Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 21 Mar 1935, p. 3

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Cl I Men‘s and Young Men‘s Suits $ M...A«.Mww-.qu'ln.w.uw abta ! ‘I Beys‘ Orerceats â€" $2.50 to $6,.5( \ _1 Mers‘ Overceats â€" $10 to $16.5( Forsyth, Arrow, etc. SHIRTS, Reg. to $2.50 @ .........._.... $1.55 BILTMORE, etc., HATS, Reg. to $4.50 @ ........ $1.95 and $2.95 All Silk and Cashmere SCARFS, Reg. to $3.50 @ .... 50c to $1.50 » . SsTORES | 142 King West |â€" KITCHENER â€" â€" Phone 244â€"J 24 King East 2 Phone 443â€"J OUR SPRING SALE THE FOLLOWING POPULAR MODELS HAVE COME IN 1932 Ford 4 Coupe, HERMAN LIPPERT Hot water heater. 1931 Ford Coupe, new tires. 1931 Ford DeLuxe Roadster. 1929 Chevrolet Coach 1929 Essex Coach. 1928 Rugby Light Delivery, Away above average. 432 King E. DICK We will alno not carry BOYS‘ SUTTS in future and mm-ou““dhu- 947 King W. We St. Jacobs Cider Mill operator recommends the use of CITRON for best apple butter filler. Most sanitary, largest quantity, better quality, less labor. Requires 3 gals. filler for one bag cider apples. i4 HALL and McKIE Ford Sales and Service 2 Kine E. â€" KITCHENER > Phone 853 Plant a few citron seeds and have lots of apple butter for next winter. i I For reference, cut out this ad. and place in your Cook Book. Apple Butter News FEED â€" GRAIN â€" ST. JACOBS, ONT. . â€" â€" Maybe t{cm believe you‘re burning coal â€"when the principal ration of your furnace is good money. â€" Coal that is not carefully mined, screened and prepared for your use is not economical. SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR OTHER BARGAINS To prepare, slice wHAT DO YOU BURN â€" COAL OR MONEY? L U MB E R ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS WANTED Delivered in mill yard, St. Clements, Wallenstein and Millbank, or skidded convenient for trucking. Get particulars regarding length before cutting. A LARGE SUPPLY OF DRY WOOD ON HAND Cerdwood slabs, both hard and soft wood. . B. SAUDER, Prop. â€" "Wat h The Fords Go By" $1.69, $1.95 ° $5.065 e ':’,: I R E E a THIS BEAUTIFUL I OCCASIONAL CHAIR NSz nmn srwhpar GDPE You will find our stock of H. E. RATZ 1000 PAIR ODD PANTS mut‘h&hthdty.â€"lulvwn lice %" thick, pare and cut about 3" sq. Seed need not be removed. The Upholsterer BLUE COAL KITCHENER Is â€" Phone Linwood 40 r 5 With every order of a new customâ€" built Chesterfield Suite or with every suite we reâ€"upholster. Your old _ Chesterfield _ reâ€"upholstered from top to bottom as low as OCcCASIONAL CHAIR WILL BE GIVEN FREE Complete range of samples to choose from. 1931 CHEVROLET SPECIAL COUPE Rumble seat, 6 wire wheels, side modntings with mirrors and locks, hot water heater and costly bugle horn. â€"â€" $16.50 SEEDS SPECIAL $39.00 EDS â€" COAL Phone Elmira 159 r 4 Phone 411 JUST *‘ %& audionce grested c-um-u l{ ;r-l-nun:u evening M Cm* was undoubtediy the most popular given in the village this season. ‘The. negro epirituais and old plantation melodies of the southland wore sung in the inimitable style of the colored people. One of the ftavorite numbers proved to be the oldâ€"fashioned steam calliops by the male quartette. A great deal of credit is due the members of the Park Board for securing such a good musical, literary and humorous treat. Splendid Papers Given At Junier Women‘s institute Meeting. ‘The monthly meeting of the Junior Women‘s Institute was held at the Williamsburg School on Tuesday night of last week with the president, Miss <Elizabeth Reist in the chair. The program consisted of the followâ€" ing