Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Mar 1935, p. 7

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You roller with" Mud, WM and top-ind; do. ulst- chancna dim" sharp-oil; nag-0C0. tip-ind and not Any Hal of "tanArA maehuod.. acetylene welding; We not." 1.5:“ pro-pug. Try us. Phone Elmira 183 r 4 For but has: . . . . try t" 81'. JACOBS .CREAMERY J. B. KELLER, Prop. “nudism-'0" of GOLDEN noes Pasteurized Creamery Butter For ale " loading Grocers in Kitchener and Waterloo. In!!! 112 r 5 - TELEPHONE - Kitchener 4074 3|th 1878 - ST. JACOBS, ONT. / C. J. TRAPP ,rl'7dt,ttfitttttoT,tt,2; an“. we». . a . I Wyuwunhmmgoum (lo-.04 .... “THESIS? B1aBti. C I. BRUDER; Prop. 168 King W. - KITCHENER - Phone 2150 " King E., Kitchener .- Between Queen and Frederick “binning-What a m lam. Why not Wo can pay you from 75c to Me per bushel, subiect to Mahmud ample. Itwfltparyouto am. My of on can load for [on money. Come and talk it on: with II. Wo nag-Inn! 95.: Get. Ijo¢_c_omgtnu “I Br. JACOBS MACHINE SHOP “one Cod-I'd. Prop. if "s-dsuG-hoo"a for pl... . Marti- & Ihnl- Lgyi-g “it mod Big Filly Conn-true for nor has. BRILL’S RECREATION HALL People “lath. “on o,,,.,.,.,',),,? 9,ur,2,tA Pia-v.- MARTIN’S CHOPPING MILL PHONE 96 - - ELMIRA You W ill in “It Pay- to Shop " Mp5". mums THIS WEEK , an COTTOIADIS AND bums u mr................ BEVERAGE A me. - for man who cnjoy tn hour’s recreation ugh. to 'eet the cogenia} .eotr.tpnnior.ts who THE COMFORTS OF HOME Come in and see our big display of used pianos. TERMS TO SUIT, Came in and knit“ time - any time. STRAHL’S MUSIC STORE GENERAL MACHINE WORK SPECIAL and EXPERIMENTAL WORK GOOD SUPPLY or PEED ON HAND CUMOI HIKING AND CHOPPING DAILY Phone Shim 183 r 4 for appointment. WINDSOR HOTEL WANTED - MALTING BARLEY BOWLING - BILLIARDS n. Pic-our Clo-Dory of Ontario KITCHENII'S MUSIC STORE WM All. MICIANS MEET inke- -- TGUiiiioUtGA -friendir nd . come. 7 I in}. St. s. - Wlhrbo, oat. Mason ty Risch Uprights and Grands FEEDS We are local agents for - " - MEI-inland ST. JACOBS, ONT. DINING ROOM A LA CARTE Papers its, “‘12 .- ',' tlktt.sd vmmmouuhm 1 Awmtdmw a. W o! the IN. - TtieiTi.iiiiFFiiLtrrt7yiiFirfjii, malmum‘um mm “walnut-chunks- ire-tuma-tW-eo.- hm Apmuwmum-uu- Ca", ”up “no. oob to. no 5qu old mot ooh“ wk numjcmemumm tt-ubemogthoioemtParird, (l'll,' um the .po-oethse mm. served ”Mill-ll. to m The New Band.- Community M Board has - Mum in - In; tho Hunted Wino labile. Singers. Amulet. and m planuuon lining amp. to want one at their anon. program In Knvelman‘s an: on may m. March Mith. The mun hula. Singers are ' tmricat okra-Monet! “Way Down South" color“ can- pany composed at In with. one]: being a solom. The mm will consist ot old plantation “all”. negro spiritual., radius. uh our Iona and mixed qua-tells muons. vocal solos. etc. B.Y.P.U. Valentino Mill. A delightful St. Valentine's Social was held at the home of Mr. and Mm. Arthur Lament-thug“ mt week by the members of the B.Y.P.U. A short devotional period which was conducted by Miss Dorothy Koohlor preceded the games and contest; Dainty refreshments were served at the conclualon ot the evening. Give Musical Furor-mo. The men's chorus and choir ot the United Brethren Church amazed musical programs at the United Church at mtuvlue on Monday night of last week and It. the United Brethren Church at Rosevtlle on Sunday evening. N.o.c.s. Literary Meeting. Earlmont Path presided at the re guitar meeting of the Junior Red, Cmos Society which was held ut the Publh- School its! Friday afternoon. The song. "Are You A Camel". was sung in opening after which a, health rule was given by Gordon Snidor. A debate. .