his mother, Mre. B. day cently in India by the members of the Woâ€" men‘s Missionary Society of St. Matthew‘s Lutheran church at their meeting in the school room of the Church recently. _ The friends of Mr. Herman H. Gray, assistant manager of the Untâ€" versal Life Assurance Company, will be glad to know that he is recover ing from an emergency operation for appendicitie undergone recently. _ Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cook, Marâ€" garet Avo., Kitchener, and Mr. and {Mm. J. C. Breithaupt, Margaret Ave., Kitchener left Thursday morning on a motor trip to Florida. Word has been received by relaâ€" tives and friends in the Twin ‘City of the death at Winnipeg, Man., on March 12th of Mrs. Aaron K. Devitt. Mrs. Mary Learn, Arthur place, Kitchener, is the guest of Rev. Mr. Backus and Mre. Backus in New Dun:â€" Rev. Raiph Turnbull and Mre. Turnbull of Tillsonburg were the guests of the latter‘s parents, Dr. W. L. Hilliard and Mrs. Hilliard, Albort street, Waterloo, last: week. Rev. Dr. @. Ciagsen, president of ‘The home of Mre. ¥¥m. Matheson, Mrs. Vorwerk Ernst has returned Pure Penn ....... 85¢ gal. 5 gals. $3.75 American Golden . 75¢ gal. 5 gals. $3.25 5 gals. $2.75 Grease ........... 20¢ Ib. 5 Ibe. 85¢ Miss Lillian Schweitser, King St., Groases at, reduced prices reâ€" ‘The sum of $50 was voted toward nd get our larger ring order a e :.u-!l!y prices. _ Here‘s sample : Distributors _ in _ Waterloo County for American Lubriâ€" cants of Canada Limited anâ€" nounce a complete line of Oils and Greaseeâ€"moter or tractor oils a specialty. See us for your Kitchener Oil Service "MONEY BACK 13 OUR KITCHENER 112 Queen St. South Liberal ‘Women of Canads at the funeral of the former presiden} of the organization, the late Mrs. W. C. Kennedy, widow of the late Hon. W. C. Kennedy, former Libera) minister of railways. Mr. and Mrs. John Schlueter of Liinwood spent Monday and ‘Tuesday with Mr, and Mre. Gordon Schlueter, Kitchoner. . ~ Mr. Devid Weaver of Castor, Alta., is spending a month with relatives and friends in Kitchener and vicinâ€" WATERLOO MERCHANT SERIOUSLY ILL Friends of Mr. A. Germann, ’vnll known w.mH:ery goods mer. chant, will be sorry to learn that he C Foell Cyrus lflooli died at his home Glenallan on Tuesday, after bej ill for only a few days. Decea: was 77 years of age. _ Surviving are his wife, three #o Revx. H. A. Kellerman in an unique sermon with special lighting effects spoke to his congregation at the Waâ€" terioo Emmanue] Evangelical Church on Sunday evening om "From Evenâ€" ing to Morning". The subject of his discourse was "Created darkness is the absence of created light." lenallen, and two Mrs. Geo. grut::aln n.fimbou- of Elmira. The funeral will be held Friday afternoon from his home at <wo ‘.'cmumx.nu:mflg Hesson. Remains will be interred ity has been confined to his home for several weeks, seriously ill followâ€" ing the setting in of complications Latest reports indicate a steady imâ€" provement in Mr. Germann‘s health. WHEAT REPORTED Toronto.â€"The wéekly crop report of the Ontario Department of Agriâ€" culture on Tuesday of this week inâ€" cludes this excerpt: _ _ _ ‘"In Waterloo, Haldimand and Rainy River, fall wheat appears to be in good condition but lack of snow in Prince Edward exposed supplies there to cold winds. A shortage of hay is reported in Church for services at 3 o‘clock. Interment will be made at Kitcheneh Mount Hope cemetery. Rev. O. S. &'l'hmd-y) from the residence to aterloo Mount H cemetery. Rev. James Fleming :&‘ conduct the Hesson. Remains will b the adjoining cometery. Middlesex." In Kitchener police court on Tuesday, the claim of William Dubrick of Waterloo against Elam Axt, R. R. Efl B:ger;; ffi- -(‘ift}n in wages, was ow y te Weir. Both parties agreed that a verbal contract had existed bÂ¥ which Dubrick was to work on the farm of Axt for $165 per year. Only $144 had been paid, the defendant claimâ€" ing that Dubrick left before the year was up. « $ Harry Hooper The death of Harry Hognr. for thirty years a resident of Waterloo, occurred at his home in Waterloo on Itmd-‘ night. Deceased was a native of rxhnd, and served overâ€" seas during the