numbere: a reading, "Priscilia Brings Women‘s Views and Women‘s 121 K 01 ud dA tsA audsid ts ind ifi n hh ds Rights", by Miss Margaret Stoits; a paper on, "Canadian Industries", by Miss Mamig Sherk; accordion selecâ€" tions by Mr. Roy Pfobl; a reading, ‘‘The Trail of the Rattler", by Mr. Harold Poth; a St. Patrick‘s Day rerdinx by Miss Dorothy Koekler; the â€" monthly _ newspaper, _ "News Notes and Nonsense", by Mr. John Shantz; a paper on the subject, ‘"Reâ€" sources of Northern Ontario", by Miss Ella Shantz, and a eingâ€"song conducted by Miss Elizabeth Reist. Contests and games were enjoyed at the close of the meeting and lunch was served. |Blpti.! Mission Circle Meets. The March meeting of the Baptist Mission Circle was held at the home of Mrs. L. Zinken last Wednesday afternoon. The president, Mre. L. H. Caseel presided and the scripture lesson was read by Miss E. Shoeâ€" maker. The members responded to the roll call with, "A verse from the Psalm". after which Miss Emmea il.uul"lmvhlnger gave a reading enâ€" titled. "The Love of Jesus". The Misses (BRuby Bechtel and Dorothy Koehler rendered a yocal duet, "The Saviour For Me", and the topic on ‘The Indian Work", was presented as follows: ‘"The Work On The Six Nations Reserve," by Mrs. Cassel; "Green Fields Beyond The Ranges", by Mrs. Fred Lang; and "The Work Carried _ On in â€" The Oshweken Carried _ On in â€" The Oshweken Church", by Mre. Clarence Hilborn | St. Patrick‘s Program s | At The Public School. | A splendid iSt Patrick‘s program was enjoyed by the pupile of the New Dundee Public School at the Junior Red Cross meeting which was held last Friday afternoon. The viceâ€"president, Elgin Musselman 0c cupied the chair the following numâ€" bers were given: a reading by Gor don Snider; a song, "The Shamâ€" rock"; an Irish contest; a Jews Harp instrumental by iCharles Waterâ€" man: riddles by Reta Wanner; a re citation by Bery] Davis; a reading by Frederick Erb; the story of "St. Patrick", by Eunice Snider; and a Kazoo solo by Cleo Wanner. An in-‘ teresting feature of the program was a debate. "Resolved that horses are more useful than tractors". The deciâ€" wion was awarded to the affirmative side which was upheld by Grace Toâ€" man and Reyburn Madter. The negaâ€" tive side was taken by Dorothy Toâ€" man and Frederick ‘Erb. IMeetings Of Young People‘s Organizations. The Christian Endeavor Society Of the U.B. Church held an enjoyable St. Patrick‘s Social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hallman last Thursday evening. Miss Mary Franâ€" cis. convenor, of the social committee was in charge of the devotional pe riod of the evening when the topic, "Managing Ourselves", was discuseed by several of the members. An Inâ€" tere«ting program of contests folâ€" lowed and dainty refreshments were isorvml at the conclusion of the evenâ€" ing. The regular meeting of the St. James Luther League was held at the home of Mr. and Mra. George Jacob last Thursday evening with the president, Miss Edna Goettling occupying the chair. The scripture lesson â€" was read by Mr. Albert Duench _ after _ which â€" the . topic, "Prayer Life", wase given as followse: "Getting Beyond Ourselves", by Mr. Milton Zinn and "Mastering Our selves", by Miss Iva Zinn. Mr. Garâ€" field Weber gave a paper on the subâ€" ject, "What Is Prayer", and the memâ€" bers responded to the roll call with, "A Flower or Fruit of the Bible". Mre. G. R. Schultz gave an interestâ€" ing review of several ‘hook« followâ€" ing â€" which the Misses Edna and Lydia â€" Goettling | sang, "What A Friend