‘Resolved that weeds are of a greater loses to the tanner Hill) in- sect pests", was then held, with the an‘irmative aide being taken by Fred- erick Erh and Charles Watermsu and the negative by Mildred Lamon- schlager and Florence meteattaeher, The decision was given to the m "native side. A drill was given by the junior mom pupils following which I dialogue entitled, “on Board The Steamship Health" was presented by several pupils of the Senior Room. Riddles were also given by Elfin Pinker. Young People's Winnings. Carolina Jubllu .10.". Conn... The monthly meeting ot the NJ). (is Literary Society was held at ([109ch Inst Pridar afternoon with the pregnant. Mien Irene loner, oc- cttpyltttCthe chllr. The response to the roll call was. "A Favorite Eat- able". after which “Sweet and Low", was sung. Miss Punch gave a read- lng and an interesting dialogue on- tttled, "Lulu's Picture". was present- ed. A vocal duet was renamed by the Misses Ruth Snider and (Menus Mussvlman {allowed by a story. "Bessie Kindrick'a Journey". by Miss Muriel Exercise. Jim Perrin gaw a recitation and the newsmper, "The N.D.C.S. tBax%titttte", was read by Miss Beth Franck. Junior and Cross Prom-um. The regular meetlng. of the MILO. Young People's Society was hold at the church last week. The prai- dent, Mr. Eldon Sherk occupied tho chair and tho topte, "Tho Influence of Books" was given 'by Mr. We Rosenbergor. Mr. Arnold Pipher and Mist Dora Schllcter. . Mr. Omnr Snider unaided at the Markham Mennonuo Young People's meeting which was held a the church on Sunday morning. Shun essays on the tunic. "A New Touts- ment Chamcter-Ue6tt tho Baptist" were given by tho (ollowing Junior members: Jean Shaun, Viola Holst. Morgan Beer and Norman Bean. u.a.c.s. Mam. The tsemi-monthly mount; of the UJB,C.E, Society whim was held " the home ot Mm. Hahn”: an Thumdny evening wile In charge at the missionary mmlttoe with In. W. s. Poote occupying the clash. Mrs. E. B. Hullm tend the scrip ‘ture lesson and the mind qtrnrtattet rendered sped-.1 music. The We. "Improving Our Altitude Tom The People ot Other m". m presented by Mu. We and (III- cuued by IGVQI'II of the lumber; Miriam unborn an. 1 vocal nob after with the but!!!“ -Mttrt was conducted by the pro-Mont. In. Wuhan Scum. World'. Buy of Pray". - The loch lutu-dononinmhnl Woman's Whistler: will MK I mun; u the Bun-t Church on Friday warnoon. Hard: at. " I o'clock In own-nee at tho World's Day of mm. ‘I-pQIum-l “who. _ _ - Rev. H. P. Send. was In cm. at the Baum-Inn - at tho hr tht Chm-d: on Sunday "nail. whoa two 1-tdtdat" "(and Utes ordin- ”we at DWI-II. that“ To Profile“, Of . w. Llhnl Wen. Mr. IB. B. Hula-n no cloud Pr+ Ildont at tho Sonia Waterloo um mung an unmade-um “may. Quite. I!” " - from thi, éommthy maid ito chi-Inn» Puma”. mam. l mu All”. tack Mod at no N.D.C& Christin Mmhlp m In; VIM m hold " the M on Tawny ot In! wool. Mb- Incl! ‘Pua W . piano-do no In }Rom but. an an _ on "no {Way of LI." l Mr. WI Mud M HOAMMC'P.OII'D. any numb“ vbning