Ontario Community Newspapers

Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Mar 1935, p. 4

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*4 EJ Menno L. Weber Phone 161 r 5 ST. JACOBS Get your supply of Next break off a pieceâ€"feel its texture. So delicate and light. Now taste itâ€"DELICIOUS! Here is CAKE AT ITS BEST. Look at the Crustâ€"so crisp and tender. Bo daintily thin. Then cut your cakeâ€"look at the grain. So fine and even. your next Purity Cake MAKE THESE TESTS. FACKOURY PHONE 2065 988 King W. â€" Kitchener "All right; Tll take a dozen of each." You never saw such beautiâ€" ful fruits and vegetables. "Any fruits worth having?" ‘"_"Well say! Just had a fresh shipment‘this morning. Beautiâ€" ful oranges, bananas, and say, those lemons! Priced right, Wouke‘g.rtlnthueon- versation ut steen times Headquarters for wise motorâ€" ists who want the butinm line and oil, but who also on economy. 136 King N. â€" Phone 126 Waterloo, Ont. â€" PPR 1 . _ Both Ladies and Gents‘. .U.‘Iho ........ 85% Dissount 5. 100 Remnants of Prints Etc. From ...... 25e to $1.00 6. Woolcot Blankets 8. Bers: mack Wesi Howe or a 9. Men‘s Fine Shirts _ * 10 doz. Reg. $1.40 for $1.00 10. Big Bargains in Shaker PLUMBING â€" HKATING ‘TINSMITHING Modern equipment and thorâ€" ough experience to enable us to give prompt, complete and satisfactory service. Whether it is repairs, alterations or instalâ€" lation, you will find our work of 22 King South â€" Phone 128 WATERLOO ‘‘Hello, Fackoury‘ s !" the same rigidly high standard. GERALD E. SMITH . 50 Boxes with 8 in box. Fey. GERMANN‘S DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE WHITE HOUSE SERVIECE 4 c kip + _ Opp. Post Office SUPERTEST LOWEST CHARGES 16 Blankets left. Antiâ€"Freeze tracke of the Canadian National Rail popular fumberman, the union being a happy one. Mr. Boyer entered upon his new duties as office manâ€" ager for Mr. Shirton ‘with whom he remained for nine years, gaining an extensive knowledge of the business. He then thought he would like to branch out for himself and located a new yard in Waterloo in 1923, in association with Enoch Honsberger, who also came from Dunnvifie. The firm was known as Boyer & Honsâ€" berger and the partnership continued until 1929 when Mr. Boyer acquired the interest of Mr. Honsberger and changed the name to the Boyer Lamâ€" ber Co.. which deals in all kinds of lumber, buflders‘ supplies and wood, The site of the present yart is 98 John St. Sast constituting seven Arthur 3. Boyer, of the Boyer Lumâ€" ber Co., Waterioo, Ont., is observing his majority in the retail lumber line for it is just twentyâ€"one years that he has been engaged in that occupation. ‘Born on a farm near Dunnville, Ont., he was educated in the district and also at Albert Col lege, Belevilie. He owes his initial entrance in the forest products world to a rather unusual incident. Applyâ€" ing to K. J. Shirton, Dunnville, for a clerical job he was promised the first vacancy, This occurred much sooner than expected for a young. and family called on Mr. and Mre. Allan Swartsentruber of Victoriaâ€" tburg on Sunday. Oir. Wiliam Dubrick of Kitchener epent a few days with Mr. and Mre. C. E. Swartzentruber. Mr Amos .Heer spent the weekâ€" end with his parents, Mr. and Mre.. William Heer of Kitchener. Miss Leona Erb of Wellesloy spent Thursday evening with Miss Ruth Swartzentruber. iMiss Marion Bowman visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vohs on Sunday. iMessre. Clayton, Melvin and Verâ€" non Erb spent Sunday at the home of ‘Mr. and ‘Mre. Dave Boshart. Mr. Jacob Holst spent Friday afterâ€" noon in Platteville. Sunday visitore with Mr. and Mre. Joe K. Swartzentruber were: Mr. Eric Schults and Miss Vera Wagler of ‘Kitchener and Miss Edua Wagler of near Baden. Miss Leona Erb of Wellesley epent the weekâ€"end at the home of Mr. and Mr. Lorne ‘Bender of near New Hamburg and Mr. ‘Reuben Swartzenâ€" truber made & business trip to Hamâ€" Hiton recently. Arthur S. Boyer Aitains His Majority as Lumi! Mr. and Mrs. William Jutsi and daughters of Baden epent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Jantzi. _ ‘Miss Marion Bowman spent Thursâ€" day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Maâ€" uassch Cressman. Mr. and Mre. Eli Holst of New Hamburg spent Saturday evening with ‘Mr. and Mre. Jacob Holst. ‘Mr. and Mre. Dave Boshart spent Sunday with Mrs. D. H. Steinman Mr. and Mre. William Zehr and daughter Laurene and son Nelson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Bowman on Sunday. ’ wpme | &w“rfl.