We Have In Jesus". Mis« â€" Sylvia Bock occupied the chair at the regular meeting of the B.Y.P.U. which was held at the home of Mr. August Lautensclager on Monâ€" day night of last week. The scripture. leason was read ‘by Mrs. V. E. Dinger after which the male quartette comâ€" posed of Meesre. Weston Sararas, Lincoln Cassel, Anson Lang and John (Buck sang "Wonderful Peace". ‘The topic, ‘"‘Behind The Scenes In Bolivia", was given in the form of & Beth Francis and iMessrs. Wilfred dialogue by Mre. L. H. Cassel, Miss Armstrong and Weston Sararaa. ‘The M.B.C. Young People‘s Society met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. ‘Toman on Monday evening of last week. The Micces Reta Herber and Dorothy Burkholder were in charge of the meeting which was held in te form of a surprise program conâ€" «isting of sort talke, readings and musical numbers by the varioue membera present. Rer. H. F. Schade gave an adâ€" dress on the subject, "Following The Roadway In Life", at the ‘Ohristian Fellowship meeting which was held at the Continuation School last week. Mrs. R. R. Bailie entertained sovâ€" eral little folks at her home last ‘Thursday afternoon in honor of the fourth birthday of her daughter Â¥voune. Games were enjoyed during the afternoon after which a delicious lunch was served. ‘The home of Mr. and Mre. Simon Weber was the scene of a delightful event last Saturday afternoon when Mrs. G. Tuchlinski entertained a number of friends at a St. Patrick‘s party in honor of the tenth birthday o! her daughter Betty. The afternoon was spent in games and contests after which dinner was served. ‘The table was â€" prettilyâ€"decorated in the St. Patrick‘s color scheme. â€" -l‘l;\‘v.â€" d D. Fleming assisted at the Evangelistic services which were he‘d at the United ‘Brethren Church at Centreville last week. Personals. "Mrs. Owen Snyder of Meyronne, Sask., and ‘Mr. and Mrs. William Detâ€" weiler of Roseville visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Snyder last Wednesâ€" Mesers. _ Fred _ Fuller, _ Hubert Steffler and Leander Steffier of St. Agatha called at the home of Mr. day and Mra day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hilborn and Mis. Dave Litwiller and children June and Gene of Preston visited with Mr. and iMrs. A. Hilborn last Thursday. .\‘Iir“;::d Mrs. Aaron Duench and son Arnold visited with Mr. and Mre. Stephen Duench at Wallenstein on Sunday. Miss [zetta Merner of Coldétream apent the weekâ€"end with friends here. .-fl:\ix:s_ G. Mueller and Mr. George iMuelier of Shantz Station were reâ€" cent visitors with Mrs. H. Einwachâ€" ter w ')}liss Theima Boshart of Waterloo spent Sunday at her home in the village. _ _ .‘"..“â€"I",.-‘;Illd Mre. Harry Hostettler of New Hamburg called on Mrs. Aaron Toman last Saturday. e ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Norman Webér and. Mr. Garfield Weber visited with Mr.‘ and Mrs. John Weber at Guelph on Sunday. iMrs. A. Hilborn, Mre. F. E. Page and Miss Mary Francie attended the District Directors meeting of the ‘Women's Institute which was held at Galt last Saturday afternoon. Mr. Ernest Egerdee is visiting with Mr. and Mre. Fred Schadler at Kitchener this week. Mrs. Joseph Gruelich, Mr. and Mrs. ‘Hubert Gruelich and son Ronald and Mr. Wallace Toman called at the home of Mrs. Jacob Schweltzer at Kitchener last Saturday. Mrs. Robert Coleman visited with relatives at Torono and Stouffville over the weekâ€"end. â€" â€" Mr. a;xdfir;'EfB Snyder attendâ€" ed the funeral of the late Mre. Charles Willete at Clifford last Satâ€" urday ECou®l Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mra. Manton Howling on Sunday were: Mrs. iR. lsrael, Mesers. Robert and Albert ferael and Mrs. Ruby Israel and daughier Frieda all of Kitchener. ‘Mr. Clare Hilborn spent the week end at Beaverton. . _ Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Coleman and Miss Arlean Rosenberger of Kitâ€" chener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bli Rosenberger on Sunday. 