wlth Mr. and [linen Mr. and um. Ell Roam-tor and Misc Ida Snyder vitttted with Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Coleman And Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Snyder at Kitchener In! yrtutrssday. I, “In Zoe Zillion ot PtnttaeitU h Mr. Ward Creams]: spam tho week-end It Toronto. Mr. Leonard surname! or Mut- hmm and Mr. Ind Mrs. Ed. Font and amliy' of amount visited at as. the home at 907. Ind Mil M. H. Sham: on Sunday Misc Ruby Koch!" ot Planning apent Sundny at her home In tho village. -- - Vkllors at the home at It. Ind Mm, Simon Weber on Sun“: were: Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Weber. Mr. Pred Rrtetrer and damrtttarrrr. Helen and Ruth of Waterloo, Mrs. G. Tuch- llnskl and Mr. Smith tend daughter J an of 'Kluchener. A number or loco! sport an. nt. tended the (allowing hockey at“ last week: Montreal Maroon my team vs. Preston Rlv-ulotteu " Pr.- ton luv. Friday and Guard” mum; Kitchener vs. Windsor Juniors " Kitchener last Friday nun: and Drumbo vs. St. George gt Dumbo um: Frldny night, A“ “Linn".thhll 'ie_t-ttor.atHr. human-nu. Mr. and In. D. We all M Aron. Roth, Hoh- ud D.- at a. - mm m Mr. and lit Wuhan an on um. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE AND BAND PRESENT PROGRAM Imam-sawmm tmth.etaraequteFreiAm mummy-:7“ “I: Mr. aMtrtet - at It“. we tho Ink-cad In a. - nu. u. an: all Mr. than“ 1‘0de YUM with Mr. an] In. Aunt MINNIE]! at Wu: [all Stud-y. Mr. and In. Hubert - all children All” Ind Billy at NC! Rahal: were (can. ot Mr. And Mn. Other! - on Bum. In. A. Kan of Know-or h m- in; with Kilt. L. an“ Eur, and In. Alex lane-3a Viln- od with Mr. and In. Hug McDon- ald " on: Mat Sammy. Mr. “in! PM! of Pine mu open! Sunday at the hem ot Mr. and Mrs. James, Hersey. Me New Dundee hockey team m dammed hr a score of 7-4 In an ex. hlbmon game played at TUriatoek last Thur-day nut. Min “to: curl-tannin - the weak-end at bar home a m- Ours I101". Two Art Play Pro-outed by Inni- lule with Music by Welluley ment was held in the town hall un- der the manic“ oe the Walled” Women‘s Institute and the Wallaby Cornet Band. Mr. Geo. Stre'bol, president of the Band. was chairman for the occult; After the chairman? address. the band played a tow selection. ttpe ch! lectures of the band were quar- teues, duets and you and cowboy songs. _ The evenlng was won‘t to . an. ‘wlrh another much and ”nude, "Twilight Hour", by the band and then "God Rive The King." Junloru - at. chm-nu " The Institute prevented . vary do- llghttul and Imemtlng two-act may entitled. "Not A Man in the House". Mrs. c., Barbour "no a monoloqu and recitation. The Public and Continuation School tickled In the man un- der the direction of the teachers. Their part consisted of I choru- and dances. The Juntor Bor'a hockey team were sauce-um! In detach; the BL! Clemonla' Juniors gun on Baum any whornoon by I more ot " The odds were lull“! both “In. an the lee “rhea wu pracuratV keepers more the only one. who did all covered with mar Ind tho gm! not get not. There were mm succumb! oMlY a “I! u no ploy. by tho hon. Motor Mauro. Show». ( Mr. En. Hammer. Ford mt» |uva in New Hun-hurt. dwell mk- Ing glide: In that team an not. on “mutiny evening. The um. db- plum! the “Mould moving that PM made gt the Chicago World's Pair and the marvelou- atom and Interior