‘ son of Marden, visited Mr. and Mrs. c..n.'la--h-u. OR -.d-u.omtâ€"hl who is resovering from a% operation Mr. Joe Brobman has been very i1 and is now in the Kitchener Hos pital, where an operstion was perâ€" formed for adhesions. We wish for a speedy recovery. Farmers have been making good use of the sicighing, hauling logs to the saw mill and storing ce from Breanch Women‘s Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada, held in St. Gile‘s Church, Hamilton, also visiting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Fairbairn at Canfield before reâ€" turning home Mr. Bert Letson spent Monday in Guelph on business. The cast of the play, "George In A Jem", journeyed to Platteville on Friday night and to Conestogo on Monday night. It was well received at both places. â€" Miss Gertie Letson spent the weekâ€" end at her home. Y.P.S. To Meet Friday. _ The Y.P.9. will hold their weekly meeting at the home of Cecil Mansâ€" field on Friday night. ‘The missionâ€" ary committee has charge of the meeting, etarting the new study book on "Kast Moets West In Trinidad". New Sunday School Mr. B. C. Woods has increased Ahis stock by adding a member of the goat family and expects to start a goat ranch in the near future. Secretaryâ€"treasurer. (Mise Ruth Woods has ibeen ap pointed eecretaryâ€"treasurer for the Sunday School. Gertie Letson, who has been a very faithful secretary for a number of years expects to be away for some time, handed in her resignation on Sunday. The Sunday School tendered Gertie a hearty vote of thanks. iMre. Hugh Woods spent Monday in Kitchener with her niece, Mre. Horace Mann, who is in poor health. A number from here attended the Commencement exercises at Etmira Congratulations to Edward Israel for the able manner in which he presented his part in the program. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mre, Emery Strome were: Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Strome of Englefield, Sask., and Mrs. ‘Mary Strome of Rosebank. A few from here took in the play given at Winterbourne on Thureday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Swartzentruber PINE HILL Business Shows Increase Mr. Boyer reports that his business during the past year increased twelve percent over the previons year and the outlook for 1985 is very fair. He would like to see building actively resumed and says that more homes in Waterico are needed. Bo far as ‘building materials are conâ€" cerned these constitute about twentyâ€" five percent of his annual turnover and, in figuring on requirements for a new house he is able to furnish E&M everything that goes into construction. Mr. Boyer reports that collections on new accounts are good. Mr. Boyer would iike to see dealors in Waterioo County. Hopes are, however, entertained that, in the interest of price stability and coâ€" operation, success will atteng such a étep in the not far distant ¢ature. _ Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hammond and «on Douglas and Mies Mary Dewar of Kingwood and Mr. Jack McFarlane of Poole apent Sunday with MMr. and Mre. Fraser Dewar. way, with ewitching accommodation for unloading direct and also interâ€" switching privileges with the Grand River Railway (C.P.R.). A metal clad lumber shed was erected, in dimensions 46 x 130 feet. Part of the etructure is two storeys high and in the upper portion are kept doors, sash, frames, etc. In a building at the rear are a ripeaw and sander and in another structure cement, Iimes, plaster, and all kinds of wallâ€" boards are housed. A large part of Mr. Boyer‘s stock is under cover and is well arranged in conveniently loâ€" cated racks or bins. Mrs. Irvin Ohm visited last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry iMcNichol at Atwood. ‘Mr. and Mre. D. Dewar of Kingâ€" wood were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Fracer Dewar last Saturday. Mre. J..H. Reinwald has returned home from nursing at Mr. Stanley