6 Mr. Elgin Toman of Williamsburg spent the weekâ€"end at his home in the village. Mies Lottie Kalbflelsch of Tavis tock and Mr. Rudoiph Seigner of Mildmay were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bauer. Misa Idella Waterman of Toronto is convalescing at the home of her ‘parents, IMr. and Mrs. Henry Waterâ€" man Aooch Mesere. Samuel Hill and Milton Hill visited with Mr. and Mre. R. Ruthig at New Hamburg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hallman called on Mre. Eliaa Hallman at Washing: ton on Monday. Mr. and ‘Mr#. Victor Schaefer and Miss Florence Schmidt of Kitchener vieited at the home of Mre. Elizaâ€" beth Schmidt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinger and daughters Joan and Hazel visited ’wlth Mr. Samuel Sararas at Rose: bank on Sunday. \l;';vâ€"';;;r;l of Kitchener visited with Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Backus last Thureday Kitchener.â€"Under the auspices of the St. John‘a Sunday School, J. 0. Wilheim, M.A., B. 8c., of the departâ€" ment of physice, University of Toâ€" ronto, delivered an iMustrated and inatructive address to the audience. ‘The topic of his address was "300 â€"Degreea Below Zero". Hia expertâ€" UNIQUE LECTURE GIvEeN 1. H. Toman last Wednesâ€" N# & of loe wont down stream the -ht-u.hv..u:y..%t- showers caused the river to go still higher on Sunday, but when colder weather set in it subsided co that by Monday rivers were well within An interesting meeting of ‘Waterâ€" loo ‘Cohnty Yorkshire Swine Breedâ€" ers of advanced registry, was bheld in Dumart‘s Packing Plant, Kitchâ€" ener, on Monday afternoon, which was attended by the following breedâ€" ere from this section: Messrs. Levi Shantz, Urias Weber, Peter M. Marâ€" tin, Israe] Frey and Walter Stroh. ‘The speakers, Messrs. E. 1. Mcâ€" Loughry and W. S. McMullen, epoke on various points of interest in conâ€" nection with this work and pointed out that Waterloo County ranks first in the production of Advanced Re gisry Hogs in the Dominion of Canâ€" ada. A Waterloo County Advanced Registry Yorksire Hog Club was orâ€" out that Waterloo County ranks first in the production of Advanced Re gisry Hogs in the Dominion of Canâ€" ada. A Waterloo County Advanced Registry Yorksire Hog Club was orâ€" ganized with the following officers: H. Hallman of Roseville. president; W. Shantz, Kitchener, viceâ€"presiâ€" dent; E. I. McLougry, Galt, secreâ€" tary; W. McMullen, Waterloo, assieâ€" tant secretary and Simon Huber, Bamberg, Urias Weber, Conestogo and Wilfred Snider, Bridgeport, diâ€" rectors. At a further meeting in wbout two weeks the advisability of holding an annual of Advanced Reâ€" gistry Yorkshires. will be diecussed . Meesrs. Floyd Yousey of Akron, N.Y., Alvin Turner of Michigan and the Misses Elsie and Sarah Hoover of Markham, Lillian Richardson and Dorothy Bean of New Hamburg were recent visitors at the (Charles Koch home. Mr. and Mre. Angus Snider of Hawkesville spent the other Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Pharee Koch. Mr. and Mrs: Clifford Snider were visiting with the former‘s sister, Mre. Lenora Beckinan in Toronto the other Sunday. Local relatives are glad to know that Mrs. Beckâ€" man is recovering nicely from a re ‘cem eriticat operation. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ritter have been visiting Toronto ralatives durâ€" ing the forepart of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zachert of Waterloo called on friends here early last week. Mr. Oliver Wright wae a business visitor in Freelton on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Donald Passmore, «on Mr. and Mrs. Hendry Passmore, Montreal, was a business vieitor in the village last midweek. Quite a number of the district farâ€" Quite a number of the district farâ€" mer,; attended the Bingeman stock sile at Bloomingdale on Wednesday of last week. Mr. Edward Geise! of West Montâ€" rose was a busine«s visitor here laat! Thureday. 1 A number of hockey enlhustu‘lui attended the Oehawa-'Kltchener| game in Kitchener last week, 1 Mr. and Mis. Lorne Koch, Mr. and | Mre. Floyd Koch and Mr. Edward Brenner of Kitchener: were Sunday gueste of Mr. and (Mrs. Lincoln Koch. * â€"_ Mr. and Mis. Calvin,Cameron and «on Ross of Brussels were Sunday visitors | of â€" Mr. and Mrs. Oacar‘ Huehn. : Mesars. Nelson Shelley and John Hagen of Kitchener were Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of the former‘s â€" father, Mr. Samuel Shelley. Mr. and (Mrs. Roy: Lederman of Kitchener were Sunday vieltors at the home of the former‘« parents. Local relatives attended the funâ€" eral of the late Mrs. Hahn at Heldel berg on Sunday afternoon Mise Luella Keith spent the week end and Sunday at herhome in Mount Forest Saps Running. FI;\'“!;I’PI‘S who have tapped are re porting good runs of eap. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin brought Mr. and Mrs. John Martin DrC their 9â€"monthsâ€"old baby which HOW TO RELIEVE YOUR COLD ALMOST AT ONCE L. Take 2 Aspirin tablets. nMfil"l""- Sunday visitors at the home of Air. and Mre. Ed. Snyder were Rev. and Mrs. Moses Brubacher of near Heidelberg, Misses Gladys and Vera Koch of Conestogo, and !Mesers. Norâ€" man Martin and Albert Heer. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Manasseh Gingrich and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mre. Rudy Yantzl, Elmira, and with Mr. and Mrs. lerael Gingâ€" Personals. rich “\lx and Mrs. Ephraim Snider were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mre. Norman ‘Martin, Conestogo. _ Sunday guests with Mr. and Mre. David Snider were: Mr. and Mrs. Elam Martin and sons Vernon and Curtis, Mrs. Hanunah® Martin and Mr. Menno Bby and family. _ Misees Gladys and Vera Koch were Sunday visitors with Miss Armeda Snider. 00 Master Herbert Gingrich epent Sunday with Leonard Gingrich. ‘Miss Almeda Eby has returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Soiâ€" der after epending & month‘s time at her home near St. Jacobs. Mr. Meuno Eby and family, St. Jacobs, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingrich. Death of Joseph W. Snider. | pathy of the entire community is exâ€" i tended to the family. We are sorry to report the death of Mr. Joseph Snider who was inâ€" jured at his home on Monday mornâ€" ing and later in the day passed away at the K.â€"W. Hospital, when his inâ€" juries proved fatal. Mr. Snider was a wellâ€"known farmer in this vicinity. He is survived by his wife and four children, Oscar, Lucinda, Edâ€" ward, ‘Milford, also by his father, Mr. Joseph B. Snider and three brothere and four sisters. Funeral services are being held this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o‘clock at the residence and thence to the St. Jacobs Mennonite Church for services. Burial will be made in the Riverside cemetery. The eymâ€" SNIDER‘S CORNERS FINED ON LIQUOR CHARGE Kitchener.