vim of a. bountiful M handing which my” data up. ot “the. um. 11.. -eoetd all: abound the MIDI. tut-no and change-onus MM " and tho Pft ttitn ill-plum the Improvement- of a. various modela of M " mulch, can. a number a! 0M: accident- lnvo ocean-0d but; In and can Wont-10y on ”count at tho my very rout. Puma-ll. air. we! Mm. L. T. (“but "a he by Betty at Word ”out. In. any It the homo 0! III: Gum'- puronu, Mr. um In. no. ”not. Jer. Dal-or no not boon V017 "a Ir. and In. Mo I‘M“ and buy - ot mm. In. - s tow an n tho Ion. at It. and In. c: - __ It and Inc, mama lamination-toot - the val-old u who“ w. D. M01. Mr. M“ m Don-o- hum. GIL-M In. Wt. ”NW.” Mr. no In. M mmcmmumu-n. tmmmuym Ane_tsetetrtet Tterm-Ott-ser-Ati-ur-Mt-tn mnmumunu-ua-m Wuhan Lulu-n m on may do mam-tum tttt't"Sul'pttlt1't2'attitltrfitlttpttg'.' mummummwm. On friday evening an 'bo"Tuhe WILLIILIY Cornet Baud. “(anguish-Q batman-nun. -.-tttri--et- “may...“ ltlnyuhumnu ”who...“ am“. Rattlmuu‘ducno 'stk.o-tb.lt_rt- nuuwmmmmau. Mr. and In. In. Kath and non at Vilma-bu; - Tt.ttgt.. a mm “mm“ b-ttht-e-dh-r any. a a. - up. in " Mrs. all. Dork can“; no "and wthMhmwaaa-bo “non-Inga; alumna-m k can»; been an the out o! the any may earn: the was. toner - Attqod mm. Party. Tho Young People of the United Church were the one. at the Br ulu United Church Young People u a skull»; yen, on lend-y - In; at he! week. 11:. been“. wen very tummy climbed w their man New In we when m A love cm ot ,roaH." have" “tended the Geo. luau III. on Wane-thy at he! no“. Auctioneer Gel“). we. - ot cannon}. at an. oak end very anti-tutor: when were ranked. " i Mr. and In. Mor Led-men noted to Kitchen: on Tinned”. John Manolo-an me. In Well. 1m! rel-Mn. we" “nomad ‘eerly in the week an Mr. Join (,'1ete'",', m - we: at Mo home In MtlerBlitt, 81.1., on Sunr- li,iri' February an end the bum min; place on My, Mun Mth. The me Mr. Ila-semen wee ‘e eon or the heme w. and hire. Peter Dimmer: ot w. dUtttet and had been living In the Wee! for my ‘yeere. Meters. 0m Huehn. Norma Dunner. “titer and: and Fred Wop pier were Elam. vhiwn on Ihtem. du evening. - in, um arar. Eds-r new at ‘St. Catharina- spent an vat“ At we farmer’s pining! hone. Mr. John Wilkinson of Elmira and Men-rs, Johann and new Wilma» son of Kitchener were whim" at on home of Mr. Ind Mn Arthur Jum- on Saturday and and”. was Beatrice Ebol ot Kitchener was an over Sunday visitor at the home ot - mu.- . Paulontldo We” “in. commencing with 1nd. 'ttght (Wad- noadny) tho noun minutiae - vlcos wilt be held - Wanna-d” awning during the Lenten tH-tgt in the Lutheran Church. The - ing service last nun was conducud In English and next Wetland” evening! service commencing at 3 \o'clock will be in German nu! the services will mom in till. mn- ner during Lent. Mr. 1mm dtoit, ot mumm- mu lk weak-0nd madnes- tumor have. - Mr. John Doon- ot Intermix. nude one at his periodical but". "an. to local was We on .7 on“? mac." FEB.