Gordon‘s at Fernbank, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coghlin are visiting with friends near Listowel and Atwood. On Thursday night one of the groups of the Haysville Women‘s Institute held a progreseive euchre and crokinole party at the Haysville Hall." At the close a dainty lunch was served. The many friendse of Mr. Edward Klinckman, who has been on the sick. list for the past several weeks, will be glad to hear that he is graâ€" dually improving in health. Egy prices took a sudden jump up ward about March ist, when for a few days some local stores paid as high as 35c per dosen for A large. Prices, however, dropped almost as euddenly as they had arisen. At the time of writing A large are bringing about 22c per dosen. Robert Oliver is Special Speaker. On Sunday afternoon, March 3rd, the people of Bethel had the pleasure of listening to an address by Mr. Roâ€" bert Oliver of Chesterfield, prominâ€" ent young layâ€"man of the United Church. (Mr. Oliver took dor the subâ€" jJect of his addreas a prophetic utterâ€" ance from the Book of Revelations, ‘"There shall be a new heaven and a new earth." He referred to the great economic upheaval that the world is [undor:olng at the present time and stressed the fact that in this metaâ€" morphosie there exists a great opâ€" portunity for the Church through the medium of the epiritual forces at her Mr. and Mrs. A. Fleming and Murâ€" ray and Janie visited with the forâ€" mer‘s mother, (Mrs. Robert Fleming who is ill at her home at Poole. Miss Grace ‘Snider of Waterloo epent the weekâ€"end under the parâ€" entat roof. Mr. and Mre. Roy Roth visited with the latter‘s ibrother at Platts ville on Sunday. Mr. John ‘Balers of Gorrie epent the weekâ€"end with his son, Mr. and Mre. Leslie Baiere and family. as Lumber Retailer Tonger storm this winter, theore has be°R | waterioo is ‘represented on no serious damage inflicted up9® th# |the Board of dhg teoal telephone and hydro. 1nts |tario Good Roads Association. However, the last storm of this 1# |honer came to the County last weoek ture which cccurred the first of this|at the annual convention of the week made motor and borse trafi | Association when Poter A. Wazner. command to create happier condiâ€" tions for mankind. Bethe} United Y.P.S. Entertained. On Friday night, (March 1st, Mr. and Mre. E. Z. Mcintyre entertained the young people‘s classes of Bethel United Church, with the president, Mr. Edward ‘Hewittson, presiding. After a splendid response by a proâ€" venb to the roll call, the following program was rendered: Bible etudy, by Blizabeth Hesse;piano instrumenâ€" tal, by Olive ‘Ruddell; paper on, "Origin of St. Valentine‘s Day", by Jessie Pentelow; Current Rvents, Clarence Diamond; recitation, Grace tuclntyro; plano instrumental, by Betty ‘Thomae; vocal duet, Mesers. Fraser McMillan and John Baird. Miss Emma Leis and Mr. Dan Leis of near Tavietock visited friends in Mr. and ‘Mrs. Ed. Schiedel spent the weekâ€"end with the latter‘s sister, Mre. Tom Sale and Mr. Sale at Toâ€" ronto. On Thursday Mrs. Isaac Bean and Mrs. A. E. Bean spent an enjoyable afternoon quilting at the home of the former‘s daughter, Mre. Mervin Facey of Blandford. After the business, Bruce Mcinâ€" tyre led in several enjoyable games. A delicious lunch ‘was served by the hostess. Personals. On Sunday Mr. Addison Kline and daughter Audrey visited the former‘s cousin, Miss Jean Kline, who is IH in St. Mary‘s Hospital, Kitchener. ‘Mr. and (Mre. Enoch Burkhardt of St. Jacobs visited with their daughâ€" ter, Mrs, Zenas Cressman and Mr. Cressman on Sunday. Egg Prices Up To 35 Cents. the community on Sunday. ROT WILMOT|aczcrtss muzmsgser or\ . MILLBANK Services at St. Poter‘s Lutheran Church on Sunday will be at Heldelâ€" beng in the forencon ibeginning at 10.30 and at Erbeville in the afternoon beginning at 2.30 o‘clock. Funeral Largely Attended. ‘The funoral of the late ‘Mre. Caroâ€" line Kercher was held on Sunday afternoon with services at the Evanâ€" Mr. John Hahn and Mr. and Mre. Jacobs called on local friends here Donald Davie and little son of St. on Sunday. Church Services. The iMisses Elsie and Sara Hoover of Markham and Mr. Marcus Lehâ€" man were Sunday guests with Mr. and iMrs. Menno (Brubacher. Mr. and Mre. Edwin Koehler and daughter Grace and Mr. and Mrs. Theo Bienwagen and children Irene and Gordon of ‘Kitchener «pent Sunâ€" day with Mr. and iMrs. Harry Koehâ€" ler. The Misses Cossima and Louisa Otterbein and Messrs. Valentine Arâ€" thur and Jake Otterbein all of Waâ€" terloo were Sunday visitors with their mother, Mns. Valentine Otterâ€" bein. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mre. J. A. Stetes were Mr. and Mre. Addiâ€" son Waber and daughter Mary of Kitchener, Mr. and ‘Mrs Henry Hahn of Tavistock and Mr. and Mrs. Ausâ€" tin Hahn and family of London. hi i Subvica bubccts it h a Mb awcccttiiil ind btont wb enneibrrerrtinconir vialietâ€"dinondbct: tercivmntian d s ence at t:o ‘convention when he heartily applauded and commended strongly protested on the floor of,for his contribution to the discusâ€" en\ bt ainmmated by "Ihe Proves: * Re. Wagner 1 has t a y ovinâ€" r. er for. many years wmcmmnt to take over the boenprox:cntonradwdm control of county roads, and thus committees of the Waterloo county take the initial step in the abolition council. Reeve Wagner quoted facts of the county councils. Reeve Wagâ€" and figures on ‘cost of eonntLl‘me ner‘s speaking in such terms and and showed government offic and ) with â€"such a detail of figures and others that under their plan of| knowledge at his finger ends in assuming personal supervision of comnection with upkeep of county road and bridge building in the and township roads lw:‘ much to do counties the cost would be greatly with eonvartfng members of the conâ€" increased and prohibitive to the vention to his side in the registering nurym‘ The delegates were of a protest against any such action much impressed with Mr. Wagner‘s by the Provincial government. At address. | Mre. Harry Koehler visited for a few days with her mother, Mrs. Heist at Waterioo. Waterloo is represented on ummuugf tario Good Roads Association. 1 honer came to the County last week st the annual convention of the Association when Peter A. Wagner, elected a member of the Board. Other officers elected were: Presiâ€" dent, John Sibbitt, Kingston; first viceâ€"president, Major A. E. Adams, Sunday visitors at the home of ‘ Mrs. Kate Schaner were Mr. and Mre. William Koehler of Petrolia, | Mr. and Mre. Ed. Doerr of Kitchener, ‘Mr. and ‘Mrs. William Schaner, son Harold, Miss Alma Schaner of St.| Jacobs and ‘Mr. Walter Weichel of Elmira. | SDmmDCRRDIGN WWSE EGUICY R. V Mmee, Reeve of W T e o ns mee best | Other officers elected were: Presiâ€" Birthday Party. Miss Bernice Kochler entertained a number of her little friends at her home on Saturday afternoon in honor Oof her seventh birthday. A pleasant time was spent by the little folks and Bernice was presented with variâ€" ous little gifts afer which a dainty birthday supper was served by (Mre. Koehler. , Mr. Marcus Lehman of Ohio was a Saturday dinner guest at the home of Mr. Simon ‘Brubacher. Miss ‘Ruth iMiller was a weekâ€"end vieitor with her parents at North Wookwich. Mre. William Sattler and daughâ€" ter Stella were weekend visitors with Mr. and (Mrs. Charles Heipel, Baden. Mrs. Melinda Musselman of St. Jacobs spent Sunday at the home of Rev. Moses Brubacher. Mre. Alvin Heier and Miss Emma Fries of Erebville spent Sunday with their mother, (Mrs. Jacob Fries. L. Take 2 Aspirin tablets. & n-mnc:m TRY FASTER WAY TO RELIEVE A COLD Bayer in the form of a cross on every Aspirin tablet. Aspirin is the trade mark of the Bayer Company, Limited. All you do is take Aspirin and drink plenty of water. Do this every 2 to 4 hours the first dayâ€"less often afterward . . . if throat is sore, the Aspirin gargle will ease it in as little as 2 minutes. Ask your doctor about this. And be sure you get ASPIRIN when you buy. It is made in Canada and all druggists have it. Look for the name When you have a cold, remember the simple treatment pictured here . . . Aspirin‘s quickâ€"disintegrating propâ€" erty, Aspirin "takes hold"â€" almost instantly. Your cold is relieved "‘quick as you caught it!" prescribed by doctors as the guick, safe way. Results are amazing. Ache and disâ€" Discovery Bringing Almost Instant Relief to Millions Follow Simple Directions: gelical church. Rev. W. J. Yager of St. Jacobs had charge of the