â€"Clarence Bronnan of Toronto was fined $10 and costs in Kitchener police court on Monday when he was found guilty of having illegally consumed beer. The charge arose out of the fact that Brennan had purchased beer at the hotel at which he was staying in Kitchener and upon checking out had taken what he had failed to drink, with him. It was found in his car. Follow Simple Directions Here For Quick Relief Kitchener.â€"An â€" investigation by Dr. Scott Hoge, township medical officer, into the reports that six chilâ€" dren of a family on relief in Bridgeâ€" por were being undernourished 60 «s to be unable to attend echool, reâ€" vealed the fact that the reports were sroundless Over 75 schoolmates of the children, whose parents refused to allow them to attend school crowded mmm.edd.mbl’m fimfl.u‘.tmtyictnndm. o prescribed by doctors as the quick, safe way. Results are amazing. Ache and disâ€" the co;;; ';:o;)vmfof the juvenile court much improved while a pationt at the Aspirin‘s quickâ€"disintegrating propâ€" on Sunday (me U c No o esn o Th erty, Aspirin "takes hold"â€" almost instantly. Your cold is relieved "‘quick _ All you do is take Aspirin and drink plenty of water. Do this every 2 to 4 hours the first dayâ€"leas often FOR ANY ROOM IN THE HOUSE â€"and for bedrooms, Sunworthy Papers even as low as 10c this season. That‘s the best value yet‘ lâ€"-mmvh- Bunmertay puaiiey ‘rewnts whe seding sction of mealight and out. (Second Floor). 4 RADIO PROGRAMME â€" CKCR â€" 10.00 TO 10.30 A.M. DAILY â€" Stories For The Children On Saturdays. m.-.fflâ€"&;{ is sore, the m”fl-nhnfimo _ Ask your doctor about this. And be sure you get ASPIRIN when you o e i n t d buy. It is made in Caneda and all Mmumruthm Bayer in the form of a cross on every Aspirin tablet. AQH- is \ho._tnth“_‘ S ol ie e e o mark of the Bayer Company, Limited. FAMILY WELL NOURISHED »H;e;m; for some time, home 5 G# Burn wood from this yard and you‘ll have a warm house and save money. Our wood is best: for heaters, stoves and furnaces. We‘guarantee satisâ€" faction and the right price. ‘Brunswick Sardines ........ 5¢ Horne‘s Vanilla Custard, TRUVUS S ES PROMPT DELIVERY. Erbeville Road Phone 72 r 4 R. R. 3, Waterloo Macaroni, per lb. ............ 5¢ A. Urstadt Theodore Dietrich ST. AGATHA GARAGE Repairs to All Makes of Cars and Implements GENUINE EXPERT PARTS WORK Sales and service representâ€" atives for the best line of agriâ€" cultural implements on â€" the marketâ€"the famous and wellâ€" For Service and Quality, PHONE 246, WATERLOO Our policy is to merit your plltronlge and to give you full value. McCORMICK â€" DEERING MUSKOKA WwWOOD YARD We would be glad to quote on any insurance you from time to time require. Andrew Urstadt, Prop. A. COHENCIOUS. BENDER Insurance and Real Estate Phone 704 â€" 59 Frederick St. KITCHENER OUR WINDSTORM POLICIES Give you very liberal coverâ€" ages at minimum cost. We give special rates on farmers‘ cars. See us before placing your insurance. Specializing in NO. 1 HARDWOOD Phone Waterloo 70 r 21 ST. AGATHA Reg: 25¢ for ............ 19¢ REALTY CO. INSURANCE GENERAL A Complete Stock of HORN‘S BROS. TRUSSES CAR INSURANCE sUITABLE FOR ANY KIND OF RUPTURE. Prevent _ yourself _ from torture and get a Truss to fit you. WE HAVE THE EXPERIENCE To FIT YOU RIGHT. EXAMINATION FREE ... 2 for 15e

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