- “dunuuh Mrs. waiter menu. n. mm; with her parents in Briport bl! Thursday. - __ Mr. ind Mm Col-on Jena-on or Kitchener were the gum or Mr. Ind Mrs. Hath Hum: runny. Mr. mm Mon- and daugtstere Marie or “when” won Sunday visitors hare. Several ot this district attended the hum-mom. at New 00min, at tho lute Mrs. Jacob Ewald. who passed away Wednesdny Int at wa. torloo. Col-brim [MM-y. A large main; of tho comm:- tty and tron Guelph “tended the on- tertnhunent " tho home of Mr. nun! Mrs. Barney Butler In honor at Mr. Brazier“: birthday. Saturday ovonlnn. Cards and has“); and n dainty luncheon were much onloyod. In "annual. Friends ot Mr. Joe Brennan will react to hen: that ho In eoBittted to \St. Joseph's Hoopttat, Guelph. when no a. vu’y curiously ill. l ; Room Juno. mum-1h. morn. and counclnorp Andrew Brahma! 1e.4 Ellwood Hall paid n mu to Mr. Hubert Haorsttet, former tax oollom tor, Inst many durum Mr. Henry my. ot Window db- trict m In our VIII-(n Thur-Ill.) Inn, ends-Mn; to loan“ - urn: man. Two loan] you; on. John “Hons. Ind Norm-n Minter new him on M. return trip. Severn] one" or. to (allow but. out. n number of armor: from thin district unaided the locum ale of Mr. John Bmhachor. nan: and“ In! wane-any. Good prion. were occur-d for all m Tm» mull M The Putnam town-mp cannot! monthly will; I'm no hold at Blur: on PM” Matett the an. _ Mr. and In. AM scam of thaqegitttAsrtd.r.tthsttoasoese the mar. Mother, Mr. Anthony Drulor. Mr. Arthur cam mat thm. dny when Ingm- try lapel-clot. in. - ad Mu Haunt "on" or Guelph out and” at their hon. hm. m. men's-on mu: an. - on. g”, - homo of Mr. and In. W. Ilium Zlmuub mm “In"!!! “at.” ,ehsrttt.rttsrbmttheroeri"d “mambo-snub mmhmmnmnm Wmdmmm mama-Maud“. 1mmulumum lrJiaolo-ootmltaouuu Indy; at mole-lootinudln. w._D.er., - __ mm "aoa" - mama . magnum SllLING FARMS mo HATCHIRY PHONE 151w - - - 'ilumiA. ONT. “when. rd Surprise and Delight your Friend: - jut tolephono you o er. MEMBERS or mums TELEGRAPH DELIVERY ASSOCIATION The ONLY ovunmnn m to and noun BY m in through . “Inn of the P.r.D.A. WEmthtFmB mnumdmuyomm tte.' m from the FLORIST - to than. " any“. New Dundee Co-opentive Creamer; Ltd. Bum . Apple Bitt-ri and r. C. C. Brand. - POWDER!!! 3mm MILK “may. NnDndumm-oduumw tlllL,t.1l'tALrd up. imp“; tty" meh IQ ICWII. PHONE IT - GENERALHACHINEWOBK Buildup - “Babbling . ValnGrInding - Burl-p MM _ Exp-1min! Work - 'hettereA,Ftrat 'dtfgl,'Mr2T',ul't2tr'ltu".1ti't'h"dtffdte,t m - Fauiiid -iikiau' i-ttiFfiiiik chum "in ”mm limited“: and adamant. uh for NEW DUNDEE cumin PRODUCTS q THE EMBASSY MCedarNorth - mums - Phone” I” - Mona - TMr16 - 'h.itoa$t-Cir. - BUICK t suckling ' cannon-r nuns - IGNITION - "WING - TOWING - STOMGI 'teHesttu W“- uyl M's-n some“. a“? ulna-yum . VAT-woo . Mum 4mMlMtALMAtWm1ltWo" Th-ot-h-ye-eo. "" -e FG “T"huu' -- GdGuaaaaL -- "V "‘1" Youtfllflndourroduduonmh’u'hfluhfiom You. too, win up _Bgdon_(n§uu_ may)“: WI. , "'au"dP,iLiidir2.iiiftSP,,ef We‘d-duo...“ manna. DANCING - MUSIC - PM ‘VEMGB I003! mum SPRING comm, mm __ "w. "_-"-"'" ___ FiGiaaork"tftiiiaTirfGEa _ l to (in wmrm chm ZAPFE MACHINE & REPAIR SIILING'S ll-QUALITY Comtorttastrthttonetd-ro- Orland 'rtitdaeuhtrsrtotdtuxmutrtnoit.+r-_ Wheetrttramrrtamatest_amrnhrqeetettertot" 'tttsua- who a (and “In. m. ”in an»; in: ikiyitiiadHriia' ii; Mead’s Flower Shop “lb-lad... .o.h-eqirih-h-damo-. BABY CHICKS PETER GINGRICH Thebes-ethntmde Badtsetfhmotm. cannon SWISS CANADIAN -rtd_--t_et_. -au-. do“ >uu-oanv 7 ZINGER AND GEIGER AttE POB "was AND CATALOG!!! 111 and Bacon (than. Macaw Atth.tmttardFinth.dfbt+t. "1'llll,'lth. . IWII'.‘ and Amt m lug- "rstprt-t HAIRY P. sauna. Prop. Br. AGATHA - ONT. M Gill 5F?!

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