eerâ€" vices. A large concourse of relatives and friends had gathered to pay their last respects. Mr. Wray Begge spent last Saturâ€" day in Elmira. ‘Miss M. Strangeways spent the weekâ€"end with friends in Glenallen. Meesrs. Sam Henry and Roy Calâ€" der spent last Thursday in Listowel on business. Mr. and Mre. Joseph McTavish spent last Saturday in Elmira. Mr. and Mre. Harold Calder of the 13th line Wellesley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Roy Calder. counties the cost would be greatly increased and prohibitive to the nurym‘ The delegates were much impressed with Mr. Wagner‘s Mr. and Mré. William Milner atâ€" tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Love at Lebanon last Wednesday. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mre. Ed. Snyder were: Mr. and Mre. David Bearinger and Mr. Vernon and Miss Vera Bearinger of German Mills, Mr. Ehmer and ‘Wilâ€" lard Martin and the Misses Lena and Valine Martin of Floradale. Mr. and. Mrs, Manasseh Gingrich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Paul Martin, New Jerusalem. 1 Mr. ‘Roy, Calder was a ‘business visitor in Elmira last Saturday. Mr. John Harper of Fergus spent last Thursday with Mr. Russel Alâ€" lingham. Mr. M. Brenner spent last Saturâ€" day in Kitchener. Mr. Alvin Swartz of Turner, Mich., was a weekâ€"end guest at the home of Ed. Snyder‘s. Master (Herbert Gingrich spent Sunday with Zenus Martin. Mr. Levi Martin of Erbsville was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mre. Israel Gingrich. ‘Mr. and Mré. Ephraim Snider and family spent Sunday with Mre. Daâ€" vid Martin, New Jerusalem. ‘Miss Wilma Shants bas left for Waterloo where she will spend some time. Mrs. William Lambert spent last Seaturday in Listowel. ; Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mre. Joseph Snider were: Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scheifele and (Mr. Lovi Marâ€" tin of Erbsville. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shantz spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Shantz. Personals. Miss Naomi Gingrich spent Sunâ€" day with iMiss Lena Sauder, St. Jaâ€" Mr. and Mre. Joseph Martin of Zuâ€" rich were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingrich. Mr. Hemy Wideman spent Sunâ€" day at the home of his brother, Mr. Aaron Wideman. Mr. Melvin Good epent Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Enoch Martin, SNIDER‘S CORNERS DORKING DICK The Upho 947 King W. â€" _ KINCHENER â€" For further particulars callâ€" We can change your couch into a lovely Chesterfield, as illustrated, in choice of materials, for only _right through. It is easy to condition. Terrazzo Aanp Tice CompraAnYy 71 Queen Street S. â€"â€" KITCHENER â€" Phone 3697 TAKE A LOOK! At the Floor of your Kitchen, Breakfast or Bathroom. Do they need reâ€"covering? See our Stock of Rubber is waterproof, is soft and quiet. Does not curl up at Rubbâ€"e}'_lp:n:v;pegmanent glazed surface. The color is the same HUDSON AND TERRAPLANE DEALERS Phone 3650 s KITCHENER 2 King S Spouts, gaivanized, 30¢ dozr. Home Straps ........ 25¢, H. K. Wilhelm HARD W ARE 39 King S. â€" WATERLOO, ONT. â€" Phone 408 I fi;';:lburg Steak â€" 3 Ibs. 25q SLICED SALMON ............... LAKE HERRING, 2 lbs. for ... ... PEAMEAL |_____ l6c LIVER COTTAGE ROLLS .... lb. SAUSAGE ... ib.. Fish ! The BERNARDO Dobbin Garage Better Used Cars Rubber Flooring ‘32 Plymouth Sedan ‘31 l&-z-ofllo Sedan ‘*30 mobile Coach ‘29 Studebaker Sedan ‘29 Dodge Sedan ‘27 Star Sedan Reconditioned and ready to give many miles of troubleâ€"free service. ATTRACTIVE PATTERNS ARE AVAILABLE A ‘"‘Dead Watch" is ‘"‘Excess Baggage" There‘s nothing more useless than a watch that doesn‘t run. Keep your watch in good condition all the time by bringing it in to us for cleaning and adjustment at frequent intervals. . . . It‘s the real, economical way. King St. S. ED. BECKER SAP PAIL â€" 19¢ Watchmaker and Jeweller The Upholsterer City Hotel Building WATERLOO $23.75 ‘31 Buick Coupe ‘*30 Essex Sedan ‘29 Oldsmobile Sedan ‘27 Poptiac Coach ‘26 (fis-obiln Coupe Beatty made. Closed spouts. ‘"32 Essex Sedan Manure Forks .. $1.25, $1.50 Have You A q Couch 8 Phone 107 15| Phone 411 King St. West

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