war.. Survlvin‘m his wife, one son, mno&of aterloo, two daughters, ‘m. Linder and Mrs. Harry Marks of Waterloo, one brother Alfred Hooper of ‘Kitchener, and one sister in England. The funeral will be held today (Thursday) from the residence to She is survived by two sisters, an. J%l:,n Beckg, tl:jltchomra Mrs. tzert, aterloo, and two M:Kcn, John Schoenhals, Clinton, and Harry Schoenhals, Kitchener. The funeral will be held Friday from the residence of her sister, Mrs. Dotzert, to St. John‘s Lutheran Roberts will conduct the services Ontario Budget Likely March 28 The Legislature debate will wind up on Tuesday, March 26, it was announced at Toronto on Tuesday night by the whips of both Governâ€" ment _ and Oxigonition groups. Former Premier Henry and Provinâ€" cial Secretary Harry C. Nixon will Miss Margaret Schoonhals There passed awry at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mary Dotzert, in Waterloo, on Tuesday, Miss Marâ€" garet Schoenhals, agn({ 78. Deceased was a native of f\lorth Easthope. be the closing speakers. Every effort will be made by Cabinet to bring Mrs. John T. Petch There passed .'.'F at the St. Mary‘s Hospital on Tuesday, Mrs. John T. Petch, following a short illness. Deceased was in her 58th year and prior to removing to Kitchâ€" ener, lived near Linwood. _ _ _ _ A., Pearl _ and Eva at home. One brother, Edward Schmidt of New Hamburg, and three sisters, Mrs. Andrew ‘l‘illesy. Kitchener, Mrs. Louis Pletch, Sebringville, and Mrs. J. W. McMaster of Welland, also survive. the budget down on March 28. She is survived by her husband, two sons and five daughters, Lorne F. Petch of Kitchener, Clare M., at home, Mrs. S. E. Walton of Kitchâ€" ener, and the Misses Elva M., Violet The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon with a private service at her late residence, with a public service at St. Andrew‘s Prenbflarhn Church. Burial will take place in Woodland cemetery. Rev. G. Taylorâ€" Munro will be in charge. LENTEN SEASON OPENED WAGE CLAIM ALLOWED Obituary are his wife, three 80 Menno and Fred, all in of c'omfli;utions attack of uenza. GOOD LOCALLLY epent a few days with her sisters, ‘Misses Minnie and Marion Ernst. Miss Dora Debus spent a few days with relatives in Toronto. NEW HAMBURG Hahn Brass hockey team took the first e of the finals in the W.O.mvlultlnyddut‘dtb Listowel team 6â€"2 on Monday. A wallet containing $86 in bille and also a car liconse and driver‘s perâ€" mit, was picked up on the street by a local citizen recently and was reâ€" turned to the owner who is a promâ€" Inent East Zorra farmer. Crop Failure To Be Topic. A meeting of the New ‘Hamburs Agricultural Society will be held in the near future at which members of the Ontario Agricultural College staff at Guelph will be present to address the members and friends who atâ€" tend, just how to .’vgd erop failures when the signs appéar. River Again in Fiood. The ‘Nith river overflowed its banks the second time this year on SBaturday. Flooding of the flats along the course resulted during the after‘ noon. ‘The bridge west of the village known as ‘Helmer‘s ibridge was ewbâ€" merged due to an ice jam just to the south of the crossing. Little damage resulted. GIRL GUIDES MEET The meeting of the first Waterloo company of Girl Guides, was adâ€" dresaed on Friday night by Mrs. Pepâ€" pler of Toronto, deputy provincial commiesioner. ‘The district commisâ€" sioner, [Mre. W. G. Weichel also apoke briefly concerning the Dominâ€" lon contest for Guiders in regard to essays on herbs. Floradale Wins 3â€"2. The Floradale Indians went on to win another victory on Monday when they defeated the Holy Name Socialism Wins. _ Mr. and Mrs. F. Jarvis and chilâ€" dren of St. Catharines were weekâ€"end visitors with relatives in Toronto. The ne&tive side of the debate, resolved t "Capitalism is better than Socialism" won by narrow margin _when the Presbyterian Young People joined in a St. Patrick‘s day debate recently. _ _ when they defeated the Holy Name team of Elmira by 3â€"2. The winners were on top throughout the entire Mr. George Klinck has received word that his son, Rev. Arthur Wilâ€" liam Klinck, has completed his final examinations at the University of Nebraaka for the degree of Doctor of ‘Philosophy. Mrs. Wilheim Porturka. Olinski â€" At St. Mary‘s Hospital, March 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilâ€" liam Olinski, Kitchener, a son (stillborn). . Bochmâ€"At Hessen Road, March 13, to Mr. and Mre. George Boohm, a son, Hingpergerâ€"At Kitchener, March 8, to Mr. and Mre. Walter Hinsperâ€" ger, 262 King St. E., a son. Talmanâ€"At Kitchener, March 14, to Mr. and Mre. C. E. Taliman Waâ€" terloo 8t., a son. Brandtâ€"At Kitchener, March 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Brandt, Wood ‘St., Kitchener, a eon. Cunninghamâ€"At ‘Toronto, March 14, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Rowe Cunningâ€" ham, a daughter Leeâ€"At ‘Elmira, March 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Louls Lee, a son. Winterâ€"At K.â€"W. Hospital, March ‘18, to Mr. and Mrs. Raiph ‘Winter, Richmond Ave., Kitchener, a son. \ Death claimed Mre. Wilhelm Porâ€" turka after a lengthy illness at her home in Elmira on Thureday. Deâ€" ceased was in her 29th year. She is survived by her husband, one son Ernest, and one daughter, Dalores, both at home. (Her mother, Mre. Gustina Richter, of Alborte, and three brothers, Carl and Gustay Richter of Alberta, and Gottlieb Richâ€" ter of Kitchener, also survive. The funeral was held on Sunday, interment being made in the St. Peâ€" ter‘s Lutheran cemetery, Rev. A. Orzen of Kitchener in charge of the services. ._(3) Kitchonerâ€"Waterice J Spdepnster the proker hocker championship of Canada. .}:’.&'.":'."‘..."‘ T e‘ * » :-r. s1 &2?-:5. n ELMIRA 79 King 8. â€"on your car does the 10 gallon stunt, drive as fast as the car will stutter, to DIETRICH‘8S GARAGE 79 King $ _=â€" _ WATERLOO _ _â€" _ Phone 238 cpert Segooey fiy tooms To relves Oal nece alincing, patoh expert e loo! or ea t ne im rings that need replacement, fouled spark plugs and other things dead or alive, but ailing. _ o Hold Your Next Party Hereâ€"â€"â€" Do you get 10 gal. to the mile? Yor just an hour or two you‘ll noti ence in the two propositions. â€"or tem miles to the gallon? If you‘ll think about this seriously Â¥or just an hour or two you‘ll notice there‘s a great big differâ€" 178 Queen S. 47 Victoria St. S. .. . . that‘s what satisfied customers call our sprays and baskets of fresh flowers. Selected with care from our own greenhouses every morning. Downing Steen'sr’uwers are ‘charming, hardy and exquisite in perfume. & DOWNING, STEEN ano CO. FLORETS . Retail Store: Greenhouses : 86 King St. W., Phone 1800 Frederick St. Limits Kitchener Phone 762 â€" Members of the Florists Telegraph Delivery Service â€" Delivery to all parts of the Twinâ€"Cities. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED PERMANENTLY There is no necessity to develop an inferiority complex because of facial blemishes. Expert operators and the electric needle will remedy these skin troubles. Office Hours: 9 to 12 a.m.; 1.30 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Private Office: Room 7, above Bank of Commerce, Kitchener Phone: â€" Office 846 _ Residence 1457w 15 years‘ experience in mbving and transferring household goods and merchandise. 1â€"Ton to 10â€"Ton Trucks at your disposal. 528 Vicrornm Street 86 QUEEN s. . KITCHENER â€" PHONE 2428 DANCING EVERY EVENING TO "TRAIL‘S END" ORCHESTRA Reasonable Rates > > Phone Elmira 240w Complete Service in a Time of Greatest Need. Ssuperior Fremotrvials Ratz â€" Bechtel FUNERAL SERVICE FINEST IMPORTED GRANITES Two large ballrooms with the best dance floors. Commodious dining room and beverage rooms. Redecorated and renovated throughout. CommERrcial RepRopuctions oF THE Hicnest QuauitTYy 1.ONG DISTANCE AND LOCAL MOVING â€" The Cost is a Matter of Your Own Choice â€" MacPHAIL ENGRAVING L. HUMMEL, Reg. Nurse TRAIL‘S END HOTEL ConNnEsTrogco ‘ A. H. FOELL ano CO. TRANSPORT TORONTO, KITCHENER, GALT AND CUELPHE @ MODERN PRIVATE CHAPELS FINEST EQUIPMENT Floral Masterpieces Complete Sympathetic Service x KITCHENER Â¥ Medical Arts Building Telophone 3000 â€" 3 KITCHENER WATERLOO ‘"Monuments of Distinction" Direcs W ire Puone 2941

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